YSM Issue 90.1

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Yale Scientific<br />

Established in 1894<br />


DECEMBER 2016 VOL. 90 NO. 1 | $6.99<br />


IT TO<br />

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Yale Scientific Magazine<br />

VOL. 90 ISSUE NO. 1<br />


DECEMBER 2016<br />

NEWS 6<br />

FEATURES 25<br />


15<br />



Yale researchers demonstrate drug<br />

delivery efficacy via a bioadhesive<br />

class of nanoparticles designed for<br />

administering cancer treatment.<br />

12<br />



Using new analytics to understand<br />

tiny mineral crystals, a Yale G&G team<br />

discovers evidence for the effect of<br />

volcanic activities on global climate.<br />

18<br />



A recent Yale study supports that<br />

overimitation is distinctly human,<br />

as dogs and dingoes are more<br />

inclined to evade irrelevant actions.<br />

20<br />



Researchers from Yale and other<br />

institutions unearth the origins of<br />

the Tully Monster, a Carboniferous<br />

creature with unusual morphology.<br />


22<br />



Uniting quantum mechanics and<br />

computer science, Yale researchers<br />

make progress towards constructing<br />

more powerful quantum computers.<br />

More articles available online at www.yalescientific.org<br />

December 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


q a<br />

&<br />

CO 2<br />

Past the point of no return?<br />


Climate change has been ranked a top<br />

global threat, with indicators such as carbon<br />

dioxide (CO 2<br />

) levels illustrating its<br />

rapid progression. Each year, CO 2<br />

levels<br />

are lowest in September—but this year,<br />

even at their annual minimum, CO 2<br />

levels<br />

stayed above 400 parts per million<br />

(ppm). Scientists consider 400 ppm to<br />

be the “fail-safe” ceiling for CO 2<br />

levels.<br />

Beyond this concentration means that<br />

Earth has permanently surpassed 350<br />

ppm, the highest level needed to maintain<br />

climate stability. So when the Mauna<br />

Loa Observatory, a global monitoring facility<br />

in Hawaii, discovered that CO 2<br />

levels<br />

remained unusually high this year, the<br />

news was concerning for many experts.<br />

“We won’t be seeing a monthly value<br />

below 400 ppm this year—or ever again<br />

for the indefinite future,” said Ralph<br />

Keeling, director of the Scripps Institute<br />

for Oceanography, after he analyzed the<br />


►Smoke is emitted from factory smokestacks<br />

beside a highway.<br />

daily Mauna Loa recordings.<br />

With global CO 2<br />

continuing to rise,<br />

has our atmosphere been irreversibly<br />

altered? Joshua Galperin, research<br />

scholar and lecturer in law at Yale Law<br />

School and the Yale School of Forestry<br />

and Environmental Studies as well as<br />

the director of the Environmental Protection<br />

Clinic, believes we can address<br />

the problem if both policymakers and<br />

citizens make changes. “[Policymakers]<br />

need to be imaginative,” Galperin said.<br />

Specifically, he promoted the elimination<br />

of coal power as a starting point<br />

for energy reformation.<br />

Galperin further suggested that citizens<br />

use their skills in economies “built<br />

on carbon” to ensure integrity as they<br />

retract from carbon. He also emphasized<br />

the need for hope at the forefront<br />

of our actions to combat climate<br />

change.<br />

Three’s a Crowd—How can a baby have three parents?<br />


Modern technology has allowed for the<br />

creation of “three-parent” babies by incorporating<br />

genetic material from three individuals<br />

in the creation of a single embryo.<br />

For parents whose children are at risk of<br />

inheriting a mitochondrial disorder, genetic<br />

material from a third person can<br />

help them conceive a healthy child. Mitochondria<br />

are maternally inherited organelles,<br />

so if a mother’s mitochondrial DNA<br />

is mutated, her children are at risk of developing<br />

defects that frequently result in<br />

infant death.<br />

Researchers first attempted to prevent<br />

mitochondrial diseases in the 1990s by<br />

injecting mitochondrial DNA from a donor<br />

into another woman’s egg, along with<br />

sperm from her partner. Some of these<br />

children developed genetic disorders, and<br />

the US Food and Drug Administration<br />

stopped the procedure.<br />


►Sperm cells surround and fertilize a human<br />

egg as seen under a light microscope.<br />

A recently approved method now used<br />

in the United Kingdom is pronuclear<br />

transfer: the mother’s and a donor’s egg<br />

are fertilized with the father’s sperm,<br />

both nuclei are removed from their respective<br />

eggs, and the mother’s nucleus<br />

is transferred to the donor’s egg. The embryo<br />

then possesses mitochondrial DNA<br />

from the donor, as well as nuclear DNA<br />

from its parents. In this way, the child<br />

has genes from three different parents.<br />

Recent successful three-parent-births<br />

give hope to parents who have lost children<br />

to mitochondrial disorders.<br />

“Mitochondrial diseases were incurable<br />

until now. The opportunity to use<br />

mitochondrial replacement as a form of<br />

cell therapy to provide a ‘cure’ should be<br />

embraced,” explained Pasquale Patrizio,<br />

Director of Yale Fertility Center & Fertility<br />

Preservation Program.

3<br />

The year began with the thrilling discovery of gravitational waves. We said that<br />

was just the beginning, and indeed what a year it has been for science and for us<br />

at the Yale Scientific. From breakthroughs in cancer therapy in To Immunity and<br />

Beyond (89.2) to advances in quantum computing in Welcome to the Quantum Age<br />

(89.3) to new approaches to art restoration in Decko Gecko (89.4), it has been an<br />

absolute joy sharing these fascinating scientific stories with you, our readers.<br />

On this issue’s cover, we are excited to feature research conducted at Yale that<br />

harnesses nanotechnology to target drugs to cancer cells with greater potency and<br />

fewer side effects (pg. 15). Not to be outdone, another Yale team has discovered a<br />

new drug candidate for lung cancer that acts through a novel mechanism (pg. 8).<br />

Meanwhile, across the Pacific Ocean, a group of researchers in Melbourne are exploring<br />

a novel approach to treating antibiotic-resistant bacteria (pg. 30).<br />

This year also marks the 150th anniversary of the Yale Peabody Museum (pg. 25).<br />

Museums like the Peabody inspire awe with their remarkable collections of fossils<br />

and minerals. Easier to forget is the fascinating research that goes on behind the<br />

scenes. The intriguing tale of the Tully Monster, a fantastic creature that has finally<br />

been assigned its proper place in the tree of life, pays tribute to those efforts (pg. 20).<br />

In many ways, the past holds insights for the present. In this issue, we dive into<br />

the changes in carbon dioxide levels that have taken place across geologic time as<br />

volcanic activity rose and fell. What we see is troubling, with surging carbon dioxide<br />

levels driving a majority of species to extinction (pg. 12). As greenhouse gas levels<br />

continue to rise, we evaluate where we stand today (pg. 4) and report on the quest<br />

for cleaner sources of energy (pg. 10).<br />

We worry about the future of climate change research as a new administration<br />

takes over in January. Still, we take heart in the progress that scientists and engineers<br />

around the world have already made, and we remain quietly optimistic that<br />

scientists will respond to the increased urgency for clean-energy solutions with a<br />

wave of innovation.<br />

At our magazine, it is also time for us to pass on the baton to a new masthead.<br />

We are struck by their boundless energy and their refreshing ideas, and we have full<br />

confidence that they will carry this publication to greater heights.<br />

Thank you for reading these pages. It has been our privilege and pleasure.<br />

Yale Scientific<br />

Established in 1894<br />


DECEMBER 2016 VOL. 90 NO. 1 | $6.99<br />


IT TO<br />

CANCER<br />



F R O M T H E E D I T O R<br />

A B O U T T H E A R T<br />

Lionel Jin<br />

Editor-in-Chief<br />

The cover, designed by arts editor Ashlyn Oakes, shows<br />

the artist’s interpretation of nanoparticles as they deliver<br />

drugs to cancerous endometrial cells. Endometrial cancer<br />

is resistant to many forms of chemotherapy and must<br />

be combated using powerful drugs which often have severe<br />

side-effects. In order to relieve some of those side<br />

effects and increase drug potency, Yale researchers have<br />

developed sticky nanoparticles that attach to the surface<br />

of tumor cells, delivering drugs in a targeted fashion to<br />

the tumor and promising safer, more effective treatments<br />

to a debilitating disease.<br />

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Yale Scientific<br />

M A G A Z I N E<br />

Established in 1894<br />

DECEMBER 2016 VOL. 90 NO. 1<br />

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The Yale Scientific Magazine (<strong>YSM</strong>) is published four times a year<br />

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NEWS<br />

in brief<br />

Modeling Mars: Life-Supporting Earthquakes?<br />

By Isa del Toro M.<br />


►A topography map of Mars with different<br />

color intensities indicating the depth<br />

of craters and highlighting areas of possible<br />

seismic activity on its surface.<br />

There’s a new hypothesis on the block related<br />

to the possibility of life on Mars. Research<br />

conducted by Sean McMahon of the Yale Geology<br />

and Geophysics department, in collaboration<br />

with John Parnell and Nigel Blamey,<br />

looks into Earth’s subsurface hydrogen levels<br />

and how these indicate potential microbial<br />

activity on Mars.<br />

Hydrogen serves as an energy source for<br />

certain types of organisms. Subsurface hydrogen<br />

gas is created on Earth due to the grinding<br />

of rocks along ancient earthquake fault<br />

lines. McMahon’s experiment sought to determine<br />

whether these gas levels were enough<br />

to have spurred microbial life. Using crushfast-scan,<br />

a technique that involves crushing<br />

rocks to expel the gas contained with them<br />

and measuring the released gas composition,<br />

the researchers concluded that the hydrogen<br />

contained in these rocks was sufficient to fuel<br />

anaerobic life on Earth. Many types of rocks,<br />

including the basalt found on Mars, can likewise<br />

create hydrogen, leading researchers<br />

to determine that quake activity on Mars<br />

could fuel microbial life. In 2018, NASA’s<br />

InSight mission will collect data concerning<br />

seismological activity on Mars. This data<br />

will allow the researchers to re-evaluate the<br />

“Marsquake” models they used in their conclusions<br />

and determine whether their models<br />

fit Mars’s actual surface.<br />

McMahon’s results are an exciting find.<br />

They shed light on another possibility of life<br />

on Mars, which would have important consequences<br />

on how we approach the idea of human<br />

activity on the Red Planet, as well as our<br />

understanding of how life came to be in the<br />

universe.<br />

The Gruber Cosmology Conference at Yale<br />

By Urmila Chadayammuri<br />


►Professor Manuela Campanelli of<br />

the University of Rochester presents<br />

her pioneering simulations of black<br />

hole mergers.<br />

The third annual Gruber Cosmology<br />

Conference took place at Yale on October<br />

7th, honoring discoveries advancing our<br />

understanding of the universe. This year’s<br />

Gruber Prize recipients were Rainer Weiss,<br />

Kip Thorne, and Ronald Drever, the leading<br />

scientists on the LIGO collaboration, which<br />

made the groundbreaking discovery of<br />

gravitational waves. The conference began<br />

with a history of gravitational waves, after<br />

which Weiss explained how the LIGO project<br />

worked. Speakers also highlighted upcoming<br />

detectors in Europe, India and Japan, which<br />

aim to pinpoint the origin of gravitational<br />

waves.<br />

The afternoon session outlined the impact<br />

of the discovery. Thorne described the<br />

new science we can probe with the help of<br />

gravitational waves, from learning about how<br />

the very early universe grew, to understanding<br />

spinning and colliding black holes. Harvard<br />

radio astronomer Shep Doeleman closed the<br />

conference with prospects for how we can<br />

directly image black holes and their power as<br />

gravitational lenses, which bend light from<br />

sources behind them, to directly image black<br />

holes.<br />

The presenters all spoke of their work as a<br />

conversation across centuries with the father<br />

of general relativity, Albert Einstein. What<br />

would Einstein have said if he heard of the<br />

LIGO observation? Thorne guessed he would<br />

try understanding the black hole merger that<br />

caused it, while Weiss thought he would ask<br />

how the equipment worked. Doeleman took<br />

a step back. We knew general relativity was<br />

correct before the gravitational wave detection,<br />

he said, as GPS would not work without it. If<br />

we were to present a map app to Einstein, he<br />

would most likely wonder, “What is a phone?”<br />

6 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2016 www.yalescientific.org

