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Exxon Mobil's (XOM) CEO Rex Tillerson Hosts Annual Shareholder Meeting (Transcr... Page 21 of 25<br />

Well, thank you for your <strong>comm</strong>ents and your confidence in the company of what we do is you're saying a large portion of our<br />

efforts over the last two to three years have been to begin to elevate the public's awareness of how important energy is in their<br />

daily lives, in order to have them be willing to engage in a next level of conversation about why these things are important and<br />

why these issues are important. But I take your <strong>comm</strong>ents seriously. It is one of our great challenges is how to engage the<br />

public broadly in issues that are often times complicated and mysterious to them. 1 can assure you we do not shrug from that<br />

and we have a very large coalition we call the Speakers Bureau of individuals who speak in their local <strong>comm</strong>unities, They<br />

speak to Kiwanis Clubs, they speak to Rotary Club, the PTAs, the Chambers of Commerce, and these are our employees. So<br />

they know the business better than anyone in order to put that face out there to engage with local <strong>comm</strong>unities and address<br />

the concerns and questions they have. That's an effort we'll continue. But it's something that we just have to continue to work<br />

at daily. And it is always a bit of a judgment of where do you want to set the dial on trying to help people understand this.<br />

So, I take your <strong>comm</strong>ents, again seriously and I welcome them and I thank you for your <strong>support</strong>. Right down here.<br />

Unidentified Analyst<br />

Good morning, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Rosenbusch and all the directors. My name is William (indiscernible) I am from<br />

Massachusetts. And I have been an investor in Exxon Mobil for over 30 years. And first I want to thank all the Exxon Mobil<br />

employees past and present for all the good and hard work. The current administration in Washington isn't business friendly,<br />

especially the companies like ours. There continues to be a push by large universities to divest their multi-billion dollar<br />

endowments away from fossil fuel companies. Two other most recent institutions do so make that announcement. Harvard<br />

University as well as Stanford University. Can you speak to what Exxon Mobil is doing to <strong>support</strong> the clean energy movement,<br />

and what do you think is possible could you get a percentage of what you think the business will be that <strong>support</strong>s clean energy<br />

towards around 2040. I know it's very difficult. My second question is price per barrel is over $100 and what price does the<br />

barrel have to drop to, to continue to <strong>support</strong> if the lowest price has to drop to the continued selected dividend, thank you.<br />

Well I have to be very careful <strong>comm</strong>enting on prices or walking close to that question in any form, the US justice department<br />

takes a great interest in anything I say about this. So I will have to defer on that. All I would <strong>comm</strong>ent is that I think we have<br />

structured the company financially with the investments we have made to give us a very healthy cash flow. And we have a lot<br />

of doves and levers and mobs we can turn and push and pull to ensure that we can continue to deliver the kind of dividend<br />

performance that you come to expect of us. We are certainly <strong>comm</strong>itted to do that. I think in terms of the clean energy<br />

component and again if you look at the energy outlook and I had a slide in here that showed our expectation is that<br />

renewables, solar, wind other forms of what people would I guess put in that category, clean energy are going to grow their<br />

rates of growth that are two to three times faster than the rate of growth of traditional sources of energy. And I think that's<br />

reflective of the pull for that. Its reflective of a lot of regulatory mandate governments require utilities to have a certain<br />

component of renewable energy so they have to go out and get it whether it makes economic sense to them or not. So it is<br />

driven by a number of factors which we expect are willing to be with us for quite some time. As I think I have <strong>comm</strong>ented in the<br />

past week, continually evaluate the full landscape of all of the new sources of energy supply including those we have actually<br />

been in some of those lines of businesses before. We think thus far there has been no technology breakthroughs, doesn't look<br />

like they are particularly promising on the scale basis without a lot of government <strong>support</strong> mandates and regulations.<br />

And which is not - I prefer not to invest in opportunities that live and die by government mandate. I could what the government<br />

gives and just as easily take away the next day and you got a non-performing asset. And in fact you have seen a lot of our<br />

competitors who put a lot of money in to wind and solar taking numerous write downs of those investments we didn't mark out.<br />

So we stay with what we know best which is all natural gas, petroleum, petrochemicals and we stick with technologies to help<br />

consumers use it more wisely, use it in a way that's less impactful to the environment and we continue working technologies<br />

that allow us to find ways to deliver that to the consumer. That's the things we know how to do best, but we have a very<br />

significant resource organization that has its fingers and hands on everything that is emerging out there because we certainly<br />

want to know about it for something that looks promising we have the way with all to enter anything which used to.<br />

Jim Markham<br />

Yes, my name is Jim Markham. I enjoyed a 13 year crew with Exxon Mobil. I am a college young engineer. And I am very<br />

proud of the brand. And my question is actually the offset of this gentleman have we ever considered taking the Exxon Mobil<br />

name off the street. Now that we have gone to the distributor brand, wholesale brand, we no longer the steward of our brand<br />

and here just locally our service stations will stay within $0.2 to $0.3 of competition and now that we have sold these locations<br />

to 7/11. We would sometimes with $0.21 off on the street. I am loyal, I will continue to pay it, but its very difficult that most folks<br />

don't know that we no longer own those facilities or run those facilities, and we have given our brand to other folks to be the<br />

App. 780<br />

http://seekingalpha.com/article/2243043-exxon-mobils-xom-ceo-rex-tillerson-hosts-annual-... 8/2/2016

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