A literary magazine written by the students of Design.District. Identity Lounge is a after school program, housed inside of Calvin Coolidge SHS in Washington, DC. The magazine was comprised of writings and art submitted by the students of Identity Lounge during the second semester of this past school year. #PensandneedlesDD A literary magazine written by the students of Design.District.

Identity Lounge is a after school program, housed inside of Calvin Coolidge SHS in Washington, DC. The magazine was comprised of writings and art submitted by the students of Identity Lounge during the second semester of this past school year. #PensandneedlesDD

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Writers<br />

Andrew Black....................................................................................................<br />

Eternal Fonville.................................................................................................<br />

Tshanzi Mulangaphuma....................................................................................<br />

Crystal Myre.....................................................................................................<br />

Curtis Wheeler..................................................................................................<br />

Illustrators<br />

Andrew Black...................................................................................................<br />

Tshanzi Mulangaphuma....................................................................................<br />

Photo<br />

Somos Thompson.............................................................................................<br />

Editors<br />

Andrew Black<br />

Lauren McKenzee<br />

Courtney Savoy<br />

Somos Thompson<br />

Questionare<br />

Kimberly Palacios<br />

Alec Pollard


Courtney Savoy & Somos<br />

EDITOR<br />

Alisa Hyman & Lauren McKenzee<br />


Andrew Black & Tshianzi Mulangaphuma<br />


Mr. Jackson<br />


Ms.Robinson & Ms.McKenzee<br />


Joshua Hankerson<br />


Calvin Coolidge Sr. Highschool<br />


Carloibiam Herron<br />


Edward Buttler & Mike Mitchell<br />


Sereta Moore<br />


Mr.B & Mr Battle<br />


Nathan Diamond<br />


Alexis Richberg<br />


Michael Black Williams<br />

Antonia Tizo<br />

June Sanders<br />

Precious Frazier<br />

Kelvin Barton<br />

Stanley Thompson

By Somos Thompson<br />

This book wasn’t meant to be perfect, nor meant to have the<br />

proper punctuation. It was meant to be just as the title says, LITERAL.<br />

With the help of, Courtney Savoy, we started to Design.District to be a<br />

fashion program, that over the course of 3 years has morphed into a<br />

fashionscienceartsenglishmath [yes this is meant to be one word]<br />

program and couldnt be more excited of what the future holds.<br />

The one thing that has stayed consist to our initial vision is our<br />

hashtag slogan, #CurateCultivateMotive, and thats literally how<br />

the idea for this literal magazine came about. I noticed one of the<br />

art directors/writers was having issues with the dialogue for his<br />

comic book. Courtney and I, curated a writing class to cultivate a<br />

skill that many kids and adults are losing, the art of writing. The<br />

class started of slow and many days the kids didn’t want to write<br />

but here we are. I hope that the printing of this book motivates<br />

them to push thru the temporary pain of hard work.

PINS & <strong>NEEDLES</strong> 4<br />

By Andrew Black<br />

It was getting dark out and the city began to illuminate itself with a vivid<br />

neon glow. As he walked, a cold air grew around him and things began to<br />

slow down. Suddenly he found himself alone. As the fog grew around him<br />

he paused. The sound of footsteps became louder until a tall man with a<br />

long coat and a cane appeared in front of him.Now directly in front of him,<br />

he noticed the man’s glowing green eyes. “ Good after noon.” At the sound<br />

of those words a chill ran down his spine causing him to retreat.The man<br />

grew closer and extended his cane. Suddenly the man as gone. The fog lifted<br />

and he noticed that the buildings around him had vanished and in their place<br />

were huts and the wide expanse of a jungle.<br />

Ilustrated by Andrew Black

PINS & <strong>NEEDLES</strong> 5<br />

Ilustrated by Andrew Black<br />

By Anonymous<br />

I am a caged soul waiting to burst out. I just want to be free from fear.<br />

That's something that had held my potential hostage with a gun loaded<br />

with doubtful bullets to penetrate and kill my dreams causing internal<br />

bleeding that fills my higher being with death. Though there is a chance<br />

that I might truly die. I know fear isn't as smart as me. The soul, the higher<br />

being operating in this dysfunctional human life. I still have the chance to<br />

make shit happen and contour my obstacles. I'm so much more greater than<br />

what the eye can see and one day my sorority, meaning me the soul will<br />

manifest greatness.

PINS & <strong>NEEDLES</strong> 2<br />

PINS & <strong>NEEDLES</strong> 7<br />

By Anonymous @ 3:41pm on March 24, 2016<br />

So I’m eating hot cheetos with potatoe Frito Lays at the same time because i am starving.<br />

Ilustrated by Andrew Black<br />

I’m also craving Chipotle (specificaly the sour cream) . I was told to write whatever<br />

was on my mind at the moment, I mean I’ve a bit emotionally but I don’t and wont let<br />

it get the best of me. I had a very productive day, I did a good amount of work<br />

throughout my classes today. I need to be more focused on my school work I haven’t<br />

been motivated enough and tend to procrasinate alot lately but I’v been trying to make<br />

honor roll my third & fourth quarter this school year. Other than that I want to go<br />

workout because the weather is gr8 outside this afternoon.

