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Joint Strategic Plan on Intellectual Property Enforcement<br />

that the perpetrators of the 2004 Madrid train bombings, which<br />

killed 191 people, raised illicit proceeds from the sale of pirated<br />

CDs and DVDs; and more recently, that those behind the Paris<br />

(Charlie Hebdo) terrorist attacks in January 2015, which killed<br />

17 people, raised illicit proceeds from the sale of counterfeit<br />

footwear and apparel. See, e.g., John Mintz and Douglas Farah,<br />

“Small Scams Probed for Terror Ties,” (The Washington Post:<br />

Aug. 12, 2002), accessed from https://www.washingtonpost.<br />

com/archive/politics/2002/08/12/small-scams-probed-for-terrorties/acfb904e-002e-49c2-a531-8c7c2e46573b/;<br />

Kaplan, Eben,<br />

“Tracking Down Terrorist Financing,” (April 4, 2006), accessed<br />

from http://www.cfr.org/terrorist-financing/tracking-down-terrorist-financing/p10356;<br />

International Herald Tribune, “Counterfeit<br />

goods are linked to terror groups,” (February 12, 2007),<br />

accessed from http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/12/business/<br />

worldbusiness/12iht-fake.4569452.html; Yan, Holly, “Suspected<br />

ringleader of Belgian terror cell sought,” (CNN.com: January<br />

19, 2015) (“Sales of counterfeit goods by Charlie Hebdo<br />

attacker Cherif Kouachi helped fund the purchase of weapons,<br />

a source familiar with the ongoing investigation in France<br />

told CNN”), accessed from http://www.cnn.com/2015/01/19/<br />

europe/europe-terror-threat/; Union des Fabricants (UNI-<br />

FAB), “Counterfeiting and Terrorism – Edition 2016,” at<br />

p.14, accessed from http://www.unifab.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Rapport-A-Terrorisme-2015_GB_22.pdf.<br />

142<br />

See, e.g., Jay Solomon and Gordon Fairclough, “North<br />

Korea’s Counterfeit Goods Targeted” (The Wall Street Journal:<br />

June 1, 2005) (reporting that since Sept. 11, 2001, North Korea’s<br />

sales of counterfeit products, namely counterfeit cigarettes<br />

and pharmaceuticals, have grown exponentially from $100<br />

million to $500 million annually), accessed from http://www.<br />

wsj.com/articles/SB111756528456047297; Ryall, Julian, “North<br />

Korea branches out into ivory, fake cigarette and pharmaceutical<br />

trade” (The Telegraph: April 12, 2014), accessed from<br />

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/northkorea/10766587/North-Korea-branches-out-into-ivory-fake-cigarette-and-pharmaceutical-trade.html;<br />

Yi Whan-woo, “N. Korea<br />

Selling Counterfeit Money To Terrorists” (The Korean Times:<br />

June 27, 2016) (reporting that the “cash-strapped regime may<br />

try to expand trafficking networks in drugs, weapons, cigarettes,<br />

and counterfeit luxury goods as alternative means to<br />

generate hard currency following a series of sanctions against<br />

it.”), accessed from http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/<br />

nation/2016/06/485_207990.html; The White House, Office of<br />

the Press Secretary, “Statement by the Press Secretary on the<br />

Executive Order Entitled ‘Imposing Additional Sanctions with<br />

Respect to North Korea’,” (January 2, 2015) (naming the Government<br />

of North Korea as the actor of the “destructive and coercive<br />

cyberattack on Sony Pictures Entertainment”), accessed<br />

from https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/01/02/<br />

statement-press-secretary-executive-order-entitled-imposing-additional-s.<br />

SECTION 1<br />

143<br />

See Statement of Gordon M. Snow, Assistant Director, United<br />

States Federal Bureau of Investigation Cyber Division, Before<br />

the Senate Judiciary Committee (June 21, 2011), accessed<br />

from https://www.fbi.gov/news/testimony/intellectual-property-law-enforcement-efforts.<br />

144<br />

See The White House, “Strategy to Combat Transnational<br />

Organized Crime: Addressing Converging Threats to National<br />

Security,” (July 2011), accessed from https://www.whitehouse.<br />

gov/sites/default/files/microsites/2011-strategy-combat-transnational-organized-crime.pdf.<br />


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