in brief<br />

NEWS<br />

The Miller laboratory of Yale’s Department<br />

of Chemistry recently made a discovery<br />

in peptide catalysis that could change how<br />

we think about enzymes. This discovery<br />

capitalized on the laboratory’s previous<br />

discovery of two peptide catalysts. Enzymes,<br />

or protein catalysts, are characterized by high<br />

specificity. Alford, the study’s first author, and<br />

his colleagues demonstrated that two short<br />

peptides, which are comprised of protein<br />

building block called amino acids, can catalyze<br />

two distinct, complementary reactions called<br />

oxidation reactions. This remarkable capacity<br />

is presumably due to the synthetic peptide’s<br />

overall structure: by varying just a few key<br />

amino acids outside of the active site where the<br />

reaction takes place, the same active residue can<br />

switch between catalyzing two very different<br />

reactions. This control of catalytic activity by<br />

Shrinking Enzymes<br />

By Giorgio Caturegli<br />

modifying secondary structure is a hallmark<br />

of enzymes but has had limited application<br />

in organic synthesis. “This finding is a really<br />

interesting manifestation of what the [Miller]<br />

group tries to do…using tools that nature has<br />

to understand natural processes,” said Nadia<br />

Abascal, a coauthor. Synthetic reactions can<br />

be studied to gain insight into processes in<br />

nature, which may follow a similar mechanism<br />

to the reactions observed in this study.<br />

Especially notable is the fact that peptides<br />

are orders of magnitude smaller than<br />

enzymes, and their small size and precise<br />

control could allow for synthetic applications<br />

in pharmaceutical and materials research.<br />

The Miller group’s recent finding in peptide<br />

catalysis is important to both understanding<br />

natural biochemical processes and developing<br />

synthetic applications.<br />


►Miller’s laboratory discovered two<br />

peptides that can catalyze two different<br />

reactions based on secondary<br />

structure and reaction conditions.<br />

A New Excuse for Playing Video Games?<br />

By Jasper Feinberg<br />

Imagine if video games were a key to<br />

improving learning. Yale psychiatry professor<br />

Bruce Wexler believes they are. A study found<br />

that a video game-based learning regimen<br />

called Activate, developed by Wexler, improved<br />

the test performance of 583 schoolchildren<br />

compared to those without the regimen and<br />

those with one-on-one tutoring. The curriculum<br />

includes computer games aimed at cognitive<br />

improvement and a five minute warm-up<br />

computer activity designed to prepare students<br />

for learning.<br />

The Activate program harnesses<br />

neuroplasticity. The structure of the brain<br />

is shaped after birth from environmental<br />

stimuli that reorganize neuronal connections.<br />

Activate stimulates areas of the brain often<br />

underdeveloped in children who grow up in<br />

poverty or have neurodevelopmental problems<br />

like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder<br />

(ADHD). To accomplish this, Wexler used<br />

neuroimaging studies to identify the regions<br />

of the brain corresponding to certain cognitive<br />

tasks. Wexler describes Activate as “a school<br />

lunch program for the brain” customized to each<br />

individual student.<br />

The social implications of this educational<br />

strategy are vast. First, Activate has the potential<br />

to close the achievement gap by helping students<br />

with different educational backgrounds. As a<br />

technology-based tool, it is cheaper than many<br />

current solutions. Wexler’s research is also an<br />

effective treatment for depression and, in some<br />

cases, ADHD.<br />

Going forward, C8 Sciences, a Yale startup<br />

dedicated to spreading Activate, hopes to<br />

increase awareness and continue improving<br />

the program. Activate has been translated into<br />

multiple languages, and appears primed to<br />

expand.<br />


►A student using Activate, a gamebased<br />

learning program shown to<br />

improve test performance, in her<br />

school’s computer lab.<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

December 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


NEWS<br />

molecular biology<br />


New drug reduces lung cancer cell growth<br />


Wouldn’t it be nice if killing lung cancer cells was as easy as<br />

flipping a switch? As it turns out, effectively targeting these<br />

cells is more like a dimmer rather than a switch, but it can<br />

be done, according to new research spearheaded by Joseph<br />

Contessa, associate professor of Therapeutic Radiology and<br />

Pharmacology at the Yale School of Medicine. Contessa led<br />

the discovery of a drug that reduces non-small cell lung cancer<br />

(NSCLC) tumor cell growth, proliferation, and survival,<br />

without causing toxic effects to healthy cells.<br />

NSCLC comprises about 80 to 85 percent of lung cancers and<br />

generally spreads more gradually than small cell lung cancer.<br />

Much cancer biology research surrounds the role of receptor<br />

tyrosine kinases (RTKs), cell surface receptor proteins, in the<br />

behavior of tumor cells. RTKs stimulate signals within cells<br />

that direct the cell to grow, divide, and proliferate, and can<br />

trigger survival signals in toxic environments. In cancer cells,<br />

RTK genes are overexpressed, causing more RTKs to appear<br />

on the cell surface, leading to more resilient and fastergrowing<br />

cancer cells.<br />

Contessa’s lab aimed to better understand how RTKs<br />

affect tumor growth and survival, and therefore explore how<br />

scientists can target these receptors to control tumors. Prior<br />

hypotheses extrapolate that if one can block the function of<br />

RTKs, turning them “off,” tumors can be treated with more<br />

success. Current drugs and compounds such as Gefitinib<br />

and Erlotinib target specific RTKs but do not work as well as<br />

hypotheses predict. Early in his research, Contessa postulated<br />

that these drugs failed due to redundant signaling, or the<br />

presence of dominant and backup receptors that all signal<br />

NSCLC tumor cell growth and proliferation. Therefore,<br />

drugs and compounds that only target one receptor are<br />

ineffective in treating the NSCLC tumor cells.<br />

Thus, Contessa looked for ways to target multiple<br />

receptors without creating a toxic environment for normal<br />

cells. He found that all of the receptors are glycoproteins—<br />

they have sugar chains attached to them. Contessa then<br />

hypothesized that by interrupting glycosylation—the<br />

addition of sugar chains—the function of the glycoprotein<br />

RTKs could be blocked.<br />

“What people thought before was that adding these sugar<br />

chains was a switch like a light switch, turning on and turning<br />

off. What we’ve shown is there’s actually a spot that you can<br />

hit it that’s more like a dimmer switch, where you can just<br />

turn it down. What we found is a small molecule, a drug-like<br />

compound, that can act this way—it can turn the dimmer<br />

switch down,” Contessa said.<br />

This drug, N-linked glycosylation inhibitor-1 (NGI-<br />

1), targets non-small cell lung cancer cells by inhibiting an<br />

enzyme that attaches sugar chains to RTK precursors and<br />

creates the mature glycoprotein RTKs. Contessa’s research<br />

showed that this drug reduces the expression of epidermal<br />

growth factor receptor (EGFR), a specific RTK, on the surface<br />

of the lung cell. In the drug-treated cells, the EGFRs were<br />

found inside of the cell, indicating that NGI-1 prevents the<br />

transport of RTKs to the cell surface.<br />

Contessa’s research further confirmed that NGI-1 is<br />

specific; although it inhibits RTK signaling, it does not<br />

inhibit the transport of all glycoproteins to the cell surface, so<br />

glycoproteins essential to healthy cell function are unaffected.<br />

“It means that tumor cells that are highly dependent on<br />

RTKs become very sensitive to this drug,” Contessa said.<br />

His research shows that NGI-1 arrests cellular growth and<br />

division in RTK-dependent NSCLC tumor cells.<br />

The project was not without difficulties. “The whole project<br />

was a challenge… it was a collaborative effort, and we worked<br />

with a couple different groups,” Contessa said. The process<br />

sounds easy—a step-by-step path towards a new method of<br />

battling lung cancer. In reality, this one drug resulted from<br />

five years of dedicated research and testing, screening over<br />

350,000 drugs.<br />

“You’re kind of on this detective hunt. You’re screening and<br />

you find this inhibitor, and then you don’t know exactly how<br />

it works. So you have to call on some expertise to help you,<br />

and then hopefully you get a little lucky and you figure out<br />

the mechanism and you can advance it to your experimental<br />

models,” Contessa reflected.<br />

Contessa’s detective mindset, along with the advice of<br />

many collaborators and a bit of luck, led the researchers<br />

to a potential drug candidate for battling NSCLC tumors.<br />

Contessa looks to translate their successes in laboratory cell<br />

models into successes in live animal tumor models, and we<br />

will hopefully see NGI-1 in future clinical studies.<br />


►A member of Joseph Contessa’s lab at work at the Yale<br />

School of Medicine.<br />

8 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2016 www.yalescientific.org

computational biology<br />

NEWS<br />


Tinkering with the building blocks of life<br />


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►Before the advent of computational methods, biologists<br />

and biochemists had to rely on bouncing x-rays off of protein<br />

crystals in order to determine the 3D structure of a protein.<br />

Proteins play an important role in all life processes. From<br />

catalyzing reactions to protecting our body to supporting<br />

cell structure, proteins have a wide variety of functions<br />

based on each specific protein’s structure. Naturally-occurring<br />

proteins are perfectly evolved for their specific functions<br />

in each organism. Synthetically designed proteins,<br />

however, have the potential to solve the multitude of global<br />

problems facing the world today. For example, engineered<br />

bacteria can make enzymes that help decompose plastics<br />

and reduce landfill waste, or produce designer proteins that<br />

can harvest energy from sunlight for clean energy.<br />

Direct experimental methods for designing synthetic<br />

proteins can be used for creating new proteins with the<br />

desired activities, but they are expensive and labor intensive.<br />

Another strategy is to employ computer simulations,<br />

which have the potential to greatly streamline the process<br />

and reduce costs. However, despite a number of successes,<br />

computational protein design software still frequently<br />

makes inaccurate predictions of protein structure and interactions.<br />

To solve this problem, two Yale groups are combining<br />

their expertise in an interdisciplinary effort led by Corey<br />

O’Hern, an associate professor of Mechanical Engineering<br />

& Materials Science, and Lynne Regan, a professor of Molecular<br />

Biophysics & Biochemistry and Chemistry.<br />

In a recent Protein Engineering, Design, and Selection<br />

paper published in July 2016, the team of researchers described<br />

a new computational model that helps solve the<br />

“repacking” problem, allowing them to accurately predict<br />

how each amino acid side chain fits into the core of a protein.<br />

Amino acids are the fundamental building blocks of<br />

proteins, so understanding how they are positioned within<br />

proteins is crucial to understanding protein structure. “It<br />

may sound trivial, but it is not because you have to try all<br />

side chain conformations to determine which one will fit.<br />

Our simple model performed as well as the state of the art<br />

software in repacking amino acid side chains,” O’Hern said.<br />

Other approaches include all possible energetic contributions<br />

to protein structure, such as steric interactions, electrostatic<br />

effects, van der Waals attractions, and hydrogen<br />

bonding. In contrast, the O’Hern and Regan team used a<br />

somewhat unconventional approach to modeling proteins<br />

by only considering steric interactions—repulsive forces<br />

that prevent atomic overlaps. In their approach, the amino<br />

acids are modeled as 3D puzzle pieces that are arranged to<br />

fit into the protein core without overlaps. The model can<br />

accurately predict how each amino acid must be positioned<br />

to best fit into the core, just like the way Tetris pieces in<br />

the 1980s video game need to be in certain orientations to<br />

tightly fit together and not overlap.<br />

“Our intention was to determine how far we could go in<br />

protein structure prediction using the simplest model and<br />

only add in additional factors when the simplest model can<br />

no longer predict the experimentally observed data. That<br />

was our idea: a bottom-up approach rather than throwing<br />

everything in at the beginning,” Regan said. “Surprisingly,<br />

we found that our model performs extremely well simply<br />

by avoiding steric overlaps. We didn’t need to explicitly put<br />

in any attraction or hydrogen bonding [or other factors].”<br />

The team discovered that their simple model worked well<br />

on many more amino acids than they anticipated. Even<br />

so, they were able to identify its limits and simultaneously<br />

learn much about the dominant forces that determine protein<br />

structure. This point is well illustrated by comparing<br />

the two hydroxyl functional group-containing amino acids,<br />

threonine and serine, which are typically considered<br />

similar in biochemistry textbooks. Although the position<br />

of the threonine side chain can be predicted by steric interactions<br />

alone, inclusion of hydrogen bonding is required to<br />

correctly position the serine side chain. O’Hern and Regan<br />

propose that this is because the steric interactions of the<br />

additional methyl group on threonine are dominant.<br />

The team has already expanded their original studies to<br />

successfully repack multiple amino acid side chains simultaneously,<br />

and they are working on calculating the energetic<br />

cost of mutating amino acids in protein cores and at<br />

interfaces. The O’Hern and Regan team are poised to apply<br />

their novel approach and combined expertise to design<br />

proteins for sustainability, biomedical, and pharmaceutical<br />

applications.<br />

December 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


NEWS<br />

materials science<br />


Organic solar cells reach new heights in efficiency<br />

►BY JOE KIM<br />

The old solar cell revolution has come to a halt. The types<br />

of solar cells that are now widespread were commercialized<br />

more than 50 years ago. Despite scientific improvements and<br />

increased attention to solar energy, the cost of conventional<br />

solar cells remains high due to the high cost of silicon, which<br />

converts solar energy into electric energy by producing<br />

electrons when light hits the silicon layer in the solar cell.<br />

Understanding the negative effects of fossil fuels and the<br />

necessity for cheaper renewable energy, scientists have worked<br />

on engineering new solar cell designs using different materials.<br />

Currently, in contrast to the inorganic solar cells that dominate<br />

the field, organic polymer solar cells have been getting much<br />

attention due to their mechanical flexibility, large area, light<br />

weight, and low costs in mass-scale production. Organic<br />

polymer solar cells differ in that carbon-based polymer is used,<br />

and not the conventional silicon. The main hurdle that many<br />

researchers face in developing organic polymer solar cells is<br />

their low efficiency. Although slow improvements have been<br />

made, the most common design, single-junction cells with<br />

only one electron-producing active layer, has only an eight<br />

to ten percent power conversion efficiency—far less than the<br />

commercially required efficiency of over 20 percent.<br />

Recently, researchers in professor Andre Taylor’s<br />

transformative materials and devices lab broke through the<br />

10 percent boundary by incorporating multiple cocrystalline<br />

squaraines into the solar cell’s active layer. These cocrystalline<br />

squaraines are organic fluorescent dyes that absorb light<br />

and produce electrons, which are then picked up by the<br />

interlayer to produce a current. Tenghooi Goh, a recent PhD<br />

graduate, explained that their new design, which contains a<br />

greater number of electron donors, allows the solar cell to<br />

absorb a wider range of wavelengths, or types of light. Typical<br />

polymer cells only absorb specific types of light and waste<br />

the light outside that range, resulting in decreased efficiency.<br />

However, Goh said that incorporating more materials is<br />

extremely complicated, as undesirable interactions between<br />

incompatible chemicals can occur. “Mixing things are not as<br />

simple and direct as it may suggest. In a lot of times, if you<br />

mix two incompatible things together…they actually drive<br />

down the efficiency instead of having a positive effect,” Goh<br />

said. Even with the setback, Goh stated this was a path to a<br />

fundamental breakthrough in organic polymer solar cell<br />

efficiency. Thus, the researchers focused on minimizing this<br />

potential destructive interaction.<br />

Previously, Goh and Taylor’s team successfully combined<br />

squaraine and high efficiency polymer component, thanks<br />

to certain properties of the system. Chromophores, or lightsensitive<br />

molecules, transfer energy between an acceptor<br />

and donor molecule through Förster resonance energy<br />

transfer (FRET). Goh referred to FRET as “a mechanism like<br />

photosynthesis, with electrons jumping over non-conducting<br />

gaps.” Therefore, FRET stabilized the final mixture by allowing<br />

energy to be transferred between materials, ultimately helping<br />

the team mix together potentially incompatible components<br />

so that the wide wavelength of light was preserved. The energy<br />

transfer between two squaraines, ASSQ and DPSQ, along with<br />

high performance electron donating compounds in active<br />

layers, helped stabilize the final mixture in the active layer.<br />

The team found that photovoltaic efficiency increased<br />

by over 25 percent on average between solar cells with and<br />

without ASSQ and DPSQ incorporated. In addition, multiple<br />

FRET pairs with rapid and efficient energy transfer were<br />

observed through spectroscopy techniques, which measures<br />

rapid changes in the absorbance of certain wavelengths of light.<br />

Such observations corresponded with the abovementioned<br />

explanation validating that FRET was indeed responsible for<br />

the stable combination of components.<br />

The solar cells have their shortcomings—Goh pointed<br />

out that the organic polymer solar cells are not free from<br />

environmental consequences such as harmful solvent waste.<br />

Even so, this research can provide greater benefits by lowering<br />

costs of production, leading to more widespread usage of<br />

solar cells and decreased fossil fuel usage. The efficiency of<br />

Goh’s team’s solar cell was recorded to be up to 10.7 percent,<br />

widely considered a milestone in efficiency of organic polymer<br />

solar cells. Furthermore, he added that this is before efficiency<br />

optimization by researching and modifying the layers<br />

surrounding the active cell. Goh is very hopeful about future<br />

research. “In the future, if we combine the pinnacle of different<br />

research together, we can probably reach greater efficiency.”<br />


►Research in Andre Taylor’s lab focuses on organic solar cells, which<br />

consist of thin films with unique light-absorbing and energy-transfer<br />

properties that allow them to harness solar energy more efficiently.<br />

10 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2016 www.yalescientific.org

medicine<br />

NEWS<br />


The connection between metabolism and disease outcome<br />


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►Yale researchers in Professor Ruslan Medzhitov’s lab found<br />

