Mangshir – National Upliftment Monthly


Year : 1, Issue : 3 Publication for Nation Development on Agriculture Hydro and Tourism sector National by HFNUpliftment Monthly NATIONAL UPLIFTMENT MONTHLY November 2016 Year : 1, Issue : 3 www .hfnnepal .com Impact of Climate Change and Earthquake in Mountain Tourism of Nepal Awareness for Tourism and Tourism for Development ! A Unique Adventure Destination

Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

Publication for Nation Development on Agriculture<br />

Hydro and Tourism sector <strong>National</strong> by HFN<strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong><br />




November 2016<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

www .hfnnepal .com<br />

Impact of Climate<br />

Change and Earthquake in<br />

Mountain Tourism of Nepal<br />

Awareness for Tourism and<br />

Tourism for Development !<br />

A Unique Adventure<br />


2<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> Year : 1, Issue : 3

Year : 1, Issue : 3 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 3<br />



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4 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> kf7s kq<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

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Year : 1, Issue : 3 cGtjf{tf{ ko{6g <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 5<br />

Awareness for Tourism and<br />

Tourism for Development !<br />

A person who is<br />

going with advocacy<br />

for Tourism of Nepal<br />

since many years<br />

and talking on FM<br />

Radios, Televisions,<br />

Newspapers and<br />

sharing time to<br />

communicating in<br />

mass of people. He is<br />

a founder Chair Person<br />

of Tourism Planet<br />

Nepal, An Advisor of<br />

Nepal Promotion and<br />

sub committee - TAAN<br />

, A Social worker with<br />

a well Experienced of<br />

Sales and Marketing.<br />

We are talking with Mr.<br />

Bijay Kumar Dhakal !<br />

Mr. Bijay, what made you to jump in<br />

this journey to Promote Tourism of<br />

Nepal?<br />

Sir, Actually I don’t know what is<br />

Tourism and what we can return from?<br />

But I know what a product is and<br />

where to share and SALES! We have<br />

Planet best products in Adventure.<br />

Here is no any comparison with the<br />

High Himalayas of Nepal. We are<br />

blessed with Mt Everest and Everest<br />

is best DIAMOND of the Planet<br />

and many Diamonds are dancing in<br />

Nepal. Just here is lacking of Imaginer<br />

of Sales and connecting the products<br />

in matching markets. I just tried to<br />

aware the responsible head.<br />

What return you are looking for?<br />

Not I am looking. The country is<br />

waiting for a mass opportunity for<br />

Youths of whole Nation and Tourism<br />

is great Pocket to Creating JOBS and<br />

opportunity.<br />

What do you think; Adventure is<br />

enough or any other products too?<br />

Nepal is known as a country of<br />

Nature and Adventure. And diversity<br />

of Cultures is a great additional asset.<br />

Religious and Historic monuments are<br />

great path to connect Mass tourism<br />

in Nepal. Lumbing for Buddhist and<br />

Shree Pashupati Nath and Janakpur<br />

for whole Hindu of the World!<br />

What do you think about the<br />

Infrastructure?<br />

Sir, What do you think about<br />

the Sources of Income? Nepal is<br />

generating more than Nrs -1 billion<br />

(USD 10 Million) each year by a one<br />

single body but where are going this<br />

FUNDS? Lease search / track the<br />

FUNDS and we will have entire Infras.<br />

It takes little bit times but Dream of<br />

developments are no far.<br />

What do you think about to AWARE<br />

the people on Tourism?<br />

These days, people have great<br />

awareness about tourism but need<br />

to more continuity with the slogan<br />


GOD! Need awareness on Tourism<br />

and benefits for future generation.<br />

Awareness activities by major<br />

stakeholders Nationwide.<br />

What do you think about Air<br />

connectivity?<br />

Days are going to be changed. What<br />

I had seen yesterday those are not<br />

today and what are going today it<br />

will not be tomorrow. Because I had<br />

forecasted on 2014 about the Aviation<br />

activities what comes in future and<br />

today we can see on TIA!<br />

What do you think about political<br />

challenges?<br />

Corruption is great Cancer and some<br />

where it begins from there but they<br />

are not the 100% central character.<br />

Corruption is growing as Culture in<br />

civil society too and We must have to<br />

clean this dust first from our side.<br />

What is the impact of Earth quake ?<br />

Earth Quake totally downed our<br />

Dream but 16 to 17 percentage<br />

tourism areas are only affected.<br />

Others are completely ready to<br />

serve all. Our stakeholders are totally<br />

absent to explore this news on<br />

proper time. East, West , Mid west<br />

and Far West were / are totally safe<br />

for any Domestic or International<br />

Tourist. This is / was the missing of<br />

Marketing.<br />

In Finally what future you are looking<br />

for tourism of Nepal?<br />

The question has to go with major<br />

stakeholders of Tourism Sector.<br />

Because they are the FUND holder<br />

and it depends how they are<br />

operating the business? There are no<br />

any doubts that Nepal is highly fertile<br />

by products of Tourism but lacking of<br />

Intension of Operation the Business<br />

Globally. Need basic long term<br />

marketing with visionary thought not<br />

Freezing the FUNDS. At last æljsf;sf]<br />

nflu ko{6g, ko{6gsf] nflu hgr]tgfÆ /<br />

Awareness for Tourism and Tourism<br />

for Development !

6 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> ljljw<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

Buddha Economics<br />

In<br />

Model Village Development Program all over for<br />

Stability and Peace<br />

Siva Adhikari<br />

Starting,<br />

Wisdom of the<br />

people carries everything<br />

possible for the welfare<br />

of human being. Now<br />

because all must concern<br />

go to the welfare activities<br />

carrying and promoting<br />

social behavior that may<br />

direct for prosperity and<br />

peace all over in the<br />

world.<br />

Changing social<br />

behavior to this time due<br />

to the hard core pressure<br />

of globalization making<br />

all into one communicating ground<br />

can share every matter among how<br />

that all could be managed for all.<br />

Message becoming so fast running<br />

matter that immediately reaches<br />

everywhere to make people aware in<br />

the incident and others any happening<br />

in some corner that reach to all<br />

becoming the great benefit of the<br />

people in entire world. Globalization<br />

benefiting to all making available<br />

everything produced in any corner<br />

and making easy movement to all<br />

can go everywhere share the ideas<br />

and views of the people all the<br />

improvement trying to equate the<br />

share of outcome whatever done<br />

in the sectors of economy now<br />

becomes the hope to go for further<br />

development.<br />

Think all about the time has<br />

come to be together with close<br />

cooperation to make settlement<br />

everywhere and wherever all do<br />

must be happiest with right track<br />

of pleasant environment. If such<br />

thinking conceived from within<br />

with the learning of the Buddha<br />

Eightfold Path everyone living in<br />

this earth becomes popular among<br />

the community working together<br />

for the welfare activities. Onwards<br />

to the parameter of pristine and<br />

solid standing of the ambition<br />

of the people to lead the society<br />

with purified sense covering all to<br />

maintain prestigious and dignified<br />

status might be the canon of bridge<br />

that makes easily carrying people<br />

to the opposite shore where all the<br />

pleasure remains.<br />

Tourism in Nepal<br />

Nepal is a mountainous country<br />

has greater strength of natural<br />

beauties to enjoy the people visit each<br />

and every parts of it. Since back to<br />

the prehistoric period cowherd came<br />

with Krishna and start keeping cows<br />

in their sheds and one of them came<br />

to the capacity in ruling here as they<br />

started the Gopal dynasty for some<br />

years was the giant step forwarded

Year : 1, Issue : 3 ljljw <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 7<br />

on tourism they were the ruling<br />

tourism. Then after the days and<br />

the year's movement of the people<br />

was common to go here and there<br />

for the purpose of carrying business<br />

and so many activities they use to<br />

be performing that's all proved for<br />

the promotion tourism business. In<br />

this modern age the window has<br />

been open to all and they used to go<br />

and come as they like where they<br />

become satisfied with the purpose<br />

they are carrying.<br />

Regarding all the same for<br />

Nepal, has been just prone to<br />

be in exploration of adventures<br />

tourism since we know and like be<br />

extending to promote with the same<br />

foundation. Because, Nepal stands<br />

with paradise of diversified climate<br />

in terms even we now have the<br />

number of visitors nearly about 800<br />

thousands. So the need of various<br />

managerial activities to promote<br />

required to be done from the<br />

authorities educating the importance<br />

to the people that generates every<br />

opportunities of employment<br />

generating income even to the local<br />

communities.<br />

Diamond Jubilee Celebration of<br />

Mount Makalu and Kanchenjunga<br />

Since the need urgently arising to<br />

manage socio-economic problems<br />

around, government now looking<br />

forward how to make open the<br />

windows of tourism widening<br />

its boulevard all over the world.<br />

On all the way in managing the<br />

economic sphere Mt. Makalu<br />

& Mt. Kanchenjunga Diamond<br />

Jubilee Celebration Program<br />

and International Conference<br />

on Mountain Tourism, Climate<br />

Change, and Earthquake in Nepal<br />

becoming a great hope for opening<br />

the economic prosperity of the<br />

country. Because tourism is a big<br />

industry in Nepal if rightly explore<br />

in the international arena.<br />

Program was held following<br />

with UAAA (Asian Mountaineering<br />

and Climbing Federation) general<br />

assembly becoming the historic<br />

moment to Nepal to explore<br />

mountain tourism rightly all over. In<br />

the program participants were from<br />

different countries that accounts<br />

about 30 in Number including<br />

Japan, China, Netherland, India,<br />

New Zealand, Bhutan, Taiwan, and<br />

many others were the attraction of<br />

the program. They were presenting<br />

paper with great ideas and ways<br />

they citing to the programmer<br />

keeping great values for promotion<br />

of tourism industry all over Nepal.<br />

The program held in 18-<br />

19 November 2016 (3-4 Mansir<br />

2073) in Kathmandu in Hayat<br />

Hotel, and the same celebration<br />

taken place in Chilachila Dada of<br />

Khadbari Shankhuwasaba on 21<br />

November that was grace by the<br />

presence of President of Nepal Mrs.<br />

Viday Bhandari and again the same<br />

program on the way celebration of<br />

Kanchenjunga was held in Suketar<br />

Taplejung which was graced by<br />

the prime minister of Nepal Mr.<br />

Puspakamal Dahal (Prachanda).<br />

There in both historic moments<br />

the all national and international<br />

Makalu/Kanchenjunga summiteers<br />

were presented and they were<br />

honored. Simultaneously, there<br />

also held Asian Mountaineering<br />

and Climbing Federation (UAAA),<br />

General Assembly and International<br />

Conference of Mountain Tourism and<br />

Climate Change organized on 18-19<br />

November in Kathmandu widening<br />

the window on the way extending<br />

the tourism industry in Nepal. Mr.<br />

Ang Chhiring Sherpa Chairman of<br />

Nepal Mountaineering Association<br />

working as a Member Secretary,<br />

Mt. Makalu& Mt. Kanchenjunga<br />

Diamond Jubilee Celebration Main<br />

Organizing Committee who played<br />

a leading role to make the program a<br />

success deserves all the admiration<br />

in this regard.<br />

Whatever the activities performed<br />

from the part of the organizer of the<br />

Jubilee Celebration committee was<br />

praise worthy in the professionals in<br />

tourism and the development activists<br />

as well. Taking the grand opportunity<br />

of the Jubilee celebration international<br />

conference also held with the paper<br />

presentation, interaction and opening<br />

sharing events really standing a<br />

precious matter to the professionals in<br />

this respect. Dr. Ganesh Gurung was<br />

the convener of the program coordinate<br />

all the eminent professionals from<br />

Nepal and abroad were the highly<br />

qualified academician presented<br />

paper and shared valuable matters<br />

for overall development of tourism<br />

industries.<br />

Paper presenter was on Climate<br />

Change and tourism in Sikkim by<br />

Mr. Yeshi Dorjee, President, and<br />

Sikkim Association of Adventure<br />

Tour Operators (SAATO). The next<br />

one was Mr. Deo Raj Gurung, from<br />

Bhutan/Remote Sensing Specialist,<br />

ICIMOD presenting paper on<br />

Impact of Geo-hazard /Earthquake<br />

on Mountain Tourism. And the other<br />

was on Adventure Tourism in Nepal:<br />

Opportunities and Challenges by<br />

Mr. Chandra Prasad Rijal President<br />

and Mr. Tek Bahadur Mahat, CEO,<br />

Trekking Agencies," Association of<br />

Nepal (TAAN). All the three paper<br />

were highly impressive and insightful<br />

to the professional. Chairman of the<br />

first session was Dr. Ganesh Gurung<br />

former member of <strong>National</strong> Planning<br />

Commission and the Moderator was<br />

Ms. Lisa Choegyal, Independent<br />

Tourism Consultant and Honorary<br />

Consul -New Zealand conclude with<br />

highly inspiring thoughts becoming<br />

the lesson learn to the people in this<br />

regard.<br />

Similarly the session chaired by<br />

Mr. Robin Busted and the moderator<br />

of second session Ms. Yankila Sherpa<br />

former state minister of Tourism<br />

and tourism professional rightly<br />

convened all to make the program<br />

effective. The presenter were: one<br />

from India Mr. col Haribhajan<br />

Singh Chauhan, President Indian<br />

Mountaineers Federation (IMF)<br />

on Changing Tourism Scenario<br />

in India, the other one Mr.Thakur<br />

Devkota Thematic Leader, Tourism,<br />

Nature, Culture and Heritage, NAP<br />

Process Nepal presented paper on<br />

Climate Change and its Impact<br />

on Livelihoods, similarly the next<br />

Mr. Marcello Notarianni, Senior<br />

Tourism Sepecialist, ICIMOD

8<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> ljljw<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

on Mountain Tourism Recovery<br />

Strategies and Crisis Management,<br />

and the Last Prof. Dr. Hari Prasad<br />

Shrestha, Executive Member NMA<br />

and Mr.Jinesh Sindurakar Chief<br />

Adinistrative Officer, NMA, on<br />

Importance of Peak Profile in<br />

Mountain tourism of Nepal. All the<br />

papers were highly inspirable to the<br />

participants to receive the argument<br />

for interaction.<br />

The same program continued<br />

on the 19 November starting with<br />

morning colorful procession started<br />

from Tudikhel, gone through<br />

Tridevi Marga Thamel. That<br />

rounded through Lainchaur reached<br />

Narayanhity national museum there<br />

the procession was received and<br />

honored by Kathmandu Metropolitan<br />

City to all summiteers.<br />

After the morning procession<br />

conference continued in Hayat<br />

Hotel presenting 4 papers from the<br />

professionals was quite academic<br />

session to the tourism business<br />

people. Session was chaired by Mr.<br />

H.E. Mr. Kjell Tormod Pettersen,<br />

Ambassador of Norway and the<br />

paper presented on Earthquake<br />

in Nepal and Impact to Tourism<br />

with Revitalizing Strategy by<br />

Jaynarayan Acharya, DG.Depart.<br />

, of Tourism. Similarly the next<br />

paper presented by Ajaya Dixit,<br />

Executive Director, ISET Nepal, on<br />

Building Resilient Livelihoods in<br />

Nepal Hazards cape and the other<br />

paper was on Weather Services in<br />

Mountain Tourism by Mr. Rishi<br />

Raj Sharma, Director General<br />

Department of Hydrology and<br />

Meteorology. Last paper to this<br />

session was presented by Mr.<br />

Prasant Singh General Secretary<br />

- Climate Alliance for Himalayan<br />

Community on Recalibrating<br />

Mountain Development. Concluding<br />

the program by H.E. Mr. kjell<br />

appreciate all presenter and advice<br />

to work hard for the environmental<br />

protection reducing global warming<br />

which becoming the threats all over.<br />

Program Moderator was Mr. Deepak<br />

Joshi Chief Executive Officer Nepal<br />

Tourism Board.<br />

The next and the last session<br />

of the conference was chaired by<br />

Honorable Minister Mr. Jeewan<br />

Bahadur Shahi, Minister of<br />

Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation<br />

(MoCTCA) and moderator of the<br />

program was Mr. Prachanda Man<br />

Shrestha Former Chief Executive<br />

Officer, Nepal Tourism Board<br />

(NTB) and he is expert in Tourism<br />

convened the program and call<br />

presenter to present were first one<br />

was Mr. Frits Vrijlandt, President<br />

of UIAA delivered on Challenges<br />

of Safety in Mountaineering. The<br />

next one was Dr. Lee in -Ueung,<br />

President of UAAA presented<br />

on Mountain Sports for Tourism<br />

Promotion in Asia. Similarly on the<br />

topic Climate Change and Tourism<br />

in Asia by Mr. Tomatsu Nakamura,<br />

Honorary member UIAA, and the<br />

last was the paper on Immpact of<br />

Climate Change and Earthquake in<br />

Mountain tourism of Nepal by Mr.<br />

Ang Chhiring Sherpa, President<br />

of NMA who was the organizing<br />

member secretary of the program<br />

in Nepal. All the papers were with<br />

high academic and on professional<br />

values to the business carrier in<br />

the tourism and the students on the<br />

subject studying even they are in<br />

the academic ladders in different<br />

college and universities all over.<br />

Lastly the program concluded<br />

by felicitating the climbers of the<br />

Mt. Makalu and Mt. Kanchenjunga<br />

followed by unique cultural<br />

program by Sherpa community, all<br />

were the attraction of the program<br />

where international participants<br />

were found excited to learn much<br />

the Nepalese different culture and<br />

tradition becoming all thought<br />

the program was historic one ever<br />

happened in Kathmandu Nepal.<br />

Honorable Minister Mr. Jeewan<br />

Bahadur Shahi concluded the<br />

program with thoughtful remarks.<br />

So, all the activities whatever<br />

performed in the program were with<br />

unique value which hoped highly<br />

encouraging to the professional<br />

in the tourism business with<br />

environmental consideration<br />

would be the great contribution<br />

to the global perspective. In the<br />

program souvenir Parvat released<br />

containing various mater of tourism<br />

performance whatever done and on<br />

the matters on future perspective<br />

was the additional benefit.<br />

Model Village<br />

Not merely the purposes of<br />

tourism all concerned to have<br />

comfort of living through the income<br />

generating from any business, all<br />

commonly calling it a profession<br />

to make everything managed well<br />

in the village is the Model Village<br />

indeed. Consequently, we all are<br />

talking about Model village through

Year : 1, Issue : 3 ljljw <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 9<br />

