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Exxon Mobil's (XOM) CEO Rex Tillerson Hosts Annual Shareholder Meeting (Transcr... Page 13 of 25<br />

Thank you. The Board re<strong>comm</strong>ends a vote against this proposal as outlined on Pages 68 and 69 of the proxy statement. All<br />

items of business have now been introduced. I invite many of you that want to stand and stretch your legs for a minute and for<br />

those of you who wish to address the meeting in the discussion period this should be a good time to make your way towards<br />

one of the hall seat, so that you will have ready access to microphone. So, we will take a stretch for a minute.<br />

Okay. If we could resume the meeting, you take your seats please? I now open the floor for discussion on the items of<br />

business presented. I would ask at this stage of the meeting that you limit your <strong>comm</strong>ents through the Board and shareholder<br />

proposals that are in the proxy statement as promised will have an opportunity for general <strong>comm</strong>ents or questions later. We<br />

received a number of questions on proxy cards and through our websites. And again, as I indicated as time permits, we will try<br />

to address some of those as well.<br />

So, as described earlier, if you have not already done so, if you could get near an hall seat so that you are near the<br />

microphones and if you would remain seated until I call upon you, but simply raise your hand, holding your speaker<br />

identification card to indicate you like to address the meeting when I recognize you, please give your speaker card to the<br />

usher, stand and he will hand you a microphone and the microphone will be made live at that time. Again, I would ask that you<br />

keep your <strong>comm</strong>ents as brief as possible, so that we can allow as many people to speak and wish to do so. We will continue<br />

to use the lighting system just to help you manage your time. First priority will be given to those who have not spoken yet. So,<br />

let me begin over here.<br />

Question-and-Answer Session<br />

Frank Rauscher - Aquinas Associates<br />

The topic is climate change. My name is Frank Rauscher. I am Senior Principal of Aquinas Associates in Dallas. I am here on<br />

behalf of the Christopher Reynolds Foundation. The foundation withdrew its resolution report on climate change assumptions<br />

is for strategic planning following constructive discussions of Corporate Secretary, David Rosenthal and his colleagues on<br />

December 17, 2013. And subsequent discussions and exchanges of letters have resulted in Exxon's energy and climate report<br />

posted on your website and what you also have available out in the lobby. Mr. Tillerson, you will recall that in your talk to the<br />

(indiscernible) June 12, 2012, you said we have to be efficient and we have to manage climate change, but we also need to<br />

look at the other side of the engineering solutions, which is how we are planning to adapt to it. And there are solutions it's not<br />

our problem we can't solve.<br />

One year later at the City Club of Cleveland in June 14, 2013, you raised another issue, having climate change is a risk<br />

management problem, what am I going to do about it as it turns out that (indiscernible) mitigation steps make the difference,<br />

what's plan B. Plan B means you will start thinking about which kind of that (indiscernible) necessary of the consequences that<br />

people are concerned about present themselves. Since the December 2013 meeting, several significant reports have been<br />

released pointing to the urgency of addressing the methods between the energy and climate. As you know, these include the<br />

report of International Panel of Climate Change, the U.S. Climate Change Assessment and the CNA Military Advisory Board<br />

report on national security of accelerating risks of climate change. And we will also see the nexus of energy and climate<br />

change as important. Exxon Mobil's March 31, 2014 energy and climate report to shareowners prepared response to the<br />

Reynolds Foundation's resolution states that Exxon Mobil delays the changes to the earth's climate including those that may<br />

result in anthropogenic pauses of the risk. And in order to address this risk, we are starting to consider economically efficient<br />

policies that includes the mitigation and (indiscernible). And that balanced reduction in climate risk with other global<br />

developments will need including the need to sustain and provide glory in populations.<br />

Mr. Tillerson, what are the steps that you and City of Exxon are going to mitigate their risk of climate change? If these steps<br />

are not sufficient, what Is your plan B, which you observed at the Cleveland requires that you know? How is Exxon Mobil using<br />

its resources to address the world's biggest energy challenge how to meet global energy demand while addressing the<br />

potential disastrous impact to climate change on the global economy and/or generally in the whole global <strong>comm</strong>unity? The<br />

March climate in energy report was a good beginning for a dialogue, but that may answer all these questions. We look forward<br />

to continuing dialogue, which we had agreed with your colleagues on these energy climate issues. And Mr. Tillerson, we look<br />

forward to hearing more directly from you on how we together can and will meet this challenge? You are the leader of the<br />

company and we expect your good participation sometime soon. Thank you for the opportunity to address today's meeting's<br />

first dialogue.<br />

Rex Tillerson<br />

App. 772<br />

http://seekingalpha.Gom/article/2243043-exxon-mobils-xom-ceo-rex-tillerson-hosts-annual-... 8/2/2016

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