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6 February 29, 2016<br />

In addition, while the Proponent Letter cites current and in-.process analyses by certain<br />

companies, including BHP Billito.n, that the Proponent Letter claims are adequate analyses under<br />

a 2 degree scenario, these analyses draw similar conclusions to the Company's 2014 Report.<br />

For example, the BHP Biliiton "Climate Change: Poftfolib Analysis" report cited favorably by the<br />

Proponent Letter makes similar conciusiohs as the 2014 Report when the BHP Biliiton report on<br />

page 2 states that, "Even as the world addresses climate change, independent:experts such as<br />

the international Energy Agency expect that fossil fuels are likely to continue to supply the<br />

majority of the world's energy needs for decades, tp come, including in a 2 0 C world." 9 These<br />

simjiarities <strong>support</strong> the conclusion that the Company has already substantially implemented the<br />

essential objective of the Proposal.<br />

Finally, page 2 of the Proponent Letter demonstrates some confusion between the<br />

Company's use of a proxy cost of caripon over its planning horizon of up to $80 per ton in some<br />

regions and the $2,000+ per ton estimate for achieving a low carbon scenario by 2100. The<br />

Proponent Letter uses this superflciai numerical discrepancy between $80 and $2000 to claim<br />

that the Company's proxy cost for carbon does not substantially implement the Proposal's<br />

objective. However, this is an apples and oranges comparison. The $2000 per ton figure<br />

represents a third party estimate of the approximate cost per ton of carbon dioxide in the year<br />

2100 required to reach a 2 degree scenario using currently known technologies. By contrast, the<br />

Company's.proxy cost of carbon, used to develop the Outlook for Energy, represents the<br />

Company's .estimate of the cost of expected policy actions to reduce carbon emissions over the<br />

Company's business planning horizon to 2040. which matches, the horizon requested by<br />

Proponents. The Company is comfortable that its proxy cost of up to $80 in some regions<br />

appropriately captures the cost of expected rising carbon restrictions through 2040, which more<br />

than covers the approximately 16-year life of the Company's current proved reserves. 10 As such,<br />

the Proponent Letter's claim that the Company's use of a. proxy cost of carbon is not evidence of<br />

substantial implementation is unfounded: The Company has tied its analysis of a proxy cost of<br />

carbon and that cost's effect on the Company's oil and gas reserves to the time period between<br />

how and 2040, exactly as requested in the Proposal.<br />

5. Rule i4a-8(l)<br />

As discussed in the Company No Action Letter, should the Staff not agree with our<br />

opinion that the Proposal can be excluded from the Company's 2016 proxy materials, the<br />

Company does not intend to include the names of both the lead filer and the cp-fiier in its proxy<br />

materials, btit rather will rhake information concerning the co-filer available to shareholders on<br />

request consistent with long-standing Company practice. This approach is especially necessary<br />

as in some cases the Company receives proposals with over two dozen co-filers. The Proponent<br />

Letter argues that the clear discretion provided to issuers under Rule 14a-8(l) in determining how<br />

to present proponent information in the issuers proxy statement can be rendered null simply by<br />

proponents' purporting to include their names as part of the Proposal itself. We believe Rule<br />

14a-8(l) is perfectly clear in allowing issuers, not proponents, to determine whether to include<br />

proppnent information in the proxy statement or to make such information available on request.<br />

The Company therefore reaffirms its intention, if the Proposal is included in the Company's 2016<br />

proxy materials, to identify only the State of New York as lead filer in the proxy statement and to<br />

9<br />

ihttD;//www.bHDbilllton.com/--/meclia/5874999cef0a41a59403d13e3f8de4ee.ashx.<br />

10<br />

See footnote 4 above in this letter.<br />

#1035354iyi1<br />

App. 388

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