the way of utilization of resources<br />

mentioned in Asta Ja. The same<br />

resources could be used through<br />

the way of learning the lesson<br />

from Buddha Eightfold Path that<br />

assimilate with the Asta Ja because<br />

both must carried in the same footing<br />

to make all the program a success.<br />

Sustainable development creating<br />

congenial environment would be<br />

successfully made running all over<br />

on the basis of Model Village set<br />

if competitively put it among the<br />

people they would automatically<br />

working for development instead<br />

making dispute among themselves.<br />

Buddha Economics<br />

Economics of Buddha with<br />

renaissance rightly led by the people<br />

everywhere would be the perfect way<br />

to maintain peace all over. That's<br />

why the earth becoming so bared<br />

and exhausted from the rare matters<br />

that are essential to the living beings,<br />

indicating dangers after extinguishing<br />

all from, must be the considerable<br />

issues to the authorities in the world.<br />

E.F. Shumacher in this respect lays<br />

his opinion in his book 'Small is<br />

Beautiful' alerting to all if continuous<br />

using the resources excessively<br />

extracting from the womb of earth that<br />

will once reach to the point of time to<br />

be vacant. Then all must be staying<br />

in terrible situation. As in the case of<br />

fossil oil that we are globally using,<br />

without lives of the people becomes<br />

stopped, if that finished what the<br />

scenario would be presenting to the<br />

human world.<br />

E.F. Schumacher writes<br />

"Right Livelihood' is one of the<br />

requirements of the Buddha's Noble<br />

Eightfold Path. It is clear, therefore,<br />

that there must be such a thing as<br />

Buddha economics'. Buddhist<br />

countries then gone to have their<br />

strong believe on in between the<br />

sentimental spirituality in the East<br />

and modernization of the Western<br />

World. They are thinking to take<br />

the strange pace seems to go<br />

towards systematization of social<br />

welfare everywhere following<br />

the middle way. In the case of<br />

Burma Shumacher himself was the<br />

consultant to the government there<br />

had not any sign of conflict between<br />

religious values and economic<br />

progresses. He says spiritual health<br />

and natural material products are<br />

not enemies but they are the allies<br />

to maintain all the existence of the<br />

living beings in the earth. Therefore<br />

opinion of Schumacher greatly tilled<br />

to the religious and spiritual values<br />

of our heritage with the benefits<br />

taken from the modern technology.<br />

Conclusion<br />

Tourism in Nepal becomes the<br />

heavenly gift if some believe on<br />

must be geared through the way<br />

creating congenial environment<br />

that must be lead by the program<br />

of government. One event has<br />

had in Kathmandu with the great<br />

effort the organizer becoming<br />

a milestone to promote the<br />

professional team to lead in this<br />

regard would be rightly mentioned<br />

in the Diamond Jubilee Program<br />

provoking all the sleeping<br />

agencies and peoples them and<br />

must awake with encouraging<br />

spirit to promote tourism business<br />

that becomes prime supporter<br />

national economy. If we came<br />

to work carefully protecting<br />

environment creating right set of<br />

living being in comfortable living<br />

managing all the fauna and flora<br />

in the paramount diversification<br />

of the nature would become the<br />

great source of income that make<br />

the environment to keep all the<br />

youths working in the countries<br />

instead going outside to sell<br />

their labor. Reconstruction that<br />

has been devastated in the last<br />

earthquake was the main concern<br />

in the conference how could it be<br />

supported from abroad was also<br />

hoped from hearing the voice of the<br />

international participants. Anyway<br />

message of Model Village on the<br />

basis of Buddha Economics for<br />

sustainable development that<br />

may come to be supportive to<br />

the announcement of UN also<br />

could successfully achieved<br />

within its target if it followed<br />

by the mountain environmental<br />

management and ecotourism<br />

promotion through Nepal.<br />

Let's come to be alert to start<br />

from Nepal that the Renaissance<br />

of the time for peace all over the<br />


10 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> ljljw<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

ls:g] vf]nf afFw l;FrfO *) k|ltzt ;DkGg<br />

? !! s/f]8sf] demf}nf l;FrfO cfof]hgf ;DkGg x'Fb}<br />

demf}nf l;FrfO cfof]hgfcGtu{t emfkfsf] uf}/fbx uflj;sf]<br />

ls:g] vf]nfdf ;'? ePsf] ls:g] vf]nf afFw l;FrfO of]hgfsf]<br />

sfd nueu *) k|ltzt ;DkGg ePsf] 5 . uf}/fbx uflj;sf<br />

j8f g+ #, $, %, * / ( df sl/a Ps xhf/ $@@ la3f v]tdf<br />

l;FrfO ;'ljwf k'¥ofpg] p2]Zon] ;f] of]hgf ;'? ePsf] l;FrfO<br />

ljsf; l8lehg sfof{no e›k'/sf l8lehg k|d'v O{Zj/L<br />

ltjf/Ln] hfgsf/L lbg'eof] . l;FrfOsf nflu ls:g] vf]nf<br />

d"n gx/sf] nDafO &.@% lsdL x'g] 5 . ;f] of]hgfaf6 gf}<br />

;o &) 3/w'/L nfeflGjt x'g]5g\ / ls;fgn] rfx]df hltv]/<br />

klg l;FrfO ;~rfng ;lsg] 5 . lznfGof; ePsf] nueu<br />

b'O{ jif{ x'g nfu]sf] ;f] of]hgfsf nflu :yfgLo hgtf nfdf]<br />

;dob]lv k|of;/t lyP . l;FrfO ljsf; sfof{non] klg<br />

lgoldt ?kdf cg'udg Pjd\ lg/LIf0f ub}{ cfPsfn] of]hgf<br />

;dod} ;DkGg x'g] cj:yfdf k'u]sf] :yfgLojf;Ln] atfPsf<br />

5g\ . of]hgf sGsfO OG6/g];n laN8;{ k|fln ;'?Ëfn] ?<br />

!! s/f]8 @# nfv &* xhf/df 7]Ssf lnO{ sfd ;'? u/]sf]<br />

lyof] . k|ltx]S6/ ? Ps nfv (% xhf/ $&^ nfut nfUg] ;f]<br />

of]hgfn] emfkfsf] pTkfbg / pTkfbsTj b'j}df ;sf/fTds<br />

e"ldsf lgjf{x ug]{ 5 . v]/ uO/x]sf] vf]nfsf] kfgLn] cGg<br />

pTkfbgdf ;xof]u ug]{ ePsfn] of]hgfaf6 :yfgLo hgtf<br />

lgs} xlif{t b]lvPsf 5g\ .<br />

Gourmet Vienna Meat & More Products<br />

Co . Pvt . Ltd .<br />

Budhanilkantha Metropolitan City, Sirdi Colony, Mandikhatar, Kathmandu,<br />

Nepal Tel No: +977-1-4373795, 4375587, 4375978<br />

Mob: +977-9851021942, 9802021942, HOT-LINE: 9818206142

Year : 1, Issue : 3 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 11

12 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> cy{<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

ljkGgdfyL a}+lsª æ6r{/Æ<br />

Zofd ;'Gb/ k'8f;}gL<br />

g t alnof] cj:yfdf<br />

a}+sx¿sf] pkl:yltn]<br />

g} d'n'ssf] cfly{s<br />

ljsf;df 6]jf k'Ug] xf] .<br />

d'n'ssf] lbuf] cfly{s<br />

ljsf; / pkef]Qmfx¿sf]<br />

a[xQ/ lxtsf nflu<br />

pTkfbgzLn If]qdf<br />

nufgL a9fpg}<br />

kb{5 . t/ s]xL<br />

gLltx¿sf] cGof]ntfn]<br />

/fi6« a}+sn] lgb]{zgdfq}<br />

lbg] / a}+sx¿n]<br />

To;nfO{ ;'g]/ p8fOlbg]<br />

c6]/Lkg b]lvPsf] 5 .<br />

d' k[i7e"ld kf/ u/]/ cfPsf]<br />

n'ssf] cfly{s ;d[l4sf nflu<br />

a}+s tyf ljQLo If]qsf] e"ldsf<br />

dxTjk"0f{ dflgG5 . 4G4sf]<br />

xfd|f]h:tf] d'n'ssf] hh{/ cy{tGqdf dnd<br />

nufpg a}+lsª If]qsf] cem} ljlzi6 e"ldsf /<br />

xG5 . xfn cGt/f{li6«o cy{ Joj:yfdf tLj|?kdf<br />

pbf/Ls/0f, e"d08nLs/0f / lghLs/0fsf] a9\<br />

bf] dfu Pp6f r'gf}ltsf ?kdf b]lvPsf] 5 .<br />

o:tf r'gf}ltsf] ;fdgf ub}{ ax'kIfLo Jofkf/<br />

ljsf;sf] cjwf/0ffk|lt g]kfnsf] k|ltj4tfnfO{<br />

cfly{s ljsf;sf] cfwf/ agfpgsf nflu<br />

klg a}+lsª If]qn] v]ln/x]sf] e"ldsfsf] pRr<br />

d"Nof+sg ug}{k5{ . d'n'sn] clxn] cfly{s<br />

ljsf;sf nflu a}+lsª If]qaf6 7"nf] ck]Iff<br />

u/]sf] 5 . To;sf nflu a}+lsª If]qdf lbuf]<br />

ljsf;sf] vfFrf] b]v]/ a}+sx¿sf] lgods g]kfn<br />

/fi6« a}+sn] gLltut txaf6} ;'wf/sf nflu<br />

ljleGg k|of;x¿ ul//x]sf] 5 . x'g klg a}+lsª<br />

If]qsf] lbuf] ljsf;lagf cfw'lgs cy{tGqsf]<br />

kl/sNkgf klg ug{ ;lsb}g .<br />

cfly{s ;d[l4df a}+lsª If]qsf] e"ldsf<br />

xfd|f] a}+lsª If]q slt alnof] 5 eGg] s'/f<br />

cl3Nnf] jif{ ef/tn] nufPsf] gfsfaGbLaf6<br />

k|i6 eO{;s]sf] 5 . d'n'ssf w]/} If]qdf To;sf]<br />

uDeL/ k|efj k/]klg a}+lsª If]qnfO{ To;n]<br />

xNnfpg ;s]g . o;sf] dtnj g]kfnsf]<br />

a}+lsª If]q cfkm\g} v'§fdf pleP/ ca ult to<br />

u/L lxF8\g yfln;s]sf] 5, h;nfO{ ;fgf]ltgf]<br />

emf]Ssfn] xNnfpg ;Sb}g . a}+lsª If]qsf] of]<br />

dha'tLnfO{ ca d'n'ssf] cfly{s ;d[l4kl§<br />

cln a9L nufpg'kg]{ cfjZostf 5 . ljQLo<br />

;fwgsf] cefjn] cfly{s ultljlwdf ;ªs'rg<br />

cfP/ cGttM o;n] d'n'sdf ul/aL / a]/f]huf/L<br />

a9fpg], cfw'lgsLs/0f / zx/Ls/0fsf] ult<br />

cj?4 kfg]{, pRr b/df d"Noj[l4 x'g], hgtfdf<br />

g}/fZo pTkGg eO{ ;dfhdf åGå pTkGg x'g],<br />

xTof–lx+;f / c;'/Iff a9\g] tyf ;fdflhs,<br />

cfly{s / /fhg}lts c/fhstf a9\g uO{ d'n's<br />

cwf]ultlt/ nfU5 . o:tf] x'gaf6 /f]Sg a}+lsª<br />

If]qsf] e"ldsf dxTjk'0f{ x'G5 .<br />

gfkmfd} s]lGb|t a}+lsª If]q<br />

a}sx¿ gfkmfsf nflu dfq} x'Fb}gg\ .<br />

a}+sx¿ lghL eGg] klg x'Fb}gg\ . lsgeg] a}+s<br />

cfd gful/ssf] ljZjf; lht]/ :yflkt ePsf]<br />

;+:yf xf] . o;df cfd gful/sx¿sf] art tyf<br />

nufgL x'G5 . To;}n] a}+lsª If]qn] nufgLstf{sf]<br />

dfu k"lt{ ug]{ dfq xf]Og, d'Vo¿kdf ljQLo<br />

;fwg pknAw u/fpg klg e"ldsf v]Ng'k5{ .<br />

artstf{ / nufgLstf{aLr dWo:ysf] e"ldsf<br />

v]Nb} ;du| cy{tGqsf] pGglt Pj+ k|ultdf<br />

;xof]u k'¥ofpg o; If]qsf] e"ldsf dxTjk"0f{<br />

x'g'k5{ .<br />

/fi6« a}+s eGg]dfq}, a}+sx¿ ;'Gg]dfq}<br />

pbf/ cfly{s gLltn] g]kfndf a}+s tyf<br />

ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ;+Vof al9/x]sf] kl/k[Ifdf /fi6«<br />

a}+sn] o;nfO{ /f]Sg r'Qmf k'FhLsf] …3'dfp/f]Ú<br />

gLlt Nofof] . /fi6« a}+ssf] of] sbdaf6 ;'?df<br />

a}+s/x¿ ctflnPklg cGttM pgLx¿n] a}+lsª<br />

If]qsf] dta'ltsf nflu g} /fi6« a}+sn] sbd<br />

rfn]sf] eGg] s'/f :jLsf/ u/] . t/ a}+sx¿sf]<br />

;+Vof 36fP/ / dha't agfP/dfq} x'Fb}g . ca<br />

tL a}+sx¿nfO{ pTkfbgzLn If]qdf nufgL ug{<br />

k|f]T;fxg ug'{kg]{ cfjZostf 5 . agfOPsf<br />

gLltnfO{ s8fO{sf ;fy sfof{Gjog ug{ /fi6«<br />

a}+s / /fi6« xLtsf nflu nufgL ug{ a}+sx¿<br />

tof/ /xg'k5{ . lsgsL g]kfndf a}+s tyf<br />

ljQLo ;+:yfsf] nufgL pTkfbgzLn If]qeGbf<br />

klg cg'Tkfbs If]qdf a9L eO/x]sf] b]lvG5 .<br />

cg'Tkfbs If]qdf u/]sf] nufgLn] d'n'ssf] lbuf]<br />

cfly{s ljsf;df pNn]vgLo e"ldsf lgjf{x<br />

ug{ ;Sb}g . a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx¿sf]<br />

cf]O/f] dfq} nfu]/ ;dfh / pkef]QmfnfO{<br />

6]jf k'U5 eGg] xf]Og . g t alnof] cj:yfdf<br />

a}+sx¿sf] pkl:yltn] g} d'n'ssf] cfly{s<br />

ljsf;df 6]jf k'Ug] xf] . d'n'ssf] lbuf] cfly{s<br />

ljsf; / pkef]Qmfx¿sf] a[xQ/ lxtsf nflu<br />

pTkfbgzLn If]qdf nufgL a9fpg} kb{5 .<br />

t/ s]xL gLltx¿sf] cGof]ntfn] /fi6« a}+sn]<br />

lgb]{zgdfq} lbg] / a}+sx¿n] To;nfO{ ;'g]/<br />

p8fOlbg] c6]/Lkg b]lvPsf] 5 . of] k|j[lQn]<br />

d'n'ssf] cfly{s ljsf; s;/L x'g ;S5 < s]<br />

d'n'ssf] cfly{s ljsf;df a}+sx¿sf] bfloTj<br />

5}g < o;af/] vf;u/L a}+sx¿n] g} a9L<br />

;f]Rg'kg]{ cfjZostf 5 .<br />

gLlt / gf/fsf] cf}lrTo<br />

Pdfn] g]t[Tjdf /x]sf] cl3Nnf] ;/sf/n]<br />

Pp6f lgs} dxTjk"0f{ Ph]08f p7fof], z}lIfs<br />

k|df0fkqsf cfwf/df shf{ lbg] . pTkfbgsf]<br />

If]qdf o;nfO{ clt g} dxTjsf ;fy x]l/Psf]<br />

lyof] . t/ Tof] ;/sf/ gf/f cnkq kf/]/<br />

alxu{ldt eof] . ;/sf/sf] ;f] gf/f ;+;bdf k|:<br />

t't ul/Psf] gLlt tyf sfo{qmddf dfq} ;Lldt<br />

eof] . Tof] clxn] klg dGqfnosf] s'g} sfuhL<br />

98\8fdf ylGsP/ a;]sf] xf]nf . g Tof] of]hgf<br />

/fi6« a} +ssf] df}lb|s gLltdf c6fof] g csf] { ;/

Year : 1, Issue : 3 cy{ <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 13<br />

sf/sf] lg/Gt/tfdf k¥of] . of] ;]nfof] / x/fof] .<br />

dg' {eGbf cl3 g} v'§f tGsfpg] k|ljlQn] oxfF<br />

s'g} klg of]hgf nfu' x'g r'gf}lt yKg] u/]sf]<br />

5 . a} +sx¿n] ;'?d} of] Joj:yf nfu' x'g} ;Sb}g<br />

eg]sf] e/d} /fi6« a} +s kl5 ;g' {x' Fb}g lyof] .<br />

pTs[i6 gLlt / To;sf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjog<br />

u/fpg ;Sg] xf] eg] oxfF ;a} s'/f ;Dej<br />

5 . t/ a} +sx¿n] Pp6f klg ljsNk g/flv<br />

l;w} …sfof{Gjog c;DejÚ, …xfdL lbg} ;Sb}gf} FÚ<br />

elglbP . ;/sf/n] klg pgLx¿n] eg]s} s'/fnfO{<br />

kTofof] / of]hgf gf/fd} ;Lldt u/fOlbof] .<br />

/fi6« a}+sn] pTkfbgzLn If]qdf a}+s tyf<br />

ljQLo ;+:yfn] sDtLdf !% k|ltzt nufgL<br />

ug{'kg]{ gLlt g} Nofof] . t/ klg ;a} a}+s tyf<br />

ljQLo ;+:yfn] !% k|ltzt nufgL k'¥ofpg<br />

g;ls/x]sf] cj:yf 5 . kl5Nnf] k6s Tof] cem}<br />

a9fP/ @) k|ltzt k'¥ofpg'kg]{ u/L Joj:yf<br />

rflxg] cfjZos ef}lts k"jf{wf/x¿sf] cefj<br />

clxn] klg b]lvPsf] 5 . To;}n] of] If]qsf] lbuf]<br />

ljsf; tyf lj:tf/sf nflu cfjZos kg]{<br />

ef}lts k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0fsf nflu of]hgfa4¿kdf<br />

nufgLsf xftx¿ a9fpg]tkm{ To:tf a}+s<br />

tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx¿ cu|;/ x'g'kb{5 .t/ tL<br />

