YSM Issue 89.4

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Yale Scientific<br />

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OCTOBER 2016 VOL. 89 NO. 4 | $6.99<br />



The Economy Doesn’t<br />

Affect Our Quality.

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />

VOL. 89 ISSUE NO. 4<br />


OCTOBER 2016<br />

NEWS 6<br />

FEATURES 25<br />


16 DECO<br />

GECKO<br />

Yale scientists team up with art<br />

conservators to preserve fine art<br />

with a new gecko-inspired material.<br />

12<br />



Researchers shed light on how the<br />

Zika virus causes microcephaly and<br />

sparked the worst epidemic since<br />

Ebola.<br />

14<br />



Novel imaging technique developed<br />

at the Yale PET Center allows us to<br />

view synaptic connections in the<br />

living brain.<br />

18<br />


OLD RULE<br />

Can vibrating membranes reveal<br />

fundamental truths? An extension<br />

of the adiabatic theorem may lead<br />

to improved control of systems.<br />



21<br />



With such disagreement among<br />

psychiatrists and such variety among<br />

patients, the search continues for the<br />

best approach to treat mental illness.<br />

More articles available online at www.yalescientific.org<br />

October 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


q a<br />

&<br />

►BY JOE KIM<br />

After the Rio Olympics, interest in cupping,<br />

a traditional Chinese therapy, spiked.<br />

Many sufferers of chronic pain, often those<br />

with immune, metabolic, or cardiovascular<br />

disease, are trying cupping therapy, and<br />

some are even reporting positive results.<br />

Although different methods of cupping<br />

exist, the common “dry cupping” refers<br />

to using fire to heat the air within a<br />

glass cup and create suction on the treatment<br />

area. But, does it work? One study,<br />

which filtered previous research based on<br />

credibility, found cupping therapy was effective.<br />

Physiologically, cupping may alleviate<br />

inflammation, reduce the blood sugar<br />

of people with diabetes, and increase<br />

pain thresholds. No severe adverse effects<br />

are currently associated with cupping, although<br />

bruising, muscle soreness, and increased<br />

pain sensitivity in treatment areas<br />

are relatively common.<br />

Most scientists are skeptical about cup-<br />


►Surprisingly little evidence exists to support<br />

the beneficial effects of cupping therapy.<br />

Does cupping work?<br />

ping therapy, doubting its potential benefits<br />

as an alternative or complimentary<br />

to more traditional pain management<br />

regiments. Some cite the lack of unbiased<br />

experiments, emphasizing how methodologically<br />

poor many of the published experiments<br />

are. Others highlight the temporary<br />

nature of any beneficial effects.<br />

Clearly, more robust research on<br />

cupping is necessary to evaluate its effectiveness.<br />

To aid the research process<br />

and promote the safe practice of cupping,<br />

the Chinese government and several<br />

other research groups are aiming<br />

to standardize cupping therapy methods<br />

by setting guidelines for cup placement,<br />

heating time, and size. Ideally,<br />

future research on the short term and<br />

long term benefits, as well as the complications<br />

of cupping therapy, will help<br />

people decide if this particular treatment<br />

is right for them.<br />

What causes pruney fingers?<br />


You may remember staring at your hands<br />

after a bath as a little kid, intrigued by how<br />

your small, smooth hands had transformed<br />

into a wrinkled pair. “Look Mom, I have<br />

Grandma’s hands,” you might have said.<br />

For centuries, “pruney fingers,” or what<br />

scientists call water-immersion wrinkling,<br />

was a mystery. No one knew exactly how it<br />

occurred or why. Many scientists attributed<br />

the wrinkles to osmosis, claiming that the<br />

skin was becoming waterlogged. However,<br />

two recent important observations undercut<br />

this common answer. First, water-immersion<br />

wrinkling only occurs in two places on<br />

the body, the hands and feet. Secondly, when<br />

a particular nerve is cut, the skin no longer<br />

becomes pruney after exposure to water. The<br />

selectivity of water-immersion wrinkling<br />

and the connection to the nervous system<br />

suggests another, more complex answer.<br />

In 2003, neurologist Einar Wilder-Smith<br />


►The pruning of our fingers is actually due to<br />

the constriction of blood vessels.<br />

found that water-immersion wrinkling is<br />

driven by the constriction of blood vessels.<br />

He found that as water diffused through<br />

sweat glands in the hands and feet, the concentration<br />

of ions in skin tissue changes<br />

and this triggers a reflex that constricts certain<br />

vessels. When these vessels constrict,<br />

wrinkles appear.<br />

Might this curious phenomena have<br />

a purpose? Observing that the grooves<br />

formed on our fingers closely resemble<br />

“tire treads,” neurobiologist Mark Changizi<br />

postulated that this wrinkling gives our<br />

hands a better grip on objects, akin to how<br />

tire treads give cars a better grip by channeling<br />

water away. Indeed, a 2013 study<br />

found that the wrinkling did allow people<br />

to handle wet objects more quickly. How<br />

big an advantage this conferred as our ancestors<br />

adapted to their natural habitat remains<br />

the subject of future research.

3<br />

Science pops up in places where we least expect it.<br />

Crawling lizards and art don’t seem to go well together. But we see on the<br />

cover of this issue how researchers at Yale drew inspiration from the ability of<br />

geckos to cling on to just about any surface and engineered a material that’s<br />

poised to leave their mark in the art world and beyond. Composed of millions<br />

of microscopic columns, this novel film clings to dust without adhering to the<br />

surface underneath, giving conservators a boost as they work to present artwork<br />

at its best (pg. 16).<br />

High-tech swimsuits made a splash in the 2008 Olympics, as swimmers sporting<br />

Speedo’s full-body suit slashed world records and prompted the International<br />

Swimming Federation to ban the swimsuit. Closer to home, new research<br />

may soon find itself into the clothing we wear. Sporting tiny openings 100,000<br />

times the thickness of human hair, the nano-porous fabric allows both sweat<br />

and infrared radiation to escape, not only increasing comfort but also potentially<br />

decreasing energy consumption from air conditioning (pg. 27).<br />

And at a time when cybersecurity has grabbed headlines, Yale researchers are<br />

also making progress on quantum communication techniques that will make<br />

information transfers safe from eavesdropping. By transmitting signals in the<br />

form of quantum information, the sender ensures that any attempt to listen in<br />

would inevitably disrupt the wave pattern of the signal and be detected immediately<br />

(pg. 6).<br />

Some areas of science command more attention, and understandably so. In<br />

this issue, we celebrate advancements in the life sciences, from the discovery of<br />

how the Zika virus caused the terrible disease (pg. 12) to innovative approaches<br />

to cancer treatment (pg. 30) to the development of engineered blood vessels that<br />

provide hope to patients with kidney disease (pg. 6). Medicine touches our lives<br />

when we’re at our most vulnerable and its impact is highly visible.<br />

At the same time, it’s easy to overlook how science is intricately woven into<br />

our daily lives. This fall, we invite you on a journey to marvel at the many ways,<br />

big and small, in which science is transforming the world we live in.<br />

“I believe in science,” Hillary Clinton said in her nomination speech this July.<br />

So do we, and we hope this issue will give you that same optimism.<br />

Yale Scientific<br />

Established in 1894<br />


OCTOBER 2016 VOL. 89 NO. 4 | $6.99<br />

GECKO<br />


F R O M T H E E D I T O R<br />

A B O U T T H E A R T<br />

Lionel Jin<br />

Editor-in-Chief<br />

A day gecko presses his foot against the cover of <strong>89.4</strong>,<br />

in this mosaic artwork designed by arts editor Ashlyn<br />

Oakes. Researchers in the School of Engineering and<br />

Applied Science, working in collaboration with Yale’s<br />

Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, have<br />

developed new polymers for cleaning priceless works of<br />

art. By mimicking the surface architecture of a gecko’s<br />

foot, these new materials are able to grip and remove dust<br />

from the surface of paintings without damaging the underlying<br />

patina, just as geckos are able to cling to smooth<br />

surfaces.<br />

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Established in 1894<br />

OCTOBER 2016 VOL. 89 NO. 4<br />

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Milana Bochkur-Dratver<br />

Jessica Schmerler<br />

Ishaan Srivastava<br />

Sida Tang<br />

Lauren Telesz<br />

Isa del Toro<br />

Jessica Trinh<br />

Anson Wang<br />

Edward Wang<br />

Laurie Wang<br />

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The Yale Scientific Magazine (<strong>YSM</strong>) is published four times a year<br />

