Christian Cooperation and Separation - John R Rice

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<strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Cooperation</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Separation</strong><br />

concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that<br />

believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the<br />

temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living<br />

God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, <strong>and</strong> walk in<br />

them; <strong>and</strong> I will be their God, <strong>and</strong> they shall be my people.<br />

Wherefore come out from among them, <strong>and</strong> be ye separate,<br />

saith the Lord, <strong>and</strong> touch not the unclean thing [the word<br />

thing is in italics in our Bible which means it is not really in<br />

the Greek text here. It is not things God is talking about, but<br />

touch not the unclean person, people, but come out <strong>and</strong> be<br />

separate]; <strong>and</strong> I will receive you, And will be a Father unto<br />

you, <strong>and</strong> ye shall be my sons <strong>and</strong> daughters, saith the Lord<br />

Almighty.<br />

We are not to have fellowship with people who are not<br />

<strong>Christian</strong>s. Now how far does that go? Well, we ought not have<br />

them in the church as <strong>Christian</strong>s. Can I buy groceries from an<br />

unsaved man? Yes. On the grocery business you <strong>and</strong> he may be<br />

equal. But with any relation to God, Heaven, Hell, the Gospel,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the Bible, you have no heart unity.<br />

Could a lawyer be a member of a Bar Association with<br />

unconverted lawyers? Yes. As before the law, one man has the<br />

same rights as another. All are after the same thing if they are<br />

good men.<br />

Could a <strong>Christian</strong> be a member of a Parent-Teacher<br />

Association with some other parents who are not saved? Yes.<br />

You both have children in the same school; you both try to<br />

improve the teaching <strong>and</strong> want to help the schools. You are for<br />

citizenship. On that basis you have an equality; you have<br />

things in common, <strong>and</strong> you can work together.<br />

But to call a man <strong>Christian</strong> who is not, <strong>and</strong> have spiritual<br />


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