PINS & <strong>NEEDLES</strong> 8<br />

Trenches, 2015<br />

Portrait by Somos Thompson

PINS & <strong>NEEDLES</strong><br />

9<br />

African Americans Were Never enslaved<br />

By Son of Paul<br />

Ilustrated by Andrew Black<br />

I believe that we would have enslaved white people, or kings and queens<br />

would still be around and the “United States of America” would never exist.<br />

White people would have to suffer just like our ancestors had too. I would<br />

not be able to imagine how the government would be organized, however, I<br />

know that it would have been beautiful. Would the Constitution even exist?<br />

How would presidents have come about? If we could go back in time and stop<br />

the assassination of MLK and Malcolm…wait! But think about it…….<br />

It never happened during this time. Would this change the balance of history?

PINS & <strong>NEEDLES</strong> 10<br />

By Stalwart Black<br />

Step 1 Secure Family<br />

Step 2 Secure Weapon<br />

Step 3 Secure Shelter & Transportation<br />

Step 4 Secure Food<br />

Step 5 Set Some Traps<br />

Step 6 Find other survivors while eliminating potential<br />

threats along the way<br />

Step 7 Expand land Constantly<br />

Step 8 Build an Army<br />

Step 9 Relocate & Secure<br />

Step 10 Repeat all other steps<br />

Ilustrated by Andrew Black

PINS & <strong>NEEDLES</strong> 11<br />

By Eternal Fonville<br />

Hi, I’m Toby, the guy who influences certain good guys to do wild things and take risks that they normally<br />

wouldn’t do. The people I have possessed, occasionally, have done things that they would not<br />

have when I am not around.<br />

Ilustrated by Andrew Black

PINS & <strong>NEEDLES</strong> 12<br />

By Curtis Wheeler<br />

My dark side is fun. Its eating whole containers of cookies at 12 pm. Its bubbly like soda for breakfast. Its<br />

dreaming of thing s I can't have and trying to take what I shouldn't have. My dark side is pink strawberries<br />

dipped in chocolate while thinking of stolen kisses in the dark that could've happened but didn't. Sour like<br />

lemons and sweet like cherries.<br />

Ilustrated by Tshianzi Mulangaphuma

PINS & <strong>NEEDLES</strong> 13<br />

By Curtis Wheeler<br />

Fluttering like butterflies is the sound of my flute. Rough and in need of assistance reflects my voice. Feeling<br />

every celling my body thrum to the beat in my headphones. I'm falling with music and music follows too.<br />

Moving my body to the music cause I'm done feeling blue.<br />

Ilustrated by Andrew Black

PINS & <strong>NEEDLES</strong> 14<br />

By Stalwart Black<br />

Back flip<br />

“The art<br />

reverse the switch of<br />

forward tactics of war” times<br />

march<br />

left right left<br />

08 handed<br />

eight ate ayt bandit<br />

mate<br />

stranded<br />

on a planet…<br />

star wars<br />

Darth Vader<br />

on the<br />

radar<br />

of<br />

a<br />

samurai<br />

ship<br />

has<br />

sailed<br />

past<br />

the specific<br />

time of the pacific.

PINS & <strong>NEEDLES</strong> 15<br />

Blu Shawty, 2015<br />

Portrait by Tshianzi Mulangaphuma

PINS & <strong>NEEDLES</strong> 16<br />

Red Shawty, 2015<br />

Portrait by Tshianzi Mulangaphuma

PINS & <strong>NEEDLES</strong> 17<br />

By Andrew Black<br />

If I could become invisible I would use my ability to travel the world for free forever. I would<br />

become a bounty hunter, hunting the worst criminals and the biggest payout. Then after making<br />

enough money off of bounties I would retire. The only way my ability would become a burden<br />

would be if I was held captive in my own invisibility.<br />

Ilustrated by Tshianzi Mulangaphuma

PINS & <strong>NEEDLES</strong> 18<br />

By Crystal Myrie<br />

So I’ve been distant from people at school and my friends aren’t talking to me so I was<br />

done in most things like at lunch or in the morning. Some times, it feels<br />

like im in a different world where there is just me in the form of a ghost. Most of the time<br />

it feels nice to be away from all of the problems in my life, it makes it easier<br />

for most people to think about their friends and they act around you or more private<br />

things they want to think about. In my life, I think that I’m doing a good job thinking about<br />

things that are important to me and that it keeps me out of trouble in school.<br />

By Anonymous<br />

It is the 1 day out of the week that is used for mostly “living”,<br />

what I mean by living is celebrating and partying.<br />

Plus one of my favorite restaurants is named after it. I wish<br />

today was friday. Black Friday everyday would<br />

just be amazing . This Friday, I might go sking.

