We bring into life some of the unspoken uncomfortable conversations you have been dreaming or fantasizing of having. You haven't had them yet simply because you don't know where to start!

We bring into life some of the unspoken uncomfortable conversations you have been dreaming or fantasizing of having. You haven't had them yet simply because you don't know where to start!


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Dadazine<br />

Vol.2 December Issue 3<br />


Siritual Condence etreat<br />

Come away with me…<br />

Next level U<br />

Casual doesn’t<br />

mean drub<br />

What is your Sisterhood<br />

Legacy this Christmas?<br />

Step Up For Our Girls<br />

U-Verse<br />

Then you will shine<br />

among them like stars in<br />

the sky<br />

The Dadiary,<br />

Fatal Attraction;<br />

Of dangerous men and the<br />

women who attract them<br />

U-wkward! Situation<br />

Is there a right<br />

way to start?<br />

U-turn<br />

Issues??? Yes? No?<br />

Mhhh!!! A roller<br />

coaster of emotions...<br />

<strong>UNCOMFORTABLE</strong><br />

Can this (1) conversation end the drama?<br />

Get your online copy at www.udadaglobal.org<br />







What Is Udada?<br />

You are beautiful and capable<br />

Change how you view yourself<br />

When she wins, we all win<br />

Change how we view each other<br />

Our daughters need space to thrive!<br />

Change how society views women and girls<br />



UDADA<br />

Pillars:<br />

1. Healing women to women relationships<br />

2. Developing Spiritual Confidence in women<br />

3. Inpowerment and Empowerment<br />

4. Light the Udada candle of other<br />

women by spreading the Light of Hope<br />

Inpowerment is your new language<br />

#UDADA is our new culture<br />



The Dadiary<br />

Fatal Attraction<br />

Of dangerous men and the women who attract them<br />

This got me hot feet from the moment they started advertising,<br />

I felt like I should have been at the venue waiting for the day to<br />

come! The conversations teasers were soooo me,<br />

finally someone got me! My friend Koffian was wondering what<br />

the hype was all about; to her a dangerous man is a physically<br />

abusive man. But for me, I knew, I had experienced a dangerous<br />

man but not in the physical manifestation.<br />

I had dated one dangerous man after another hadi to some point<br />

I thought someone had cursed me and died, dooming me to an<br />

eternity of unhappy relationships. I crave for stability and<br />

reliability when it comes to a relationship but somehow I end up<br />

with drama and the type of guys who fall me SMH!!! God forbid.<br />

Not that I am that choosy or anything but please can I get my<br />

prince charming already!?<br />

So, I walk into All Saints Trinity hall all dressed up like I am going<br />

on a date, except Udada is not there! And instead of the smiley<br />

ladies with the pink flowers, I am met by men in black. Hold up,<br />

did God answer my prayers of prince charming that first?<br />

Ummmmh, maybe not, so I check my phone to<br />

confirm if it is exactly Tuesday or somehow my<br />

excitement managed to get the best of me.<br />

I ask one of ‘them’ and he directs me to the<br />

other side a ‘St something’. Which I realize<br />

I had passed in my haste to meet this<br />

Ian Isherwood guy, today’s speaker.<br />



Ulalallala ladies! The speaker is definitely as yum as advertised.<br />

His eyes are enough to bring the fisilet out of any woman.<br />

How am I even going to concentrate while my mind is wondering<br />

if he is single and how he likes his coffee, does he take it white or<br />

black? Anyway as he starts speaking about Fatal Attraction,<br />

I have to catch myself because I was a victim, right there and then.<br />

Question is, is he dangerous?<br />

You can never be 100% sure about someone but there are red<br />

flags you can look out for before you are swiped away into the<br />

dreamy world of love. But first, you have to understand and accept<br />

yourself. Because if you are clear on your values and what ticks<br />

for you, then you won’t feel the need to constantly compare<br />

yourself to others and when that prince charming finally walks<br />

through the door you are confident on what you want.<br />

The best relationship you can have is with yourself. Sounds cliché,<br />

right? But coming down to it, if you are insecure and have no clear<br />

boundaries or values then anyone can look like prince charming<br />

to you, it is easy to be convinced to try out some things in a<br />

relationship that are completely not you. So to start with,<br />

make a list of why someone should date you. Know who you are<br />

and what you can offer in a relationship.<br />

His mind is as yum as his face or maybe I am just hearing what<br />

I want to. This is why you need to attend Udada for yourself, as<br />

much as there is the Dadiary and Dvds but this raw experience is<br />

