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Revolution is a new style spirit that gives you a feeling to back up the name. Revolution’s sleek,<br />

minimal, but desecrated design shows you it is fresh off the streets and ready to revolt. This spirit<br />

is aimed toward the younger crowd, who moved past the “party drinks” and onto living.<br />

Bottle Brand


IPSEITY “Gladys” is a guitar that I created for my own personal use. This guitar was originally<br />

created and designed without a brand, logo, or a name. I then took the extra leap to brand it and<br />

create a “signature” series, to let this one-off guitar, stand out among the rest.<br />

Guitar & Brand

The Food Bank



It all starts with a<br />

phone call for a<br />

Food Drive barrel.<br />

FOOD<br />

Full barrels are<br />

picked up and<br />

sorted through.<br />

TRASH<br />

FOOD<br />

PANTRY<br />

Food pantries<br />

pick up filled<br />

boxes.<br />

Hungry families<br />

have full bellies!<br />

*There are 125,700 men, women and children in<br />

Montgomery, Greene, and Preble County who do<br />

not know where their next meal is coming from.<br />

*A one dollar donation provides 4 meals.<br />

Hungry families<br />

have full bellies!<br />

The Dayton Food Bank asked me to create a type of infograph that they could send to the people<br />

who would organize food drives, or anyone requesting information on the food drive. This infographic<br />

was designed to be easy and simple, but still within the food bank’s budget to print in mass quantity.<br />

Food Bank

Earl Grey

This Premium Black Tea was designed to fit the upscale market, of the tea drinking community.<br />

This sleek glass bottle contains some of the freshest Earl Grey in the world. This bottle aims toward<br />

the higher community, as it can be recycled, or used as a water bottle when you are out of tea.<br />

Tea Packaging


This article was written by a man with a passion for cars. I then turned his passion and love into a<br />

magazine layout, with my own photographs. The spread is titled Satisfaction, I guess you will just<br />

have to read why for yourself.<br />



This LINX brand book was created for a company that sets up bike rental stations nationwide. This<br />

brand book contains the color palette, typography, stationary, and even the new LINX bike design.<br />

This company was designed to fit the new, up and coming millennial generations’ needs and style.<br />

Brand Book


ULTRA<br />

HEAD<br />

ABC<br />


BOOK<br />

BODY<br />

DEF<br />



THIN<br />

MISC<br />

GHIJK<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, onsectetur c adipiscing<br />

elit. Phasellus hend rerit orci quis laoreet<br />

interdum. Integer tempor sapien vitae suscipit<br />

bibendum. Pellent esque enim felis, ullamcorper<br />

sed nulla ac, sodales cursus massa. Etiam blandit<br />

laoreet nunc at placerat. Nunc feugiat risus ut<br />

imperdiet hendrerit.<br />

Morbi mauris nibh, sodales eget e ant eu, lobortis<br />

mattis lorem. Phasellus phar etra placerat viverra.<br />

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euismod nec purus. Aliquam non sapien condimentum,<br />

mollis nibh non, cursus o. just Proin quis<br />

turpis et ligula aliquet ornar e.<br />



LMNOP<br />

QRSTUV<br />

WXYZ 12345<br />

BLACK<br />



WEB<br />

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parturient mont es, nascetur ridiculus mus.<br />

Pellentesque fermentum ut leo nec nvallis. co<br />

Curabitur lectus quam, lobortis ac lobortis et,<br />

mollis ac sem. In teger blandit purus in porttit<br />

posuere. Proin posuere, nisl quis bibendum<br />

vulputate, purus sem auc tor magna, a sagittis<br />

turpis metus vel nunc.<br />

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maximus arcu, aliquet porta lectus. ivamus V<br />

gravida semper quam eget elerisque. sc Morbi<br />

volutpat condimentum euismod. Nulla<br />

Lifestyle images are placed throughout the book to keep the feel that LINX wants to convey. The<br />

grayscale images make sure to give the accent colors a pop, while still having plenty of contrast<br />

themselves. The LINX brand book was designed to mimic its own standard of design.<br />

Brand Book

I love photos with high amounts of contrasts and floods<br />

of color. This shot of Dayton, Ohio shows the sunset<br />

fading away as the buildings begin to illuminate the sky.

