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4 February 20! 2016<br />

the power generation sector, which is the subject of litigation with an uncertain outcome.: In short,<br />

there remains significant uncettainty regarding the specific future public policy steps to be taken<br />

to implement the Paris Agreement. Therefore, as stated in the Company Np Action Letter,'the<br />

use of the term 2 degree as a core element of the Proposal renders the Proposal inherently<br />

vague and indefinite, because current and future public policy surrounding the 2 degree target,<br />

and how to get there, is highly uncertain. Given this uncertainty, it is impossible for shareholders<br />

to know what actual policy actions they are asking the Company to assess When voting oh the<br />

Proposal.<br />

3. The vagueness of the Proposal is not excused simply because the Proponent Letter<br />

claims the Proposal gives the Company "flexibility."<br />

The Proponent Letter claims on page 8 that the vagUe references to a 2 degree target in<br />

the Proposal were intended to prpyide ''flexibility for the Company tP review other publicly<br />

available materials, including those of its peers, tP evaluate and determine the range of plausible<br />

pathways to achieve the 2 degree scenarip and choose the trajectory or trajectories that it views<br />

as most likely." Leaving aside the fact that the Proposal itself makes no reference to this<br />

supposed "flexibility" being offered to the Company, this quote from the Proponent Letter simply<br />

serves to demonstrate the inherent vagueness of the Proposal because it admits that there is a<br />

"range of plausible pathways to achieve the 2 degree scenario." Accordingly, shareholders<br />

cannot reasonably be expected to understand that the Proppsal intends for the Company to<br />

exercise this type of "flexibility," nor does the Proposal inform shareholders of the wide range of<br />

different pathways from which the Company would supposedly have discretion to choose. The<br />

request that the Company "review other.publiGly available materials" demonstrates the<br />

insufficiency of the language dftHe Proppsal itself. If the Proponent Letter is asking the<br />

Company to review numerous public materials to chppse a particular 2 degree pathway,<br />

shareholders armed with only the text Pf the Proppsal itself cannot reasonably be expected to<br />

know which pathway they are being asked to <strong>support</strong>.<br />

4. The Company's 2014 Report clearly shows that the Proposal has been substantially<br />

implemented.<br />

As discussed in the Company No ActiPn Letter, the Company prepared its 2014 Report in<br />

connection with the withdrawal pf a prior shareholder proposal from Arjuna Capita! and As You<br />

Sow that requested an analysis of the potential for the Company's oil arid gas assets to become<br />

stranded as a result Pf global public policy regarding climate change. The 2014 Report's analysis<br />

and conclusion - that hone of the Cdmpany's proved reserves 4 is ofwill become "stranded,"<br />

even under a 2 degree pathway, is updated annually via the Company's Outlook for Energy (the<br />

"Outlook for Energy") 5 and Corporate Citizenship Report ("CCR"). but the fundamental<br />

analysis and conclusions remain unchanged. As a result, the 2014 Report's conclusions as<br />

updated by the Outlook for Energy and CCR remains sufficient to meet the essential objective of<br />

the Proposal as explained in the Company No Action Letter.<br />

4<br />

The Company determines its proved reserves in full compliance with SEC reporting standards,<br />

including the test of "reasonable certainty," These reserves are updated and reported annually in the<br />

Company's i 0-K filing, including discounted cash flows as. required. Proved reserves are a<br />

fundamental element of a company's valuation:<br />

-h{ir>://Gdn.exxonmobil.c5fn/^/iTleaia7alobal/files/outiook-for-enercv/2016/2018?outiooK-for-enerqv.Ddf<br />

#10353541V11<br />

App. 386

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