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Davis Polk<br />

Louis L. Goldberg<br />

Davis Polk & Wardwell llp 212 450 4539 tel<br />

450 Lexington Avenue 212 701 5539 fax<br />

New York, NY 10017 louis.goldberg@davispolk.com<br />

New York<br />

Menlo Park<br />

Washington DC<br />

Sao Paulo<br />

London<br />

Paris<br />

Madrid<br />

Tokyo<br />

Beijing<br />

Hong Kong<br />

February 29, 2016<br />

Office of Chief Counsel<br />

Division of Corporation Finance<br />

Securities and Exchange Commission<br />

100 F Street, NE<br />

Washington, D.C. 20549<br />

via email: shareholderproposals@sec.gov<br />

Ladies and Gentlemen;<br />

On behalf of Exxon Mobil Corporation, a New Jersey corporation (the "Company" or<br />

"ExxonMobil"), we are writing in response to the letter dated February 22, 2016 (the "Proponent<br />

Letter") from Sanford J. Lewis on behalf of the New York State Common Retirement Fund (the<br />

"Proponent"), which was written in response to the letter dated January 22, 2016 (the<br />

"Company No Action Letter") sent to the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") by<br />

Louis L. Goldberg of the law firm Davis Polk on behalf of the Company with respect to a<br />

shareholder proposal dated December 3, 2015 (the "Proposal") submitted to the Company by<br />

the Proponent. For the reasons stated below and in the Company No Action Letter, the Company<br />

rejects the Proponent Letter's claims and continues to request that the SEC not re<strong>comm</strong>end any<br />

enforcement action if, in reliance on Rule 14a-8, the Company omits the Proposal from its 2016<br />

proxy materials.<br />

1. The Proposal is vague and indefinite under Rule 14a-8(i)(3) because it fails to define<br />

what a "2 degree target" is and a scenario that would lead to it, such that neither a<br />

shareholder voting on the Proposal nor management in implementing the Proposal could<br />

be certain as to its request.<br />

The Proponents are asking shareholders to vote on a Proposal that contains terms<br />

subject to multiple and conflicting interpretations. We disagree with the Proponent Letter's claim<br />

that a 2 degree target is "consistently understood among diverse sources including financial<br />

analysts, investment advisors, the general press and public'' generally. Shareholders making<br />

their voting decisions are limited to the text of the Proposal itself, which merely refers to "a<br />

scenario in which reduction in demand results from carbon restrictions and related rules or<br />

<strong>comm</strong>itments adopted by governments consistent with the globally agreed upon 2 degree target."<br />

It assumes that there is a <strong>comm</strong>on understanding of "2 degree target" and the actions necessary<br />

to reach it, both of which claims we dispute.<br />

The Proponent Letter cites certain institutional investors and alleges these investors<br />

understand what scenarios or governmental policies and <strong>comm</strong>itments would lead to a 2 degree<br />

#10353541V11<br />

App. 383

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