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been assisted by little education. A fortunate chance recommended him to Lady Catherine de<br />

Bourgh. Fortunate indeed. (The family enters and takes their places.) Mr. Bennet is most anxious to<br />

get rid of Mr. Collins, and have his library to himself. Mr. Collins followed Mr. Bennet into the study<br />

after breakfast. Mr. Collins talks, with little cessation, of his house and garden at Hunsford. Such<br />

doings discomposes Mr. Bennet exceedingly.<br />

LYDIA<br />

(Entering.) I am going to walk to Meryton to find out about Richard and to inquire when Mr.<br />

Denny will be returning from town. Would anyone like to accompany me?<br />


I assure you that all the young ladies may go for I will happily attend them.<br />

MR. BENNET<br />

Thank you, Mr. Collins. I know the girls are most anxious to have you accompany them to<br />

Meryton. Should you need me, Mr. Hill, I will be in my library. (Exits.)<br />

(The daughters gather their outer garments, adlibbing lines about ribbons, the weather, gossip,<br />

Mr. Collins, etc. and go off.) (Lydia notices Wickham.) SCENE CHANGE #1-5<br />

LYDIA<br />

Kitty? Who is that young man, we have never seen him before. Good day Mr. Denny! Welcome<br />

back from town; did you have a successful trip?<br />

MR. DENNY<br />

I did indeed, Miss Bennet. May I have permission to introduce my friend, Mr. Wickham? Mr.<br />

Wickham has just returned with me from town, and has accepted, I am happy to say, a<br />

commission in our corps. Mr. Wickham, This is Miss Jane Bennet, Miss Elizabeth Bennet, Miss<br />

Catherine Bennet, Miss Mary Bennet, and Miss Lydia Bennet.<br />


Ladies. It was the prospect of good society that was my chief inducement to enter the corps. I<br />

knew it to be a most respectable, agreeable corps, and my friend Denny tempted me further by<br />

the excellent society Meryton had to offer. I can see now that Mr. Denny did not exaggerate.<br />

(Darcy and Bingley are seen walking down the street.)<br />


Good afternoon, Ladies. Miss Bennet. I was just on my way to Longbourn to inquire after your<br />

health and to give my personal invitation to you, and your entire family, for the ball at<br />

Netherfield, which has been fixed for the following Tuesday night.<br />

JANE<br />

Thank you, Mr. Bingley. I am certain we will all accept your kind invitation. (Pause) Mr.<br />

Bingley, Mr. Darcy, I believe you know Mr. Denny. This is Mr. Wickham.<br />

MR. DENNY<br />

Mr. Wickham has just come from London; he is to have a lieutenant's commission.<br />


Welcome to Meryton, Mr. Wickham.<br />

(Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham look at each other. Mr. Wickham, after a few moments, touches his<br />

hat in salutation, which Mr. Darcy deigns to return.)<br />


Well, good day. I look forward to seeing you Tuesday week.<br />

JANE<br />

Thank you, Mr. Bingley.<br />


Good day. (The family starts to walk. Mr. Wickham catches up to Elizabeth and Lydia catches<br />

up to them both.)<br />


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