something else entirely. Ian also shared the importance of<br />

listening to your friends and family opinion about the guy you are<br />

seeing because they might be able to see things about him that<br />

you can’t. Yes, I know, we don’t like being told that the guy we are<br />

falling for headfirst isn’t good for us, but I think ‘I wish I knew’ isn’t<br />

anyone’s cup of it either!<br />



As Laimani came on stage for part 2 of the evening to talk about<br />

how to manage if you are already married to a dangerous man, a<br />

kind of burden that I did not know I had carried was lifted up. See,<br />

one thing about dating a dangerous man, they make you think that<br />

you are the one with a problem.<br />

It would be much easier to tell you to pack and leave if you are<br />

married to a dangerous man, but walking away is not a snap<br />

decision. But, you would know if a lion is about to pounce on<br />

you. Duck, this is not the time to be a strong woman. Your time to<br />

be vocal will come but when the lion is resting, take this time to<br />

express yourself, be firm and clear.<br />

Danger is clearly in the eyes of the beholder. Who is a dangerous<br />

man to you could mean a totally different thing to someone else.<br />

Some pointers though on who is a dangerous man; an addict, a<br />

man without hope, without a vision, with nothing to lose, without<br />

accountability or without regard to human life and dignity. A<br />

bored man is a dangerous man and most importantly a perverted<br />

man is a dangerous man.<br />

And while we are on the subject of who are the dangerous men, it<br />

is in order to distill some myths about them. Power, wealth, great<br />

looks and short are not some of the qualities of a dangerous man.<br />

Our Next Gathering will be on<br />

7th February 2017<br />

Get your E-ticket @<br />

www.udadaglobal.org<br />



Ephesians 5:14<br />

14 Therefore He says:<br />

“Awake, you who sleep,<br />

Arise from the dead,<br />

And Christ will give<br />

you light.”<br />

U<br />

DA<br />

DA<br />

Verses<br />

John 8:12<br />

Then Jesus again spoke to them,<br />

saying, “I am the Light of the world;<br />

he who follows Me will not walk<br />

in the darkness, but will have<br />

the Light of life.”<br />

John 14: 6<br />

Jesus answered,<br />

“I am the way<br />

and the truth and the life.<br />

No one comes to the Father<br />

except through me.”<br />




Confidence<br />


With Laimani Bidali<br />

We will learn and practice:<br />

Why I attend the Spiritual Confidence<br />

by Caroline Gacheru<br />

• Importance of personal retreat (come away)<br />

You know, I did not start by sitting down and making a list<br />

of why it made sense for me to start attending the fellowship so<br />

• Bible-based meditation<br />

when I was asked this question I drew a blank. However, I know<br />

that I am not impulsive. • Fervent I analyze Effective everything prayer sometimes even<br />

what I want to say general conversations so I knew there must<br />

have been a<br />

•<br />

series<br />

Hearing<br />

of things<br />

&<br />

that<br />

Listening<br />

I had considered<br />

to God<br />

and probably<br />

did not realize.<br />

Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not<br />

even have The first a chance one is to I chose eat, he this said fellowship to them, and “Come not any with other me by is yourselves<br />

because I trust to the a people quiet place and the and organization get some rest.” behind it.<br />

I have attended a number of Mark programs 6:31run by the Alabastron<br />

Network Trust and from each and every one of the sessions;<br />

I have experienced a mixture of acceptance, love, calling out and a<br />

Limited spaces<br />

resultant growth that I have not encountered anywhere else.<br />

So I knew, in my heart of hearts, Date: that 17th if I want Dec 2016 to read my bible,<br />

pray every day and grow, should Alabastron ever have a program<br />

that is in any way related to this, Time: I wanted 7.30am to – be 5.00pm a part of it.<br />

The second one is very closely<br />

Venue:<br />

related<br />

a<br />

to<br />

retreat<br />

the first<br />

centre<br />

one.<br />

in<br />

I<br />

Karen<br />

chose<br />

(tbc)<br />

the fellowship because again from<br />

To book<br />

experience,<br />

call 0717<br />

every<br />

304 120<br />

tool<br />

/ 0733<br />

I was<br />

900 701<br />

equipped with in Alabastron programs, I am able to use in life.<br />

What I would like you to understand is these programs are not<br />

CONTACT like school ME FOR where SCR after the exam you find yourself ill equipped to<br />

handle the mix that is life, work, relation-shits, finances and<br />

NAME:................................................................................................................................................<br />

