
PHAINOMENA-98-99_e-verzija PHAINOMENA-98-99_e-verzija

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PHAINOMENA XXV/98-99 THE HORIZONS OF EMBODIMENT of the body in order to examine and critically evaluate it. This evaluation will explore certain conceptual ambiguities and theoretical incongruences which are at the root of two difficulties for AE’s account: (i) it highlights a potential anthropocentric and anthropomorphic bias; and (ii) it is too abstract, synchronic, and does not pay sufficient attention to the historical, sociocultural dimension of embodiment. The paper concludes by drawing from recent work in the sociology of the body to both support this reading of AE and also as a possible means to improve on it. Keywords: anthropomorphism, enactivism, embodied cognitive science, embodiment, sense-making, the body multiple. 244 Osmisliti (avtopoietsko) enaktivno utelešenje: Prizanesljiva ocena Avtopoietski enaktivizem (AE) je v zadnjih dveh desetletjih brez dvoma v ospredju »revolucije utelešenja« v filozofiji duha in kognitivni znanosti. Sčasoma se je razvil v »radikalno« in vplivno obravnavo utelešenja, ki trdi, da je kognicija konstitutivno odvisna od živega telesa. AE predstavlja naturalističen, a nereduktiven okvir, znotraj katerega lahko telo razumemo obenem kot avtonomen sistem in kot subjektiven osmišljajoč dejavnik. V skladu z AE naj bi to prepričanje služilo kot osrednje jedro, na podlagi katerega je mogoče razviti paradigmo resnično utelešene kognicije, ki bi lahko izzvala tradicionalen kognitivizem. Članek predstavi obravnavo telesa znotraj AE, da bi jo lahko nato ustrezno preučil in kritično ovrednotil. To ovrednotenje razkrije določene pojmovne dvoumnosti in teoretska neskladja, ki pestijo AE. Še posebej pereči sta v tem oziru naslednji težavi: (i) problem morebitne antropocentrične in antropomorfne pristranskosti; in (ii) problem prekomerne abstraktnosti in sinhronosti, zaradi česar AE ne posveča zadostne pozornosti historični in družbeno-kulturni razsežnosti utelešenja. Članek sklenem s sklicevanjem na nedavne raziskave na področju sociologije telesa, in sicer z namenom, da bi podkrepil ponujeno branje AE in obenem ponudil možna sredstva za njegovo izboljšanje.

Ključne besede: antropomorfizem, enaktivizem, utelešena kognitivna znanost, utelešenje, osmišljevanje, telesna mnogovrstnost. Peter Kaiser Taking Bodily Self-Awareness in Animals Seriously The current debates on embodiment, consciousness, and bodily (self-) awareness are partly characterized by insightful convergences of analytically and phenomenologically influenced approaches, allowing for an increased understanding of the phenomena themselves. Since bodily awareness is essential to any sentient being, these analyses should also be of high relevance to studies of animal cognition in general, and animal consciousness in particular. Far too often only higher forms of (self-)awareness have been the focus of philosophical debate. The aim of this paper is to strengthen the case for the role of bodily selfawareness in animals by bringing David DeGrazia’s account of self-awareness in animals into dialogue with contemporary phenomenology, thereby emphasizing significant overlaps. First, I discuss DeGrazia’s account of bodily self-awareness. DeGrazia argues that higher forms of self-awareness such as social and reflective/introspective self-awareness (e.g. demonstrated in mirror self-recognition tasks) presuppose bodily self-awareness. Drawing on various empirical data and conceptual considerations, his arguments are illuminating in their own right. But his conception of self-awareness remains somewhat underdetermined. Therefore, second, I argue that DeGrazia’s case for bodily self-awareness in animals faces a serious challenge: It has been claimed that the most basic types of self-awareness in question are instances of mere consciousness and not selfawareness (Lynne R. Baker). Third, I shall argue, this challenge can be met by complementing DeGrazia’s account with Dan Zahavi’s and Shaun Gallagher’s phenomenological analysis of pre-reflective self-awareness. Emphasizing the subjective aspect of for-meness of any first-personal given experience is precisely what it means to take bodily self-awareness seriously. 245

PHAINOMENA XXV/98-99<br />


of the body in order to examine and critically evaluate it. This evaluation<br />

will explore certain conceptual ambiguities and theoretical incongruences<br />

which are at the root of two difficulties for AE’s account: (i) it highlights a<br />

potential anthropocentric and anthropomorphic bias; and (ii) it is too abstract,<br />

synchronic, and does not pay sufficient attention to the historical, sociocultural<br />

dimension of embodiment. The paper concludes by drawing from recent work<br />

in the sociology of the body to both support this reading of AE and also as a<br />

possible means to improve on it.<br />

Keywords: anthropomorphism, enactivism, embodied cognitive science,<br />

embodiment, sense-making, the body multiple.<br />

244<br />

Osmisliti (avtopoietsko) enaktivno utelešenje:<br />

Prizanesljiva ocena<br />

Avtopoietski enaktivizem (AE) je v zadnjih dveh desetletjih brez dvoma<br />

v ospredju »revolucije utelešenja« v filozofiji duha in kognitivni znanosti.<br />

Sčasoma se je razvil v »radikalno« in vplivno obravnavo utelešenja, ki trdi, da je<br />

kognicija konstitutivno odvisna od živega telesa. AE predstavlja naturalističen,<br />

a nereduktiven okvir, znotraj katerega lahko telo razumemo obenem kot<br />

avtonomen sistem in kot subjektiven osmišljajoč dejavnik. V skladu z AE naj bi<br />

to prepričanje služilo kot osrednje jedro, na podlagi katerega je mogoče razviti<br />

paradigmo resnično utelešene kognicije, ki bi lahko izzvala tradicionalen<br />

kognitivizem. Članek predstavi obravnavo telesa znotraj AE, da bi jo lahko<br />

nato ustrezno preučil in kritično ovrednotil. To ovrednotenje razkrije določene<br />

pojmovne dvoumnosti in teoretska neskladja, ki pestijo AE. Še posebej pereči<br />

sta v tem oziru naslednji težavi: (i) problem morebitne antropocentrične in<br />

antropomorfne pristranskosti; in (ii) problem prekomerne abstraktnosti in<br />

sinhronosti, zaradi česar AE ne posveča zadostne pozornosti historični in<br />

družbeno-kulturni razsežnosti utelešenja. Članek sklenem s sklicevanjem na<br />

nedavne raziskave na področju sociologije telesa, in sicer z namenom, da bi<br />

podkrepil ponujeno branje AE in obenem ponudil možna sredstva za njegovo<br />


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