Gay&Night-ZiZo Juli 2015

In dit nummer interviews met winnaars, zoals Skelte Willems (Mister Gay Vlaanderen), Måns Zelmerlöw (Eurosong), Violet Chachki (RuPaul's Drag Race) én het volledige programmaboekje van Antwerp Pride!

In dit nummer interviews met winnaars, zoals Skelte Willems (Mister Gay Vlaanderen), Måns Zelmerlöw (Eurosong), Violet Chachki (RuPaul's Drag Race) én het volledige programmaboekje van Antwerp Pride!


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08<br />


‘Ik heb vroeger veel moeten slikken’<br />

12<br />


‘I’d love to be seen as the burlesque queen of drag’<br />

18<br />


‘My homophobe remarks were a really big thing in Sweden’<br />

23<br />


‘Noem mij maar Mo’<br />

24<br />


‘After 7 seasons, every viewer thinks he’s a fucking expert’<br />

04<br />


Werkingssubsidies voor Holebifoon en Transgender<br />

Infopunt – Verbod bloeddonatie door homo- en<br />

bi-mannen wordt onderzocht<br />

17<br />


‘De Turken vinden ons best interessant’<br />

24<br />

COLUMN<br />

Irene Hemelaar<br />

29<br />


Shug La Sheedah / Misha M<br />

30<br />


Boldly Queer / Jurassic World / Inside Out<br />

36<br />

AGENDA<br />

Roze Zondag Kwaku / RE:SET<br />

41<br />

GOINGS<br />

Gayguides voor Amsterdam, Antwerpen, Rotterdam,<br />

Haarlem, Nijmegen, Groningen, Brussel en<br />

Gent<br />

52<br />

OUT & ABOUT<br />

Gaypride Amersfoort – Roze Maandag Tilburg – De<br />

MANege – Roze Woensdag – Unicorn Festival<br />

55<br />


208<br />

/ NIEUWS<br />

Werkingssubsidies voor<br />

Holebifoon en Transgender<br />

Infopunt<br />

De Holebifoon krijgt voor het eerst<br />

vanuit de bevoegdheid Gelijke<br />

Kansen een subsidie van 40.000<br />

euro. Het Transgender Infopunt<br />

(TIP) krijgt een verhoging van<br />

60.000 naar 100.000 euro.<br />

Vlaams parlementsleden Piet De Bruyn<br />

(N-VA), Els Robeyns (sp.a) en Ann Brusseel<br />

(Open Vld) bevroegen Vlaams minister voor<br />

Gelijke Kansen Liesbeth Homans (N-VA)<br />

naar aanleiding van de Belgian Pride en de<br />

Internationale Dag Tegen Homofobie en<br />

Transfobie (IDAHOT) op 17 mei.<br />

‘Het Transgender Infopunt bewees op korte<br />

termijn welke grote rol het kan spelen in<br />

het informeren en bijstaan van iedereen die<br />

vragen heeft over transgenderisme’, zegt De<br />

Bruyn. ‘En ook de Holebifoon is een initiatief<br />

dat op een laagdrempelige manier informatie<br />

biedt en hulp verleent aan iedereen die met<br />

vragen zit rond seksuele oriëntatie. Ik weet<br />

uit eigen ervaring hoe belangrijk het is om<br />

op zo’n dienst een beroep te kunnen doen<br />

op momenten dat het moeilijk gaat. Dit<br />

engagement verdient dan ook alle steun<br />

en erkenning, ook van de overheid. Dat er<br />

nu voor het eerst vanuit Gelijke Kansen een<br />

substantieel bedrag naar de Holebifoon gaat,<br />

is ronduit schitterend.’<br />

‘We vragen al jaren structurele ondersteuning<br />

voor de Holebifoon. In die zin zijn we zeer<br />

blij dat de huidige Vlaamse regering hierop<br />

ingaat’, zegt çavaria-woordvoerder Jeroen<br />

Borghs. ‘Gespecialiseerde hulpverlening is<br />

een belangrijk instrument om het welzijn bij<br />

holebi’s en transgenders in Vlaanderen te<br />

versterken. Tegelijk blijft de uitdaging om<br />

de drempels weg te nemen die holebi’s en<br />

transgenders vaak ervaren om de stap naar de<br />

reguliere hulpverlening te zetten.’<br />

Heb je behoefte aan een gesprek of<br />

informatie? Je kan terecht bij de Holebifoon<br />

op het gratis nummer 0800 99 533 op<br />

maandag, woensdag en donderdag van 18.30<br />

tot 21.30 uur.<br />

Je kunt ook chatten op maandag, woensdag<br />

en donderdag van 18.30 tot 21.30<br />

uur of je kunt mailen naar<br />

vragen@holebifoon.be<br />

Transfoob geweld wordt amper<br />

aangegeven bij politie of<br />

meldpunten<br />

Uit een studie van de<br />

Universiteit Antwerpen<br />

onder 260 respondenten<br />

blijkt dat bijna 8 op de<br />

10 trangenders te maken<br />

hebben gehad met<br />

verbaal, fysiek, materieel<br />

of seksueel geweld.<br />

Bij fysiek geweld doet<br />

echter slechts 1 op de 5<br />

personen aangifte, een<br />

forse onderrapportage.<br />

Onderzoeker Joz Motmans: ‘De<br />

260 respondenten werd gevraagd<br />

om hun ergste geweldervaring te<br />

beschrijven. Op deze wijze kregen<br />

we zicht op wat mensen als erg<br />

ervaren, alsook gedetailleerde<br />

info over de context waarin dit<br />

ergste voorval plaatsvond, over<br />

het daderproel en over het<br />

meldingsgedrag. We analyseerden<br />

278 gedetailleerde beschrijvingen<br />

van transfoob geweld. Hieruit bleek<br />

dat transfoob geweld vaak gebeurt<br />

op plaatsen waar een persoon<br />

zich eigenlijk veilig zou mogen<br />

voelen: thuis in het eigen gezin,<br />

op het werk of op school, en in de<br />

eigen buurt. Fysiek en seksueel<br />

geweld komen ook vaak voor in het<br />

uitgaansleven of horeca, of op een<br />

openbare plek zoals op straat.’<br />

Het daderproel is genuanceerd<br />

en daders zijn vaak West-<br />

Europese mannen ouder dan<br />

20 jaar. De uitlokkende factor<br />

voor het transfoob geweld was<br />

meestal de vaststelling van de<br />

transgenderachtergrond of<br />

-identiteit, en/of het uiterlijk. Voor<br />

seksueel en materieel geweld<br />

was er vaak ook geen bijzondere<br />

aanleiding.<br />

Transgender personen doen<br />

uitzonderlijk weinig aangifte bij<br />

de politie. ‘Slechts 6 procent van<br />

de slachtoffers van verbaal of<br />

psychisch geweld deed melding<br />

van het voorval, en hetzelfde geldt<br />

voor seksueel geweld. Voor fysiek<br />

geweld en materieel geweld ligt<br />

dit hoger, en doet 1 op 5 aangifte.<br />

Diegene die aangifte deden zijn<br />

echter meestal niet erg tevreden<br />

over de aanpak van de politie’, weet<br />

Motmans.<br />

‘De reden voor de lage aangiftebereidheid<br />

is te zoeken in twee<br />

grote factoren: enerzijds de<br />

minimalisering van hetgeen<br />

gebeurde door het slachtoffer (“het<br />

voorval is niet ernstig genoeg”)<br />

en anderzijds een lage graad<br />

van vertrouwen dat de politie en<br />

gerecht iets kunnen betekenen voor<br />

het slachtoffer (“de politie is toch<br />

niet in staat om iets te doen” of<br />

“de dader zal toch niet gepakt of<br />

gestraft worden”).’<br />

De onderzoeker adviseert de<br />

overheid misdrijven met transfobie<br />

als haatmotief enerzijds duidelijk<br />

te registreren en tevens de<br />

strafverzwaring voor transfobie<br />

door te voeren, zoals al eerder<br />

gebeurde voor homofobie.<br />

Meer info:<br />

www.steunpuntgelijkekansen.be<br />


What’s Happening<br />

Minister De Block laat<br />

verbod bloeddonatie door<br />

homo- en biseksuele mannen<br />

onderzoeken<br />

Minister van Volksgezondheid<br />

Maggie De Block (Open Vld) laat<br />

het verbod op bloeddonatie door<br />

mannen die seks hebben met<br />

mannen (MSM) onderzoeken.<br />

De Block, zelf een arts, richt een<br />

interdisciplinaire werkgroep op<br />

rond veilige donatie en wil komen<br />

tot uitsluitingscriteria die billijk zijn<br />

voor donoren.<br />

Momenteel stelt het Hof van Justitie<br />

van de Europese Unie dat uitsluiting van<br />

homoseksuele en biseksuele mannen voor<br />

bloeddonatie wetenschappelijk onderbouwd<br />

moet zijn. ‘Ik heb echter besloten dat we<br />

een stuk verder moeten gaan. Naast de<br />

wetenschappelijke evidentie moeten we<br />

ook de maatschappelijke kant van de zaak<br />

bekijken’, zegt De Block.<br />

Veel MSM voelen zich nu gediscrimineerd<br />

