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8/1/2016 Exxon Made Deep Cuts in Climate Research Budget in the 1980s | InsideCiimate News<br />

He said that $150,000 a year "should be sufficient to<br />

do this."<br />

Exxon's annual research and development budget at<br />

the time was more than $600 million, according to a<br />

speech by Exxon Research & Engineering chief Ed<br />

David at a 1981 Exxon R&D symposium in San<br />

Francisco. The company's exploration and capital<br />

budgets amounted to $11 billion.<br />

The Natkin memo augured the dismantling of the<br />

crown jewel of Exxon's early research on climate<br />

change: a seagoing field experiment into the ocean's<br />

absorption of carbon dioxide emissions from the<br />

burning of fossil fuels. Once envisioned as an<br />

expanding, multiyear effort, it was terminated in<br />

1982, another memo confirmed.<br />

e^on research and engineering company<br />

OUANE a. LEVINE, Dlrvdor<br />



ROQER W.COHEN, Olractor<br />

Thtoratlcil •nd Mithamatkcl SoUncti Laboralory<br />

Juty 14., 1982<br />

P.O. BO«4S.LI^.N.J. QIOM<br />

Mr. Peter Kimon<br />

Exxon International<br />

Tanker R&D Division<br />

PA 222/B320<br />

Dear Peter:<br />

This is to advise you that the CO2 Greenhouse Project on board the<br />

"Vs Esso Atlantic" has been terminated.<br />

Click to view the full document.<br />

Another innovative proposal to test the carbon<br />

dioxide in old vintages of fine French wines also fell<br />

by the wayside.<br />

An additional internal document, this one an<br />

October 4,1985 update presented by Brian<br />

Flannery, Exxon's top climate researcher, showed<br />

that Exxon's budget for C02 research in 1985 and<br />

1986 would be no more than $250,000 each year.<br />

That was to cover professional work by Exxon<br />

employees, payments to consultants or contractors<br />

for research, travel and miscellaneous expenses,<br />

App. 577<br />

https://insideclimatenews.org/news/25112015/exxon-deep-cuts-climate-change-research-budget-1980s-global-warming 4/8

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