
4<br />

Our<br />

Technology<br />

Causes<br />

Insomnia<br />

Can technology make us<br />

lose our sleep? Probably,<br />

yes. Studies and<br />

research done indicate that various<br />

products and technologyrelated<br />

services may also affect<br />

the quality of our sleep.<br />

So are avoiding phone calls<br />

and computer games before bedtime.<br />

Also, scientists studying<br />

sleep constitute the “eviction”<br />

of mobile phones and computers<br />

from the bedroom. The blue light<br />

(blue light) is considered responsible<br />

for the natural rhythm disorders.<br />

The use of mobile phones,<br />

computers, tablets and video<br />

games before bedtime or during<br />

the night, the “stealing” part of<br />

his precious time to sleep, note<br />

the experts. Numerous investigations<br />

have shown that LED<br />

lighting technology in electronic<br />

devices, negatively affects the<br />

pace, both falling asleep and<br />

waking.<br />

Therefore, experts recommend<br />

to have someone a proper night’s<br />

sleep, power down the computer<br />

30 to 60 minutes before lying<br />

down on his bed. Researchers<br />

even found that modern technology<br />

LED screens slow process<br />

of falling asleep and waking.<br />

These devices emit blue light at<br />

a wavelength of 464 nanometers,<br />

which keeps the body alert.<br />

This light is guided through<br />

the eye to the brain complicating<br />

the production of melatonin,<br />

the sleep hormone. Sleep is<br />

even more difficult with surfing<br />

and conversations (chat) Internet.<br />

The mesolimviko brain system<br />

is stimulated whenever a<br />

reply arrives, so the lonely people<br />

to stay in front of the computer<br />

screen, rather than relax<br />

and sleep.<br />

No doubt, technology have<br />

many benifits. A large number of<br />

people thinks that they are using<br />

technology for their benefit.<br />

They are right. If a man searches<br />

for self improvement apps, he is<br />

doing right but, if he will spend a<br />

long time on it. Then it can cause<br />

problems.<br />

Other studies reveal that<br />

if you deal with an electronic<br />

device in the last hour before<br />

going to bed, then you may need<br />

more than an hour to fall asleep,<br />

by the time you fall asleep. Especially<br />

the use of a computer,<br />

smartphone and MP3 player just<br />

before bedtime, significantly<br />

increases the difficulty in getting<br />

to sleep.<br />

"It's a monstrous issue, especially<br />

when you discuss technology,"<br />

said Sarah Loughran, a<br />

sleep specialist at the University<br />

of Wollongong, south of Sydney.<br />

"We're discussing smartphones<br />

— as well as iPads, TVs, tablets.<br />

A considerable measure of these<br />

things are in the bedroom.<br />

The timing of introduction to<br />

the light-dim cycle is the most<br />

intense means by which the circadian<br />

clock, the body's natural<br />

time guardian, is synchronized to<br />

the 24-hour day, Czeisler's exploration<br />

found. He started considering<br />

the effect of the circadian<br />

mood on rest in 1972 and has<br />

expounded on 200 exploratory<br />

papers and survey articles on the<br />

subject. He evaluates that since<br />

the appearance of power fueled<br />

light, individuals' inner rest triggers<br />

have been pushed back 6<br />

hours.<br />

There's another reason PCs,<br />

telephones and other innovation<br />

can irritate rest when utilized<br />

instantly before bed, says<br />

the University of Wollongong's<br />

Loughran. Drawing in the mind<br />

with data that is energizing or<br />

provocative can trigger enthusiastic<br />

and other hormonal reactionsArticle<br />

Submission, including<br />

the arrival of adrenalin.<br />

Kzn Lifestyle Magazine • Issue 13

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shared across the web in a instant!!! Forget<br />