als donor. De Block heeft een werkgroep<br />

opgericht die de kwestie in twee fases<br />

benadert. ‘In een eerste fase richten we<br />

een ad hoc wetenschappelijk platform met<br />

Belgische en internationale experten op.<br />

Experten zullen relevante wetenschappelijke<br />

criteria deniëren en een “position<br />

paper” schrijven. In deze paper zullen<br />

zij hun standpunt bekendmaken en de<br />

wetenschappelijke referenties meegeven.<br />

In een tweede stap zal de paper getoetst<br />

worden op een ronde tafel met de<br />

maatschappelijke belanghebbenden.’<br />

‘Het eindresultaat moet een wetenschappelijk<br />

gefundeerde uitspraak zijn over<br />

uitsluitingscriteria met de volksgezondheid<br />

én de veiligheid van de patiënt als ultieme<br />

toetssteen, maar tegelijkertijd billijk zijn<br />

tegenover de donoren.’<br />

Çavaria vindt de levenslange uitsluiting<br />

van MSM niet gerechtvaardigd, en pleit<br />

ervoor dat de vensterperiode, de tijd<br />

tussen een besmetting met hiv en het<br />

moment waarop het virus in het lichaam<br />

opgespoord kan worden door een hivtest,<br />

het voornaamste criterium wordt in<br />

België om te bepalen hoe lang MSM van<br />

bloeddonatie worden uitgesloten. ‘Er zijn<br />

efciënte detectietechnieken beschikbaar<br />

na de vensterperiode’, redeneert çavariawoordvoer<br />

Jeroen Borghs. ‘Çavaria ziet dan<br />

ook geen rechtvaardiging om de levenslange<br />

uitsluiting van MSM van bloeddonatie in<br />

stand te houden. De uitsluitingstermijn moet<br />

wetenschappelijk onderbouwd zijn.’<br />

Rode Kruis-Vlaanderen blijft haar<br />

bedenkingen hebben en verdedigt de<br />

levenslange uitsluiting van MSM. De<br />

organisatie stelt wel open te staan voor het<br />

debat hierover.<br />

Vlaanderen en Brussel<br />

sterk vertegenwoordigd<br />

op EuroPride in Riga<br />

Verscheidene<br />

Brusselse en Vlaamse<br />

vertegenwoordigers<br />

trekken naar Riga voor<br />

de EuroPride. Ook çavaria<br />

zal aanwezig zijn op deze<br />

bijzondere EuroPride,<br />

die voor het eerst in een<br />

voormalig Sovjetland<br />

plaatsvindt.<br />

Brussels minister van Openbare<br />

Werken en Mobiliteit Pascal Smet<br />

(sp.a) en Brussels staatssecretaris<br />

voor Gelijke Kansen Bianca Debaets<br />

(CD&V) zullen er zijn in Letland. Ze<br />

willen het evenement in 2020 in<br />

Brussel organiseren.<br />

Met hun aanwezigheid willen de<br />

leden van de Brusselse Regering<br />

aandacht vragen voor de rechten<br />

van holebi’s binnen de Europese<br />

Unie. De EuroPride vindt voor de<br />

eerste keer plaats in een van de<br />

Oost-Europese landen van de EU.<br />

Eerdere edities van manifestaties<br />

van de holebigemeenschap in<br />

Letland werden gekenmerkt<br />

door (vaak gewelddadige)<br />

tegenbetogingen. ‘De aanwezigheid<br />

van Europese beleidsmakers op<br />

de EuroPride in Riga is belangrijk<br />

om organisatoren en activisten te<br />

steunen in hun vraag tot gelijke<br />

kansen voor de holebigemeenschap<br />

en de aanpak van homo- en<br />

transfobie’, zegt Bianca Debaets.<br />

‘We zullen ook in dialoog gaan met<br />

enkele beleidsmakers over deze<br />

problematiek en geven hen graag<br />

enkele good practices uit Brussel<br />

mee’, vertelt Pascal Smet. ‘Een<br />

land dat het voorzitterschap van<br />

de Europese Unie waarneemt zou<br />

verder moeten staan op vlak van<br />

LGBTQ-rechten.’<br />

Pascal Smet en Bianca Debaets<br />

wensen de EuroPride in 2020 in<br />

Brussel te organiseren. ‘Brussel<br />

is de hoofdstad van Europa. Het<br />

organiseren van de EuroPride is<br />

symbolisch erg belangrijk voor de<br />

holebigemeenschap. We ijveren er<br />

dan ook voor om de EuroPride in<br />

2020 te verwelkomen in Brussel.’<br />

De keuze om te kandideren voor<br />

EuroPride in 2020 is misschien wat<br />

vreemd als je weet dat de Europese<br />

verkiezingen in 2019 plaatsvinden.<br />

In 2020 bestaat de Belgian Pride in<br />

Brussel wel 25 jaar.<br />

Vlaams vice-minister-president<br />

Liesbeth Homans (N-VA) gaf tijdens<br />

de Belgian Pride aan ook naar Riga<br />

te gaan. Vlaams parlementsleden<br />

Piet De Bruyn (N-VA), Rob Beenders<br />

(sp.a), Joris Poschet (CD&V), Ann<br />

Brusseel (Open Vld) en Imade<br />

Annouri (Groen) zullen eveneens de<br />

delegatie vervoegen. De EuroPride<br />

vindt plaats van 15 tot 21 juni.<br />

Meer info:<br />

www.europride<strong>2015</strong>.eu<br />

Tekst çavaria Beeld © FlandersToday (Maggie De Block) 208<br />


208<br />

/ NIEUWS<br />

Verscheidene<br />

zichtbaarheidsacties<br />

voor biseksuelen<br />

De werkgroep biseksualiteit<br />

binnen çavaria heeft verscheidene<br />

zichtbaarheidsacties uitgedacht. Op<br />

de gaypride in Brussel bemanden<br />

ze mee de stand van çavaria, begin<br />

juli verschijnt er een themadossier<br />

over biseksuele personen in <strong>ZiZo</strong>-<br />

Magazine en in het najaar volgen er<br />

nog initiatieven tijdens de jaarlijkse<br />

Bi Visibility Day.<br />

Biseksualiteit is vaak niet of zeer weinig<br />

zichtbaar binnen de LGBT-beweging en çavaria<br />

doet er alles aan om meer zichtbaarheid te<br />

creëren rond biseksualiteit. Tijdens de gaypride<br />

in Brussel kon je alleszins niet naast het aanbod<br />

aan lms, boeken en brochures over het thema<br />

biseksualiteit kijken in de stand van çavaria. Er<br />

werden ook bi-buttons uitgedeeld. Op de kar<br />

van çavaria was ‘Love to bi bisexual’ bovendien<br />

een van de slogans.<br />

Leopold Lindelauff van de werkgroep<br />

biseksualiteit van çavaria motiveert waarom<br />

biseksualiteit extra zichtbaar moest zijn tijdens<br />

de pride. ‘Omdat we sowieso al heel moeilijk<br />

zichtbaar zijn. We gaan op in de homowereld<br />

of in de heterowereld, dus het is heel<br />

belangrijk dat mensen weten dat we bestaan.<br />

En door zichtbaar te zijn in de pride wordt dat<br />

nog eens visueel bevestigd waardoor mensen<br />

weten dat biseksualiteit geen fenomeen is<br />

dat alleen maar voorkomt in de glamour- en<br />

glitterwereld.’<br />

Begin juli verschijnt er een themadossier in<br />

<strong>ZiZo</strong>-Magazine over biseksuele personen en<br />

biseksualiteit. <strong>ZiZo</strong>-Magazine is het tijdschrift<br />

dat wordt uitgegeven door çavaria. De<br />

<strong>ZiZo</strong>-redactie werkte nauw samen met de<br />

werkgroep biseksualiteit om het themadossier<br />

samen te stellen. Er is onder andere<br />

aandacht voor de wetenschappelijke kijk op<br />

biseksualiteit, voor holebi-iconen, voor het<br />

bi-verenigingsleven en ook biseksueel zijn in<br />

relaties met iemand van het andere geslacht<br />

blijft niet onbesproken. Bovendien zal ook een<br />

prominent persoon uit de Belgische holebi- en<br />

transgenderbeweging ofcieel zijn coming-out<br />

doen als bi in het tijdschrift.<br />

Op 23 september is er de Bi Visibility Day, een<br />

jaarlijkse dag waarop biseksualiteit wordt<br />

gevierd en aandacht wordt gevraagd voor<br />

de zichtbaarheid van biseksuele personen<br />

als groep. Op dat moment zal de werkgroep<br />

biseksualiteit uiteraard opnieuw van zich laten<br />

horen.<br />

Meer info:<br />

cavaria.be/community/biseksualiteit<br />

Minister Geens wil medische<br />

en fysieke eisen voor<br />

geslachtsregistratiewijziging<br />

schrappen<br />

006<br />

Federaal minister van Justitie<br />

Koen Geens (CD&V) heeft in de<br />

Kamercommissie Justitie gezegd:<br />

‘Ik ben van oordeel dat de<br />

medische en fysieke eisen voor<br />