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NEWS<br />

in brief<br />

Securing Our Cybersecurity<br />

By Michelle Lim<br />


►A chip engineered by professor Hong<br />

Tang preserves the quantum states of<br />

photons transmitted during quantum<br />

communication.<br />

In the nascent age of quantum information,<br />

Yale researchers are striving to make<br />

unhackable systems a reality. Yale Professor<br />

of Electrical Engineering & Physics<br />

Hong Tang will lead a National Science<br />

Foundation initiative in engineering to interface<br />

with researchers on quantum communication.<br />

Why is quantum information more secure?<br />

Unlike classical information, which<br />

is transmitted via amplified signals that<br />

can be received by any party, quantum<br />

information cannot be duplicated. Only<br />

one party can receive information meant<br />

for one receiver. First, the sender encodes<br />

a beam of light particles, called photons,<br />

into a wave pattern, which is then sent to<br />

the receiver. The receiver then retrieves<br />

the waves using a coding pattern unique<br />

to the sender and receiver. By observing,<br />

or attempting to observe, the wave of information,<br />

eavesdroppers automatically<br />

alter the wave’s pattern and are detected<br />

immediately.<br />

Tang’s team will work to engineer a semiconductor<br />

device to allow communication<br />

using these light waves at room temperature<br />

without loss of information. Tang will<br />

collaborate with professor Liang Jiang,<br />

who is developing efficient protocols to<br />

extend the range of quantum communication.<br />

Their findings will bring us closer<br />

to having a completely secure communication<br />

system for all spheres of society. One<br />

day, we may enjoy secure bank accounts<br />

for personal use, secure business transactions<br />

for commerce, and secure government<br />

communications for the military.<br />

Urban Heat Islands in China and the US<br />

By Kathryn Ward<br />


►Yale researchers take rooftop<br />

measurements as part of a comparative<br />

study on air quality in the US and<br />

China.<br />

This summer, city-dwellers from all over<br />

the world fled to the country for weekends<br />

and vacations to escape the heat. A study<br />

recently published by a Yale-based research<br />

team examined these so called Urban<br />

Heat Islands (UHI), urban areas that are<br />

hotter than the surrounding rural areas.<br />

By surveying dozens of cities throughout<br />

China, researchers discovered that UHIs in<br />

China arise due to different reasons than<br />

their North American counterparts.<br />

In the US and Canada, lack of vegetation is<br />

the leading cause of UHIs, but in China, the<br />

heat increases are due to particles of dust,<br />

chemicals, and other aerosols that create<br />

murky haze. Aerosol particles produced in<br />

industrial Asia are larger in diameter than<br />

those particles found in Western aerosols.<br />

Yale professor Xuhui Lee emphasized that<br />

limiting environmental aerosol exposure<br />

has local climate implications in addition to<br />

health implications.<br />

Chang Cao, the study’s first author<br />

and a visiting PhD student from Nanjing<br />

University of Information Science and<br />

Technology, explained that the UHI<br />

effect is largest in the arid areas of China<br />

due to a loss of the modulating effects of<br />

coastal humidity on increased dust from<br />

construction.<br />

Cao emphasized the need for awareness<br />

of the different sources and effects of haze<br />

in different places. The study drew on<br />

methodology initially used to survey UHIs<br />

in Los Angeles and was modified to fit the<br />

different types of pollution and climates in<br />

China. The authors hope that highlighting<br />

this public health concern may lead to<br />

meaningful changes in the way we plan our<br />

cities.<br />

6 Yale Scientific Magazine October 2016 www.yalescientific.org

in brief<br />

NEWS<br />

Designer Blood Vessels in Regenerative Medicine<br />

By Viola Kyoung A Lee<br />

The use of made-to-order, personalized blood<br />

vessels may soon become a reality. In professor<br />

Laura Niklason’s laboratory, bioengineered blood<br />

vessels are making medical history, demonstrating<br />

enhanced durability and reduced risk of medical<br />

complications compared to synthetic vessels.<br />

Niklason has studied connective tissue<br />

for more than two decades. Her goal was to<br />

develop minimally invasive artificial tissue that<br />

does not trigger the body’s immune response,<br />

while avoiding the pitfalls of purely synthetic<br />

options such as Teflon vessels, which are prone<br />

to infection and clotting. Inserting a piece of<br />

plastic into the human body poses a large risk of<br />

inflammation and infection, as the body often<br />

perceives and attacks the synthetic blood vessel as<br />

a foreign invader. Niklason’s bioengineered blood<br />

vessels are different. “Based on the physiology of<br />

blood vessels, we strived to replicate the [body’s]<br />

environment. The process involved ‘coaxing’ the<br />

cells to activate a program that would allow them<br />

to make new tissue. The host would then have the<br />

ability to remodel the vessel, using cells from the<br />

host to repopulate the graft as needed,” Niklason<br />

said.<br />

The researchers had to overcome several hurdles<br />

in order to ensure the manufactured vessels<br />

possessed the requisite mechanical strength and<br />

biological properties needed for proper function.<br />

For example, the protocol, initially developed<br />

using animal cells, had to be modified to ensure<br />

human cell compatibility.<br />

Niklason’s work represents an important step<br />

forward in a rapidly developing field of mounting<br />

clinical impact. While the precise nature of the<br />

next big discovery in bioengineering is unknown,<br />

it is clear that the field, much like the tissue it aims<br />

to engineer, will only continue to grow.<br />


►Bioengineered blood vessels exhibit<br />

greater durability and reduced<br />

risk of infection compared to synthetic<br />

vessels.<br />

Why Human Egg Cells Need to Breathe<br />

By Diyu Pearce-Fisher<br />

Over the last several decades, women<br />

have shed the cult of domesticity and<br />

acquired new social and economic roles,<br />

shifting the primary focus of many<br />

women’s twenties from children to careers.<br />

However, this shift in interests has delayed<br />

many women’s plans to start families,<br />

giving birth to a new problem: problems<br />

with fertility due to egg cell aging.<br />

A woman’s egg cells begin to decline<br />

in quality as early as when she is 37 or<br />

38 years old, leading to problems in<br />

fertility. After age 40, women will likely<br />

face difficulties in having children. The<br />

mechanisms responsible for egg cell aging<br />

and fertility problems have been unclear<br />

up until recently, when researchers in<br />

Yale professor Pasquale Patrizio’s lab<br />

concluded that egg cell aging is related to<br />

hypoxia, or a lack of oxygen. Each egg cell,<br />

or oocyte, has surrounding cells called<br />

cumulus cells, which support oocyte<br />

growth and maturation. The researchers<br />

were able to identify certain RNA markers,<br />

or precursors to protein expression, that<br />

indicate egg cell aging in cumulus cells<br />

of older patients. These RNA markers<br />

are present in cumulus cells, which are<br />

normally harvested but thrown away<br />

in the process of in vitro fertilization, a<br />

common procedure used to help couples<br />

with fertility problems. With knowledge<br />

of these markers, doctors could make use<br />

of these cumulus cells by searching for<br />

signs of hypoxia and modifying protocols<br />

of ovarian stimulation. They could remove<br />

oocytes from the follicles before too much<br />

damage has been done by hypoxia. The<br />

new research could vastly improve the<br />

effectiveness of in vitro fertilization.<br />


►Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology,<br />

and Reproductive Sciences<br />

Pasquale Patrizio leads Yale’s Fertility<br />

Center.<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

October 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


NEWS<br />

molecular biology<br />


An improved gene editing technology<br />


Just as one uses a pair of scissors to cut and reshape a piece<br />

of paper, biologists can use CRISPR to turn off certain genes<br />

and modify the genome. A group of Yale researchers led by<br />

Qin Yan, Associate Professor of Pathology at the Yale School<br />

of Medicine, have created a novel gene editing system using<br />

the CRISPR-Cas9 mechanism that silences several genes<br />

simultaneously and works more efficiently than previously<br />

designed systems.<br />

CRISPR consists of short segments of DNA—the universal<br />

hereditary material. It was first identified in bacteria as an<br />

acquired immune system, methods that allow bacteria to<br />

attack foreign substances like viruses. CRISPR associated<br />

proteins (Cas) cut and destroy the viral genomes, defending<br />

the bacteria against infection. Researchers only elucidated<br />

CRISPR’s mechanism about five years ago and are now using<br />

CRISPR to work on mammalian genomes. “This technique<br />

has revolutionized biomedical research, because it makes<br />

genome editing much easier than before,” said Jian Cao,<br />

associate research scientist of pathology and first author of<br />

the study.<br />

There are two main components involved in the CRISPR<br />

system. One is a protein called Cas9, which cuts the DNA,<br />

and the other is a sequence complementary to the DNA<br />

called sgRNA, which leads Cas9 to the target site. Cas9 is like<br />

a hand with a pair of scissors, and sgRNA the brain and eyes,<br />

directing Cas9 to the cut-site.<br />

The Yan lab designed an inducible CRISPR system with<br />

several advantages: high efficiency, multiplex targeting,<br />

and fewer off-target effects. As a cancer epigenetics lab,<br />

the research group studies a protein family called KDM5s,<br />

which includes proteins incoded by oncogenes—genes<br />

with the potential to turn a normal cell into a tumor cell.<br />

Many families of genes, including KDM5, have functional<br />

compensation, meaning deletion of only one of the genes<br />

would not affect the function of the intended target protein.<br />

Therefore, the researchers want to turn off all the genes in the<br />

family simultaneously.<br />

The researchers also knew that shutting the oncogenes<br />

down immediately would kill the oncogene-dependent<br />

tumor cells, and they would have no stable cell line to study.<br />

Therefore, they created an inducible multiplex system, which<br />

the researchers could turn on with the addition of certain<br />

drugs. Thus, they generated a stable cell line first and then<br />

tested how turning several oncogenes off affected the tumor<br />

cells.<br />

Furthermore, the direct consequences of turning off<br />

genes are more clearly observed in an inducible system. If<br />

Cas9 is expressed from the beginning, researchers could<br />

not distinguish among early and late responses of the cell.<br />

However, in an inducible system, the scientists can study<br />

what happens in the short time after Cas9 expression is<br />

turned on. Furthermore, the inducible system reduces offtarget<br />

effects, since turning off the system when not needed<br />

reduces the number of times sgRNA matches and directs<br />

Cas9 to cut incorrect DNA.<br />

This toolbox is extremely efficient compared to CRISPR<br />

systems used in the past. In previous studies, researchers had<br />

to insert the vector system into a mixture of cells and then<br />

select for single cells to create a cell line for functional studies.<br />

This process would take three to four weeks. “Our approach<br />

is more efficient, so that we can achieve nearly complete<br />

silencing of the target genes, even in a mixed population. We<br />

do not have to pick up a single clone, so that saves a lot of<br />

time,” Cao said.<br />

This system is already in high demand by many research<br />

groups. The Yale researchers have received requests for the<br />

reagents from all over the world, including labs studying<br />

cancer, infectious diseases, and stem cell biology. This<br />

toolbox could theoretically target any gene by switching the<br />

recognition site using the appropriate sgRNA molecule.<br />

As for future directions for the lab’s research on this<br />

CRISPR system, Cao said that they hope to make the system<br />

even more efficient. Developing a plasmid that contains both<br />

the sgRNA and the Cas9, instead of using one plasmid for<br />

each as in the current toolbox, would further speed up the<br />

process of generating a stable cell line.<br />

The lab is now going to utilize this CRISPR system in their<br />

functional studies. “We are applying this toolbox in our<br />

cancer research, especially identifying oncogenes and tumor<br />

suppressor genes that have the potential to serve as drug<br />

targets.”<br />


►Dr. Qin Yan (front right) pictured with members of his lab at<br />

the Yale School of Medicine.<br />

8 Yale Scientific Magazine October 2016 www.yalescientific.org

astronomy<br />

NEWS<br />


Refining and redefining humanity’s quest for Earth 2.0<br />


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►Planets form through the accretion of material from the<br />

protoplanetary disk, which is made of gas and dust and is<br />

leftover from star formation.<br />

Just over 20 years ago, our solar system was alone in the<br />

universe, and we thought we knew it all. According to theory,<br />

gas giant planets form and stay beyond an ice line—the<br />

distance from the sun beyond which liquid water freezes,<br />

while small rocky planets dominate the inner circles. Then<br />

came the discovery of 51 Peg b in 1995, a hot gas planet larger<br />

than Jupiter that orbits far closer to its star than we would<br />

expect. Since then, the exoplanet community has discovered<br />

thousands of planets, including worlds like Luke Skywalker’s<br />

Tatooine that dance around a binary sunset. The<br />

field has theorized planets made of diamond and found<br />

planets light as cork or dense as lead. These worlds are unbound<br />

by the limits of imagination, so Yale researchers Debra<br />

Fischer and John Brewer set out to constrain them using<br />

the laws of physics.<br />

For years, the dominant line of thinking about the search<br />

for Earth 2.0 has been in terms of a Goldilocks zone, an area<br />

of ‘just right’ between the “too cold” of faraway Neptune and<br />

the scorching “too hot” of Mercury; it is the region around a<br />

star where an Earth-like planet can possess liquid water. But<br />

Yale scientists are challenging this definition of habitability.<br />

Though a rocky planet may be in its star’s Goldilocks zone, it<br />

cannot be Earth 2.0 if its star has the wrong chemical abundances<br />

for Earth-like geology to form.<br />

Planets are formed by the accretion of material from the<br />

disk of gas and dust that created their star. Brewer and Fischer<br />

studied these planet-forming conditions by analyzing stellar<br />

spectra to correlate stellar properties such as temperature,<br />

surface gravity, and elemental abundances with properties<br />

of their planets. With this approach, they can draw conclusions<br />

about the planets that could form, based on their starting<br />

stellar material. For example, the team found diamond<br />

planets to be highly improbable, since no star in their large<br />

sample had a sufficient carbon to oxygen ratio for one to<br />

form. “But perhaps it’s good,” Brewer noted, “that we don’t<br />

live on a diamond planet.”<br />

That is good for the quest for Earth 2.0. Carbon-oxygen<br />

bonds are some of the fastest to form, but the next strongest<br />

bonds happen between magnesium, silicon and oxygen,<br />

which dominate the mineralogy of planets around stars with<br />

carbon-oxygen ratios like that of our sun. Earth’s geology is<br />

unique to this high magnesium to silicon ratio. Brewer and<br />

Fischer also showed that the peak of the abundance distribution<br />

was similar to our sun’s, and 60% of their large stellar<br />

sample could theoretically support Earth-like geology.<br />

But disk abundances are not enough to point towards an<br />

Earth-like planet. Not all planets in the Goldilocks zone will<br />

be habitable; much depends on their composition and geology.<br />

Jun Korenaga, a Yale professor of Geology and Geophysics,<br />

works on the latter dependence in a recent study.<br />

Greenhouse gases, which warm our planet, are released<br />

into the atmosphere from volcanoes; however, they can return<br />

to the deep mantle in the Earth through plate tectonics.<br />

On Earth, this deep carbon cycle is essential for maintaining<br />

the long-term temperature necessary to support life. “The<br />

planet we have now is the result of billions of years of geological<br />

activities,” notes Korenaga. “Plate tectonics controls<br />

almost all aspects of geologic activities, so much so that geologists<br />

take it for granted.”<br />

However, tectonic plates are not the norm even in our solar<br />

system. Venus and Mars, our closest neighbors, formed<br />

from the same material as Earth, but both have a stagnant<br />

lid, the entire surface is covered by a single rigid shell. There<br />

is no long-term sink for greenhouse emissions, creating the<br />

extreme heat detected on Venus. Dr. Korenaga suggests that<br />

plate tectonics is far from normal. His study goes still farther,<br />

showing that mantle convection is not self-regulating<br />

as was long postulated, it does not create a temperature stabilizing<br />

feedback loop. This means that a planet’s temperature<br />

depends not only on its physical location, as per the traditional<br />

Goldilocks model, but also on its starting internal<br />

temperature.<br />

These studies represent a larger shift in the field of exoplanets,<br />

going beyond planet hunting towards planet exploration<br />

and expanding the notion of the habitable zone<br />

beyond Goldilocks. Dr. Korenaga points out, “The important<br />

question isn’t just finding an earth-like planet; it’s understanding<br />

why we’ve got that kind of system out there.” It<br />

is about looking up, and looking down, to better understand<br />

and contextualize ourselves and our planet in the universe.<br />

October 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


NEWS<br />

neuroscience<br />


Dynamic brain activity may indicate resilience under stress<br />


All college students are familiar with those fateful days when<br />

alarms “don’t work” and we fall back asleep, prompting a mad<br />

dash in front of angry, honking cars to arrive on time, and a<br />

whole cascade of terrible events. When it comes time to vent<br />

about the day’s trials and tribulations, there is only one word that<br />

characterizes the struggle: stressful. A quintessential part of our<br />

everyday vocabulary, we use stress to talk about everything from<br />

long-term struggles to brief run-ins with danger. Despite how<br />

casually we talk about stress, however, we still know remarkably<br />

little about the actual neural mechanisms involved. How does the<br />

brain control how we reason through high-pressure situations,<br />

solve problems, and exercise control over our actions during<br />

stress?<br />

As a result of the work published this summer by researchers<br />

at the Yale Stress Center, we may have more insight into these<br />

questions. Researchers used functional magnetic resonance<br />

imaging (fMRI) to map brain activity by measuring changes in<br />

blood flow and oxygenation. They discovered more dynamic<br />

activation patterns, dramatic changes in oxygen levels in certain<br />

regions of the brain, in response to sustained exposure to images of<br />

violence, disgust, victimization, and mutilation, when compared<br />

to neutral images of buildings and objects. The study cited this<br />

as evidence of “neuroflexibility,” what allows for resilience in<br />

coping with stress. Professor Rajita Sinha, the lead author of the<br />

paper, describes neuroflexibility as a kind of adaptability. “The<br />

ability to pull back, divert your attention, and let other pieces of<br />

information come into your consciousness and awareness.” The<br />

brain accomplishes this through active changes in neural signals<br />

over time.<br />

While previous studies examined the brain’s response to stress,<br />

the work by Sinha’s team is unique in the presentation of the<br />

visual stimuli—the stressful or threatening images—for extended<br />

periods of time, rather than brief moments. As a result, the<br />

researchers were able to uncover how the brain was processing<br />

stress not only immediately after it began, but also over time.<br />

For example, previous neuroimaging studies found that initially<br />

after stress is applied, there is increased activation in the limbicstriatal<br />

region, which deals with our emotional and behavioral<br />

reactivity, and decreased activation in the ventromedial prefrontal<br />

cortex (VmPFC), which is responsible for persistence in the face<br />

of failure, processing of risk and fear, and regulation of anxiety.<br />

However, Sinha’s study found that these effects were only the first<br />

steps in an entire behavioral coping network.<br />

Previous studies have already revealed much of the brain’s<br />

immediate stress responses, which are the first two parts of what<br />

Sinha describes as a three-part circuit. The first part of this circuit<br />

involves regions of the brain that respond to arousal during<br />

stress. For example, the amygdala, which processes fear and other<br />

emotions, becomes alert to stressful imagery; the hippocampus,<br />

which is involved in memory, remembers threatening images;<br />

lastly, the striatum system, a motor region of the brain, prepares<br />

for action. Sinha’s group identified a second part of this network<br />

focused more on adaptation, where regions of the brain with<br />

initial high activation lowered their response, possibly to reduce<br />

distress and continue to survive under stress. Finally, the Yale<br />

researchers discovered that beyond this, there was evidence of a<br />

third, later stage of active resilient coping: an increase in VmPFC<br />

activation again after the initial early stage drop in activity.<br />

What is so important about the rising and falling activation of<br />

these small parts of the brain? The researchers discovered that this<br />

neuroflexibility—the brain’s ability to change its response to stress<br />

over time—was linked to how well participants were able to cope<br />

in real life. People with less dynamic activity in the VmPFC tended<br />

to participate in binge drinking, emotional eating, and arguments<br />

and fights. In other words, they have trouble with healthy coping<br />

during stress.<br />

Consequently, this study could have major clinical applications.<br />

“It creates a new frame of reference for helping us understand<br />

stress-related illnesses,” Sinha explains. The researchers at the<br />

Stress Center are already working on follow-up experiments to<br />

explore these clinical implications, looking specifically at bingeheavy<br />

drinkers and, in the future, emotional eaters and patients<br />

who have been exposed to trauma.<br />

“There will always be bad things that happen that can cause<br />

stress,” Sinha said. However, with a growing body of knowledge<br />

about how the brain responds to stress, we may be able to start<br />

thinking about how we can increase resilience and strengthen our<br />

coping mechanisms.<br />


►The regions of the brain indicated by red and yellow show<br />

significantly increased activity during stress compared to under neutral<br />

conditions, and decreased activity in the VmPFC (shown in blue).<br />

10 Yale Scientific Magazine October 2016 www.yalescientific.org

environmental science<br />

NEWS<br />


Renewable Energy for the Future?<br />



►The Elimelech lab uses nanobubbles and nanofibers to<br />

experimentally show that heat can be captured to generate<br />

electricity.<br />

What do wind turbines, dams, and solar panels have in common?<br />

They all harness naturally occurring imbalances—moving<br />

air, flowing water, and electrons excited by photons in sunlight—to<br />

generate electrical energy that we can use to power our<br />

everyday lives. We currently obtain electricity from a wide range<br />

of sources, but we have yet to tap effectively into one that surrounds<br />

us: heat. Yale researchers, however, have recently developed<br />

a new technology that converts low-grade heat energy into<br />

electricity.<br />

There have long been methods for harvesting so-called highand<br />

medium-grade heat characterized by temperatures over 243<br />

°C, but it has proven more difficult to exploit low-grade heat,<br />

which makes up the majority of industrial heat waste. Existing<br />

thermoelectric technologies for harvesting low-grade heat<br />

are expensive to produce, inefficient, and limited in their ability<br />

to respond to even small temperature fluctuations. The Yale<br />

team, led by professor Menachem Elimelech in the Department<br />

of Chemical & Environmental Engineering, collaborated with<br />

Ngai Yin Yip of Columbia University, Shihong Lin of Vanderbilt<br />

University, and Jongho Lee in the Elimelech Lab at Yale to<br />

design a versatile and environmentally friendly process for harvesting<br />

low-grade heat. Their method uses membranes about<br />

half the thickness of a human hair that can generate electricity<br />

when placed between two water sources differing by as little as<br />

20 °C.<br />

This new “nanobubble membrane” technology takes advantage<br />

of a process called thermo-osmotic energy conversion<br />

(TOEC). The higher temperature on the warm side of the membrane<br />

causes water to evaporate and travel across tiny air pores;<br />

the water then condenses on the cold side of the membrane. The<br />

increased pressure in this cold reservoir drives a turbine, which<br />

in turn generates electricity.<br />

The key to making TOEC work is maintaining the air pores<br />

even under high water pressure. To accomplish this, the researchers<br />

made the membrane using highly water-repellent, or<br />

hydrophobic, nanofibers. “We were the first ones to show experimentally<br />

that this sort of membrane could be used in a pressurized<br />

process,” said Anthony Straub, a doctoral student in the<br />

Elimelech Lab who worked on TOEC as part of his dissertation<br />

research. “That was a main objective: making sure water didn’t<br />

get into the pores.”<br />

The current system is estimated to capture up to seven percent<br />

of the energy from the temperature gradient, or around fifty-eight<br />

percent of the highest theoretical yield. The researchers,<br />

however, are confident that they can continue to fine-tune<br />

their design. First, they are explorinEg new methods for creating<br />

more uniform nanopores that would let water vapor travel with<br />

less obstruction. In addition, they seek to reduce the parasitic<br />

energy consumption from operating the technology, analogous<br />

to the calories the human body burns just to digest food. They<br />

also believe that replacing water with a different fluid could be a<br />

game-changer for efficiency. “We are currently working on developing<br />

improved membranes which, with the right structure,<br />

could more than double the power output per surface area,”<br />

Elimelech said. But what really is the potential of this new technology?<br />

Industrial heat waste alone is estimated to constitute up to half<br />

of the total industrial energy input, so recovering some of this<br />

loss would be a major environmental accomplishment. Furthermore,<br />

because its only waste product is water, TOEC leaves a<br />

small environmental footprint. There are also natural geothermal<br />

sources such as hot springs, especially in the American<br />

West, that would be amenable to harvesting by the TOEC process.<br />

“Many possible energy sources have been overlooked because<br />

they are at low temperatures,” Elimelech said. “We hope<br />

our new technology can start developing these untapped resources.”<br />

Yet it is doubtful that in 10 years our houses will be<br />

running on thermoelectric power. When low-grade heat sources<br />

are readily available, TOEC can save energy in areas where<br />

energy is difficult to generate by supplementing existing infrastructure,<br />

but it lacks the scope to replace a nuclear power plant.<br />

Straub is optimistic about expanding the applications of his<br />

findings outside of electricity generation. “Now we’re using<br />

these pressurized hydrophobic membranes for power generation,<br />

but in the future we might also be able to use them for desalination<br />

or other similar processes.”<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

