English-German Wordlist

English-German Wordlist

English-German Wordlist


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Englisch Aussprache Deutsch Beispielsatz<br />

resort /rI'zO:t/ Ferienort Aspen is a ski resort in Colorado.<br />

respectful /rI'spektf@l/ respektvoll They listened in respectful silence.<br />

retail /'ri:teIl/ Einzelhandel Ned had 20 years' experience in the retail business.<br />

run /'rönIÎ/ führen, leiten Marcus is still running his business single-handed.<br />

salary /'s{l@ri/ Gehalt The average salary is $39,000 a year.<br />

satisfaction /"s{tIs'f{kS@n/ Befriedigung She got great satisfaction from helping people to learn.<br />

self-made /"self 'meId/ Selfmade- Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, is a self-made billionaire.<br />

self-motivated /"self 'm@UtIveItId/ von sich aus motiviert Applicants should be fully-qualified, good with people, and self-motivated.<br />

set up /"setIÎ 'öp/ vorbereiten I'm responsible for developing new sales opportunities and setting up meetings for the Sales Director.<br />

show off /"S@U 'Áf/ angeben He always shows off on the tennis court.<br />

six-figure /"sIks 'fIg@/ sechsstellig Julie works in the city and earns a six-figure salary.<br />

smoothly /'smu:Dli/ reibungslos Traffic flowed smoothly.<br />

spatial /'speIS@l/ räumlich Jack's daughter has trouble with her spatial awareness.<br />

specialist /'speS@lIst/ Fachmann, Spezialist What we need is an attorney who is a specialist in banking law.<br />

sponsor /'spÁns@d/ unterstützen I sponsored Jim on his charity run.<br />

stockbroker /'stÁk"br@Uk@/ Börsenmakler He's forever ringing his stockbroker – 'Buy this, sell that!'<br />

tax inspector /'t{ks In"spekt@/ Steuerprüfer The tax inspector wants to examine my books.<br />

theatre /'TI@t@/ Saal Surgeons were working on him in the operating theatre for six hours.<br />

therefore /'De@fO:/ deshalb Their car was bigger and therefore more comfortable.<br />

trolley /'trÁli/ Krankenbahre Get a trolley – this patient's been badly hurt!<br />

truthful /'tru:Tf@l/ ehrlich Jane is a truthful child – she doesn't tell lies.<br />

update /öp'deIt/ aktualisieren The files need updating.<br />

valuable /'v{lju@b@l, -j@b@l/ wertvoll A valuable painting has been stolen from the art gallery.<br />

verbal /'vÆ:b@l/ mündlich The policeman gave her a verbal warning and let her go.<br />

visual /'vIZu@l/ sichtbar Artists translate their ideas into visual images.<br />

ward /wO:d/ Krankenstation It was the new nurse's first day on the wards.<br />

wealth /welT/ Reichtum The country's wealth comes from its oil.<br />

well-connected /"wel k@'nektId/ gute Beziehungen haben I believe his family is very well-connected socially.<br />

come to sth. /wen It 'keIm t@/ zu etwas kommen Sue had felt uncertain but, when it came to the decision, she had no problem refusing his offer.<br />

whilst /waIlst/ während It's illegal to use a mobile phone whilst driving a car.<br />

willing /'wIlIÎ/ bereit How much are they willing to pay?<br />

work out /"wÆ:k 'aUt/ ausarbeiten Let's work out how much the holiday is going to cost.<br />


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