geslachtsverandering moeten<br />

worden geschrapt.’.<br />

In zijn beleidsverklaring gaf Geens al<br />

aan dat hij met staatssecretaris voor<br />

Gelijke Kansen Elke Sleurs (N-VA) de wet<br />

betreffende transseksualiteit van 2007 wil<br />

aanpassen in het licht van de internationale<br />

mensenrechtenverplichtingen.<br />

De minister van Justitie gaf zijn diensten<br />

de opdracht om de wet betreffende de<br />

transseksualiteit te evalueren, vooral rond<br />

de voorwaarde dat de betrokkene niet<br />

meer in staat is om overeenkomstig het<br />

vroegere geslacht kinderen te verwekken,<br />

de zogenoemde ‘sterilisatie-eis’. Volgens<br />

Geens komen de medische en fysieke eisen<br />

die de wet uit 2007 vastlegde om juridisch van<br />

geslacht te veranderen op mensenrechtelijk<br />

vlak steeds meer onder druk te staan.<br />

In april nam de Parlementaire Vergadering<br />

van de Raad van Europa nog een resolutie<br />

aan die de lidstaten van de Raad van<br />

Europa oproept om wettelijke regelingen<br />

voor geslachtsregistratie te stoelen op<br />

zelfbeschikking zonder leeftijdsbeperking of<br />

andere voorwaarden.<br />

Çavaria reageert verheugd op de uitspraak<br />

van Koen Geens. ‘Hiermee wordt het<br />

juridische aspect van geslacht losgekoppeld<br />

van het medische traject. Medici moeten<br />

niet langer beslissen over de administratieve<br />

aangelegenheid. Medische behandelingen<br />

die onomkeerbare vruchtbaarheid beogen<br />

zijn dan niet langer nodig om je voornaam<br />

of geslacht te wijzigen bij de burgerlijke<br />

stand. Daarmee houdt de minister rekening<br />

met een van de vijf prioritaire eisen uit<br />

ons verkiezingsmemorandum’, looft<br />

çavaria-woordvoerder Jeroen Borghs.<br />

‘Dit is een signaal waar de holebi- en<br />

transgendergemeenschap al lang op wacht.<br />

Nog nooit heeft een federaal minister van<br />

Justitie zich zo nadrukkelijk uitgesproken.<br />

We kijken uit naar de effectieve wijziging van<br />

de wet betreffende de transseksualiteit die<br />

in het directe vooruitzicht ligt. We vragen<br />

aan de minister dat de wetswijziging ervoor<br />

zorgt dat transgenders geen problemen meer<br />

zullen ondervinden bij douanes, het zoeken<br />

van werk of zelfs het aanvragen van een<br />

bibliotheekkaart omdat je papieren nog niet<br />

zijn aangepast conform hoe je je identiceert<br />

of hoe je eruit ziet.’<br />

Naast de afschafng van de medische<br />

en fysieke eisen voor juridische<br />

geslachtsverandering, pleit çavaria ervoor dat<br />

de diversiteit in genderidentiteiten erkend<br />

wordt. De huidige geslachtsregistratie laat dit<br />

niet toe.<br />

Beeld www.koengeens.be (Koen Geens)<br />


208<br />



EEN KIND<br />




Interview / Skelte Willems<br />

Skelte Willems (21) werd vrijdag 29 mei de derde Mister<br />

Gay Vlaanderen. Hij werd gekroond door niemand minder<br />

dan premier Charles Michel tijdens een naleshow in het<br />

Antwerpse theater Elckerlyc. Met zijn duidelijke missie<br />

is deze afgestudeerde kapper geknipt voor de titel. Het<br />

komende jaar zal Skelte zich inzetten om holebi-ouderschap<br />

in Vlaanderen makkelijker en beter bespreekbaar te<br />

maken. ‘Mijn partner en ik hebben het geluk dat zijn zus<br />

onze draagmoeder wil zijn, maar we beseffen goed dat de<br />

meeste holebi-koppels die optie niet hebben.’<br />

Hoe zijn de weken na je overwinning<br />

geweest?<br />

‘Enorm druk. Ik heb heel veel interviews afgelegd<br />

en ontzettend veel nieuwe mensen ontmoet. Ik<br />

heb ondertussen ook zelf al twee keer mogen<br />

jureren: bij Miss Summerqueen en Miss Travestie<br />

Antwerpen. Ineens zat ik aan de andere kant van<br />

de tafel.’<br />

Hoe waren de reacties van je ouders en<br />

vrienden?<br />

‘Super. Er was ongeveer honderd man voor mij<br />

aanwezig tijdens de naleshow in theater Elckerlyc.<br />

Dat was echt een grote eer, dat iedereen tijd<br />

vrijmaakte om mij te komen supporteren.’<br />

Was dit de eerste keer dat je je inschreef<br />

voor de competitie?<br />

‘Ik had me nog niet eerder ingeschreven. Ik heb<br />

er de vorige twee edities wel over getwijfeld,<br />

maar ik was nog vrij jong, zat nog op school en<br />

vreesde dat ik het moeilijk zou kunnen combineren.<br />

Inmiddels werk ik al een jaar als kapper. Ik<br />

was er dit keer helemaal klaar voor. Mijn partner<br />

stond ook volledig achter mij. Ik had weinig verwachtingen<br />

op voorhand en nam me voor vooral<br />

mijn standpunt omtrent holebi-ouderschap heel<br />

duidelijk naar voren te brengen. Dat was eigenlijk<br />

de hoofdreden dat ik me heb ingeschreven. Sinds<br />

mijn kindertijd heb ik al een kinderwens en ik heb<br />

gezien dat het voor holebi-koppels niet altijd even<br />

makkelijk is die in vervulling te laten gaan.’<br />

Wat waren hoogtepunten tijdens het<br />

proces?<br />

‘Die acte-de-présences in discotheken, waar we<br />

ons en plein public moesten voorstellen, waren<br />

echt superleuk. Maar vooral ook het feit dat ik<br />

mijn onderwerp zo in de spotlight heb kunnen<br />

zetten. Tijdens mijn campagne heb ik bijvoorbeeld<br />

een website opgericht: www.holebiouderschap.be<br />

Die site heeft heel veel mensen die met holebi-ouderschap<br />

bezig zijn een boost gegeven. Ik<br />

heb er veel gave, lieve reacties op gehad.’<br />

Heb je veel over jezelf geleerd tijdens de<br />

competitie?<br />

‘Ik ben er enorm door veranderd zelfs. Een jaar<br />

geleden durfde ik bij wijze van spreken nog geen<br />

brood bij de bakker te bestellen. We hebben veel<br />

mediatraining gekregen en daardoor ben ik helemaal<br />

opengebloeid. Ik heb veel nieuwe mensen<br />

leren kennen en ik durf nu ook mensen uit mezelf<br />

aan te spreken.’<br />

Een onmisbare vaardigheid het komende<br />

jaar, lijkt me.<br />

‘Klopt, ik ga dat nog vaak nodig hebben de<br />

komende tijd. De organisatie heeft daar bij iedereen<br />

keihard keihard aan gewerkt. Er lopen twaalf<br />

totaal andere jongens weg uit deze competitie.’<br />

Wie had je de titel gegund als jij ‘m niet<br />

had gekregen?<br />

‘Jens Van Maele. Ik dacht eerlijk gezegd dat hij<br />

ging winnen. Hij heeft een zeer sterke campagne<br />

opgericht en is daar altijd volop mee bezig geweest.<br />

Ondanks dat hij niet gewonnen heeft, gaat<br />

hij zijn campagne toch verder uitwerken. Dat vind<br />

ik heel mooi van hem, want het is geen verplichting.<br />

Het toont aan dat hij ook een zeer waardige<br />

Mister was geweest.’<br />

Je vertelde onlangs aan Gay&<strong>Night</strong>-<strong>ZiZo</strong><br />

dat je niet bepaald een makkelijke comingout<br />

hebt gehad. Kun je daar iets meer over<br />

vertellen?<br />

‘Vanaf mijn twaalfde vermoedde ik al dat ik<br />

anders was, maar ik zat in Betekom op een zeer<br />

conservatieve katholieke school. Ik durfde er<br />

niet voor uit te komen en werd vanaf het eerste<br />

jaar op de middelbare school al gepest. Mijn<br />

klasgenoten hadden al zo hun vermoedens, denk<br />

ik. Ik heb heel veel moeten slikken. Dat was heel<br />

moeilijk. Boekentassen die verstopt werden,<br />

bedreigingen, pesterijen. Ik had gelukkig veel<br />

vriendinnen die me op probeerden te beuren,<br />

maar het bleef niet leuk. In mijn vierde of vijfde<br />

jaar, in 2010, heb ik toch de stap gezet om mijn<br />

beste vriendin te vertellen dat ik op jongens val.<br />

Zij heeft me daar heel erg in gesteund en stapje<br />

Tekst Martijn Kamphorst / Fotografie Johan Cansse - Yourpix.be / Kapsel Philippe Jespers - Kreatos / Make-up Petra Van den Hoeck - Arjana.be 208 009