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6<br />

The<br />

Chemistry<br />

between<br />

Caffeine<br />

and Sleep<br />

Kzn Lifestyle Magazine • Issue 13

8<br />

The Power<br />

of Your<br />

MIND<br />

How much truth and<br />

power is in this statement?<br />

Is it foundationally<br />

and fundamentally true? Do<br />

we have the power to think what<br />

we are, to think what we want,<br />

enough to make it our reality?<br />

Who said this? “We are what<br />

we think.” Tons of people have<br />

said it--writers, presidents, therapists,<br />

politicians, Buddha.<br />

The same caution is in the<br />

Bible. “<br />

For as he thinks in his heart,<br />

so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). How<br />

much truth and power is in this<br />

statement? Is it foundationally<br />

and fundamentally true?<br />

Do we have the power to think<br />

what we are, to think what we<br />

want, enough to make it our reality?<br />

Although, at times, I fail to<br />

heed the caution, I know, without<br />

a doubt it is true. God tells<br />

us in the Bible that “He is in<br />

us.” He shares in Colossians<br />

1:27, “Christ in you, the hope of<br />

glory,” and in Luke 17:20-21,<br />

“The kingdom of God is within<br />

you.”<br />

We are not the creators. We<br />

are the created. However, we<br />

are highly favored and valued by<br />

the Creator. Look at the dominion,<br />

freedoms, and capacity we<br />

have. We have figured out how<br />

to communicate face to face with<br />

someone clear across the globe.<br />

We have figured out how to send<br />

spacecraft into the universe. We<br />

have the power to overcome any<br />

obstacle.<br />

It’s true. Just watch the news<br />

on any given day or time, and<br />

you’ll find examples of human<br />

beings doing incredible things--<br />

just because they believed they<br />

could. Something greater than<br />

us is watching over us. Something<br />

greater than us is cheering<br />

for us--to thrive. We’ve overcome<br />

great floods; the most terrifying<br />

and treacherous tornados;<br />

destructive hurricanes; mass<br />

murder, and vicious plagues.<br />

The capacity of ours mind<br />

to heal, grow, learn, overcome,<br />

declare, set forth, and inspire is<br />

a gift to human beings from a<br />

power even greater than us. That<br />

power wants us to be well. So<br />

we’ve been empowered to be so.<br />

The power of our minds to forget<br />

traumatic experiences is just<br />

one example of how incredible<br />

we were created to be. The<br />

power of our minds to physically<br />

feel experiences just by thinking<br />

about the experiences is a testament<br />

to the power of our minds.<br />

So big deal, we have a powerful<br />

mind.<br />

Why should you care? What<br />

does that mean? It means that<br />

all you need to do is think about<br />

what you want.<br />

If you can think it, you can<br />

have it. When my son was going<br />

through his drug abuse, there<br />

wasn’t a question in my mind I’d<br />

help to save him.<br />

Was I scared? Yes. Was I<br />

unsure at times? Yes. But, there<br />

was just no doubt in my mind I<br />

would be physically, mentally<br />

and financially able to do whatever<br />

it took to ensure his recovery,<br />

and God was with me every<br />

step of the way.<br />

And, I got everything I<br />

thought about. Every single<br />

thing. I did it. All. I wish<br />

I could have that same kind of<br />

tenacity in every area of my life.<br />

The truth is, I don’t. The areas<br />

where I don’t believe in my God<br />

given, inside, power, I struggle.<br />

I don’t worry at all about getting<br />

sick, and I never get sick.<br />

I don’t ever worry about being<br />

raped or abducted, or mugged,<br />

because I just think I’m too<br />

tough. I’ve never been abducted,<br />

mugged or raped. I don’t ever<br />

worry about being in a serious<br />

auto accident where I am hurt.<br />

I was in a terrible accident<br />

that resulted in a death, and<br />

although it was traumatic and I<br />

pray for that person who died,<br />

and his family, alot, I didn’t get<br />

hurt.<br />

Nothing happened to me.<br />

However, I struggle with feelings<br />

of inadequacy, and I struggle<br />

with the concept of lack.<br />

I come up against those<br />

struggles all the time. I know it<br />

isn’t easy.<br />

I know it takes practice, but<br />

