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I’d <strong>Like</strong> <strong>to</strong><br />

<strong>Know</strong>…..<br />

Carol Plunkett

Wonder<br />

Though a trillion coloured droplets just refract <strong>to</strong> cause an arc<br />

And though atmospheric pressure can explain Aurora’s spark<br />

And the moon and sun’s alignment can account for sudden<br />

dark<br />

Still you wonder…..<br />

While a flock of birds’ formation is just clever ebb and flow<br />

And their epic navigation is pure habit, don’t you know?<br />

Scientific explanation can account for where they go<br />

Still you wonder…..

Oh a butterfly’s perfection is mere camouflage, we hear<br />

And a baby’s soft complexion just ensures its mother’s care<br />

And the human heart’s affection is electrical, that’s clear<br />

Still you wonder…..<br />

If we really are just carbon, why the need for poetry?<br />

Why does music spur our hearts on, lift our senses joyfully?<br />

Why the laughter and the heartache if it’s all just chemistry?<br />

Makes you wonder

In the Beginning<br />

It happened many years ago<br />

In a dark and shapeless void<br />

When a Hand of Power formed a precious world<br />

A wonder <strong>to</strong> be enjoyed<br />

Not only with intricate delicacy<br />

Did He fashion this gift He made<br />

But He formed a boundless Universe<br />

Where His treasure could be displayed<br />

And as a Master Craftsman will<br />

He added delightful gems<br />

Of mountain vistas, trees and seas<br />

Exquisite diadems<br />

He added creatures small and vast<br />

As living counterparts<br />

But longed <strong>to</strong> share Creation’s dream<br />

With God-filled, human hearts

At first the man He made was true<br />

His woman made things whole<br />

They roamed His Garden safe and blessed<br />

Till in<strong>to</strong> sin they s<strong>to</strong>le<br />

They were encouraged, this is true<br />

From one whose heart was bad<br />

And spoiling them was his desire<br />

To make the Maker sad<br />

And so with heavy, grieving heart<br />

God turned them <strong>to</strong> the world<br />

Not full-abandoned, yet exiled<br />

And Satan downward hurled<br />

The s<strong>to</strong>ry could have ended there<br />

But God still loved His man<br />

And while they battled bitter lives<br />

He formed a rescue plan…

Surely not, Lord? Surely not people?<br />

You just could have s<strong>to</strong>pped when You finished the apes<br />

Why could You have needed <strong>to</strong> go one more stage?<br />

You knew we would argue, be bitter and selfish<br />

So why insert humans on His<strong>to</strong>ry’s stage?<br />

Imagine the peace of a Man-less existence<br />

With animals living U<strong>to</strong>pia’s dream<br />

They’d populate Earth in a natural manner<br />

With no higher species <strong>to</strong> rule them supreme<br />

And yet, You decided that man had some value<br />

Completed Creation and made it all whole<br />

In fact, in Your words, the Earth needed subduing<br />

So You formed a Man for a management role<br />

You hoped for relationship, worship and thanks, Lord<br />

You’d fight our rebellion with Your constant love<br />

You knew our capacity for self-destruction<br />

Could only be calmed by a hand from above

So where are we now in the Cosmic Agenda?<br />

With battles and evils of inhuman scale?<br />

We fear <strong>to</strong> address what we’ve really become, Lord<br />

How can You bear watching the ways that we fail?<br />

No, really, what value do You think we’ve added?<br />

We’ve killed and destroyed in a ravenous way<br />

How can You continue <strong>to</strong> love without question?<br />

When You see the pain we inflict every day?<br />

You came once, it seems, with a plan for redemption<br />

So Man had some help in his struggle <strong>to</strong> cope<br />

We pray for the power of His efforts <strong>to</strong> save us<br />

For while He fights for us, cares for us, there’s hope

Frailty<br />

Life doesn’t go how you want it <strong>to</strong> go<br />

I just didn’t notice before<br />

I thought I was choosing, directing, in charge<br />

For problems, I’d work out the cure<br />

I’d set myself challenges, goals <strong>to</strong> achieve<br />

Assured they were within my grasp<br />

No blockage or barrier I couldn’t stride<br />

I’d hurdle them <strong>to</strong> my last gasp<br />

But one day the threads from my fingers did slip<br />

I questioned my sense of control<br />

Solutions I’d found in the past didn’t fit<br />

Uncertainty soon <strong>to</strong>ok its <strong>to</strong>ll

For life has its pitfalls, its dangers and hurts<br />

Its giants and demons and worse<br />

We need <strong>to</strong> look up, <strong>to</strong> accept we need help<br />