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voor stapje ben ik het mijn familie en andere<br />

vrienden gaan vertellen. Er waren een hoop<br />

mensen die me daarin steunden. Ik had dat niet<br />

verwacht. Vanaf dat moment stond ik een stuk<br />

sterker in mijn schoenen. Ik was de eerste op<br />

mijn school die die stap zette, terwijl ik zeker wist<br />

dat er anderen waren. Na mij zijn er nog een<br />

paar scholieren uit de kast gekomen, omdat ze<br />

zagen dat het mij eigenlijk best oké verging. Ik<br />

heb veel klappen geïncasseerd, maar ik ben blij<br />

dat ik daarmee de weg voor anderen heb helpen<br />

vrijmaken.’<br />

Was je als ‘eerste’ homo op de school<br />

niet gelijk ook een soort vraagbaak voor<br />

andere scholieren?<br />

‘Er werd inderdaad enorm op mij ge xeerd, maar<br />

omdat de steun groter was dan de mensen die mij<br />

niet accepteerden is dat heel snel voorbijgegaan.<br />

Een jaar later ben ik wel van school veranderd en<br />

ben ik naar de kappersschool gegaan. Daar waren<br />

mijn gevoelens voor jongens helemaal geen<br />

probleem. Ik kwam met veel meer homoseksuele<br />

jongens in aanraking; er ging een wereld voor me<br />

open. Ik begon toen te beseffen dat ik echt wel<br />

normaal ben.’<br />

Je komt nogal strijdbaar over en bent<br />

met een duidelijke focus de competitie<br />

ingestapt. Waar komt die kracht vandaan?<br />

‘Ik ben de jongste thuis, dus ik heb vaak mijn<br />

mannetje moeten staan. Ik ben daardoor vrij rap<br />

volwassen geworden. In de kapperswereld leer<br />

je ook snel jezelf te verdedigen en verkopen. Het<br />

is best een zware wereld; met veel mensen heb<br />

ik een haat-liefdeverhouding. Het is een zeer<br />

competitieve wereld, maar je steekt er wel heel<br />

veel van op.’<br />

Laten we het even over je missie hebben.<br />

Je wilt je met name gaan inzetten voor<br />

holebi-ouderschap. Je vertelde zojuist al<br />

zelf ook een kinderwens te hebben, terwijl<br />

je nog redelijk jong bent. Waar komt die<br />

wens vandaan?<br />

‘Ik heb altijd al kinderen gewild. Mijn partner en<br />

ik hebben momenteel ook al een petekindje. Zij<br />

is nu vijf jaar. Dat heeft die kinderwens alleen<br />

nog maar versterkt. Ik vind mezelf nu inderdaad<br />

nog veel te jong voor een kindje. Mijn partner wil<br />

echter ook zeker weten een kindje, dus als we er<br />

klaar voor zijn is het jn als die mogelijkheid er is.’<br />

Je zei in een eerder interview tijdens het<br />

exploreren van de mogelijkheden al tegen<br />

moeilijkheden aan te lopen. Vertel.<br />

‘Om iets te noemen: toen ik erover sprak met<br />

een aantal klanten in de kapsalon, zeiden velen<br />

me dat ze het beter vonden als een kind een<br />

moeder én een vader heeft dan twee ouders van<br />

hetzelfde geslacht. Ik merkte dat veel mensen<br />

er nog negatief tegenover staan. Daar is dus<br />

werk aan de winkel, ik wil ervoor zorgen dat<br />

same-sexouderschap als normaal beschouwd<br />

gaat worden. Op mijn website vind je daarom<br />

veel persoonlijke verhalen van holebi-ouders en<br />

artikelen over het onderwerp.’<br />

voordat zij 39 wordt, zij de draagmoeder van<br />

onze kinderen wil zijn. Als op dat moment fysiek<br />

en mentaal alles met haar in orde is, natuurlijk.<br />

Er zijn in België nog heel weinig wetten omtrent<br />

draagmoederschap. Voor adoptie zijn ook<br />

ontzettend lange wachtlijsten. Ik mag dus in<br />

mijn handjes knijpen met zo’n schoonzus, maar<br />

ik besef goed dat de meeste holebi’s deze<br />

kans niet hebben. Ik wil ervoor strijden dat alle<br />

vormen van ouderschap, dus ook adoptie en<br />

pleegouderschap, beter bereikbaar worden voor<br />

holebi-koppels. Ik weet dat wij heel veel geluk<br />

hebben gehad. Een kind dragen voor iemand<br />

anders is niet niets. Misschien denken vrouwen<br />

wanneer ze dit verhaal lezen: dit zou ik ook voor<br />

mijn broer kunnen doen.’<br />

Hoe ben je van plan je boodschap te gaan<br />

verspreiden dit jaar?<br />

‘Sowieso ga ik mijn website uitbreiden. Ik heb<br />

daar nu veel meer mogelijkheden en middelen<br />

voor door de mensen die ik heb ontmoet. Ik zou<br />

graag in scholen besprekingen gaan geven voor<br />

kinderen: zij zijn toch de toekomst van morgen.<br />

Ik zou hen al willen meegeven dat holebiouderschap<br />

oké is, zodat ze met die gedachte<br />

opgroeien. Wat me erg gaaf lijkt is om komend<br />

jaar een kinderboekje te maken met een sprookje<br />

dat over holebi-ouders gaat. Ook op middelbare<br />

scholen wil ik langsgaan om mijn boodschap<br />

te verspreiden. Mocht dit ook effect hebben op<br />

de wetgeving in Vlaanderen, dat zou natuurlijk<br />

helemaal mooi zijn, maar dat is natuurlijk niet iets<br />

wat binnen een jaar tijd zal veranderen. Ik ga ook<br />

met holebikoepel çavaria zitten om mijn plannen<br />

te bespreken en te zien hoe we elkaar daarin<br />

kunnen ondersteunen.’<br />

Reis je volgend jaar ook af naar de Mister<br />

Gay World-competitie?<br />

‘Ja, absoluut. Die vindt in 2016 plaats in<br />

Latijns-Amerika; de precieze plaats is nog niet<br />

bekend. Eind dit jaar ga ik ook nog een week<br />

naar Hongkong voor een fotoshoot. Ik heb naast<br />

de titel Mister Gay Vlaanderen namelijk de titel<br />

Mister Gay Fotogeniek gewonnen. Daar ben ik<br />

ook zeer trots op!’<br />

En worden dat foto’s voor je campagne<br />

of foto’s waarmee je het komende jaar je<br />

Facebook-proel kunt invullen?<br />

‘Haha, ik zal er ongetwijfeld een mooie nieuwe<br />

pro elfoto aan overhouden, maar het is een<br />

shoot voor DAN underwear. Zij gaan mij een jaar<br />

gebruiken als model voor hun merk.’<br />

Wil je volgend jaar<br />

zelf deel uitmaken van<br />

de competitie?<br />

Houd de website<br />

www.mistergayvlaanderen.be<br />

dan goed in de gaten!<br />

Ik heb vernomen dat je schoonzus al heeft<br />

aangegeven draagmoeder voor jullie te<br />

willen zijn als jullie aan kinderen willen<br />

beginnen?<br />

‘Dat klopt. Zij heeft altijd tegen haar broer – mijn<br />

partner – gezegd: “Zodra ik kinderen heb, wil<br />

ik jouw kinderwens ook vervullen”. Komende<br />

week gaat ze bevallen van haar tweede kindje,<br />

dus haar wens is in vervulling gegaan. Ze<br />

heeft gezegd dat moesten we kinderen willen<br />


Interview / Skelte Willems<br />




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QUEEN OF<br />




Interview / Violet Chachki<br />

Season 7 of RuPaul’s Drag Race was called ‘the most fashionable season ever’. It seems<br />

only natural that Violet Chachki (out-of-drag name: Jason Dardo, aged 22) would win this<br />

season, as she was denitely the contestant who had the most fashion tricks up her<br />

sleeve. Including that almost too painful to watch cinched waist in episode 6. We spoke<br />

with the fresh winner about stealing crowns, exuding condence and alternate endings.<br />

