Is headspace making a difference to young people’s lives?

Evaluation-of-headspace-program Evaluation-of-headspace-program


Appendix B Young Minds Matter analysis of distance to headspace centres Method YMM Wave 1 data were used to examine the association between proximity to a headspace centre and use of centre services. This analysis made use of both parent and youth report data for YMM survey participants aged 12 years and above. Information relating to both the parent and the young person’s knowledge and use of headspace centre services was combined with the distance between the survey participant’s household and the nearest headspace centre location. These geo-coded data were used to determine an evidence-based definition of service access 43 . YMM did not capture data on 18–25 year-olds, who are also in-scope for headspace services. However, proximity to a headspace centre is more important for 12–17 year-olds as younger clients are more likely to be transport restricted with less access to public transport and private cars. Furthermore, early intervention for mental health problems is optimal, and many serious mental health issues first manifest in the 12-17 age range. Results Around 2.5% of 12-17 year olds who participated in YMM reported that they had accessed headspace centre service in the past 12 months. As shown in Figure B6, there was a rapid decline in the proportion of young people who accessed services as the distance to a headspace centre increased. In addition, there was a correlation between knowledge of headspace and proximity to a headspace centre (Figure B7). Again, with increasing distance there was substantial decline in knowledge of headspace services. The relationship between proximity and knowledge of headspace was more evident in young people aged 15-17 years, with those aged 12-14 years being substantially less likely to report having knowledge of headspace (Figure B8). Figure B6 Use of headspace by distance to nearest headspace for young people aged 12-17 years (YMM), based on headspace Rounds 1-4 43 At the time of wave one of YMM data collection only 56 headspace centres, which were allocated in Rounds 1 to 4, were in operation nationally. Social Policy Research Centre 2015 headspace Evaluation Final Report 132

Appendix B Figure B7 Heard of headspace by distance to nearest headspace for young people aged 12-17 years (YMM), based on headspace Rounds 1-4 Figure B8 Use of headspace by distance to nearest headspace for young people aged 12-14 years and 15-17 years (YMM), based on headspace Rounds 1-4 Social Policy Research Centre 2015 headspace Evaluation Final Report 133

Appendix B<br />

Figure B7 Heard of <strong>headspace</strong> by distance <strong>to</strong> nearest <strong>headspace</strong> for <strong>young</strong> people aged 12-17 years<br />

(YMM), based on <strong>headspace</strong> Rounds 1-4<br />

Figure B8 Use of <strong>headspace</strong> by distance <strong>to</strong> nearest <strong>headspace</strong> for <strong>young</strong> people aged 12-14 years and<br />

15-17 years (YMM), based on <strong>headspace</strong> Rounds 1-4<br />

Social Policy Research Centre 2015<br />

<strong>headspace</strong> Evaluation Final Report<br />


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