PHONE:.............................................................................................................................................<br />

EMAIL:...............................................................................................................................................<br />


(insert here what is currently driving you up the wall).<br />

Because of my experience, I had faith that with the fellowship<br />

I will be able to add God into that mix.<br />

Speaking of adding God into the mix brings me to the third<br />

reason why. While participating in the programs, I realized that I<br />

was that lukewarm Christian that God spits out of His mouth every<br />

morning, noon and night. That pains me just to write it. I was also<br />

convicted by something someone said once “How sad it would be<br />

if you never fully committed to anything in your life”.<br />

So I decided that this one relationship, with God, is what I<br />

needed to fully commit to. It needed to be identified, jerked up,<br />

jump started and built anew.<br />

The fourth reason why. (ala, kumbe there are many reasons!)<br />

Everything that we have unlearned and learned has impacted me<br />

in ways I cannot even begin to comprehend. For instance,<br />

I had never been a person who can sit in an argument about<br />

spirituality, God or religion and not feel conflicted about the<br />

discussion. I would feel so powerless because I had nothing<br />

deep, meaningful to say and would find myself feeling angry why<br />

can’t I speak up? Why can’t I say anything? Why did I not think to<br />

say that? The fellowship has enabled me to be present in such<br />

a discussion without losing faith in the path that I have chosen;<br />

without being critical or judgmental of those in the discussion and<br />

even retains friendships.<br />

The fifth reason is part of why I keep going back every month.<br />

Slowly, the fellowship has enabled me to have a healthier<br />

appreciation of the church that I attend. The fellowship does not<br />

replace my Sunday service attendance. Instead, when I attend the<br />

fellowship, my Church service experience is richer. From the<br />

fellowship, I have learned to read the bible to understand what<br />

the author was trying to say, appreciate what was going on during<br />

that time, apply it and allow the word to transform me.<br />



At Sunday service, I am able to apply all those things in the series<br />

that the church has and thus gain so much more from attending<br />

Church service than before.<br />

The sixth reason is that I am now able to read my bible privately.<br />

Before, I would read it because either I am in church or there is a<br />

meeting of friends from church and so I would look for a relevant<br />

verse to share. Or maybe I am at a place where the bible is being<br />

read and so I read it. The fellowship has provided me with an<br />

environment that has enabled me to see that reading the bible is<br />

not just to amass information so that I can drop a ka-verse here<br />

and there in my conversation. It has helped highlight and<br />

underline what has always been missing. It has helped me be able<br />

to reach for it by myself.<br />

Finally, the fellowship gives me a chance to hang out with ladies<br />

that I love and admire that are my friends. Imagine that! We talk.<br />

We laugh. We talk some more. We laugh out loud some more.<br />

(I have shed one or two tears too but mine are just here). Then<br />

someone says something deep that makes us pause and ponder.<br />

And then the time flies by very fast and we say bye for half an<br />

hour. And then I go home having had such a wonderful time .........<br />

on my day..... with my friends.<br />





U<br />

DA<br />

DA<br />

Then you<br />

will shine among them like stars<br />

in the sky<br />

Verses<br />



Philippians<br />

2:13-15<br />

Amplified Bible<br />

(AMP)<br />

13. For it is [not your strength, but it is] God who is<br />

effectively at work in you, both to will and to work<br />

[that is, strengthening, energizing, and creating in you the<br />

longing and the ability to fulfill your purpose]<br />

for His good pleasure.<br />

14. Do everything without murmuring or questioning<br />

[the providence of God],<br />

15. So that you may prove yourselves to be blameless and<br />

guileless, innocent and uncontaminated,<br />

children of God without blemish in the midst of a<br />

[morally] crooked and [spiritually] perverted generation,<br />

among whom you are seen as bright lights<br />

[beacons shining out clearly] in the world [of darkness]<br />



#UDADA DVD<br />

YOUR<br />



with Laimani Bidali<br />

www.sisterhoodglobal.org<br />


Highlights<br />