connections between metabolism and infection that may lead to<br />

new approaches to nutrition for the critically ill.<br />

As winter settles in, perhaps the only seasonal “foods” more iconic<br />

than hot chocolate and s’mores are cough drops and tea. Why do<br />

some people want to weather colds holding steaming bowls of comforting<br />

soup, while others suffer queasy stomachs and leave dinner<br />

plates untouched? The seemingly paradoxical appetite changes associated<br />

with sickness are a well-recognized and evolutionarily ancient<br />

trait, but up until now scientists could only speculate about<br />

their cause and purpose.<br />

Yale researchers led by Ruslan Medzhitov, professor of immunobiology<br />

at the Yale School of Medicine, have found that the answer<br />

to this puzzle lies with the causes of infection. The key insight of<br />

their research is that not all sicknesses are created the same. Fighting<br />

viral versus bacterial infections requires completely opposite<br />

nutritional needs. The findings of their research hold the potential<br />

to transform how healthcare approaches nutrition in illness.<br />

The researchers began by tracing out how anorexia, or loss of appetite,<br />

affects disease outcome in bacterial infections. Researchers<br />

infected mice with Listeria monocytogenes, a common cause of<br />

food poisoning. Mice that were fed during infection died; those<br />

who did not eat lived.<br />

Similarly, the researchers infected mice with influenza virus, the<br />

cause of the flu, and again varied caloric intake. Now the fortunes<br />

were reversed: fed mice survived viral infection while those that did<br />

not eat mostly died. These trends held true not only for infection<br />

but also when the experiments were repeated for bacterial and viral<br />

inflammation—whole body immune activation.<br />

The real story linking nutrition and disease, however, emerged in<br />

the search for the nutrient causing the outcomes. Between protein,<br />

fat, and glucose, only glucose was required to induce the complete<br />

effects of caloric intake. Moreover, blocking glucose utilization rescued<br />

bacteria-infected mice while killing virus-infected mice.<br />

Interestingly, glucose does not change the number of pathogens<br />

or the strength of the immune response. Instead, glucose<br />

shapes the role of metabolism in the body’s tolerance of the immune<br />

response. Metabolism refers to all the chemical reactions<br />

needed to sustain life; use of the immune system comes at a price.<br />

“Depending on the type of inflammation or infection, there<br />

are different metabolic processes that are necessary to survive the<br />

critical illness condition,” Medzhitov explained. Specifically, bacterial<br />

and viral infections generate different kinds of tissue damage<br />

depending on the presence of glucose.<br />

While glucose dominates metabolism in the fed state, during<br />

a fasting state the body begins breaking down fat stores to utilize<br />

molecules called ketone bodies for energy. Bacterial infections<br />

cause an immune response that releases reactive oxygen species<br />

(ROS), or “free radicals,” which kill pathogens as well as damage<br />

host cells. Glucose exacerbates this negative side effect while ketone<br />

bodies from starvation are protective. A parallel exists for<br />

viral infection.<br />

In response to the cellular damage caused by viral infection,<br />

the unfolded protein response (UPR) targets and eliminates cells<br />

producing abnormal proteins. This process is regulated by glucose—without<br />

glucose, this stress-induced response leads to excessive<br />

cell damage.<br />

“We discovered that by blocking glucose utilization in viral infections<br />

we prevented a normal response against viruses and instead<br />

caused a response that ended up being destructive for the<br />

host,” said Andrew Wang, first author and clinical fellow in medicine.<br />

Shockingly enough, the battleground where glucose decided<br />

life and death was not in the heart or the lungs, as may be expected<br />

for a pulmonary illness like the flu, but rather in the brain.<br />

PET scans and tissue studies revealed damage at critical sites in<br />

the brain following bacterial and viral infection. Absence of glucose<br />

increased neuronal damage in viral infections while for bacteria<br />

the opposite was true. The damage was once again linked to<br />

either overactivity of the UPR or overproduction of ROS.<br />

Medzhitov and his team hope that these new findings can<br />

improve nutrition for the acutely ill. Currently, all ICU patients<br />

are fed intravenous liquid food that is 30 to 60 percent carbohydrates,<br />

but Medzhitov’s study suggests that these formulations<br />

need to be adjusted based on the cause of illness. The Yale<br />

team is currently preparing clinical trials that test that premise.<br />

Future studies by the team will continue using mouse models<br />

to study different types of infections, including parasitic and<br />

fungal. Their work will contribute to new holistic models of<br />

healthcare treatment.<br />

“The general implication is that there is a certain wisdom<br />

to the body’s reactions and our preferences during illness, and<br />

many of these are protective,” Medzhitov said. In sickness at<br />

least, we can all benefit from listening to our bodies.<br />

December 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />













environmental science<br />

FOCUS<br />

Surging carbon dioxide levels,<br />

combined with increased radiation<br />

from the Sun, dramatically increased<br />

global temperatures. Ocean surface<br />

temperatures reached upwards of 104<br />

degrees Fahrenheit. Consequently, mass<br />

extinctions occured, with marine and<br />

terrestrial life suffering huge losses in<br />

biodiversity.<br />

Until now, the scientific community<br />

has struggled to determine the relative<br />

importance of the two forces that drove<br />

the Permian-Triassic mass extinction<br />

event: volcanic activity and erosion. A<br />

study led by Ryan McKenzie, a postdoctoral<br />

associate at the Yale Department<br />

of Geology and Geophysics, has now<br />

proposed a solution. The study argues<br />

that on the time scale of the past several<br />

hundred million years, volcanoes have<br />

been the principal driver of climate<br />

change. These revolutionary findings are<br />

key to understanding long-term climate<br />

change, and thus, may prove informative<br />

in our present-day combat against global<br />

climate change.<br />

The greenhouse effect<br />

Carbon dioxide (CO 2<br />

) is a double-edged<br />

sword—both vital to life yet potentially<br />

harmful. On one hand, much of Earth’s<br />

plant life depends on CO 2<br />

to produce<br />

food for itself and consumers, like us. At<br />

the same time, increasing CO 2<br />

levels since<br />

the industrial revolution have led to rising<br />

global temperatures, which pose a risk<br />

to the global ecosystem. How does this<br />

happen?<br />

The Earth’s atmosphere normally<br />

reflects much of the Sun’s invisible<br />

infrared radiation back into space,<br />

thereby preventing surface temperatures<br />

from becoming too high. However,<br />

when sufficiently concentrated in the<br />

atmosphere, CO 2<br />

can form a blanket of<br />

sorts, which traps some of this radiation<br />

and prevents it from leaking back to space.<br />

Thus, CO 2<br />

is aptly termed a greenhouse<br />

gas.<br />

Various processes regulate the levels<br />

of CO 2<br />

in the atmosphere. Volcanic<br />

eruptions, which release gases from the<br />

Earth’s interior, contribute to atmospheric<br />

greenhouse gases and raise global<br />

temperature levels. Chemical weathering,<br />

on the other hand, has the opposite<br />

effect. When CO 2<br />

reacts with water vapor,<br />

carbonic acid is formed. This weak acid<br />

then eats away at rocks and other surfaces.<br />

Other forms of chemical weathering<br />

include burial of carbonate minerals,<br />

along with burial of organic carbon. Thus,<br />

chemical weathering is a CO 2<br />

sink and has<br />

the ultimate impact of decreasing global<br />

temperatures.<br />

The scientific community recognizes<br />

these two forces—volcanism and<br />

weathering—as the principal drivers of<br />

long-term climate change. Due to these<br />

two processes oscillating and changing<br />

pace over time, the content of CO 2<br />

in the<br />

atmosphere is in constant flux. Thus, the<br />

Earth’s temperature has risen and fallen<br />

multiple times within its history, creating<br />

various periods of global warming<br />

followed by global cooling in the form of<br />

ice ages.<br />

The unearthing begins<br />

The study began with McKenzie’s<br />

fascination with the links between climate<br />

change and biodiversity. “I became<br />

interested in the anomalies characteristic<br />

of the Cambrian period,” McKenzie said.<br />

“A lot of species extinction occurred,<br />

which many people attribute to the<br />

Cambrian having one of the highest<br />

atmospheric carbon dioxide levels of the<br />

past six hundred million years.” McKenzie<br />

set out to discover the root cause of this<br />

carbon dioxide flux.<br />

First, McKenzie and team needed to<br />

obtain a record of Earth’s volcanic history.<br />

The Earth is made up of multiple tectonic<br />

plates, which are large pieces of the Earth’s<br />

crust. When an oceanic plate collides<br />

with a continental plate, a subduction<br />

zone is formed. The oceanic plate sinks<br />

deeper into the earth, liberating water in<br />

the process. This water gradually seeps<br />

upward, melting the hot mantle rocks<br />

and forming magma in the process.<br />

This magma finally rises to the surface<br />

and forms a chain of active volcanoes.<br />

Unfortunately, however, it is often difficult<br />

to track the formation of these volcanic<br />

emissions through Earth’s history because<br />

erosion and destruction of volcanoes<br />

obscures the important data. In addition,<br />

the commonly used sea-level approach to<br />

track volcanic rates through time relies<br />

on too many vague assumptions. This is<br />

where zircons come in.<br />

Zircons, otherwise known as zirconium<br />

silicate, are grains of sedimentary rocks<br />

that crystallize from magma. Young zircon<br />

is especially prevalent in the subduction<br />

zones of continental volcanoes, such as the<br />

Andes and the Cascade volcanoes. Zircon<br />

grains are able to withstand high degrees<br />

of erosion, so they represent untampered<br />

records of volcanic activity. Fortunately,<br />

due to zircon’s uranium impurities, the<br />

age of zircon samples can be determined<br />

very precisely through radioactive<br />

isotope analysis. Thus, if one can trace an<br />

abundance of young zircon to a specific<br />

period, this period likely experienced<br />

massive continental volcanic activity.<br />

McKenzie and his team used this property<br />

of zircon to contribute to a precise record<br />

of continental volcanic activity throughout<br />

the geologic timeline. The team could now<br />

accurately map the relationships between<br />

carbon dioxide levels and volcanic activity.<br />


►Dr. Ryan McKenzie stands with a fuming<br />

Mt. Bromo in Indonesia. McKenzie analyzed<br />

sedimentary rock to more closely link volcanic<br />

emissions to long-term climate change driven<br />

by carbon dioxide concentration.<br />

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December 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FOCUS<br />

environmental science<br />

Mapping the Earth<br />


►Shown is a photo of Mt. Vesuvius in<br />

Italy. Data on sedimentary rocks in the<br />

area contributed to McKenzie’s analysis of<br />

volcanic activity.<br />

“In addition to the scientific literature,<br />

we did extensive work in India, Myanmar,<br />

and North China to fill in the existing gaps<br />

within zircon data sets,” McKenzie said.<br />

Compiling analyses of close to 120,000<br />

zircons, McKenzie’s team found a promising<br />

pattern. The Cambrian, Jurassic, and<br />

Cretaceous periods, which saw high levels<br />

of CO 2<br />

, had very high proportions of young<br />

zircons. In contrast, the Neoproterozoic,<br />

Carboniferous, early Permian, and<br />

Cenozoic periods, when CO 2<br />

levels were<br />

low, had low proportions of young zircons.<br />

“We were able to establish a crucial link<br />

between the oscillations of volcanic gas<br />

activity and the flux of greenhouse gas<br />

levels,” McKenzie said.<br />

The findings of this study fit well into the<br />

geographic framework of continental shifts.<br />

Multiple times throughout Earth’s history,<br />

continents have rifted and amalgamated.<br />

Rifting periods—times when continents<br />

separate from each other—create extensive<br />

subduction zones, which in turn fuel<br />

continental volcanic activity, increasing<br />

zircon and CO 2<br />

abundance. On the other<br />

hand, amalgamation periods—times when<br />

two continents combine—lead to a loss of<br />

subduction zones, reducing volcanic activity<br />

and therefore zircon and CO 2<br />

abundance.<br />

Thus, the results of McKenzie’s study<br />

could be verified by existing knowledge<br />

about continental shifts. Ultimately, the<br />

techniques used in this project provide<br />

strong proof of the versatility of zircon as<br />

an indicator of volcanic CO 2<br />

emissions.<br />

Thus, with this innovative zircon<br />

technique, McKenzie’s team has provided<br />

compelling evidence that volcanism has<br />

been an important driver of climate change<br />

over the past 700 million years. “Many of<br />

the specialists in this field were initially<br />

skeptical of this work, so we faced the<br />

challenge of revising popular opinion,”<br />

McKenzie said. While McKenzie and his<br />

group have primarily focused on volcanism<br />

as a key driver, they still recognize the<br />

importance of weathering in contributing<br />

to CO 2<br />

changes. However, they argue that<br />

weathering can be interpreted simply as a<br />

secondary effect of volcanoes. Volcanoes<br />

contribute the primary influx of CO 2<br />

into<br />

the atmosphere, so they exert the greatest<br />

first-order control over long-term climate<br />

change.<br />

However, volcanoes do not just act in one<br />

direction. Volcanoes result in both global<br />

warming and global cooling. According<br />

to other studies, a fuller consideration of<br />

the effect of volcanism on climate change<br />

must include the long-term effects of<br />

volcanic rocks. Indeed, volcanic activity<br />

can certainly lead to immediate increases<br />

in CO 2<br />

emissions, leading to higher<br />

temperatures. However, during periods of<br />

volcanic dormancy, the volcanoes can be<br />

weathered. This weathering removes great<br />

quantities of CO 2<br />

from the atmosphere,<br />

leading to a global cooling events. Thus,<br />

if considered on a long-term time scale,<br />

each volcano is both a carbon source and<br />

a carbon sink. Indeed, volcanism is a major<br />

force that regulates long-term climate<br />

change.<br />

Future digs<br />

Modern-day, human-driving global<br />

warming is a formidable challenge,<br />

especially given the jump in CO 2<br />

emissions<br />

in such a short period of time. But placing<br />

ourselves in geological time, we would see<br />

that global warming has occurred multiple<br />

times since the formation of the Earth’s<br />

atmosphere as CO 2<br />

levels oscillated with<br />

the rise and fall of continental volcanic<br />

activity. Global warming has defined the<br />

landscape of existing biodiversity and<br />

geography on Earth, notably during the<br />

Permian-Triassic extinction when 70<br />

percent of land species and 90 percent of<br />

marine species went extinct. Importantly,<br />

global warming of the past educates us on<br />

the critical interactions that occur between<br />

carbon sources and carbon sinks, which<br />

is a part of present-day human-driven<br />

climate change as well as the climate<br />

variation of the past.<br />

Moving forward, McKenzie’s research<br />

group refuses to be constrained to<br />

one specific goal. “Up until now, the<br />

constraints of our data have been limited,”<br />

McKenzie said. “We hope to look at more<br />

high-resolution data sets and put more<br />

real numbers to this data.” Indeed, to fully<br />

uncover the Earth’s rich history, we must<br />

be willing to constantly dig deeper.<br />



KEVIN BIJU is a sophomore Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry major in<br />

Morse College. He is the Alumni Outreach Coordinator of the Yale Scientific<br />

Magazine and is interested in the cross-talk between evolution and genetics in<br />

biomedical research.<br />

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK Dr. Ryan McKenzie for his thoughtful<br />

interview, as well as his research team’s dedication.<br />


M. R. Burton, G. M. Sawyer, D. Granieri Deep carbon emissions from<br />

volcanoes. Rev. Mineral. Geochem. 75, 323–354 (2013).<br />

14 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2016 www.yalescientific.org


IT TO<br />

CANCER<br />





ART BY<br />


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December 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FOCUS<br />

biomedical engineering<br />

Eyes on the prize, you jump into a river, furiously swimming for the shoreline.<br />

Yet, the second you reach for it, the current pulls you away. This is the<br />

challenge cancer drugs face in the human body: rapid clearance from the<br />

treatment site. The protection and safe delivery of these drugs as they travel<br />

to their target region are important factors in the drug’s success.<br />

In order to combat this problem of rapid<br />

clearance, a group of Yale researchers<br />

has been studying therapeutic drug delivery<br />

through the use of sticky biodegradable<br />

nanoparticles. This technique targets tumors<br />

more efficiently by releasing drugs directly<br />

into the cancerous regions. The Yale study<br />

found that bioadhesive nanoparticles were<br />

capable of remaining in the tumor regions for<br />

long periods of time, demonstrating the potential<br />

for drug delivery through nanoparticles<br />

to fight cancer.<br />

Promising potential<br />

Surgery and chemotherapy are common<br />

treatments for aggressive tumors arising from<br />

the ovary and uterus. Unfortunately, many<br />

patients undergoing these therapies redevelop<br />

tumors or, in the case of chemotherapy,<br />

see their tumors become resistant to the<br />

treatment. For a little over the past decade,<br />

nanoparticles have emerged as a delivery<br />

system for agents such as drugs, targeting a<br />

larger portion of the drug to the tumor and<br />

causing less severe side effects. Nanoparticles<br />

can be engineered to enclose these drugs,<br />

protecting them on their way to the target site<br />

in the body.<br />

Nanoparticle size plays an important role in<br />

the drug’s ability to stay in the region of the<br />

tumor. Too large a particle results in the drug’s<br />

accumulation in the lower abdomen, while<br />

too small of a particle results in a greater<br />

chance of abdominal fluid clearing the drug<br />

out of the system. With successful control<br />

of nanoparticle size, however, nanoparticles<br />

have the potential to allow for safer and more<br />

effective cancer treatment.<br />

A sticky finding<br />

Mark Saltzman, a professor at the Yale<br />

School of Engineering and Applied Science,<br />

is working to harness the potential<br />

of nanoparticles. His team developed<br />

nanoparticles with an outer coating of a<br />

polymer known as hyperbranched polyglycerol<br />

(HPG). HPG nanoparticles are like<br />

branched trees, where each branch is terminated<br />

in water-loving groups that make the<br />

particles water-soluble. This specific HPG<br />

outer coating has proven to be more effective<br />

than even the most highly regarded<br />

particle coating, possessing higher stability,<br />

lower risk of absorption in the body by proteins,<br />

and longer circulation in blood.<br />

Experimenting with nanoparticles of<br />

different sizes, the team found nanoparticles<br />

measuring around 100 nanometers to<br />

be most effective in distributing throughout<br />

the body cavity and dispensing their<br />

encapsulated drug to the target site. The<br />

longer the time in the body, the longer the<br />

nanoparticles will release the therapeutic<br />

drugs into the tumors.<br />

Initially, Saltzman and his laboratory<br />

team worked with non-sticky nanoparticles<br />

that would circulate around the body<br />

for extended periods of time and eventually<br />

accumulate in the tumor. However, Yang<br />

Deng, a postdoctoral associate working in<br />

the laboratory, had an interesting finding.<br />

With organic chemistry techniques, he was<br />

able to make the nanoparticles that stick to<br />

protein-coated surfaces. This was done by<br />

using sodium periodate to transform the<br />

outer coating of the particles, generating<br />

aldehyde groups which are able to form<br />

bonds with other proteins.<br />

Once the team discovered these sticky<br />

particles, the race was on to find suitable<br />

applications. The team was able to invent<br />

a new kind of sunblock that lasted longer<br />

on the skin, taking advantage of how the<br />

nanoparticles could stick to the skin’s top<br />

layer. However, the researchers also realized<br />

they could apply these sticky nanoparticles<br />

to areas such as cancer treatment. This is<br />

where Alessandro Santin came in.<br />

Alessandro Santin, a professor at the Yale<br />

School of Medicine, treats patients with gynecological<br />

tumors with origins in the uterus<br />

and ovaries. In some cases, the tumor<br />

spreads out of the reproductive tract and<br />

into the abdomen, where it would grow in<br />


►A member of the Saltzman lab prepares<br />

reagents for her experiment. The Saltzman<br />

lab has pioneered the use of nanoparticles<br />

for drug delivery.<br />

little clusters of cells that stick to the membrane<br />

surfaces of the abdomen.<br />

Saltzman believed his sticky nanoparticles<br />

were relevant to Santin’s work for<br />

a variety of reasons. “If they’re sticky,<br />

we thought they would stick to the same<br />

membranes that the cancer cells stick to<br />

and they should get all over the abdomen,<br />

and eventually stick to the same surfaces<br />

tumor cells stick to,” Saltzman said.<br />

Saltzman and his team hypothesized that<br />

the sticky nanoparticles they had created<br />

could be applied to deliver drugs to tumors.<br />

16 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2016 www.yalescientific.org

iomedical engineering<br />

FOCUS<br />

Targeting tumors with drugs<br />

Saltzman, Santin, and their team sought<br />

to apply the their invention to cancer therapy.<br />

First, they tested how adhesive the sticky<br />

nanoparticles were compared to nonadhesive<br />

nanoparticles. To do this, they tested both<br />

particles in human umbilical cords, measuring<br />

how long they remained on the luminal<br />

surface. As a marker to quantify the level of<br />

adhesiveness, both particles were loaded with<br />

a dye, which emitted a fluorescent signal corresponding<br />

to the amount of particles in the<br />

region. The results showed that the bioadhesive<br />

nanoparticles had a longer signal time<br />

than that of their non-sticky counterparts.<br />

Now, the researchers could proceed with<br />

loading a drug into these nanoparticles.<br />

Epothilone B (EB), a drug that inhibits<br />

microtubule function, can prevent cancer<br />

cell division . The researchers chose to load<br />

EB into these sticky nanoparticles because<br />

of its efficacy against both ovarian and uterine<br />

cancers. However, the drug comes with<br />

its dangers. “The problem with this drug is<br />

that it’s so potent at killing cancer cells that<br />

it’s toxic,” Saltzman said. Therefore, a way<br />

to introduce the drug to the cancerous region<br />

gradually and more directly is crucial.<br />

Saltzman hypothesized that by injecting<br />

these EB-loaded bioadhesive nanoparticles<br />

into the space between the membranes that<br />

line the abdominal cavity, they could get<br />

the nanoparticles to form bonds with the<br />

proteins on the tissue surfaces. This would<br />

increase the length of time over which drug<br />

would be delivered to the tissue.<br />

Traditionally, nanoparticles injected in<br />

this manner would be quickly cleared from<br />

the abdominal region. With the bioadhesive<br />

nanoparticles, however, the protein bonds<br />

formed with the cells layering this region<br />

held the nanoparticles in place. “We showed<br />

that if you take the particles and you expose<br />

them to a protein-coated surface, they stick<br />

very well,” Saltzman said. If successful, this<br />

would increase the bioavailabilty of the drug.<br />

To test if this indeed happened, the researchers<br />

created a mouse model with human<br />

tumors in the abdominal region to simulate<br />

the environment in a human cancer<br />

patient. They loaded EB into the nanoparticle<br />

vectors and injected them into the mice.<br />

The results were promising: at the end of four<br />

months, the mice subjected to this treatment<br />

had a 60 percent survival rate, whereas only<br />

10 percent of mice survived in the control<br />

groups. “We showed that by putting it in our<br />

bioadhesive nanoparticles, we can keep it in<br />

the abdomen for a long time with very little<br />

toxicity, particularly compared to the drug<br />

itself,” Saltzman said.<br />

Sticking with it<br />

The results of the Yale study offer the potential<br />

for more efficient methods for delivering<br />

drugs to target tumor cells. In the<br />

future, the researchers hope to increase the<br />

efficiency of drug delivery. For example, Santin<br />

is working on designing homing peptides<br />

that would target tumors specifically. “Doing<br />

so may increase the antitumor activity of the<br />

nanoparticle treatment,” Santin said.<br />

Yet, more research needs to be done on the<br />

deliver system used in the study. Saltzman<br />

states that the researchers did not see a specific<br />

immune response when they observed<br />

general markers of immune activation, but<br />

that there are still more areas of concern to<br />

be addressed before the drug delivery system<br />

is ready to be used for cancer patient treatment.<br />

According to Santin, the researchers<br />

are working on an investigator-initiated trial<br />

using the drug. “This clinical trial will help to<br />

understand the potential of this novel agent<br />

in the treatment of chemotherapy-resistant<br />

ovarian cancer,” Santin said.<br />

The results of the team’s work indicate the<br />

potential for bioadhesive nanoparticles as<br />

drug delivery agents to cancerous tumors.<br />

With more research on safer cancer treatment<br />

methods, nanoparticles may become a<br />

powerful weapon in our arsenal against devastating<br />

cancers.<br />



JESSICA TRINH is a freshman and prospective biomedical engineering major<br />

in Branford. She enjoys volunteering for Synapse, Yale Scientific’s volunteer<br />

outreach program, being the Director of Operations for Resonance, Yale<br />

Scientific’s high school outreach program as well as the Communications<br />

Chair for Yale’s chapter of STEAM.<br />

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK Dr. Mark Saltzman and Dr.<br />