If]qx¿df a}+sx¿sf] cu|;/tf Psbd} Go'g<br />

b]lvG5 . pgLx¿ h'g If]qdf a9L gfkmf 5<br />

ToxL If]qd} a9L s]lGb|t b]lvPsf 5g\ . t/<br />

jf:tljstfdf clxn] dfly pNn]lvt If]qx¿df<br />

a}+lsª nufgLsf] clt g} vfFrf] 5 . h'g If]qx¿<br />

d'n'ssf] lb3{sfnLg cfly{s ;d[l4;+u ufFl;Psf<br />

5g\ .<br />

;'/Iffsf] jftfj/0f lgdf{0fdf a}+sx¿<br />

lgZro klg nufgL ;'/IfLt If]qdf ul/G5 .<br />

nufgLsf] ;'/Iff eP/dfq} s'g} klg If]qdf nufgL<br />

a}+s tyf ljQLo If]q bL3{sfnLg¿kdf ;kmn<br />

aGg ;Sb5g\ / a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx¿n]<br />

cfˆgf] ;fdflhs, cfly{s / /fli6«o bfloTj k"/f<br />

u/]sf] eGg ;Sg] l:ylt /xG5 .<br />

ægf] l/:s gf] u]gÆ<br />

s'g} klg d'n'ssf] ljsf;sf nflu nufgL<br />

clt dxTjk"0f{ kf6f] xf] . nufgL geP cfly{s<br />

lqmofsnfk a9\b}g / cfly{s lqmofsnfk a9]g<br />

eg] d'n'ssf] cfly{s ;d[l4sf] hu alnof] x'g<br />

;Sb}g . To;}n] s'g} klg d'n'sn] lb3{sfnLg<br />

ljsf;sf nflu a}lsª If]qnfO{ k|d'v cfwf/ :<br />

tDe dfg]sf] x'G5 . To:tf] ljlzli6s[t bhf{nfO{<br />

a}+lsª If]qn] ;Ddfg ug'{k5{ / d'n'ssf]<br />

ljsf;df cem} zfnLg e"ldsf lgjf{x ug'{k5{ .<br />

cGt/f{li6«o a}+lsª k|0ffnL;+u xfd|f] a}+lsª<br />

k|0ffnLnfO{ bfFHg yflnPsf] 5 . d'n'ssf]<br />

b]z alnof] eof]<br />

eg] ;Gtltsf]<br />

eljio alnof]<br />

x'g]5 . b]z alnof]<br />

eof] eg] o"/f]k /<br />

cd]l/sfsf] le;f<br />

nfUbf s/f]8f}Fsf]<br />

nf]6«L k/]h:tf] u/L<br />

b+u x'g'kg]{5}g .<br />

oxL b]zsf] gful/<br />

s ePsf]df uj{<br />

ug{ ;lsg] 5 .<br />

ul/Psf] 5 . t/ 7"nf a}+sx¿n] To;df vf;}<br />

;Gt'li6 hgfO{/x]sf 5}gg\ . jfl0fHo a}+sx¿n]<br />

sDtLdf @ k|ltzt ljkGg ju{df nufgL ug'{kg]{<br />

Joj:yf /fi6« a}+sn] Nofof] . t/ To;df sltko<br />

jfl0fHo a}+sx¿n] cfklQ hgfP . hf] Psbd}<br />

b'vb\ kIf xf] . a}+sx¿n] aflif{s cj{eGbf<br />

a9L ?k}ofF hgtfaf6 sdfO{/x]sf 5g\ . ToxL<br />

sdfO{sf] s]xL lx:;f ul/adfyL nufgL u/<br />

eGbf pgLx¿nfO{ …bfFtaf6 kl;gf r'lxg'Ú b'vb\<br />

dfq} geP/ nHhf:kb s'/f klg xf] .<br />

a}+lsª nufgL vf]lh/x]sf If]qx¿<br />

a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx¿ s[lif, lzIff, :<br />

jf:Yo, ko{6g, hgzlQm ljsf;h:tf If]qsf]<br />

lj:tf/ / pGgltsf nflu cem} klg kof{Kt<br />

nufgL ug{ lxrlsrfO{/x]sf 5g\ . d'n's leq<br />

s]xL ;'wf/x¿ x'Fb} uPsf] eP klg To;sf nflu<br />

ug]{ xf] . pTkfbgzLn If]qnfO{ nufgLsf] ;'/<br />

lIft If]q dfGg a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx¿ cem}<br />

dflg/x]sf 5}gg\ . t/ lb3{sflng ?kdf x]g]{ xf]<br />

eg] pTkfbgzLn If]q g} nufgLsf] nflu ;'/lIft<br />

If]q xf] . To:tf] cj:yf ;[hgf ug{ clxn] yf]/}<br />

…hf]lvdÚ lng'k5{ . clxn]sf] hf]lvdn] eljiodf<br />

a}+lsª If]q;lxt d'n'snfO{ g} ;d[l4tkm{ pGd'v<br />

u/fpF5 . s[lifhGo pBf]u, jg k}bfjf/,<br />

h8La'6L / cfo'j]{lbs cf}iflw nufot If]qdf<br />

a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx¿sf] ;+ul7t nufgL<br />

cfjZos 5 .<br />

jfl0fHo a}+sx¿dfkm{t\ lelqg] /]ld6]G;sf]<br />

7"nf] lx:;fnfO{ pTkfbgd"ns If]qdf nufgL<br />

ug{ cfslif{t ug{'kb{5 . pTkfbgzLn If]qdf<br />

nufgLsf ;Defjgfx¿sf] vf]hL u/L To;<br />

If]qdf a9L nufgL ug]{ gLlt lnPdf dfq} To:tf<br />

cy{tGq ;fgf] cfsf/sf] ePklg oxfFsf] a}+lsª<br />

If]qsf] ;antf k|z+;fof]Uo 5 . o;df /fi6«<br />

a}+snfO{ lglZrt ?kdf hz hfG5 . t/<br />

ca /fi6« a}+sn] a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{<br />

pTkfbgzLn If]qdf a9LeGbf a9L ;xefuL u/<br />

fpg] afWosf/L gLlt tof/ ug' {k5{ . cyjf clxn]<br />

ePsf] Joj:yfnfO{ cem} km/flsnf] agfP/ nfu'<br />

u/fpg'kb{5 . xfdL;+u s]xL pbfx/0f 5g\, n3'ljQ<br />

;+:yfx¿n] b'u{d ufpFdf h'g lsl;dn] sfd<br />

ul//x]sf 5g\, To;n] NofO/x]sf] kl/jt{g . To:<br />

t} sfd ug] { bfloTj jfl0fHo a} +sx¿sf] klg xf] .<br />

pgLx¿df klg /fi6«k|ltsf] lhDd]jf/L /xg'k5{ .<br />

To;sf nflu nufgLsf …elh{gÚ If]qx¿ klxrfg<br />

u/L pgLx¿nfO{ k7fpg'k5{ . 7"nf] k' FhL ePsf<br />

pgLx¿ u|fld0f If]qdf k'u]eg] ToxfFsf gful/ssf]<br />

cfo:t/ j[l4 ug{ cem} dxTjk"0f{ 6]jf k'Ug]5 .

14<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> cGtjftf{<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

æa'jf d'dfsf] gfddf ;Llk kmfpG8]zgsf]<br />

gfdn] Ps 5'§} ;+:yf vf]n]sf] 5'Æ<br />

lg/Ghg s'df/ >]i7<br />

;+:yffks cWoIf<br />

lqk'/f u|'k<br />

g]kfnL hf] sf]xLsf] klg O{R5f x'G5 ;/<br />

sf/L hflu/vfg] . cfˆgf] O{R5fk'lt{sf<br />

nflu dflg;x¿ xhf/f}Fsf] dfq geO{ nfvf}F<br />

?k}ofFsf] rnv]n ug{ ;d]t kl5 kb}{gg\ .<br />

t/ s]xL o:tf pbfx/0fx¿ klg 5g\ h;n]<br />

cfˆgf] eO/x]sf] ;/sf/L hflu/ 5f]8]/ cfkm"<br />

g} a]Un} /f]huf/sf] >[hgf u5{g\ / cfkm"dfq}<br />

geO{ cGo a]/f]huf/nfO{ ;d]t /f]huf/L<br />

lbG5g\ . To:t} dWo]sf Ps x'g\ lqk'/f<br />

u|'ksf cWoIf lg/Ghg s'df/ >]i7 . cfˆgf]<br />

;/sf/L hflu/nfO{ nTofO{ lu|n pBf]uaf6<br />

lghL sfo{ z'? u/]sf pgL clxn] g]kfnsf]<br />

pTs[i7 xf8{j]o/ sDkgLsf] dflns x'g\ .<br />

dflns eP/ klg pgL dflns h:tf] geO{<br />

Ps ;dfh;]jL klg x'g\ . pg} ;dfh;]jL<br />

>]i7;Fu cklnkm\6d]G6 dfl;sn] u/]sf]<br />

s'/fsfgLsf] ;Dkflbt c+z M<br />

of] ;+:yf s;/L vf]Ng' eof] < of] ;+:yf<br />

cGtu{t s] s] sfd x'g] u/] 5 <<br />

z'?df d ;/sf/L hflu/<br />

df eP klg kl5 d]/f a'jfsf] k|]/0ffn]<br />

d}n] of] lqk'/f ;d"x vf]n]sf] x'F . lqk'/<br />

fu|'kdf xfn ljleGg ;xsf/L ;+:yf<br />

cfj4 /x]sf 5g\ . lqk'/f u|'k cGtu{t<br />

ePsf ;+:yf dWo] lqk'/f xf8{j]o/ k|f=ln .<br />

lqk'/f ;'Gb/L ax'p2]ZoLo ;xsf/L ;+:yf ln=<br />

lq ;'Gb/L ax'p2]ZoLo ;xsf/L ;+:yf ln,<br />

lqk'/f ;'Gb/L art tyf C0f ;xsf/L<br />

;+:yf ln=, lqk'/f art tyf C0f ;xsf/L<br />

;+:yf ln=,<br />

of] ;d"xnfO{ oxfF;Dd k'¥ofpg<br />

d]/f ;fyefO{sf] ;xof]u / d]/f] #)<br />

cf}+ jif{sf] d]xgt / of] ;+:yf;+u cfj4 w]/}<br />

JolStsf] of]ubfg /x]sf] 5 .<br />

cfˆgf] ;+3if{sf] klxnf] r/0fsf lbg af/]<br />

s]xL atfO{ lbg' x'G5 ls <<br />

cfkm"n] klxnf P;Pn;L kf; u/] kl5<br />

ufpFs} :s'ndf ( dlxgf hlt cWofkg<br />

u/] . ufpFn]sf] cg'/f]w kl5 d}n] ufpFsf]<br />

:s'ndf ( dlxgf k9fPsf] x'F . To; kl5<br />

d}n] klg k9\g' k5{ eg]/ sf7df8f}F cfP<br />

/ @)#* ;fnlt/ 7d]nsf] klAns o'y<br />

SofDk;df egf{ eP . / OG6/ ul/;s] kl5<br />

;/sf/L hflu/ vfpF gt eg]/ nf]s;]jf<br />

lbPF / ;+hf]uj; kf; eOof] / u[x dGqfno<br />

cGtu{t /fli6«o cg';Gwfgdf hflu/<br />

vfPF . d]/f] klxnf] b/aGbL sf]zL c~rnsf]<br />

la/f6gu/df ePsf] lyof] . To; kl5<br />

sf7df8f}F ;?jf lnP/ t cfP t/ sf7df8f}F<br />

cfP kl5 k'g M d]/f] ;?jf klZrd lt/<br />

eof] . To; kl5 dnfO{ hflu/ vfg clns<br />

lj/Qm nfUof] . ptf a'jfn] klg hflu/<br />

5f]8]/ Jofkf/ lt/ nfUg cg'/fw ug'{<br />

eof] . To; kl5 d}n] hflu/ k'/} 5f]8]/<br />

Jofkf/ lt/ nfUg] lgwf] u/] h'g clxn]<br />

klg lg/Gt/ hf/L 5 . d}n] hDdf b'O{ jif{<br />

hlt ;/sf/L hflu/ vfPF . cfkm" ufpFdf<br />

hlGdPsfn] ufpFsf] C0f ltg'{ k5{ eGg]<br />

p2]Zon] @)$^ ;fndf tf}ynL ;dfh<br />

;]jf ;dfh ;ldlt eg]/ Pp6f ;+:yf<br />

vf]Nof} . / xfdLn] xf8{j]o/sf] sfdx¿ klg<br />

z'? u/]sfn] / Tof] ;dodf ;xsf/L klg<br />

vf]Ng] qmd hf/L lyof] . xfdLn] cfly{s<br />

sf/]faf/ ug{ +;+:yfsf] cefj k'/f ug{<br />

cfˆg} ;xsf/L rflxG5 eGg] cfjZostf<br />

b]lv 5'66} ;xsf/L ;+:yf vf]Nof]+ . xfn<br />

xfd|f] :jfldTjdf em08} !) j6f hlt<br />

;xsf/L ;+:yfx¿ /x]sf 5g . / xfdLnfO{<br />

rlxg] lqk'/f xf8{j]o/sf ;fdfgx¿ oxL<br />

;+:yfjf6 cfoft ub}{ cfPsf 5f}+ . /<br />

xfdL lqk'/f xf8{j]o/df rflxg] ;fdfgx¿<br />

w/}h;f] g]kfns} pBf]uaf6 cfoft u5f}+<br />

gkfPsf] ;fdfg dfq} ef/t / cGo b]zjf6<br />

cfoft u5f}+ . o;}u/L xfdLn] cfkm}F lt<br />

;fdfgx¿ k|fKt u/L cGo 7fFpdf ;d]t<br />

lgof{t klg u5f}{ . o; lqk'/f u|'k v8f<br />

ug]{ qmddf cem} klg ljleGg ;+:yfx¿<br />

Vf]fNg] qmd hf/L /x]sf] 5 . ;du|df<br />

eGg' kbf{ of] ;+:yfdf cfj4 ;+:yf @<br />

o; %) hgf hlt cfj4 /x]sf 5g .<br />

o;}u/L xfdLn] s[lifdf klg nufgL u/]sf]<br />

5f}+ . o;}u/L d}n] a'jf d'dfsf] gfddf<br />

;Llk kmfpG8]zgsf] gfdn] Ps 5§} ;+:yf<br />

vf]n]sf] 5' . of] ;+:yf dfkm{t d}n] d]/f]<br />

hGde"ld l;Gw'kfNrf]s lhNnfdf jflif{s<br />

@! hgf ljBfyL{nfO{ 5fqj[lt k|bfg ub}{<br />

cfPsf] 5' . / To;}u/L ut @)&@ ;fnsf<br />

j}zfv !@ ut]sf] e"sDkdf xfdLn] lqk'/<br />

fu|'k / ;Llk kmfpG8]zg cGtu{t w]/} /fxt<br />

ljt/0f u/]sf lyof}+ . / xfdLn] e"sDksf]<br />

;dodf vf;u/L afnjflnsfsf] :jf:Yo<br />

/ lzIffdf a9L hf]8 lbPsf lyof}F . / h'g<br />

aRrfsf] cfly{s cj:yf l7s 5}g h'g<br />

aRrf cfly{s ?kn] sdhf]/ 5 To;nfO{<br />

xfdLn] lzIffdf cfly{s ;xuf]u u/]sf 5f}F<br />

/ /fd|f] cWoog u/]sfnfO{ cfˆg} ;xsf/L<br />

/ ;+:yfx¿df /f]huf/L klg lbPsf 5f}F .<br />

of] ;d"xn] vf; s] s:tf sfd ug]{ u/]sf]<br />

5 <<br />

o; ;d"xsf kmfOgflG;on If]qdf<br />

% b]lv ^ j6f;Dd ;xsf/L ;+:yf cfj4<br />

5g . To;nfO{ eljiodf ljsf; a}+sdf<br />

kl/0ft ug]{ xfd|f] nIo 5 . of] u|'ksf]<br />

elj:odf ljsf; a}+s, xfO8«f]kfj/,<br />

nufot ljleGg pBf]ux¿ Vff]Ng] tyf<br />

nufgL ug]{ nIo 5 .<br />

of] u'|ksf] eljiosf] of]hgf s] 5 <<br />

xfdLn] of] ;d"xsf] clwgdf /x]sf]<br />

;+lrt kF 'hLnfO{ ljleGg cGtu{t a9fpg]<br />

nIf lnPsf 5f} + . eljiodf o;nfO{ lqk'/f<br />

u| 'k cGtu{t cl3 a9fP/ Pp6f gd'gf u| 'k<br />

agfpg] nIo /x]sf] 5 .

Year : 1, Issue : 3 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 15<br />

Apsara Boutique Hotel<br />

Thamel Marg, Kathmandu, Nepal<br />

Phone: 01-4701542, 4701541<br />

Email : info@apsaraboutiquehotel .com<br />

Web : www .apsaraboutiquehotel .com

16<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> ljljw<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

af}4gfy<br />

r}Tosf]<br />

k'glgdf{0f<br />

sfo{ ;DkGg<br />

j}zfv !@ sf] dxfljgfzsf/L e"sDkdf kl/ Ifltu|:<br />

t ag]sf] af}4gfy r}Tosf] k'glgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg<br />

ePsf] 5 . hL0ff]{4f/ ;DkGg ePkl5 dxfr}Todf<br />

k|f0fk|lti7f u/fpg z'qmjf/b]lv nfdf k"hf kf7<br />

;lxtsf] ljz]if k"hf cf/De ePsf] 5 . d+l;/ &<br />

ut] k|wfgdGqL k|r08sf] cfltYotfdf k|f0fk|lti7f<br />

:yfkgf kl5 af}4gfy r}To km];/ klxNo}em} ;a}sf]<br />

cfsif{0f / uGtAo aGg]5 .<br />

af}4gfy If]q ljsf; ;ldltn] cfh af}4gfy<br />

r}Todf ;'l4s/0f k"hf ;'? u/]sf] 5 . oxL dlª\;/<br />

% ut];Dd rNg] pQm k"hfdf r}Tosf] k|f0fk|lti7f<br />

tyf af}4 k/Dk/fcg';f/sf kf7nuftosf sfd ul/<br />

g] 5 . af}4 wdf{jnDaLsf] 7"nf] cf:yfsf ?kdf<br />

/x]sf] r}Tosf] ljleGg efudf hL0ff]{åf/sf qmddf<br />

s'lNrPsf] tyf hfgL ghfgL ul/Psf bf]ifk"0f{<br />

sfo{af6 d'lQm kfpg ;f] k"hf ul/Psf] xf] . uPsf]<br />

jif{ e"sDkn] Iflt ePsf] af}4gfy r}Tosf] hL0ff]åf/<br />

ePkl5 o; lsl;dsf] ljz]if k"hf ug{ nfluPsf]<br />

atfOPsf] xf] .<br />

af}4 bz{gsf] dxfofg tyf ah|ofg ;Dk|bfodf<br />

lgª\df, sfUo', u]n's / zfSo rf/j6f k/Dk/f 5g\ .<br />

tL k/Dk/fsf wd{u'?n] r}Tosf] rf/} lbzfdf a;]/<br />

r}Tosf] ;'l4s/0fsf nflu ljlwk"j{s k"hf tyf<br />

zflGtsf nflu kl/qf0f kf7 u/]sf 5g\ . sl/a<br />

^)) nfdf u'?sf] ;xeflutf /x]sf] pQm sfo{qmddf<br />

eQmhg tyf wdf{jnDaLsf] 7"nf] ;xeflutf 5 .<br />

e"sDksf sf/0f r}Tosf] qof]bz e"jgsf;fy} cGo<br />

ljleGg efudf Iflt k'u]sfn] cfjZostf cg';f/<br />

k'gMlgdf{0f tyf hL0ff]{åf/df eQmhg tyf ljleGg<br />

bft[ ;‹ ;+:yfsf] ;xof]uaf6 ;DkGg ul/Psf]<br />

;ldltsf cWoIf ;Dk"0f{s'df/ nfdfn] hfgsf/L<br />

lbP .<br />

pgsf cg';f/ sl/a ? @# s/f]8sf] nfutdf<br />

r}To hL0ff]{åf/ ul/Psf] xf] . k|wfgdGqLaf6 oxL<br />

dlª\;/ & ut] pb\3f6g x'g] ;f] r}Todf >LnÍf,<br />

DofGdf, nfcf];, leotgfd, yfONofG8nufot<br />

bft[ d'n'ssf s"6gLlts k|ltlglwsf] ;xeflutfdf<br />

atfOPsf] 5 . kfrf} ztfAbLdf lgdf{0f ePsf] ;f]<br />

r}To clxn] ljZj ;Dkbf ;"rLdf ;"rLs[t 5 .<br />

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{<br />

{<br />

{<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3 s[lif <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 17<br />

