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Third Industrial Revolution Consulting Group<br />

Yet, this authority provides the means to further increase and organize the flow of energy<br />

resources in ways that enhance LSDFP/SEF. In fact, new tools are now in play as blockchains are<br />

giving more power to individual consumers to negotiate without a single authority and match<br />

energy resources with specific energy demands. 257<br />

1.4 Deployment of the Sustainable Development Finance Strategy<br />

The application of the Sustainable Development Finance Strategy, as described in the above<br />

sections, can facilitate and accelerate the deployment of sustainable energy technologies<br />

throughout all sectors of the economy. A series of key steps flow from the three building<br />

blocks:<br />

1. Creation of the Luxembourg Sustainable Development Finance Platform (LSDFP): The<br />

LSDFP takes up a central role and acts as a one-stop-destination for capital providers and<br />

project promoters (both single and aggregated).<br />

2. Introduction of LuxSEF: The LuxSEF strategy is introduced as a key mechanism that<br />

structures financing between aggregated pools of supply and demand, drives finance<br />

supply, and provides project portfolios at infrastructure scale. The LSDFP plays a central role<br />

in the establishment of the contractual arrangements between ESCOs, bond issuer/loan<br />

providers, and program participants. To do so, the LSDFP relies on a team of technical, legal,<br />

financial, and policy experts. Any financing at the scale discussed here will require a trusted<br />

advisor participant – a party that is not profit oriented and represents program participants<br />

to ensure savings guarantee obligations are met.<br />

3. LSDFP prequalifies ESCOs based on their capacity to fulfil program operations, including<br />

their size, pricing, etc. In doing so, LSDFP provides a strong market signal to the ESCO<br />

market to develop in the direction of infrastructure-scale energy efficiency and on-site<br />

renewable energy generation provisions.<br />

4. Interested parties sign a non-binding letter of interest (LOI) and discuss their specific goals,<br />

timeline, energy patterns, etc. with LSDFP.<br />

5. The LSDFP brings together ESCOs and interested program participants. ESCOs perform nocost,<br />

pre-contract audits and present initial energy savings proposal. Participants sign<br />

guaranteed energy savings agreement with their selected ESCO. Guaranteed energy savings<br />

257 Aviva Rutkin, Blockchain-based microgrid gives power to consumers in New York. 2 March 2016. In this case,<br />

while solar panels on the roofs of terraced houses in New York City soak up sunshine, a pair of computers<br />

connected to the panels quietly crunch numbers, counting how many electrons are being generated so that they<br />

can be bought and sold as needed to neighbors rather than go through a central authority or utility. This project,<br />

run by a startup called Transactive Grid, is the first version of a new kind of energy market, operated by<br />

consumers, which may very well change the way we generate and consume electricity. Although not referenced<br />

here, these arrangements can also include much more than heat and power, but also transportation fuels, water<br />

resources, and the flow of other materials, goods and services within the Duchy of Luxembourg.<br />


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