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37 Mobilizing Sustainable Transport for Development Improving Aviation Sustainability Through Performance Based Navigation Air traffic is expected to increase worldwide. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) projects that departures on scheduled air services worldwide will increase from 33 million per year today to over 60 million by 2030. 79 Reliance on ground-based air navigation systems poses a barrier to safely increasing air transport capacity, efficiency and environmental integrity. Enabled by satellite-based systems, Performance Based Navigation (PBN) capabilities can help overcome that barrier. PBN frees aircraft from the less efficient ground-based navigation routings and allows for more direct routings that increase capacity while reducing emissions. Ground-based radar effectively restricts aircraft to designated ‘lanes’ in the airspace, zig-zagging in relation to where the radar towers and controllers are and with conservative separation distances. Satellite-based PBN allows for more point-to-point and precise routes -- reducing flight time and resulting fuel burn and emissions. For example, Brazil implemented PBN in specified air corridors via its SIRIUS programme. Due to PBN, 930 nautical miles could be cut out of various routes within these corridors. As stated by ICAO in the 2014 Air Navigation Report, this would result in annual savings of 203,000 metric tons of jet fuel and a reduction of 640,000 tons of CO 2 per year. 80 The United States is pursuing PBN through its “NextGen” program, which is estimated to result in a cumulative reduction of 16 million metric tons of CO 2 by 2020. 81 Europe is pursuing it under its Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research program, targeting a 10% reduction in CO 2 per flight. While full PBN implementation is hampered by country-specific challenges, including bureaucratic inefficiencies, finance and the ability to work across sovereign boundaries, ICAO keeps building capacities to facilitate the uptake of PBN worldwide. Evolution to Performance-Based Navigation Current Ground NAVAIDs Conventional Routes RNAV Waypoints RNP Narrow Obstacle Clearance Areas Seamless Vertical Path “curved” paths Limited Design Flexibility Increased Airspace Efficiency Optimized Use of Airspace Connected to Recommendations: 1, 2, 3, 10

Conclusions 38

Conclusions 38

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