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Third Industrial Revolution Consulting Group<br />

Biofeedstocks for Bioplastics<br />

Europe produced 57 million tonnes of plastics in 2013, with the majority (39%) being used in<br />

the packaging sector. The EU2020 has set a target of 10% of market plastics being bioplastics.<br />

The European Bioplastics association estimated 1.7 million tonnes of bioplastics were produced<br />

in 2014 worldwide on 680,000 hectares of land, suggesting an average yield of 2.5 tonnes of<br />

bioplastics per hectare. 140 Bioplastics production is projected to increase four-fold by 2020<br />

worldwide. 141 Global and Europe Plastics production trends 2002-2013<br />

Source: Plastics Europe (2014) 142<br />

As immense as the growth in plastics has been over the past several decades, the projected<br />

expansion over the decades to come remains significant. If expanding in the traditional linear<br />

economy fashion of “take-make-dispose” then the amount of oil consumed will increase more<br />

than 300 percent, the plastics share of CO 2 emissions will increase 15-fold, and the plastics<br />

disposed into the ocean will result in plastic waste exceeding fish in weight! 143 In sharp<br />

140 European Bioplastics (2016) Renewable Feedstock, http://www.europeanbioplastics.org/bioplastics/feedstock/.<br />

141 Whitworth, Joe (2014) Bioplastics market will grow by more than 400% by 2018, Bakery and Snacks news,<br />

December 03, 2014, http://www.bakeryandsnacks.com/Processing-Packaging/Asia-will-expand-role-in-<br />

Bioplastics-growth.<br />

142 Plastics Europe (2015) Plastics – the Facts 2014/2015, An analysis of European plastics production, demand and<br />

waste data,<br />

143 WEF/EMF/MCBE (2015) The New Plastics Economy, Rethinking the future of plastics, World Economic Forum in<br />

collaboration with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey Center for Business and Environment, January<br />

2016.<br />


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