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Third Industrial Revolution Consulting Group<br />

In this field, we find bockchain technology sitting at the intersection of three aspects: green<br />

bonds, green microfinance and crowdfunding. 269 For one, blockchain-proven data can be the<br />

basis upon which bonds issued to finance environmental projects are priced, since investors will<br />

demand integrity assurances. Distributed-ledger technology will mediate the flow of<br />

information and money, which in turn will foster new, negotiable energy and finance<br />

instruments. These include contracts backed by low-scale “prosumer” generation capacity and<br />

new equity-like carbon-trading assets whose dividends are based on the environmental benefit<br />

and cost savings delivered by the underlying investment. Such investments can in turn be<br />

bundled into smart contract-managed securitizations that also depend on a blockchain to<br />

manage a decentralized securities exchange, creating opportunities for large asset<br />

management firms, as well as for individuals, to participate in microfinance and crowdfunded<br />

investments.<br />

As the recent revelations about abuses at U.S. fintech firm Lending Club show, it won’t be<br />

enough to cut out middlemen in crowdfunding and other “peer-to-peer” lending platforms;<br />

these big public markets for this vital new infrastructure need the kind of distributed exchange<br />

systems enabled by blockchains and the device identity model. In effect, to accommodate all<br />

these new actors and asset categories, the securities industry will move toward distributed<br />

equity and bonds markets in which settlement and clearing occur in real-time, peer-to-peer<br />

over a blockchain.<br />

Given Europe’s commitment to a continent-wide conversion to renewable energy, these new<br />

asset classes may quickly evolve into very large, liquid and more democratic markets for most<br />

sought-after investment instruments in the world. If Luxembourg leads the way, and embraces<br />

the blockchain infrastructure that will secure them, it can become a global hub for the<br />

origination, collateralization and trading of these products.<br />

The overarching goal of these initiatives is a seamless, Europe-wide, integrated network of what<br />

are otherwise decentralized energy markets, with localized generation and consumption<br />

monetized through the sale of both contracts and power across borders. Given the public bond<br />

funding structure, the Blockchain will be essential if trust is to be instilled in the data emanating<br />

from the EU’s 28 different countries and 350 different regions, each defined by local conditions,<br />

standards and regulations. Blockchain-based smart contracts can be used to design derivatives<br />

269 As a supplemental note, in many ways what we now call green or climate aware financing, green finance and<br />

crowdfunding might be equally called Economic Performance Financing (EPF) through more traditional Economic<br />

Performance Bonds (EBP). In other words, and as already suggested, we need to engage in both a higher level of<br />

performance and climate change mitigation and adaptation practices. If we don't achieve that multiple objective,<br />

we may (or may not) achieve some environmental goals, but we may short-change the social and economic goals.<br />


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