when you can believe that Christ<br />

is in You; the Kingdom is in you,<br />

and you have a destiny to make<br />

your own destiny, you will be<br />

all that you wish to be. You can<br />

manifest all you can think about.<br />

You will touch, feel and hold,<br />

everything that your mind can<br />

muster.<br />

You are limitless. So how do<br />

you harness the power of your<br />

mind.<br />

Think about what you<br />

wantHealth Fitness Articles, and<br />

believe you are destined to have<br />

it.<br />

Kzn Lifestyle Magazine • Issue 13

How technology has changed the world<br />

of business travel over the recent years?<br />

9<br />

Technology has changed<br />

almost everything we do,<br />

there is no doubt about<br />

it. But the advent of technology<br />

has offered a great impact on<br />

the travel industry and business<br />

travel over the recent years,<br />

which seems to be increasing<br />

day by day. Today, most of the<br />

population relies on the Internet<br />

and travel management companies<br />

have benefitted from it<br />

greatly. Not only the travel agencies,<br />

it has also altered the way<br />

we travel, such as our potential<br />

destinations, how we reach<br />

there, where to stay, how to<br />

connect, what to do, where to go<br />

and who to record the memories<br />

of that place.<br />

Travel management<br />

company has been booming<br />

rapidly due to ever<br />

growing and breakthroughs<br />

of technology.<br />

This is because unlike the<br />

earlier times where planning<br />

a holiday requires<br />

the customer to visit the<br />

local travel agent, rely<br />

on word of mouth recommendations<br />

or book<br />

hotels and flights at a<br />

very costly price, people<br />

now advance over<br />

the Internet and take<br />

the assistance of online<br />

travel agencies for booking<br />

their travel products,<br />

which seems more convenient,<br />

easy and cost efficient. But when<br />

planning a corporate travel, the<br />

traveler has to rely completely<br />

on the amenities of these local<br />

agents for their business propositions.<br />

The business company<br />

cannot arrange all the facilities<br />

required for proper and successful<br />

business trip and relying<br />

on the local travel agent would<br />

may cost huge money without<br />

receiving the kind of amenities<br />

to make the trip victorious. However,<br />

with advancement in travel<br />

technology, business travel has<br />

changed dramatically as corporate<br />

travel agents meet with the<br />

business company to understand<br />

the nature of the trip.<br />

This allows the travel companies<br />

to prepare each and every<br />

prerequisites to the travelers that<br />

may arrive during their travel.<br />

For instance, apart from managing<br />

flights and hotel reservations<br />

in preferred class, they<br />

also arrange car rentals to move<br />

back and forth from the hotel<br />

and office, provide mobile applications<br />

to keep in contact with<br />

the corporate travel agents so<br />

that they can easily request other<br />

necessities, if any. Moreover,<br />

with the help of corporate travel<br />

booking tool allows the travel<br />

management company saves a lot<br />

time and money that, in the end,<br />

would benefit the business company.<br />

Not only that, it ensures<br />

that all the corporate travelers<br />

are booking their trips as per the<br />

company’s travel policies.<br />

The emergence of mobile<br />

applications and other tools have<br />

certainly helped the travel management<br />

companies to effectively<br />

manage the business travel<br />

with utmost ease and comfort,<br />

while providing better facilities<br />

and convenient to the traveler. It<br />

allows deeper relationshipArticle<br />

Submission, which enhances the<br />

opportunity of sales.<br />

Kzn Lifestyle Magazine • Issue 13

3 Easy Low<br />

Carb Recipes<br />

You Should Try<br />

Food is known to be the main cause of obesity. Due to this, weight conscious<br />

people are very careful about the food that they eat. If you are one of<br />

these people, and you love cooking, here are some of the best low carbohydrate<br />

recipes that you should go with. The cool thing about the recipes<br />

is that you will not only be in control of the amount of calories that you<br />

get into your body, you also get to prepare the food at the comfort of your<br />

