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Third Industrial Revolution Consulting Group<br /> Benefits of a LuxSEF Application<br />

In the context of sustainable energy finance, a series of SEF’s capitalization mechanism are<br />

offered on a routine basis. Such a strategy has the following benefits:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Extra savings for program participants: Under SEF program mechanics, ESCOs are<br />

incentivized to underestimate savings in order to meet established guarantees and avoid<br />

shortfall penalties. Typically, ESCOs guarantee about 96% of estimated savings. 240<br />

Remaining performance benefits program participants. Additionally, savings continue to<br />

accrue beyond term of debt service to the benefit of program participants.<br />

Non-energy benefits accrue to participants: Non-energy benefits (e.g., operational savings<br />

or deferred maintenance) can be as much as 40% or more of the total economic savings<br />

generated by such projects. 241<br />

Avoidance of interest cost penalties for small program participants: Through pooled<br />

financing, the program avoids possible interest cost penalties for small jurisdictions. 242 This<br />

is also recognized in Luxembourg’s Third National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (p. 31): “To<br />

date, the municipalities in particular have been reluctant to use energy savings contracts.<br />

This may be explained, among other things, by the often small structures of many<br />

Luxembourg municipalities, as in general the economic benefits of savings contracts can<br />

only be achieved above a certain energy cost threshold.”<br />

Overcomes geographic segmentation: Overcoming issuer size segmentation can also<br />

overcome geographic segmentation as pooled financing opens access to<br />

national/international markets to attract capital and enables rural and urban<br />

participation. 243<br />

Economies of scale open technology options: Pooled financing realizes economies of scale<br />

in the procurement of energy conservation and renewable energy technology. Advanced,<br />

higher cost technologies become available.<br />

240 Shonder, J. (2013). Beyond guaranteed savings: additional cost savings associated with ESPC projects. Oak Ridge<br />

National Laboratory, ORNL/TM-2013/108.<br />

241 Larsen, P.H., Stuart, E., Goldman, C.A. (2014). Current policies and practices related to the incorporation of nonenergy<br />

benefits in energy saving performance contract projects. American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy<br />

Summer Study 2014.<br />

242 Empirical evidence for the interest cost penalty for smaller jurisdictions is provided by: a) Simonsen, B., Robbins,<br />

M., & Helgerson, L. (2002). The Influence of Jurisdiction Size and Sale Type on Municipal Bond Interest Rates: An<br />

Empirical Analysis. Public Administration Review, 61(6), 709-717. doi:10.1111/0033-3352.00141; and, more<br />

recently, b) Bastida, F., Guillamó, M.-D., Benito, B. (2014). Explaining interest rates in local government borrowing.<br />

International Public Management Journal, 17:1, 45-73. Doi: 10.1080/10967494.2014.874257<br />

243 Bastida, F., Guillamó, M.-D., Benito, B. (2014). Explaining interest rates in local government borrowing.<br />

International Public Management Journal, 17:1, 45-73. Doi: 10.1080/10967494.2014.874257<br />


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