PINS & <strong>NEEDLES</strong> 19<br />

By Alec Pollard, Translated by Kimberly Palacios<br />

Everyday, hundreds of students shuffle pass room 102, on the second floor of Calvin Coolidge Senior High School. It is now a<br />

condemned, mold infested dungeon, with a caved in ceiling. However, those four walls once housed one of the most diligent, hard<br />

working, and skilled teachers to ever grapple the profession. Currently, Mrs. Doris Savoy is teaching one door down, in room 105. She<br />

is the epitome of black girl magic. Her longest stent at Coolidge has been from 1987 -she also taught at Coolidge four years prior to thatand<br />

she hasn’t left since. In her 33+ years at Coolidge, she has won numerous awards that has brought her around the globe and to the<br />

couch of the Oprah Winfrey show. In her case, when little is provided, much is expected. She had a battles with cancer, while opening many<br />

doors for a lot of young people through her Spanish class. To get a better understanding of who she is, we asked 10 questions.<br />

1. What is your favorite subject do you teach? ¿Qué es tu tema favorito Cómo se enseña?<br />

“Spanish. I liked it. It comes easy to me. I don’t like French, that much, but I like Japanese and Russian.”<br />

"Español. Me gustó. Se viene fácil para mí. No me gustan los franceses, que mucho, pero me gusta japonés y ruso. "<br />

2. Is there any other subject that you would like to teach, other than Spanish?<br />

¿Hay algún otro tema que le gustaría enseñar, aparte de español?<br />

“No, I connect with Spanish. I can’t see myself teaching any other subject.”<br />

"No, me conecto con el español. No puedo ver a mí mismo enseñar cualquier otro tema ".<br />

3. What graduating class was your favorite? ¿Qué clase de graduación fue su favorito?<br />

“I can’t tell you that… I love them all the same.” "No puedo decir que ... Me encanta a todos por igual".<br />

4. What is it like working with your daughter? ¿Cómo es trabajar con su hija?<br />

“It has been different, but since we teach completely different subjects (art) we don’t really have to interact.<br />

However, she is very talented, and good at what she does.”<br />

"Ha sido diferente, pero ya que enseñamos completamente diferentes sujetos (arte) que en realidad no tienen que<br />

interactuar. Sin embargo, ella es muy talentosa, y bueno en lo que hace ".<br />

5. What is one thing you would change about this school if you could?<br />

¿Qué es una cosa que iba a cambiar sobre esta escuela, si pudiera<br />

“The physical condition of the school. It is falling apart! When students have to choose between going to<br />

Roosevelt or Coolidge, most of them choose Roosevelt because of the remodeled building. It is not that our<br />

teaching staff isn’t good. We have magnificent teachers. The teachers at Coolidge love the students, and make<br />

many sacrifices for them. But, we are overlooked because of our façade.”<br />

"La condición física de la escuela. Se está cayendo a pedazos! Cuando los estudiantes tienen que elegir entre ir a<br />

Roosevelt o Coolidge, la mayoría de ellos elegir Roosevelt debido al edificio remodelado. No es que nuestro personal<br />

docente no es bueno. Tenemos magníficos maestros. Los maestros en Coolidge aman los estudiantes, y hacen muchos<br />

sacrificios para ellos. Sin embargo, no se nos tiene a causa de nuestra fachada ".<br />

6. Have you ever wanted to give up on teaching? ¿Alguna vez ha querido renunciar a la enseñanza?<br />

“Never! There hasn’t been a student, or challenge that I couldn’t handle.”<br />

"¡Nunca! No ha sido un estudiante, o un desafío que no podía manejar ".<br />

7. If you could speak any other language, what would it be?<br />

Si se pudiera hablar cualquier otro idioma, ¿cuál sería?<br />

“Japanese. It is very similar to Spanish in context to pronunciation.”<br />

"japonés. Es muy similar a la española en el contexto de pronunciación ".<br />

8. How hard was it to teach while going through your battle with cancer?<br />

¿Qué tan difícil fue para enseñar al pasar por su batalla con el cáncer?<br />

“It was obviously very hard. Nevertheless, the whole school rallied around me and gave me a lot of support.<br />

The principle (Dr. Jackson) helped arrange my schedule so that I wouldn’t have classes in the afternoon, to<br />

accommodate my doctors’ appointments.”<br />

"Obviamente, fue muy duro. Sin embargo, toda la escuela se reunieron alrededor de mí y me dio mucho apoyo.<br />

El principio (Dr. Jackson) ayudó a organizar mi horario para que no tendría clases por la tarde, para dar cabida a las<br />

citas mis médicos ".<br />

9. What do you love about teaching? ¿Qué te gusta de la enseñanza?<br />

“I love impacting peoples lives, and making a difference within my students. Spanish can provide my students<br />

with so many opportunities to better their future.”<br />

"Me encanta impactar vida de las personas, y hacer una diferencia dentro de mis estudiantes. Español puede proporcionar a<br />

mis alumnos con tantas oportunidades para mejorar su futuro ".<br />

10. What is on thing that a stranger wouldn’t know about you? ¿Cuál es el cosa que un extraño no sabría acerca de usted?<br />

“I make jewelry, earrings, rings, and necklaces. I’m very crafty.” "Hago joyas, pendientes, anillos y collares. Estoy muy astuta." | @DISTRICT51 | @DISTRICT51 | PO BOX 6362 LARGO, MD 20792<br />

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