October 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FOCUS<br />

medicine<br />


BEFORE<br />

BIRTH:<br />

by Anson Wang | art by Yanna Lee<br />

How Zika Causes<br />

Microcephaly<br />

In the summer of 2015, an alarming<br />

wave of mothers delivering babies with<br />

small, abnormal heads hit Brazil’s medical<br />

wards. Doctors were baffled. Then, a few<br />

officials noticed that the outbreak coincided<br />

with a rise in Zika virus infections. The<br />

urgency of this medical mystery prompted<br />

the World Health Organization to declare<br />

a public health emergency. Pregnant mothers<br />

were warned not to travel to tropical regions,<br />

and news outlets began declaring an<br />

“epidemic of birth defects” that threatened<br />

the globe. As Brazil prepared for its Summer<br />

Olympic Games, Zika virus stole the<br />

spotlight as the biggest epidemic since the<br />

2014 Ebola outbreak.<br />

By 2016, the birth condition known as<br />

microcephaly was labeled as “congenital<br />

Zika syndrome.” The rare condition results<br />

from insufficient brain growth in the developing<br />

fetus, which causes the baby to be<br />

born with a small head without a forehead.<br />

Zika is a virus related to West Nile, Dengue,<br />

and yellow fever and is commonly<br />

found in tropical, equatorial regions of the<br />

globe. The virus spreads via a mosquito<br />

vector, most commonly the female Aedes<br />

aegypti mosquito. Although multiple case<br />

studies pointed to Zika as the culprit for<br />

the rise in microcephalic births, there was<br />

little hard evidence to connect the virus to<br />

the disease.<br />

A collaborative effort<br />

A team of researchers at the Yale School<br />

of Medicine established some of the first<br />

fundamental links between Zika virus infection<br />

and microcephaly. Drs. Nenad Sestan,<br />

Tamas Horvath, and Brett Lindenbach,<br />

as well as their colleagues from the Departments<br />

of Neuroscience and Microbial<br />

Pathogenesis, came together and combined<br />

their expertise to uncover some of the molecular<br />

mechanisms behind congenital<br />

Zika syndrome.<br />

Through carefully conducted<br />

experiments, the<br />

researchers demonstrated<br />

that the<br />

Zika virus<br />

preferentially<br />

infects<br />

neuroepithelial<br />

stem (NES) cells, the earliest<br />

line of developing neurons. The virus also<br />

inhibits cell division in the developing<br />

brain by redirecting crucial enzymes to<br />

incorrect targets during mitosis.<br />

In addition, the team<br />

stumbled upon a potential<br />

antiviral drug<br />

that inhibits Zika<br />

virus replication.<br />

Remarkably, the<br />

team of researchers<br />

unveiled<br />

not<br />

only crucial<br />

molecular<br />

pathways<br />

12 Yale Scientific Magazine October 2016 www.yalescientific.org

medicine<br />

FOCUS<br />

necessary for early brain development, but<br />

also a possible path to treatment.<br />

The study and its results came together<br />

rapidly, advancing from conception to publication<br />

in a matter of months. “It was very<br />

exciting,” Sestan said. “Here was something<br />

that posed an immediate biomedical threat<br />

to society, and whoever we called for advice<br />

was already thinking, or doing something,<br />

about it.”<br />

Sestan and his colleagues had been<br />

studying NES cells in their lab for many<br />

years. Meanwhile, Lindenbach’s lab, located<br />

on the same floor in an adjacent building<br />

on Yale’s medical campus, studied the<br />

replication of positive-sense RNA stranded-viruses,<br />

a class of viruses that includes<br />

Zika virus. Recognizing that the emergence<br />

of Zika virus raised multifaceted questions<br />

spanning multiple fields, the two labs<br />

teamed up to contribute their respective<br />

expertise to an investigation of the mysterious<br />

Zika virus and how it led to microcephalic<br />

babies.<br />

“We were just socializing before we realized,<br />

‘Wow, maybe we can work together<br />

on this interesting problem,’” Sestan said.<br />

A molecular understanding of Zika<br />

The first half of their research, published<br />

in Cell Reports, addressed Zika virus’ capability<br />

to infect neuronal stem cells. The researchers<br />

showed that Zika virus preferentially<br />

infects both NES cells and radial glial<br />

cells, important cells that provide structure<br />

for the developing brain. The team replicated<br />

their findings in both mouse and human<br />

cell cultures. Infected radial glial cells were<br />

also detected in tissue samples obtained<br />

from prenatal microcephalic brain tissue in<br />

a Zika-infected mother. This critical anomaly<br />

in growth not only resulted in cell death,<br />

but also led to an “architectural disruption”<br />

of the glial cell scaffold that is necessary for<br />

proper brain development.<br />

The researchers now knew that Zika preferentially<br />

infects early neuronal stem cells.<br />

But how did this lead to microcephaly?<br />

Once again, the social and collaborative<br />

aspects of research made all the difference.<br />

Horvath researches metabolic cell functions<br />

and was working with a molecule<br />

known as TANK binding kinase 1 (TBK1),<br />

a crucial enzyme for innate immune signaling<br />

and cell proliferation. Under normal<br />

conditions, TBK1 is important for<br />

the proper functioning of the centrosome,<br />

a component of cells that drives cell division.<br />

The team discovered that following<br />

Zika infection, TBK1 was redirected to the<br />

mitochondria instead, robbing the centrosome<br />

of an essential enzyme and halting<br />

cell division. “Essentially what you are left<br />

with is a chimeric cell, with multiple nuclei<br />

and centrosomes but no cell division,” Sestan<br />

said. Although it is unknown exactly<br />

how or why TBK1 is necessary for mitosis,<br />

a crucial molecular process of Zika virus<br />

that gives rise to microcephaly had been<br />

uncovered for the very first time.<br />

In addition, the researchers observed<br />

that other viruses known as TORCH<br />

(toxoplasma, other agents, rubella virus,<br />

cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex virus)<br />

syndrome pathogens also caused brain<br />

defects in the developing brain. However,<br />

since numerous vaccines have been developed<br />

to prevent many TORCH pathogen<br />

infections, microcephaly was rarely observed<br />

until the recent outbreak of Zika in<br />

2015. Since Zika may not be so unique, after<br />

all, in its ability to cause microcephaly,<br />

the natural question was to determine how<br />

we may be able to neutralize this virus, just<br />

as we have done with the other viruses of<br />

this class.<br />

In the past, antiviral drugs, such as nucleoside<br />

chain terminators, have been effectively<br />

used against other flaviviruses, which<br />

includes hepatitis C and Zika virus. Now,<br />

the investigators have found that in cell<br />

cultures, the antiviral drug, Sofosbuvir, not<br />

only protects NES cells from Zika-induced<br />

cell death, but also inhibits the misdirection<br />

of TBK1. While the toxicity and pharmacology<br />

of these molecules are unknown,<br />

these findings present promising new leads<br />

for the future of Zika virus treatment.<br />

One piece of the puzzle<br />

Have researchers discovered the missing<br />

link between Zika and microcephaly?<br />

While the study is a major step in understanding<br />

Zika virus, many questions remain<br />

unanswered. It remains unknown<br />

why Zika virus preferentially infects NES<br />

cells and radial glial cells or how exactly<br />

the virus penetrates both the uterus and<br />

the developing brain, two highly protected<br />

areas under normal conditions. The molecular<br />

functions of TBK1 also require further<br />

investigation, and the researchers hope to<br />

derive mice models that lack this crucial<br />

enzyme. If TBK1 is necessary for mitosis<br />

in the developing brain, these mice should<br />

be microcephalic. Meanwhile, the absence<br />

of microcephaly in Zika cases in Colombia,<br />

as well as in related virus cases, such as<br />

Dengue fever, need to be addressed. “This<br />

paper is a rock solid brick in the wall of understanding,”<br />

Lindenbach said. “However,<br />

there are many more bricks that need to be<br />

put in place.”<br />

Beyond discerning a piece of the Zika<br />

puzzle, the group’s research also illustrates<br />

the fruits of collaborative research.<br />

The researchers acknowledged that such<br />

an extensive, multidisciplinary study<br />

would have been impossible to accomplish<br />

through a single lab. Sestan observed that,<br />

as his lab works in brain development, they<br />

would never have looked into the virology<br />

methods ultimately used to study Zika.<br />

“That’s what I like about science. Every day<br />

is different, and that’s what motives me,” he<br />

said. It is that sense of optimism that drives<br />

important discoveries with the potential to<br />

bring health improvements to suffering regions<br />

around the world.<br />



ANSON WANG is a senior in Davenport College majoring in Molecular<br />

Biophysics & Biochemistry. He currently works in the lab of Dr. Charles Greer<br />

studying the organization and morphological characteristics of axonal growth<br />

cones in the olfactory system. Outside of the sciences, he plays the clarinet<br />

for the Yale Concert Band and dances Bhangra on Yale Jashan Bhangra.<br />

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK Dr. Nenad Sestan, Dr. Brett<br />

Lindenbach, Dr. Marco Onorati, Dr. Andre M.M. Sousa, Fuchen Li and Zhen<br />

Li for participating in the interview and gathering the figures for this article, as<br />

well as for their enthusiastic research.<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

October 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FOCUS<br />

neuroscience<br />

The 100 trillion synapses in our brain contain a wealth of<br />

information about health and disease in the brain. Scientists<br />

at the Yale PET Center have recently developed a novel<br />

imaging technique to view synaptic connections in the living<br />

brain.<br />



Imagine you could shrink yourself to<br />

the size of a neuron and explore the<br />

pathways inside the human brain.<br />

You could map the networks between<br />

neurons and listen to the secret molecular<br />

conversations occurring constantly at the<br />

connections between them. Based on what<br />

the neurons are saying, you could gather<br />

inside information about whether or not<br />

the brain is healthy. Unfortunately, from an<br />

outside perspective, these conversations are<br />

hard to make out.<br />

The human brain is incredibly complex<br />

and mysterious—it contains about 100<br />

billion neurons that encode all our thoughts<br />

and movements. These billions of neurons<br />

are wired together by an estimated 100<br />

trillion synaptic connections. At synapses,<br />

neurons talk to each other, using chemical<br />

messengers called neurotransmitters to<br />

send a variety of signals and information.<br />

Now for the first time, we can eavesdrop on<br />

live neurons, thanks to a technique developed<br />

by professor Richard Carson and<br />

postdoctoral fellow Sjoerd Finnema at the<br />

Yale PET center.<br />

Imaging synaptic density can provide<br />

a wealth of information on the processes<br />

occurring inside the brain. Synapse loss<br />

has been linked to a number of neurocognitive<br />

disorders including Alzheimer’s,<br />

Parkinson’s, autism, depression, and schizophrenia.<br />

In the past, the only way to image<br />

synaptic density was by examining brain<br />

tissue during an autopsy. Now, Carson,<br />

Finnema, and their team of researchers<br />

have developed a novel method of synaptic<br />

imaging that can be used in living patients.<br />

This minimally invasive method has huge<br />

potential in diagnosing and monitoring the<br />

progress of neurocognitive disorders.<br />

The new method developed by Carson<br />

and Finnema uses positron emission topography<br />

(PET), a technique commonly used<br />

by neuroscientists, to observe the activity of<br />

the living brain. During a PET scan, a radioactive<br />

tracer such as a glucose-like molecule<br />

is injected into the patient, and the areas<br />

of localization of the tracer reveal where<br />

the brain is active. The PET Center team<br />

developed a new tracer called [11C]UCB-J,<br />

which binds to a protein found in synapses<br />

and thus reveals where neurons are talking.<br />

A new blade<br />

PET imaging is a flexible technique with<br />

a number of clinical applications. It can be<br />

used to monitor the activity of the body and<br />

detect abnormalities such as cancer, heart<br />

disease, and neurocognitive dysfunction.<br />

Depending on the type of radioactive tracer<br />

used, PET can target a wide range of tissues<br />

in the body, making it a multipurpose tool.<br />

“PET is like a Swiss Army knife,” Carson<br />

said. “With one technique, you can perform<br />

many different functions, depending on<br />

which radioactive material you inject.<br />

Now we’ve added a new blade to our<br />

knife, using a new molecule to perform a<br />

different task.” Carson explained that with<br />

each blade added to the knife—with each<br />

new molecule developed—the Swiss Army<br />

knife becomes a more powerful device.<br />

With improved imaging techniques, scientists<br />

and clinicians will be able to better<br />

understand not just the normal function<br />

of the brain, but also what goes wrong in a<br />

diseased state.<br />

“If you find the right molecule, you<br />

can image anything—so our goal was to<br />

develop a novel radio-pharmaceutical that<br />

can target a specific process in the human<br />

body,” Carson said. The new molecule<br />

that the researchers discovered, [11C]<br />

UCB-J, targets a protein called SV2A found<br />

specifically in the synapses of the brain.<br />

Neurons communicate with each other at<br />

synapses through the action of chemical<br />

neurotransmitters. One neuron releases a<br />

vesicle containing neurotransmitters into<br />

the synaptic cleft, and these neurotransmitters<br />

are picked up by its neighbor. SV2A is<br />

a protein that is embedded in presynaptic<br />

vesicle membranes. Because SV2A shows<br />

up consistently in all synapses of the living<br />

brain, PET imaging and quantification of<br />

SV2A can be used to determine synaptic<br />

density.<br />

14 Yale Scientific Magazine October 2016 www.yalescientific.org

neuroscience<br />

FOCUS<br />

confirmed that the new technique was sensitive<br />

enough to pick up differences in synaptic<br />

density between healthy patients and patients<br />

with a neurocognitive disease.<br />

The future of synaptic imaging<br />

Testing the technique<br />

To make sure that their new technique<br />

presented an accurate measure of synaptic<br />

density, the researchers performed a number<br />

of studies involving both animal and human<br />

subjects. They first injected [11C]UCB-J into<br />

olive baboons (Papio anubis). Within a few<br />

minutes of injection, radioactivity rose within<br />

the brain, with the signal highest in synapserich<br />

gray matter and lowest in synapse-poor<br />

white matter.<br />

The researchers wanted to confirm that<br />

their new technique yielded similar results<br />

to previous postmortem techniques. They<br />

dissected the brains of the baboons and determined<br />

the levels of both SV2A and another<br />

synaptic protein that is considered the gold<br />

standard for measuring synaptic density.<br />

As expected, the levels of the two proteins<br />

correlated well. Furthermore, SV2A levels<br />

were similar whether determined by PET<br />

imaging or postmortem analysis, suggesting<br />

that PET is an accurate measure of where a<br />

protein is localized.<br />

Five healthy human subjects were recruited<br />

to test the PET imaging technique. As with<br />

the trials with baboons, radioactivity rose in<br />

the brains of the human subjects within a few<br />

minutes of injection. Once again, the signal<br />

was highest in gray matter and lowest in white<br />

matter.<br />

Repeating the procedure in three epilepsy<br />

patients, the researchers found that these<br />

patients displayed an asymmetric uptake of<br />

the radioligand with a loss of signal in the<br />

hippocampus and amygdala, two brain structures<br />

where the patients had suffered damage<br />

due to their epilepsy. This exciting finding<br />

In its healthy state, the brain is constantly<br />

re-wiring itself, trimming out some synapses<br />

and strengthening others. Synaptic pruning,<br />

for instance, is a process occurring throughout<br />

and after adolescence wherein neurons shed<br />

old connections to reinforce the efficiency of<br />

essential ones. When the brain makes mistakes<br />

in regulating its synaptic connections, disease<br />

can result. Synapses are destroyed in a number<br />

of neurocognitive diseases, and scientists are<br />

still seeking to fully comprehend the connection<br />

between synapse loss and disease.<br />

Carson emphasized the importance of<br />

the new synaptic imaging technique for<br />

improving our understanding of neurocognitive<br />

disorders. “Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s,<br />

schizophrenia, Huntington’s, autism, depression,<br />

traumatic brain injury, alcohol abuse…<br />

these are just some of the disorders where<br />

synaptic loss has been implicated,” Carson<br />

said. “We want to combine information from<br />

many imaging techniques to understand<br />

disease and disease progression.”<br />

One of the researchers’ biggest targets is<br />

Alzheimer’s, Carson stated. The pathology<br />

of Alzheimer’s has been fairly well characterized:<br />

Alzheimer’s patients have abnormal<br />

structures called amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary<br />

tangles in their brains, and PET<br />

imaging techniques have been developed that<br />

target these specific structures. As the loss<br />

of synapses is also tied to loss of function in<br />


►Amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles<br />

can be found in the brains of Alzheimer’s<br />

patients. PET imaging techniques have been<br />

developed to detect these.<br />

Alzheimer’s patients, Carson believes that<br />

synaptic imaging will add a new technique<br />

to the diagnostic toolbox, a new blade to the<br />

Swiss Army knife. “The addition of our tracer<br />

will help improve diagnostics. We would like<br />

to use multiple tracers to follow the progression<br />

of the disease over time, and this will be<br />

very valuable in both diagnosing and treating<br />

patients.”<br />

However, more research is needed to validate<br />

the consistency and accuracy of the technique<br />

before it can be used widely. Carson<br />

envisions a greater number of clinical trials on<br />

larger patient populations in the near future.<br />

He hopes that the technique will soon be used<br />

not just by research scientists, but also by<br />

physicians, neurosurgeons, and pharmaceutical<br />

researchers. In the meantime, he is optimistic<br />

about collaboration to further develop<br />

the technique and hone this new addition to<br />

the Swiss Army knife of neurological diagnosis.<br />

“Many other PET centers around the<br />

world are working on this,” Carson said. “We<br />

look forward to working with them.”<br />



CHRISTINE XU is a junior in Saybrook College majoring in Molecular, Cellular,<br />

and Developmental Biology. She currently works in a neurodevelopment lab<br />

at Yale studying axon growth in the olfactory system. Besides writing for Yale<br />

Scientific Magazine, she enjoys playing classical piano and a cappella.<br />

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK Dr. Carson for his time and his<br />

enthusiasm in sharing his work.<br />


Garrett, Mario D. “Complexity of Our Brain.” Psychology Today.12 Feb. 2014.<br />