home. The most popular low carb recipes include:<br />

Swedish breakfast buns<br />

When many people hear of buns they think of the sugar stuffed monsters but<br />

this isn't the case with these buns. To prepare the buns you need:<br />

· ½ tsp salt<br />

· 2 eggs<br />

· ½ cup sour cream<br />

· ¾ cup of almond fl our<br />

· 2 tbsp baking powder<br />

· 1 tbsp sunfl ower seeds<br />

· 1 tbsp whole fl ax seeds<br />

· 2 tbsp olive oil<br />

To prepare the buns you need to preheat your oven to 400 degrees and then<br />

mix almond fl our, baking powder, salt, psyllium, and seeds in a bowl. You<br />

should then add sour cream, olive oil, eggs and mix them carefully. Let the<br />

mixture sit for 5 minutes and then cut the dough into 4 pieces. Shape the<br />

pieces into balls and put them in a cake pan and bake them for 20-25 minutes<br />

until they have formed a brown color. Once they are done serve with your<br />

favorite beverage.<br />

Eggs and vegetables<br />

fried in coconut oil<br />

Shrimp and avocado salad<br />

If you have been looking to lose weight you know that salads are of great<br />

importance. To prepare this salad you need:<br />

· ½ cup of fresh chopped cilantro<br />

· 1/8 tsp of fresh cracked pepper<br />

· 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil<br />

· 3 tbsp fresh lime juice<br />

· Pinch of salt<br />

· 2 ripe avocados<br />

· 4 cups of baby greens or lettuce<br />

· 1 lb of cooked shrimp. The shrimp should be deveined and tail removed<br />

You should pour the cilantro dressing over the shrimp and stir to coat. After<br />

this cover the shrimp and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. You should then<br />

wash and dry the lettuce and divide among plates. Thereafter cut avocado<br />

into bite-size wedges then top with marinated shrimp and leftover dressing.<br />

This food is not only healthy, it's also easy to make. It also keeps you full the<br />

entire day thus you don't have to keep on snacking every now and then. To<br />

prepare it you need: frozen vegetable mix, (caulifl ower, green bean, carrots,<br />

and broccoli), coconut oil, spinach, and spices. You should add coconut oil<br />

to the frying pan and turn up the heat. You should then add vegetables, eggs,<br />

and spices. If you want, you can add spinach but you don't have to. Once<br />

everything is in the pan, stir until it gets ready.<br />


You don't have to gather weight from eating as there are plenty of low<br />

carb foods that you can go for. All you need to do is choose the one<br />

that is right and easy for you to prepare.<br />

If looking for any recipes, we have plenty of them that you can use to<br />

prepare lunch, dinner and even breakfast.

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Car news, articles and information

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Kzn Lifestyle Magazine • Issue 13