o'jfnfO{ :jb]zd} s;/L /fVg] <<br />

;Gtf]if af]u6L<br />

…;/ d of] krf; l8u|Lsf] tfkqmddf<br />

ef]sef]s} >d / kl;gf ca w]/} aufpg ;lSbg .<br />

d w]/} uln;s]sf] 5' dnfO{ g]kfndf g} s]xL sfd<br />

ug]{ jftfj/0f agfOlbg' k¥of] eGb} af/Daf/<br />

;fpbLaf6 kmf]g ug]{ ;fyLn] crfgs ;';fO8<br />

u/]sf] va/n] :tAw agfof] dnfO{ .Ú b]zsf] cl:y/<br />

/fhgLlt / >dsf] ;Ddfg ug]{ k|j[ltsf] ljsf;<br />

x'g g;Sbf x/]s lbg h;f] cgluGtL<br />

;kgf af]s]/ ljb]lzosf o'jfx¿<br />

afs;df aGb x'Fb} kms{g] cj:yf<br />

ePsf] 5 .<br />

/fHo Pp6f kf;kf]6{ a]Rg]<br />

Jofkf/L eGbfdfly pSng ;s]sf]<br />

5}g . b]zsf] ljifd kl/l:ytLsf]<br />

afjh'b klg kl5Nnf lbgx¿df<br />

s[lif k];fnfO{ sd{ If]q agfO{ cfˆgf]<br />

eljio vf]Hg] o'jfx¿ kftlnFb}<br />

uPsf 5g\ . w/} jif{b]lv a]lrP<br />

g]kfnL o'jfx¿ bnfnsf] k~hfdf<br />

. ca of] l;nl;nf >d xf]Og<br />

;fdfg a]Rg'k5{ xfdL . cl:y/<br />

/fhgLlt / >dsf] ;Ddfg ug]{<br />

k|j[ltsf] ljsf; x'g g;Sbf ljb]z<br />

knfog / a]/f]huf/L ;d:ofn]<br />

xfd|f] d'n'snfO{ cfqmfGt agfPsf] 5 . kl5Nnf<br />

lbgx¿df s[lif k]zfnfO{ sd{ If]q agfO{ cfˆgf]<br />

eljZo vf]Hg] o'jfx¿ aflSnb} uPsf 5g\ .<br />

ljz]if u/L ljb]zdf k'u]/ kmls{Psf o'jfx¿ g}<br />

w]/} h;f] s[lif k]zfdf nfu]sf 5g\ s]xL o'jfx¿<br />

;Lk l;s]/ g]kfn d} Tof] ;Lk Tof] k|ljlwnfO{<br />

k|of]u u/L ;d[2 g]kfn agfpg] cleofgdf nfu]sf<br />

5g . csf{ y/L >dnfO{ ;Ddfg ug{ l;s]/ sfd<br />

;fgf] x'Fb}g eGg] a'em]/ cfˆg} b]zdf s]xL ug{'k5{<br />

eGg] 29 ;+sNk lnO{ s[lif If]qdf cfˆgf] /ut<br />

/ kl;gf aufpFb} 5g . hf] h] h;/L eP klg<br />

cfˆgf] b]zdf >d ug{ rfxg] cfˆgf] b]znfO{ s[lif<br />

pkhdf cfTdlge{/ agfpg] cleofgdf nfUg]<br />

o'jfx¿sf] af9L g} cfPsf] 5 . kl5Nnf] ;dodf<br />

of] h'g pT;fx o'jfx¿df b]lvPsf] 5 . of] pT;fx<br />

of] nx/nfO{ ;/sf/n] ;xL tl/sfn] kl/rfng<br />

/ ;Daf]wg ug{ ;s]sf] v08df ;fFRr} g]kfn<br />

Pp6f s[lifdf gd'gf b]zsf] ?kdf b]lvg] 5 . t/<br />

oxfFo'jfx¿n] /fi6«af6 h'g s'/f ck]Iff cfzf<br />

u/]sf 5g / lyP To;tkm{ ;/sf/sf] Wofg k6Ss}<br />

uPsf] kfO{b}g ;/sf/ s[lif d}qL aGg g;Sgfn]<br />

o'jfx¿ g}/fZo lg?T;fxL x'Fb} uPsf 5g\ . xfdL<br />

xfd|f] nflu dfq of] sfd u/]sf] xf]Og /fHonfO{<br />

klg s]xL of]ubfg lbgsf nflu s[lifdf nfu]sf<br />

xf}F eGg] hdft 7"n} 5 . of] s'/f a'em]sf klg<br />

5g\ jif]{gL cjf}{sf] Jofkf/ 3f6f Joxf]b}{ cfPsf]<br />

g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df o'jf s[ifssf] ;f]r oyfy{k/s<br />

g} 5 . Ps hgf ls;fgn] Ps nfvsf] t/sf/L<br />

pTkfbg ug{' eg]sf] b]znfO{ Psnfv Jofkf/ 3f6f<br />

sd ug{' xf] eGg] s'/f ls;fgn] /fd|/L a'em]sf<br />

5g\ .<br />

v]tL of]Uo hldg v08Ls[t x'Fb} u}/x]sf] /<br />

Knl6ªsf gfddf wdfwd s[lif of]Uo hldg gfl;b}<br />

u}/x]sf] cj:yfdf ljleGg sl7gfO{sf afjh'b<br />

klg hf]l;nf kf}/vL o'jfx¿ /ut / kl;gf<br />

kf]v]df ;'g kmN5 oxL df6f]df eGb} sDd/ s;]/<br />

nfu]sf 5g . ls;fg x/]s kf6f]df 7luPsf 5g .<br />

u'0f:t/xLg laplahgsf sf/0f ls;fg df/df<br />

k/]sf 5g . xfO{la|8sf] gfd lbP/ laqmL e}/x]sf<br />

laplahg u'0f:t/xLg u|]l88+Þ gul/Psf /f]uL lap<br />

ls;fgn] nufpg' kg]{ afWotf h:t} ePsf] 5 .<br />

dn Knfl:6s ahf/ s[lif cf}hf/ nufot x/]s<br />

kf6f]df ls;fgnfO{ xtf]T;fxLt agfpg] sfd e}/<br />

x]sf] 5 . s[lifoGqsf] shf{df ljlQo ;+:yfx¿n]<br />

bf]Aa/ Aofh c;'Ng] u/]sf] tYo v'nf;f ePsf]<br />

5 . lghL ;jf/L ;fwgdf ^ bzdnj %% Aofh<br />

lng] u/]sf ljlQo ;+:yfx¿n] 6\ofS6/ nufot<br />

s[lif oflGqs/0fdf !&% ;Dd Aofh c;'Ng] u/]sf<br />

5g\ . s[lifdf ;/sf/n] nufgL a9fP klg afn'jfdf<br />

kfgL xfn] h:t} ePsf] 5 . 7f]; sfo{gLltsf]<br />

cefjdf emf]n] s[ifssf] xfnLd'xfnL s[lif shf{<br />

s[lifladf nufpt s[ifs d}qL sfo{qmd s[ifssf]<br />

kx'Fr;Dd k'Ug g;Sg' s[lifdf s]xL afd] ;g{ /<br />

;s/fTds ;Gb]z km}nfpg sf]lz; ug]{ kf}/vL<br />

o'jfsf nfuL …d tfS5' d'9f] a~r/f] tfS5 3'8f]Ú<br />

eg] h:t} ePsf] 5 .<br />

km]/L kf;kf]6{ xftdf af]s]/ ljb]z knfpg<br />

x'g] o'jfsf] hdftdf nfd nfUg' kg] { cj:yf<br />

l;h{gf x'g] t xf]O{g lrGtf;Fu} cfˆgf] b]zdf kfv'/<br />

f ahf/]/ ef]sf] k]6 eg{ / gf+uf] zl// 9fSg ;S5f}<br />

eg] ljb]zdf u'nfd eP/ sf?l0fs d[To' lsg dg]<br />

:jb]zd} uf}/jzfnL hLjg lhpg rfxg] o'jf klg<br />

nflu k/]sf 5g . s[lif Pp6f j[xt pBf]u xf] .<br />

hxfF ;a} h;f] dfG5] ;xefuL x'G5g s[lif lagf<br />

hLjg ;Dej 5}g ;+;f/df kfO{g] w]/} xfjfkfgL<br />

ePsf] g]kfnL df6f]df Pp6} ;dodf klg ljleGg<br />

7fpFdf ljleGg pTkfbg x'G5 . s'g df6f] s'g<br />

xfjfkfgLdf s'g v]tL s] s] kz'k+5L nufpg kfNg<br />

;lsG5 eg]/ ljZjs} gd'gf cg';Gwfgsf] lx:;f<br />

g]kfnnfO{ agfpg ;s]df xfd|f] hLjg:t/ dfyL<br />

p7\g a]/ nfUb}g ko{6gsf] lx;fjn] kgL g]kfn<br />

cfsif{s uGtJosf] ?kdf k/Llrt 5 . ljZj ;fd'<br />

To;/L g} o;df s[lifnfO{ kgL hf]8\g ;lsG5 Ps<br />

lbgsf] a;fO{df Ps jf b'O{ 306f dgf]/d s[ifL<br />

5]qsf] kgL e|d0f u/fpg ;lsG5 o;df ko{6g<br />

Joj;foL kgL ;s/fTds b]lvG5g\ o; tkm{<br />

s]xL o'jf s[ifsx¿n] cfˆg} k|of;df s]xL ug]<br />

hdsf] { u/]sf 5g\ . kl5Nnf] ;dodf s[lifdf s]xL<br />

pyn k'yn ePsf] b]lvG5 . ls;fg<br />

k|fljlwssf] 1fg cefjsf sf/0f<br />

ljiffbL c;Gt'lnt tl/sfn] k|of]u<br />

u/]sf sf/0f jhf/ tx; gx; ePsf]<br />

5 . cfd pkef]Qmfsf] dfgl;stfdf<br />

gs/fTds k|efj k/]sf] 5=. ljsNk<br />

ljgfsf] ljiffbL lgoGq0f sfo{qmdn]<br />

ls;fg lj:yflkt x'g] cj:yfdf<br />

k'u]sf 5g .<br />

h}ljs laiffbLsf] ;xhtf<br />

gx'g' s[ifsnfO{ To;af/] yfxf gx'g'<br />

klg o;sf] sf/0f xf] k|fljlwsx¿<br />

klg h}ljs ljiffbL df ljZjf; ug{<br />

;Sb}gg ls;fgn] s'g} ;d:of lnP/<br />

k|fljlwssxfF k'Ubf k|fljlwsn] g}<br />

ljiffbL l;kmfl/; ul/lbG5 . otf<br />

s[ifsn] s] ug] { afWotfn] kgL laiffbL<br />

k|of]u u5{ eg] csf] {lt/ h}ljs ljiffbL agfpg] o'jf<br />

;fyLx¿ lg?T;flxt ePsf 5g . xfdL u/]/ b]vfpF5f}<br />

xfdLnfO{ ;kf]6{ u/f];\ eGbf klg b'O{ tLg jif{df klg<br />

cg'dlt kfpg ;s]sf 5}gg\ oxfFg]/ k|Zg p7\5 …;/<br />

sf/sf] ;xeflutf sxfF g]/ t

18<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> Year : 1, Issue : 3

Year : 1, Issue : 3 s[lif<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 19<br />

a? cfly{s ;d[l4 cg's/0f u/f}“<br />

gj/fh s'Fj/<br />

s[ hgtf s[lif k]zfdf ;+nUg<br />

lif k|wfg elgPklg g]kfnsf]<br />

s[lif pTkfbg lg/fzfhgs<br />

5 . &^ k|ltzteGbf a9L<br />

/x]sf] atfOG5 . oBkL s[lif pTkfbgsf] glthf<br />

x]bf{ Joj;flos s[lifsf] cj:yf gfh's /x]sf]<br />

k|i6 x'G5 . oqf s[ifs s[ifs ePsf] s[lifk|wfg<br />

dn'ssf] d g]kfnL o'jfnfO{ Oh/fonsf] s[lif<br />

lzIff cfh{g ug]{ Pp6f cj;/ h'6\of] . To;}n]<br />

tLg k|ltzteGbf sd s[ifs ePsf] d'n's -<br />

Oh/fon_df d s[lif k9\g ;g\ @)!$ df ToxfF<br />

uPsf] lyPF . To;qmddf d}n] s[lifsf If]qdf<br />

ul/Psf w]/} rdTsf/x¿ b]Vg] cj;/ kfPF .<br />

k|fs[lts ?kdf ;'g kmNg] Ifdtf ePsf] d]/f]<br />

df6f]df lrQ a'em\g] u/L cGg kmnfpg g;s]sf]<br />

b]zaf6 ToxfF k'u]sf] d}n] afn'jf / r§fgdf<br />

lj5\ofOPsf] ljb]zL df6f]df lx/f kmnfPsf]<br />

x]/]F .<br />

k|fs[lts ?kdf pb\ud / ;'ud eP/ klg<br />

kfgLsf] cefj sfl6/x]sf] b]zaf6 ToxfF k'u]sf]<br />

d}n] hDdf e"–efusf] cfwfeGbf a9L d?e"lddf<br />

yf]kf l;rfO{ eGg] l;rfO{ k|0ffnLaf6 !@ dlxgf<br />

g} cGg pTkfbg ePsf] b]v]F .<br />

ljuf}F–ljufx hldg x'g] hldgbf/x¿<br />

jif{e/L /fzg pTkfbg ug{ g;s]/ ahf/df<br />

dG;'nL 5fGg'kg]{ afWo b]zsf] d}n] ToxfF Ps<br />

s6\7f klg hldg gePsf] s[ifsn] ef8fsf]<br />

hUufdf ;/sf/L C0fdfkm{t s/f]8f}F sdfPsf]<br />

x]/]F .<br />

ls;fgsf] 5f]/f eP/ b'O{ 306f klg<br />

sfd ug]{ afgL gePsf] d}n] ToxfF lbgsf] !%<br />

306f;Dd sfd u/]F . d t lbgsf] em08} @<br />

;o ;]sn -g]kfnsf] sl/a % xhf/hlt_ cfh{g<br />

u/]/ dVv lyPF . t/ d]/f] d]xgtaf6 ToxfFsf]<br />

s[ifsn] em08} @ xhf/ ;]sn cyf{t -%) b]lv<br />

^) xhf/ g]kfnL ?k}ofF_sf] kmfObf lnGy] .<br />

3/sf] ljufx hldgdf v]tfnf nufP/ cfkm'<br />

jxfF ox"lbsf] v]tfnf ag]/ sfd u/]F . d dflns<br />

aGg 5f8]/ bfifL hLjg atfpg k'u]F . s]xL kn<br />

To;}df /dfPF, dh:t} c? klg . cem} s}of}F o'jf<br />

To;}df /dfO{/x]sf 5g\ .<br />

k|fs[lts ;'udtf lgofNbf d]/f] b]z /<br />

Oh/fon t'ngf ug{} ldNb}g . xfdL Tolt cuf8L<br />

5fF} . t/ lj8Dagf, oyfy{df xfdL Oh/foneGbf<br />

s}of}F u'0ff k5f8L 5fF} .<br />

OltxfF; vf;} nfdf] 5}g, hxfFb]lv<br />

Oh/fonsf] s[lif ljsf; k|f/De eof] . clxn]<br />

Oh/fondf s[lifsf] Ps pRr ljsl;t pBf]u :<br />

yflkt 5 . Oh/fonsf tfhf pkh / Oh/fonsf]<br />

e"uf]n s[lifsf nflu :jefljs 5}g eGg] ts{sf<br />

afjh'b s[lif k|ljlwdf ljZjs} lgof{ts b]zdWo]<br />

…g]tf b]zÚ aGg k'u]sf] 5 . To; b]zdf e"ld<br />

If]qsf] cfwfeGbf a9L d?e"ld 5 . hn;|f]t /<br />

xfjfkfgLaf6 klg cg's'n 5}g .<br />

ToxfFsf] @) k|ltztdfq e"ld v]tLof]Uo<br />

5 . o;sf] dtnj *) k|ltzt e"ld v]tLsf<br />

nflu k|lts'n 5 . Oh/fonn] cfh @ bzdnj<br />

% k|ltzt s'n ufx{:y pTkfbg -h]8LkL_ /<br />

lgof{tsf] # bzdnj & k|ltztsf] k|ltlglwTj<br />

ub{5 . hasL Oh/fonsf s[lif >ldsx¿sf]<br />

sfd zlQm # bzdnj & k|ltztdfq 5 .<br />

Oh/fonLx¿n] cfkm\gf] vfgf / cfjZostfsf<br />

(% k|ltzt vfBfGgx¿ cfkm}F pTkfbg ug]{<br />

ub{5g\ . Oh/fondf lsa'h / df];j eGg] b'O<br />

lsl;dsf cu|ufdL pBf]u / s[lif ;d'bfosf]<br />

ljsf; ePsf] 5 .<br />

clxn]sf] ljsl;t Oh/fonL s[lifsf]<br />

ljsf;;+u pGgfO;f} ztflAbsf] cGTolt/<br />

…Kofn]:6fOg–lhcf]lgi6 cfGbf]ngÚ / …ox"lb<br />

cWofudgÚ klg ufFl;Psf] atfOG5 .<br />

a;fO{ ;/]/ cfPsf ox"lbx¿n] vl/b<br />

u/]sf] e"ld Hofbft/ cw{ z'is lyof] . w]/} jg<br />

km8fgL, df6f]df …clG6n]jnÚ lyof] . Tolta]nfsf

20 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> s[lif<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