Alessandro Santin for their time and enthusiasm.<br />

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December 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />





When, as a child, we were learning<br />

to tie our shoes, we painstakingly<br />

followed the directions of our<br />

parents or a nursery rhyme. When we were<br />

picking up dining etiquette, we carefully<br />

observed the way others use the utensils.<br />

When we navigate our first day at school<br />

or at the workplace, we are quick to do as<br />

our colleagues do. Imitation is the foundation<br />

of our socialization. But sometimes,<br />

our tendency to replicate others extends<br />

beyond necessary or efficient actions, a<br />

phenomena scientists call overimitation.<br />

Overimitation is a human-specific form<br />

of social learning in which we faithfully<br />

copy irrelevant actions. It is largely responsible<br />

for the ability of our species to<br />

have so many rich cultural traditions and<br />

advanced technology because we are able<br />

to handle more information by accepting<br />

the way that other people behave.<br />

The purpose of a recent Yale study was<br />

to explore whether dogs and dingoes also<br />

display overimitation. There are many<br />

reasons to expect that dogs might follow<br />

human cues. For one, they follow human<br />

gaze and directions, and studies have repeatedly<br />

shown that dogs are prone to look<br />

for a human lead. Surprisingly, the results<br />

revealed that canines do not display this<br />

behavior, suggesting that humans are the<br />

only species to demonstrate this behavior.<br />

The merits of overimitation<br />

One of the most obvious drawbacks of<br />

overimitation is that it can cause a person<br />

to be misled. However, the benefits are<br />

much greater. Consider activities as mundane<br />

as washing your hands or brushing<br />

your teeth. It is important for health reasons<br />

that young children replicate these<br />

behaviors at a young age, regardless of<br />

whether they understand the reasoning<br />

behind the action.<br />

Thinking even further back, consider the<br />

Stone Age. Learning how to start a fire may<br />

have been more likely to persist because<br />

individuals had a tendency to overimitate<br />

the demonstrator. A stick must be spun<br />

quickly for a long time to create a spark. If<br />

the learner did not have the inclination to<br />

continue spinning the stick, despite its apparent<br />

uselessness, then they may not have<br />

been able to start a fire. Without the ability<br />

to start fire, our species would not have<br />

moved on to designing simple machines<br />

and advancing technology.<br />

Overimitation may also be particularly<br />

responsible for the depth and longevity<br />

of human culture. Other species do not<br />

have traditions. Humans maintain rituals<br />

by passing their knowledge on through<br />

generations, although it might not be<br />

necessary or relevant. Consider religious<br />

practices or decorative dressing that have<br />

survived for centuries; without overimitation,<br />

these practices could have been discarded<br />

as ornamental and extraneous.<br />

A drawback of overimitation is that it<br />

can sometimes constrain our exploration.<br />

Overimitation may dampen human trial<br />

18 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2016 www.yalescientific.org

cognitive science<br />

FOCUS<br />



ANNA WUJCIAK is a senior Biomedical Engineering Major in Saybrook<br />

College. She works in Jay Humphrey's lab studying cardiovascular<br />

biomechanics and is a member of the Women's Club Water Polo Team.<br />

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK Laurie Santos, Angie Johnston,<br />

and Paul Holden for their time and passion for their research.<br />


►Dingoes look very similar to dogs. Yet,<br />

there are stark differences, both physical and<br />

psychological, between the two species of<br />

canines.<br />


Smith, B. & Litchfield, C. (2010). Dingoes (Canis dingo) can use human social<br />

cues to locate hidden food. Animal Cognition, 13, 367-376.<br />

and error behavior, while other species are<br />

more inclined to engage in this behavior<br />

because they do not automatically accept<br />

the information others have given them.<br />

Canine independence<br />

At the Canine Cognition Center at Yale,<br />

professor Laurie Santos, PhD candidate<br />

Angie Johnston, and research assistant<br />

Paul Holden explored whether dogs displayed<br />

overimitation. Dingoes were studied<br />

similarly at the Dingo Discovery Center<br />

(DDC) in Australia. Dogs were then<br />

compared to dingoes, a closely related but<br />

non-domesticated species, in an effort to<br />

explore the role of domestication.<br />

In four different trials, animals were<br />

tasked with opening a box to retrieve the<br />

treat inside. These boxes, which Holden<br />

designed at the Yale Center for Engineering<br />

Innovation and Design, were equipped<br />

with a lever on the side and a treat underneath<br />

a flip lid. Although the flip lid was<br />

necessary for getting the treat, the lever<br />

was completely ineffective. At the beginning<br />

of each test, a human completed both<br />

the relevant and irrelevant steps in the<br />

process of opening the box three times<br />

as a display for the animal. The box was<br />

considered solved if the animal was able to<br />

retrieve the treat.<br />

Results showed the dogs and dingoes<br />

filtered out the irrelevant lever action,<br />

even though it was demonstrated to them.<br />

With each of the four tries the test subjects<br />

had with the box, the rate of using the irrelevant<br />

lever decreased and the rate of<br />

solving the box increased. This indicated<br />

that both species of canines were learning<br />

which actions were relevant and which actions<br />

were not based on their own learning<br />

experiences.<br />

Although neither canine species displayed<br />

overimitation, there were differences<br />

in the two species. “Dingoes were<br />

using the lever less than dogs,” Holden<br />

said. “At first glance, dogs and dingoes<br />

look quite similar, but they’re actually very<br />

different.” Dingoes are clever problem<br />

solvers because they are more attentive<br />

and independent, Johnston added. Dogs<br />

have become domesticated over time due<br />

to their companionship with humans, and<br />

therefore they tend to look toward their<br />

human more often when a problem arises.<br />

As dogs have come to rely on humans<br />

more, they may have also become less<br />

adept at independent problem solving,<br />

which might explain why they used the lever<br />

more frequently than dingoes.<br />

A human behavior<br />

The brain mechanism behind overimitation<br />

is not yet well understood. Although<br />

it is outside the scope of Santos’s psychology<br />

lab, other researchers are exploring the<br />

complex brain processes that control decision-making<br />

and overimitation.<br />

Unfortunately, outside of dogs, dingoes,<br />

and chimpanzees, not many species have<br />

been tested for overimitation behavior.<br />

Dogs were selected as a species to study<br />

specifically at Yale because they are highly<br />

social. Chimpanzees have previously been<br />

studied because of their high intelligence<br />

and social tendencies. Scientists assume<br />

that since the closest relative to the human,<br />

the chimpanzee, does not display<br />

this behavior, it is human specific. The absence<br />

of overimitation in chimpanzee behavior<br />

also indicates that humans evolved<br />

this trait sometime within the last seven<br />

million years since our species diverged.<br />

Corvid species, which include birds and<br />

crows, may be valuable to explore next,<br />

as they are also very intelligent creatures.<br />

“Most animals exhibit innate behaviors<br />

that they’ve developed over many years<br />

of evolution,” Johnston said. For example,<br />

think of squirrels who bury nuts every<br />

winter.<br />

If not from overimitation, how do other<br />

species pass on information? Johnston<br />

explained that animals learn through observation,<br />

as opposed to the intentional<br />

instruction method of passing information<br />

like humans. Some information, such<br />

as locomotion, is instinctual. “It’s not that<br />

other animals can’t imitate, it’s just that<br />

they only do it when they need to, whereas<br />

humans tend to do it much more often<br />

than necessary. Animals are better at<br />

prioritizing the information they really<br />

need,” Johnston said. While humans have<br />

complex technology and intricate cultural<br />

practices, other species have more basic<br />

tasks that they can typically address on<br />

their own. Our species is the only one<br />

with a culture that forces us to rely on others.<br />

There are two general hypotheses about<br />

the driver of human overimitation. The<br />

first is that humans can’t help but overimitate.<br />

The second is that humans assume<br />

that the actions they observe are the culturally<br />

appropriate way to behave. “My<br />

thoughts are that it’s really a combination<br />

of both of these hypotheses that cause humans<br />

to overimitate,” Santos said.<br />

Overimitation, for better or worse,<br />

seems to be a distinctly human behavior.<br />

It assists our species to pass on complex<br />

cultural information and maintain a high<br />

degree of advanced technology. It certainly<br />

appears that overimitation is one of the<br />

reasons that humans differ so greatly from<br />

all other species.<br />

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December 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FOCUS<br />

evolutionary biology<br />


FOSSILS &<br />


FORMS<br />




by Andrea Ouyang | art by Emma Green<br />

One of the miracles of science is its<br />

ability to extend human memory. As<br />

our computational and technological<br />

capabilities expand, the searchlight of history<br />

broadens our vision into our past and uncovers<br />

new revelations and mysteries alike. Few fields,<br />

then, provide more fascinating applications of<br />

science than the tireless efforts to trace the evolutionary<br />

relationships of creatures, dead and<br />

alive, who populate the tree of life.<br />

Enter Tullimonstrum gregarium.<br />

In the 1950s, Francis Tully discovered a bizarre<br />

fossil in Mazon Creek, Illinois—a site<br />

known for the quality and diversity of creatures<br />

preserved in its deposits, formed 300 million<br />

years ago in the Carboniferous period. For half<br />

a century, no one was quite sure what to make<br />

of the fossil, dubbed the Tully Monster and<br />

declared the state fossil of Illinois in 1989. This<br />

oddly shaped sea creature did not fall under<br />

any neat category, with its pair of cuttlefish-like<br />

fins, long proboscis, and small sharp teeth. Indeed,<br />

paleontologists variously suggested the<br />

organism belonged to animal groups ranging<br />

from wormlike animals to mollusk-like creatures<br />

and even to fish.<br />

A Yale-led research team, led by then graduate<br />

student Victoria McCoy, has at last identified<br />

the Tully Monster. Combining morphological<br />

analysis and close examination of<br />

features resulting from the fossilization process,<br />

the researchers found that the Tully Monster<br />

was most likely a vertebrate with lamprey-like<br />

features. The study, published in April, has put<br />

to rest the mystery of the Tully Monster while<br />

also opening new avenues to further explore<br />

the life of this extraordinary animal.<br />

The exemplary enigma<br />

For a long time, the phylogenetic origins of<br />

the Tully Monster were unknown.<br />

“It’s a classic example of what we generically<br />

call a ‘problematic fossil,’ which is a way of<br />

saying we don’t really know, or didn’t know,<br />

what it was or where it sat in the grand scheme<br />

of things,” said co-author Derek Briggs, a professor<br />

of Geology and Geophysics at Yale and<br />

curator at the Yale Peabody Museum. "There<br />

were a number of these problematic fossils in<br />

older rocks, particularly during the Cambrian<br />

explosion 530 million years ago," Briggs said.<br />

This explosion of life saw the evolution of<br />

animals that would look alien to us today, but<br />

which were actually early offshoots of lineages<br />

leading to modern groups. Subsequently, most<br />

of these peculiar-looking fossils disappeared,<br />

replaced by groups more recognizable to paleontologists<br />

today.<br />

“What we see in the fossil record later on are<br />

generally things that we can identify, or at least<br />

relate to living groups,” Briggs said. “The Tully<br />

Monster was one of those exceptions.” Present<br />

in Carboniferous rocks dating from about 300<br />

million years ago, the Tully Monster was considered<br />

one of the problematica, or fossils that<br />

are difficult to classify. Besides its aquatic environment,<br />

no one really knew anything about it.<br />

Previous solutions to this “problem of the<br />

problematica” included simply classifying the<br />

problematica as phyla that went extinct—in<br />

other words, they were considered a long, divergent<br />

branch of the evolutionary tree of life<br />

that had been cut short, rather than a branch<br />

more closely nested in ancestral animal groups.<br />

Though modern computational approaches to<br />

20 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2016 www.yalescientific.org

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FOCUS<br />

classification have resolved lingering questions<br />

about many previously problematic fossils, the<br />

Tully Monster had largely resisted phylogenic<br />

placement.<br />

The mission begins<br />

In 2015, McCoy was leading the Briggs lab<br />

group’s annual project, on which all the researchers<br />

in the group were collaborating.<br />

“The Field Museum independently thought<br />

that they would want someone to look at the<br />

Tully Monster, so I independently met with<br />

the Field Museum and curators and collection<br />

managers at the Geological Society of America<br />

meeting,” McCoy said. “We both kind of<br />

simultaneously said we’d like to work on the<br />

Tully Monster.”<br />

The Field Museum, in Illinois, is the closest<br />

major museum to Mazon Creek, where the<br />

majority of Tully Monster fossils have been<br />

unearthed. Its close relationship with local collectors<br />

has helped it acquire a vast collection<br />

of Tully Monster fossils—at over 2,000 specimens,<br />

the largest in the world—which made it<br />

the ideal location to work on the project, according<br />

to Briggs.<br />

It’s elemental, not elementary<br />

Part of what helped the Yale team succeed<br />

where others had failed was meticulous attention<br />

to detail. The fossilization process, though<br />

permitting long-term preservation, can make<br />

morphological features difficult to decipher as<br />

organisms decay and fossilize.<br />

In total, the researchers examined around<br />

1,200 Tullimonstrum specimens, organ by organ,<br />

for general morphological features. As an<br />

example, at the end of the Tully Monster’s proboscis,<br />

the team counted and measured teeth<br />

structures and studied how they were situated<br />

in the Tully Monster’s claw structure. They also<br />

looked at features such as whether the eye bar<br />

sat at the top of the head or went through the<br />

center of the body.<br />

The second component of the research involved<br />

studying features of preservation where<br />

the Tully Monster was discovered. The fossils<br />

were preserved as a discolored film on surrounding<br />

rock where the organism had been<br />

buried, and what appear to be morphological<br />

features sometimes are merely discoloration<br />

from the fossilization process.<br />

This combined analysis of morphological<br />

and preservational features in the Tully Monster<br />

helped McCoy and the team conclude that<br />

the Tully Monster had a notochord, a cartilaginous<br />

skeletal rod and evolutionary precursor<br />

to the spine that classified the fossil as vertebrate.<br />

The researchers had noticed a long line<br />

running down the middle of specimens, previously<br />

identified as the gut of the organism.<br />

While it was entirely possible that the line was<br />

the fossil imprint of either a gut or a notochord,<br />

examining preservation in conjunction with<br />

morphology allowed the researchers to determine<br />

which feature it was.<br />

To further test the vertebrate hypothesis,<br />

the researchers took specimen samples to Argonne<br />

National Laboratory for synchrotron<br />

analysis, a technique that allowed the team to<br />

determine which elements in a sample were<br />

enriched, what differences existed in the elemental<br />

composition of different tissues, and<br />

when they were preserved in the fossil. The<br />

synchrotron data indicated that Tully Monster<br />

eyes were often preserved in pyrite mineral, a<br />

preservational feature shared only by the fish<br />

—the other chordates—at the fossil site. This<br />

was particularly strong evidence that the Tully<br />

Monster was preserved similarly to fish, rather<br />

than other proposed animal groups, such as<br />

worms or mollusks.<br />

The researchers also found that Tully Monster<br />

teeth had a distinct composition from that<br />

of the rest of the bifurcated, claw-like structure<br />

at the end of its proboscis. This discovery also<br />

pointed to chordate affinity, since arthropods,<br />

another previously proposed position for the<br />

Tully Monster, have teeth-like spikes made of<br />

the same material as their claw. Fish teeth, on<br />

the other hand, are biomineralized—minerals<br />

were produced in those tissues to harden them,<br />

making teeth tissue distinct from the rest of the<br />

fish’s mouth.<br />

The teeth were pyritized, or replaced with<br />

iron sulfide, suggesting they were composed<br />

of sulfur-rich material, but not biomineralized,<br />

in contrast to most cartilaginous fishes,<br />

like sharks, whose fossils typically contain<br />

calcium or phosphate compounds. The sulfur-rich<br />

soft tissue was likely made of keratin,<br />

a sulfur-containing protein that is the main<br />

component of fingernails. Interestingly, keratin<br />

is also a component of hagfish and lamprey<br />

teeth, which do not biomineralize, so the<br />

researchers could conclude not only that the<br />

Tully Monster was a chordate, but also that<br />

it preserved similarly to soft-bodied fish like<br />

lampreys and hagfish.<br />

A fossil’s future<br />

Future studies of the Tully Monster include<br />

understanding its ecology and interactions<br />

with its environment and other organisms of<br />

the Carboniferous. It is unknown whether it<br />

was a parasite (like modern lampreys) or a<br />

scavenger, an ambush predator or one that<br />

could sustain periods of continuous swimming.<br />

Its many morphological oddities make<br />

it particularly compelling to study, according<br />

to McCoy.<br />

Luckily for researchers, the Field Museum<br />

recently acquired more Tullimonstrum fossils,<br />

a collector’s gift that could provide researchers<br />

the opportunity to explore and refine<br />

their findings against the new specimens. An<br />

important step, according to Briggs, is to examine<br />

the new collection and see whether it<br />

supports the team’s conclusions. While the<br />

Tully Monster may be long dead and gone,<br />

the story of its existence is sure to fascinate<br />

generations to come.<br />



ANDREA OUYANG is a sophomore and prospective MCDB major in<br />

Davenport College.<br />

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK Dr. Victoria McCoy and Professor<br />