‘It was a weird experience to have to fake it.’<br />

You’re fresh off of winning season 7; how<br />

has winning the show changed your life<br />

and career so far?<br />

“Oh my God. Even just in these past couple of<br />

days, everything has changed. I’ve gotten tons<br />

of opportunities thrown at my feet. It’s incredible.<br />

I’ve gotten so many offers, been approached by<br />

so many different people to do amazing creative<br />

projects. I’m back home in Atlanta now, and the<br />

overwhelming love and support from my community<br />

here is incredible. Every queer and gay<br />

person and ally back home is so proud of me. I<br />

went out last night, I was hanging out with Alyssa<br />

Edwards [from season 5 – ed.] and Nicole Paige<br />

Brooks [from season 2 – ed.] and it was just so<br />

magical to look around and think about where I<br />

am and how I got here. To be hanging out with<br />

drag icons is just incredible.”<br />

With the material that’s been shown<br />

during the episodes and Untucked, and<br />

the contestants basically being locked<br />

away when the cameras aren’t rolling,<br />

do you have any anecdotes of things we<br />

didn’t get to see in the show?<br />

“You know, it’s really hard to remember everything<br />

that happened. There’s a lot of stuff they showed<br />

that I totally forgot about. From what I can see,<br />

everything seems to be there. Obviously stuff<br />

was left out, because we lmed 48 hours for<br />

a 45-minute episode. So it’s a lot to condense<br />

down. I don’t remember anything super speci c<br />

that I wish they would have thrown in there.”<br />

Were you worried at all with how you were<br />

going to be portrayed on TV?<br />

“Yeah, when I got home I thought: great, I’m going<br />

to be the most hated person in all of America. I<br />

thought they were going to make me look like the<br />

devil, and they did in the beginning. And I am very<br />

particular, and condent, and all those things. I<br />

was terried. But I’m really pleased with the way<br />

I was edited. I think it was very true to how things<br />

actually happened.”<br />

What suggestions would you give to<br />

young queers (or people in general) who<br />

wish to develop the type of condence<br />

you exude?<br />

“I would say: think about you want, contemplate<br />

what you want your life to look like and live<br />

your truth to the fullest. Take no bullshit, make it<br />

happen for yourself. The drag scene in Atlanta<br />

is always about hustling. Everyone I’ve been<br />

interacting with at home in Atlanta has said: yeah<br />

girl, everyone is so surprised about how you were<br />

acting, but that’s how it is here – you really have<br />

to hustle. You have to make it happen for yourself,<br />

you have to be condent. And that’s my advice to<br />

everyone. Stop at nothing to make it happen.”<br />

You’ve said you feel more connected<br />

to the trans community than to the gay<br />

community. Can you elaborate on that?<br />

“I actually never really understood the separation<br />

between the two. I really feel like there’s a lot<br />

more that unites us than what separates us.<br />

Especially with the controversy with the ‘She-Mail’<br />

section on the show, it boggles my mind to see<br />

people so alienated, when we all go through the<br />

same thing. The straight world does not see a<br />

trans girl, a drag queen and a gay guy – all they<br />

see is fucking weirdos. We all have the same<br />

feelings, we all get bullied, we all go through that<br />

process, and it’s ridiculous that there’s so much<br />

separation. I think I want to reach out to the trans<br />

community because I feel like they almost have it<br />

the worst. I could go on for days. I resonate a lot<br />

with them. A lot of my friends are trans, and I’ve<br />

seen their stories and their growth. That’s where<br />

a lot of my condence and inspiration comes<br />

from. It’s seeing someone who’s so different she<br />

doesn’t t on the gender binary at all, someone<br />

who can’t even pass as either gender but falls<br />

somewhere in between, I see so much strength<br />

and bravery in that. So that’s where that comes<br />

from.”<br />

One major difference between the trans<br />

community and the gay community, I<br />

think, is the fact that members of the trans<br />

community are all about blending in, being<br />

‘passable’, whereas a lot of members of<br />

the gay community want to be seen and<br />

acknowledged for who they are.<br />

“Yeah, it’s just now becoming normal to be gay,<br />

and hopefully the next step is that it will become<br />

normal to be trans. It’s like a domino effect. Trans<br />

people are starting to become more accepted<br />

in the media, especially with what happened<br />

recently [this interview took place a few days<br />

after the reveal of Caitlyn Jenner’s Vanity Fair<br />

cover – ed.]. I feel like we’re just playing catch up<br />

on everything. Trans issues are gay issues, and<br />

gay issues are trans issues. I just don’t see the<br />

difference between the two. I hate that people<br />

make a separation between the two.”<br />

I have to ask: what’s this I’ve been reading<br />

online about you stealing Sharon Needles’<br />

crown?<br />

“She did a show in Atlanta right after she had won<br />

Drag Race, and I was working at the same show.<br />

My friend, who is a photographer, took her crown<br />

and kept it at his house. He presented it to me to<br />

take photos with, I took photos with her crown,<br />

and then I don’t know what he did with it after<br />

that. So there are photos of me wearing Sharon<br />

Needles’ stolen crown, naked, from two or three<br />

years ago, when I just started doing drag.”<br />

So what happens when you run into<br />

Sharon Needles?<br />

“Ummmm… Nothing. I think she was so fucked<br />

up through that whole era, I don’t even know<br />

if she realized that her crown was ever stolen.<br />

No, I’m sure she realized it, she’s a really good<br />

sport. It was meant as a joke. I didn’t steal it, but<br />

the person who did denitely meant it as a joke.<br />

Sharon’s probably the most punk drag queen<br />

there is, and what a punk thing to do! And she<br />

does have her crown back.”<br />

Text Martijn Tulp / Photography Miss Missy Photography 208<br />


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Tell me about your new video ‘Bettie’.<br />

“I’m so happy and thrilled with the way it turned<br />

out! The director, Michael Serrato, is an amazing<br />

visionary. It’s inspired by Bettie Page. I wanted to<br />

explore presentation versus reality, people that live<br />

double lives. For a long time I was living a double<br />

life myself. I wanted to present this perfect, peachy<br />

clean housewife image, then also show what is<br />

really going on in this woman’s house. And I think<br />

a lot of people can relate to that. ‘Bettie’ is the rst<br />

single off of my debut EP Gagged, which comes<br />

out on the 30th of June.”<br />

I’m not sure everyone knows this, but<br />

the nale is actually an acting challenge<br />

in itself, because the entire top 3 gets<br />

announced as a winner and you don’t know<br />

you’ve won until the episode actually airs.<br />

How do you feel about this?<br />

pictures of the taping, they threw you out. But<br />

there’s really no way to control it.”<br />

Is it true that even for the next to last<br />

episode, where Kennedy sashayed away,<br />

they lmed several endings as well, and<br />

Kennedy didn’t actually know she didn’t<br />

make the nal 3 until a few days before that<br />

episode aired?<br />

“Yeah, for the next to last episode, when we went<br />

from four to three contestants, we lmed four<br />

different endings. They had footage of all four of<br />

us, going home. So there were several alternate<br />

endings, just like the nale. I think they did that<br />

on season 6 as well, because you can’t even trust<br />

the crew. They really didn’t want the top 3 to be<br />

spoiled, and they really didn’t want the winner to<br />

be spoiled. And I think they did a great job. I mean,<br />

I had no idea until the moment the nale aired.”<br />



“I hated it! It was like we were back lming the<br />

show. They told me four days in advance ‘you’re<br />

top three, and you guys are going to be performing<br />

a lip sync song, we’re going to write it for you,<br />

you’ll get it in a couple of days, you’ll have to come<br />

here, learn the song, learn choreography, and after<br />

you do that, you have to get interviewed by Ru,<br />

fake winning’. It was like getting thrown back into<br />

the show. I kind of had posttraumatic stress disorder.<br />

It’s just a really weird experience in general,<br />

and you have a lm crew in your face constantly<br />

asking you how you’re feeling. And you’re like:<br />

‘I feel like I want these cameras out of my face,<br />

and I want to put my fucking gown on, and I want<br />

to go talk to my mom. That’s how I feel’. It was a<br />

really weird experience, and it denitely felt like<br />

another challenge, because you have to pretend<br />

that you’ve won, and that you’re super excited,<br />

happy, proud and overwhelmed. The live audience<br />

denitely helped, because they are rooting for<br />

you, and they’re pretending you really did just win.<br />

So the whole room is pretending. It was a weird<br />

experience to have to fake it, and then to actually<br />

win it was a crazy experience.”<br />

Were the three of you worried about the<br />

song you had to perform?<br />

“They told us that they were really going to try and<br />

represent our style of drag. What I was mostly<br />

worried about was I wasn’t going to get the song in<br />

time. I was ying from Atlanta to New York, to LA,<br />

three days before the nale. And if I didn’t have the<br />

song in time, I couldn’t plan my costuming. I was<br />

more concerned with guring out what I was going<br />

to wear. It’s like these people were really trying to<br />

stress me out before the nale. It was a shock that<br />

they did that to us, but it actually turned out really<br />

well, I’m super happy with how it worked out.”<br />

Do you wish they would go with a live nale<br />

instead?<br />

“I think it would have been amazing to do a live<br />

nale. I’m not sure how that would look on paper.<br />

I think they started taping the different endings<br />

after season 4 because someone spoiled who<br />

the winner was. At the nale, they were trying to<br />

control people’s phones, and if you were taking<br />

So for about a year you didn’t even know<br />

for sure whether you had made it to the top<br />

3?<br />

“Yeah, we started lming in July and stopped<br />

lming in August. But they don’t care. They’re like<br />

‘These girls are freaking out. Oh well, we have a<br />

TV show to run’. It’s crazy, you hope you made<br />

it, but there’s a lot of anxiety. And I felt really bad<br />

for the person who ended up getting eliminated. I<br />

believe Kennedy only found out a couple of days<br />

before the next to last episode aired that she didn’t<br />

make top 3. If that would have been me, I don’t<br />

know what I would have done.”<br />

What type of projects are you looking forward<br />

to doing in the future?<br />

“I’m really excited about my EP, it’s great to have a<br />

soundtrack to my visuals, and to tour with it. I love<br />

circus performance and burlesque, I would love to<br />

take those things to the next level. I’d love to be<br />

seen as the burlesque queen of drag, and to be<br />

taken serious in the fashion industry. I’ve got a lot<br />

of stuff going on, and I’m trying to gure out what<br />

to do next.”<br />

A lot of the girls from the show are doing<br />

web series, is that something you’d be<br />

interested in as well?<br />

“To be honest, no. I don’t really want to become<br />

a personality, per se. I want to be respected as a<br />

performer. I like my character to be a little bit more<br />

mysterious; I don’t want her to be super available.<br />

As you saw on the show, I’m really not that great<br />

at acting. I’m just there to be a visual artist and<br />

to perform on stage. I respect all the girls that do<br />

web series, and have amazing personalities and<br />

just light up on screen, but I don’t see myself as<br />

one of them. I don’t know how entertaining my<br />

web series would be. But a guest spot on Fashion<br />

Photo Ruview would be interesting to do. Beyond<br />

fashion critiquing, I don’t know how entertaining it<br />

would be.”<br />

Or maybe a guest judge<br />

on Project Runway?<br />

“That would be amazing. Now we’re talking!”<br />

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Text Martijn Tulp / Photography Miss Missy Photography 208

