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Managing the risks of exposure to fossil fuel companies Page 5 of 5<br />

News pointed out that much of the data to be released "will be comprised of data and analyses Exxon<br />

has [already] published in publicly available filings or the corporate website."<br />

As these examples show, engagement has limits. In the current environmental situation, which<br />

scientists say is increasingly dire, incremental actions to improve disclosure and risk management<br />

may not add up to a viable strategy for controlling the pace of climate change. Some stakeholders<br />

argue that there is only one way to send a clear message about the severity of climate change to fossil<br />

fuel companies: outright divestment.<br />

Some divestment advocates draw a parallel to the successful campaign to isolate the South African<br />

government during the apartheid era, arguing that there is a moral imperative to take meaningful<br />

action on climate change while it is still possible. Furthermore, it is seen as highly unlikely that any<br />

amount of incremental progress on environmental issues will ever allow fossil fuel companies to alter<br />

the fundamentally unsustainable nature of their business model.<br />

IW Financial can assist with divestment and portfolio realignment<br />

There are many reasons why it may not be practical for investors to immediately begin shedding fossil<br />

fuel stocks from their portfolios, including tax implications, fiduciary responsibilities and the need to<br />

account for portfolio risk profiles. However, stakeholders can still take action without launching into<br />

an all-out selloff.<br />

IW Financial has collected comprehensive information on public companies' environmental and<br />

climate change policies, as well as the governance structures that are in place to implement these<br />

policies, including board and senior officer involvement. Our in-depth corporate sustainability<br />

research allows us to effectively assist clients with either divestment or more nuanced approaches to<br />

portfolio realignment.<br />

Recently, IW Financial has worked with clients to design and implement index based solutions that<br />

address the issues of carbon and climate change in various ways. Solutions provided range from basic<br />

solutions that avoid investment in all companies with proven carbon reserves to more robust solutions<br />

that seek to identify those companies with progressive policies on climate change management and to<br />

avoid those companies at risk of significant stranded carbon assets.<br />

We have seen first hand how the trend toward ESG integration has accelerated as more capital market<br />

participants have come to recognize the value of considering extra-fmancial factors when making<br />

investment decisions. Today, more than 10 percent of all professionally managed assets in the U.S.<br />

marketplace are invested "responsibly," according to US SIF—The Forum for Sustainable and<br />

Responsible Investment.<br />

The growing focus on the risks faced by fossil fuel companies is yet another manifestation of this<br />

trend.<br />

IW Financial software is protected by U.S. software patents 7,003,503<br />

and 7,499,901 B2.<br />

©2016 IW Financial - All rights reserved.<br />

App. 345<br />

http://info.iwfmancial.com/?top=897925&mid=959639&bottom=7567999 8/3/2016

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