ox"bLx¿n] r§fgL If]q x'Fb} ef; gfnL<br />

;/;kmfO{ u/L jg a[If/f]k0f / df6f]sf]<br />

IfonfO{ lgit]h kfg]{ sfd u/] . To;kl5<br />

a;f]af;sf nflu 5tjfnf ejgx¿<br />

agfP .<br />

;g\ !($* df Oh/fon :jtGq<br />

ePkl5 v]tLsf nflu s'n If]qkmn $ ;o<br />

* Ps8 cyf{t ! xhf/ ^ ;o %) ju{<br />

lsnf]ld6/af6 a9]/ ! xhf/ &) Ps8<br />

cyf{t $# ;o ju{lsnf]ld6/ ePsf] 5 .<br />

hasL s[lif ;d'bfosf] ;+Vof $ ;o @%<br />

b]lv a9]/ & ;o k'u]sf] 5 . s[lif pTkfbg<br />

!^ k6s lj:tf/ ePsf] 5, h'g hg;+Vof<br />

a[l4eGbf tLg u'0ff a9L xf] .<br />

OltxfF; sf]6\ofpg] xf] eg] ^)÷&)<br />

jif{cl3 Oh/fon xfdLeGbf s}ofF} u'0ff<br />

k5f8L lyof] . xfdL Oh/fonsf] t'ngfdf<br />

lgs} ;DkGg / j}ejzfnL lyof}F . &<br />

bzscl3 Oh/fondf ef]sd/L lyof] .<br />

dflg;x¿n] ;Lldt vfBj:t'x¿dfq lsGg<br />

;Sy] . o;sf nflu ;/sf/n] pgLx¿nfO{<br />

s'kg lbGYof] . x/]s kl/jf/n] b}lgs @<br />

ln6/ b"w, % lsnf] kL7f], !) j6f dfq<br />

c08f o:t}–o:t} w]/} ;Lldt vfBj:<br />

t'x¿dfq kfpFy] . Oh/fonL;+u kfgL<br />

lyPg . kfgLsf nflu w]/} vr{ ug'{kYof]{ .<br />

sf7df8f}+df dflg;x¿n] kfgLsf nflu<br />

x/]s dlxgf krf; jf ;o ?k}ofFsf] xf/fxf/Ldf<br />

ltg]{ ub{5g\ t/ Oh/fonsf nflu of] t w]/} ;:<br />

tf] lyof] . Oh/fondf t dflg;x¿n] 3/fo;L<br />

k|of]udf x/]s dlxgf !–@ ;o cd]l/sL 8n/<br />

ltg'{kYof]{ . kfgL cem} w]/} dxFuf] . o:tf] cj:<br />

yfdf s;/L s[lif ljsf; ug]{ < of] ljifo<br />

Oh/fonLsf nflu ;fgf] r'gf}lt lyPg . o;sf<br />

nflu Oh/fonLn] nfdf] ;do d]xgt u/] . t/<br />

klg ToxfFsf o'jf ljb]lzg] ;f]r agfPgg\ . b]z<br />

;/sf/n] dfq} xf]Og cfkm} agfpg] xf] eGg]<br />

pgLx¿n] 7x/ u/] . cf–cfkm\gf] 7fpFaf6 :<br />

jb]zs} d?e"ldnfO{ xl/ofnL agfpg] cToGt}<br />

r'gf}ltk"0f{ sfddf vl6P . olb pgLx¿ plta]n}<br />

o"/f]k / cd]l/sflt/ hfg ;'? u/]sf] x'Gy] t,<br />

cfh ToxL afgL nfUYof] / ljsf; Tolt g} kl5<br />

kYof]{ xf]nf .<br />

;a}eGbf dxTjk"0f{ s'/f cjwf/0ff<br />

jf ;f]r g} xf] . To;kl5 phf{ / hfFu/sf<br />

s'/f cfpF5g\ . s[lif ?rL xf]Og, of] Joj;fo<br />

xf] . Joj;fodf pknlAw xfFl;n ug{ nufgL<br />

ug}{k5{ . nufgL eg]sf] wg / >d b'j} xf] .<br />

nufgL gug]{ xf] eg] gfkmf klg x'Fb}g eGg] s'/f<br />

Oh/fonLx¿n] dxz'; u/] . s[lifdf nufgL;+u}<br />

cys d]xgt u/] . cGttM cfw'lgs k|ljlw /<br />

k|0ffnLsf] dfWod c+ufn]/ & bzsleq} cfkm"nfO{<br />

cfjZos vfBj:t' pTkfbg u/]/ lgof{t klg<br />

ug{ Oh/fonL ;kmn eP . cfh Oh/fonn]<br />

cfkm' afFr]/ ljZjsf w]/} b]znfO{ kfn]sf] 5 .<br />

xfdL;+u s] 5}g <<br />

xfd|f] b]z k|fs[lts ;Dkbfsf] wgL b]z<br />

dflgG5 . ;fgf] d'n's eP klg lxdfnb]lv<br />

t/fO{;Ddsf] xfjfkfgLsf sf/0f g]kfndf<br />

ljljwtfk"0f{ k|fs[lts jg:klt, km"n, nx/f,<br />

hgfj/, sL6kt+ªu, r/fr'?ªuL tyf ´/gf,<br />

vf]nf, kxf8, sGb/f cflb kfOG5g\ . s[lifsf<br />

nflu g]kfn clt;+efljt /fi6«df kb{5 .<br />

g]kfndf s[lifn] hg;ªVofsf] &^ k|ltzt<br />

hg;+Vof wfg]sf] atfOG5 . s'n ufx{:y<br />

pTkfbgsf] #( k|ltzt of]ubfg /x]sf] 5 . t/<br />

xfdL;+u Pp6f lj8Dagf 5 .<br />

&^ k|ltzt ls;fg ePsf] s[lif k|wfg<br />

d'n'sn] *# s/f]8 cd]/LsL 8n/sf] xf/fxf/Ldf<br />

aflif{s lgof{t ubf{ @ cj{eGbf a9Lsf] cfoft<br />

u5{ . To;df klg s[lif pkh ;fdfu|L g} a9L<br />

cfoft ePsf] kfOG5 . s:tf] lj8Dagf, t/sf/L<br />

ljb]zaf6 lsg]/ vfG5f}F xfdL . h;n] g]kfnL<br />

e"lddf pTkfbgsf] ;+efjgfnfO{ luHofO/x]sf]<br />

5 . g]kfn;+u cfw'lgs k|ljlwsf] kx'Fr 5}g<br />

eg]/ kl~5g] ul/G5 . Psxb;Dd cfw'lgs<br />

k|ljlwsf] ckof{Kttf /x]sf] s'/f ;To xf] t/<br />

;f]r jf cjwf/0ffsf] ljsf; / sfof{Gjog x'g<br />

g;Sbf s[lifsf] ljsf; kl5 k/]sf] xf] eGg] s'/f<br />

plQs} ;To xf] .<br />

lj:tf/} xfd|f] d'n's s[lifaf6 ljk|]if0fdf<br />

lge{/ x'Fb} uPsf] 5 . lbgd} @ xhf/eGbf a9L<br />

ljb]lz/x]sf o'jfn] ljb]zL e"lddf uO{ sdfPsf]<br />

k};f clxn] cy{tGqsf] d]?b08 ag]sf] 5 . oBkL<br />

ljk|]if0fnfO{ ;du| d'n'ssf] ljsf; / ;d[l4sf<br />

nflu ;b'kof]u ug{ g;ls/x]sf]<br />

cj:yf . xfd|f afp afh]b]lv ub}{<br />

cfPsf] v]tLnfO{ xfdLn] lj:tf/}<br />

TofUb}5f} F. xfd|f afp afh]clxn]sf];+Vofdf<br />

o;/L ljb]z uP/ slxn] hLjg<br />

rnfPgg\ . pgLx¿n] s'l6sf]bfnf]<br />

u/]/ oxL e"lddf pTkfbg u/]/ hLjg<br />

rnfP . cfh lj1fg / k|ljlwn]<br />

km8\sf] df/]/ xfdL olt k/ k'lu;s]sf<br />

5f}F t/ v]tLnfO{ cfw'lgsLs/0f u/]/<br />

cl3 a9\g] lxDdt ul//x]sf 5}gfF} .<br />

xlnp8sf] /]Daf] / alnp8sf] vfgn]<br />

nufpg] km];g xfdL 6kSs} cg's/0f<br />

u5f}{F . hlt g} vr{ u/]/ ePklg To:<br />

t} b]lvg] k|of; u5f}{F . t/ d'n'ssf]<br />

ljsf;sf] nflu xfdLn] cg's/0f u/]sf]<br />

vf]O < s] d'n'ssf] ljsf; cg's/0f<br />

ug{ ;lsFb}g < c?n] h:t} xfdLn]<br />

k|ljlw leq\ofpg jf xfdL;+u ePsf<br />

k|ljlwsf] k|of]uaf6 pTkfbg a9fpg<br />

;Sb}gf}F < s[lif k|wfg d'n's eGg] clg<br />

v]tL ug{ rfxLF ox"bL / d';ndfgsf]<br />

b]zdf lsg < caf}{Fsf] t/sf/L lsGg'kg]{<br />

lsg < xfdLnfO{ Oltxf;, ;Defjgf /<br />

afemf] e"ldn] luHofO/x]sf] 5 .<br />

xfdL g]kfnLsf] afgLh:t}<br />

eO{;Sof] ls s'g} klg s'/fsf] bf]if<br />

/fHo jf ;/sf/nfO{ yf]kg]{ . t/ xfdLn] slxn]<br />

cfkm'nfO{ kms]{/ x]/]gf}F . h;n] ubf{ xfdL lg/Gt/<br />

cf]/flnPsf 5f}F . d'n'sdf oltsf e"lddf<br />

pTkfbgsf] k|z:t} ;Defjgf 5 . af/Ldf emf/<br />

pdf/]/ xfdL ;AhL lsGg ahf/ hfG5f}F . Tof]<br />

ahf/df Nofpg] t/sf/L klg :jb]zsf] eP t<br />

x'GYof], Tof] klg ljb]zaf6 cfoft x'G5 . xfdL<br />

v]t afFemf] /fv]/ @)÷%) xhf/ sdfpg ljb]z<br />

hfG5f}F . csf{sf] b]zdf s'g} klg sfd ug{<br />

tof/ x'G5fF} . ToxL >d xfd|f] d'n'sdf vr{<br />

ug{ xfdLnfO{ nfh nfU5 . ;/sf/n] pTkfbgdf<br />

nfUg rfxg]nfO{ k|f]T;fxgd"ns ljleGg<br />

sfo{qmdx¿ NofPsf] 5 . ufpF–ufpFdf n3'ljQ<br />

ljQLo ;+:yfx¿ k'lu/x]sf 5g\ . t/ xfdL v]t<br />

a]r]/ ljb]z hfG5f}F . h;sf] ;a}eGbf a9L c;/<br />

xfd|} ;GttLn] ef]Ug'kg]{ 5 .<br />

cfh ljb]zL Po/kf]6{df g]kfnL kf;kf]6{<br />

afs]/ lxF8\bf lsg b'Jo{jxf/ ;xg'k5{ . g]kfndf<br />

/x]sf] cd]l/sL b"tfjf; cuf8L uP/ Psl5g<br />

pleof] eg] t'/Gt} k|x/L cfP/ x6fOlbG5 .<br />

ljb]zdf xfd|f g]kfnL bfh'efO{x¿ cg]s axfgfdf<br />

dfl/Psf 5g\, n'l6Psf 5g\, >d zf]if0fdf k/]sf<br />

5g\ . t/ s'g} cd]l/sL gful/ssf] g]kfndf<br />

cfP/ sfnultn] g} d[To' eof] eg] To;af/]<br />

pRr:t/Lo 5fgjLg ;ldlt u7g x'G5 . of]<br />

;a b]zsf] dta'tL / To; b]zsf] cfly{s<br />

w/ftn cg';f/ x'g] Jojxf/x¿ x'g\ . ca xfdL<br />

o'jfn] c?sf] e"lddf uP/ sfd ubf{ ub}{ dg]{ ls<br />

oxL b]zdf :jfwLg / ;jf]{Rrtfsf ;fy pBdL

Year : 1, Issue : 3 s[lif<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 21<br />

aGg]tkm{ cu|;/ x'g] < xfd|f] ;fd' k|Zg 5 .<br />

cfly{s ljsf;sf nflu Jojxfl/s lzIff<br />

xfd|f] lzIffn] xfdLnfO{ Oltxf; l;sfpF5 . gfd,<br />

ldlt, ltly / dfg] s07 u/fpF5 . Oh/fondf<br />

d}n] s]xL ;do pQ/L If]qdf kg]{ ;L ckm<br />

Uofn]nLl:yt lsGg/]6 sn]hdf s[lif tflnd<br />

lng] df}sf kfPsf] lyPF . a]Ot of];]km eGg]<br />

df];km If]qsf] ljBfyL{ g]tfsf] ?kdf d ToxfF<br />

sfo{/t lyPF . x/]s xKtfsf] Ps lbg sn]df<br />

s[lif;DaGwL ljleGg zLif{sdf k9fO{ x'GYof] .<br />

u|Lg xfp; eGg] RofK6/ cfof] . xfdL sxfF xf]<br />

eg] u|Lg xfp;sf] nDafO{, rf}8fO{, prfO{, b"/L,<br />

/+u, k|sf/ o:t}–o:t} s'/f 3f]sfOGYof] . t/<br />

ToxfF u|Lg xfp; g} agfpg l;sfObf] /x]5 .<br />

;DaGwL 7fpFdf nu]/ u|Lg xfpgsf] ;+/rgf<br />

b]vfO{ To;af/] j0f{g ul/bf] /x]5 . ;}4flGtsdfq<br />

geP/ Jojxfl/s 1fg lbOFbf] /x]5 . g]kfn /<br />

Oh/fonaLr zLIffsf] km/s olt kfPF .<br />

eP/ klg gePsf] b]z o'jf zlQmnfO{<br />

b]zsf] s0f{wf/ elgG5 . cfh $) nfveGbf<br />

a9L o'jf zlQm ljb]z knfog ePsf] 5 . sf]xL<br />

sfd ug]{ p2]Zon] jf sltko k9\g] afxfgfn]<br />

b]z 5fl8/x]sf 5g\ . oL o'jfx¿ s'g} g s'g}<br />

?kdf c?sf] b]z agfpg] sfddf vl6Psf<br />

5g\ . cfkm\gf] b]z oxfF k|tfl8t 5 . aflif{s<br />

vaf}{F Jofkf/ 3f6faf6 u'lh|/x]sf] 5 . v]tLof]Uo<br />

e"ld Knl6ª eO{/x]sf] 5 . cyfx e"ld afFemf]<br />

5fl8Psf] 5 . lbglbg} d'n's k/lge{/ x'Fb}<br />

uPsf] 5 .<br />

cl3Nnf] jif{ ef/tn] nufPsf] gfsfaGbLn]<br />

xfd|f] cuf8L cem} 7"nf] oyfy{k|lt xfdLnfO{<br />

cjut u/fPsf] 5 ls xfdL slt w]/} k/lge{/<br />

eO{;s]sf 5fF} eg]/ . t/ s] xfdL ;fFRr} sdhf]/<br />

xf}F t < ljns'n xf]Og, xfdL;+u ;a}yf]s<br />

5 . e"ld, k|fs[lts cg's'ntf, hgzlQm .<br />

t/ xfdL;+u hfFu/ / lxDdt b]lvPg . sfe|]<br />

lhNnfn] aflif{s & ca{eGbf a9Lsf] pTkfbg<br />

ul//x]sf] 5 .<br />

g'jfsf]6, dsjfgk'/n] klg s]xL dfqfdf<br />

pTkfbg u/]s} 5g\ . t/ sf7df8f}Fn] To;n]<br />

gk'u]/ ef/tsf laxf/L / pt/ k|b]zsf s[ifsn]<br />

kmnfPsf] ;AhL lsg]/ vfg'k/]sf] 5 . k"j{sf]<br />

lj/f6gu/df cfn' ;d]t ef/taf6 cfoft<br />

ePsf] tLtf] oyfy{ xfd|f ;fd' 5 . Toqf]<br />

hldgdf emf/ pdf/]/ o'jfx¿ ljb]z uP/<br />

sdfpF5g, Tof] k};f 3/df k7fpF5g / ToxL<br />

k};fn] pgLx¿sf kl/jf/n] ef/tdf kmn]sf]<br />

cfn' lsg]/ vfG5g\ . slt lj8Dagfk"0f{ oyfy{<br />

5, xfdLsxfF . xfdL;+u ePsf] s'/fsf] klg xfdL<br />

pkof]u / ;b'kof]u ug{ ;ls/x]sf 5}gf}F .<br />

oxfF sltkon] jftf/0f 5}g, s]xL x'Fb}g,<br />

s]xL 5}g eGg] ts{ klg /fv]sf] kfOG5 .<br />

To;f] t & bzs cl3 Oh/fonL;+u klg t<br />

s]xL lyPg lzjf; hfFu/ / ;fx; . !)÷!%<br />

jif{cl3 e'6fg klg t cfly{s ?kdf xfdLeGbf<br />

k5f8L lyof] . >Ln+sf, kfls:tfg, ckmuflg:<br />

tfg xfdLh:t} o4sf] w/ftnaf6 cfPsf d'n's<br />

x'g\ . oL d'n'sdf cem} klg u[xo'4 rln/x]s}<br />

5 . t/ logLx¿sf] cy{tGq xfd|f]h:tf] sdhf]<br />

5}g . w]/} 6f9fsf] s'/f lsg ug]{, xfd|f] ;fd'<br />

ef/tsf] u'h/ft ultnf] pbfx/0fsf] ?kdf 5 .<br />

5f]6f] ;dodf s[lifnfO{ Pp6f ultnf] pBf]usf<br />

?kdf :yfkgf u/]/ u'h/ftn] cfkm'nfO{ slt<br />

pbfx/0fLo ;flat ul/lbPsf] 5 . oL s'/faf6<br />

xfdL o'jfju{, /fhgLlt1 / cfd a'l4lhaLn]<br />

gl;Sg] eg] b]z slxn] aG5 < ;Fw}e/L sfFwdf<br />

emf]nf af]s]/ ljb]lzg'n] xfd|f ;GttLsf] eljio<br />

;'lglZrt x'G5 <<br />

cfly{s ljsf;df gful/s bfloTj lgZro<br />

klg /fHosf s]xL sdL sdhf]/L cj:o 5g\ .<br />

;/sf/n] 5'6\ofpg] s[lif cg'bfg, o'jf nlIot<br />

sfo{qmx¿ k|efjsf/L ?kdf nlIot ju{;Dd<br />

k'Ug ;ls/x]sf] kfOFb}g . of] Toqf] 7"nf] ;+s6<br />

xf]Og . t/ ;+s6 of] xf] ls, oL ;a sfo{qmd<br />

k|efjsf/L ePgg\ eg]/ b]zdf ePsf] o'jf hlt<br />

ljb]lzg' . b]z / eljiosf ;GttLsf] dfof<br />

ug]{x¿n] 3f]Tng} kg]{ a]nf xf] . ljk|]if0fn] b]z<br />

;Fw}el/ rNg] 5}g . ;GttLsf] eljio pHhjn,<br />

:jfwLg / ;jf]{Rrtfk"0f{ rfxg] xf] eg] ljb]z<br />

efu]/ Tof] rfxfgf k"/f x'g]jfnf 5}g . oxL<br />

b]zdf d]xgt ug]{ / oxLF k};f vf]Hg'kg]{ a]nf<br />

xf] . b]z alnof] eof] eg] ;Gtltsf] eljio<br />

alnof] x'g]5 . b]z alnof] eof] eg] o"/f]k /<br />

cd]l/sfsf] le;f nfUbf s/f]8f}Fsf] nf]6«L k/]h:<br />

tf] u/L b+u x'g'kg]{5}g .<br />

oxL b]zsf] gful/s ePsf]df uj{ ug{<br />

;lsg] 5 . dh:tf o'jfn] s[lif ljsf;sf]<br />

pbfx/0f x]g{ d?e"ldsf] b]z hfg'kg]{ 5}g .<br />

pgLx¿ g} xfdLsxfF cfpg] 5g\ s[lif k9\g /<br />

s[lif ljsf; x]g{ . t/ To;sf] nflu o'jf ju{ g}<br />

nfUg'k5{ . nfUg] eg]sf] ljb]lzP/ kSs} xf]Og .<br />

oxL b]zsf] df6f]nfO{ pkof]u u/]/ . g]kfns}<br />

e"ldsf] k|of]u u/]/ . ljb]zL e"lddf aufpg]<br />

kl;gf cfkm\g} b]zdf aufP/ . oL s'/fx¿ em§<br />

;'Gbf jf k9\bf cJojxfl/s nfUnfg\ t/ o'jf<br />

zlQm ljb]lzg] qmd g/f]lsg] xf] eg] d'n'ssf]<br />

ljsf; cGo s'g} /0fgLltn] klg ;Dej x'g]5}g,<br />

ePklg Tof] lb3{sfnLg x'g]5}g . o'jf ju{df<br />

b]zd} ;+3if{ ug]{ k|0f / /fhgLlts bndf<br />

o'jf ju{nfO{ cj;/ ;[hgf u/L b]z agfpg]<br />

k|lta2tf geP;Dd b]z agfpF5' eGg] / aG5<br />

eg]/ cf; ug'{ Joy{ x'g]5 .