Couples Who<br />

21<br />

Train Together<br />

Stay Together<br />

When you are single,<br />

you can either<br />

exercise regularly<br />

making it an integral part of your<br />

life or remain either wise. But<br />

when you train together with<br />

your partner, the scene may<br />

change. Exercising apparently<br />

becomes an action resulting<br />

from the efforts of both, you and<br />

your partner's mind-set. If your<br />

partner is detrimental, it takes<br />

nerves to hit the gym regularly.<br />

It's much harder to get into a<br />

routine than out of it, so wouldn't<br />

it be encouraging if you have<br />

someone giving you guilt trips<br />

far worse than you can have by<br />

yourself, whenever you miss<br />

your exercise? You can rationalize<br />

letting yourself down all you<br />

want, but it reaches completely<br />

new heights of guilt when it<br />

comes from someone else.<br />

Well, this is just one of the many<br />

reasons couples who exercise<br />

together, stay together.<br />

According to Dr. Jane Greer,<br />

doing exercise can in itself have<br />

a positive impact on you once<br />

you include your partner in it<br />

too. It can have a positive impact<br />

on the relationship - physically<br />

and emotionally. Thus, training<br />

together makes your relationship<br />

stronger and gives you a brand<br />

new and exciting way to bond.<br />

Because you overcome the<br />

hurdles together<br />

When you are on the verge of<br />

giving up, a partner is the best<br />

motivation. Cooking and going<br />

out to eat is easy because you<br />

both want the healthiest, yet<br />

most fulfilling option possible.<br />

Your sex life boosts up<br />

Looking at your partner working<br />

out turns you on, right?<br />

Watching the sweaty body all<br />

worked up boosts your hormones.<br />

Sweaty hands, a racing<br />

pulse, shortness of breath. Ohh<br />

Myyy...<br />

Your partner understands and<br />

appreciates your routine<br />

Your partner respects your<br />

dedication and there is also a<br />

sense of competition. When you<br />

train together, your overall efficiency<br />

boosts up. No need for a<br />

heads-up from your partner when<br />

you want to work your schedule<br />

around your time at the gym,<br />

Pushing your limits was never<br />

this easy<br />

When your partner is watching<br />

you, you gotta impress him/<br />

her. those extra 2 pushups are<br />

thanks to your partner. The efficiency<br />

boosts up when you train<br />

together.<br />

Training together means more<br />

quality time.<br />

Aside from going on dinner<br />

dates or watching movies, quality<br />

time takes a whole new meaning<br />

when you train together with<br />

your significant other. You're not<br />

just making conversation, you're<br />

both pushing yourselves to your<br />

physical and mental limits to be<br />

the best you can be<br />

Cheat days are twice as fun<br />

when you train together<br />

You may have thought you<br />

were in all your glory at the<br />

gym, but when the two of you<br />

get in front of a plate of mac and<br />

cheese there is no stopping either<br />

of you.<br />

You indulge as much as you<br />

want because you know exactly<br />

where you will be the next day -<br />

back at the gym.<br />

Who wouldn't love an intimate<br />

massage<br />

When you train together,<br />

you would love a good relaxing<br />

massage. Well, you do know<br />

that your partner is the one most<br />

comfortable with your body.<br />

Sweat would instead turn them<br />

on. Shower together after that.<br />

Kzn Lifestyle Magazine • Issue 13

22<br />

The KZN Trail<br />

Running<br />

Summer Series<br />

Kicks Off<br />

The KZNTR Summer Series<br />

starts next Saturday 05<br />

November 2016 at Faulklands<br />

Farm, well known in trail<br />

circles for its cliff-top single<br />

track and adventurous river<br />

crossings!<br />

Initially established in 2009,<br />

the KZNTR Summer Series is a<br />

collection of three trail running<br />

events situated in unique environments<br />

within 30km of Pietermaritzburg<br />

– Faulklands Farm<br />

(Saturday, 05 Nov), Table Mountain<br />

(Saturday, 19 Nov) and Hilton<br />

College (Saturday, 03 Dec).<br />

Each event has something different<br />

to offer, from the cliff-top<br />

running and adventurous river<br />

crossings at Faulklands Farm, to<br />

the wonder of the iconic Table<br />

Mountain grasslands, wetlands<br />

and waterfalls and the beauty of<br />

the Umngeni Valley bushveld<br />

within the Hilton College Nature<br />

Reserve. These areas are not<br />

open to the general public and<br />

the KZNTR Summer Series provides<br />

one of the few opportunities<br />

to access and explore these<br />

beautiful environments. Now<br />

featuring a long course (20km)<br />

in addition to the short and<br />

medium courses (7km & 14km)!<br />

The KZNTR Summer Series<br />

have seen trail runners grow<br />

from novice athletes to runners<br />

now taking on bigger distances.<br />

The short courses are designed<br />

