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Exxon Mobil's (XOM) CEO Rex Tillerson Hosts Annual Shareholder Meeting (Transcr... Page 10 of 25<br />

So now, I would like to ask the nominees here seated to my right in the orchestra terrace to stand as their names are called<br />

and then I will close the nominations. Michael Boskin, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Ursula Burns, Larry Faulkner, Henrietta Fore,<br />

Jay Fishman, Ken Frazier, William George, Sam Palmisano, Steve Reinemund and William Weldon. Before moving on, I also<br />

would like to recognize one person that is retiring from the board today. Ed Whitacre served as a Director of your company<br />

since 2008. And I'd like to recognize Ed and thank him for his service.<br />

I declare the polls open for all who want to vote in the election of directors and the 7 remaining items. If you wish to change<br />

your proxy instructions on the election of directors or any of the other 7 items or if you have not submitted a proxy and wish to<br />

vote by ballot, they are available from the ushers. Please raise your hand if you would like a ballot at anytime during the formal<br />

business, they will be collected after all items have been discussed.<br />

The next item on the agenda is the ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers as the independent auditors. The Audit Committee<br />

of the Board has appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers to audit Exxon Mobil's financial statements for 2014 and we are asking<br />

shareholders to ratify that appointment. PricewaterhouseCoopers is represented today by Mr. Alan Page. Alan, would you<br />

please stand? Thank you. The audit <strong>comm</strong>ittee's reasons for re<strong>comm</strong>ending PricewaterhouseCoopers appear in the proxy<br />

statement. I move the adoption of the proposal shown on Page 60 of the proxy statement.<br />

The next order of business is consideration of the board-sponsored proposal regarding executive compensation. This board<br />

proposal calls for a shareholder advisory vote to approve executive compensation as required by law. The Board re<strong>comm</strong>ends<br />

a vote for this proposal as outlined on Pages 60 to 62 of the proxy statement.<br />

The next order of business is consideration of the 5 shareholder proposals in the proxy statement. The first shareholder<br />

proposal regarding majority vote for directors is shown on Page 63 of the proxy statement. I understand Mr. Marco Vargas will<br />

present the proposal. Mr. Vargas?<br />

Marco Vargas<br />

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am Marco Vargas representing the United Brotherhood of Carpenters Pension Fund. Our funds<br />

collectively holds approximately 1,400,500 shares of Exxon Mobil <strong>comm</strong>on stock. We are <strong>comm</strong>itted long time owners. We<br />

appreciate the opportunity to gain an introduction, a majority vote shareholder proposal that we believe advances an<br />

opportunity in corporate governors. The governors appreciate the constructive dialogue, which we have maintained with Exxon<br />

Mobil representatives over many years an important corporate governance and executive compensation issues.<br />

Our proposal is designed to encourage Exxon Mobil Board of Directors to adopt the majority of vote standard for the director<br />

selections despite the Board's opposition to minority vote proposal receive 46% vote last year's meeting. A majority vote<br />

standard used in the uncontested director election provides shareholders meaningful voting rights. The combination of minority<br />

vote standard with the company's current director resignation policy would establish a strong election standard. The<br />

resignation policy provides for a post selection process in which the Board can exercise its judgment and make decisions on<br />

continued status on any unelected director. Nearly 90% of America's largest corporations and all of Exxon Mobil's peer<br />

companies have adopted the majority vote standard in compensation resignation policy. Exxon Mobil remains the largest<br />

American company that has not adopted to majority voting. We urge the Board to establish a majority vote standard and join<br />

the mainstream of America corporations on this important election reform. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.<br />

Rex Tillerson - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer<br />

Thank you. The Board re<strong>comm</strong>ends a vote against this proposal as outlined on Pages 63 and 64 of the proxy statement. The<br />

next shareholder proposal to limit directorships is shown on Page 64 of the proxy statement. I understand that Fr. Michael<br />

Crosby will present the proposal. Fr. Crosby?<br />

Fr. Michael Crosby<br />

Good morning, Mr. Tillerson and the rest of you on the Board and shareholders. I am here to on behalf of Kenneth Steiner of<br />

Great Neck, New York to move proposal 5, basically shareholders re<strong>comm</strong>end that our board take the steps necessary to<br />

adopt a bylaw to limit our directors to a maximum of 3 board memberships in companies with sales in excess of $500 million<br />

annually. So that's the proposal. And since Mr. Cynor and John Shalagan asked me to move it, I'd just like to say other<br />

reasons why from my perspective, this is a good resolution to <strong>support</strong>. And I want to back to what Mr. Tillerson said about the<br />

dialogue the company has taken with shareholders. We have a very good an informative meeting in New York with executives<br />

App. 769<br />

http;//seekingalpha.coni/article/2243043-exxon-mobils-xom-ceo-rex-tillerson-hosts-annual-... 8/2/2016

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