To walk it alone is a curse<br />

But God, when He made us, He knew we’d resist<br />

Preferring our own lives <strong>to</strong> run<br />

He knew we’d need picking up, mending, rebirth<br />

So that’s why He came, as His Son

Saviour<br />

A baby born <strong>to</strong> save the Earth<br />

Unlikely though the claim<br />

Grew up <strong>to</strong> measure each man’s worth<br />

But loved them just the same<br />

A man who studied each man’s heart<br />

With eyes <strong>to</strong> pierce the soul<br />

Rejected none who s<strong>to</strong>od apart<br />

But gave each one a role<br />

His light was fierce for some who saw<br />

Not all could bear its glow<br />

For those with spirits mean or poor<br />

They hoped he’d never know<br />

But this was just the point, it seemed<br />

Why in<strong>to</strong> life He stepped<br />

An offer for the unredeemed<br />

If only they’d accept

A world for you<br />

If I could paint a world for you, my child,<br />

I’d fill it with the sparkle of new life<br />

With bursting buds I’d break the frosted ground<br />

Eliminate your darkness and your strife<br />

I’d drench your ears with birdsong and your skin<br />

Would tingle with the sunlit warmth of love<br />

I’d draw your heart with fullness, till you know<br />

My peace and tranquil beauty from above<br />

If I could paint a world for you, my child,<br />

Our days in lost abandon we would spend<br />

No thoughts would crowd out wonder or pure joy<br />

And time would never start and never end

Trust<br />

<strong>Like</strong> an ant in a maze I traverse my life<br />

And at first all the tunnels seem long<br />

With focus and hope<br />

I walk a straight path<br />

Unafraid of what may come along<br />

When obstacles rise, as they surely will do<br />

I employ my best hurdling skills<br />

With a leap and a sweep<br />

Never pausing <strong>to</strong> weep<br />

I straddle life’s troublesome ills<br />

But sometimes the way isn’t direct or true<br />

There are de<strong>to</strong>urs and often dead ends<br />

If we knew the pattern<br />

Before we set off<br />

Could we train in advance for the bends?

No, we won’t be given a map of our route<br />

Just keep turning life’s corners we must<br />

The route will have perils<br />

But happiness <strong>to</strong>o<br />

We are called <strong>to</strong> a journey of trust<br />

We’re not from a Maker who makes us then leaves<br />

Abandoning us <strong>to</strong> life’s griefs<br />

A celestial puppeteer<br />

Cutting our strings<br />

And testing our fragile beliefs<br />

No, we’re from a Hand that is gentle and kind<br />

A buffer absorbing life’s pains<br />

Our journey’s not simple<br />

But we’re not alone<br />

Let’s trust Him for all that remains

Though we’re dust<br />

I walked on a sunbeam for a moment yesterday<br />

And things that were hurting ceased their hurting for a time<br />

My cheeks felt the windblast of a future yet unlived<br />

And my grey muddy puddles turned <strong>to</strong> pools of light sublime<br />

I rose over jagged rocks and soared above the stars<br />

And Earth’s earthbound tendrils couldn’t seem <strong>to</strong> pull me down<br />

The pure light of freedom for a moment truly mine<br />

Bright planets a halo and clear moonbeams for a gown<br />

That brief sense of power, of release, of ecstasy<br />

To mind brought a knowing, a completeness and a trust<br />

That more lies above us, and around us and within<br />

And we’ll walk the star-paths, dance with angels, though we’re dust

I’d <strong>Like</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Know</strong>…..<br />

A collection of poems taking a raw look at<br />

Life, Creation &<br />

Salvation<br />

Carol Plunkett<br />


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