YSM Issue 90.1

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physics<br />

FOCUS<br />

In 2011, Canadian tech company<br />

D-Wave stunned the world by announcing<br />

that it would market a<br />

functioning quantum computer. Soon,<br />

companies ranging from Google to NASA<br />

bought versions of the device, and scientists<br />

began scrambling to evaluate what<br />

potentially was the biggest technological<br />

breakthrough of the century. One<br />

third-party test, in which the new quantum<br />

computer solved a complex math<br />

problem 3,600 times faster than a cutting-edge<br />

IBM supercomputer, seemed<br />

to substantiate D-Wave’s claims of quantum<br />

computation. Other tests found<br />

no evidence of quantum activity at all.<br />

Quantum computing, an idea which has<br />

captivated physicists and computer scientists<br />

alike since its conception in the 1980s,<br />

has proven difficult to realize in practice.<br />

Because quantum computers rely on the<br />

uncertainty built into the laws of quantum<br />

physics, they are extremely sensitive to<br />

their environments. A small imperfection<br />

in even a single component of the design<br />

can be devastating. One technical challenge<br />

is that heat energy can disrupt the<br />

fragile quantum states, so quantum technology<br />

is usually cooled almost to absolute<br />

zero (-273 degrees Celsius). D-Wave’s<br />

quantum computer is small enough to<br />

hold in the palm of your hand but has to<br />

be housed in a 10-foot-tall refrigerator.<br />

Yale researchers, led by Professor of<br />

Electrical Engineering and Physics Hong<br />

Tang, have developed a new version of a<br />

device called a piezo-optomechanical resonator<br />

that could allow quantum computers<br />

to operate at higher temperatures. The<br />

paper, which is co-authored by graduate<br />

students Xu Han and Chang-Ling Zou, describes<br />

an improved method of connecting<br />

information in physical and electrical<br />

domains. This advance could be used as<br />

the basis for reliable memory storage for<br />

quantum computers—an important step<br />

towards stronger quantum computing.<br />

From Schrodinger’s cat to national<br />

security<br />

Quantum computing fundamentally<br />

differs from classical computing in that<br />

it relies on the non-intuitive quantum<br />

properties of light and matter. In familiar<br />

classical computation, information is<br />

stored as bits which can take on the values<br />

0 and 1—they are simple on/off electrical<br />

switches, and it is easy to check their<br />

positions. The computer then performs<br />

tasks using sequences of logical operations<br />

on the bits. For example, it might<br />

say that if bit A is 0, then bit B should<br />

be set to 0, but if bit A is 1, then bit B<br />

should be set to 1; or that bit C should be<br />

set to 1 only if bits A and B are different.<br />

In quantum computing, by contrast, the<br />

situation is not so straightforward. First of<br />

all, information is stored in qubits (short<br />

for “quantum bits”) which have more than<br />

two possible values: 0, 1, and a combination<br />

of 0 and 1. These qubits are particles<br />

with distinct measurable quantum states<br />

corresponding to “0” and “1,” but one of<br />

the principles of quantum physics is that<br />

sometimes we can predict the result of<br />

a measurement only in terms of probabilities.<br />

So in quantum mechanics, even<br />

though sometimes we might know that<br />

we will always measure the particle as “0,”<br />

there can also exist a scenario in which<br />

there is a 50 percent chance of finding the<br />

particle in the “0” state and a 50 percent<br />

chance of finding it in the “1” state. The<br />

surprising part is that, mathematically<br />

speaking, the latter particle is actually in<br />

both states equally until we measure it as<br />

being in one or the other, and it is meaningful<br />

to think of such a qubit as having<br />

value ½ representing a “mixed” state even<br />

though ½ is not a possible measurement.<br />

Another useful property of quantum<br />

mechanics called entanglement links the<br />

measurements of different particles. For<br />

example, if particles A and B are entangled,<br />

then we might know that whenever<br />

we measure both particles, we will get one<br />

“0” and one “1.” In this case, measuring<br />

one qubit immediately determines the<br />

value of the other, and it is possible to use<br />

this property to “teleport” information!<br />

The unique logical underpinnings of<br />

quantum computation allow quantum<br />

computer to approach old problems in<br />

new ways. Since qubits are more complex<br />

than regular bits, quantum algorithms are<br />

often more streamlined than their classical<br />

counterparts, especially when searching<br />

for optimal solutions to problems. For<br />

example, if we want to find a car that is<br />

hidden behind one door out of a million, a<br />

classical computer would have to check the<br />

doors one by one, and, in the worst-case<br />

scenario, it would have to make a million<br />

queries. A quantum computer, by contrast,<br />

can use a probabilistic algorithm to find<br />

the car in at most only a thousand queries.<br />

Quantum computation has potential applications<br />

in many problems that would<br />

take classical computers longer than the<br />

age of the Earth. In the best-known example<br />

of this principle of “quantum speedup,”<br />

computer scientists have created a quantum<br />

algorithm that can factor large numbers<br />

(essentially a needle-in-a-haystack<br />

problem like the car example above) exponentially<br />

faster than is possible for any<br />

classical algorithm. Although this problem<br />

may not seem very exciting, it in fact underlies<br />

many more complex processes such<br />

as cryptography. Similar principles apply<br />

to choosing cost-effective combinations of<br />

building materials and even to identifying<br />

keywords for news articles. Unsurprisingly,<br />

quantum computation is often the best<br />

way to model complex natural systems.<br />

We have made significant progress over<br />

the past few decades towards meeting the<br />

challenges of quantum computing. As early<br />

as the mid-1990s, we have manipulated<br />

qubits and written codes to correct spontaneous<br />

errors in quantum computers. In<br />

the 2000s, we demonstrated long-distance<br />

entanglement. In 2013, Hong Tang and his<br />

team contributed to the corpus of knowledge<br />

when they determined a method<br />

for measuring quantum systems without<br />

permanently altering them. Now, in 2016,<br />

the Tang Lab at Yale has once again expanded<br />

the quantum computing toolbox,<br />

this time in the stubbornly challenging<br />

field of information storage and transfer.<br />

A new approach to quantum memory<br />

You probably carry around in your<br />

pocket a crucial piece of the new Yale<br />

device: Smartphones contain the materials<br />

that Tang and his team used to bridge<br />

the mechanical-electrical gap. Piezoelectrics<br />

are materials, usually crystals, that<br />

accumulate charge when compressed,<br />

twisted or bent. For instance, when<br />

a piezoelectric sheet is creased, a net<br />

negative charge forms at the fold, and<br />

net positive charges form at the ends.<br />

Conversely, when an external magnetic<br />

field causes charges in a piezoelectric to<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

December 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


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