as a good entry level, while the<br />

medium and long courses throw<br />

some challenges at participants,<br />

with technical terrain and climbs.<br />

The long course starts at 7am to<br />

avoid the worst of the summer<br />

heat, with the short and medium<br />

courses going off at 7:30am.<br />

Set in an old barn on a sugarcane<br />

farm on the edge of the<br />

Umngeni Valley, the first venue<br />

provides the ideal spot to access<br />

these beautiful trails, as well as<br />

for supporters to enjoy a relaxing<br />

morning away from the bustle of<br />

daily life.<br />

Exploring Coffee will keep<br />

you fed and caffeine levels up.<br />

Full series or individual race<br />

entries are available on www.<br /><br />

See you on the trails!<br />

Photo Credits: Graham Daniel,<br />

369 Communications<br />

Kzn Lifestyle Magazine • Issue 13

24<br />

Sani Stagger<br />

set to test all<br />

runners in 2016<br />

Underberg – With an<br />

almost fully subscribed<br />

field for the full marathon<br />

along with a sold-out half<br />

marathon the 2016 Sani Stagger<br />

has attracted runners from all<br />

over the country as they prepare<br />

to take on the iconic Sani Pass<br />

on Saturday, 26 November.<br />

The race will see the runners<br />

of the full marathon start at the<br />

Sani Pass Hotel and make their<br />

way 21km to the top of Sani Pass<br />

and back down in what could be<br />

described as one of the toughest<br />

marathons in the country.<br />

Event organiser Spurgeon<br />

Flemington has been satisfied by<br />

the take up of entries in his first<br />

year involved in the race and<br />

explains that the one-of-a-kind<br />

race is always going to attract<br />

runners as it offers them something<br />

completely different.<br />

“I think just the fact that the<br />

Sani Stagger is one of the most<br />

hardcore marathons in the country<br />

is appealing enough for a<br />

majority of the runners,” Flemington<br />

said.<br />

“Just to get to the top must<br />

be an incredible feeling and taking<br />

in the views really adds to<br />

the appeal of the event so I can<br />

understand why we have had so<br />

many entries.<br />

“The half marathon sells out<br />

in about half an hour and at the<br />

moment we have around 350<br />

marathon entries and we are<br />

going to cap it at 400 with entries<br />

closing on Friday, 4 November.”<br />

Not having to run up Sani<br />

Pass first before coming down<br />

might add to the charm of the<br />

half marathon as runners are<br />

shuttled up to the top before their<br />

21km adventure down to the<br />

Sani Pass Hotel.<br />

“The half marathon definitely<br />

touches some button in the runners.<br />

I am not sure whether it is<br />

the trip up and the chance to take<br />

in the beautiful views and scenery<br />

while you wait for your start<br />

or just bombing down the hill!<br />

“It is such a distinctive event<br />

and despite it being one of the<br />

most difficult races around runners<br />

continue to return and we<br />

hope that we can make the race<br />

as efficient as possible for the<br />

competitors,” a resolute Flemington<br />

added.<br />

Although the Comrades Marathon<br />

is just less than seven<br />

months from the Sani Stagger the<br />

race is used by some as a qualifier<br />

for 2017 ultra-marathon from<br />

Durban to Pietermaritzburg, and<br />

Flemington believes it is one<br />

of the most difficult qualifying<br />

races to do.<br />

“I think if runners are looking<br />

for batch times in their qualifier<br />

then they will not use the Stagger<br />

as their qualifier however it is<br />

definitely a cool way to qualify,<br />

if you ask me!<br />

“It is easy to say that you have<br />

qualified for the hardest ultramarathon<br />

via the hardest marathon,”<br />

he quipped.<br />

The race does not come without<br />

its own logistical challenges<br />

considering the remote location<br />

of the start of the half marathon<br />

and the halfway stage of the full<br />

marathon. Despite this Flemington<br />

and his team understand the<br />

difficulties that they are going to<br />

face and have planned accordingly.<br />

“Ferrying all of the runners in<br />

the half marathon to the top of<br />

Sani Pass for their race start is<br />

going to be a huge task in itself<br />

but we have made sure that we<br />

are prepared for that as well as<br />

potential weather problems we<br />

might encounter.<br />

“There are ten water tables on<br />

the route and getting the gear to<br />

these tables is another challenge<br />

for us.<br />

“We want to create a little hub<br />

at the top of the pass as it is a<br />

huge focal point for the runners<br />

with it being the start of the half<br />

marathon and the halfway mark<br />

in the full marathon.<br />

“It is going to be a challenge<br />

getting everything ready but we<br />

are sure that we, as well as the<br />

weather, are going to be ready!”<br />

he laughed.<br />

Kzn Lifestyle Magazine • Issue 13

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