.<br />

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Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


Deco<br />

Gecko<br />

A CLEAN<br />

TOUCH<br />

TO ART<br />

The purpose of art is<br />

washing the dust of<br />

daily life off our souls.<br />

– Pablo Picasso<br />

Dust. Formed from particles<br />

in the atmosphere weathered<br />

from sources as varied<br />

as soil, shed skin cells, paper fibers,<br />

and burnt meteorite particles, it<br />

can be found almost anywhere on<br />

Earth—and often where we don’t<br />

want it. While dust is the bane of humanity<br />

during spring cleaning, it also<br />

causes problems for art conservators<br />

trying to restore fine art and artifacts<br />

to their original state. Many cleaning<br />

methods that effectively remove dust<br />

run the risk of damaging sensitive patinas<br />

underneath.<br />

Researchers at the Vanderlick Lab<br />

at Yale have found a novel way to<br />

clean dust from solid surfaces, using<br />

modified materials inspired by,<br />

of all things, gecko feet. Their study<br />

demonstrated that the material they<br />

developed—a thin polymer layer<br />

comprised of millions of microscopic<br />

columns—effectively cleans dust<br />

from almost any solid surface. The<br />

new material shows promise not only<br />

for thoroughly and nondestructively<br />

cleaning artwork, but also for removing<br />

dust from sensitive surfaces<br />

in fields like electronics and medical<br />

implants where pristine surfaces are<br />

highly desirable.<br />

Building bridges<br />

The Vanderlick Lab was looking to<br />

design a project for art conservation.<br />

“My general research area, which<br />

I’ve been in for decades, has been<br />

related to interfaces, thin films, and<br />

properties related to surfaces,” said<br />

T. Kyle Vanderlick, Dean of the Yale<br />

School of Engineering and Applied<br />

Science (SEAS) and principal investigator<br />

of the lab that produced the paper.<br />

“Many of those problems related<br />

to art preservation are problems related<br />

to surfaces—the chemistry and<br />

physics of surfaces—and so there’s a<br />

natural connection to my research<br />

interests.”<br />

by Andrea Ouyang<br />

art by Laurie Wang<br />

As the Dean of SEAS, Vanderlick<br />

was interested in showing how engineering<br />

could connect to different<br />

parts of campus and the various<br />

fields of study they represent. “I believe<br />

engineering is a real connector,<br />

a real bridge between science and the<br />

humanities, science and the arts, and<br />

so on,” Vanderlick said. With that in<br />

mind, she hired a post-doctoral fellow,<br />

Hadi Izadi, who had experience<br />

in research related to surfaces.<br />

The Institute for the Preservation<br />

of Cultural Heritage (IPCH) on West<br />

Campus played a pivotal role in linking<br />

the engineering lab to the conservation<br />

work being performed in galleries<br />

and museums across campus.<br />

The IPCH put Izadi in touch with<br />

conservators with whom he could<br />

collaborate in developing a project.<br />

“The IPCH is a group of conservation<br />

scientists, scientists who have<br />

been working on art and conservation<br />

problems, and in that way we

materials science<br />

FOCUS<br />

speak both languages,” said Paul Whitmore,<br />

senior research scientist and chemistry and director<br />

of the Aging Diagnostics Lab at IPCH.<br />

“We speak both the language of conservation<br />

and art history and the language of the scientist<br />

and the technical expert.” Though sometimes<br />

the IPCH provides technical expertise,<br />

other times the scientists reach out to those<br />

in various other fields to collaborate on projects,<br />

acting as both matchmakers and advisors<br />

and bridging the gaps between research being<br />

done in the sciences and the arts, according to<br />

Whitmore.<br />

With the aid of the IPCH, Izadi collaborated<br />

directly with art conservators from various<br />

art galleries across campus. “I went and visited<br />

many different museums on campus. I went<br />

to the British Art Museum, I went to the Art<br />

Gallery, and I went to the Peabody,” Izadi said.<br />

Izadi discussed different problems with art<br />

conservation that conservators were having<br />

with their everyday work and collaborated<br />

directly with them on projects aimed at using<br />

materials science to produce new technologies<br />

and methods to make art conservation easier<br />

and more efficient.<br />

Geckos at the get-go<br />

Izadi’s background in materials science and<br />

research in surface properties included studies<br />

on the properties of gecko-inspired adhesives.<br />

Geckos, with their ability to climb almost any<br />

surface—even glass placed at almost a 90-degree<br />

angle—have long been a source of fascination<br />

for scientists and engineers. The ridged<br />

pads of gecko feet are covered by tiny hair-like<br />

structures called setae, which then branch into<br />

nanoscopic tips called septulae. The millions<br />

of septulae on a gecko’s foot allow it to adhere<br />

even to very smooth surfaces via electrostatic<br />

intermolecular interactions.<br />

“During my PhD research, I [realized] one<br />

thing about gecko-inspired adhesives is that<br />

this kind of material gets a large amount of<br />

surface charge when it touches other materials,”<br />

Izadi said. “When you rub a balloon<br />

against your hair, it’s the same mechanism.”<br />

Particles as small as dust are also easily affected<br />

by electric charges and the resulting<br />

electrostatic interactions, so Izadi was drawn<br />

to the possibility of using adhesives modeled<br />

after the properties of gecko feet. Using<br />

polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), a soft polymer,<br />

he created a thin film covered in microfibrils:<br />

slender, microscopic columns similar<br />

to the hair-like septulae on a gecko’s foot. The<br />

PDMS film was then placed against a layer<br />

of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) substrate<br />

covered in silica particles—stand-ins<br />

for dust—only a few micrometers in diameter.<br />

The researchers then separated the layers<br />

and analyzed the amount of silica particles left<br />

on the PMMA layer. While flat, unstructured<br />

PDMS films removed the silica particles poorly<br />

from the PMMA layer, the gecko foot structure<br />

of the microfibril-covered films cleaned<br />

off almost all of the simulated dust.<br />

PDMS is ideal for cleaning because it is a<br />

soft polymer, Izadi said, meaning that it can<br />

develop a large surface area of contact with<br />

dust particles, maximizing the adhesion force<br />

between the silica and the film and therefore<br />

effectively removing the “dust.” The use of<br />

PMMA, the base material in acrylic painting,<br />

helped serve as an early indicator for whether<br />

or not the PDMS film could be effective in<br />

cleaning artwork containing acrylic paint.<br />

In modifying the PDMS film, the research<br />

group actually moved away from the traditional<br />

model of a gecko-inspired adhesive,<br />

which is exactly that: adhesive. Gecko adhesives<br />

are actually very similar to Scotch tape,<br />

which forms physical bonds with surfaces.<br />

However, the soft, “sticky” layer of microfibrils<br />

in Scotch tape is damaged when it is pulled<br />

away from the surface. Additionally, when<br />

most gecko-inspired adhesives are brought<br />

into contact with a surface, or substrate, they<br />

remove not only dust particles, but also parts<br />

of the surface itself. For objects as sensitive<br />

and delicate as artwork or artifacts, both the<br />

stickiness of traditional gecko-inspired adhesives<br />

and their inability to be reused is problematic.<br />

In that sense, the film developed by<br />

the research group is more than a gecko-inspired<br />

adhesive, because, while it incorporates<br />

the same microfibrillary structure, it does not<br />

stick to surfaces and can effectively remove<br />

dust from a surface nine times its size, making<br />

it perfect for the delicate job of cleaning artwork.<br />

Making a clean sweep<br />

The success of the modified PDMS as a<br />

duster was surprising to Izadi, who hadn’t expected<br />

it to become so popular so quickly. He<br />

attributes the effectiveness of the method to<br />

its simplicity. “[Our method is] faster, more<br />

accurate, and much cheaper than the other<br />

methods,” Izadi said. “You just need one simple<br />

roller, a hand roller, that you can just […] drag<br />

over the surface, and it can completely clean up<br />

all dust particles.” Other methods of removing<br />

dust often require large machinery, such as laser<br />

cleaners or ultrasonic baths. While effective<br />

at removing dust, these methods are expensive<br />

and risk damaging sensitive materials.<br />

Future directions for this research include<br />

refining the material so it can remove smaller<br />

particles and particles of different shapes.<br />

Currently, the PDMS film can effectively<br />

clean particles between 10 micrometers and<br />

200 nanometers in diameter, but the ultimate<br />

goal is to remove particles smaller than 100<br />

nanometers. In other words, the researchers’<br />

method can already effectively clear a material<br />

of particles at the very boundaries of light microscopy,<br />

since visible light wavelengths only<br />

extend to about 400 nanometers. To achieve<br />

the scientists’ goals, the film must be able to<br />

remove particles the size of a single HIV virus<br />

or smaller. Thus far, the film only removes<br />

spherical particles. The researchers hope to<br />

eventually be able to remove dust of all shapes<br />

to provide an even more thorough clean.<br />

The partnership between conservators and<br />

academic scientists remains essential in continuing<br />

the project, as conservators are helping<br />

the researchers design projects in which<br />

the effectiveness of the film can be tested on<br />

surfaces similar to those of actual artwork,<br />

rather than just PMMA. This collaboration<br />

between conservators and scientists in this<br />

project was part of what made it so extraordinary,<br />

both Izadi and Vanderlick emphasized.<br />

Like the microfibrils, the close-knit structure<br />

of research communities at Yale allows for<br />

meaningful interactions across various fields.<br />

Yale’s big impact, despite its small size, is precisely<br />

due to its extraordinarily collaborative<br />

and interdisciplinary nature, Vanderlick said.<br />



ANDREA OUYANG is a sophomore and prospective MCDB major in<br />

Davenport College.<br />

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK Dean T. Kyle Vanderlick and Drs.<br />

Hadi Izadi and Paul Whitmore for their time and enthusiasm about their<br />

research.<br />


Izadi, H. “Removal of Particulate Contamination from Solid Surfaces Using<br />

Polymeric Micropillars.” American Chemical Society, vol. 8, no. 26, 2016.<br />

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FOCUS<br />

medicine<br />


ENERGY to an<br />

OLD RULE<br />


OF CLASSICAL PHYSICS by Chunyang Ding<br />

Time after time, brilliant scientists make claims about science’s future<br />

that prove completely wrong. In a quote often misattributed to Lord<br />

Kelvin, Albert Michelson famously declared that “there is nothing new<br />

to be discovered in physics now; all that remains is more and more<br />

precise measurement.”<br />

18 Yale Scientific Magazine October 2016 www.yalescientific.org

physics<br />

FOCUS<br />

Classical mechanics, the tradition of<br />

physics that originated with Newton,<br />

Kepler, and Galileo, is often seen as<br />

something we already understand, and something<br />

we have understood for a long time. This<br />

is simply not true. Even today, new discoveries<br />

made with classical mechanics are transforming<br />

the world of science as we know it.<br />

In a recent breakthrough, a Yale physics lab<br />

shows new behaviors in a phenomenon that<br />

some had considered fully understood. Associate<br />

professor of physics Jack Harris and<br />

post-doctoral researcher Haitan Xu report in<br />

Nature their use of ultra-precise lasers and tiny<br />

vibrating sheets that appear to violate classical<br />

predictions. Their experiment, transferring<br />

danced “clockwise,” return you to the same position,<br />

but when danced “counter-clockwise,”<br />

present you with a new partner. This non-symmetrical<br />

form has serious implications for any<br />

system, and offers a new way that scientists<br />

could control these systems.<br />

The research provides an extension of the<br />

adiabatic theorem, a theorem that governs<br />

how systems change as the parameters of the<br />

systems change. These parameters can be any<br />

controlled quality of the system—the dance<br />

moves performed, the tension in a wire, or the<br />

controls in a computer. The adiabatic theorem<br />

says that if the parameters are slowly restored<br />

to their original state, the system will appear to<br />

have not changed at all. This is very powerful<br />

by assuming such systems would behave very<br />

similarly to those without friction. What physicists<br />

did not expect, however, was that the system<br />

could change completely. Although mathematicians<br />

predicted anomalies using what<br />

they called “exceptional points,” physicists<br />

were unable to see these anomalies in actual<br />

systems—until now.<br />

Tiny vibrating membranes<br />

energy by very slowly tuning the vibrations,<br />

has major implications for a decades-old theorem<br />

in mechanics: the adiabatic theorem. This<br />

newly discovered phenomenon occurs in all<br />

systems with friction,and may fundamentally<br />

shift the way physicists view systems.<br />

A dance for the ages<br />

Although Xu’s research focuses on how energy<br />

can be transferred between two different<br />

regions, the core of this new research deals<br />

with systems, a very general way of describing<br />

things that interact. Most things in the world<br />

are systems: the traffic through a busy city, the<br />

movement of the planets, or even a large ballroom<br />

dance.<br />

In a ballroom dance, each person on the<br />

dance floor obeys the rules of the dance, and<br />

as they move, they interact with other people<br />

harmoniously. There might be a set number of<br />

dance moves that eventually bring them back<br />

to the starting point. Essentially, Xu’s research<br />

found that there are certain moves that when<br />

in physics because for a certain experiment on<br />

a system, scientists can restore previous states<br />

without being concerned about how exactly<br />

the parameters have changed. Yet, it is not very<br />

exciting. After all, you only end up where you<br />

begin.<br />

Imagine for a moment that we had a small<br />

dial allowing us to change the masses of Jupiter<br />

and the Sun. Through our understanding<br />

of the laws of gravity, we could predict how<br />

the orbits of the planet change if Jupiter became<br />

more massive and if the Sun became less<br />

massive. The paths of the planets may become<br />

chaotic, but the adiabatic theorem provides a<br />

simple solution: when all of the parameters are<br />

back to where they began, the system would<br />

appear to have never changed.<br />

However, there is one caveat to the above<br />

examples. The only way that the adiabatic theorem<br />

has been proven is through assuming<br />

systems that do not have any friction, or energy<br />

loss. Only in those cases does the adiabatic<br />

theorem work as expected. Still, physicists<br />

applied this theorem to systems with friction<br />

While the previous systems may be simple<br />

to imagine, they would be nearly impossible to<br />

actually control and measure. In order to actually<br />

see the effects of the adiabatic theorem,<br />

Xu’s research involved vibrating a tiny membrane<br />

between two mirrors while using lasers<br />

both to control and to measure the vibrations<br />

of the membrane. The reason this is considered<br />

a system is because the membrane has<br />

two vibrational modes, or methods of vibration,<br />

and the frequency of each vibration can<br />

be controlled by the laser. Vibrational modes<br />

are like vertical and horizontal waves that pass<br />

by each other, and can be thought of as two<br />

separate strings, each vibrating independently.<br />

Vibrating strings are familiar to anyone<br />

who has played a string instrument, whether<br />

it be a guitar, a violin, or an erhu. When you<br />

pluck a single string, the other strings do not<br />

react, as each string has a different resonating<br />

frequency. However, if you tune two strings<br />

to have the same resonating frequency, the vibrating<br />

energy can transfer from one string to<br />

the other. In this experiment, the resonating<br />

frequencies are being changed so that the two<br />

different strings are first tuned together, and<br />

then returned to their original resonating frequencies.<br />

If we then apply the adiabatic theorem,<br />

we would predict that whatever vibra-<br />

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October 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FOCUS<br />