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/ TRAVEL<br />

Travel / START Alanya<br />



Je leven in Nederland achterlaten om helemaal alleen in Turkije een<br />

gaykroeg te beginnen? Het klinkt als een aevering van Ik Vertrek.<br />

Begin dit jaar vertrok Patrick Huisman naar badplaats Alanya en<br />

opende daar bar START. Tot nu toe loopt het boven verwachting:<br />

‘De Turken van andere bars sturen homo’s zelfs naar ons door als ze<br />

vragen naar een gaybar’.<br />

‘Zo erg als in Ik Vertrek was het gelukkig allemaal<br />

niet’, lacht Patrick (42). ‘Ik kom al jaren<br />

in Turkije omdat mijn moeder er een appartementje<br />

had. Na haar dood kwam ik er steeds<br />

vaker en begon het idee daar voor mezelf te<br />

beginnen toch te kriebelen.’<br />

De vraag is natuurlijk waarom de keus viel op<br />

een gay(-friendly) bar. ‘Even los van het feit<br />

dat ik zelf ook enorm gay en vriendelijk ben:<br />

er zat op die locatie tussen 2006 en 2011 al<br />

een homovriendelijke kroeg, gerund door een<br />

Hollands stel. Zij waren destijds de allereersten<br />

in Alanya, maar moesten zich uiteindelijk wegens<br />

gezondheidsredenen terugtrekken. Met<br />

hulp van weer een ander stel uit Nederland dat<br />

hier al een bedrijf heeft – ja, er wonen best wat<br />

homo’s hier – was de deal in januari van dit jaar<br />

vrij snel rond. We zijn in februari begonnen met<br />

de verbouwing en eind maart gingen de deuren<br />

van START open.’<br />

De eerste maanden zijn boven verwachting<br />

goed verlopen, kan Patrick zonder valse<br />

bescheidenheid melden. Toch kreeg Patrick<br />

in zijn omgeving de nodige bezorgde reacties<br />

toen hij aankondigde een gaykroeg te gaan<br />

runnen in Turkije. Het islamitische land staat<br />

immers niet bekend als enorm homovriendelijk.<br />

Volgens Patrick valt dat allemaal erg mee: ‘We<br />

zitten in hartje centrum in een horecagebied en<br />

alle zaken om ons heen weten wat voor een<br />

bar we zijn. Niemand doet moeilijk; de Turken<br />

vinden het zelfs best interessant. Sterker nog:<br />

de Turken van andere bars sturen homo’s<br />

naar ons door als ze vragen naar een gaybar.<br />

Daarnaast zijn we naast een gay-friendly kroeg<br />

ook een beetje een Nederlandse bar. We<br />

hebben bijvoorbeeld met z’n allen Koningsdag<br />

gevierd hier. Ik vind een heel dik homostempel<br />

op je zaak drukken anno <strong>2015</strong> niet meer zo<br />

nodig. Het is hier allemaal heel gemoedelijk en<br />

relaxt wat dat betreft, een terras vol tongende<br />

mannen is niet de bedoeling, maar de regenboogvlag<br />

hangt er gewoon.’<br />

Patrick benadrukt dat de gemiddelde Turk<br />

absoluut geen moeite heeft met homoseksuele<br />

toeristen of buitenlanders. ‘Wat dat betreft is<br />

men best ruimdenkend, het wordt een ander<br />

verhaal zodra hun eigen vrienden gay blijken…<br />

Maar zelfs daar komt heel voorzichtig een klein<br />

beetje verandering in. In START is sowieso<br />

iedereen welkom. Lokale homo’s komen er<br />

graag omdat je bij ons elkaar binnen uit het<br />

zicht én onder het genot van de airco kunt<br />

ontmoeten.’<br />

Waarom moeten homo’s al die spannende gaybestemmingen<br />

links laten liggen en naar Turkije<br />

komen? Er zijn bijvoorbeeld geen gaystranden<br />

of -sauna’s. Volgens Patrick zijn er desondanks<br />

meer dan voldoende redenen. ‘Ten eerste is<br />

de Turkse man volgens mij een van de meest<br />

ijdele ter wereld, dus er valt genoeg moois te<br />

bekijken. En als je een beetje je best doet,<br />

mag je er zelfs nog aankomen ook, haha. Maar<br />

zonder gein, Turkije is een geweldig land met<br />

vriendelijke en vooral gastvrije mensen. Het<br />

weer is er zalig en wat Alanya betreft: ondanks<br />

het toeristische karakter is er zoveel prachtige<br />

natuur te zien. Op iedere hoek van de straat<br />

kun je heerlijk eten en het leeft hier zoveel<br />

relaxter. Je voelt de stress uit je lijf glijden<br />

zodra je de vliegtuigtrap af bent. En, om een<br />

wel héél Nederlandse reden te noemen, het is<br />

hier beslist niet duur!’<br />

Een van de meest gestelde vragen die Patrick<br />

de laatste maanden heeft gekregen is de<br />

betekenis van de naam START. ‘Het woord<br />

bekt lekker en betekent in vrijwel elke taal<br />

hetzelfde. We zien een bezoek aan ons als de<br />

start van een geweldige avond of nacht.’ En<br />

Patrick heeft nog meer plannen. ‘Het zou leuk<br />

zijn als we regelmatig met een stel bezoekers<br />

een boot kunnen afhuren voor een leuke tocht<br />

over de zee. We zitten vlak aan de haven dus<br />

het is niet lastig een leuke trip te plannen die<br />

begint en eindigt bij START. En zo heb ik nog<br />

veel meer plannen. Dit is wat mij betreft pas de<br />

start van START!’<br />

START Alanya is 7 dagen per week geopend.<br />

Doordeweeks vanaf 19.00 uur en op zaterdag<br />

en zondag vanaf 17.00 uur. De bar zit “onder”<br />

de bekende Robin Hood Disco in het centrum<br />

van Alanya tegenover Orange restaurant.<br />

START heeft een klein terras, een gezellige bar<br />

binnen, gratis Wi-Fi en zeer betaalbare prijzen.<br />

Meer info vind je op www.startalanya.com of<br />

Facebook: startalanya<br />


208<br />


THE NEW<br />

LOREEN<br />


Interview / Måns Zelmerlöw<br />

Måns Zelmerlöw (28) won the Eurovision Song Contest by<br />

a landslide. His anthem ‘Heroes’ got 365 points, which is<br />

the third highest score in the history of the contest. We<br />

caught up with the singer to talk about his victory, his<br />

brand new album Perfectly Damaged and to discuss those<br />

homophobe remarks one last time.<br />

How big is Melodifestivalen, the national<br />

competition that selects Sweden’s entry<br />

for Eurovision?<br />

“It feels like Melodifestivalen is turning more<br />

and more into Eurovision, a lot more foreign<br />

fans have been watching it. You have the time<br />

and the budget to do something big with your<br />

performance there, which is great. There aren’t<br />

that many other opportunities to do that when it<br />

comes to promoting new music. It has such an<br />

impact on the charts in Sweden – you don’t even<br />

have to win. As long as you make an impression,<br />

you’ll probably hit the Swedish charts anyway. It’s<br />

becoming more and more accepted by ‘credible’<br />

artists to participate. The record companies really<br />

want to enter their artists into Melodifestivalen,<br />

because it’s such a big window and such a big<br />

opportunity.”<br />

Did you get any advice from people like<br />

Sanna Nielsen and Loreen about what to<br />

expect in Vienna?<br />

“Yeah, Sanna was in Vienna as well, she commented<br />

for Sweden. And we texted a week before.<br />

She just told me to enjoy it, and to especially<br />

enjoy the press conference and the questions I<br />

would get there. She said there would be some<br />

really weird questions, but they weren’t that weird<br />

actually, I only got like three or four.”<br />

Like what?<br />

“Instead of questions there were a lot of gifts. And<br />

there was this woman who asked if she could get<br />

hired as my ofcial zipper-closer. She had read<br />

that I always check my zipper like 30 times before<br />

I go on stage, and she thought that would be a<br />

perfect job for her. She would probably do it for<br />

free. [laughs] She didn’t get hired, though.”<br />

Can you tell me where the idea came from<br />

to incorporate the strong visuals into your<br />

performance?<br />

“I sat down with Frederik Rydman and David<br />

Nordström, the creative duo behind the projections,<br />

in November and we started to discuss<br />

what to do on stage. I told them about some parts<br />

of my life, and Frederik really fell for the part<br />

where I was about 10 or 11 and had some difculties.<br />

I was an outsider, didn’t have that many<br />

friends. There was a bullying guy coming into our<br />

class, and he chose me as his victim. That went<br />

on for a year and a half. Then this other guy from<br />

another class came in, saw me, and lifted me up<br />

and made me stronger, and got my old friends<br />

back as well. So Frederik had this idea of the<br />

stick man that I was supposed to react to, and do<br />

the story with. The stick man represents me as a<br />

10- or 11-year old, and I represent my friend who<br />

lifted me up.”<br />

A year and a half ago, you called homosexuality<br />

a ‘deviation’ on a Swedish TV<br />

show. You’ve since set the record straight<br />

many times. Were you surprised at how<br />

much attention it got?<br />

“This was when the program aired. It was a really<br />

big thing in Sweden back then, and I explained<br />

myself, things settled, and I thought ‘we’re ne<br />

now, the gay community believes me, they trust<br />

me, and everything is good. They know where<br />

I stand’. And then I won Melodifestivalen, and<br />

it exploded all over Europe as well. And I was<br />

