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Third Industrial Revolution Consulting Group<br />

vehicles, which travel nearly empty and spend over 90% of their time standing still, often<br />

occupying valuable space in crowded city centers. A further inefficiency comes from reliance on<br />

a human being for driving and wayfinding. Humans too often are not adequately informed,<br />

leading to poor decisions and errors. Last, but not least, unnecessary travel – a consequence of<br />

the car-centered Second Industrial Revolution social organization – represents another major<br />

source of inefficiency. These aspects of inefficient mobility will be dealt with in this chapter, and<br />

solutions will be proposed.<br />

1 Shift Towards Emission-Free Vehicles<br />

The current system for the mobility of persons and goods is almost totally reliant on fossil fuels,<br />

especially within urban areas. This reliance derives mainly from the abundant availability of<br />

fossil fuels as a relatively cheap and convenient energy source, the presence of a welldeveloped<br />

distribution network and the lack of truly competitive alternatives. The use of fossil<br />

fuel results in very low energy efficiency, not higher than 25%, and the production of high<br />

quantities of noxious pollutants, especially fine particulate matter and nitrogen oxides, as well<br />

as CO2 and other greenhouse gases, not to mention noise.<br />

Electric motors can achieve 3-4 times the energy efficiency of thermal motors, do not produce<br />

any local pollution or GHG emissions, and produce less noise. If they are powered by<br />

renewable, non-pollutant sources, pollution and GHG emissions can be eliminated completely.<br />

Even if the applied technologies are more expensive and less convenient than those associated<br />

with the use of fossil fuels, the global advantages of the electrification of mobility are so<br />

numerous that it justifies the shift to the new Third Industrial Revolution mobility.<br />

Several trends are converging to ensure a speedy transition into a new mobility era:<br />

- The exponential decrease in fixed and marginal costs of renewable energies<br />

- Other similar initiatives in Europe in favor of e-mobility (Norway, NL, France)<br />

- The advantage of a small-sized country with short-distance commutes, favoring electric<br />

vehicles<br />

- Increased access to solar PV energy (e-battery use)<br />

A recent Bloomberg study on e-mobility calculates that in the mid-2020s, EVs will become<br />

cheaper in their total cost of ownership (TOC) than conventional vehicles.<br />


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