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Exxon Mobil's (XOM) CEO Rex Tillerson Hosts Annual Shareholder Meeting (Transcr... Page 23 of 25<br />

owns a piece and we might have made it operate that. We can hold them accountable to the standards that we're not<br />

operating and we do. On the issue of water maintenance and you notice that I added the chart this year on water because it<br />

has become such a crucial element for many parts of the country and the world,<br />

We are advancing in the levels of recycling in frac water and produced water as you mentioned and that's probably the<br />

quickest thing we can do in areas like Pennsylvania where people concerned is much not so much about the water supply they<br />

are about the water disposal. But, in areas like South Texas and parts of West Texas where water is scarce, recycling of the<br />

water Is keenly important. And we have ways in which if you have enough volume, so you can bring it to the central location,<br />

clean it up and reuse it. The other non water type tracing technologies continue to evolve and there are a number of processes<br />

that we evaluate and often cases, they're not particularly cost effective. So, there's more work needed to advance those and<br />

they may yet become more attractive particularly in areas where water cost are extremely high. So, thank you for the<br />

<strong>comm</strong>ents and the questions. Thank you.<br />

Thank you. I'd like to say hello to everybody and god gave us another day so we got to make the best of it. Just wanted to<br />

know from Baton Rouge and John (inaudible), and they got a issue down there, I like you to addressed and Mr. Rouge didn't<br />

file probably don't wanted to handle this you probably could. But, we've been doing things since I hired in. 25 years ago Exxon<br />

you stated on there about safety that we lead, we want to lead in safety. Well, since when I hired in 25 years ago, we're<br />

leading safety and that's drop in ever since. And we're aware, we've done cut manning to a point where at time say and<br />

brought this up to our management and they don't want to see it. And so, we've added equipment and job task and labor<br />

intensive equipment, but cut manning because of different job cuts because we shutdown different chains of stuff. And what<br />

would happen is the group would go out and address these issues and so just a one person on one post, one person on<br />

another post. And the VP came down and visited us and told us we would have worst sight in the world for safety and it just<br />

shows that we've been degrading overtime. And so, where I'm at, rest of the plant all over different areas they do better and I<br />

believe probably do the worse around that.<br />

We got a situation where we got a one post place and we had an event yesterday. And we happen to have some people chain<br />

in and on days we have a day form but at night we don't have that. So, four people were able to respond to this event, event<br />

with the feel on it promptly which does 85% to 90% of prompt problems that feel plus want to go to shop can see a blow to<br />

switch that is fair. And so, these four people out there instead of one and it's a one post job. And so, they would able to stop<br />

anything from getting worse and it's a mastered unit. So, it's really can get bad quick when time starts to go and really gets<br />

bad. And so, I'd like you to maybe see If you could look into that and give us a little help because we do need to add some<br />

posts.<br />

I know from a company standpoint, management loves they want to make money, I want to make money. I like to be going up,<br />

but I don't want to get anyone hurt or possibly heal because of that. And so when that event happens, because it's going to<br />

happen, because we are so undermined in this one play, it's going to happen. When it does happen, it's going to get outside<br />

and then it's going to be bid. And when they investigate, they are going to come back and say hey, how come you all are so<br />

poorly mined. That it is a real big problem and we would like - I would like you to maybe get some the mine to look into it. I<br />

appreciate it.<br />

Thank you. The inspectors of election are ready to report the preliminary vote. So may we have your report please?<br />

Unidentified Company Speaker<br />

Mr. Chairman, at least 3.5 billion shares of stock of the corporation have been voted on the 8 items of business discussed at<br />

today's meeting. Voting results are expressed as a percentage of total votes cast. According to New Jersey corporate law,<br />

abstentions are not votes cast. Subject to the final calculation of votes which should not materially change the results, we<br />

report that on average 97.5% of the votes cast were voted to elect as directors, the 13 nominees listed in the proxy statement.<br />

On the resolution concerning the ratification of independent auditors, approximately 99.0% of the shares voting thereon were<br />

voted for and 1% were voted against. On the resolution concerning an advisory vote to approve the executive compensation,<br />

approximately 89.9% of the shares voting thereon were voted for and 10.1% were voted against.<br />

On the resolution concerning a majority vote for directors, approximately 44.9% of the shares of voting thereon were voted for<br />

and 55.1% were voted against. On the resolution to limit directorships, approximately 4.8% of the shares voting thereon were<br />

voted for and 95.2% were voted against. On the resolution concerning an amendment of EEO policy, approximately 19.5% of<br />

the shares voting thereon were voted for and 80.5% were voted against.<br />

App. 782<br />

http://seekingalpha.com/article/2243043-exxon-niobils-xom-ceo-rex-tillerson-hosts-annual-... 8/2/2016

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