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Exxon Mobil's (XOM) CEO Rex Tillerson Hosts Annual Shareholder Meeting (Transcr... Page 16 of 25<br />

Malcolm Shaw<br />

Okay. This Is second question. I'm noticing that Russia has signed a pack with Cuba to explore their fields and that's In our<br />

backyard. I see that we are In China and we're off the coast of Angola <strong>comm</strong>unist countries. If there any way that we can drill<br />

down In Cuba has to grow their share until the state department approves?<br />

Rex Tillerson<br />

Well, the current sanctioned law of United States will not allow us to participate in any activity in Cuba. There has been limited<br />

exploration wells drilled offshore Cuba, none of them have been successful. So, it's questionable as to what the resource<br />

potential offshore Cuba is, that's not been confirmed by anyone at this point.<br />

Malcolm Shaw<br />

My last question. On Page 3, of the Annual Report gives your picture, where did you get that green tie?<br />

Rex Tillerson<br />

I don't know if I had a green tie, maybe that would be Photoshop. I'm constantly wearing a wrong color of tie to the photo<br />

opportunity. So, they have learned to Photoshop my tie color. Yes, sir, right down here in the front.<br />

Unidentified Analyst<br />

Thank you. (indiscernible) I will be back here. First, I want to say is thanks to you and all of the companies for doing such a<br />

fine job with everything you do, I mean you make money that's in the game. So, thanks for doing that. However, I have few<br />

other <strong>comm</strong>ents, number one is I talked two years ago about having more females on the Board of Directors, you still have<br />

only two females, 17% that's not really very great. Mary Barra is now CEO at GM. We got people out there, there is a lot of<br />

females around. If you look at some of statistics I have some from the UK and so that companies with more woman than boys<br />

were found to outperform their vitals with the 42% high return out in sales, 66% higher return on invested capital, 52% higher<br />

on equity.<br />

I'm not sure if the numbers are right but they're not 2%, 5%, they're big numbers. Also, I suggested two possible females for<br />

the Board of Directors to your company already, one of them is in Dallas, I have seen they're happy with that, I'm not sure<br />

we're going with it. I really think we got to have more females and not only for Board of Director but also to the management of<br />

the company. So, I hope you appreciate that and maybe we'll talk about this in future years.<br />

The second thing is I also <strong>support</strong> the PVL policy having another 6, I think both for GE, LGVT people made progress with you<br />

in terms of now allow them to have benefits because they're part of them. So, we're somewhat there, yeah I was sort of<br />

shocked because I thought with that's ruling that you are forced to do certain things, you do certain things, did you did anything<br />

else besides there. So, we're going to so far not the other way. It so reminds me of the boys scouts that you and Bob made<br />

several years ago, they now have allowed girls in that girls scout in the troops so they made progress, I like to see that make<br />

more progress also. And I do here some other <strong>comm</strong>ents that you want to right now things on the proposals correct?<br />

Rex Tillerson<br />

Correct.<br />

Unidentified Analyst<br />

Thank you, sir. Appreciate it very much.<br />

Rex Tillerson<br />

Thank you. Right here. Yeah, you're right here now. Yeah.<br />

Julian Martinez - SER-Jobs for Progress National<br />

App. 775<br />

http://seekingalpha.com/article/2243043-exxon-mobils-xom-ceo-rex-tillerson-hosts-annual-... 8/2/2016

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