Derek Briggs for their time and enthusiasm in speaking about their work.<br />


Clements, T. “The Eyes of Tullimonstrum reveal a vertebrate affinity.” Nature<br />

532, 500-503, 2016.<br />

Richardson, E.S. “Wormlike Fossil From the Pennsylvanian of Illinois.”<br />

Science 151 (3706), 75-76, 1966.<br />

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December 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FOCUS<br />

physics<br />

E X P A N D I N G<br />

the Quantum Computing Toolbox<br />

By Noah Kravitz<br />

Art by Yanna Lee<br />

22 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2016 www.yalescientific.org

physics<br />

FOCUS<br />

In 2011, Canadian tech company<br />

D-Wave stunned the world by announcing<br />

that it would market a<br />

functioning quantum computer. Soon,<br />

companies ranging from Google to NASA<br />

bought versions of the device, and scientists<br />

began scrambling to evaluate what<br />

potentially was the biggest technological<br />

breakthrough of the century. One<br />

third-party test, in which the new quantum<br />

computer solved a complex math<br />

problem 3,600 times faster than a cutting-edge<br />

IBM supercomputer, seemed<br />

to substantiate D-Wave’s claims of quantum<br />

computation. Other tests found<br />

no evidence of quantum activity at all.<br />

Quantum computing, an idea which has<br />

captivated physicists and computer scientists<br />

alike since its conception in the 1980s,<br />

has proven difficult to realize in practice.<br />

Because quantum computers rely on the<br />

uncertainty built into the laws of quantum<br />

physics, they are extremely sensitive to<br />

their environments. A small imperfection<br />

in even a single component of the design<br />

can be devastating. One technical challenge<br />

is that heat energy can disrupt the<br />

fragile quantum states, so quantum technology<br />

is usually cooled almost to absolute<br />

zero (-273 degrees Celsius). D-Wave’s<br />

quantum computer is small enough to<br />

hold in the palm of your hand but has to<br />

be housed in a 10-foot-tall refrigerator.<br />

Yale researchers, led by Professor of<br />

Electrical Engineering and Physics Hong<br />

Tang, have developed a new version of a<br />

device called a piezo-optomechanical resonator<br />

that could allow quantum computers<br />

to operate at higher temperatures. The<br />

paper, which is co-authored by graduate<br />

students Xu Han and Chang-Ling Zou, describes<br />

an improved method of connecting<br />

information in physical and electrical<br />

domains. This advance could be used as<br />

the basis for reliable memory storage for<br />

quantum computers—an important step<br />

towards stronger quantum computing.<br />

From Schrodinger’s cat to national<br />

security<br />

Quantum computing fundamentally<br />

differs from classical computing in that<br />

it relies on the non-intuitive quantum<br />

properties of light and matter. In familiar<br />

classical computation, information is<br />

stored as bits which can take on the values<br />

0 and 1—they are simple on/off electrical<br />

switches, and it is easy to check their<br />

positions. The computer then performs<br />

tasks using sequences of logical operations<br />

on the bits. For example, it might<br />

say that if bit A is 0, then bit B should<br />

be set to 0, but if bit A is 1, then bit B<br />

should be set to 1; or that bit C should be<br />

set to 1 only if bits A and B are different.<br />

In quantum computing, by contrast, the<br />

situation is not so straightforward. First of<br />

all, information is stored in qubits (short<br />

for “quantum bits”) which have more than<br />

two possible values: 0, 1, and a combination<br />

of 0 and 1. These qubits are particles<br />

with distinct measurable quantum states<br />

corresponding to “0” and “1,” but one of<br />

the principles of quantum physics is that<br />

sometimes we can predict the result of<br />

a measurement only in terms of probabilities.<br />

So in quantum mechanics, even<br />

though sometimes we might know that<br />

we will always measure the particle as “0,”<br />

there can also exist a scenario in which<br />

there is a 50 percent chance of finding the<br />

particle in the “0” state and a 50 percent<br />

chance of finding it in the “1” state. The<br />

surprising part is that, mathematically<br />

speaking, the latter particle is actually in<br />

both states equally until we measure it as<br />

being in one or the other, and it is meaningful<br />

to think of such a qubit as having<br />

value ½ representing a “mixed” state even<br />

though ½ is not a possible measurement.<br />

Another useful property of quantum<br />

mechanics called entanglement links the<br />

measurements of different particles. For<br />

example, if particles A and B are entangled,<br />

then we might know that whenever<br />

we measure both particles, we will get one<br />

“0” and one “1.” In this case, measuring<br />

one qubit immediately determines the<br />

value of the other, and it is possible to use<br />

this property to “teleport” information!<br />

The unique logical underpinnings of<br />

quantum computation allow quantum<br />

computer to approach old problems in<br />

new ways. Since qubits are more complex<br />

than regular bits, quantum algorithms are<br />

often more streamlined than their classical<br />

counterparts, especially when searching<br />

for optimal solutions to problems. For<br />

example, if we want to find a car that is<br />

hidden behind one door out of a million, a<br />

classical computer would have to check the<br />

doors one by one, and, in the worst-case<br />

scenario, it would have to make a million<br />

queries. A quantum computer, by contrast,<br />

can use a probabilistic algorithm to find<br />

the car in at most only a thousand queries.<br />

Quantum computation has potential applications<br />

in many problems that would<br />

take classical computers longer than the<br />

age of the Earth. In the best-known example<br />

of this principle of “quantum speedup,”<br />

computer scientists have created a quantum<br />

algorithm that can factor large numbers<br />

(essentially a needle-in-a-haystack<br />

problem like the car example above) exponentially<br />

faster than is possible for any<br />

classical algorithm. Although this problem<br />

may not seem very exciting, it in fact underlies<br />

many more complex processes such<br />

as cryptography. Similar principles apply<br />

to choosing cost-effective combinations of<br />

building materials and even to identifying<br />

keywords for news articles. Unsurprisingly,<br />

quantum computation is often the best<br />

way to model complex natural systems.<br />

We have made significant progress over<br />

the past few decades towards meeting the<br />

challenges of quantum computing. As early<br />

as the mid-1990s, we have manipulated<br />

qubits and written codes to correct spontaneous<br />

errors in quantum computers. In<br />

the 2000s, we demonstrated long-distance<br />

entanglement. In 2013, Hong Tang and his<br />

team contributed to the corpus of knowledge<br />

when they determined a method<br />

for measuring quantum systems without<br />

permanently altering them. Now, in 2016,<br />

the Tang Lab at Yale has once again expanded<br />

the quantum computing toolbox,<br />

this time in the stubbornly challenging<br />

field of information storage and transfer.<br />

A new approach to quantum memory<br />

You probably carry around in your<br />

pocket a crucial piece of the new Yale<br />

device: Smartphones contain the materials<br />

that Tang and his team used to bridge<br />

the mechanical-electrical gap. Piezoelectrics<br />

are materials, usually crystals, that<br />

accumulate charge when compressed,<br />

twisted or bent. For instance, when<br />

a piezoelectric sheet is creased, a net<br />

negative charge forms at the fold, and<br />

net positive charges form at the ends.<br />

Conversely, when an external magnetic<br />

field causes charges in a piezoelectric to<br />

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December 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FOCUS<br />

physics<br />


►Professor Hong Tang (right), along with graduate students Chang-Ling Zou (left) and Xu Han<br />

(not pictured), developed a piezo-optomechanical resonator that has applications to quantum<br />

memory storage.<br />

move, the object responds by changing<br />

shape physically. In this way, vibrations<br />

in physical objects and electrical fields<br />

can easily be connected, or, as physicists<br />

say, coupled. Piezoelectrics in smartphones<br />

often power tiny speakers— they<br />

convert electrical signals into sound<br />

waves, which arise from physical pulses.<br />

The Yale piezo-optomechanical device<br />

consists of a pair of tiny resonators:<br />

a silicon wafer and a wire loop situated<br />

above it. “It is useful to think of a resonator<br />

like a tuning fork because it responds<br />

most powerfully to a particular resonant<br />

frequency,” said Han, an electrical engineering<br />

Ph.D candidate who worked on<br />

the project. The two ends of the wire<br />

loop do not quite connect, so electrical<br />

charges tend to bounce back and forth<br />

around the circle, which functions as an<br />

electrical resonator in the microwave region<br />

of the electromagnetic spectrum.<br />

The wafer, which is about as thick as five<br />

sheets of paper, functions as an acoustic,<br />

or mechanical, resonator. This resonator<br />

is coated with a thin layer of aluminum<br />

nitride, a piezoelectric material,<br />

which facilitates the exchange of oscillations—and<br />

energy— between mechanical<br />

and electrical components. “If you<br />

want to transfer information between<br />

two systems, it is necessary to have an<br />

efficient coupling mechanism,” Han said.<br />

The idea of coupling between mechanical<br />

and microwave electrical domains<br />

is not new; the Yale team’s innovation<br />

is achieving stronger coupling on a<br />

smaller scale. The key is using resonators<br />

with a higher frequency: Whereas<br />

other designs have used frequencies on<br />

the order of a few million oscillations<br />

per second, the Yale design runs at ten<br />

billion oscillations per second. As a result,<br />

the device is solidly in the so-called<br />

strong-coupling regime —meaning that<br />

the rate of information transfer is greater<br />

than the natural energy dissipation<br />

rates of the individual systems—and<br />

transmitted signals are clearer and longer-lasting.<br />

Yet high frequency comes at<br />

the cost of increased construction difficulties.<br />

“Since the device is small, it<br />

is more susceptible to perturbations in<br />

the environment,” Tang said. As a result,<br />

the design carefully balances considerations<br />

of compactness and robustness.<br />

The researchers believe that applications<br />

of their breakthrough lie mostly in the far<br />

future. “This is fundamental research, so<br />

it’s not immediately pertinent to daily life,”<br />

Han said. Instead, the piezo-optomechanical<br />

resonator’s real value is as a component<br />

of more complex systems. Because of the<br />

strong coupling achieved, it is well suited<br />

for quantum uses where “noise” from ambient<br />

heat (analogous to TV static) would<br />

otherwise be disruptive. “For high-frequency<br />

devices, the temperature requirement is<br />

not as low,” Han said. Chang-Ling Zou, a<br />

postdoctoral student in Tang’s lab, hopes to<br />

develop this strength into a basis for quantum<br />

memory storage, which is currently<br />

unfeasible at most temperatures. Small<br />

vibrating crystals would serve as physical<br />

memory, and the resonators would convert<br />

between these crystals and the computational<br />

part of the computer, which would<br />

likely operate in the microwave domain.<br />

The Yale team is also looking to incorporate<br />

visible light into their design. “The<br />

next step is integrating an optical resonator<br />

and using the acoustic resonator<br />

as an intermediary between microwave<br />

and optics,” Han said. Accomplishing<br />

this feat could improve computer signal<br />

processing, radio receiving efficiency,<br />

and information transmission across<br />

long distances via optical fiber cables.<br />

Given its versatility, the piezo-optomechanical<br />

resonator may find its way into<br />

all kinds of applications. From analyzing<br />

the stock market to sending trans-Atlantic<br />

messages, you can expect to hear more about<br />

this small device in big-time situations.<br />



NOAH KRAVITZ is a freshman in Calhoun College. He is interested in<br />

studying math, music, physics and philosophy.<br />

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK Xu Han, Chang-Ling Zou, and<br />

Professor Hong Tang for explaining their research.<br />


Li, Mo, W.H.P. Pernice, and H.X. Tang. “Ultrahigh-Frequency Nano-<br />

Optomechanical Resonators in Slot Waveguide Ring Cavities.” Applied<br />

Physics Letters 07 (2010).<br />

24 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2016 www.yalescientific.org

evolutionary biology<br />



Opening the David Friend Hall at the Peabody Museum<br />


Nearly every observed galaxy has a giant black hole at<br />

its center. Step into the Peabody’s new David Friend Hall<br />

and it might take a minute for your eyes to adjust to the<br />

darkness—and then another hour for your mind to adjust<br />

to the dazzling marvels that surround you. From the<br />

2000-pound, single-quartz crystal from Namibia to the<br />

30-million-year-old sandstone concretion with smooth<br />

undulating curves, each object in the hall aims to wows<br />

visitors. Curators carefully chose every detail—from the<br />

lighting to the case design—to showcase the world-class<br />

treasures here in New Haven, Connecticut.<br />

Dramatic lighting highlights specimens with dazzling<br />

clarity and draws attention to the kaleidoscope of colors<br />

filling the hall. This focus on showmanship was well<br />

developed; David Friend (YC ’69), who donated three<br />

million dollars for the exhibit, hoped to fill people with<br />

a sense of wonder. “The function of a museum is not so<br />

much to teach but to inspire a desire to learn,” Friend<br />

said shortly before he cut the ribbon to officially open<br />

the exhibit.<br />

It is fitting for Yale to host this transformative mineral<br />

exhibit, since modern mineralogy originated here. Just<br />

as Carl Linneaus brought order to the natural world<br />

by classifying plants and animals, Yale professor James<br />

Dwight Dana brought order to the world of rocks and<br />

minerals with a classification scheme that is still used<br />

today. Geology has always been strong at Yale; Benjamin<br />

Silliman, Yale’s first science professor, started the<br />

American Journal of Science in 1818. Not only is the AJS<br />


►Prominent members of the Yale and New Haven communities<br />

attended the ribbon cutting ceremony with David Friend (YC<br />

’69). The opening speeches set the tone for an exhibit that<br />

would wow visitors.<br />

the oldest scientific journal in the United States, it is one<br />

of the most influential journals in the fields of geology<br />

and mineralogy.<br />

The Peabody Museum continues to challenge the<br />

expectations for natural history museums with the David<br />

Friend Hall. Rather than bombard visitors with text, the<br />

exhibit isolates the singular beauty of sparkling minerals.<br />

Educational materials for the displays are captured by a<br />

smartphone application, where visitors can access and<br />

browse background information. In addition, the gallery<br />

will feature rotating exhibits: many gems are on loan from<br />

private collectors, so new treasures can be featured in the<br />

future. Although art galleries often feature loaned art,<br />

the David Friend Hall is one of the first natural history<br />

exhibits to do the same.<br />

And the treasures are dazzling, indeed. Beside the<br />

2000-pound quartz stands a giant geode from Uruguay,<br />

completely encrusted by deep purple amethyst shards.<br />

Nearby, a white-board-sized fossil of a fan-like frond<br />

flanked by ancient fish demands your attention. The<br />

crystals, ranging from a five-by-four-foot fluorite from<br />

China to miniature “thumbnail” specimens in a display<br />

case, vary in size, shape, and geographic origin. “If<br />

you go around and look at every single crystal, they’re<br />

from all over the world,” said Dave Skelly, the Director<br />

of the Peabody Museum. Stefan Nicolescu, head of the<br />

Peabody’s minerology collections, guided the selection<br />

of minerals, consulting private collections throughout<br />

the region and selecting specimens for their wow factor.<br />

“The interest is to stir curiosity and to make people want<br />

to know more about these things,” said Nicolescu.<br />

The recent ribbon cutting ceremony thoroughly<br />

explored this theme of curiosity and inspiration: “The<br />

goal is to capture people’s imagination, particularly the<br />

imaginations of budding young scientists, to get them<br />

fascinated by the natural world,” said Jay Ague, chair of<br />

Yale’s Geology and Geophysics department. They hope<br />

to reach far beyond New Haven. Since its conception<br />

150 years ago, the Peabody Museum has served as the<br />

archetype for many natural history museums. The<br />

curators of the David Friend Hall hope that their setup<br />

will also set an example that diffuses globally.<br />

For New Haven residents and Yale University students,<br />

the hall breathes new life into an already brilliant<br />

collection of natural history. “I think this exhibit will<br />

certainly bring more students up [to the Peabody],”<br />

said Dean Jonathan Holloway. The brilliant jewels may<br />

prompt curiosity for understanding our world.<br />

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December 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />



human evolution<br />




The female orgasm has always provoked biologist’s curiosity.<br />

From an evolutionary perspective, the male orgasm has a<br />

clear purpose: it is required for ejaculation and the subsequent<br />

transfer of sperm. Explaining the female orgasm is more difficult,<br />

since fertilization and reproduction will occur whether<br />

or not a female orgasm occurs. In fact, female orgasms occur<br />

more frequently during masturbation or homosexual intercourse<br />

than during heterosexual intercourse. Natural selection,<br />

the driving process of evolution, favors traits that yield a<br />

survival or reproductive advantage to a species, so why has the<br />

female orgasm evolved if it provides no apparent survival or<br />

reproductive advantage?<br />

Yale’s Günter Wagner and his colleague, Mihaela Pavlicev,<br />

recently identified that the female orgasm—like the male orgasm—predates<br />

the primate lineage. Thus, the human female<br />

orgasm likely evolved from an older, functional trait and was<br />

passed down through generations. Here, we will explore the<br />

history of this trait and how its function has changed since it<br />

originated.<br />

For species whose ovulation is induced by copulation, it is<br />

thought that orgasms stimulate the release of hormones such<br />

us prolactin and oxytocin, triggering ovulation. In contrast,<br />

women are spontaneous ovulators. Although they too release<br />

prolactin and oxytocin during orgasm, their ovulation cycles<br />

do not depend on these hormones.<br />

Differences in ovulation cycles between species may have<br />

evolved in tandem with anatomical differences. Wagner’s<br />

study predicted that for spontaneously ovulating animals, the<br />

distance between the clitoris and the vaginal opening can be<br />

larger than for animals with copulation-induced ovulation,<br />

whose clitorises should be within (or near) their vaginal openings.<br />

In accordance with this prediction, external, non-penile<br />

stimulation of the clitoris is required for many women to<br />

achieve orgasm, because the clitoris is relatively far from the<br />

vaginal canal.<br />

Looking deeper into anatomical evolution, Wagner and his<br />

colleague studied databases of veterinary literature comparing<br />

female animal anatomy. In spite of a dearth of accurate studies<br />

on female genitalia, they found enough data to support<br />

their hypothesis. They discovered that in most species of reptiles,<br />

birds, and mammals, a single canal is used for urination<br />

and copulation. In these animals, the clitoris is often within or<br />

nearby the copulatory canal. However, in the ancestors of humans<br />

and other primates, the urogenital canal–the canal used<br />

for urination and copulation–shortened until the urethra became<br />

an entirely independent canal. As these two canals separated,<br />

the distance between the copulatory canal and the clitoris<br />

also increased.<br />

Wagner realized copulation-induced ovulation occurred<br />

most often in animals in which the clitoris was located within<br />

or near the copulatory canal. Spontaneous ovulators, in contrast,<br />

evolved to separate the clitoris and vagina. Together,<br />

this information suggests that the common ancestor of many<br />

mammals was a copulation-induced ovulator. However, as<br />

spontaneous ovulation evolved in humans and primates, clitoral<br />

stimulation as a means to induce ovulation became useless,<br />

and evolution distanced the clitoris from the copulatory canal.<br />

Though researchers have yet to prove that copulation-induced<br />

ovulation is triggered by clitoral stimulation and orgasm,<br />

the theory is pharmacologically testable. Future studies<br />

could use drug-induced anorgasmia–the inability to achieve<br />

orgasm–and the subsequent monitoring of an animal’s ovulation<br />

cycle, to begin to answer this question.<br />

In the context of spontaneous ovulation, clitoral stimulation<br />

leading to female orgasm may serve another purpose. For example,<br />

orgasm might improve pair bonding. Wagner emphasized<br />

that, although the female orgasm may not make a clear<br />

contribution to reproductive fitness, this does not reflect its<br />

modern importance. “Maybe the way to think about the female<br />

orgasm is as a type of art . . . which doesn’t have to have<br />

a specific purpose but still has value,” Wagner explained, referencing<br />

the way we value our ability to admire art despite its<br />

non-existent connection with reproduction or fitness.<br />

Wagner’s research has powerful and liberating implications<br />

for both men and women, freeing them from preconceived<br />

notions about the meaning of female orgasm during heterosexual<br />

intercourse. The research will hopefully discourage unhealthy<br />

notions, such as Sigmund Freud’s labeling of the clitoral<br />

orgasm as “infantile,” or theories that claim the female<br />

orgasm occurs more frequently with higher-quality males as<br />

a mechanism for retaining larger quantities of their sperm.<br />

Wagner and Pavlicev explain the difficulties associated with<br />

achieving female orgasm during heterosexual intercourse as<br />

an effect of evolution without any intrinsic implications regarding<br />

the male’s value.<br />


►The female orgasm releases the hormones prolactin and<br />

oxytocin, which are theorized to trigger ovulation and fertilization.<br />

26 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2016 www.yalescientific.org

materials science<br />






►Marine debris, the result of human plastic waste, on the<br />

beaches of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. These large plastic<br />

pieces are shredded by weathering into more dangerous, easily<br />

ingestible microplastics.<br />

The dangers of oceanic plastic pollution are well known:<br />

throughout social media, trending videos portray turtles<br />

trapped in plastic netting and decomposed birds with<br />

plastic in their stomachs. The reality of plastic pollution is<br />

heart-wrenching, and researchers are continuously producing<br />

more evidence to demonstrate the extent of the problem.<br />

Discoveries from the past 20 years have revealed that organisms<br />

living in shallow waters and the middle layers of<br />

the ocean ingest copious amounts of plastic. Most recently,<br />

however, researchers at the University of Oxford discovered<br />

that deep-sea organisms—rarely studied in this context until<br />

now—are also consuming plastic at alarming rates. Their<br />

finding is particularly concerning because it demonstrates<br />

the vast impact of human plastic pollution: our trash has<br />

reached one of the Earth’s most remote and fragile environments.<br />

Conducted primarily by Michelle Taylor and Lucy Woodall<br />

at Oxford, the research concentrates on microfibers, the<br />

most common type of microplastic found in the environment.<br />

Microplastics are small plastic pieces, usually less than<br />

five millimeters in diameter (the width of a thumbtack), that<br />

are created when larger plastic debris is weathered and broken<br />

apart, while microfibers are a sub-class of fiber-shaped<br />

microplastics that often come from fibers on clothing. They<br />

are particularly dangerous for aquatic wildlife because they<br />

can easily get trapped in an animal’s digestive track or gills,<br />

lessening its feeding ability, damaging its digestive track, and<br />

often leading to its starvation. Organisms also face contamination<br />

by concentrated organic pollutants and metals that<br />

are harbored by the plastics.<br />

Taylor and Woodall’s research was inspired by earlier findings<br />

that discovered microplastics in deep-ocean sediments.<br />

“We were discussing what deep-sea animals eat, which is<br />

mostly particle matter falling from shallower waters—something<br />

called marine snow, and if this snow would have microplastics<br />

in it,” said Taylor, a senior postdoc at Oxford.<br />

The researchers explored deep-sea organisms in the equatorial<br />

mid-Atlantic and southwest Indian Ocean by sending<br />

a robot to the seafloor to scoop up organism samples. Reaching<br />

such depths was a major challenge, but the research team<br />

had access to a UK research ship and the Remote Operated<br />

Vehicle Isis robot, which can reach depths of 6000 meters.<br />

From their collected samples, they studied three distinct<br />

phyla: Cnidaria (such as jellyfish and corals), Echinodermata<br />

(such as starfish and sea cucumbers), and Arthropoda (such<br />

as crustaceans). The researchers recorded the depth where<br />

each organism was found, the type of microplastic it had interacted<br />

with, and the microplastic’s location on or within<br />

the organism. Most of the studied organisms, such as squat<br />

lobsters, corals, and sea cucumbers, contained microplastics<br />

in their oral areas, stomachs, and gills, indicating that<br />

the plastics were either ingested or inhaled. For example, the<br />

researchers found microplastics made of polypropylene, a<br />

polymer that can carry compounds such as DDE, a pesticide.<br />

The logical follow-up question is what we can do about human<br />

plastic pollution, but the answer is difficult because of<br />

the sheer prevalence of plastics in daily life. “It’s surprising<br />

how much clothing we wear is made up entirely of acrylic or<br />

polyester—I challenge you to check yours now,” said Taylor.<br />

Scientists are currently designing safer plastics. Paul Anastas,<br />

the Director of Yale’s Center for Green Chemistry and<br />

Green Engineering, says research should focus on developing<br />

biodegradable plastics that do not persist in the environment.<br />

“There is a worldwide network of people producing<br />

these solutions, and they need to be implemented much<br />

more rapidly.” The twelve principles of green chemistry include<br />

designing safer chemicals, using safer solvents, and reducing<br />

energy use.<br />

Governments, too, are taking measures to reduce the<br />

amount of plastic waste released into marine environments.<br />

In December of 2015, President Obama signed the Microbead-Free<br />

Waters Act, banning the cosmetics industry from using<br />

plastic microbeads, such as the exfoliating beads in facial<br />

soaps that are washed down the drain and released into the<br />

ocean.<br />

The public also has a responsibility to keep plastics out of<br />

our oceans. We can trash the “throw-away” mentality that<br />

leads us to use disposable plastic cups and utensils and opt<br />

for reusable options like cloth bags at the grocery store. In the<br />

meantime, Taylor hopes to see further research that probes<br />

deep-sea plastic pollution.<br />

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December 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />



medicine<br />

insight into<br />




art by YANNA LEE<br />

28 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2016 www.yalescientific.org

A<br />

lizard escaping from a predator can lose its tail as a defense<br />

mechanism—while the detached tail writhes on the ground<br />

and confuses the predator, the lizard scurries away. During<br />

the following months, the lizard grows back a new tail. How does<br />

this regeneration occur? The answer lies in the behavior of stem<br />

cells, specialized cells that can both renew themselves and generate<br />

various other cell types.<br />

Humans have stem cells, too, although they behave differently<br />

from those in the lizard’s tail. Many distinct populations of stem<br />

cells reside within each of us. Neural stem cells in our brains, for<br />

instance, can become new neurons or glial cells. Blood stem cells<br />

in our bone marrow can turn into new white blood cells, red blood<br />

cells, or platelets coursing through our bloodstream. Since stem cells<br />

are extremely versatile and can generate a number of new cell types,<br />

a recent goal of researchers and clinicians has been to harness their<br />

regenerative abilities for replacement therapies—restoring lost organs<br />

and tissues in human patients.<br />

Bo Chen, associate professor of Ophthalmology at Yale, studies<br />

human retinal stem cells. Recently, his team figured out how to<br />

reawaken the stem cell ability of a special group of dormant cells,<br />

called Muller glial cells (MGs). MGs are found in the retina, a tissue<br />

at the back of the eye that detects visual information in the form of<br />

light. While MGs in humans are not true stem cells, they can behave<br />

like stem cells under certain circumstances, such as extreme injury.<br />

MGs are normally asleep, in an inactive state, but injury can reawaken<br />

them and cause them to reenter the cell cycle and develop regenerative<br />

stem cell abilities. Chen and his research team discovered<br />

how to wake up MGs and cause them to proliferate without injuring<br />

them, a strategy that could potentially help to restore retinal cells<br />

damaged by disease.<br />

In invertebrates, such as zebrafish, MGs are permanently active<br />

retinal stem cells capable of regenerating damaged and lost cells. In<br />

mammals, however, MGs typically remain dormant and incapable<br />

of spontaneously re-entering the cell cycle without outside intervention.<br />

While past studies have shown that severe retinal injuries<br />

can stimulate MG proliferation and stem cell activation, Chen found<br />

that injuring MGs was counterproductive to the goal of regeneration.<br />

“We wanted to do something different: activating these cells<br />

without inflicting any damage to the retina. Our goal was to make<br />

neurons without having to kill any neurons in the first place,” Chen<br />

said.<br />

The cell’s decision to remain dormant or become active depends<br />

on a network of signaling pathways that is poorly understood.<br />

Chen’s team suspected that the Wnt signaling pathway was involved,<br />

since this pathway is also involved in embryonic development and<br />

the regulation of stem cell behavior. Thus, the researchers decided<br />

to test if they could reawaken MGs by increasing the activity of the<br />

Wnt pathway.<br />

In the traditional signaling pathway, Wnt proteins bind to cell receptors<br />

to initiate a cascade that eventually results in inhibition of<br />

the GSK3 protein. GSK3 normally degrades β-catenin, a signaling<br />

molecule that causes a number of cellular effects. Therefore, when<br />

the Wnt signaling pathway is activated, GSK3 is inactivated and<br />

β-catenin accumulates inside the cell. The increase in β-catenin then<br />

turns on a set of genes that can change the activity of the cell by<br />

promoting proliferation. To study how Wnt signaling affects MGs,<br />

Chen’s team used viruses to transfer the β-catenin gene into mouse<br />

MG cells, thus mimicking the effects of an activated Wnt pathway.<br />

medicine<br />


After the team transferred the β-catenin gene into the cells, a<br />

significant number of MGs began to reenter the cell cycle and proliferate.<br />

To confirm the role of β-catenin, the researchers next deleted<br />

the GSK3 gene, which encodes for the protein that degrades<br />

β-catenin—again causing a buildup of β-catenin. Once again, they<br />

observed significantly increased proliferation of MGs. They also<br />

discovered that β-catenin directly affected the expression of a gene<br />

called Lin28, which has been shown to regulate stem cell decisions.<br />

Chen’s team had made a remarkable discovery, being the first<br />

to activate the proliferative response of MGs without retinal injury.<br />

Now that they were capable of waking up MGs, they wanted to<br />

know whether their reactivated MGs were behaving like true stem<br />

cells—that is, whether the MGs were capable of generating other<br />

cell types. They transferred the β-catenin gene to a population of<br />

MGs and gave them time to activate and differentiate. When they<br />

analyzed the gene expression of the MGs, they found that the reactivated<br />

MGs expressed similar genetic profiles to several retinal cell<br />

types, suggesting that the MGs were able to differentiate in a stemcell-like<br />

manner.<br />

The impact of Chen’s study lies in its implications for stem cell<br />

regenerative therapy. “Stem cell therapies are promising for treating<br />

diseases of the human retina, where there is a loss of retinal cells,”<br />

Chen explained. These diseases include macular degeneration and<br />

glaucoma, both of which cause vision problems and can eventually<br />

lead to blindness. If stem cells could be used to regenerate lost retinal<br />

cells, then scientists and clinicians would have a novel tool to<br />

treat these types of degenerative retinal diseases. “We can activate<br />

this group of MG cells and potentially direct their differentiation<br />

into any type of retinal neurons, which could replace lost cells. Essentially,<br />

we are asking our retinas to repair themselves,” Chen said.<br />

Although the preliminary results are promising, Chen and the<br />

other scientists still do not fully understand the complex process of<br />

MGs differentiation. For instance, the researchers still do not know<br />

how reactivated MGs choose to become one cell type or another.<br />

“The challenge now is that even when the MGs reenter the cell cycle,<br />

they might not make the exact type of neuron we want,” Chen<br />

said. He would like to better understand the signaling pathways that<br />

guide MG differentiation in order to produce the cell types required<br />

for regenerative therapy. In the future, Chen would like to test different<br />

sets of factors that control MG differentiation. “We hope to use<br />

these factors to guide the differentiation of the reactivated MGs to<br />

make the types of cells that we want.”<br />

Chen and his team are currently focusing on two types of neurons:<br />

photoreceptor cells and ganglion cells. Both cell types are extremely<br />

important in eyesight, detecting light from the environment and<br />

converting it into electrical signals that can be routed to the brain.<br />

If scientists such as Chen’s team successfully produce new photoreceptor<br />

cells and ganglion cells from MGs, then these cell types could<br />

be restored in patients who have lost them due to injury or disease.<br />

Retinal stem cells are an important research topic, and Chen’s findings<br />

will be extremely valuable for other researchers in the field. For<br />

the first time, retinal cells regained stem cell abilities without injury.<br />

As the discovery improves our understanding of the fundamental<br />

signaling pathways behind stem cell differentiation, researchers<br />

could soon harness the abilities of stem cells to heal damaged tissues<br />

in patients. Chen is optimistic that other scientists will continue to<br />

build upon his findings. “This type of research will ultimately greatly<br />

benefit patients if we are successful,” he predicted.<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

December 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />



SEE<br />

STARS<br />

by Grace Niewijk || art by Anusha Bishop<br />

“We talk about a pre-antibiotic era and an antibiotic era. If we’re not careful, we will soon be in a post-antibiotic era.<br />

And, in fact, for some patients and some microbes, we are already there.”<br />

- Tom Frieden, CDC Director<br />

Scientists predict that, without a major pharmacological breakthrough,<br />

deaths from antibiotic-resistant bacteria will surpass<br />

cancer deaths by the year 2050. However, thanks to a team from<br />

the Melbourne School of Engineering, that breakthrough may be a bit<br />

closer. The team designed tiny, star-shaped polymers that were highly<br />

effective against multiple types of bacteria without allowing resistance<br />

development. Though more testing and development is required, scientists<br />

are hopeful that these polymers could avert a deadly global<br />

health crisis.<br />

Just as humans can build up tolerance to poisons by exposing themselves<br />

to incremental, sub-lethal doses over time, bacterial colonies<br />

can develop resistance to antibiotic drugs when exposed to non-lethal<br />

quantities. Although the biological processes are different, the result is<br />

the same: substances that would normally prove lethal suddenly fail to<br />

have an effect. In the case of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, this can mean<br />

infections and diseases that were once easily treated suddenly become<br />

deadly. Without antibiotics, even routine procedures like kidney dialysis,<br />

appendectomies, hip replacements, and biopsies would suddenly<br />

carry extremely high risk.<br />

Manisha Juthani-Mehta, an infectious diseases physician at the<br />

Yale School of Medicine, notes that drug-resistant bacteria have been<br />

around for decades, but modern medicine is exacerbating their proliferation.<br />