like ‘oh no, not again!’. But on the other hand, I<br />

know I used some stupid words, I didn’t choose<br />

them wisely, and I will keep on apologizing until it<br />

goes away. And now it feels like it has gone away<br />

in most of Europe, though I still get about two<br />

comments a week on social media, that I don’t<br />

like gay people, and I just say ‘check your facts’.<br />

I’ve always been a really good friend of the LGBTI<br />

community, always doing pride events, hosted a<br />

gay gala in Sweden. I absolutely believe that homosexuality<br />

is just as natural as heterosexuality,<br />

and that gay parents are just as good as straight<br />

parents.”<br />

Aside from winning, what was your personal<br />

highlight from your time in Vienna?<br />

“The strongest memory I have from there, and<br />

one I still think about a lot, is when we passed<br />

Russia during the voting for the rst time, and the<br />

whole arena started screaming ‘Sweden! Swe-<br />

Text Martijn Tulp / Photography Per Kristiansen 208<br />


208<br />







Interview / Måns Zelmerlöw<br />

den!’. I almost shed a tear then, because it was<br />

so beautiful, and it was one of the most powerful<br />

moments of my life. That will always be a big<br />

memory for me.”<br />

Everybody in Sweden probably knows<br />

about you already – is your new album<br />

Perfectly Damaged made as a reintroduction<br />

to you for the European<br />

market?<br />

“Not really. It’s made as a sequel to my last<br />

album, Barcelona Sessions. When I started<br />

working on this album, we had no idea what<br />

was going to happen at Melodifestivalen, we<br />

denitely didn’t know what was going to happen<br />

at Eurovision. So I wanted to do something that<br />

would be a bit more electronic than Barcelona<br />

Sessions, and I think I found a path in between<br />

‘Heroes’ and my previous album, which I’m<br />

hoping is a good international sound. Judging<br />

by the response I’ve been getting it seems to be<br />

doing okay. I’m very proud of it, and as long as<br />

the fans love it and I love it, it’s okay.”<br />

I’ve noticed many songs on the album are<br />

about pushing yourself, being encouraged<br />

to do your best, not to question yourself<br />

too much. Is that something you’ve<br />

needed a lot in your own life or career?<br />

“Yeah, probably. My last album was very mellow.<br />

It was an album I needed to do; I needed to sit<br />

down and think about my career and my life,<br />

and write about that. So I released that album<br />

and I felt quite proud of myself for taking that<br />

step, going from TV-hosting for four years back<br />

to artistry, which everyone told me not to do.<br />

They said: ‘No, you’re a TV-host now, and you’ll<br />

always be a TV-host to the Swedish audience’.<br />

But I insisted on doing the album, and I’m proud<br />

of that. We went on tour, and I felt like I was<br />

back. We didn’t perform at the biggest stages in<br />

Sweden, it was okay, and the album sold okay I<br />

guess, but not more than that. So I felt a bit more<br />

self-conscious, and my self-esteem was better<br />

than it was when I wrote Barcelona Sessions.<br />

The rst song we worked on was ‘Live While<br />

We’re Alive’, and I wrote that in LA, just sitting and<br />

having a beer in the sun, thinking: life is good.<br />

That’s how it all started. The entire album became<br />

very positive, a lot more positive than Barcelona<br />

Sessions.”<br />

Which song on your new album would you<br />

say is the most personal to you?<br />

“‘Should’ve Gone Home’. Normally, I wanted to<br />

write everything on my album, but when I heard<br />

that song, I thought it could actually have been<br />

written by me. It’s a story that I would like to write,<br />

and that I’ve experienced. So I needed to have<br />

that on the album. That song still has a very big<br />

impact on me, and I feel affected by it. Apart from<br />

that, a song like ‘What’s In Your Eyes’, the last<br />

ballad on the album, the duet, it’s so intense. It’s<br />

only piano and strings, but it’s so intense all the<br />

way through. The girl I recorded that with, Tilde<br />

Vinter, was supposed to be a demo singer, but<br />

when she recorded it, I thought: that’s the one. I<br />

felt that there was some magic there.”<br />

What can we expect from you this year?<br />

“I just saw a rst draft of what the European tour<br />

is going to look like. And it’s been a huge dream<br />

of mine forever to do a tour outside of Sweden.<br />

And nothing is set in stone, but it sure looks like<br />

there’s going to be a European tour, and quite a<br />

big one.”<br />

Will you incorporate the visuals from your<br />

Eurovision performance in the tour as<br />

well?<br />

“It’s going to be hard to recreate that in a club<br />

environment, but we will denitely try to incorporate<br />

some of those features in the live shows<br />

as well. Right now I’m doing a tour in Sweden,<br />

and we’re not using any of it. We’re just doing a<br />

performance with the band, really live, and having<br />

so much fun on stage. But when it comes to going<br />

abroad, it feels like we should think that through<br />

a lot, and do something that catches people’s<br />

attention.”<br />

WIN<br />

We’re raf ing off ve copies of Mans’ new album<br />

Perfectly Damaged. Want to win a copy? Send us<br />

an e-mail at win@outmedia.nl and put ‘Mans’ in<br />

the subject line. Don’t forget to include your name<br />

and address!<br />

Text Martijn Tulp / Photography Per Kristiansen 208<br />


208<br />

Column / Mounir Samuel<br />


NOEM MIJ<br />

MAAR MO<br />

Column / Irene Hemelaar<br />




Het hoge woord is eruit. Ik ga niet langer door het<br />

leven als Monique, maar als Mounir. De mannelijke<br />

variant van mijn eigenlijke naam Mounira, en de<br />

enige naam waarvan mijn hart gaat zingen als ik<br />

hem hoor.<br />

Na jaren van stilte, angstvallig<br />

zwijgen over wat er echt in<br />

me omging, schreef ik een<br />

blog getiteld “Hoor, ik adem”,<br />

waarin ik mijn diepe depressie<br />

beschreef, mijn strijd met het<br />

zogeheten BN’er-schap en dat<br />

verstikkende gevoel niet mezelf<br />

te kunnen tonen, constant<br />

opgesplitst tussen die binnen- en<br />

buitenkant. De constante druk<br />

en verwachtingen die gepaard<br />

gaan met het vrouw-zijn, het<br />

jonge vrouw zijn, het “lesbische”<br />

vrouw zijn ook. Duizend-en-één<br />

verwachtingen en eisen van<br />

mijn familie, de maatschappij,<br />

de media. Gek werd ik van de<br />

beknellende notie publiek bezit<br />

te zijn. Het lichaam voortdurend<br />

belangrijker dan het wezen. De<br />

opvatting dat een vrouw sexy<br />

moet zijn, maar niet te sexy<br />

– want: een slet. Mooi moet<br />

zijn, maar niet te mooi – want:<br />

een bedreiging. Iedereen die<br />

altijd een mening heeft over je<br />

uiterlijke verschijning – en niet je<br />

boodschap. Als gekleurde jonge<br />

vrouw ben je immers tietenvoer<br />

voor de kijker. Ooglokkertje voor<br />

het zappende publiek. Dat zich<br />

vervolgens ink kan opwinden<br />

over het feit dat je door geen<br />

man te vangen valt. En dus nog<br />

harder los mag gaan dan op al<br />

die andere vrouwen, zo makkelijk<br />

uitgemaakt voor geil (rot)wijf, slet,<br />

hoer of bitch.<br />

Het is allemaal al onthutsend<br />

genoeg, maar ik voel me geen<br />

vrouw. Wat me dat maakt? De<br />

lezers van mijn blog dachten het<br />

te begrijpen.<br />

De Telegraaf donderde over<br />

mee heen. Evenals hijgerige<br />

journalisten, al dan niet serieuze<br />

programmamakers en weet ik al<br />

wat niet.<br />

Mounir is immers een<br />

mannennaam en daarmee viel<br />

ik direct in een volgend hokje.<br />

Geen vrouw, dus man ... Of beter<br />

gezegd: geen meisje, dus een<br />

jongetje. Want als trans-vrouw<br />

word je nooit als volwassen<br />

gezien. Zelfs de arts van het<br />

VUmc zei met een half lachje:<br />

‘Dus dit meisje wil een jongetje<br />

worden’.<br />

Ik besloot alles af te houden<br />

op één interview na, om mij zo<br />

snel mogelijk uit deze volgende<br />

kooi te vliegen en onder mijn<br />

nieuwe naam aan het werk gaan.<br />

Dus ik legde uit: nee. Ik wil<br />

geen jongetje worden. Ik ben een<br />

man. Een man én een vrouw.<br />

Een mens met mannelijke en<br />

vrouwelijke eigenschappen.<br />

Mijn boodschap: Laten we ons<br />

los maken van al die binaire<br />

identiteiten, noem mij maar Mo.<br />

Het bleek allemaal wat te<br />

ingewikkeld voor het publiek bij<br />

Jinek. Hoongelach toen ik zei dat<br />

ik weleens over twee jaar met<br />

een baard in de uitzending zou<br />

kunnen zitten. Robert ten Brink<br />

die over me heen donderde:<br />

‘Nee, nee, dat MOET je niet<br />

doen. Dat staat je niet.’<br />

Hij bedoelde het allemaal<br />

zo lief, aldus Eva. Nee, zij<br />

bedoelde het lief. Maar nog<br />

geen metersdikke mantel der<br />