Contrasting colors always create interesting photos.<br />

When you start to get more lighting elements into one<br />

photo, it tends to give your eyes a sense of wonder.

Weddings quickly became one of my favorite things to<br />

photograph. They are so full of life, color, and plenty of<br />

candid moments to capture that will last a lifetime.

I normally explore a city a few times and try to capture every<br />

moment that I see stand out to me. Urban photography is a<br />

huge part of my career as a photographer.


© 2015 Huffy Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Helmet warning<br />

© 2015 Huffy Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

I was tasked to design a new pictogram to replace the current helmet warning label for<br />

International use only. This decal is placed on the top tube of the bicycle, just behind the headtube.<br />

The new pictogram was designed to be used as a 2 color job, or as a single color job.<br />


Star wars<br />

© Lucas / All Rights Reserved.

The STAR WARS endcap was designed for use in Toys”R”Us®, to house the STAR WARS<br />

REBELS® bikes. The endcap was built as a triangular endcap, that has two visible sides. The<br />

finished product holds a TV for advertisement use on either side of the display.<br />

End cap

Star Wars<br />

© Lucas / All Rights Reserved.

This STAR WARS endcap was also designed for Toys”R”Us. It is designed to bridge from one side of<br />

the isle, to the other, all while mimicking the design of the bicycle display. This endcap design would<br />

angle more to the accessories that can be purchased with the STAR WARS REBELS bicycles.<br />

Bridge End Cap

Star Wars<br />

© Lucas / All Rights Reserved.

These STAR WARS banners add the perfect amount of accent to the isles containing STAR WARS<br />

REBELS bicycles and accessories. These banners can also be placed directly over the bicycle display<br />

to help direct the viewers to the bicycles and displays.<br />


Hulk Bike<br />

© Marvel / All Rights Reserved.

The Incredible Hulk® bike was designed on a 20 inch, Fat Tire frame, for Walmart® of Canada.<br />

This render was sent back and fourth from MARVEL to myself for revisions, until the final concept<br />

was chosen for production. The render was then split into the two separate bikes, displayed above.<br />

Hulk bicycle

ZE Design

This was simple project while at ZE. The project was to wallpaper one of our internal walls that<br />

was bare. I went with the same styles we use for our clients, as well as going with something that<br />

matched our design teams personal style, since this was an internal wall.<br />

Focus wall

Wired Homes

This customer came to me with nine different visions at the same time. His original logo was a very<br />

flat version of what you see. I added the depth, painted rips, and diamond plate to add detail and<br />

depth to his wrap. The flat areas, while taken up by doors on the trailer, still hold that depth.<br />

Trailer Wrap

Brooks Piping Co.

The Brooks Piping Co van was wrapped with budget in mind. With this being a new client and a new<br />

company, I only had a buisness card to design from. My customer loved the idea of having a full van<br />

wrap, but couldnt afford a full wrap for his current budget. We ended with a full color, quarter wrap.<br />

Van Wrap


The McIntosh van was inspired around the customer’s truck, which was hand painted in the 1990s.<br />

The customer wanted his van to have his mascot, a polar bear, to sit front and center on the side of<br />

the van. He also wanted the van to hold that retro look that his company started with.<br />


Buddy’s Garage

Color wraps


The company that I joined had been doing banners for the SVF horse shows for the past years. After<br />

seeing the branding of SVF and the current designs, I decided to design the banners with a more<br />

elegant approach. In doing so, the price of the finished banner was raised, and the demand as well.<br />


+1 (937) 216-8263<br />

Raustin09@ymail.com<br />

www.<strong>Austin</strong>ereid.com<br />


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