Canada Yearbook - 1897

Canada Yearbook - 1897

Canada Yearbook - 1897


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The condition of the export trade of the last five years is more clearly<br />

shown by this method, in the! following table, than it could be by a<br />

mere statement of actual values :—<br />

1893.<br />

1894.<br />

1895.<br />

1896.<br />

<strong>1897</strong>.<br />

Actual value of exports..<br />

Value at prices of previous<br />

year<br />

Variation fromquantities<br />

" prices....<br />

Actual difference in<br />

value<br />

102,006,490<br />

101,946,000<br />

+ 0,201,000<br />

+ 61,000<br />

+ 0,322,237<br />

100,580,853<br />

103,900,000<br />

+ 1,900,000<br />

- 3,319,000<br />

1,419,637<br />

99,528,351<br />

99,627,000<br />

- 958.000<br />

- 100,000<br />

1,058,504<br />

106,378,752<br />

111,317,000<br />

+ 11,789,000<br />

- 4,939,000<br />

+ 6,850,401<br />

119,685,410<br />

125,090,000<br />

-\ 18,712,000<br />

— 5,405,000<br />

-13,306,658<br />

1893.<br />

1894.<br />

1895. 1896.<br />

<strong>1897</strong>.<br />

Actual value of total<br />

trade*<br />

Value at prices of previous<br />

year<br />

Variation from quantities<br />

" prices...<br />

Actual difference in<br />

value<br />

223,711,520<br />

226,277,000<br />

+ 13,611,000<br />

— 2,564.000<br />

+ 11,048,324<br />

213,680,836<br />

221,087,000<br />

- 2,621,000<br />

- 7,408,000<br />

204,780,862<br />

215,781,000<br />

+ 2,103,000<br />

-11,002,000<br />

216,966,232<br />

221,434,000<br />

+ 16,053,000<br />

- 4,469,000<br />

-10,030,684 — 8,899,976 + 12,185,370<br />

* Imports for Home Consumption and Exports of Canadian produce only.<br />

230,979,431<br />

240,204,000<br />

+ 23,239,000<br />

- 9,225,000<br />

-14,013,199<br />

In order to ascertain in what proportion the changes in a series of<br />

years in the values both of particular items and in the grand total, have<br />

been due to an increased or diminished volume of articles or to a variation<br />

in their price, tables relating to the exports of Canadian produce<br />

have been prepared on apian suggested some time ago in the " Journal<br />

of the Royal Statistical Society," by Mr. Stephen^ Bourne, F.S.S., by<br />

which, by means of index numbers, it can be' readily seen in what respects<br />

the results of the several years correspond to or differ from one<br />

another, both as regards quantity and price. The year 1883 has been<br />

taken as the year of comparison, because in that year—with the exception<br />

of 1892, 1893, 1896 and <strong>1897</strong> the total trade of the country reached<br />

the highest amount since confederation, and, as long as the conditions<br />

of trade are fairly equal, it is not very material which year is used_ for<br />

the purpose. Individual calculations have been made for 63 distinct<br />

articles, in order to make up the several groups in the table, and these<br />

furnish a wide enough range for assuming that the remaining articles,<br />

manv of which cannot, for want of definite information in the Trade<br />

and Navigation Returns as to quantities, be so estimated, may be taken<br />

in the same ratio as the specified articles are found to yield. The num-

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