physics<br />


tions are in the strings now are the same as the<br />

vibrations in the strings that we started with.<br />

However, Xu’s research group discovered<br />

that this is not always the case in a system<br />

that has some amount of friction. In rare situations<br />

that involve the “exceptional point”<br />

in parameter space, the energy can end up<br />

transferring from the first string to the second<br />

string. Every time the parameters were<br />

changed counter-clockwise around the exceptional<br />

point, they found drastic changes to<br />

the final systems. They found that whenever<br />

the parameters created a path that encircled<br />

the exceptional point, this change happened,<br />

regardless of the actual shape of the path.<br />

Teleporting between different sheets<br />

Exceptional points are fairly difficult to<br />

imagine for a good reason: They are the result<br />

of two 2D sheets intersecting each other in a<br />

4D space. One way to picture these exceptional<br />

points is a fire pole connecting two floors of<br />

a fire station. While each floor is distinct, they<br />

“meet” at the fire pole. However, oddly, when<br />

you walk counter-clockwise around the pole<br />

on the first floor, you would find yourself on<br />

the second floor, without having climbed the<br />

pole at all! The phenomenon here is due to the<br />

bizarre spatial geometry, similar to shapes like<br />

a Mobius strip or a Klein bottle. The exceptional<br />

points are mathematically similar, connecting<br />

surfaces that appear to be separated.<br />

The example with the fire station may be<br />

hard to visualize, but the actual experiment<br />

is even more abstract, as there is no actual<br />

movement around anything. Instead, when<br />

the parameters of the vibrations travel in this<br />

loop, the energy of the system shifts. The experimental<br />

group was able to quantitatively<br />

measure the energy differences in this single<br />

membrane by spying on the vibrations with a<br />

low-powered laser even as a high-powered laser<br />

changed the parameters. This research, the<br />

first of its type, provides solid evidence that<br />

the mathematicians were right: Exceptional<br />

points exist in parameter space, and physicists<br />

can utilize them to control the system.<br />

In the same issue of Nature, a separate<br />

group also published on this topic, but the<br />

group used a completely different method.<br />

While the Yale group was able to dynamically<br />

change the vibrations using the laser, a group<br />

from the Vienna University of Technology led<br />

by Jorg Doppler found similar effects through<br />

pre-fabricated waveguides, which are equally<br />

impressive in the ability to control waves. Together<br />

with Xu's research, these experiments<br />

provide the first empirical proof of exceptional<br />

points.<br />

Taking control of our world<br />

The most powerful implication of this<br />

new research may be in its application for<br />

controlling systems. The adiabatic theorem,<br />

as well as this extension of the theorem, is<br />

particularly robust. They do not seem to<br />

care what path you take, as long as you return<br />

to the same position. This property is<br />

analogous to blindly driving through a dark<br />

two-lane icy tunnel, but finding that you always<br />

end up on the right side of the road<br />

at the end. These robust theorems are extremely<br />

helpful for experiments, especially<br />

in preventing disruptions to the system.<br />

“It’s a new type of control over really pristine<br />

systems,” Harris said.<br />

Even the classical adiabatic theorem and<br />

its offshoots are being used to predict magnetic<br />

effects and provide a deeper understanding<br />

for many quantum phenomena.<br />

This new extension of the adiabatic theorem<br />

will provide insight for physicists as<br />

they apply it to other systems, like NMRs<br />

and MRIs. In fact, this extended adiabatic<br />

theorem, as a fundamental physical theorem,<br />

could be more broadly applied to any<br />

system—so this research could theoretically<br />

be applied to anything that can be modeled<br />

as a system. However, this isn’t the end<br />

of the line on this research for the Harris<br />

lab; they have a paper forthcoming regarding<br />

the application of this technique to very<br />

different kinds of vibrations.<br />

Our understanding of every branch of<br />

science is constantly evolving and changing.<br />

Just when we think we understand everything<br />

about a field, we realize that particles<br />

can interact with themselves, that the fabric<br />

of space and time can stretch, and that the<br />

universe is expanding. Classical mechanics<br />

is no different; the extended adiabatic<br />

theorem from this study shows just that.<br />

At a certain point, we might as well expect<br />

to be surprised. If you find yourself walking<br />

around a fire pole on the first floor and<br />

ending up on the second, don’t be alarmed.<br />

Bizarre Twilight Zone scenarios like that<br />

are what can help physicist control, bend,<br />

and structure our world—no matter how<br />

strange those truths may be.<br />



CHUNYANG DING is a sophomore Intensive Physics major in Saybrook. He<br />

serves as Operations Manager for the Yale Scientific and as Yale’s co-Head<br />

Delegate to the Ivy Council, and is always boundlessly curious about our<br />

remarkable world.<br />

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK Professor Harris for his time and<br />

enthusiasm in discussing his research.<br />


Doppler, Jörg et al. “Dynamically Encircling an Exceptional Point for<br />

Asymmetric Mode Switching.” Nature 537.7618 (2016): 76–79. Web.<br />

20 Yale Scientific Magazine October 2016 www.yalescientific.org




FOCUS<br />

public health<br />

Depression, anxiety, bipolar<br />

disorder, schizophrenia. We<br />

all recognize these terms, and<br />

we all know someone struggling with<br />

some form of mental illness. According<br />

to the National Alliance on Mental<br />

Illness (NAMI), mental illness affects<br />

one in five adults in America and threequarters<br />

of these cases begin by the age<br />

of 24. Eighteen percent of American<br />

adults live with anxiety disorders and<br />

seven percent live with depression. In<br />

fact, depression is the leading cause<br />

of disability worldwide. Despite these<br />

startling statistics, no treatment has<br />

proven 100 percent effective in treating<br />

mental illnesses, and because of a lack of<br />

consensus among medical professionals,<br />

patients are suffering.<br />

There are a variety of causes for this<br />

lack of consensus regarding treatment.<br />

For one, there is a lack of consistency in<br />

how different clinical trials measure the<br />

success of various medications. Clinical<br />

trials attempt to quantify the severity of<br />

mental illness as a whole, but they would<br />

be more informative if they evaluated<br />

specific symptoms. It does not help that<br />

the definitions of mental illnesses tend<br />

to be broad and that the presentation<br />

of mental illness varies from patient<br />

to patient. In order to understand why<br />

diagnostic criteria are so inclusive and<br />

the impact this has on treatment, it is<br />

important to consider the history of<br />

categorizing and treating certain mental<br />

illnesses.<br />

Depression medication<br />

Ambiguity with regard to treatment<br />

of depression is particularly striking.<br />

Descriptions of depression date back<br />

millennia. The Ancient Greek physician<br />

Hippocrates described the symptoms<br />

of “melancholia,” and Sigmund Freud<br />

expanded this description in his 1917<br />

paper Mourning and Melancholia. But<br />

it was only in 1980 that the term major<br />

depressive disorder (MDD) was added to<br />

the third edition of the Diagnostic and<br />

Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders<br />

(DSM-III). This marked a departure<br />

from the previous editions that simply<br />

made reference to “depressive reaction”<br />

or to “depressive neurosis,” and came<br />

amid increasing awareness of depression’s<br />

biological underpinnings.<br />

Drugs developed in the 1950s were<br />

known as “tricyclics” for their threering<br />

structure, and although they led<br />

to improvement in 60 to 80 percent<br />

of patients, they came with severe<br />

side effects. Because of this high risk,<br />

scientists were highly motivated to seek<br />

out safer alternatives. The hypothesis<br />

that the neurotransmitter serotonin<br />

played a role in depression led to a new<br />

generation of antidepressants hitting the<br />

market. These antidepressants, known as<br />

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors<br />

(SSRIs), had far fewer serious side effects<br />

and were massively successful.<br />

Since the arrival of SSRIs, there<br />

have been various other classes of<br />

antidepressants developed, each<br />

associated with their own benefits<br />

and risks, ranging from weight gain<br />

and insomnia to anxiety and sexual<br />

dysfunction. With the development of<br />

these safer classes, antidepressant use<br />

increased 400 percent between 1988<br />

and 2008. Even then, all prescription<br />

antidepressants still come marked with a<br />

black box warning—the strictest warning<br />

the FDA can give—due to the possibility<br />

of increased suicide risk.<br />

Anxiety medication<br />

This treatment ambiguity is also seen<br />

with regard to the treatment of anxiety.<br />

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)<br />

was also added to the DSM-III in 1980,<br />

having been subsumed under “anxiety<br />

neurosis” in previous editions of the<br />

manual. References to anxiety date back<br />

to Hippocrates’ descriptions of “hysteria,”<br />

but the modern conception of anxiety<br />

arose with Freud’s theory that anxiety<br />

is a physiological response to unsettling<br />

stimuli.<br />

Prior to the shift of psychiatry to a<br />

biological model in the 1950s and 1960s,<br />

treatments for anxiety mirrored those<br />

used for depression, and many patients<br />

turned to religion, using confession, for<br />

example, to ease their anxiety. But with<br />

the revolution in drug development,<br />

doctors began marketing tranquilizers to<br />

anxiety patients. However, tranquilizers<br />

associated with dependence and severe<br />

side effects including cardiac arrest.<br />

Consequently, another class of anxiolytic<br />

drugs, the benzodiazepines (“benzos”),<br />

soon replaced tranquilizers as the<br />

prescription of choice.<br />

Although tranquilizers and benzos<br />

directly target anxiety, it has also<br />

been shown that many classes of<br />

antidepressants, particularly SSRIs,<br />

also have antianxiety effects. This is<br />

especially important given than anxiety<br />

and depression often co-occur. However,<br />

the side-effects of antidepressants mean<br />

that these treatments are not always the<br />

best option for anxiety patients.<br />

Alternatives to medication<br />

Due to the potentially serious side<br />

effects, many psychiatrists advise<br />

considering non-pharmacological<br />

treatments first. These alternatives, while<br />

technically safer, are accompanied by<br />

their own advantages and disadvantages<br />

depending on the patient, further<br />

complicating the dialogue regarding<br />

optimal treatment methods. Some<br />

common alternative treatments that<br />

have been shown to be effective are talk<br />

therapy, exercise, dietary changes and<br />

yoga or meditation.<br />

Studies have shown that in many<br />

cases, talk therapy can be just as<br />

effective as medication. Research has<br />

also demonstrated the effectiveness<br />

of lifestyle changes in treating mental<br />

illness. Cochrane, a non-government<br />

organization that compiles medical<br />

information, periodically releases<br />

reports through its Depression, Anxiety<br />

and Neurosis Review Group. According<br />

to the most recent report in 2013,<br />

when compared to psychological or<br />

pharmacological therapies, exercise<br />

is equally effective. However, patients<br />

often fail to realize that lifestyle changes<br />

such as exercise need to be treated just<br />

like medication. Too much or too little<br />

exercise or failure to establish a consistent<br />

routine can significantly reduce the<br />

benefits provided by lifestyle changes. In<br />

other words, just as with drugs, dosage<br />

and compliance matters.<br />

Why drugs?<br />

Both medical and sociocultural<br />

factors are important in explaining<br />

why medication tends to be the favored<br />

option. The safety profile of drugs<br />

have made huge advances over the<br />

past decades. Modern antidepressants<br />

22 Yale Scientific Magazine October 2016 www.yalescientific.org

have far fewer side effects, and modern<br />

antianxiety drugs carry a much lower risk<br />

of addiction. As such, doctors are more<br />

comfortable prescribing, and patients<br />

are more comfortable with taking these<br />

comparatively safer medications.<br />

Media also plays a large role.<br />

Pharmaceutical giants spend billions of<br />

dollars on drug advertising, and these<br />

ads are designed to highlight the benefits<br />

while speeding through the risks. The<br />

general population sees these ads and<br />

sees miracle cures for mental health<br />

problems.<br />

A final major consideration in the<br />

choice between medication and lifestyle<br />

change is time and money. Patients have<br />

the choice between taking a pill, which<br />

takes two seconds and costs them next<br />

to nothing thanks to modern insurance<br />

coverage, and spending hours each week<br />

exercising or hundreds of dollars on<br />

therapy sessions.<br />

A patient-centric approach<br />

The lack of consensus regarding the<br />

optimal treatment for mental illnesses<br />

makes it difficult to give concrete<br />

recommendations. This lack of consensus<br />

stems partially from the inconsistencies<br />

in how improvement due to any given<br />

intervention is measured. For example,<br />

previous drug company-sponsored<br />

research on medications showed that<br />

only 44 percent of antidepressant trials<br />

resulted in significant improvements in<br />

patients’ symptoms. However, a 2015<br />

report pointed out the fact that these<br />

trials used the Hamilton Depression<br />

Rating Scale (HDRS), a 17-item scale<br />

that was developed in the 1950s and<br />

is thus rather outdated. When the<br />

team re-analyzed the data, looking for<br />

changes in only one element of the scale,<br />

depressed mood, it was shown that 91<br />

percent of trials resulted in significant<br />

improvement.<br />

A similar problem arises when<br />

physicians attempt to determine which<br />

treatment would be most appropriate<br />

for a given patient. “[Psychiatrists]<br />

understand that there is no unitary<br />

solution for whatever a person presents<br />

with… and it is rare that one thing<br />

works perfectly,” said Michael Sernyak, a<br />

professor of psychiatry at Yale and CEO<br />

of the Connecticut Mental Health Center.<br />

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T h e<br />

DSM-<br />

5 lists<br />

n i n e<br />

s y m p t o m s<br />

of major<br />

depression, and a<br />

patient must meet five<br />

to qualify for a diagnosis.<br />

For a diagnosis of GAD, a<br />

patient must meet only three of six<br />

listed symptoms. Given the countless<br />

possible combinations of symptoms, it is<br />

clear that not all depression or anxiety<br />

is equal. As such, it makes sense that<br />

different treatments might be more<br />

effective for different patients. Very little<br />

research has been done on the effects of<br />

medications on specific symptoms, and<br />

research has shown that many patients<br />

benefit from a multifactorial approach<br />

to treatment consisting of medication,<br />

psychotherapy and lifestyle changes.<br />

Treatments for mental illnesses are not<br />

one-size-fits-all. Each patient presents<br />

with a specific combination of symptoms<br />

and may respond to certain treatments<br />

more than<br />

others. When<br />

considering moving<br />

forward with a treatment<br />

plan, patients should be presented<br />

with all options, and physicians should<br />

tailor decisions based on the unique<br />

characteristics of each patient rather<br />

than on statistics from studies that are<br />

broad-based and thus not necessarily<br />

applicable to the patient. In other words,<br />

for the best results, doctors should<br />

always think of the patient, not the<br />

numbers.<br />

October 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />






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astronomy<br />



Exploring what feeds black holes<br />


Nearly every observed galaxy has a giant black hole at its<br />

center. Clues lead us to believe that these monsters, weighing<br />

as much as a billion suns, consume copious amounts of gas<br />

from their environment and occasionally spew out some of<br />

it as powerful jets, bubbles, or heat. How exactly they do<br />

this, however, has been a mystery.<br />

“For over half a century, people have simplified<br />

supermassive black hole accretion as a smooth spherical<br />

inflow of very hot plasma,” said Grant Tremblay, a<br />

postdoctoral researcher at Yale. This was not necessarily a<br />

bad idea: gas that falls into a gravitational field gets heated<br />

up, and the stronger the gravity, the higher the temperature.<br />

For a dense region like a cluster of galaxies, this temperature<br />

is over a hundred million degrees Celsius, ten times the<br />

temperature of the Sun’s core. At these temperatures, the gas<br />

is mostly ionized and is called plasma. Since the black hole<br />

is at the cluster center, plasma surrounds it on all sides, so it<br />

is reasonable to assume that the plasma falls into the black<br />

hole from all sides. Consequently, warm, spherical accretion<br />

sounds like a credible explanation.<br />

But there is another phenomenon to consider, called<br />

thermal bremsstrahlung or “braking radiation.” In hot<br />

plasma, electrons zoom freely around until they come close<br />

to positively charged ions; then, they change trajectories and<br />

lose energy. Because of lost energy, hot and dense gases don’t<br />

stay hot indefinitely, so no long-term reservoir of warm gas<br />

exists to feed a black hole. We can observe the lost energy<br />

by measuring the X-ray emissions from galaxy clusters.<br />

“The cluster had to lose energy to give us this photon,” said<br />

Tremblay. “Every X-ray observation of a galaxy cluster is<br />

actually a direct measurement of galaxy cooling.”<br />

In fact, Professor Megan Donahue of Michigan State<br />

University, who is a co-author on the paper, explained that<br />

the gas near the center of galaxies should actually be cooling<br />

rapidly. “The gas near the centers of galaxies is very dense,”<br />

she explained. As the gas is so dense, electrons in the cloud<br />

should collide more frequently with positive ions, emitting<br />

X-ray radiation and cooling down. The cluster cores should<br />

thus be brimming with cold gas, which in turn should form<br />

many stars. Instead, astronomers found that the core was<br />

mysteriously warm and starless. This discovery motivated<br />

theorists to propose a new model, in which central black<br />

holes spit energy back into their environment; they named<br />

these black holes active galactic nuclei.<br />

So, if hot gas doesn’t feed black holes, what does? Donahue<br />

says the key is realizing that not all gas is the same, neither<br />

uniformly warm nor uniformly cold gas feeds the black<br />

hole. Instead, cold clouds precipitate out of the warm gas,<br />

and these clouds can then rain down on the black hole.<br />

“It’s like this big rain cloud that can produce raindrops that<br />

cool very rapidly,” said Donahue. Just as raindrops falling<br />

through the Earth’s atmosphere don’t heat up and evaporate,<br />

so too can the cold clouds maintain their structure all the<br />

way from where they formed to the cluster core. Donahue’s<br />

team designed the model by observing galaxy clusters but<br />

could not detect the drops—until now.<br />

In a paper published in Nature this June, the team<br />

reported observing the elusive drops from the Atacama<br />

Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), a collection of telescopes<br />

located in the Atacama Desert. ALMA can accurately<br />

measure the position and velocity of celestial objects. The<br />

telescope’s resolution is so fine it could see a dime held up<br />

in New Haven from where it stands in Chile. Working off of<br />

Donahue’s idea that the cold and warm gas lived together,<br />

the team tried to observe the cold, star-forming gas in the<br />

galaxy cluster Abell 2597.<br />

The supermassive black hole in the center of this galaxy<br />

accumulates a lot of matter but can only do so at a limited<br />

rate. The remaining material settles in a large disk around<br />

the black hole. Different layers of this rotating disk generate<br />

friction as they rub against each other, releasing light and<br />

heat. The center of the galaxy cluster should have been as<br />

bright as a light bulb, but it was obscured by a shadow.<br />

These shadows were cast by the elusive cold gas clumps,<br />

which absorb certain wavelengths of light. “This is one of<br />

the first really big pieces of unambiguous evidence for cold<br />

molecular clouds that are falling towards a supermassive<br />

black hole,” says Tremblay.<br />

The clouds absorbed different wavelengths of light<br />

depending on how fast they were moving relative to the<br />

black hole. Tremblay was thus able to determine that the<br />

clouds were descending towards the black hole at about<br />

67,000 miles an hour. “These things are basically on ballistic<br />

trajectories falling towards the black hole,” said Tremblay.<br />

This Nature paper is just the first step towards answering<br />

broader questions. How is cold, star-forming gas distributed<br />

in galaxies? How is this process shaped by active galactic<br />

nuclei? Donahue’s research demonstrated that this gas exists<br />

in little clouds, but there’s one last fascinating detail—the<br />

clouds themselves are arranged in extended filaments as<br />

long as the cluster itself.<br />

Tremblay thinks pasta is a better analogy for the underlying<br />

physics. After the first round of cold gas falls into the black<br />

hole, the galactic nucleus releases jets and bubbles of energy.<br />

These bubbles, he says, “drag cold gas out of the center of the<br />

galaxy, like pulling spaghetti out of hot water.”<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

