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<strong>COM</strong> <strong>537</strong> <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Exam</strong><br />

Uop E <strong>Tutors</strong> is committed to the<br />

University Of Phoenix because of you<br />

people, we are together for the<br />

betterment in concern of your final<br />

exams. Taking <strong>COM</strong> <strong>537</strong> <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Exam</strong> in<br />

best prices. We are here to take care of<br />

your learning.<br />

<strong>COM</strong> <strong>537</strong> <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Exam</strong> (Latest) –<br />

1. What communication type avoids conflict<br />

and focuses on facts and details rather than<br />

the big picture? They may be perceived by<br />

others as unemotional and nonchalant.<br />

<br />


Sympathetics<br />

Systematics<br />

Directs<br />

2. A criticism of social media is that it<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

is only available to the media savvy.<br />

contributes to the decline in writing and<br />

language skills.<br />

leads to separation of the haves and have-nots.<br />

leads to information overload<br />

3. In Korean culture, a business deal is<br />

dependent on contractual information as well<br />

as how the parties perceive each other’s<br />

values and ethics. According to Edmund<br />

Hall, this behavior exhibits the theory of<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

proxemics<br />

low-context cultures<br />

Ethno-centricism<br />

high-context cultures

4. Your supervisor sends you an e-mail<br />

requesting an article for the employee<br />

newsletter about company loyalty. You write<br />

the article featuring customers who are<br />

brand loyal. Later, your supervisor criticizes<br />

you for not writing about the topic that he<br />

requested. After a face-to-face meeting, you<br />

realize that he wanted you to write about<br />

employee loyalty. This is an example of what<br />

type of noise?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Unwanted<br />

External<br />

Semantic<br />

Internal<br />

5. The head of the holiday party committee at<br />

your office is trying to set a location for the<br />

event. The committee chairperson<br />

announces three choices for members to<br />

vote on. When Erin hears that the Boar’s<br />

Tavern is one of the choices, her mind is<br />

made up. After all, the restaurant is only a<br />

few blocks from her house. How would you<br />

describe her listening behavior?

Active<br />

Passive<br />

Agenda-setting<br />

Obtuse<br />

6. Your supervisor has the habit of coming into<br />

your office and leaning over your desk to talk<br />

to you. This situation is uncomfortable for<br />

you because you cannot move away from<br />

him. According to Edmund Hall, this<br />

behavior exhibits the theory of<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

high-context cultures<br />

low-context cultures<br />

ethnocentricism<br />

proxemics<br />

7. Which statement is true concerning the role<br />

of publics in business communication?<br />

<br />

Publics, in general, remain constant despite<br />

changes in the environment.

Internal publics are usually not concerned with<br />

the communication style used by management.<br />

External publics are not concerned with an<br />

organization’s public performance.<br />

Publics can dispel rumors and build positive<br />

brand image.<br />

8. A break-in at your company has resulted in<br />

the theft of various pharmaceutical products.<br />

The head chemist, slated as the company’s<br />

designated spokesperson, is scheduled to<br />

appear at a media conference. This course of<br />

action illustrates one of the steps in crisis<br />

communication planning. Select the<br />

appropriate step:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Assessing the possible risk to the organization<br />

Evaluating the effectiveness of your action plan<br />

Identifying levels of vulnerability in your<br />

company<br />

Implementing the action plan<br />

9. In the management journal article about<br />

persuading customers that your boss<br />

recommended, you read that your style of

hard selling is not effective with young<br />

professionals. You begin to question if you<br />

need to take a sales training seminar. This is<br />

an example of<br />

cognitive dissonance<br />

agenda-setting<br />

selective attention<br />

selective exposure<br />

10. Building strong coalitions among<br />

individuals or groups that have separate<br />

interests is called<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

facilitation<br />

negotiation<br />

diversification<br />


<strong>COM</strong> <strong>537</strong> <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Exam</strong><br />

FIN 370 <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Exam</strong><br />

FIN 571 Connect Problems<br />

MKT 578 <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Exam</strong><br />

STR 581 Capstone <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Exam</strong>ination,<br />

Part Three

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