Canada Yearbook - 1897

Canada Yearbook - 1897

Canada Yearbook - 1897


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APPENDIX. 531<br />

THE HOUSE OF COMMONS—Continued.<br />

Constituencies. Name of Members. Constituencies. Names of Members.<br />

Haggart, Hon. John Perth, S. R Erb, Dilman Kinsey.<br />

Laprairie and Nap- Graham. Peterborough, E.<br />

pierville<br />

Monet, Dominique. R<br />

Lang, John.<br />

L'Assomption .... Gauthier, Joseph. Peterborough, W.<br />

Laval Fortin, Thomas.<br />

R Kendry, James.<br />

Leeds & Grenville, f Tnpper, Hon. Sir Charles<br />

N. R Frost, Francis Theodore. Pictou -[ H. (K.C.M.G.)<br />

Leeds, S. R<br />

Taylor, George.<br />

Bell, Adam Carr.<br />

Wilson, Uriah.<br />

I Poupore, William Joseph.<br />

Levis Guay, Pierre Malcolm. Joly de Lotbiniere, Hon.<br />

Lincoln & Niagara. Gibson, William.<br />

SirH. (K.C.M.G.)<br />

Richardson, R. L.<br />

Prescott<br />

L'Islet<br />

Dechene, Arthur Miville.<br />

Prince County, E.<br />

Beattie, Thomas.<br />

R<br />

Rinfret, Cdme Isaie.<br />

Prince County, W.<br />

Lunenburg Kaulbach, Charles Edwin R : . McLellan, B. D.<br />

Rutherford, J. G. Prince Edward... Pettet, William Varney.<br />

Prefontaine, Raymond. Provencher LaRiviere, Alphonse A.C.<br />

Marquette Roche, William James. Quebec, Centre... Malouin, Albert.<br />

Maskinonge Legris, Joseph Hormisdas Quebec, East Laurier, Rt. Hon. Sii Wil­<br />

Megantic Turcot, George. frid (G.C.M.G.)<br />

Middlesex, E. R.. Gilmour, James. Quebec, West.. .. Dobell, Hon. Richard R.<br />

Middlesex, N. R.. Ratz, Valentine. Quebec, (County). Fitzpatrick, Hon. Charles.<br />

Middlesex, S. R.. McGugan, Malcolm. Queen's County,<br />

Middlesex, W. R.. Calvert, William Samuel E. R<br />

Missisquoi<br />

Meigs, Daniel Bishop. Queen's, County,<br />

Dugas, Louis E.<br />

W. R<br />

Montmagny ..<br />

Choquette, Philippe A.<br />

(K.C.M.G.)<br />

Casgrain, Thomas Chase. Renfrew, N. R... Mackie, Thomas.<br />

Montreal, St. Anne Quinn, Michael Joseph Renfrew, S. R Ferguson, John.<br />

Montreal, St. Francis.<br />

McAlister, John.<br />

Antoine Roddick, Thomas G. Richelieu Bruneau, Arthur Aime.<br />

Montreal, St. Richmond(N. S.) Gillies, Joseph A.<br />

James Dc-smarais, Odilon. Richmond and<br />

Montreal, St. Law­ Wolfe (Q.)... Stenson, Michael Thomas.<br />

rence Penny, Edward Goff. Rimouski Ross, Jean Auguste.<br />

Montreal, St. Mary Dupre, Hercule. Rouville Brodeur, Louis Philippe.<br />

Muskoka MeCormick, George. Edwards, William C.<br />

New Westminster. Morrison, Aulay. St. Hyacinthe Bernier, Michel E.<br />

Leduc, J. H.<br />

St. John (N.B.),<br />

Nipissing<br />

City<br />

Norfolk, N. R .... Charlton, John.<br />

St. John (N.B.),<br />

Norfolk, S. R.... Tisdale, Hon. David. City and Co. .. Tucker, Joseph John.<br />

North umbe r 1 a n d<br />

St. John and Iber­<br />

(N.B.) Robinson, James. ville ' Tarte, Hon. Joseph I.<br />

Northumbe r 1 a n d<br />

Saskatchewan.... Davis, Thomas Osborne.<br />

(O.)E. R<br />

Cochrane, Edward. Selkirk<br />

Shefford<br />

(O.)E.R Guillet, George. Shelbume and<br />

Ontario, N. R Graham, Duncan. Queen's Fielding, Hon. Wm. S.<br />

Burnett, Leonard. Ives, Hon. William B.<br />

Ontario, W. R.... Edgar, Hon. Sir James, Simcoe, E. R Bennett, William H.<br />

K.C.M.G. Simcoe, N. R Vacant.<br />

Ottawa (City)... j Belcourt, Napoleon A. Simcoe, S. R Tyrwhitt, Richard.<br />

Hutchison, William.<br />

Bourbonnais, Augustin.<br />

Oxford, N. R Sutherland, James. Moore, Alvin H.<br />

Oxford, SR Cartwright, Hon. Sir R. Sunbury and<br />

(G.C.M.G.) Queen's (N.B.). Blair, Hon. Andrew G.<br />

Peel Featherston, John. Temiscouata Gauvreau, Chas. Auguste.<br />

Perth, N. R MacLaren, Alexander F. Terrebonne .. . Chauvin, Leon Adolphe.<br />


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