October 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />



medicine<br />


New approach shows promise in phase I trials<br />


Approximately every minute, someone in the United<br />

States develops Alzheimer’s disease. With over five million<br />

Americans currently diagnosed, Alzheimer’s is the<br />

sixth leading cause of death in the United States and is<br />

associated with declines in memory and cognitive function.<br />

The disease takes an immense physical, emotional,<br />

and monetary toll on patients and their caregivers, with<br />

hardship only increasing as the illness progresses.<br />

There is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, and until recently<br />

the outlook for treatment was grim. In a recent<br />

study led by researchers at Biogen, a biotechnology company<br />

focused on treating neurological diseases, scientists<br />

used a human antibody to target and destroy amyloid-β,<br />

a large molecule associated with the neurological symptoms<br />

of Alzheimer’s. Within the brains of Alzheimer’s<br />

patients, amyloid-β molecules aggregate in two different<br />

forms: large, insoluble plaques and smaller, soluble<br />

complexes. Of these, the latter have been demonstrated<br />

to be neurotoxic and causative of cognitive dysfunction.<br />

These soluble complexes bind to the junctions between<br />

neurons, called synapses, and interfere with their ability<br />

to communicate with other cells. Furthermore, binding<br />

by amyloid-β may elicit an adverse immune response,<br />

causing the body to destroy its own non-communicating<br />

neurons.<br />

Previous attempts at harnessing the disease-fighting<br />

ability of the immune system to treat Alzheimer’s have<br />

been ineffective. Aducanumab, the antibody developed<br />

by researchers, binds effectively to both soluble and insoluble<br />

aggregates of amyloid-β and appears to successfully<br />

reduce plaque size in human clinical trials. These<br />

amyloid-β plaques are not implicated as the primary<br />

cause of Alzheimer’s symptoms, but their size corresponds<br />

to the amount amyloid-β in a patient’s brain.<br />

Since plaque size is more easily measured than the concentration<br />

of soluble amyloid-β complexes, researchers<br />

use plaques to monitor disease progression. In fact, the<br />

aducanumab-induced decreases in plaque size observed<br />

in this study were accompanied by astounding changes<br />

in disease progression.<br />

After initial biochemical experiments demonstrated<br />

that the antibody could bind to amyloid-β, researchers<br />

tested aducanumab in mice. The mouse trials confirmed<br />

that the antibody was able to enter the brain and clear<br />

amyloid-β aggregates. After obtaining these encouraging<br />

results, researchers began human clinical trials. The recently<br />

completed phase-one trials included a relatively<br />

small number of participants but appeared to show noteworthy<br />

results. After receiving aducanumab for one year,<br />

patients showed significant reductions in amyloid-β<br />

plaque size and maintained their cognitive abilities and<br />

memory better than those given a placebo.<br />

Since the trial’s conclusion of in 2015, Biogen’s aducanumab<br />

research has increased in scale; researchers<br />

are currently testing the therapy in two large clinical<br />

trials. They aim to gather more information about the<br />

antibody, including its ideal dosage and potential side<br />

effects. Christopher Van Dyck, director of Yale’s Alzheimer’s<br />

Disease Research Center and the principal investigator<br />

for aducanumab trials at Yale, believes that aducanumab<br />

will likely enter the medical market if the same<br />

efficacy of treatment can replicated in these larger trials.<br />

“I think that these results were unprecedented in many<br />

ways in our field, and I think that they are game-changing,”<br />

Van Dyck explained.<br />

Although the initial clinical trial was a small, early-phase<br />

study, it accomplished something groundbreaking.<br />

It provided solid evidence for the effectiveness of<br />

immunotherapy against Alzheimer’s disease. Future<br />

medical and pharmacological research will undoubtedly<br />

incorporate this valuable insight in the battle against<br />

Alzheimer’s.<br />


►Plaques in the brain of a senile patient are consistent with the<br />

characteristics of amyloid-β.<br />

26 Yale Scientific Magazine October 2016 www.yalescientific.org

materials science<br />



Innovative textile facilitates heat loss<br />



►Polyethylene, the material used for food packaging, was the<br />

inspiration for the nanoporous textile design.<br />

After another sweltering summer, a group of Stanford engineers<br />

may have finally found a way to beat the heat. The research<br />

team, working in collaboration with several laboratories,<br />

has developed a new low-cost, plastic-based fabric that, when<br />

used in clothing, can cool the wearer’s skin. In addition to increasing<br />

comfort in high heat, the material may also decrease<br />

energy consumption by allowing people to rely less on air conditioning.<br />

Up to this point, engineers have focused on designing fabrics<br />

that allow perspiration to evaporate. Although breathability<br />

does improve comfort, it does not eliminate the heat trapped<br />

between skin and the fabric. Our bodies naturally emit heat in<br />

the form of infrared radiation, invisible and benign waves of<br />

energy that we feel as heat. On a typical day indoors, infrared<br />

radiation contributes to about 50 percent of total body heat.<br />

The newly designed fabric lets perspiration evaporate, as many<br />

other fabrics already do, but it also allows infrared radiation to<br />

escape.<br />

The innovative textile was inspired by polyethylene (PE), the<br />

plastic material found in kitchen wrap. The PE in plastic wrap,<br />

however, is unsuitable for clothing; it is transparent and impermeable<br />

to moisture. To address these issues, the team proposed<br />

nano-porous PE, a variant of polyethylene with pores comparable<br />

in size to the wavelength of visible light. Introduction of<br />

these pores into PE resulted in a material that is opaque, but<br />

still lets infrared radiation pass through. Next, they further engineered<br />

the nano-pores to better resemble a clothing material<br />

and to improve water and air permeability. Finally, they created<br />

a better textile by layering nano-PE with a cotton mesh, giving<br />

the fabric more thickness and strength.<br />

The researchers explored the properties of nano-PE by comparing<br />

it to cotton cloth. They placed samples of each material<br />

on a device simulating human skin and measured the amount<br />

of heat each fabric trapped. “Bare skin’ with no textile has a<br />

temperature of 33.5 °C, and with cotton the temperature rises<br />

to 37.0 °C. With Nano-PE, it only rises 0.8 [degrees] to 34.3 °C,”<br />

explained Alex Song, a leading scientist on the project. These<br />

results are promising; the newly engineered textile is able to<br />

keep the skin-simulating device several degrees cooler than the<br />

cotton cloth.<br />

Nano-PE could significantly increase the comfort of outdoor<br />

workers, athletes, and people living in hot climates. In fact, it<br />

could lower the risk of heat-related illnesses including heat exhaustion<br />

and heat stroke. However, the researchers are more<br />

focused on the fabric’s potential in indoor use, where it could<br />

be important to resolving the world’s growing energy concerns.<br />

The researchers predict that wearing clothing made from their<br />

new textile would decrease a person’s need to turn on fans and<br />

air conditioners. Previous research has found that a 1 ° to 4 °C<br />

increase in set point temperature can save 7 to 45 percent of<br />

energy consumed by air conditioning. If the new product becomes<br />

widely used, it might give commercial buildings the opportunity<br />

to turn down central air conditioning, reducing energy<br />

consumption on a large scale.<br />

Technology-to-market has always been a major focus of the<br />

project, according to Song, so the research team is continuing<br />

to modify the fabric, adding more colors and textures. Before<br />

the product is made commercially available, the team must<br />

also reduce the cost of mass-production. The team is currently<br />

working with industrial partners to push forward the technology,<br />

so hopefully it will be available on the market soon.<br />

Though relatively simple in design, the group’s innovation<br />

has revolutionized the field of textile engineering. By targeting<br />

trapped heat, instead of perspiration, they have presented a new<br />

solution to an old problem. As they further adapt and build on<br />

their design, we may soon find ourselves relying less on air conditioners<br />

and more on clothing that can literally cool.<br />


►The nanoporous fabric allows infrared radiation to pass<br />

through, while absorbing visible light.<br />

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October 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />



engineering<br />

The Octobot<br />

By Claire Carroll<br />

Art by Sida Tang<br />

a robot with a softer touch<br />

28 Yale Scientific Magazine October 2016 www.yalescientific.org

The Robot” dance is all about restricted, unnatural motion.<br />

Robotic systems are often mocked for their painful inability<br />

to comprehend nuance or intent in logical rules. In the Star<br />

War’s universe, AT-ATs move inexorably forward, yet are tripped up<br />

by their inability to adapt. Robots, in our fiction and in our factories,<br />

have always been rigid. Yet emerging research in the field of softrobotics<br />

hints that truly flexible robots could be on the horizon.<br />

This harbinger of soft-robotics, the Octobot, looks like a children’s<br />

toy. It is a squishy, colorful plastic octopus that is about the size of<br />

a pack of gum. It even waves its arms in a rudimentary dance. Yet<br />

this friendly fellow, designed at the Wyss Institute for Biologically<br />

Inspired Engineering at Harvard University, is a proof-of-concept<br />

grown from years of research that could revolutionize the ways we<br />

can use robots. The design was not a mere accident but an homage<br />

to the animal it resembles. “We knew early on that this would be a<br />

legged system. We do not claim to mimic the behavior of the complex<br />

creature, but, because it serves as an inspiration for the entire field of<br />

soft-robotics, we wanted to use this form as a tribute to the endlessly<br />

fascinating creature,” said Michael Wehner, a research fellow at Wyss<br />

and co-first author of the paper.<br />

Before the Octobot, the best soft-robotocists could hope for was a<br />

soft-shelled robotic system containing traditional silicon and metal<br />

circuitry or a soft robot tethered to an external battery. Traditional<br />

power supplies and logic circuits are always made of hard materials,<br />

which is why the Octobot required massive innovation. The Octobot<br />

is constructed from entirely soft components and is autonomous.<br />

To accomplish this, designers utilized a pressure-based hydrogen<br />

peroxide circuit, instead of a traditional electrical circuit and power<br />

supply; instead of electricity powering the Octobot, rising gaseous<br />

pressure pushes the action forward. The research team, led by<br />

professors Robert Wood and Jennifer Lewis, has been working on the<br />

Octobot for about three years, perfecting its imaginative fuel system,<br />

logic circuit, and fabrication.<br />

Researchers fabricated the Octobot using cutting-edge 3D-printing<br />

technology. Previous methods of 3D printing could not fulfill<br />

their needs: soft sensors and circuits are notoriously difficult to<br />

manufacture and involve labor-intensive production and multistep<br />

insertion into the robot. But Ryan Truby, a graduate student<br />

at Wyss and the other co-first author of the Octobot paper, led<br />

Professor Lewis’s lab to pioneer a new technology called embedded<br />

3D-printing (EMB3D). EMB3D uses conductive carbon-based inks<br />

to draw circuits into silicon, using a needle-based setup reminiscent<br />

of a tattoo gun. The conductive ink can carry electricity like wires,<br />

but, in this case, it is embedded with a slight tunnel to enable gas to<br />

travel. With EMB3D, Octobot researchers could draw-in circuits after<br />

finishing the main body piece, enabling precise, smooth lines to form<br />

the Octobot. Wehner intially had doubts about the Octobot design,<br />

citing difficulties in manufacturing, but according to Wehner, “Ryan<br />

[Truby] was confident that he could build what we needed. Together,<br />

we moved forward to develop the Octobot.”<br />

The Octobot could not run on traditional electrical power, since<br />

that would require hard components. Researchers turned to the<br />

microfluid logic circuit, a circuit developed by Wyss professor George<br />

Whitesides, which relies on pressure instead of electricity. Within the<br />

circuit, a slow chemical reaction converts liquid hydrogen peroxide<br />

into hydrogen and oxygen gases, creating a pressure from the gas that<br />

inflates channels in the Octobot’s legs. The logic circuit acts like a road<br />

map and allows the Octobot to move a certain set of legs at a time,<br />

engineering<br />


based on the pressure. The peroxide is stored in two reservoirs, and<br />

when it comes in contact with platinum embedded in the circuit, the<br />

peroxide turns to gas in a typical redox reaction. Separate channels<br />

direct the gas to the different limbs of the robot, allowing it to perform<br />

its dance.<br />

The logical channels are analogous to wires, and the fuel reservoirs<br />

are similar to batteries. The channels in the microfluidic logic were<br />

100x100 micron, compared to electrical circuits which can be built<br />

1000x smaller. Wehner compared the fueling process to filling a<br />

car’s gas tank: “We have a supply of the hydrogen peroxide fuel. We<br />

attach two tubes to the Octobot, fill the Octobot with fuel, and finally<br />

remove the tubes. When the bot is empty, it can be refilled using the<br />

same process.” The Octobot can run for approximately eight minutes<br />

on one milliliter of fuel. While this seems like a small capacity, it is<br />

actually large and cumbersome when compared with electronics; the<br />

channels in the microfluidic logic are 100x100 micron, compared to<br />

electrical circuits which can be built 1000x smaller.<br />

The current circuit is simple, so the Octobot’s motions are not<br />

very precise. When pressure builds up in one half of the circuit, it<br />

triggers the reaction in the second half. The Octobot exists in one<br />

of two states, with one half of its legs ‘raised’ or the other, depending<br />

on the pressure from its fuel reservoirs. Creating more complicated<br />

soft-robots using this technology will be no small task, but Wehner<br />

is confident that the soft-robotics community is up to the challenge,<br />

since there have been large community advances in embedded<br />

systems. “One of the primary advantages of this fabrication technique<br />

is that it allows embedded microfluidics…We hope that, in addition<br />

to our future efforts, the rest of the community will use this approach<br />

to build novel devices that we can’t even imagine.” At this time, the<br />

Wood and Lewis labs plan to continue collaborating but are open to<br />

other partnerships. “We love working with others. It is the best way<br />

to develop even more complex systems and learn even more than we<br />

could alone,” said Wehner.<br />

The Octobot is a triumph for soft-robotics, but it is not a solution.<br />

In order to create an Octobot that can perform complex tasks,<br />

researchers must overcome space constraints, increase the complexity<br />

of the logic circuit, direct the gas release more precisely, and speed<br />

up the peroxide circuit, which is currently quite slow. The team at<br />

Wyss is already at work improving the Octobot to incorporate sensors<br />

and a more precise control strategy. They hope to generate more<br />

sophisticated behavior and even create a soft robot capable of reacting<br />

to the environment.<br />

But, for now, this cute little harbinger is content to keep dancing.<br />


►This cute little bot is powered by the release of pressurized gases.<br />

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October 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />



microbiology<br />





OR<br />


30 Yale Scientific Magazine October 2016 www.yalescientific.org

microbiology<br />


Synthetic biology, an emerging and fascinating field at the<br />

crossroads of natural and technical science, once served<br />

only as fodder for sci-fi films. And, while it’s doubtful that<br />

scientists are working on the next Frankenstein, the field has<br />

since progressed rapidly: Researchers are now designing and<br />

manipulating biological molecules, engineering life forms to<br />

do anything from delivering chemicals to producing biofuels.<br />

Most recently, a lab at the University of California, San<br />

Diego (UCSD) engineered Salmonella, a common pathogenic<br />

bacterium often associated with food poisoning, to fight<br />

cancer. It sounds counterintuitive, since we usually think of<br />

Salmonella as dangerous, but the magic of it lies in the science<br />

behind the bacteria’s mode of action.<br />

The researchers used the bacteria to produce and transport<br />

a confirmed anti-cancer chemical, Haemolysin E, to cancerous<br />

cells. Haemolysin E destroys cancer cells, and mammalian<br />

cells in general, by creating pores in the cells to cause them to<br />

lyse, or rupture and release their cellular contents. Since the<br />

bacteria release the chemical directly to the cancer site, this<br />

helps prevent the toxin from spreading to healthy cells. The<br />

researchers programmed Salmonella to produce Haemolysin E<br />

by inserting a plasmid, or a small piece of circular DNA, with<br />

the Haemolysin E gene into the bacterial DNA. The bacteria<br />

could then produce the toxin independently and in sufficient<br />

quantities.<br />

Haemolysin E is not a newly discovered toxin, but the<br />

Salmonella research at the UCSD lab is notable for its use of<br />

bacteria as a vector for drug delivery. Jeff Hasty, who heads the<br />

lab, and his team chose to work with bacteria because of a fairly<br />

recent discovery that bacteria actually live and thrive inside of<br />

tumors. Though scientists aren’t entirely certain why this is the<br />

case, one theory is that developing tumors allow bacteria to<br />

enter through the blood when the tumor is building its system<br />

of blood vessels. The researchers concluded that bacteria could<br />

effectively transport materials because they naturally localize<br />

to tumors, are grown quickly, and can be easily manipulated<br />

by genetic engineering. The bacterial strains they used were<br />

attenuated to be non-pathogenic and had been tested for safety<br />

in human clinical trials.<br />

Once the Salmonella arrive at the treatment site, Haemolysin<br />

E must exit the bacteria to make contact with cancer cells.<br />

To accomplish this, the researchers programmed the cells<br />

to lyse after reaching a minimum population density. They<br />

engineered a sensing system within the cells so that when the<br />

bacteria reached a certain population density, they released<br />

small, diffusible molecules that signaled it was time to lyse.<br />

Lysis releases all of the cells’ contents, including the toxin that<br />

then acts on the tumor. But the process doesn’t stop there, as<br />

a small number of unlysed cells remains to repopulate the site<br />

and repeat the cycle: they proliferate, reach a high population<br />

density, lyse, and recolonize. The bacterial population acts like<br />

a clock, cyclically pulsing up to the threshold population and<br />

back down again at the appropriate times.<br />

Working out the kinks of this cycle was a major challenge for<br />

the researchers who hope to design a better way to stabilize the<br />

circuit. “Ideally, we would want the bacteria to retain the circuit<br />

for a long period of time with a reduced risk of mutations,”<br />

said Omar Din, a UCSD graduate student who performed the<br />

Salmonella research. Bacteria have the potential to mutate<br />

quickly, and these mutations can interfere with their function.<br />

To prove their method was actually effective against cancer,<br />

the researchers first tested the genetically modified bacteria in<br />

vitro, in a culture dish, by growing human cancer cells with the<br />

engineered bacteria. The cancer cells died when the bacterial<br />

cells were lysed, indicating successful toxin delivery. Next, the<br />

researchers tested the agent in mice with liver tumors. Test mice<br />

received either an oral dose of bacteria, chemotherapy, or both<br />

treatments. Though the bacteria-only treatment wasn’t very<br />

effective, mice who received both treatments had less tumor<br />

activity and a greater survival rate than those who received<br />

either single treatment, suggesting that bacterial treatment<br />

is most effective when combined with chemotherapy. Hasty<br />

predicts that combined treatment works best because each<br />

individual treatment targets a different area. Chemotherapy is<br />

most effective in the oxygen-rich environment outside tumors,<br />

while the bacteria inhabit the area inside tumors.<br />

For now, Hasty’s lab found that their engineered Salmonella<br />

decreased tumor sizes in mice for approximately twenty days<br />

before the tumors began to grow again, significantly increasing<br />

the mice’s life expectancies. However, this research has yet<br />

to provide a method for treating cancer in humans, since<br />

additional research must first determine the host’s response<br />

to the treatment and as well as its long-term effectiveness.<br />

The work done in Hasty’s lab is promising because the lysis<br />

steps keep the bacterial population low, minimizing potential<br />

for a negative host response. Their research sets a precedent<br />

for the future of synthetic biology: Hasty’s lab has identified<br />

Salmonella as a platform for delivering chemicals to diseased<br />

cells, exploiting the bacteria’s tendency to localize and flourish<br />

in a cancer-cell environment.<br />

“We hope to highlight the utility of using synthetic biology<br />

to engineer bacteria for therapeutic purposes,” said Din. “This<br />

will ideally include collaboration between groups working<br />

in synthetic biology and cancer research.” Further work<br />

with Salmonella may improve the treatment to maximize<br />

effectiveness and further prove safety. Once that has been done,<br />

scientists can test how best to administer the treatment and<br />

at what dosage. If all of those pieces fall into place, bacterial<br />

therapy could potentially reach human clinical trials in a few<br />

years.<br />

The momentum of bacterial therapy lies in its versatility: it<br />

doesn’t stop at cancer. “Bacteria can theoretically deliver any<br />

protein or molecule they are capable of producing,” said Din.<br />

These molecules could range from toxins like Haemolysin E<br />

to the proteins normally produced in mammalian cells. For<br />

example, bacteria could be engineered to deliver chemokines,<br />

a type of signaling molecule that attracts white blood cells<br />

and other immune system cells to an infected site in the body.<br />

This case presents an interesting paradox: bacteria can treat an<br />

infection instead of causing it.<br />

The Salmonella research at UCSD exemplifies synthetic<br />

biology’s ability to engineer living things to synthesize a<br />

product or get a job done, which is certainly an improvement<br />

from the era of Mary Shelley’s science-fiction masterpiece.<br />

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October 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />



biology<br />


by ELLIE HANDLER | art by EMMA HEALY<br />

When the sun creeps up over the horizon at dawn, blanketing<br />

the world in its yellow glow, sunflowers have already<br />

turned to face its morning rays. As it traces its path across<br />

the sky, the plants follow, tracking the sun’s motion from<br />

east to west throughout the day. Only after the sun has<br />

set do they slowly return to their starting positions. This<br />

phenomenon, known as heliotropism, has been observed<br />

in fields of sunflowers for ages. Even Charles Darwin performed<br />

early experiments on the movement of plants. He<br />

hypothesized that when light hits the tip of the plants, it<br />

triggers the release of hormones that guide the direction<br />

of growth. Some experimentation had been done based on<br />

this early idea, but no conclusive evidence for one of many<br />

theories for heliotropism had been found.<br />

More recently, heliotropism in sunflowers piqued the<br />

interest of Stacey Harmer, professor of plant biology at<br />

UC Davis. Harmer studies plant circadian rhythms, the<br />

internal systems that coordinate and time behavior, and<br />

she thought that these rhythms might guide sunflowers’<br />

motions, especially at night. Heliotropism has largely been<br />

explained as a direct response to sunlight, but researchers<br />

have mostly ignored what happens at night, when environmental<br />

signaling is absent. With the help of sunflower expert<br />

Benjamin Blackman, now a professor at UC Berkeley,<br />

Harmer began observing sunflowers, studying how they<br />

track the sun and how they adjust at nighttime. The researchers<br />

also explored the benefits of heliotropism and<br />

related phenomena.<br />

Plants’ motion was previously understood only in the<br />

context of phototropism, a plant’s tendency to grow towards<br />

light. Photoreceptors, the molecules that detect light,<br />

identify light sources and alter the production of auxin, a<br />

growth hormone, within plant cells. Growth is then accelerated<br />

on the shaded side of a stalk, causing a bend towards<br />

the light. A similar process occurs in sunflowers in response<br />

to daily time cycles. “During the day, when the east side<br />

grows faster than the west side, the plant gradually grows to<br />

the west,” said Hagop Atamian, a post-doc in Harmer’s lab.<br />

The opposite pattern occurs at night and reorients the plant<br />

towards the east. This is a well-recorded phenomenon, but<br />

Harmer and Blackman made a new discovery: these patterns,<br />

initially regulated by sunlight, are ingrained into the<br />

plant’s circadian clock. “The plant is running by the clock<br />

and not directly by the light input,” said Atamian. This is<br />

what allows plants to return to facing the east during the<br />

night, when the photoreceptors receive no input.<br />

To study heliotropism, the researchers manipulated the<br />

environments and orientations of cultivated sunflowers.<br />

Atamian initially grew sunflowers outside in a field: “They<br />

were tracking the sun nicely during the day and returning<br />

at night,” he said. Next, the plants were brought inside to<br />

a growth chamber with unidirectional overhead lighting.<br />

“They moved back and forth with the same directions as<br />

in the field,” said Harmer. Remarkably, the plants remembered<br />

the sun’s motion and continued to track that motion<br />

for several days after moving inside. The results corroborated<br />

Harmer’s theory that circadian clocks govern directional<br />

growth and movement.<br />

“One characteristic of the circadian clock is that it can be<br />

trained or reset by the environmental conditions,” noted<br />

Atamian. Plants ceased to exhibit heliotropism after a couple<br />

days spent inside, but when brought back to the field,<br />

they resumed their tracking behavior. The flexibility of<br />

circadian clocks allows plants to adjust their timing to the<br />

season. “The length of the light-dark cycle is adjusting the<br />

clock continuously so that the plant knows that nights are<br />

longer in fall than in spring,” Atamian explained.<br />

The researchers also grew sunflower plants in growth<br />

chambers with different conditions. One group of sunflowers<br />

received only overhead light and grew completely<br />

vertically, demonstrating that tropism depends on an environmental<br />

input. Another sample of plants was grown beneath<br />

an arc of lights that were turned on and off to create<br />

a sun-like motion. Plants grown under these conditions,<br />

and with a 24-hour light-dark cycle, tracked the motion of<br />

the light like those grown outdoors. “If we altered that time,<br />

the plants didn’t track as well,” said Harmer. The need for<br />

a 24-hour clock has been seen in other organisms as well.<br />

“It’s already known for a lot of systems that you have to<br />

have a match between the environment and internal clock,”<br />

Harmer added.<br />

The ability to track the sun appears to significantly impact<br />

plant growth. A sample of plants was grown outside<br />

and turned 180 degrees every morning so they could not<br />

32 Yale Scientific Magazine October 2016 www.yalescientific.org

iology<br />


establish a normal heliotropism pattern. “These plants<br />

didn’t grow as well as normal plants,” said Atamian. Their<br />

leaves were smaller, and they had less overall biomass than<br />

plants whose orientation was undisrupted. Heliotropism is<br />

important to a plant’s growth and success, since maintaining<br />

a specific orientation to the sun’s rays improves energy<br />

absorption.<br />

Yale professor in mechanical engineering, Madhusudhan<br />

Venkadesan, thinks that understanding the energy absorption<br />

of sunflowers could improve solar panel efficiency.<br />

“Solar panels lose 30% of the energy if they don’t track the<br />

sun, so it’s a big deal,” said Venkadesan.<br />

►East-facing sunflowers heat up more rapidly in the morning than do west-facing flowers.<br />


Venkadesan has been conversing with Harmer and Atamian<br />

about the physical motion of sunflowers. He wonders<br />

about the complex motions that might arise from the<br />

sun’s migration from north to south, in addition to east to<br />

west. “This would give a bending-twisting coupling,” said<br />

Venkadesan. Plants might face growth problems from this<br />

motion.<br />

All the researches involved concluded that heliotropism<br />

and overall growth is quite complex. For example, after<br />

sunflowers reach maturity and produce flowers, they do not<br />

track the sun; the flowers all face east. The research team<br />

wondered about the effects of this phenomenon and studied<br />

eastward plant orientation. They grew sunflowers outside<br />

in pots and switched the orientation of half the plants<br />

when they reached maturity. The two groups, one facing<br />

east and one west, were noticeably different in their temperature<br />

and number of pollinator visits. “East-facing heads<br />

warmed up more quickly in the morning,” said Blackman.<br />

After videotaping flowers to count the number of received<br />

pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, researchers discovered<br />

that pollinators visited east-facing flowers much more<br />

frequently, especially in the morning.<br />

Why this discrepancy in pollination exists is still unknown,<br />

but based on heliotropism research in other plants,<br />

researchers hypothesized it might be related to the observed<br />

differences in temperature. To test this, they used<br />

a device that measures the temperature of the east-facing<br />

flowers and correspondingly heats the west-facing flowers.<br />

Afterwards, the west-facing plants had more pollinator visits,<br />

but still fewer than those facing east. “The result was not<br />

exactly what we were expecting, but at least it was in the<br />

right direction,” Blackman said.<br />

This study has helped to shed light on the complexity of<br />

sunflower heliotropism. Going forward, Blackman is interested<br />

in studying why insects prefer to pollinate warmer<br />

flowers and what genetic changes lead to variation in heliotropism.<br />

Harmer is curious about the biological mechanism<br />

that coordinates interactions between circadian clocks and<br />

environmental inputs. “I’m really interested in how this<br />

works at a molecular level,” she said. “Most of what we’ve<br />

done so far was pretty physiological.” She’s hopeful that the<br />

sunflower can be used as a model for understanding how<br />

environmental inputs and the circadian clock constantly<br />

interact with each other and regulate behavior. The new<br />

knowledge from this study will be applied to a host of fields<br />

for further research.<br />

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October 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />



RED<br />

KING<br />

THEORY<br />



A queen ant chews through the thorns of the acacia plant. Once<br />

inside, she finds shelter to lay her eggs. Outside the thorn, more<br />

ants smell rich nectar dripping from the leaves, and after tasting<br />

the sweet sap, they are hooked. Soon, the plant houses an entire<br />

colony of ants, providing them with a nesting site and food. In<br />

return, the ants act as the plant’s bodyguards, aggressively fending<br />

off herbivores with their painful stings. These two species are in<br />

a mutualistic relationship—a partnership where each organism<br />

benefits from the other’s activities—and life seems too good to<br />

change.<br />

And maybe life doesn’t change—at least, not rapidly. According<br />

to a scientific theory called the Red King effect, organisms<br />

in mutualistic relationships evolve slowly to maintain their<br />

beneficial relationship. The theory is an offshoot of the Red<br />

Queen Hypothesis, which proposes that organisms must<br />

constantly evolve to survive because of interspecies competition<br />

and predation. For example, if a rabbit population evolves to<br />

better escape foxes, then the foxes must adapt to better catch the<br />

rabbit or go extinct from starvation. The selective pressures on<br />

both species lead to faster evolutionary rates.<br />

While the Red Queen Hypothesis explains predator-prey<br />

relationships, the Red King effect relates specifically to mutualism.<br />

“When two organisms are working together, rather than fighting<br />

each other, then maybe they should be evolving more slowly, so<br />

as not to outrun each other,” said Benjamin Rubin, lead author<br />

of a study at the University of Chicago on the subject. Rubin<br />

studied a mutualistic ant-plant relationship, observing ants that<br />

take shelter in the hollow thorns, trunks, or leafstalks of plants<br />

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► Certain species of ants have been known to form mutualistic<br />