“We have far more [drug-resistant bacteria] now with prevalent<br />

overuse of antibiotics,” she said. The agricultural industry is by far<br />

the largest culprit of overuse, purchasing 80 percent of all antibiotics<br />

sold in the United States every year. The drugs help promote plant and<br />

livestock growth and protect crops and animals from diseases. While<br />

these uses are important, they are not so crucial that cutting back<br />

would be impossible. Overuse drastically increases the rate at which<br />

drug-resistant bacteria develop and spread in the environment and in<br />

30 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2016 www.yalescientific.org

iomedical engineering<br />


the food supply. Nursing homes and hospitals are other major breeding<br />

grounds for antibiotic-resistant bacteria. “In nursing homes, infections<br />

are commonly suspected and antibiotics are frequently prescribed.<br />

Older nursing home residents have multiple medical problems and are<br />

often exposed to multiple rounds of antibiotics” said Juthani, whose<br />

expertise involves infections in older adults. Although scientists and<br />

government agencies have encouraged farmers and medical professionals<br />

to limit antibiotic use, no strict regulations have been passed.<br />

For some infections, we are running out of treatment options. “We<br />

are more often stuck using very toxic, old antibiotics because we have<br />

no choice,” said Juthani. In some cases, even these last resorts are failing.<br />

Each time a bacterial infection becomes resistant to a particular<br />

drug, physicians can only hope that a new, more effective drug will<br />

be developed. Unfortunately, because bacteria generally develop resistance<br />

to a drug very quickly and thereby render it obsolete, antibiotic<br />

development is not profitable for pharmaceutical companies. “There<br />

have only been one or two new antibiotics developed in the last 30<br />

years,” said Greg Qiao from the University of Melbourne in a Science<br />

Daily article.<br />

That’s where the real stars come in. A team of Australian scientists—<br />

including Qiao, Eric Reynolds, and PhD candidate Shu Lam—recently<br />

published a paper in Nature Microbiology describing a promising alternative<br />

technology to combat multidrug-resistant bacteria. Instead<br />

of designing a traditional chemical drug treatment, the team developed<br />

what they call “structurally nanoengineered antimicrobial peptide<br />

polymers,” or SNAPPs, for short. The researchers were inspired<br />

by natural antimicrobial peptides, which are small proteins that play<br />

important roles in the immune systems of many organisms. Naturally<br />

occurring antimicrobial peptides cannot be used in clinical settings<br />

because they are often toxic to mammalian cells, but Lam and her<br />

team wanted to use them as a model for designing a powerful and safe<br />

antibiotic agent.<br />

The scientists meticulously designed the polymers down to the level<br />

of the individual building blocks—amino acids—that would make up<br />

the peptides. Out of the many amino acids available to them, the scientists<br />

chose lysine and valine. Lysine is a positively charged cation and<br />

was selected because cationic peptides were already known to exhibit<br />

antimicrobial activity. Valine, on the other hand, is uncharged and<br />

therefore hydrophobic, meaning it does not interact favorably with<br />

water or other polar molecules. Since hydrophobic materials interact<br />

favorably with other hydrophobic materials, valine’s hydrophobicity<br />

enables the SNAPPs to infiltrate the cell membrane, which is also<br />

mostly hydrophobic. Instead of just creating long chains of amino acids<br />

or allowing the polymers to self-assemble, the researchers attached<br />

groups of 16 or 32 chains to a multifunctional core, which served to<br />

promote water solubility and create the characteristic star shape. They<br />

hypothesize that the star shape optimizes functionality because it promotes<br />

peptide aggregation and localized charge concentration, which<br />

leads to more effective ionic interactions with bacterial membranes.<br />

After designing and successfully producing the polymers, the researchers<br />

assessed the activity of the SNAPPs against different species<br />

of bacteria. The SNAPPs were active against all bacterial species but<br />

were especially effective against Gram-negative bacteria, such as E.<br />

coli. Gram-negative bacteria are characterized by an outer membrane<br />

that normally acts as a highly impermeable barrier, but the researchers<br />

discovered that the SNAPPs could penetrate this membrane, since<br />

they have a high affinity for specific molecules found on it. The treatment<br />

was equally effective against antibiotic-resistant and susceptible<br />

strains of bacteria. The effectiveness of SNAPPs against Gram-negative<br />

bacteria is especially important because no antibiotic drugs currently<br />

under development are effective against Gram-negative infections.<br />

Before testing SNAPPs in living organisms, the researchers first performed<br />

a biocompatibility assay to ensure that the polymers would<br />

not attack mammalian cells. By incubating the polymers with sheep’s<br />

blood and measuring death rates of blood cells, the scientists determined<br />

that SNAPPs exhibit very low toxicity, even at concentrations<br />

100 times higher than what is required to kill bacteria. After confirming<br />

biocompatibility, they tested the effectiveness of SNAPPs by<br />

treating mice with rampant bacterial infections. The results were very<br />

promising—all mice treated with SNAPPs lived, compared to only<br />

20 percent of the untreated mice. In addition, SNAPP treatment enhanced<br />

the ability of white blood cells to infiltrate infected tissues, a<br />

benefit not displayed by mice treated with traditional antibiotics.<br />

The SNAPPs have multiple mechanisms of killing cells, making it<br />

more difficult for bacteria to develop resistance against them. The<br />

polymers’ partially hydrophobic composition allows them to infiltrate<br />

the membrane, but once they have done so, the positively charged<br />

amino acids disrupt membrane integrity and prevent regulation of ion<br />

flow. The star-shaped polymers can even aggregate and rip apart the<br />

membrane. The SNAPPs may also trigger the cellular processes that<br />

induce apoptosis, or cell suicide. All these mechanisms of antibiotic<br />

action are impressive individually, but when combined in a single molecule,<br />

they are incredibly powerful and difficult for bacteria to fight.<br />

Even after exposing 600 generations of bacteria to low concentrations<br />

of SNAPPs, the researchers could not detect bacterial resistance to the<br />

treatment. These results show great promise for SNAPPs as a longterm<br />

solution to the rise of superbugs.<br />

To bring treatments like SNAPPs into regular use, more research,<br />

development, and eventually clinical trials are needed. Although many<br />

industries and the public still fail to heed scientists’ warnings about antimicrobial<br />

resistance, governments and research institutions are starting<br />

to focus on the war against drug-resistant bacteria. On September<br />

21st, the United Nations held a summit on antimicrobial resistance<br />

and concluded that all countries must formulate a plan to combat it.<br />

At the beginning of October, the CDC announced that a Yale School of<br />

Public Health research team—along with 33 other teams—will receive<br />

funding as part of a $14 million effort to research antibiotic resistance.<br />

Hopefully, this collaboration between scientists and governments will<br />

allow SNAPPs—and perhaps other new technologies—to better aid in<br />

humanity’s battle against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.<br />


►Scanning electron micrograph image of methicillin-resistant<br />

Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). MRSA is one of the most well-known<br />

drug-resistant bacteria and is especially common in hospitals and<br />

sports settings.<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

December 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />



astronomy<br />



STAR<br />


32 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2016 www.yalescientific.org

From space, most stars never twinkle. Some dim periodically, betraying<br />

the clocklike passage of planets. But there is one star that flickers<br />

unlike any other seen before. Known as “Tabby’s Star,” this astronomical<br />

enigma has captured the imaginations of thousands of scientists<br />

and amateurs alike. Its mysterious blinking behavior was first spotted<br />

by amateurs and was subsequently investigated by former Yale postdoctoral<br />

fellow Tabetha Boyajian ’16. Because the behavior of Tabby’s Star<br />

is completely unlike that of similar stars, scientists have resorted to an<br />

array of wild theories as potential explanations—from a massive comet<br />

chain to an alien megastructure. New research suggests that the star is<br />

even more peculiar than previously thought, complicating attempts to<br />

explain its behavior and reinforcing the need for continued study of its<br />

idiosyncrasies.<br />

Tabby’s Star (more formally known as KIC 8462852, and more colloquially<br />

as the “WTF”—Where’s The Flux?— Star) was observed from<br />

2009 to 2013 by NASA’s Kepler Space Observatory. This orbiting telescope<br />

is designed to detect the shadows of exoplanets as they pass in<br />

front of stars. But because of its foreign behavior, Tabby’s Star was not<br />

detected automatically; it took the relatively untrained eyes of citizen<br />

scientists—amateur astronomy enthusiasts who volunteered to pore<br />

through Kepler’s data with their own eyes—to spot the bizarre signal.<br />

“When they first showed the data to me, I just thought it was bad data”,<br />

Boyajian said. “Our automated pipelines missed this feature because it<br />

was unlike anything we had seen before,” she added.<br />

So just what is it about Tabby’s Star that is so perplexing? Most stars<br />

exhibit small, periodic, and symmetrical dips in their brightness, if they<br />

exhibit observable periods of dimness at all. These dips are the result of<br />

the regular passage of an orbiting planet in between the star and the telescope,<br />

a planetary eclipse of sorts. But research by Boyajian demonstrated<br />

that Tabby’s Star exhibits frequent and irregular dips in its brightness<br />

too large to be caused by a planet. New research led by postdoctoral researcher<br />

Benjamin Montet of the University of Chicago revealed another<br />

feature not seen in any nearby or similar stars: a dramatic, long-term<br />

dimming over the four-year course of the Kepler study.<br />

The sum of these observations leads to a troubling but fascinating dilemma:<br />

nothing like Tabby’s Star has been seen before, and no single<br />

theory can make sense of all of the star’s unique characteristics. “There is<br />

no good explanation for what’s going on,” Boyajian said. All explanations<br />

must involve an event far larger than anything of its kind seen before,<br />

or a controversial phenomenon that has been theorized but never observed.<br />

One of the favored explanations presented by Boyajian’s team<br />

consists of a comet swarm around the star that causes its fluctuations<br />

in brightness; however, all comet swarms observed so far are hardly a<br />

tenth of the size that would be necessary to produce such a large signal.<br />

The most well-known explanation for the star’s behavior is an energy<br />

harvesting system built by extraterrestrial life (known as a Dyson sphere<br />

or Dyson swarm). That said, any theory of such elaborate proportions,<br />

particularly one based on phenomena that have yet to be observed, must<br />

be regarded with suspicion.<br />

When Kepler refocused in 2013 on a new mission, it appeared that<br />

researchers would have to rely on only four years of data to solve this<br />

astronomical Rubik’s cube. But once again, astronomy enthusiasts came<br />

to the rescue: a Kickstarter project initiated by Boyajian raised over<br />

$100,000—enough to fund a year of constant observation of the star<br />

through Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network. With<br />

continuous monitoring of Tabby’s Star at multiple wavelengths, Boyajian’s<br />

team will be able to observe long-term trends. They will also be able<br />

to react in real time to short-term changes in the star’s intensity, which<br />

astronomy<br />


wasn’t possible during the Kepler observations. Sudden changes will set<br />

off a “real-time trigger” that will cue the team to take a burst of higher<br />

resolution images, allowing them to better capture unprecedented rapid<br />

fluctuations in the star’s brightness. Subsequent analyses of these images<br />

have the potential to shed light on the cause of these fluctuations.<br />

While conclusions regarding Tabby’s Star are pending further observation,<br />

one message has already manifested: citizen science is a force<br />

with which to be reckoned. The discovery of Tabby’s Star and its continuing<br />

observation are the result of the massive amount of support that<br />

astronomy enthusiasts can provide; in addition being tracked by the<br />

global network of professional telescopes, Tabby’s Star will be monitored<br />

by the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO), an<br />

organization comprised primarily of amateurs.<br />

There are, of course, limitations to citizen science in the realm of astronomy.<br />

AAVSO is providing observations of Tabby’s Star to Boyajian’s<br />

team, collected by the home-operated telescopes of astronomy enthusiasts.<br />

Though these observations are useful, they are not as sophisticated<br />

or coordinated as those provided by a professional network. While this<br />

data may prove to be a helpful supplement, AAVSO is unable to provide<br />

a “real-time trigger” in the way that the Las Cumbres Observatory Global<br />

Telescope Network can. The numerous observation stations operated<br />

by AAVSO are not entirely standardized. As a result, observations from<br />

one station are systematically offset from others, precluding the use of<br />

AAVSO to identify short-term fluctuations.<br />

But what citizen science lacks in finesse, it makes up for in both manpower<br />

and willpower. “We were quite surprised by how many people<br />

were interested in supporting this project,” Boyajian said. Unlike many<br />

citizen scientist projects that rely on the human brain’s exceptional<br />

ability to recognize patterns in images— ‘pretty pictures,’” as Boyajian<br />

termed it—signing up for the Kepler project guaranteed hours of staring<br />

at graphs. That didn’t stop over 300,000 citizen scientists from contributing<br />

to the project and from being the first to spot this bizarre star. “Not<br />

a lot of astronomers take advantage of this immense resource,” Boyajian<br />

said. “I can definitely see citizen-science like this growing in the future.”<br />


►A theoretical diagram of Dyson Rings, an extraterrestrial energy<br />

harvesting device that has been proposed as a possible, albeit farfetched,<br />

explanation for the observations of Tabby’s Star.<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

December 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />





The prevalence of obesity and Type 2 diabetes has been increasing for<br />

at least 50 years. Attempting to explain this trend from an evolutionary<br />

perspective, researchers developed the “thrifty gene hypothesis”: the<br />

idea that evolution selected for genes that promote fat storage as an<br />

evolutionary advantage during famines.<br />

The hypothesis originated in 1962, when James Neel proposed that<br />

modern living conditions had created an evolutionary mismatch,<br />

which occurs when genes that once were advantageous become<br />

deleterious in a new environment. He concluded that this mismatch<br />

had contributed to an increase in Type 2 diabetes, and his hypothesis<br />

was the first widely discussed idea on the subject. However, in 1989,<br />

Neel reviewed his own work and realized that his hypothesis was<br />

probably incorrect, for famines occurred too infrequently to have<br />

generated significant selection pressure. Since then, the theory has<br />

been put aside in favor of other hypotheses, and the new results<br />

discussed below solidify that move.<br />

Guanlin Wang and John Speakman of the Chinese Academy of<br />

Sciences found genetic evidence opposing the thrifty gene hypothesis.<br />

They examined 115 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), or<br />

common genetic mutations, that had previously been found to be<br />

correlated with obesity. They used genomes from a database compiled<br />

by the 1000 Genomes Project, an international collaboration to<br />

document genetic variability among different ethnicities, to ensure<br />

that effects of specific subpopulations did not influence their results.<br />

When Wang and Speakman analyzed the SNPs associated with a<br />

higher body mass index (BMI) in obese and control populations, they<br />

found no significant selection for these genes, suggesting that evolution<br />

has not selected for obesity. In fact, of the nine genes associated with<br />


►Calorie dense junk food has contributed to the rise of type 2<br />

diabetes and obesity.<br />

BMI, five of them had decreased, rather than increased, fat storage.<br />

Their discovery is not consistent with the genetic basis of the thrifty<br />

gene hypothesis, increasing the plausibility of other theories about<br />

the underlying causes of obesity. Dr. Stephen Stearns, Yale professor<br />

of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, cites two other hypotheses to<br />

replace the thrifty gene hypothesis: the thrifty phenotype and the<br />

hygiene hypotheses.<br />

Hales and Baker proposed the thrifty phenotype hypothesis in 1992,<br />

suggesting that the body uses information from the environment<br />

early in life to predict its needs for the future environment. These<br />

environmental conditions can induce epigenetic changes, or<br />

nongenetic mechanisms, that affect phenotypic (observable) traits.<br />

They found that babies born during the Dutch Hunger Winter, a<br />

six-month food blockade by the Germans in the Netherlands, were<br />

more prone to insulin resistance due to a nutritional deficit in the<br />

womb. Insulin promotes the absorption of sugar from blood into<br />

tissues, but under starvation conditions, nonessential tissues become<br />

less responsive to insulin so that the brain can receive enough sugar.<br />

When the Germans left, food was abundant, so the environment that<br />

the baby was prepared for did not match the environment it was born<br />

into. As a result, the people born in this period were more prone to<br />

diabetes and other diseases. “This trend can be observed under normal<br />

circumstances, too, as birth weight is a good predictor of the risk of<br />

being affected by diseases later in life,” said Dr. Stearns. The thrifty<br />

phenotype hypothesis addresses a major problem from the thrifty<br />

genotype hypothesis. If there had been continued, strong positive<br />

selection for increased fat storage, all humans would be obese because<br />

these genes would be fixed, or permanently added to the human<br />

genome. In contrast, with “thrifty phenotypes,” epigenetic factors are<br />

affected by the environment and can vary among people.<br />

The hygiene hypothesis relates the gut microbiota to metabolic<br />

diseases. The gut microbiota is composed of bacteria that help to<br />

break down macromolecules and absorb nutrients; it is sensitive<br />

to environmental stimuli. For example, babies born by C-section<br />

rather than vaginal birth have different microbiota because they were<br />

not exposed to the bacteria in their mother’s birth canal, and being<br />

breastfed or taking antibiotics can also affect a baby’s gut microbiota.<br />

These changes have been shown to affect their risk of obesity, insulin<br />

resistance, and Type 2 diabetes.<br />

With a lack of genetic evidence to support the claim that humans<br />

evolved to better store fat, the thrifty phenotype and hygiene hypotheses<br />

are now favored to replace the thrifty genotype hypothesis. Wang and<br />

Speakman’s paper provides more concrete evidence to refute the thrifty<br />

gene hypothesis, supporting what many scientists already believed.<br />

Because the thrifty phenotype and hygiene hypotheses explain why<br />

metabolic diseases can be inherited but are also heavily influenced by<br />

the environment, they provide a more robust explanation for the rise<br />

in obesity and Type 2 diabetes.<br />

34 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2016 www.yalescientific.org