22<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

A to Z Solution of Nepalese Hospitality<br />

Local & International<br />

Job Placement.<br />

- Orgnizing all kinds of food & Beverage<br />

Festivals<br />

- Professional Event Organizing on Different<br />

Sectors<br />

- Compaigning of Gastronomy Tourism<br />

in Nepal<br />

- Interior Designing of College, Hotel,<br />

Resort, Restaurant & Bar<br />

- World Class Commercial Kitchen Designing<br />

& Setup<br />

- Developing & Promoting of Nepalese<br />

Cuisine<br />

- Job & Intenship Placement<br />

- Hospitality Consultancy<br />

- Travel & Toursm Service<br />

Hospitality Foundation Of Nepal<br />

And<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong><br />

Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal, Tel : 01-4002272<br />

Cell : 9860003751, Email : info@hfnnepal .com, Web . : www.hfnnepal .com<br />

UAE Office :<br />

Sharja, Clock Tower, One Colony<br />

Jeevan Sharma : +971553206217

Year : 1, Issue : 3 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 23<br />

Complete Shopping Centre<br />

l Glass Ware<br />

l Crystal Glass<br />

l Kitchen Ware<br />

l Dinner Set<br />

l House Hold<br />

l Blanket<br />

l Sun Glasses<br />

l Perfumes<br />

l Gift items<br />

l Micro-wave Items<br />

l Show Pieces<br />

l Dinner Ware<br />

l Carpet<br />

l Cosmetics<br />

Kathmandu Mall, 5th Floor, Old Sanchaya Kosh Bhawan, Sundhara<br />

Phone : 01-4150223, 4150224, 4150225, 2296244, Cell : 9860003751<br />

E-mail :<br />

Web. :

24<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> Cuisine<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

Receipe<br />

Grilled Salmon<br />

Ingrediants :<br />

Salmon<br />

Olive oil<br />

Rosemary<br />

Salt<br />

Black pepper<br />

Seasonal vegetables<br />

Lemon<br />

Cream<br />

– 180gm<br />

– 10ml<br />

– 5gm<br />

– 5gm<br />

– 5gm<br />

– 30gm<br />

– 15ml<br />

– 20ml<br />


• In a small bowl, stir Rosemary, olive oil, Salt and black pepper together until the salt is<br />

dissolved completely.<br />

• Put the salmon fillets in the bowl to marinate for 20 mins.<br />

• Prepare grill and spray oil on the both side of Salmon and place it on the grill<br />

• Close the grill and cook it for 1-3 mins.<br />

• Turn on the other side of the fillet and cook it for 2-5 mins.<br />

• Squeeze some lemon on the filet and serve with cream on the top with fresh vegetables<br />

on the side.<br />

9th cloud Grilled Chicken<br />

Ingrediants :<br />

• Chicken breast – 110gm<br />

• Olive oil – 10ml<br />

• Rosemary - 5gm<br />

• Salt – 5gm<br />

• Black pepper – 5gm<br />

• Mashed potato – 50gm<br />

• Vegetables – 30gm<br />

• Mustard – 15gm<br />

• Cream – 20ml<br />


• Marinate the chicken breast in olive oil, salt, pepper and rosemary for 30mins.<br />

• Heat the grill to medium temperature. Brush the grill with olive oil and put<br />

the chicken on the grill and cook until golden and slightly charred, about 3<br />

mins on each side.<br />

• Squeeze some lemon on the chicken and serve with cream and mustard on<br />

the top and mashed potato & fresh vegetables as the side dish.

Bevrage<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 25<br />

Mocktail<br />

9th Cloud<br />

Ingrediants :<br />

Pineapple juice - 90 ml<br />

Mango juice - 90 ml<br />

Orange juice - 90 ml<br />

Fresh cream - 15ml<br />

Greadine<br />

-1-2 drops<br />

Orange peel with Olives<br />

Mixing Instruction:<br />

Pour all the above ingredients except grenadine in the shaker filled with ice than shake well.<br />

Pour the shaked mocktail in glass than gently pour grenadine syrup 1-2 drop.<br />

Garnish with Orange peel.<br />

Cocktail<br />

Three Desire<br />

Ingrediants :<br />

Vodka – 45 ml<br />

Grenadine- 15 ml<br />

Blue Curacao- 15ml<br />

Lemon juice – 60 ml<br />

Compare – 5 ml<br />

Mixing Instruction:<br />

Poor grenadine gently in the bottom. Then poor compare and ice cubes<br />

Then pour orange juice gently to make layer.<br />

Then put vodka and blue Curacao in shaker and shake well<br />

Pour gently to make another layer.<br />

Put straw and shave a sweet sip with bitter taste.<br />

Baluwatar, Kathmandu<br />

(Opp. of Russian Embassy<br />

Cell : 9802018005<br />

26<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

Gaunghat, Lekside, Pokhara<br />

Phone : +977-61-463722<br />

Fax : +977-0-61463164<br />

Email :

Year : 1, Issue : 3 ljljw<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 27<br />

;+s6df kbdfu{<br />

d= d=<br />

rfpldg<br />

/fi6«sf] lasf; ckl/xfo{ 5, lasf; ;+u;+u} lagf; emg<br />

bf]Aa/ 5 . hyfefaL lagf of]hgfsf c:tAo:t u|fld0f ;8sx¿<br />

5/k:6} 5g, h'g clt g} ;+a]bgzLn / c;'/IfLt 5g . ulDe/<br />

b'3{6gfsf] 7'nf] hf]lvd 5 / e}/x]sf] kgL 5 . c;'/IfLt df]6/<br />

ofqf eGbf ;'/IfLt / cfglGbt kbofqf g} /f]hfO{df kb{5 . ls<br />

t w'nfDo vt/gfs ;8sx¿ lrNnf] / ;'/IfLt agfO{b]p, x}g<br />

eg] lasf;sf gfddf u|fld0f hghLag cftlÍt gagfO{b]p .<br />

ækbofqf dfu{x¿ ;'/IfLt u/f}+, /fli6«o ko{6gnfO{ k|ab{g u/f}+<br />

lai0f' axfb'/ dxt<br />

(*$%!^)^%#<br />

rf}lj;sf]6Lrf]s, e/tk'/

28<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> ko{6lso ;/f]sf/<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

k|fs[lts, ;f+:s[lts,<br />

wfld{s tyf P]ltxf;Ls<br />

ko{6sLo gu/L<br />

tf}ynL<br />

em§ x]bf{ htL dgdf]xs 5, l;Gw'kfNrf]s<br />

lhNnfsf] tf}ynL uflj;sf] /fhwfgL<br />

sf7df8f}+af6 !!@ ls=dL= k'jL{ e]udf<br />

cjl:yt l;Gw'kfNrf]s lhNnfsf] k|Voft<br />

wfld{s P]ltxf;Ls tyf ko{6sLo :ynsf]<br />

?kdf kl/lrt tf}ynL uflj;sf] k'j{df bf]nvf<br />

lhNnfsf] v/L9'Ëf klZrddf 6]sfgk'/ uflj;<br />

pQ/df lk:s/ uflj;sf] lk:s/ vf]nf /<br />

blIf0fdf h]7n / k]6s' uflj;sf] agf{vf]nf<br />

kb{5 . of] uflj;nfO{ hgsk'/ / jfUdtL<br />

c~rnsf] l;dfgfsf] ?kdf klg lng ;lsG5 .<br />

oxfF s/La & ;o 3/w'/L eO{ nueu % xhf/<br />

hg;Î\ofsf] a;f]af; /x]sf] kfO{G5 . of] uflj;<br />

g]jf/L a:tLn] el/Psf] k'/fgf] zx/ xf] . g]jf/<br />

;d'bfox¿n] cfˆgf] /Lltl/jfh / k/Dk/f<br />

cg';f/ ljleGg rf8 kj{ / hfqfx¿ dgfpg]<br />

Toxfsf] d'n ljif]ztf xf] . g]jf/ eP/ klg<br />

b]zsf cGo efudf /x]sf] g]jf/ ;d'bfosf]<br />

eGbf k[ys l/tLl/jfh ;f:s[lts k/Dk/f clg<br />

efiff x'g'nfO{ Toxfsf] csf]{ ljif]ztf xf] .<br />

oxfF lqk'/f ;'Gb/LdfO{sf] dlGb/ led]Zj/<br />

gft]Zj/ o;}u/L ;]tLb]jL u0f]z dxfb]j ;/:<br />

jtL jf3e}/j nufPtsf y'k|} dlGb/x¿<br />

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a'§fx¿ b]Vg ;lsG5 . o;n] Toxfsf] snf<br />

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cfpg] ub{5g\ .<br />

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prfO{df cjl:yt tf}ynL uflj; wfld{s<br />

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tf ljleGg :yfgaf6 uf}/Lz+s/ u0f]z dsfn'<br />

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sf7df8f} cfpg ;lsG5 .

Year : 1, Issue : 3 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 29<br />

Work and Study in ABROAD<br />

Australia New Zealand<br />

USA Japan<br />

Europe and many more<br />

Phone : 01-4111552, 015192046, Cell : 9801111552<br />


International Air Tickets<br />

Domestic Air Tickets<br />

Hotel Booking<br />

Tour Package<br />

Vehicle Services<br />

Treaking in Nepal<br />

Events :<br />

Safari/ rafting/<br />

Yoga & Meditation<br />

M.D. Alaudin Alam<br />

Marketing Director<br />

Macksud Alam<br />

Chairman<br />

9823286750<br />

Sony Air Travel And Tours Pvt. Ltd.<br />

P.O.Box : 13126, Tilganga-9, Ktm, Nepal<br />

Tel : +977-1-4112700, Fax : +977-1-4112781<br />

Email : ,<br />

30<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> Travel Diary<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

“A Unique Adventure Destination”<br />


Trip Highlights:<br />

Area<br />

Trek Start<br />

Trek End<br />

Best Session<br />

Trekking Status<br />

View Covered<br />

Village Covered<br />

For Details Contact<br />

: Annapurna Conservation Area<br />

: Pokhara<br />

: Pokhara Maximum Altitude : 4120 Mtrs Trekking period : 5-8 days<br />

: Sep-Nov, Feb-May<br />

(Alex Nepal)<br />

: Full Camping<br />

: Machhapuchhure (6997 Mtrs ) ,Mardi Himal (5553 Mtrs), Annapurna II (7937 Mtrs),<br />

Annapurna IV (7420 Mtrs) , Annapurna South (7219 Mtrs ) and lots of Small peaks .<br />

: Ghachok, Lahachok , Rivan , Machhapuchhure , Dhital , Sardi Khola and Lwang Ghalel<br />

: SURESH LAMSAL, (Mountain Explorer)<br />


The Machhapuchhure model<br />

trek route is a pristine ecology<br />

based and local community<br />

initiated exotic rural tourism<br />

Product .It is a recently developed but<br />

under explored alternative trekking and<br />

hiking route to the Annapurna circuit<br />

trek in Annapurna Conservation area<br />

in Kaski District of Western Nepal.<br />

At that moment I was offered an<br />

Invitation to my local villagers friend<br />

to explore Machhapuchhure Model<br />

trek ,Some of my friend who already<br />

spend more the 25 years in these area<br />

running buffalo farm and who know<br />

the all minor and major trails for<br />

Trekking and sources of water for<br />

make camping trekking .<br />

When I was in my village in<br />

GHACHOK I purposed to all of my<br />

friends to explore model trek for 5<br />

days and all of my friends they are so<br />

happy with my proposal .Finally we<br />

are 8 people ( SURESH<br />



SANJAY and GANESH )<br />

decided to start our wild camping<br />

trek to the Machhapuchhure Model<br />

Trek .<br />

Early morning I took local bus Aug.2015.<br />

to Pokhara and I organized all the<br />

equipments for trekking .Tents,<br />

Sleeping bags, First aid kit box,<br />

Mattress, all the materials for cooking<br />

food<br />

,gas and needed all things .Then<br />

I put these everything on local jeep .I<br />

drop those all things in my local house<br />

in my village and preparation finally<br />

ready for departure on 24 th<br />

Day 1: GHACHOK to ODANE<br />

HILL (2515 Mtrs)<br />

At 9 am our team Departure from<br />

the Village called GHACHOK ( 1200<br />

Mtrs ) to our destination . GHACHOK<br />

situated 1 Hrs Jeep /Bus Drive from<br />

center Pokhara ( 12 KM) .We carry<br />

our all necessary things on our self<br />

and start wild camping trekking. 5 hrs<br />

journeys to<br />

we arrived on ODANE HILL<br />

2515 meters , Raining on the way<br />

but we enjoyed lots ,After arrived<br />

we fixed our tents and start to cook<br />

food .Really wonderful rhododendron<br />

forest and fantastic location for great<br />

sunset view .some of friends are very<br />

happy to capture best sunset view by<br />

them camera .Finally after dinner and<br />

drinks we sleep inside the tent .

Travel Diary<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 31<br />


DANDA( 3245 Mtrs)<br />

1 st day walking uphill so felling<br />

tired but the Nature start to call us early<br />

morning<br />

.B ecause of the sun coming<br />

soon on that’s moment so we cant<br />

sleep late morning .We enjoyed<br />

lots with best sunrise and take our<br />

breakfast ,then we packed our all the<br />

materials for next Destination . 9 am<br />

we start our trip to CHICHIMLE for<br />

lunch Stop.Just we collect some fire<br />

wood and we cooked our delicious<br />

food .then we start our trip after<br />

lunch to KHUMAI DANDA (3245<br />

mtrs ).The heart touchable view of<br />

Machhapuchhure its so imagine<br />

.C ouple hours just we are<br />

standing with super view of Himalaya<br />

Range and Pokhara valley<br />

.Then we prepare to fixed<br />

everything ,Had good dinner as a<br />

dalbhat and some local drinks then we<br />

had really great good night .Because<br />

of we climbed 730 Mtrs.<br />

Day 3 :KHUMAI DANDA to<br />

KORCHAN (3682 Mtrs) to<br />

BUKENI KHARKHA (4120 Mtrs)<br />

After great studding view of<br />

Himalaya and pokhara valley we<br />

start our 3 rd day destination,<br />

Its Quite Adventure and high<br />

altitude. 8 am we start our trip to<br />

KORCHAN ,its completely uphill but<br />

the top of KORCHAN how to me I<br />

explain .180 Degrees of pristine view<br />

of Himalaya view from Annapurna<br />

to Manaslu .Its awesome .We stop at<br />

KORCHAN for Lunch ,Enjoy Lunch<br />

with stunting view of Himalaya and<br />

Great range of Valley .After lunch<br />

we start our more Adventure trip<br />

to BUKENI .We cross lots of green<br />

grass flat parts and uphill parts .More<br />

than 25 different colors of flowers for<br />

grass and herbals .We fell its looks<br />

Heaven .Big and big mountains covered<br />

by lots of flower and smooth grass .I<br />

felled I am walking on the luxuries<br />

carpet. Finally we reached final<br />

destination at 4 Pm .All of my friends<br />

they forget to fixed tents and organize<br />

food because of the nature makes<br />

crazy for everybody .Himalayan<br />

Ship ,Close view of Machhapuchhure<br />

and Annapurna ,thousand of<br />

flowers ,Green and clean grass as a<br />

mountain carpet .Late night we fixed<br />

everything ,had a Dal Bhat and we<br />

sleep because its long journey .<br />

Day 4:BUKENI KHARKA to<br />

PIPER (2600 Mtrs)<br />

Wake up early morning for view<br />

and nature .hours and hours we spend<br />

our time in their, Had Breakfast and<br />

Lunch .Played lots with nature and<br />

Himalayan Ship . .Because of the<br />

destination its not so far to PIPER.<br />

After lunch we said good bye for the<br />

final nature<br />

,animal ,and Himalaya then<br />

departure for PIPER .in 3 hrs we climb<br />

down to piper .But it’s completely<br />

down and downhill with green grass<br />

and some steps as well .PIPER is<br />

reserved area for Pheasant .Quite<br />

environment ,Rhododendron forest<br />

,downhill walk and Chrystal water<br />

pond it’s wonderful .And we stayed<br />

overnight at PIPER .<br />



After 4 days adventure trek we<br />

had a final days to back to Village and<br />

some of friends back to Pokhara .Early<br />

morning we had a breakfast ,then<br />

we start our again downhill trek to<br />

KARUWA ,Hundreds and Hundreds of<br />

downhill steeps we climb down .4 hrs<br />

steeps down to we arrived the village<br />

called KARUWA (1660 Mtr ),Its close<br />

to Seti river .We prepare for lunch in<br />

there .After lunch 1 hrs trekking to<br />

we arrive TATOPANI (KHARAPANI<br />

).There is have really nice hot<br />

spring .Really good rest and relax with<br />

hot water .There is have easy<br />

access for transportation to<br />

Pokhara or GHACHOK .1 hrs easy<br />

drive to pokhara via GHACHOK or<br />

via Lamachour .<br />

The memories of this Trekking it’s<br />

difficult to explain how wonderful is<br />

it .It is a Perfect destination for nature<br />

lovers and Mountain lovers .Very<br />

highly suggested for everyone to visit<br />

there .A close destination ,Adventure<br />

,cultural rich ,nature and its beauties,<br />

it’s amazing .In one day in your life<br />

you can fell how is the fallings of the<br />

nature and close to Himalaya .Specially<br />

for the tourism business person I want<br />

to request for them to offer the best<br />

and best Adventure trip to Himalaya<br />

,Please you can choose<br />


D E S T I N A T I O N<br />


TEK” .

