Information Booklet- Profitable Tradie


WHICH LEVEL Are you at and why?… “Low profit, poor team, no time…” - Common Problems You can get stuck at any one of the 6 stages. We find there are two common transition points… One is at around $500k when the business is no longer just you and you start to build a business with staff and systems. The sticking point here is a mental challenge of realising that being a great plumber, electrician or any tradesmen is not going to get you to the stability and success stage. You need strong financial reporting, systems for both on-site and in the office and to begin developing your marketing strategies. The second is around the $2,000,000 mark. This step is also a mental challenge where you have to release control of the business and trust in your systems and people. The key strategies are your team hiring process and developing more sophisticated sales and marketing systems. The Million Dollar Tradie Program teaches you how to unlock progress to the next stage from whatever stage you are currently at. As you progress you’ll need to stop doing many of the things that made you successful and learn new skills. If you don’t learn the new skills you’ll carry the bad habits through and undermine your success at the next level. For instance, one of our clients who recently joined the program was at the success stage with a turnover of $3.8 million, with 17 guys and two working owners. But… The business was suffering from major cash flow problems because the owners had not learnt how to price for the appropriate margins; to back cost their jobs and to run and review their monthly profit & loss statement. So they had to go back and strengthen their financials before they could move forward.

Back costing revealed some KEY Issues… 1 2 3 Gross Profit (GP% margin) was only 18% due to: Most work over the year was with large building companies and commercial projects, both which are price sensitive markets. No marketing had been set up to position the company as the expert or “go to” company in their chosen niche and type of work. No onsite systems for controlling the job on the way through via the project schedule (automated now with Fergus), no daily site logs, weekly task analysis, or breaking the jobs down by stage. Also no quality assurance checklists or pre-job checklists to ensure the buildings were ready. Solutions: Hired an Office Manager, Operations Manager and Pricing person to free up time to work on improving business systems and cash flow. Quality Assurance Checklists for all jobs to ensure call backs and rework is minimised. Pre-job checklists to ensure building contractors are ready. Pricing for a target Gross Margin and saying no to low profit work.


Are you at and why?…<br />

“Low profit, poor team, no time…”<br />

- Common Problems<br />

You can get stuck at any one of the 6 stages. We find there are two common transition points…<br />

One is at around $500k when the business is no longer just you and you start to build a business with staff and systems. The sticking point here<br />

is a mental challenge of realising that being a great plumber, electrician or any tradesmen is not going to get you to the stability and success stage.<br />

You need strong financial reporting, systems for both on-site and in the office and to begin developing your marketing strategies.<br />

The second is around the $2,000,000 mark. This step is also a mental challenge where you have to release control of the business and trust in<br />

your systems and people. The key strategies are your team hiring process and developing more sophisticated sales and marketing systems.<br />

The Million Dollar <strong>Tradie</strong> Program teaches you how to unlock progress to the next stage from whatever stage you are currently at.<br />

As you progress you’ll need to stop doing many of the things that made you successful and learn new skills. If you don’t learn the new skills you’ll<br />

carry the bad habits through and undermine your success at the next level.<br />

For instance, one of our clients who recently joined the program was at the success stage with a turnover of $3.8 million, with 17 guys and two<br />

working owners.<br />

But…<br />

The business was suffering from major cash flow problems because the owners had not learnt how to price for the appropriate margins; to back<br />

cost their jobs and to run and review their monthly profit & loss statement. So they had to go back and strengthen their financials before they<br />

could move forward.

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