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Exxon Mobil's (XOM) CEO Rex Tillerson Hosts Annual Shareholder Meeting (Transcr... Page 19 of 25<br />

Thank you. Over here.<br />

David Martino<br />

Chairman, my name is David Martino, I am a geologist and I am against between house gas 1 voted against it. It is interesting<br />

to note that the term global warming is now called climate change. You know why this is because the temperature has<br />

dropped one degree in the last 10 years. They do not want to recognize that 800 years cycle has been going on for ever and<br />

ever. Carbon dioxide is a vital chemical compound that every plant needs to live and grow on and it synthesizes the oxygen for<br />

all humans and animals to live on. The main cause of carbon dioxide believe or not is volcanoes and people do not want to<br />

recognize it. And so book put out by Professor Ian Plimer, he is from Australia and he says the amount of carbon dioxide<br />

actually that comes from volcanoes is what's causing all the problems, it's not the work, it's not all of the greenhouse gas guys<br />

that want to say shutdown this. You got the carbon tax they were talking about is really kind of interesting. Our current<br />

administration wants carbon tax because he wants to raise money to give to the poor who will vote for him and it's not for<br />

anything else (indiscernible). So we are not going to change the global warming concept which is now called climate change<br />

and I hope everybody voted against your re<strong>comm</strong>endation.<br />

Rex Tillerson<br />

Thank you.<br />

Jack Fuller<br />

Good morning. My name is Jack Fuller. I am here from (indiscernible) Texas a City of 1,000 people. We do not have an Exxon<br />

or a Mobil station. I moved to Harrold two years ago from the city of Odessa, Texas well over a 100,000 people which also<br />

does not have one Exxon or one Mobil station. We used to have a large humble pipeline company there your Exxon Mobil<br />

Pipeline now. I am wondering why we cannot have an Exxon station there had the people of Odessa done something to have<br />

the end the company. We could drive 25 miles, 30 miles over the midland and they have got over Exxon station, three Mobil<br />

stations why can't we get the world's best product in Odessa. I would like to know that and if you don't know the reason then<br />

shame on you folks because...<br />

Rex Tillerson<br />

I am sure one of these folks I have stated notes for the branded wholesale organization to get right on that, thank you. Any<br />

other <strong>comm</strong>ents on shareholder proposals. We are seeing none. I think all the items of business are now being covered. If any<br />

of you have proxy cards please hand them to the ushers at this time. Those of you who have already returned your proxy<br />

cards need not vote by our ballot unless you wish to change your vote. If you do wish to change your vote, simply mark the<br />

appropriate sections of the ballot. The appointed proxies in attendance today hereby cast all votes, which we have been<br />

authorized to cast in accordance with the instructions indicated on the individual proxy cards. If you have proxies please pass<br />

those to the ushers in the hall at this time.<br />

Since proxies and ballots have been collected, I now declare the polls closed. While the inspectors of elections are preparing<br />

their preliminary report, I will answer a few more questions regarding Exxon Mobil's business or 1 will have time for further<br />

<strong>comm</strong>ents. I will interrupt this discussion period when the results are available so that we can report those to you. So for<br />

others who have questions or want to address meeting, 1 will take your <strong>comm</strong>ents at this time.<br />

Unidentified Analyst<br />

Mr. Tillerson, Directors thank you. Just to give you a perspective you started the company in 1975. I was born in 1975 and<br />

these shares that I vote today I vote in trust for my son who has born last year. So thank you for making money for all of them.<br />

In the presentation you highlighted several Exxon Mobil Russia projects, how Exxon Mobil avoid the political difficulties<br />

especially in light of recent events that other companies such as BP has experienced there in Russia? Thank you.<br />

Rex Tillerson<br />

Well I can't <strong>comm</strong>ent on issues other companies may have had because I don't would not have sufficient knowledge, all I<br />

would tell you is we have operated successfully in Russia now for almost 20 years. We have been in Russia conducting<br />

various joint venture activities producing successfully offshore multi-billion dollar investments now for about 8 years. And we<br />

App. 778<br />

http://seekingalpha.com/article/2243043-exxon-niobils-xom-ceo-rex-tillerson-hosts-annual- 8/2/2016

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