Christian Cooperation and Separation - John R Rice

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<strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Cooperation</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Separation</strong><br />

“Jesus Christ,” but always “the Christ.” The word is taken<br />

from the second Psalm where the word in English is<br />

“anointed.” In the Hebrew it is “Messiah.” In the Greek it is<br />

Christos or Christ.<br />

Now there are people who say, “Well, I don’t agree that<br />

Jesus, the child born in Bethlehem, <strong>and</strong> the Christ of the Old<br />

Testament are the same person.” They believe there is a<br />

historical Jesus. They do not believe that He is Jehovah God of<br />

the Old Testament. They do not believe He fulfills Isaiah 53,<br />

Psalm 2, all the Passover lambs, etc. They deny that Christ of<br />

the Old Testament is Jesus of the New Testament, God in<br />

human form.<br />

Now, “This is a deceiver <strong>and</strong> an antichrist. Look to<br />

yourselves .... Whosoever transgresseth, <strong>and</strong> abideth not in the<br />

doctrine of Christ, hath not God.” You say, “I believe Jesus is a<br />

good Man.” But if Jesus is just a good Man, you are going to<br />

Hell. There is no salvation for anybody who takes Jesus only<br />

on the basis that He is a good Man.<br />

You hear somebody say, “I believe Jesus died as a martyr to<br />

convictions.” Well, if He died as a martyr instead of a<br />

Redeemer, then nobody can be saved.<br />

You say, “But I believe Jesus may have been the best Man<br />

who ever lived.” But the best man who ever lived is not good<br />

enough to keep a sinner out of Hell.<br />

Jesus is the God-Man, the perfect, sinless Man, the Second<br />

Adam, God in human form, who took our place, paid our debt,<br />

was made sin for us, or nobody can ever be saved.<br />

All right! You don’t have to be right on baptism to be saved.<br />


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