Hydrolife Canada February/March 2017

It is amazing how an event from almost 20 years ago can remain fresh in the mind. It certainly doesn’t seem that long ago that Canadian Ross Rebagliati rocketed down Nagano’s Olympic giant slalom snowboard course, ripping through the finish line to claim the first-ever Olympic men’s snowboarding gold medal despite starting the final run in eighth position. Since then, Rebagliati has become a cultural phenomenon and advocate of marijuana use, and it is no coincidence that since that foggy day on Mount Yakebitai near Nagano, how we perceive the use of marijuana in society has changed for the better. Hydrolife recently caught up with Rebagliati to talk about Nagano, his thoughts on marijuana, and the launch of Ross’ Gold. It is amazing how an event from almost 20 years ago can remain fresh in the mind. It certainly doesn’t seem that long ago that Canadian Ross Rebagliati rocketed down Nagano’s Olympic giant slalom snowboard course, ripping through the finish line to claim the first-ever Olympic men’s snowboarding gold medal despite starting the final run in eighth position. Since then, Rebagliati has become a cultural phenomenon and advocate of marijuana
use, and it is no coincidence that since that foggy day on Mount Yakebitai near Nagano, how we perceive the use of marijuana in society has changed for the better. Hydrolife recently caught up with Rebagliati to talk about Nagano, his thoughts on marijuana, and the launch of Ross’ Gold.


heal “WHEN USING medical marijuana as a sleep aid, be careful not to overdo it or consume sativa-dominant strains, as doing so may increase heart rate and alertness, furthering your inability to sleep.” MMJ For those of you who like to calm your nerves with a nightcap, it may be a good idea to consider other options. Medicalgrade cannabis can have very positive effects on the ability to fall asleep, stay asleep, and quality of sleep. Currently, there is mixed research on the effects of cannabis on sleep, some suggesting that cannabis, like alcohol, may interfere with REM sleep, others suggesting just the opposite. However, qualified medical marijuana patients consistently report waking up feeling refreshed after a full-night’s rest while using cannabis as a natural sleep aid. The same reports are unavailable for alcohol users, most likely due to a little thing we’ve all come to fear called hangovers. When using medical marijuana as a sleep aid, be careful not to overdo it or consume sativa-dominant strains, as doing so may increase heart rate and alertness, furthering your inability to sleep. EXERCISE EARLY If you spend most of your day relatively immobile, odds are your body isn’t going to feel the need to sleep quite as early as your mind might. Desk jobs are notorious for causing this discrepancy between body and mind. It’s important to regain that equilibrium for the sake of your sleeping habits. Unfortunately, busy schedules don’t exactly make time for a trip to the gym before or after work, so if you are bound to a desk all day long, get outside and go for a walk on one of your breaks. If you do feel like going the extra mile, so to speak, make sure to get your exercise in at least an hour before going to bed so you aren’t overly energized when it comes time to rest. STAY CLEAN AND COMFORTABLE Maintaining good hygiene and comfortable surroundings helps create a more suitable environment for sound sleep. Throughout the day we encounter bacteria, viruses, allergens, dust, moulds, and more, which can all contribute to sneezing, coughing, itching, congestion, laboured breathing, and a general feeling of discomfort. Keeping your garments, linens, and overall environment free of contaminants will help prevent additional distractions that keep you from a better night’s sleep. Wearing breathable clothing and keeping the room temperature cool will also help lull you into deep sleep, as your body temperature naturally decreases during this process. Even better, save some time for a hot shower before sleep to cleanse your body as well as help relax your muscles. ABANDON TECHNOLOGY Recent studies have pointed to a possibility that the high intensity light emitted by technology such as smartphones, televisions, tablets, and computers may in fact delay a person’s ability to fall asleep or become tired. Some researchers believe this happens as an involuntary reaction to bright light that imitates the sun. They believe that this artificial light emission may signal our brains to prepare for being awake, since sunlight is typically associated with hours spent awake. This is why reading a book is generally preferred over watching a show within the last hour or two before bed, so we can attempt to prime ourselves for sleep rather than activity. Listening to upbeat music is also not recommended, as it may inspire an adrenaline rush to the bloodstream. On that same note, playing high intensity video games or watching a thriller right before bed might cause your body to tense up, delaying your ability to relax and sleep even more. MEDITATION For some, meditation may bring to mind a calling of the spirits and singing "Kumbaya". And for some, this may work, but for the sake of this article, having a full-fledged seance is not necessary to improving sleep. Basically, the point here is to decompress and allow yourself to let go of all the frets you’ve encountered over the course of the day, bringing both your mind and body into a tranquil state. Ancient breathing exercises have long been favoured by yoga enthusiasts as a means of achieving deep relaxation and meditation. Voice coaches also teach their students these techniques to improve lung capacity. While there are hundreds of different strategies, one of the most simple and effective methods is the 16-16- 16. While lying flat (preferably on a yoga mat or something similar), relax your shoulders and waist, allowing all of your weight to sink down into the earth. Inhale fully within a 16 second count, hold for 16 seconds, and then distribute a full exhale within another 16 seconds. After repeating this cycle three or more times, you will begin to feel fully relaxed and refreshed. Preceding these breathing exercises with some stretching will also lend itself toward a deeper sense of relaxation upon completion. 48 grow. heal. live. enjoy. myhydrolife.ca

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myhydrolife.ca grow. heal. live. enjoy. 49

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