• Get out of the pity party club<br />

• Learn to ask, never say someone’s<br />

No for them<br />

• At what point do you terminate<br />

the deal and walk away?<br />

• Behind every No there is a Yes<br />

To order your copy pass by inquiry<br />

desk or call 0717 304 120<br />



Next<br />

Level<br />

Casual doesn’t mean drub<br />

Wondering what to wear this<br />

festive season? Grace Maina<br />

shares on some ideas on<br />

how to rock those casual<br />

outfits.<br />

Ladies it’s that time of the year<br />

again! Trees and lights are going<br />

up everywhere and you won’t<br />

miss a billboard spreading the<br />

Christmas vibe. You can also<br />

begin to spot those SALE signs<br />

that all women love.<br />

(Who doesn’t love a great<br />

bargain)?<br />

The festive season is a time to<br />

share with family and friends<br />

the warmth and love of Christ,<br />

through the spirit of Christmas.<br />

Sometimes it becomes a<br />

challenge figuring out what<br />

exactly to wear for Christmas.<br />

You are probably meeting up with the<br />

family upcountry or having a picnic with<br />

friends or even going out of town on<br />

vacation. Wherever you may be at this<br />

particular time you still want to look<br />

fabulous.<br />



Unless you are going to a cocktail party or attending a wedding<br />

you want to be as comfortable as you can get because for some<br />

reason the sun finds its way out when we least expect.<br />

So how about we talk about what you’ll be wearing this festive<br />

season? I believe if you’re going for a family get-together you<br />

want to be modest but still have fun with your outfit while at it.<br />

A sundress would be a perfect bet to that family gathering.<br />

Get one that isn’t too reveling and with a decent length.<br />

Off shoulder outfits are the rage at the moment, how about you<br />

get one out. They are making some beautiful Ankara tops and<br />

you can pair that with some shorts for that picnic or road trip.<br />

If you’re on vacation, either on the beach or in the wild you can<br />

bring out the flowy maxi dress will be super appropriate and<br />

comfortable. Pair it with sandals and a cute headband to bring<br />

out some Bohemian style.<br />

Whatever you decide to wear throughout this season comfort<br />

is key, and remember style isn’t complicated, it’s only as simple<br />

as you decide to make it. Have an absolutely beautiful festive<br />

season and spread love and light to every person you come<br />

while at it.<br />



-Turn<br />

Issues??? Yes? No? Mhhh!!! A<br />

roller coaster of emotions...<br />

(Lily Alabastron Season 27)<br />

I heard about Alabastron from my friend<br />

Faith in June 2016 (who has not done the program).<br />

Her opinion was that it helps women with problems learn how<br />

to deal. Hahahaha! She made it seem like it was a therapy for<br />

women with ‘issues’. But I came to learn later on that an<br />

experience becomes an issue when handled wrongly.<br />

I mentioned it to my mother who had been told so much about<br />

it by her friend Khadija who had gone through the program.<br />

Khadija was very positive. She told me that it is a program that<br />

helps women learn about themselves and how to influence. A<br />

place to equip and guide women on how to know what is important,<br />

how to handle challenges and every day experiences<br />

that come up. I believe it was not my time, but when l was told<br />

about it, at that point in my life, l was ready to try anything to<br />

get unstuck.<br />

I think I was entangled (learnt the value of this word in<br />

Alabastron) in a lot of things that did not make me a better<br />

person or add value to my life. I enrolled in search of peace.<br />

My life was just ‘MATHOGOTHANIO’ (kikuyu word that best<br />

explains ‘mixed up’). I was at breaking point, a walking person<br />

following a routine but not really living.<br />



I had prayed and when nothing was answered l just stopped<br />

praying! Then l blamed God for all my problems and hid<br />

behind my job. Someone once told me l lost myself and l was<br />

living people’s lives instead of mine. I never went back to see<br />

her. So when I joined Alabastron I was hoping to sort out my<br />

life, find the missing link that had made my life crumble.<br />

and nowhere<br />

in my wildest<br />

dreams would<br />

l expect this to<br />

be the core of<br />

my problems<br />

for Him in my life.<br />

One of the things I realized during<br />

the program was that my<br />

relationship with God was not<br />

right (and nowhere in my wildest<br />

dreams would l expect this to be<br />

the core of my problems).<br />

I had put him aside after going to<br />

campus and slowly,<br />

