
PHAINOMENA-98-99_e-verzija PHAINOMENA-98-99_e-verzija

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PHAINOMENA XXV/98-99 THE HORIZONS OF EMBODIMENT 150 that, in addition to its spatial dimension (localization), the lived body also has an important temporal dimension (temporalization). It was suggested that Husserl’s concept of touching is too restrictive, as it limits touching to palpating hands, and consequently to an active human being. For this reason, the first part of the paper undertook an expansion of the notion of touching, starting from Aristotle and moving up to Plessner and Nancy. First, the newly proposed concept of touching is no longer restricted to hands but refers to the whole body. Second, touching has now been reconstrued as a realization of borders, i.e. through touching, bodies differentiate themselves from other bodies. Based on the concept of touching, the second part of the paper portrayed bodytime as a continuous and constant being-towards-the-world through touching and being touched. Bodytime was characterized by its three main aspects: first, it is said to be closely connected to lifetime. Second, bodytime is not part of consciousness, but rather withdraws from it. Moreover, it grounds time-consciousness. Third, bodytime has been characterized as transeunt time, in which the three time ecstasies exceed themselves and influence each other. The third part of the paper showed that the continuity of bodytime is fractured or deferred. Starting from the extreme case of the phantom limb, it was demonstrated that, in cases of injuries, and even in the case of the two hands of one body touching each other, a time deferral occurs. The time deferral is gradual; it ranges from a fracture (in phantom limb sensations) to a minimal postponement (in self-contact). Therefore, the idea of a full-blown unity between the lived and physical body was rejected, substituting it with the notion of a deferral, of non-coincidence. 6. Bibliography Al-Saji, Alia (2010): “Bodies and Sensings. On the Uses of Husserlian Phenomenology for Feminist Theory”, Continental Philosophy Review 43, 13–37. Anzieu, Didier (1985): Le Moi-Peau, Paris: Dunod. Aristotle (1993): De Anima. Books II and III, with passages from Book I, transl. by D. W. Hamlyn, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Bernet, Rudolf (2009): “Leiblichkeit bei Husserl und Heidegger”, in:

JULIA GARSTENAUER Heidegger und Husserl. Neue Perspektiven, Günter Figal, Hans-Helmuth Gander (eds.), 43–71. Frankfurt/M.: Klostermann. Bourdieu, Pierre (1990): The Logic of Practice, transl. by R. Nice, Stanford: University Press. Casey, Edward (2000): Remembering. A Phenomenological Study, Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Delholm, Pascal (2011): “Das Erleiden von Verletzungen als leibliche Quelle von Normativität”, in: Normativität des Körpers, Pascal Delholm, Anne Reichold (eds.), 96–115. Freiburg, München: Alber. Derrida, Jacques (2005): On Touching. Jean-Luc Nancy, transl. by Christine Irizarry. Stanford: University Press. Esterbauer, Reinhold (2012): “Meine Zeit. Vorfragen zu einer Phänomenologie menschlichen Werdens”, in: Den Menschen im Blick. Phänomenologische Zugänge. Festschrift für Günther Pöltner zum 70. Geburtstag, Reinhold Esterbauer, Martin Ross (eds.), 527–546. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. Fuchs, Thomas (2000): Leib, Raum, Person. Entwurf einer phänomenologischen Anthropologie, Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta. Fuchs, Thomas (2011): “Body Memory and the Unconscious”, in: Founding Psychoanalysis. Phenomenological Theory of Subjectivity and the Psychoanalytical Experience, D. Lohmar, J. Brudzinska (eds.), 69–82. Dordrecht: Kluwer. Fuchs, Thomas (2012): “The Phenomenology of Body Memory”, in: Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement, S. Koch, et. al. (eds.), 9–22. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Fuchs, Thomas (2013): “Zwischen Leib und Körper”, in: Leib und Leben. Perspektiven für eine neue Kultur der Körperlichkeit, M. Hähnel, M. Knaup (eds.), 82–93. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. Fuchs, Thomas (2016): “Self Across Time: The Diachronic Unity of Bodily Existence”, in: Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15, 1–25. Grunwald, Martin (2001): “Begriffsbestimmungen zwischen Psychologie und Physiologie”, in: Der bewegte Sinn. Grundlagen und Anwendungen zur haptischen Wahrnehmung, Martin Grunwald, Lothar Beyer (eds.), 1–14. Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhäuser. 151


Heidegger und Husserl. Neue Perspektiven, Günter Figal, Hans-Helmuth<br />

Gander (eds.), 43–71. Frankfurt/M.: Klostermann.<br />

Bourdieu, Pierre (1990): The Logic of Practice, transl. by R. Nice, Stanford:<br />

University Press.<br />

Casey, Edward (2000): Remembering. A Phenomenological Study,<br />

Bloomington: Indiana University Press.<br />

Delholm, Pascal (2011): “Das Erleiden von Verletzungen als leibliche<br />

Quelle von Normativität”, in: Normativität des Körpers, Pascal Delholm, Anne<br />

Reichold (eds.), 96–115. Freiburg, München: Alber.<br />

Derrida, Jacques (2005): On Touching. Jean-Luc Nancy, transl. by Christine<br />

Irizarry. Stanford: University Press.<br />

Esterbauer, Reinhold (2012): “Meine Zeit. Vorfragen zu einer<br />

Phänomenologie menschlichen Werdens”, in: Den Menschen im Blick.<br />

Phänomenologische Zugänge. Festschrift für Günther Pöltner zum 70. Geburtstag,<br />

Reinhold Esterbauer, Martin Ross (eds.), 527–546. Würzburg: Königshausen<br />

& Neumann.<br />

Fuchs, Thomas (2000): Leib, Raum, Person. Entwurf einer<br />

phänomenologischen Anthropologie, Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.<br />

Fuchs, Thomas (2011): “Body Memory and the Unconscious”, in: Founding<br />

Psychoanalysis. Phenomenological Theory of Subjectivity and the Psychoanalytical<br />

Experience, D. Lohmar, J. Brudzinska (eds.), 69–82. Dordrecht: Kluwer.<br />

Fuchs, Thomas (2012): “The Phenomenology of Body Memory”, in: Body<br />

Memory, Metaphor and Movement, S. Koch, et. al. (eds.), 9–22. Amsterdam:<br />

John Benjamins.<br />

Fuchs, Thomas (2013): “Zwischen Leib und Körper”, in: Leib und Leben.<br />

Perspektiven für eine neue Kultur der Körperlichkeit, M. Hähnel, M. Knaup<br />

(eds.), 82–93. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.<br />

Fuchs, Thomas (2016): “Self Across Time: The Diachronic Unity of Bodily<br />

Existence”, in: Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15, 1–25.<br />

Grunwald, Martin (2001): “Begriffsbestimmungen zwischen Psychologie<br />

und Physiologie”, in: Der bewegte Sinn. Grundlagen und Anwendungen zur<br />

haptischen Wahrnehmung, Martin Grunwald, Lothar Beyer (eds.), 1–14. Basel,<br />

Boston, Berlin: Birkhäuser.<br />


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