32 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> Year : 1, Issue : 3

Year : 1, Issue : 3 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 33<br />

the Pizzeria and Authentic Italian Restaurant<br />


Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal<br />

Tel : 01-4701572<br />

Mobile : 9851050676<br />

Email :

34 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> cfj/0f<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

Impact of Climate Change and Earthquake<br />

in Mountain Tourism of Nepal<br />

Ani Tshering Sherpa<br />

President of Nepal Mountaineering<br />

Association (NMA),<br />

Chairman of Climate Alliances of<br />

Himalayan Communities (CAHC),<br />

Honorary Member of International<br />

Climbing and Mountaineering<br />

Federation (UIAA),<br />

IP President of Asian Mountaineering<br />

and Climbing Federation (UAAA),<br />

Nepal’s tourism industry is more<br />

than just another economic sector in<br />

the nation’s economy. It is among<br />

the top three sectors of the country<br />

providing important employment,<br />

revenue and key to develop the<br />

remote rural areas. In a country,<br />

where a significant segment of its<br />

population lives under the poverty<br />

line, development is the prime need<br />

of the country. In this regard, tourism<br />

is a lifeline for many Nepalese,<br />

especially those living in remote farflung<br />

places that have little economic<br />

opportunities for the inhabitants.<br />

Eco-tourism plays a vital role<br />

in contributing to adaptation and<br />

resilience building of Himalayan<br />

communities to climate change<br />

occurring in the region. Global<br />

climate change is impacting Nepal<br />

rather disproportionately compared<br />

to its size and its own meager<br />

contribution of the global greenhouse<br />

gases. Mountain communities are<br />

particularly vulnerable to natural<br />

hazards, which are a common<br />

feature of mountain environments.<br />

Thus, tourism uniquely supports<br />

the livelihood of rural Nepalese and<br />

directly improves their ability to cope<br />

with changes in the climate.<br />

Mountains have always remained<br />

respected and the relationships<br />

between man and mountains have<br />

remained strong all through the ages.<br />

This makes it all the importance to renew<br />

our efforts for the conservation<br />

of the mountains, specially the fragile<br />

Himalayas. The efforts of all the<br />

nations are required to prevent the<br />

deterioration of the fragile mountain<br />

environments, so that the survival of<br />

human kind is guaranteed.<br />

Cause of Climate Change and<br />

Global Warming: The Himalayas<br />

are the most vulnerable to the

Year : 1, Issue : 3 cfj/0f <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 35<br />

impact of climate change; global<br />

warming; earthquake and other<br />

natural calamities. The main reason<br />

is: In imagine the impact of climate<br />

change, think of where the down’s<br />

light first strikes at the beginning<br />

of the day. It strikes the top of the<br />

mountains. When you think of<br />

climate change, think also of where<br />

the sunlight touches the Earth most<br />

persistently and that is where twenty<br />

four hour light falls on the poles. It is<br />

to these places we should look first<br />

for most pronounced and immediate<br />

evidence of how climate change has<br />

begun to alter our world.<br />

The impacts of climate change<br />

and global warming are clearly<br />

noticeable in the High Himalayan<br />

Regions of Nepal, where we the<br />

Himalayan Communities call our<br />

home. The rises of temperature in<br />

the high Himalayan region are more<br />

than double that of the global average<br />

temperature rise. Moreover, the<br />

movement of the industrial brown<br />

clouds containing black carbon<br />

particles from our neighboring<br />

countries over our giant mountains is<br />

also contributing to the rapid melting<br />

of snow and ice.<br />

White snow peaks and Himalayan<br />

glaciers are melting rapidly and<br />

retreating at an unprecedented rate,<br />

leaving in their place the highest<br />

and most unstable glacial lakes in<br />

the world restrained only by fragile<br />

moraines. The threat of Glacial<br />

Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF) is<br />

very real to us and could take place<br />

at any time, washing out entire<br />

valleys and devastating downstream<br />

communities. It may take decades,<br />

or even centuries, to recover from<br />

such a vertical tsunami due to the<br />

inaccessibility and fragility of<br />

the landscape. The development<br />

process will also be put in jeopardy<br />

as infrastructure such as hydro<br />

power plants and roads risk sudden<br />

destruction.<br />

It may take decades, or even<br />

centuries, to recover from such<br />

a vertical tsunami due to the<br />

inaccessibility and fragility of the<br />

landscape. The development process<br />

will also be put in jeopardy as<br />

infrastructure such as hydro power<br />

plants, houses, schools, hospitals,<br />

government offices, natural and<br />

cultural monuments and roads risk<br />

sudden destruction.<br />

We are also seeing changes in<br />

the climatic pattern causing severe<br />

wind, hail, snow and ice storms,<br />

more droughts in some areas, while<br />

experiencing more floods in others.<br />

Due to the rise in temperature,<br />

local crops are being destroyed by<br />

the introduction of new bacteria,<br />

insects, birds and mammals, which<br />

were not known to the colder hills<br />

and mountains in the past, facing<br />

food shortage. While at the same time<br />

changes to the mountain wildlife<br />

habitat, ecology and vulnerability<br />

of new diseases, is leading to the<br />

extinction of various indigenous<br />

flora and fauna.<br />

Nepal’s important tourism<br />

industry is also under threat as the<br />

result of recent earthquake and<br />

increased temperatures are causing<br />

climbing and trekking routes to<br />

change. Alarmingly, there is a big<br />

increase in the number of frequency<br />

and magnitude of avalanches, serac<br />

collapses and rock falls on the<br />

mountains. The result of this was clear<br />

to see in the tragedy that unfolded on<br />

Mt. Everest avalanches killed 16<br />

valiant Nepalese mountaineers on 18<br />

April 2014, an unprecedented natural<br />

catastrophe of heavy snow fall and<br />

avalanches that occurred on 13th and<br />

14th October 2014 in Annapurna,<br />

Dhaulagiri and Dolpo region, killed<br />

41and rescued 532 trekkers and<br />

climbers of various nationalities,

36<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> cfj/0f<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

the devastating earthquake caused<br />

massive avalanche from the flank<br />

of Mt. Pumori on 25 April 2015 has<br />

killed 18 climber and 71 injured at<br />

Mt. Everest Base Camp which were<br />

rescued immediately from EBC to<br />

KTM and the devastating earthquake<br />

on 25 April, 12 May 2015 and its<br />

aftermath tremors has brought us<br />

unspeakable grief and devastation.<br />

The world’s mountains are home to<br />

about 800 million people and provide<br />

crucial ecosystem services for the<br />

entire globe, including freshwater for<br />

half of humankind. They are centers<br />

of biological diversity, important<br />

tourist destinations and key sources<br />

for raw materials. However, mountain<br />

regions are especially sensitive to<br />

the impacts of a changing climate,<br />

putting at risk many of the goods and<br />

services provided by mountains.<br />

Growing up as a Sherpa boy in<br />

the remote mountain area of Khumbu<br />

region, I have experienced the impact<br />

of global warming and climate change<br />

in our home village in Nepal. I come<br />

from a strong mountaineering family<br />

background from Mt. Everest region.<br />

I spent most of my childhood in the<br />

region as a pupil at the Khumjung<br />

School, situated at 3780m, founded<br />

and built by Sir Edmund Hillary for<br />

Sherpa children. The school was built<br />

in 1961 and I was fortunate enough<br />

to be among the very first batch of<br />

graduates.<br />

I have been in the mountaineering<br />

and mountain tourism business for<br />

more than four decades now and I<br />

have personally and professionally<br />

experienced and witnessed vast<br />

changes in the mountain areas,<br />

especially in the Mt. Everest<br />

region.<br />

Over the years, I have seen new<br />

glacial lakes form and their sizes<br />

increasing dangerously. Some of<br />

the most noticeable changes I have<br />

witnessed during my lifetime are<br />

rapidly retreating glaciers and new<br />

glacial lake formations where there<br />

was only ice and snow before.<br />

Mountain glaciers are considered<br />

key indicators of climate change in<br />

recent years. Glacier changes are<br />

the most visible evidence of global<br />

changes in climate. And I myself<br />

have witnessed this.<br />

When I was a child, we could<br />

easily cross one of the most popular<br />

glaciers, the Ngzomba Glacier at the<br />

bottom of Mt. Cho Oyu, with our herd<br />

of yaks. Today, the glaciers have been<br />

transformed into innumerable small<br />

glacial lakes. Our elders used to cross<br />

Lho La pass (6026m), situated on the<br />

western ridge of Mt Everest, on their<br />

way to trade in Tibet. Today, all that<br />

remains of this huge ramp of ice and<br />

snow are precarious seracs clawing<br />

desperately to the top of rocky cliffs.<br />

In both cases it is no longer possible<br />

to use these historic routes.<br />

Similarly, I remember very well<br />

that the much talked Imja Lake that<br />

did not exist during the 60s and later<br />

it gradually grew and is now a lake<br />

that is almost 3km long, more than<br />

1km wide and more than 100m deep<br />

according to the latest findings.<br />

The Himalayas are many things<br />

to many people. To some it is the<br />

ultimate adventure destination<br />

awaiting triumphs of human<br />

endurance. To others, it is a place<br />

of spiritual import as the abode of<br />

gods and goddesses as well as the<br />

site containing holy monasteries<br />

and temples. Yet to others, it is a<br />

place of ecological significance;<br />

the huge masses of ice serving as<br />

the water towers for 3 billion of the<br />

world’s people and as Himalayas<br />

with enormous value of reservoir<br />

of biological diversity and natural<br />

resources essential to human kind<br />

as a whole, as places with significant<br />

natural phenomena associated with<br />

climate and geography.<br />

Mountaineering, Tourism and<br />

Clean up Campaign and Efforts: After

Year : 1, Issue : 3 cfj/0f <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 37<br />

raising awareness among the local<br />

communities, various INGOs, NGOs,<br />

private sector businesses, including<br />

trekking and mountaineering<br />

companies and mountaineers have<br />

put in a great amount of effort to<br />

clean the mountainous region. As a<br />

result, what once was known as the<br />

world’s highest garbage dump has<br />

today become one of the cleanest<br />

mountainous environments. This<br />

was the result of efforts such as the<br />

“Eco-Everest Expedition” and “Cash<br />

for Trash”.<br />

Eco Everest Expedition is an<br />

eco friendly expedition organized<br />

annually since 2008 as a platform<br />

to attract maximum global attention<br />

with the main objective to raise<br />

awareness about the impact of<br />

climate change and glacier melting<br />

in the mountain. The expedition’s<br />

efforts will help reduce the high risk<br />

of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods<br />

(GLOF) that may affect the lives and<br />

livelihood of the local people and<br />

downstream communities.<br />

Under the “Cash for Trash”<br />

program of Asian Trekking collected<br />

more than 15,700 kilos of old garbage<br />

and an approximately 1000 kilos of<br />

human wastes and five deceased<br />

bodies from slopes of Mt. Everest for<br />

a dignified burial and funeral.<br />

This project also introduced<br />

parabolic solar cooker, solar energies<br />

for lighting, battery charges and<br />

SteriPENs for water purification.<br />

Asian Trekking not only used<br />

those alternatives for their purpose<br />

but they also equally encouraged<br />

other expedition teams to use them<br />

wisely. Therefore, it is important<br />

to understand that mountain<br />

communities from Himalayas must<br />

unite and advocate for this cause.<br />

Nepal is a disaster prone country<br />

due to its steep terrain, a rugged and<br />

fragile geomorphic condition, high<br />

peaks and slopes, volatile tectonic<br />

processes, variable climatic patterns,<br />

very rural topography and other<br />

factors such as increasing population,<br />

poor economic condition, unplanned<br />

settlement, low literacy rate etc.<br />

Earthquake, floods, landslides,<br />

lightning, Glacial Lake Outburst<br />

Flood (GLOF), avalanche, epidemics<br />

often occur causing enormous<br />

physical damages and losses of<br />

human lives. Nepal is ranked 4th in<br />

terms of impact of climate change,<br />

ranked 11th in terms of risk from<br />

earthquake and 30th in terms of<br />

flood risk according to latest findings<br />

of global report on disaster risk<br />

The Impact of Recent Earthquake<br />

on Mountain Tourism Sector: The<br />

impacts of the devastating earthquakes<br />

of April and May 2015 followed by<br />

more than 500 aftershocks have been<br />

disproportionately greater in remote<br />

mountain region of Nepal. Tourism<br />

plays a significant role in Nepal’s<br />

economy by employing a major<br />

share of the Nepalese workforce and<br />

provides economic opportunities to<br />

those who need them most in rural<br />

mountain regions. In the aftermath of<br />

the earthquakes, recovery of Nepal’s<br />

tourism is going to be a vital factor in<br />

the recovery process of Nepal. Safety<br />

conditions being the major concern<br />

of potential visitors to Nepal, the<br />

mountain tourism community has<br />

taken the concern very seriously and<br />

has also taken measures to review<br />

areas of safety concern and improved<br />

them.<br />

In collaboration and financial<br />

support from UN World Food<br />

Program, we have already rebuilt<br />

and repaired dozens of trails, roads<br />

and bridges to reopen access to<br />

the remote mountain communities<br />

and trekking regions so that local<br />

villagers can resume their normal<br />

lives and tourism activities can<br />

operate safely in the days ahead. At

38<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> cfj/0f<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

the same time we are also mobilizing<br />

the humanitarian relief goods and<br />

foods carry by porters to various<br />

mountainous regions and distribute<br />

to the earthquake affected mountain<br />

communities. We are also building<br />

mountain huts and shelters in popular<br />

mountaineering and trekking areas,<br />

to serve those who need it in times<br />

of crisis.<br />

Tourism Revitalizations: Since<br />

tourism is one of Nepal’s most<br />

important industry for income and<br />

employment generator, Tourism<br />

Revitalizations in Nepal is currently<br />

the most urgent and important task<br />

that the government and partner<br />

agencies need to focus on after the<br />

and the memories of the land<br />

of the snow-capped mountains<br />

and the roaring river valleys, of<br />

the ancient preserved cities with<br />

towering pagoda temples, cordial<br />

friendly people with their fascinating<br />

folkways.<br />

Nepal is a country of contrasts.<br />

One would be hard-pressed not<br />

to find a landscape or a culture in<br />

Nepal that would not remind them<br />

of home: from the flat lands where<br />

Lord Buddha and Sita were born in<br />

the ancient times or the highest point<br />

on earth where man only set foot in<br />

modern times, Nepal has treasures to<br />

be discovered for all.<br />

Many know that the highest<br />

and tradition. This multi-ethnic<br />

diversity, living in harmony for<br />

centuries has weaved Nepal into<br />

one of the richest cultural tapestries<br />

in the world.<br />

Nepal is a country with extreme<br />

ranges of elevation with the lowers<br />

being 67m above sea level to the<br />

highest reaching 8848m, the summit<br />

of world’s tallest peak, Mt. Everest.<br />

Mt. Everest has put Nepal on the<br />

top of world’s map as an ultimate<br />

adventure tourism destination in the<br />

world. Nepal offers unique and ample<br />

opportunities for mountaineering,<br />

trekking, and experiencing nature<br />

and culture for visitors all year<br />

around. Nepal has been the paradise<br />

damage to Nepal’s reputation as<br />

a tourism destination caused by<br />

the earthquake and other factors.<br />

Authorities must not only seek to<br />

bring tourism back to where it was<br />

but use this current opportunity to<br />

put into place structures that will<br />

accelerate the growth of tourism.<br />

Nepal is a God gifted mysterious<br />

land of the hidden paradise nestled<br />

in the lap of the Himalayas. You<br />

will never forget the experiences<br />

mountains lie in Nepal but few<br />

know the warmth of the people of<br />

Nepal. It is this that makes Nepal a<br />

second home to those who have ever<br />

experienced her first hand. Nepal<br />

hosts some of the most spectacular<br />

natural areas and biodiversity of the<br />

world. Nepal boasts 118 ecosystems,<br />

75 categories of vegetation, 35<br />

types of forests, and 125 identified<br />

different ethnic groups, each with<br />

their uniquely own language, culture<br />

for mountaineers with many of the<br />

highest peaks in the world and some<br />

most outstanding achievements have<br />

been made in the history of world<br />

mountaineering. Mountaineering is<br />

considered the keystone activity that<br />

Nepal offers to the climbers than any<br />

country in the world.<br />

Nepal has identified 1792 eligible<br />

climbing peaks and their elevation<br />

ranges from 5800m to above 8000m<br />

peaks including 1310 peaks that

Year : 1, Issue : 3 cfj/0f <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 39<br />

are above 6000m. In fact there are<br />

more than 14, 8000m peaks in Nepal<br />

recognized by the mountaineering<br />

fraternities and Government of<br />

Nepal. GoN issues climbing permits<br />

for 14 peaks that are higher than<br />

8000m. Namely from east to west:<br />

1. Kanchenjunga South (8476), 2.<br />

Kanchenjunga Central (8473m), 3.<br />

Kanchenjunga Main (8586m), 4.<br />

Yalung Khang (8505m), 5. Yalung<br />

Khang West (8077m), 6. Makalu<br />

(8485m), 7. Lhotse Shar (8382m),<br />

8. Lhotse Middle (8410m), 9. Lhotse<br />

Main (8516m), 10. Everest (8848m),<br />

11. Cho-Oyu (8188m), 12. Manaslu<br />

(8163m), 13. Annapurna I (8091m)<br />

and 14. Dhaulagiri I (8167m). Of<br />

the total of 1792 eligible climbing<br />

peaks only 403 peaks are opened for<br />

mountaineering expeditions. Still<br />

there are 1389 unclimbed peaks are<br />

in Nepal. Even till this day, most<br />

of the great Himalayan regions are<br />

untouched and has always been<br />

fascinated and inspired a horde of<br />

people from all walks of life over<br />

and again.<br />

The Road Ahead: I firmly<br />

believed that Nepal could be made an<br />

even more attractive destination for<br />

climbers, trekkers and adventurers.<br />

The Nepal Government needs<br />

to focus its efforts on reviving<br />

and rebuilding of post earthquake<br />

resurgence of tourism infrastructures,<br />

streamlining bureaucracy to make<br />

it more convenient and less time<br />

consuming to obtain permits and<br />

other official procedures, reduce<br />

permit fees until the tourism sector<br />

is fully recovered, remove permit<br />

fee to less popular peaks to promote<br />

them, strictly monitor environmental<br />

impacts, run regular clean up<br />

campaigns, remove the “one-team,<br />

one liaison officer” rule, ensure law<br />

and order in the remote mountain<br />

districts, improve infrastructure<br />

such as airports (black-tops), roads,<br />

clean water supply, sanitary facilities,<br />

immediate rescue provisions, assure<br />

political stability (i.e. no more strikes,<br />

closers, protests,… ), diversify<br />

‘tourism products’, strengthen the<br />

national flag carrier (Nepal Airlines<br />

Corporation), expedite the works<br />

of construction of regional and<br />

international airports of Pokhara,<br />

Bhairahawa and Nizghad.<br />

Peace, stability, safety and security<br />

of tourists, tourism industry, trade,<br />

commerce, industry, the citizens and<br />

their property constitute a fundamental<br />

and necessary environment for<br />

development. Without these prerequisites,<br />

Nepal cannot be graduated<br />

to developing Nation by 2022 and<br />

vision 2022 will be meaningless and<br />

no development will occur.<br />

More than anything else, we need<br />

to get people back to work so that<br />

they can look after themselves. And<br />

that means we need to get tourism up<br />

and running as it is one of the biggest<br />

employers as an industry. I believe<br />

that these very important events can<br />

play a tremendously powerful role in<br />

speedy recovery of Nepal’s tourism<br />

industry and its sub-sectors. We need<br />

to let the world know that the best<br />

way to help Nepal is by visiting her so<br />

that every dollars of tourists spending<br />

will help to revive our economy<br />

and rebuild our infrastructures even<br />

better than before. What can be done<br />

today should not wait for tomorrow.<br />

Thanks for your kind attention.<br />

40 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />


Kesha plaza 8th floor, New Road, Kathmandu.<br />

Tel : 01-4242522<br />

Email :

Year : 1, Issue : 3 s[lif <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 41<br />

sf7df8f}“df df5f dxf]T;j ;DkGg,<br />

dT:okfng gLlt Nofpg] s[lifdGqLsf] egfO{<br />

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a;]sf] dT:okfng gLlt rfF8} Nofpg ;/sf/<br />

sl6a4 ePsf] k|ltjåtf JoQm u/] .<br />

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hfgsf/L lbP . sfo{qmddf lrtjg, em'jfgLsf yf?<br />