I stopped experiencing His love<br />

and favor. I did things my way.<br />

Yes l went to church once in a<br />

while but l never acknowledged need<br />

My experience during the 2weeks was powerful. A roller<br />

coaster of emotions. The first week was tough!!! I wanted to<br />

run away at some point…!! But that was my turning point.<br />

Hahaha! But I am also very grateful to my friend Sally for<br />

following up and pushing me to do this program, l would not<br />

have made it to class. I had a lot going on but l managed to<br />

put everything aside to be there for myself.<br />

Right now, I can see. I can breathe. I have this peace that<br />

l cannot explain. I feel like I am in control of MY life. I can<br />

choose what is important and what is not, l can influence, I<br />

can enjoy my SELF. I am happy. I am living life, not just being.<br />

I make decisions that are healthy for me. I chose what to let<br />

into my heart.<br />



It was also so amazing to discover my purpose (I did not know<br />

this could be done. I thought some had purpose and others<br />

were just escorting people, now l know.) I have been able to<br />

forgive people who hurt me. And from this I created space for<br />

God. The core of my heart had been filled with hurt, pain, anger,<br />

bitterness and resentment. I feel liberated. I have given God<br />

His space back in my life. And from this l see things from the<br />

right perspective. It’s like clearing a blocked nose, or seeing<br />

colors for the first time.<br />

OH yes and discovering my body shape! Hahhaha I am slowly<br />

changing my wardrobe to suit my body type and express my<br />

joy.<br />

Call- 0719 504 104<br />

www.alabastron.org<br />



wkward! Situation<br />

Mum, I need<br />

to tell you<br />

something.<br />

“Would you like another cup of tea?”<br />

I ask. This is the third cup of tea I am<br />

offering her. I have to keep her occupied.<br />

I had all this planned out, I knew<br />

exactly what to say and how to say it but<br />

now looking at her, I am just drawing a<br />

blank.<br />

She is so excited about my upcoming scholarship in Australia that<br />

she can barely notice my nervousness. I cannot believe that I am<br />

the one to wipe out that smile off her face, maaan it hurts even<br />

thinking about it.<br />

“No, thank you, I actually have to get going” she answers to my<br />

request of another cup of tea.<br />

No, no, no she can’t leave, if she leaves that’s it. I have to tell her,<br />

this is my chance. “Mum, I need to tell you something.” I start,<br />

but then I meet her eyes and freeze.<br />

How do I tell this woman that has so much faith in me that I am<br />

not going to make it for that scholarship she has been so excited<br />

about? How do I even tell her that I am pregnant and there are<br />

no wedding bells either because I also broke off my engagement<br />

with Alex?<br />

Which of course she will ask why I broke it off, how do I tell her<br />

that I cheated on my fiancée and I am not sure who the father of<br />

the kid is?<br />



For how long am I going to teach you these things? You haven’t<br />

learnt a thing! Why does your mother need to know about your<br />

break up with Alex? I can’t believe that you are even<br />

considering telling her about the baby daddy dilemma, who<br />

does that?<br />

Aunty,<br />

U-Crazy<br />

Kwani how old are you? If I were you, I would<br />

focus on the pregnancy thingy it kinda covers<br />

everything. “I am pregnant”. All it takes is a 3<br />

letter sentence, what is the big deal there?<br />

Wait until she leaves then text her that you are pregnant; She is in<br />

a hurry after all and might not process the<br />

information well. If she doesn’t reply or come<br />

to your house, give her a day or two to process<br />

then call her. If she doesn’t pick, show up and<br />

inform her that you need to talk. Aunty Crazy is<br />

right this one time, your mum does not need to<br />

know aboutthe break up or the baby daddy drama.<br />

It would tear her in pieces.<br />

Aunty,<br />

U-Nice<br />

Aunty,<br />

U-Wise<br />

This is a delicate situation, first if she is in a hurry<br />

to leave, this might not be the right time to bring<br />

this up. Ask her when she is available for an hour<br />

or two you would like to have an important<br />

conversation with her. If she insists that you tell<br />

her what it is, tell her that you will not be able to<br />

go to Australia for the scholarship because you are<br />

pregnant and you would like to have the baby before you<br />

proceed. You are still eligible for the scholarship and you would<br />

further it in a year or so.<br />







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