TIR-CG_Luxembourg-Final-Report_Long-Version TIR-CG_Luxembourg-Final-Report_Long-Version


Third Industrial Revolution Consulting Group 4.12 Promote sharing equipment and tools. A number of local sharing initiatives exist. For example, dingdong.lu provides a sharing service for household items. “Maschinenring Luxemburg” rents large machinery to farmers. COMAT rents materials for the construction sector and for other industries and public institutions. Public authorities should promote a wide range of enterprises to allow families and businesses to share an array of items that are only needed on a short-term basis. 4.13 Establish a new Commissioner on Rewilding to oversee already existing rewilded conservation areas. Rewilding is based on trans-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary, and interdisciplinary research, experiments, actions, and adaptations. It is an emergent scientific field of non-linear dynamics in complex systems that require adaptive management over time as new insights and findings from diverse fields of research and modeling indicate modifications are needed. A Commissioner on Rewilding is essential for ensuring a robust initiative to protect, steward, and sustain Luxembourg’s swath of the Planetary Biosphere. Bringing together citizen stakeholders and experts from academia, business, and government, into a quadruple helix of knowledge innovation will be vital for fleshing out Luxembourg’s unique rewilding opportunities and challenges. 4.14 Partner with neighboring nations and the Pan European Ecological Network to implement transboundary rewilidng core areas and corridors. Earth systems sciences, ecological network theory, and multi-level evolutionary framework analysis have each provided compelling insights and reminders that the biosphere is not constrained by political boundaries. 331 A fully effective rewilding initiative will require partnering with other regions and nations (given the vast span of many seasonally migratory species). The same TIR technologies will be essential for collecting, monitoring, and evaluating continuous streams of big data, and making informed judgments on adaptive management options. 5 Financial 5.1 Shift taxes off of people and onto environmental pollution and emissions. Taxing labor discourages expanding employment, while failing to fully tax environmental externalities removes incentives to reduce or eliminate pollution and emissions. Environmental taxes 331 Schimel, David, Kathy Hibbard, Duarte Costa, Peter Cox, Sander van der Leeuw (2016) Analysis, Integration and Modeling of the Earth System (AIMES): Advancing the post-disciplinary understanding of coupled human– environment dynamics in the Anthropocene, Anthropocene Journal, March 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ancene.2016.02.001. 378

Third Industrial Revolution Consulting Group in the EU have declined in recent decades, and now constitute 2.5% of EU GDP. 332 While environmental regulations have replaced some tax needs there remain greater opportunities. For example, a revenue-neutral carbon fee on all CO 2 emissions would incentivize increasing efficiency-productivity improvements and shifting to near zeroemission solar and wind power, while minimizing the impact by providing a tax return to citizens that left them financially whole. 333 5.2 Modify the tax system to promote re-using of resources instead of using primary raw materials. Establish financial incentives promoting the use of secondary source materials as raw material, as well as financial incentives promoting eco-design / material selection / design for disassembly. 5.3 Establish a taxation system for the use of new resources in non-consumable products. A change in the tax system is required to shift purchasing perspectives from the linear “takemake-dispose” model to “retake-remake-reuse-reduce-recycle” circular model. The specifics should be fleshed out through a public-private task force that reviews the experience and evidence of how such tax systems are working in other nations, and makes recommendations for modifying Luxembourg’s tax system. 5.4 Incentivize dismantable "zero emission" buildings. Luxembourg has already mandated that beginning in 2017 the passive house standard (Class A) will be required for new residential buildings. 334 In addition, financial incentives for energy positive housing, renewable energy production, and dismantable buildings should be implemented. 6 Educational 6.1 Promote new educational curricula that help student learn new aptitudes, skills and competences for circular product design and production. 332 Mathé, Milena, Gaëtan Nicodème and Savino Ruà (2015) Tax Shifts, European Commission, Working Paper No. 59, European Commission’s Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union, October 2015. 333 Komanoff, Charles (2016) Revenue-neutral Carbon Tax FAQ, Carbon Tax Center, http://www.carbontax.org/. 334 Lichtmeß, Dr. Markus and Dr. Jens Knissel (2013) Nationaler Plan Luxemburgs zur Erhöhung der Zahl der Niedrigstenergiegebäude im Rahmen der Richtlinie 2010/31/EU vom 19. Mai 2010 über die Gesamtenergieeffizienz von Gebäuden (Neufassung) Luxemburg, Juli 2013, Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg Ministère de l'Economie et du Commerce extérieur Direction générale de l'Energie [National plan of Luxembourg for increasing the number of nearly zero energy buildings under Directive] 379

Third Industrial Revolution Consulting Group<br />

in the EU have declined in recent decades, and now constitute 2.5% of EU GDP. 332 While<br />

environmental regulations have replaced some tax needs there remain greater<br />

opportunities. For example, a revenue-neutral carbon fee on all CO 2 emissions would<br />

incentivize increasing efficiency-productivity improvements and shifting to near zeroemission<br />

solar and wind power, while minimizing the impact by providing a tax return to<br />

citizens that left them financially whole. 333<br />

5.2 Modify the tax system to promote re-using of resources instead of using primary raw<br />

materials. Establish financial incentives promoting the use of secondary source materials<br />

as raw material, as well as financial incentives promoting eco-design / material selection /<br />

design for disassembly.<br />

5.3 Establish a taxation system for the use of new resources in non-consumable products. A<br />

change in the tax system is required to shift purchasing perspectives from the linear “takemake-dispose”<br />

model to “retake-remake-reuse-reduce-recycle” circular model. The<br />

specifics should be fleshed out through a public-private task force that reviews the<br />

experience and evidence of how such tax systems are working in other nations, and makes<br />

recommendations for modifying Luxembourg’s tax system.<br />

5.4 Incentivize dismantable "zero emission" buildings. Luxembourg has already mandated<br />

that beginning in 2017 the passive house standard (Class A) will be required for new<br />

residential buildings. 334 In addition, financial incentives for energy positive housing,<br />

renewable energy production, and dismantable buildings should be implemented.<br />

6 Educational<br />

6.1 Promote new educational curricula that help student learn new aptitudes, skills and<br />

competences for circular product design and production.<br />

332 Mathé, Milena, Gaëtan Nicodème and Savino Ruà (2015) Tax Shifts, European Commission, Working Paper No.<br />

59, European Commission’s Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union, October 2015.<br />

333 Komanoff, Charles (2016) Revenue-neutral Carbon Tax FAQ, Carbon Tax Center, http://www.carbontax.org/.<br />

334 Lichtmeß, Dr. Markus and Dr. Jens Knissel (2013) Nationaler Plan Luxemburgs zur Erhöhung der Zahl der<br />

Niedrigstenergiegebäude im Rahmen der Richtlinie 2010/31/EU vom 19. Mai 2010 über die<br />

Gesamtenergieeffizienz von Gebäuden (Neufassung) Luxemburg, Juli 2013, Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de<br />

Luxembourg Ministère de l'Economie et du Commerce extérieur Direction générale de l'Energie [National plan of<br />

Luxembourg for increasing the number of nearly zero energy buildings under Directive]<br />


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