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dxf]T;j ;dfkg ul/Psf] 5 .<br />

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laqmLdf /flvPsf] lyof] . g]kfn dT:o Joj;foL ;‹<br />

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gf} xhf/ (#$ x]S6/ hnfzodf Jofj;flos df5f<br />

pTkfbg ePsf] 5 . df5f pTkfbgsf nflu #% xhf/<br />

Joj;foL cfj4 ePsf] atfOG5<br />

Adwait Marg-31, Putalisadak (Near to Kathmandu Model Hospital) Kathmandu, Nepal|<br />

GPO Box: 2345 T: +977-01-4253002, 01-6201234 | M: 9851075452 |<br />

E:, |<br />

W: | FB:

42<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> pmhf{<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

d'cfAhf ;DaGwL ljjfbdf a'9Lu08sL hnljB't<br />

cfof]hgfsf] sfof{no tf]8kmf]8–c>'Uof; k|xf/<br />

sdn/fh 9sfn<br />

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k|efljt If]qsf afl;Gbfn]<br />

sfof{nodf tfnf nufpg<br />

vf]h]kl5 em8k ePsf]<br />

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ldg]6 em8k ePsf] xf] .<br />

k|efljtn] sfof{nodf tfnf<br />

nufpg] k|of; u/]kl5 k|x/Ln]<br />

/f]s]sf] lyof] . sfof{nosf]<br />

9f]sfdf tfnf nufpg k'u]sf ;/f]sf/<br />

;ldltsf] 6f]nLnfO{ k|x/Ln] /f]s]kl5 sfof{no<br />

kl/;/df /x]sf k|efljt / k|xf/ aLr s]lx<br />

3D;f3D;L dlRrPsf] lyof] .<br />

a"9Lu08sL sfof{nosf l;;f km'6]kl5<br />

l:yltnfO{ lgoGq0fdf lng !%-@) /fp08<br />

c>'Uof; k|xf/ ul/Psf] 36gf:yndf<br />

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hfgsf/L lbP . k|efljtn] sfof{nosf]<br />

cGt/f{li6«o Dof/fyg ;DkGg<br />

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ssgLdf cGt/fl{\i6«o Dof/fyg ;DkGg ePsf]<br />

5 . Dof/fygsf] cGt/fl{\i6«o ;+:yf …ODKofS6<br />

Dof/fyg l;l/hÚsf] cfof]hgfdf ePsf] pQm<br />

sfo{qmddf g]kfn;lxt a]nfot, k|mfG;, af]lnleof,<br />

dl/;;nufot b]zsf $)( wfjssf] ;xeflutf<br />

lyof] . h;dWo] b'O{;o #$ hgf g]kfnsf tyf afFsL<br />

cGo d'n'ssf lyP . Unf]an PS;g g]kfn;Fusf]<br />

;xsfo{df ePsf] sfo{qmddf $@ lsdL, @! lsdL<br />

/ !) lsdLu/L tLg ljwfdf wfjs bf}l8Psf lyP .<br />

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lzjk'/L;Ddsf] lyof] . cGo b"/Lsf] bf}8 ;f]xL<br />

If]qsf ufpF cf;kf;df k"/f ePsf] lyof] . Dof/<br />

fyg bf}8 k|lt:kwf{Tds geP/ ;/sf/n] NofPsf]<br />

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ePsf] ljs] >]i7n] atfP<br />

l;;f km'6fPkl5 l:yltnfO{ lgoGq0fdf lng<br />

nf7L rnfOof] . c>'Uof; klg xflgPsf] 5<br />

yfkfn] eg], 9'Ëfd'9f ug]{x?nfO{ ltt/ljt/<br />

kf/]sf 5f}F . sfof{nodf zflGtk"0f{ tj/n]<br />

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a"9Lu08sL /fli6«o ;/f]sf/ ;ldltsf<br />

;+of]hs x/]/fd 9sfnn] atfP . k|efljtnfO{<br />

lagf sf/0f k|x/Ln] c>'Uof; k|xf/ u/]sf]<br />

5 pgn] eg] k|x/L bdg :jLsfo{ 5}g . ut<br />

sflQs !! ut] a"9Lu08sL cfof]hgf If]qsf]<br />

d'cfAhf lgwf{/0f u/L ;fj{hlgs u/]kl5<br />

k|efljtn] d'cfAhf /sd Go"g ePsf] eGb}<br />

lj/f]w ub}{ cfPsf 5g\ .<br />

s]xL :yfgLojf;L ;fdfGo 3fOt]<br />

ePsf] atfOPsf] 5 . l;p/]gL6f/ If]qdf<br />

afSnf] ;Î\ofdf k|x/L kl/rfng ul/Psf]<br />

5 . £ofNrf]s, ba{'ª, km'h]nnufot ljleGg<br />

!% uflj;sf k|efljt hgtf d'cfAhf<br />

j[l4sf] dfu ub}{ cfGbf]ngdf plqPsf<br />

x'g\ . k"j{ lgwfl{|t sfo{qmd cg';f/ pgLx?<br />

sfof{nodf tfnf nufpg l;p/]gL6f/<br />

k'u]sf lyP .

Year : 1, Issue : 3 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 43<br />

The Art Of Life and Life of Arts-Artmandu<br />

Artmandu Lounge's<br />

kaldhara marg, near international Guest house<br />

Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal<br />

Call 985-1153800

44 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> :jf:Yo<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

hf8f]df 5fnfsf]<br />

:ofxf/ ug]{<br />

tf}/–t/Lsf<br />

hf8f] df};ddf xftv'§f km'6\g] ;d:of<br />

a9L x'g] ePsfn] of] a]nf 5fnfsf] ljz]if<br />

Vofn ug{'kg]{ x'G5 . kfgL sd vfg'sf ;fy}<br />

;'Svf xfjfsf sf/0f hf8f]df 5fnf v;|f]<br />

x'g] tyf km'6\g] u5{ . hf8f] df};ddf xfjfn]<br />

z/L/df ePsf] kfgL rfF8} ;f]:g] ePsf]n] 5fnf<br />

;'Vvf agfpF5 . o;}n] hf8f] df};ddf aflx/<br />

lxF8\bf hlxn] klg ;s];Dd z/L/sf clwsf+z<br />

efu 9fSg] n'uf nufP/ 5fnfnfO{ xfjf /<br />

3fdaf6 arfpg'k5{ . k~hf / df]hf nufpg<br />

xQkQ 6'6fpg' x'Fb}g .<br />

csf]{tkm{, kfgL kof{Kt dfqfdf vfFbf klg<br />

5fnf ;'Vvf x'g / km'6\g kfpFb}g . xfdLdWo]<br />

w]/} hgfsf] Kof; nfu]kl5 dfq kfgL vfg]<br />

afgL x'G5 . ;fdfGotof hf8f]df xfdL kfgL<br />

sd vfG5f}+ . 5fnf ;'/lIft /fVg xfdLn] o:tf]<br />

afgL TofUg'k5{ .<br />

hf8f] df};ddf 5fnfnfO{ v;|f] x'gaf6<br />

hf]ufpg lbgx'F df]O:r/fOh/ lqmdsf] k|of]u<br />

pko'Qm dflgG5 . of] lqmddf t]nsf] dfqf<br />

a9L x'g] ePsf]n] 5fnfnfO{ g/d agfpF5 .<br />

df]O:r/fOh/ laxfg d'v wf]Pkl5 nufpg'<br />

plrt x'G5 . o;sf ;fy} /flt ;'Tg'eGbf<br />

cufl8 nufPdf klg nfebfos x'G5 .<br />

ahf/df ljleGg a|f08sf df]O:r/fOh/<br />

lqmd kfOG5g\ . tkfO{+n] h'g;'s} a|f08sf]<br />

df]O:r/fOh/ lqmd k|f]u ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 .<br />

t/, 5fnf a9L g} ;'Vvf x'g] ;d:of 5 eg]<br />

tkfO{+n] t]nsf] dfqf a9L ePsf] lqmd /f]Hg'<br />

pko'Qm x'G5 .<br />

df]O:r/fOh/ nufP/ ;s];Dd 3fddf<br />

glxF8\g' g} j]z x'G5 . lxF8\g} k/] To;dfly<br />

;gl:qmg lqmdsf] k|of]u ug{' /fd|f] dflgG5 .<br />

sltkonfO{ df]O:r/fOh/ lqmdsf sf/0f<br />

PnhL{ klg x'g ;S5 . To:tf] cj:yfdf<br />

luN;l/gdf u'nfahn / yf]/} sfutL ld;fP/<br />

nufpFbf klg 5fnf ;'/lIft /fVg ;lsG5.<br />

o;sf] cnfjf hf8f]sf] df};ddf kfgL<br />

lr;f] x'g] ePsf]n] ;se/ dgtftf] kfgLnfO{<br />

k|of]udf Nofpg' k5{ . hf8f] ofddf 5fnf<br />

o;}klg 8«fO{ cyf{t ;'Vvf tyf km';|f] x'g]<br />

ub{5. To;sf/0f 5fnfnfO{ d'nfod agfpgsf]<br />

nflu tn lbPsf pkfox¿ ckgfOPdf 5fnf<br />

g/d / d'nfod x'G5 .<br />

!= Ogf/sf] cyjf s8f kfgL cfO/g o'Qm<br />

x'g] ePsf]n] k|of]u ug'{ x'b}g.<br />

@= 5fnfnfO{ hf8f] ofddf lrNNf]f h:tf<br />

lqmd -Moisturing) k|of]u ug]{ .<br />

#= ljxfg a]n'sf Cold Cream k|of]u<br />

ug]{ cyjf u'nfkmhn -Rose Water_<br />

/ lUnl;l/g ld;fj6 u/L k|of]u ug{<br />

;lsG5 .<br />

$= lrNnf] kL/f] sd vfg], ;fu;AhL /<br />

kmnkm"nsf dfqf a9L k|of]u ug]{ .<br />

%= ;se/ dlxgfdf Psk6s km]; d;fh,<br />

cyf{t km]l;on ug]{ .<br />

oL ljlwx¿ ckgfPdf xfd|f] z/L/sf 5fnfdf<br />

g/dkgf cfpg'sf] ;fy} ;'Gb/ klg b]lvG5 .

Year : 1, Issue : 3 pmhf{ <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 45<br />

x]jf vf]nf hnljB't\ kl/of]hgf<br />

…PÚsf] sfddf cj/f]w<br />

x]jf vf]nf hnljB't\ kl/of]hgf …PÚsf]<br />

sfddf cj/f]w x]jf vf]nf hnljB't\ kl/of]hgf<br />

…PÚ sf nflu :yfgLojf;L / kfFry/ kfj/<br />

sDkgLaLr ePsf] ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog gePsf]<br />

hgfO{ :yfgLojf;Ln] cj/f]w u/]kl5 kl/<br />

of]hgfsf] sfd 7Kk ePsf] 5 . :yfgLojf;Ln]<br />

s]xL lbgb]lv sfof{nosf] d"n9f]sfd} tfnfaGbL<br />

u/]sf 5g\ . kl/of]hgfsf] sfo{ If]qleq sfnf]<br />

emG8f ;d]t ufl8Psf] 5 .<br />

jftf{sf nflu k|x/L k|zf;gn] af]nfP klg<br />

:yfgLojf;L jftf{df a:g gdfg]sf] sDkgLn]<br />

hgfPsf] 5 . kl/of]hgf ;~rfngsf qmddf<br />

lnlvt / df}lvs ?kdf ePsf ;Demf}tfdWo]<br />

s]xL dfq} k"/f ePsf / afFsL w]/} dfu ;Daf]wg<br />

gul/Psf sf/0f oyfzSo ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf]<br />

dfu k"/f ug{'kg]{ pgLx¿sf] egfO 5 .<br />

:yfgLojf;L ljgo /Dt]nn] eGg'eof], :yfgLo:t/df xfO8«f] ;~rfng<br />

ug{sf nflu ag]sf] sDkgLsf] ljwfg tyf P]g ;fj{hlgs ug{'kg]{, :<br />

yfgLosf nflu tTsfn ;]o/ lgisfzg ug{'kg]{, k|efljt If]q ofª\gfdsf]<br />

ljB't\ Joj:yfkg ug{'kg]{, vfg]kfgL, l;FrfO s'nf]sf] Joj:yf ul/lbg'kg]{,<br />

;'?ªn] ubf{ klx/f] au]sf] If]qdf cg'udg u/L Ifltk"lt{ pknAw<br />

u/fpg'kg]{ nufot !% a'Fb] dfu cl3 ;f/]/ cfGbf]ngdf pq]sf 5f}F .<br />

xfd|f dfu k"/f gx'Gh]n cfˆgf] cfGbf]ng rln/xg] pxfFn] atfpg'eof] .<br />

pgLx¿n] lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{no tyf /fhgLltsbn, ;‹ ;+:yf<br />

tyf kfFry/ kfj/ sDkgLnfO{ cfˆgf dfu k"/f ug{ 1fkgkq ;d]t<br />

a'emfO;s]sf 5g\ .

46<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> /+usld{<br />

Year : 1, Issue : 3<br />

/fh' xdfnsf]<br />

sdfn<br />

sG6]:6x¿df hh ag]/ sfo{ klg ub}{cfPsf<br />

5g\ . /+usdL{ xdfnsf] b'O{ bzs nfdf]<br />

/+usd{ tyf clegosf] sb/ ub}{ of]<br />

aif{dfq ljleGg ;+3–;+:yfn] ;Ddfg u/]sf]<br />

5 . Soflk6n g]zgn cjf8{ nufotsf<br />

bh{gf} cjf8{jf6 ;Ddflgt snfsf/ xdfn<br />

;Ddfg tyf cjf8{nfO{ snfsfl/tfdf nfUg<br />

cem cfkm"nfO{ k|]l/t u/]sf] / yk lhDd]jf/L<br />

a9fPsf] k|ltlqmof lbPsf 5g\ .<br />

nfdf] ;dob]lv g]kfnL /+ud+lro<br />

snfsfl/tfnfO{ n'sfp+b} cfPsf /+usdL{<br />

/fh' xdfn b'O{ bzskl5 /+usd{df kms]{sf<br />

5g\ . hLjgsf] oyfy{k/s /+udlro<br />

gf6s v]Ng] tof/Ldf /x]sf snfsf/<br />

xdfn oltv]/ ljleGg Do'lhs lel8of]<br />

tyf km];g–df]8lnËdf Jo:t ag]sf 5g\ .<br />

b]z / ljb]zdf 5fofFsg ePsf uLtsf<br />

lel8of]x¿ndf gfos ag]/ clego ug]{<br />

sfo{df Jo:t xdfn /+ud+rdf Tof] a]nf<br />

b]vfPsf] snfsfl/tfsf] cg'ejn] oltv]/<br />

;j}lt/ sfd nfu]sf] k|ltlqmof JoQm<br />

u5{g\ . #* aif{sf xdfn sIff $ df<br />

sLlt{k'/sf] n]af]/]6/L :s'ndf cWoog/t<br />

x'+bf g} gf6s v]n]sf] cem}{ ofb u5{g\ .<br />

dfu{ gfds gf6sdf u/L aRrfsf] /f]ndf<br />

xdfnn] clego u/]sf] atfp+5g\ .<br />

u/La aRrfsf] e"ldsfdf ;fgL alxgL<br />

af]s]/ zx/ k;]/ b'Mv u/]sf] sl7g eGbf<br />

sl7g clegonfO{ ;xh 9+udf clego<br />

u/]sf] Tof] :jflbi6 oyfy{tf k:sbf<br />

xdfnn] lgSs} uf}/atfsf] dxz'z u/]sf<br />

5g\ . cleg]tf aL/]G› xdfnsf] lgb]{zgdf<br />

dGrg ePsf] pQm gf6s dfu{sf] dfu{<br />

g} ag]/ sfd u/]sf] b'O{ bzskl5 tfhf<br />

ug{ ;kmn xdfnn] To;kl5 snfk|]dL<br />

>]i7sf] lgb]{zgdf k|1fejgdf cfof]lht<br />

ufO{hfq] gf6sdf klg clego u/]sf<br />

lyP . To;kl5sf lbgdf eg] grfx]/ klg<br />

/+ud+lro snfsfl/tfjf6 6f9f a;]sf]<br />

atfpg] xfn tL If0fnfO{ k"g{/hfu/0f ug{<br />

kms]{/ cfPsf] atfpg] xdfn /+ud+rsf]<br />

clego cfkm"leqsf] snfsfl/tfsf] Hofg<br />

xf] eGg r'Sb}gg\ .<br />

rnlrqsf] clegodf eGbf /+ud+rsf]<br />

clegodf Hofg x'g] / oyfy{k/s x'g] /fo<br />

xdfnsf] /x]sf] 5 . o;sf/0f klg xdfn<br />

rnlrqsf] clegonfO{ eGbf /+ud+rsf]<br />

clegonfO{ a9L k|fyldstf lbG5g\ .<br />

;LPgPg ˆofS;g 6r Knfg]6 cd];g, cUgL<br />

Po/nfOG;, >]i7 6]nl/Ë nufotsf ljleGg<br />

k|8S6sf<br />

km];g df]8lnË klg ul/;s]sf xdfn sflGt<br />

;f+:s[lts s]G›sf cWoIf klg x'g\ .<br />

lj=;+=@)^^ ;fnb]lv nuftf/ cWoIfsf]<br />

sfo{ef/ ;DxfNb} cfPsf xdfn sflGt<br />

;f+:s[lts s]G›n] g]kfnL snf–;+:s[ltsf]<br />

hu]gf{ tyf k|j4{g ug{'sf] cnfjf :jf:Yo,<br />

lzIff, v]ns'b / ;Lkd"ns tflndx¿<br />

k|bfg u/]/ /f]huf/ a[l4 ug]{ sfo{df ;3fp<br />

k'ofp+b} cfPsf] lhls/ u5{g\ . g]kfn p;'<br />

;+3sf] s]lG›o ;b:o ;d]t /x]sf xdfnn]<br />

s]xL lbgcl3 dfq x+us+udf ToxfFsf]<br />

k|l;4 df]8n k]ldnf If]qL;+u Ps uLtsf]<br />

Do'lhs lel8of]sf] 5fofFsgsf qmddf<br />

df]8lnË klg u/]sf 5g\ . To;sf] cnfjf<br />

o;cl3 cfwf bh{g uLtsf lel8of]x¿df<br />

clego ul/;s]sf 5g\ . ;fydf ljleGg<br />

ca ul/a x'g] lbg uP,<br />

wgL x'g] kfnf] tkfO{sf]<br />

;fydf 5<br />


*) k|ltzt<br />

;Dd kmfO{gfG;<br />

;'ljwf<br />

a|bz{ c6f]df]l6E; k|f=ln==<br />

e/tk'/, afO{kf; /f]8<br />

cfFvf xl:k6n glhs, u}8frf]s<br />

kmf]g g+= )%^–%#$@@$, df]afO{n g+= M (*%%)%#%)#

Year : 1, Issue : 3 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> 47

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Upliftment</strong> <strong>Monthly</strong> Year : 1, Issue : 3

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