BLAST<br />

from<br />

the<br />

PAST<br />

Malaria: Finding the Missing Pieces of Malaria’s Migratory Patterns<br />


In 1925, Spain’s Catalan Government set up a humble<br />

hospital in the Ebro Delta region. The hospital treated<br />

patients suffering from malaria. Ildefonso Canicio, a<br />

doctor at the hospital, spent decades diagnosing and<br />

treating patients. By drawing blood from patients,<br />

and placing a drop on a microscope slide, he could<br />

determine whether the blood contained Plasmodium,<br />

the parasite that causes malaria.<br />

Canicio threw away most of his slides, but he kept<br />

a few slides from the 1940s. Little did he know that<br />

seventy years later, these slides would provide insight<br />

into the global migratory patterns of the malaria<br />

Plasmodium.<br />

To fight malaria in the present day, researchers are<br />

looking to the past to understand how the parasite<br />

evolved over time, specifically exploring how human<br />

movements transmitted the parasite across the globe.<br />

Malaria was successfully eradicated from Europe after<br />

World War II. Thus, researchers have had to search<br />

for old, badly preserved slides from Europe’s preeradication<br />

era, hoping to find clues about the nowextinct<br />

parasite.<br />

Carles Lalueza-Fox, a paleo-genomics researcher<br />

at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology in Barcelona,<br />

reached out to Canicio’s family who gave him three<br />

slides to analyze. Back at the lab, he quickly realized<br />

that analyzing the slides would be difficult. “There<br />

were just a few drops of blood in the samples. Once<br />

they were extracted and sequenced, they were gone.<br />

The slides were fragile and covered with stains and<br />

oils,” said Lalueza-Fox.<br />

Despite the fragility and small size of the samples,<br />

Lalueza-Fox and his team successfully obtained<br />

a huge amount of genetic data from Plasmodium<br />

mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Unlike nuclear DNA,<br />

mtDNA is inherited only from the mother, so it is<br />

better suited for determining the maternal lineage<br />

and genealogy of a species. “As far as I know, this is<br />

the first study where such old slides were used and<br />

such an amount of genetic data from the pathogens<br />

was retrieved,” Lalueza-Fox added.<br />

Using the reconstructed European Plasmodium<br />

mtDNA genomes, Lalueza-Fox and his team shed light<br />

on certain controversies surrounding the parasite’s<br />

evolutionary history. “It was not clearly understood<br />

how the pathogen spread along different continents,<br />

because Europe was central to some of these dispersals<br />

but no data from Europe was available,” noted Lalueza-<br />

Fox.<br />

His team found surprising genetic similarities<br />

between European Plasmodium mtDNA and Indian<br />

Plasmodium mtDNA. Lalueza-Fox believes that<br />

malaria was transmitted from India to Europe when<br />

the Persian Empire expanded into India in the sixth<br />

century BCE.<br />

The team also found evidence that European,<br />

Central American, and South American parasites<br />

are genetically similar–indicating that, the exchange<br />

of food, plants, culture, and technology between the<br />

Old World and the Americas in the 15th and 16th may<br />

have helped spread malaria.<br />

Lalueza-Fox is now attempting to construct the<br />

nuclear genome of the European Plasmodium<br />

parasite. “So far, we have about 40 percent of the<br />

nuclear genome of the P. falciparum. I reckon we need<br />

four or five more slides,” Lalueza-Fox said.<br />

In Lalueza-Fox’s opinion, understanding the<br />

nature of parasites from 100 years ago is critical for<br />

understanding the resistance of modern parasites to<br />

treatment. “Plasmodium is a very dynamic organism<br />

and very difficult to tackle because of these mutations,”<br />

Lalueza-Fox added.<br />

His team will continue to search for the missing<br />

pieces of the Plasmodium “puzzle,” researching the<br />

extinct parasite to enhance our understanding of<br />

malaria.<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

December 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />



DEVIN CODY (SM’17)<br />



Ten. Ten Yalies begin the countdown, holding their breath,<br />

praying. Nine. A lone rocket sits in an endless expanse of canyonfilled<br />

wilderness. Eight. They smile, their eyes never straying from<br />

Chronos, awaiting the culmination of their year of work. Seven. Six.<br />

The numbers fly, tumbling out of their mouths. Five. Four. Three.<br />

The exhilaration builds. Two. All they can do now is watch. One.<br />

Devin Cody, now a senior double majoring in Electrical<br />

Engineering and Applied Physics, remembers that day in June<br />

of 2014 clearly. The competition rocket team, a subset of the Yale<br />

Undergraduate Aerospace Association (YUAA), launched Chronos,<br />

a rocket which they had been developing for months, seven thousand<br />

feet into the air, earning second place at the Intercollegiate Rocket<br />

Engineering Competition. The objective of their launch was to test<br />

general relativity using two atomic clocks. They hoped that the clock<br />

in the rocket would tick slower (on the scale of ten trillionths of a<br />

second) relative to the clock on the ground due to time dilatation,<br />

a physics framework that dictates how time passes differently in<br />

different reference frames. Although the data from the clocks was<br />

ultimately inconclusive, the launch itself was successful.<br />

For Cody, launching Chronos was a thrilling experience. “It was<br />

exhilarating to see our rocket fly into the air at close to the speed of<br />

sound, just praying that the parachutes would deploy,” said Cody.<br />

Since the launch, he has become an active member of the YUAA. He<br />

served as one of the group’s co-presidents during his junior year, and<br />

he continues to serve as a senior advisor on their executive board<br />

this year.<br />


►Devin Cody serves as a senior advisor on the Yale Undergraduate<br />

Aerospace Association’s executive board.<br />

During his sophomore year, Cody was selected to lead a YUAA<br />

project to build a radio telescope. He drew on his experiences from<br />

the previous summer at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory<br />

in West Virginia, where he helped improve the accuracy of<br />

telescopes by developing code to both detect and correct errors and<br />

malfunctions. At Yale, Cody’s 16 person team designed and built an<br />

8 foot telescope, complete with a mount, receiver, and control code.<br />

“That was a really cool project for me because I got to work with<br />

some incredible engineers at Yale and with people who became some<br />

of my closest friends,” said Cody. The telescope currently sits on the<br />

roof of the Yale Leitner Observatory and Planetarium.<br />

Cody’s favorite research, however, was the work he did this summer<br />

with the Avionics and Hardware Engineering group of SpaceX,<br />

a private company currently pushing the boundaries of aerospace<br />

technology. SpaceX aims to bring down the cost of access to space by<br />

developing technology that will enable rocket reusability. At SpaceX,<br />

Cody developed an Electromagnetic Compatability (EMC) testing<br />

apparatus to test whether a coaxial cable provided adequate shielding.<br />

While he was there, Cody tested which shielding mechanisms were<br />

the most effective, research that was in great demand by members<br />

in other groups within SpaceX. “It was incredible seeing the impact<br />

that my work had almost immediately,” said Cody. “I think you<br />

realize your work matters when you have people from the other side<br />

of the company pushing you to get your work done fast because they<br />

need your results to make informed decisions about their work.”<br />

Well into his senior year at Yale, Cody is now exploring another<br />

passion, quantum computing. Together with Professor Michel<br />

Devoret, he is studying quantum bits (qubits) in order to determine<br />

their properties. Qubits are similar to regular computer bits—<br />

both are small units of data used to store information and execute<br />

instructions. However, qubits are used in quantum computers and<br />

are potentially capable of more efficient calculations. To investigate,<br />

Cody and a graduate student from Devoret’s lab are designing a<br />

computationally efficient method of optimizing qubit design.<br />

Devin Cody will graduate from Yale this spring with a double<br />

major in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering and copious<br />

work experience at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory,<br />

SpaceX, NASA, and the Yale Quantum Institute. When asked about<br />

his plans for after Yale, Cody laughed. “It’s a valid question, I don’t<br />

have many answers just yet. I’m not entirely sure what I want to<br />

do… definitely electrical engineering.” But even within electrical<br />

engineering, Cody is certainly not tied to any one area, and it will be<br />

fascinating to see in which direction he chooses to launch.<br />

36 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2016 www.yalescientific.org


DR. RALPH GRECO, M.D. ‘68<br />



Dr. Ralph Greco, a talented physician at Stanford Medical School,<br />

conducts research, but his biggest contribution to the field of medicine<br />

does not involve a pipette. Greco’s biggest contributions have<br />

been his improvements to the surgical residency program at Stanford.<br />

When asked about his motivation for researching resident wellbeing,<br />

Ralph Greco recites the chilling story of a promising student’s<br />

suicide. This incredibly talented man had graduated from the Stanford<br />

program and was completing further training in Chicago when<br />

he died. Greco recalls the memorial service he held in his house as<br />

particularly somber since the resident had left notes for his parents,<br />

recounting the verbal abuse he experienced daily from a surgeon in<br />

the program.<br />

The history of resident abuse can be charted back to a specific doctor<br />

from the 1800s. Greco cites surgeon William Stewart Halsted as<br />

the father of both the modern residency program and the cruelty<br />

associated with it. Greco’s theory is that Halsted’s implementation<br />

of the residency program at Johns Hopkins University had a basis in<br />

verbal abuse and authoritarian behavior, likely the result of his cocaine<br />

addiction. Because Halsted formally trained the first chairs of<br />

many medical schools, the cycle of abusive role models continued.<br />

After his resident died, Greco wanted to create a change and prevent<br />

further resident abuse.<br />

Greco, along with other esteemed academics interested in resident<br />

wellbeing at Stanford, began to break the cycle. Stanford was among<br />

the first institutions to implement a mandatory 80-hour workweek<br />

for residents: a precedent that other medical schools soon followed.<br />

He also created the Balance in Life program at Stanford—a program<br />

focused on promoting physical, psychological, professional, and social<br />

balance among residents through events, mentorships, healthy<br />

food and mental health initiatives. Since then, Greco has devoted<br />

the latter part of his career to improving the residency system, and<br />

he hopes to stop mentors from participating in abusive behavior targeted<br />

at residents.<br />

Not all medical professionals support Greco’s intentions, however.<br />

Greco recognizes that hospitals are reluctant to pour money into resident<br />

wellbeing—and into medical schools in general—because they<br />

want to maintain their efficiency. He has also had difficulty changing<br />

the mindset of doctors who once dealt with abusive behavior themselves.<br />

“Just as people who are abused sometimes become abusive<br />

parents, and learn to do that, this mindset becomes part of the upbringing,”<br />

Greco explains. The cycle is difficult to break.<br />

Greco has not limited himself to the pursuit of scientific endeavors.<br />

He is also an avid sculptor, and has been since he picked up the<br />


►Dr. Ralph Greco is a physician at the Stanford School of Medicine,<br />

where he has started the Balance in Life program to improve resident<br />

wellbeing.<br />

hobby at Princeton when an art teacher “took him under her<br />

wing.” Greco now considers stone his favorite medium. Art is extremely<br />

important to Greco, and he connects the activity to his focus<br />

on resident wellbeing. By pursuing his passion for art, he hopes to<br />

model a healthy work-life balance and show residents and doctors<br />

that they can make time for the hobbies that they love. He admits<br />

that finding this balance is difficult during residency, but creating a<br />

foundation for students to have a healthy mindset is critical.<br />

Greco cites Yale as an important place that opened doors for him<br />

as a physician scientist. He still talks with friends from medical<br />

school, and he continues to attend reunions. Greco plans to formally<br />

retire from Stanford next year, but he does not anticipate problems<br />

with his program after his retirement. He has already recruited the<br />

next leader of the program, and Greco is confident that she will continue<br />

working to educate residents and improve their lives at work.<br />

In retirement, Greco hopes to advance his artistic prowess and continue<br />

creating stone sculptures, although he does point out that stone<br />

is not the lightest material to work with.<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

December 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />



book review<br />




Until recently, microbes were primarily seen as carriers of sickness<br />

and disease. However, with technological advances and a few key<br />

discoveries that have highlighted their potential for medicine, microbes<br />

are now in the research spotlight. Ed Yong explores the nature of the<br />

close relationship between bacteria and animals in his new book I<br />

Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of<br />

Life.<br />

Yong begins by discussing the sheer ubiquity of microbes, thousands<br />

of which exist in the air, food, water, and even on this page. Then, he<br />

weaves a narrative that follows how microbes affect our bodies: how<br />

we maintain and manipulate our relationship with them, the benefits<br />

we reap from this relationship, and what happens when it fails. His<br />

chapter on horizontal gene transfer, the movement of genes from<br />

one organism to another without a parental-offspring relationship,<br />

was particularly interesting. He included an example of Bacteroides<br />

plebeius, a bacterium common throughout the world, and Zobellia<br />

galactanivorans, a bacterium found on seaweed. In the Japanese<br />

population, which consumes seaweed more regularly than the rest of<br />

the world, Zobellia has transfered the genes responsible for seaweed<br />

digestion to Bacteroides, which resides in the gut of the Japanese<br />

population.<br />

Yong also weaves an interesting narrative about the Wolbachia<br />

bacterium into the book. “Wolbachia is so fascinating because<br />

of how widespread it is and how it plays important roles in human<br />


►BY PAUL HAN<br />

disease,” said Yong. It is heralded as<br />

one of the most successful microbes<br />

on the planet because of its presence<br />

in 40 percent of insect and arthropod<br />

species. It originally did not have a<br />

practical medical application when it<br />

was first discovered but has recently<br />

been found to be able to potentially<br />

treat tropical diseases like the Dengue<br />

fever. “The whole story is a testament<br />

to science that does not have to have an<br />

immediate and practical application,”<br />

said Yong.<br />

In I Contain Multitudes, Yong<br />


nods to past, notable discoveries in<br />

microbiology research, while incorporating examples of current<br />

research that connect to his themes. He also introduces a refreshing<br />

feeling of wonder—a feeling that is often ignored in books on<br />

similar topics—by highlighting the beauty of these microbial-animal<br />

interactions. “I wanted to get people to appreciate how interesting<br />

microbes are, rather than viewing them as sources of disease or dirt,<br />

to actually realize that they are important parts of the world around<br />

us. We should embrace that they are the dominant form of life on the<br />

planet with profound influences on the way life works,” said Yong.<br />

In popular science, few things are as romanticized as space exploration.<br />

It is the classic science fiction plot: the fearless captain and his loyal crew,<br />

journeying where no man has gone before. Yet to the average American,<br />

space exploration appears to be beyond our grasp, a distant, fanciful<br />

possibility in the drudgery of day-to-day life.<br />

A new podcast is hoping to change that perception. “Are We There<br />

Yet,” hosted by Brendan Byrne, follows the multifaceted efforts of<br />

interplanetary space travel, ranging from NASA’s New Horizons Probe<br />

to Elon Musk’s mission to Mars. Through informative discussion and<br />

interviews with the men and women at the forefront of space exploration,<br />

Byrne hopes to answer to question: “Are we there yet?”<br />

Byrne was inspired to start his podcast after researching NASA’s and<br />

other organizations’ plans to go to Mars. Byrne chose the podcast format<br />

over a traditional news segment so that he could explore his topics in<br />

greater detail. “I get the chance to really dig into these topics and not<br />

be constrained by time,” he explained. “I hope each episode inspires the<br />

listener to do some more exploring on their own.”<br />

Each week, Byrne introduces a topic, briefly shares his own perspective<br />

on the state and significance of the issue, and introduces his guest,<br />

whom he then interviews for the remainder of the podcast. His guests<br />

are typically scientists, researchers, and engineers from institutions such<br />

as NASA and Caltech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory—all at the forefront of<br />

their field. They are courteous, intelligent, and highly informed.<br />

They are not, however, entertaining. While excellent sources of<br />

information, Byrne’s interviews are often dry and at times descend into<br />

jargon. While expert sources are an invaluable part of the show, the<br />

podcast would benefit from more speaking time for the host. When<br />

Byrne speaks, he immediately makes the subject more accessible. “I hope<br />

to take these insanely complicated technologies or plans and make them<br />

understandable,” he explained. He also understands the importance of<br />

public interest in the future of space exploration. “To succeed at space<br />

exploration, we need public support.” As a host, Byrne is excellent at<br />

exposing his listeners to these complicated technologies. He simply<br />

needs to put greater emphasis on making them accessible.<br />

While “Are We There Yet?” presents scientifically accurate and<br />

relevant information, it does not capture the audience’s imagination.<br />

There is promise, though. “We’re hoping to expand the show into a<br />

more produced and immersive experience,” he stated. If Byrne can<br />

execute his vision, “Are We There Yet” will be a compelling, entertaining,<br />

and informative program. Right now, however, it is more like a weekly<br />

fireside chat. For those captivated by the subject alone, however, this<br />

podcast is still worth a listen.<br />

38 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2016 www.yalescientific.org

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