relationships with plants. The Red King effect attempts to explain how<br />

these relationships can interact with evolution.<br />

while aggressively patrolling and protecting against herbivores.<br />

According to the Red King effect, Rubin should have witnessed a<br />

slower rate of evolution, but he did not.<br />

Rubin’s team did not originally plan to study the Red King<br />

effect. They were comparing the DNA of several closely-related<br />

mutualist and non-mutualist ant species, when, without even<br />

looking for it, they detected a pattern: the mutualists evolved<br />

faster. “Just trying to explain that pattern, that phenomenon, led<br />

me to explore the Red King effect,” Rubin said.<br />

To explore this phenomenon, Rubin’s team used a field of<br />

biological research called comparative genomics, where they<br />

compared the DNA sequences of different species. Genetic<br />

mutations drive evolution by creating the heritable variation<br />

necessary for natural selection. Therefore, by observing the<br />

number of accumulated sequence changes, or mutations, since<br />

a common ancestor, researchers can predict evolutionary rates.<br />

This type of research would not have been possible 10 years<br />

ago. “Each genome used to cost millions of dollars and years of<br />

effort, but with recent advances in technology, we are now able<br />

to sequence full genomes relatively easily,” said Rubin. “It’s all<br />

done on the computer and through programming. In addition<br />

to needing the sequencing technology, we also need certain<br />

computing technology in order to do any of this.”<br />

Rubin’s discovery directly contradicts the Red King effect.<br />

However, there is not enough information to prove whether<br />

mutualism accelerates or slows evolution, since the underlying<br />

causes are still unknown. Rubin plans to explore potential<br />

mechanisms in future research, but, in the meantime, he has<br />

his theories. For example, the biological interaction between<br />

plants and ants might increase selection pressures: By being in<br />

an intimate, mutualistic relationship, each species must adapt not<br />

only to the selective pressures on them, but with the organisms<br />

they closely interact with, as well. A dietary effect may also<br />

contribute. In this mutualistic relationship, ants rely on the<br />

food resources provided by the plants. The nectar contains an<br />

enzyme called chitinase that inhibits one of the ant’s digestive<br />

proteins, preventing them from breaking down other sources of<br />

sucrose. Due to their reliance on this nectar, the ants must adapt<br />

to accommodate changes in the chemical makeup of their food.<br />

Consequentially, these mutualistic ants seem to accumulate more<br />

mutations and evolve faster.<br />

By challenging the Red King effect, this study has brought<br />

attention to evolutionary relationships and opened the potential<br />

for further research. Rubin plans to continue studying the<br />

effects of behavior on the genome. While the biology behind the<br />

differences observed in mutualist and non-mutualist ant species<br />

is uncertain, one thing is for sure in this co-evolutionary race: it<br />

pays off to help others.<br />

October 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


BLAST<br />

from<br />

the<br />

PAST<br />

Ancient Analgesics: A Brief History of Opioids<br />


In 1898, scientists announced the synthesis of a new, allegedly<br />

non-addictive cough suppressant called heroin. Advertisements<br />

proudly proclaimed that heroin was “superior<br />

in all respects” to opium, morphine, and codeine and that users<br />

would be completely free from any chemical dependence.<br />

While these claims have since been proven false, and heroin is<br />

no longer available over-the-counter, modern medicine continues<br />

to have a love-hate relationship with opioid painkillers.<br />

Opioids are a class of drugs derived from opium, a naturally<br />

occurring compound in poppies that produces euphoria, pain<br />

relief, and sedation in humans. These drugs have been used<br />

for centuries, and even though medical professionals now<br />

recognize their side effects and the potential for abuse, they<br />

remain a staple of modern pain management. Now that scientists<br />

have a comprehensive understanding of how opioids<br />

can alter neurons, the field’s current focus is on developing the<br />

next generation of analgesic painkillers, which have a lower<br />

potential for abuse. This research is part of an effort to reduce<br />

the rising worldwide death rate related to opioid use.<br />

Historical accounts show evidence of opium use dating back<br />

to the ancient Sumerian civilization, nearly 5,000 years ago.<br />

While some records indicate recreational consumption, the<br />

drug’s earliest use was primarily linked to religion and mysticism.<br />

Primitive understandings of pain had deep roots in the<br />

spiritual realm, and ingesting or inhaling opium produced an<br />

unexplainable, seemingly transcendent, euphoria in the user.<br />

More recent accounts, relatively speaking, such as the ancient<br />

Egyptian Ebers Papyrus, describe medical uses for opium,<br />

such as calming crying children and performing euthanasia.<br />

Recreational opium use became popular in 17th-century<br />

China after smoking tobacco was outlawed. Opium dens,<br />

in which patrons could buy and smoke the drug, sprang up<br />

across China and later appeared in other countries. By the<br />

time Emperor Jiaqing outlawed the import of opium in 1799,<br />

England had established a robust opium trade with China.<br />

England’s attempts to prevent and circumvent the criminalization<br />

of opium would eventually lead to the First and Second<br />

Opium Wars.<br />

In the mid-19th century, the invention of the syringe enabled<br />

doctors to use opiates in surgery and general pain management,<br />

but painkiller development did not attract significant<br />

interest until the 20th century. The aftermath of both<br />

world wars brought attention to the need for the development<br />

of new approaches to pain management, as modern warfare<br />

had left many soldiers with appalling wounds and chronic<br />

pain. Multiple new drugs arrived on the scene to meet this<br />

new demand. Most of these drugs would eventually be identified<br />

as opioids. Opioids share the ability to mimic the body’s<br />

native opioid peptides, such as the endorphins released by the<br />

pituitary gland after vigorous exercise. Holden Ko, a scientist<br />

developing and testing new painkillers at Wake Forest School<br />

of Medicine, explains that pharmacologists now know that<br />

structures dissimilar to opium derivatives can still bind to the<br />

same opioid receptors, thereby producing many of the same<br />

effects, such as feelings of euphoria and physical well-being.<br />

Robert LaMotte, researcher at the Yale School of Medicine, is<br />

working to better understand the neural mechanisms behind<br />

the sensations of pain. His lab has published numerous papers<br />

on topics such as the causes of increased sensitivity and chronic<br />

cancer pain. Ko, who met with LaMotte while visiting Yale,<br />

recently published promising findings demonstrating the efficacy<br />

of a new opioid drug type that has thus far proven to be<br />

free of abuse potential in primates. Pharmaceutical companies<br />

are looking to develop a related compound so they may soon<br />

realize the centuries-old goal of developing potent, abuse-free<br />

painkillers. When discussing his work, Ko emphasizes the importance<br />

of non-human primates to opioid research. “Their<br />

neurological and physical drug reactions and physiological<br />

anatomy are most similar to humans. Many promising findings<br />

from rodent studies do not translate into primates,” he<br />

said. He adds that researchers design as many non-invasive<br />

procedures as possible to protect primate well-being.<br />

When asked if opioid painkillers are here to stay, Ko agreed<br />

with the widely-held conclusion among pharmacologists that,<br />

“morphine is hard to beat.” “Scientists have made a lot of exciting<br />

discoveries in the past several decades, but, at this moment,<br />

opioid analgesics are still considered a cornerstone of<br />

pain management.”<br />

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October 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />






For someone who spends most of her time thinking about outer<br />

space, Sophia Sánchez-Maes is firmly grounded in her research<br />

here on Earth. From examining algae to studying exoplanets, the<br />

burgeoning astrophysicist retains a refreshing curiosity about the<br />

world, something she believes is essential to science. That curiosity is<br />

a driving force in her life, both in and out of the laboratory.<br />

Sánchez-Maes currently studies astrophysics and the exploration<br />

of exoplanets, planets that orbit stars outside of our solar system,<br />

but her scientific career spans several years and subjects. She has<br />

previously worked to improve sustainable energy and create new<br />

computer simulations, but in all disciplines, her work is rooted in<br />

the simple appreciation of science as a force for positive, unfettered<br />

good.<br />

Sánchez-Maes’ first introduction to physics was at an early age.<br />

At 15 years old, she started her first job at the Center for High<br />

Technology Materials, where she worked in optics, a branch of<br />

physics that studies the properties of light. There, she began thinking<br />

about algae as an energy alternative to coal and petroleum. She was<br />

dissatisfied with the current methods of biofuel production, which<br />

used huge amounts of energy, produced high levels of carbon dioxide,<br />

and were often too expensive to be sustainable. “It took more energy<br />

to produce the fuel than the fuel actually contained,” she said. “That<br />

was the problem that I was determined to solve.” Using a computer<br />

simulation, she calculated the optimal conditions for algae growth<br />

and began researching Galdieria sulphuraria, a species of red algae.<br />

She experimented with using subcritical temperatures and catalysts<br />


►Sophia Sanchez is a current sophomore in TD College. She is a<br />

founder of Girls Get Tech.<br />

to convert the algae into fuel, hoping to increase the algae’s energy<br />

yield. In time, she demonstrated that this G “pressure-cooking,” also<br />

called hydrothermal liquefaction, of the algae produced net gains in<br />

energy, an improvement over earlier methods.<br />

Although her research on algae earned her numerous accolades<br />

and a meeting with Barack Obama, Sánchez-Maes soon took on<br />

a new challenge: the study of astrophysics. After a local job fair,<br />

she received an offer from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and<br />

weighed her options. “One of my friends told me, ‘Sophia, how is<br />

this even a choice? You have this out-of-the world option. Literally<br />

out-of-this-world’,” recalled Sánchez-Maes. Ultimately, her decision<br />

to work at NASA paid off. “I got to do amazing code with amazing<br />

people… it was a really spectacular place.”<br />

At the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Sánchez-Maes began her<br />

interstellar exploration by creating computational models for the<br />

Curiosity and Mars 2020 rovers. The models simulated the rovers’<br />

mission variables and electronic inputs. By simulating how heat<br />

would transfer through the machine, the program calculated how to<br />

safely operate the machines on Mars.<br />

Last summer, Sánchez-Maes continued her work at NASA, this<br />

time with the Exoplanet Exploration Program, where she worked on<br />

telescope and exoplanet detection technology. She primarily worked<br />

with the radial velocity method of detecting exoplanets, which<br />

involves observing a star’s spectrum to see if if the star “wobbles”<br />

due to the pull of nearby exoplanets. The method is not always<br />

straightforward: “The stars themselves produce radial velocity… the<br />

more active the star, the harder it is to find the mass of the exoplanet,”<br />

Sánchez-Maes explained. She designed code to analyze the effects of<br />

a star’s movement on her results. The code first adds the movement<br />

into an already-analyzed spectrum. Then, it applies the radial velocity<br />

method to the new spectrum. From there, she can see how accurate<br />

the radial velocity is when there is stellar interference.<br />

Despite her scientific achievements and time-consuming projects,<br />

Sánchez-Maes still finds time to think about the social issues in her<br />

field. In particular, Sánchez-Maes hopes to expand scientific spaces<br />

for women and minorities in STEM. In 2015, she launched Girls Get<br />

Tech, a summer program that teaches young Latinas how to code,<br />

in the hopes of making computer science and technology more<br />

accessible.<br />

Clearly, Sánchez-Maes is devoted to her field. A scientist in the<br />

true meaning of the word, she continues to march toward bigger and<br />

brighter innovations in astrophysics. Looking forward, Sánchez-<br />

Maes is determined: “We can do better. Everyone can do better.”<br />

36 Yale Scientific Magazine October 2016 www.yalescientific.org


TSO-PING MA (PHD’74)<br />




►Ma is excited by the prospect of educating the next generation of<br />

engineers at Yale.<br />

Most of us know that solving a problem, whether it is a question<br />

on an exam or a roadblock encountered in a long research endeavor,<br />

almost always requires a bit of luck. Professor of Electrical Engineering<br />

and Applied Science Tso-Ping Ma, PhD ’74, is no stranger to that<br />

luck. It may, however, come as a surprise that Ma, whose work has<br />

spanned continents and earned him several patents, started research<br />

in his current field by accident.<br />

Ma attributes his initial interest in engineering to his parents. Ma<br />

was born in China, but he and his parents fled to Taiwan following<br />

the Cultural Revolution. “They led a pretty meager life in those days,”<br />

Ma said. Given his parent’s often sporadic employment as civil servants,<br />

Ma sought out a career that would provide him with greater<br />

stability.<br />

Ma attended National Taiwan University, earning a B.S. in electrical<br />

engineering in 1968. In Taiwan, Ma grew accustomed to big-picture<br />

thinking, which he found to be endemic to the Chinese educational<br />

system at that time. When he transitioned to Yale University, where<br />

he completed his master’s and doctorate degrees, Ma was struck by<br />

the contrast between the educational systems of Taiwan and the US:<br />

the emphasis on minute details was unfamiliar to him, and the very<br />

existence of research universities was also new–this type of institution<br />

was largely absent from Taiwan while he was in college.<br />

In the end, it was lucky for Ma that research is so strongly integrated<br />

with learning in American universities. During his time as a Ph.D.<br />

candidate at Yale, Ma often accompanied his wife to her molecular<br />

biology lab, where she was researching the effects of radiation on<br />

bacteria samples. One day, when Ma’s wife took a sample out of the<br />

radiation-emitting machine to observe mutations in the bacteria, Ma<br />

was spellbound by the appearance of the glass tube that contained<br />

the bacteria. The once-clear glass tube was now completely gray.<br />

By this time, Ma had begun to research semiconductors with professor<br />

Richard Barker, his thesis advisor. Semiconductors, materials<br />

with modest electrical conductivity, are essential to electronic devices.<br />

To make a semiconductor, impurities are introduced to the element<br />

silicon in order to provide it with some conductive abilities.<br />

Since electrical devices must function in a sea of radiation, from the<br />

sun’s rays to FM radio-waves, engineers must develop semiconductors<br />

that can filter out unwanted background noise and avoid degradation.<br />

Ma had not initially intended to research radiation. However, when<br />

he saw how radiation affected glass, he wondered what it would do<br />

to silicon-based semiconductors. This initial spark motivated him<br />

to research the effects of radiation on silicon chips and semiconductors.<br />

His historic findings would ultimately aid US security. During<br />

the Cold War, guided missiles deployed by the US needed to resist<br />

the radiation generated by Russian neutron bombs, which emit high<br />

levels of radiation. If they could not, Americans would be in danger,<br />

since the missiles could deviate from their intended course.<br />

Radiation-resistant technologies have applications outside<br />

of American security. Satellites must also be able to withstand<br />

high-levels of radiation. When satellites are deployed, they enter a<br />

radiation-rich environment, and their electrical systems are at risk<br />

of deteriorating. Any resulting malfunctions would interrupt satellite<br />

communication with receiving centers on Earth. Without Ma’s<br />

work, satellites today would have significantly shorter lifespans,<br />

making life saving information and Netflix much harder to access.<br />

“This research highlights that a multidisciplinary approach to work<br />

is the best way to move forward, because you can learn from other<br />

disciplines,” Ma said, referencing his discovery in the molecular<br />

biology lab.<br />

Current engineering students ask Ma how best to prepare themselves<br />

for the ever-changing world of science and technology. In answering,<br />

Ma addresses the fluidity of science today. As innovations<br />

are continually made, technology becomes obsolete quickly. In order<br />

to stay ahead of the curve, Ma advises students to gain a breadth<br />

of knowledge in different subject areas. If an engineer has breadth,<br />

depth, and purpose, the only remaining asset they need is, perhaps,<br />

a bit of luck.<br />

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October 2016<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />



book review<br />




Arising from expressions like “bird brain” and “dumb as a dodo,”<br />

the opinion that birds are unintelligent animals is a common myth,<br />

one that Yale alum Jennifer Ackerman YC ‘80 seeks to debunk in<br />

her new book, The Genius of Birds. Ackerman shares her refreshing<br />

insight into the different varieties of bird intelligence. The book<br />

features research by experts focusing on social, vocal, and even spatial<br />

aspects of cognition. Ackerman explores classic examples of the<br />

exceptional intelligence of parrots, as well as lesser known instances<br />

of aviary acumen found in less exotic birds such as chickadees and<br />

sparrows.<br />

Although her in depth consideration of bird cognition and<br />

intelligence could stand on its own, Ackerman goes further and<br />

relates bird cognition to human cognition. One instance of this<br />

cross-species parallelism highlighted by Ackerman can be found<br />

in vocal learning, the way in which an organism learns and<br />

subsequently reproduces vocalizations. Young zebra finches have<br />

the ability to learn any bird song but are genetically predisposed to<br />

learn their own species’ songs and calls. Similarly, humans possess<br />

a genetic predisposition to learning human speech and language<br />

at a young age. In both birds and humans, the regions of the brain<br />

necessary for speech, or song, production are similarly situation. “I<br />

hope that readers will question what intelligence is and realize that<br />

the different kinds of intelligence are evolutionary stepping stones<br />

for approaching the problems that a variety of organisms face in the<br />



Hoping to cure the epilepsy that had dogged him for 20 years, Henry<br />

Molaison elected to receive a lobotomy in 1953. Neurosurgeon William<br />

Scoville employed a radical procedure for the time, removing significant<br />

portions of Molaison’s hippocampus. After the procedure, the frequency<br />

of Molaison’s seizures decreased. However, Molaison found himself<br />

unable to commit new events to his memory and was soon diagnosed<br />

with anterograde amnesia.<br />

Molaison’s tale is gut-wrenching. It demonstrates the unintended<br />

consequences that often coincide with experimental procedures. It<br />

also illustrates how we rationalize these cases, perhaps perversely, by<br />

considering the scientific advancements they enable. Based on Molaison’s<br />

experiences, neuroscientists concluded that the hippocampus is essential<br />

for memory formation. Molaison was immortalized as “Patient H.M.” in<br />

textbooks and subsequent research.<br />

Luke Dittrich’s new book, Patient H.M.: A Story of Memory, Madness,<br />

and Family Secrets, introduces much needed passion and compassion<br />

into the often overly-academic subject of medical ethics. In 400 pages of<br />

searing prose, Dittrich lays out the implications of capitalizing on such<br />

unfortunate events in excruciating detail.<br />

Dittrich’s work resonates. It is the culmination of not only six years of<br />

work from an award-winning journalist but also a substantial amount of<br />

natural world,” Ackerman said.<br />

In her discussions of intelligence,<br />

Ackerman effectively incorporates<br />

concepts from evolutionary biology to<br />

explain differences in the emergence<br />

of traits among species. Adaptability is<br />

key, and towards the end of the book,<br />

Ackerman addresses how humandriven<br />

environmental changes may<br />

be making it more difficult for some<br />

bird species to adapt and survive.<br />

A particular species of bird may be<br />

“intelligent” in some way, but that<br />

does not automatically improve their<br />

likelihood of survival in novel and<br />



unstable environments, creating the potential for extinction.<br />

Accessible to non-birders and birders alike, The Genius of<br />

Birds has received great praise from a wide audience. “I knew that<br />

birdwatchers were also booklovers, and figured that this book would<br />

strike a chord with them, but it has really taken off and struck a<br />

chord with many other people too,” Ackerman said. Throughout<br />

the book, her explanations of complex studies were understandable<br />

and enjoyable, and are sure to continue helping readers see the<br />

importance of investigating further the intelligence of birds.<br />

introspection. Dittrich’s grandfather was the surgeon who lobotomized<br />

Patient H.M., and his family friend Suzanne Corkin is a prominent MIT<br />

neuroscientist who has researched Patient H.M. for decades.<br />

The most powerful moments of the book come from Dittrich’s intimate<br />

connections to the protagonists of 20th century neuroscience. While<br />

reading about the horrors experienced by Scoville’s mentally ill wife, we<br />

are privy to the reflections of a grandson attempting to understand his<br />

grandfather. When we read about researchers such as Corkin obtaining<br />

“consent” from a lobotomized amnesiac, we realize that Dittrich is not<br />

only critiquing the actions of a prominent neuroscientist, but of someone<br />

who once gossiped with his mother on tin-can telephones.<br />

Dittrich’s allegations of ethical shortcomings against Corkin<br />

have drawn attention from the scientific community. Hundreds of<br />

neuroscientists sought to rebut Dittrich’s claims: specifically, that Corkin<br />

destroyed records relating to Molaison, suppressed findings that opposed<br />

once-firm paradigms of modern neuroscience, and failed to obtain<br />

proper consent for experimentation. Dittrich himself has responded to<br />

these claims, providing documented evidence to support his assertions.<br />

The existence of such arguments in the public sphere reinforces the<br />

ethical stakes of scientific research that we occasionally take for granted.<br />

Patient H.M. insists that we ignore such conversations at our own peril.<br />

38 Yale Scientific Magazine October 2016 www.yalescientific.org

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