liefde kan het onderliggende<br />

mechanisme bedekken.<br />

Als mannelijke vrouw ga je<br />

niet over je eigen lichaam. Als<br />

vrouwelijke man ga je niet over<br />

je eigen zijn. En als je probeert<br />

je te ontworstelen aan de<br />

hokjesgeest word je keihard in<br />

de ho(e)k gedrukt. Maar ik heb<br />

geen vastomlijnd eindpunt, ik heb<br />

slechts een begin. Dus noem mij<br />

maar Mo en of ik nu over twee<br />

jaar een baard heb of niet: ik kijk<br />

er nu al naar uit niet een mooie<br />

vrouw of knappe man maar<br />

prachtig mens te zijn.<br />

Recent onderzoek van het SCP toonde aan dat 12<br />

procent van de Nederlanders een zoenende man en<br />

vrouw in de openbare ruimte afkeurt, het dubbele<br />

percentage problemen heeft met twee zoenende<br />

vrouwen en maar liefst 35 procent niet zit te wachten op<br />

twee mannen die elkaar zoenen.<br />

Mij maakt het persoonlijk nogal<br />

uit waar die openbare ruimte zich<br />

bevindt en wat voor kus het is,<br />

wil ik er aanstoot aan nemen.<br />

Ongeacht tussen wie die kus<br />

wordt uitgewisseld. Een liefdevolle<br />

kus? Voor mij is er geen plek ter<br />

wereld waar die niet zou mogen<br />

worden uitgewisseld. Een kus<br />

die zo innig is dat de zoenenden<br />

de omgeving vergeten? Geheel<br />

op zijn plek op een locatie die<br />

bedoeld is om te versieren en<br />

versierd te worden. Een kus die<br />

nog een tandje verder gaat, die<br />

deel uitmaakt van een reeks<br />

fysieke handelingen, die het<br />

voorspel is voor een stomende<br />

vrijpartij? Daar hoef ik persoonlijk<br />

geen deelgenoot van te zijn.<br />

Een liefdevolle kus kan<br />

natuurlijk binnen de kortste<br />

keren verworden tot een ‘geta-room’-zoen.<br />

Ik zie het op het<br />

naturistenstrandje waar ik, zo<br />

vaak als het weer en de tijd het<br />

toelaten, een uurtje zon meepik.<br />

Daar zijn het vooral heterostellen<br />

die het prettig vinden publieke<br />

seks te bedrijven, zoals het setje<br />

dat gisteren op 5 meter afstand<br />

van mij half op elkaar lag te<br />

genieten van meer dan de zon<br />

alleen.<br />

Ook zijn er de ‘na-het-werk-envoor-het-avondeten’-mannen<br />

die er zeg maar niet komen om<br />

in alle vrijheid streeploos bruin<br />

te worden. Op lange, zwoele<br />

zomeravonden zorgt de overname<br />

van het terrein door deze<br />

seksrecreanten voor een sfeer die<br />

niets meer te maken heeft met de<br />

denitie van naturisme; namelijk<br />

gewoon bloot zijn omdat je dat<br />

prettig vindt.<br />

Een boswachter in het<br />

Amsterdamse bos<br />

bedacht onlangs dat een<br />

toename recreanten op het<br />

naturistenterrein dit ‘gerommel<br />

in de bosjes’ zou moeten doen<br />

afnemen. En dus werden<br />

mensen op de website en<br />

Facebook van de Naturisten<br />

Federatie Nederland en het Bos<br />

nogmaals uitvoerig op de hoogte<br />

gebracht van het bestaan van<br />

de verborgen locatie. Groeit het<br />

aantal uiteindelijk niet, dan moet<br />

het terrein maar een andere<br />

bestemming krijgen, aldus de<br />

boswachter. Een heel rare<br />

redenering.<br />

Waar het hier om gaat is dat<br />

een bosbeheer kaders moet<br />

stellen waarin duidelijk wordt<br />

bepaald waar de vrijheid van<br />

de een eindigt en die van een<br />

ander begint. Als die kaders<br />

duidelijk zijn hoeven de ‘hitsige<br />

homo’s’ namelijk geen last meer<br />

te hebben van die seksloze<br />

blootlopers en vice versa.<br />

Irene Hemelaar schrijft, praat, organiseert en zingt. Ze is directeur<br />

LHBTI-emancipatie bij de stichting Amsterdam Gay Pride en dit jaar<br />

Nederlandse Vrouwenvertegenwoordiger bij de VN. Reacties? irene@<br />

heavenlycreature.nl<br />

Fotografie Ernst Coppejans<br />

Fotografie Martin de Bouter<br />

208 023

208<br />



Interview / Bianca Del Rio<br />

After wowing the crowd in Melkweg with a short stand-up segment during RuPaul’s Drag<br />

Race Battle of the Seasons in April, Bianca del Rio, winner of season 6, is bringing her<br />

‘Rolodex of Hate’ comedy show to Theater Amsterdam, on Sunday July 26th. We caught<br />

up with her about her career, one year after conquering the crown. ‘They always call you<br />

a comedy queen when you’re ugly!’<br />



TOWN<br />



I guess you wouldn’t openly criticize a<br />

show that really seems to have enriched<br />

your career, but how do you feel about a<br />

lot of viewers calling season 7 lackluster?<br />

“It’s difcult for me, because once you’ve been<br />

in the bubble, and been a part of it, it’s dif cult to<br />

watch the show and have an objective opinion.<br />

It wasn’t my season, so it’s hard for me to be the<br />

one to say whether it was good or bad. Because<br />

of my travel schedule, I didn’t even get to watch<br />

it every week, but I saw episodes here and<br />

there. But my personal beliefs would be that it<br />

was weird, because I wasn’t on it this time, you<br />

know? It’s like going back to high school with new<br />

people, it’s kind of strange. I did get to meet a lot<br />

of the girls, and I like them a lot, they were very<br />

sweet. Everybody’s got something to say about<br />

all of it. When I won, I heard a lot of shit about<br />

how Adore should have won, and they didn’t like<br />

this, they didn’t like that. So I think it comes with<br />

the territory. And I’m sure after seven seasons,<br />

people have an idea of what they think the show<br />

should be, everybody’s a fucking expert, so that<br />

comes with it. I’m sure the pressure is a lot higher.<br />

I thought some of the challenges they had were<br />

great, I would have loved to have had them. I<br />

knew a lot of the contestants weren’t necessarily<br />

actors or singers or dancers, so that was odd,<br />

because most of the challenges involved those<br />

skills.”<br />

I think everyone agrees you’re the best<br />

comedy queen to come out of Drag Race,<br />

but who else from the show do you really<br />

enjoy, comedy-wise?<br />

“They always call you a comedy queen when<br />

you’re ugly! If you’re a pageant queen, then you’re<br />

pretty. There are so many queens from the show<br />

that I love, like Alyssa Edwards, Latrice… They’re<br />

not necessarily comedy queens, but they’re<br />

funny, great entertaining personalities, which is<br />

why they did well on the show. I think that’s the<br />

amazing thing about the show: you don’t have to<br />

win the show to have a successful career. Alyssa,<br />

Latrice, Adore, Courtney: a lot of these people are<br />

brilliantly talented, but the show doesn’t always<br />

showcase that. But since the show people got to<br />

see what they really are, and what they’re about,<br />

so it has worked out in their favor. Any time we<br />

all get to work together it’s a lot of fun. I like all of<br />

them for different reasons.”<br />

It seems like everyone from Drag Race has<br />

done their own album or at least an EP. We<br />

know you’re not a singer, but isn’t it time<br />

for a comedy album?<br />

“With the other contestants, I think a lot of their<br />

albums are comedy albums as well, ’cause none<br />

of them can fucking sing. It’s so saturated, with<br />

everybody doing the same thing. I’m traveling with<br />

my show, and we’re planning on lming it and<br />

also releasing an audio recording of that.”<br />

At least we’ll get to see you do a full<br />

stand-up show in Amsterdam at the end<br />

of July. Mayday’s been telling me you’ve<br />

really grown to like Amsterdam and are<br />

even thinking about moving here. Tell me<br />

about that.<br />

“Well, the few times I’ve been to Amsterdam I<br />

absolutely loved it, it’s one of my favorite places<br />

to visit. If Mayday had it her way, she denitely<br />

Text Martijn Tulp / Photography Magnus Hastings 208<br />


208<br />


would want me to live there. So in theory, you<br />

know, during a drunken conversation, of course<br />

I’d love to be here for a year. I just don’t know<br />

when that year would be. My life has been really<br />

hectic, and this year is just as hectic as last year.<br />

So I don’t know if I’m going to be able to make a<br />

move any time soon, but I would love to spend<br />

some time there. The luxury of getting to work so<br />

much now is that I’ll be able to take some time off<br />

and maybe spend it there. But we’ll see.”<br />

What can we expect from your show?<br />

“It’s different from what I usually do. So far in<br />

Amsterdam I’ve only done like 20-minute sets,<br />

but this is an hour and a half. So expect the<br />

unexpected. There is a section of the show that is<br />

scripted, that I do follow, but then in the beginning<br />

and the end I just go into my own zone of<br />

whatever is happening in front of me, or whatever<br />

is topical to talk about. It is a full show in a theater<br />

setting, which I’m excited about. It’s always nicer<br />

to have that because people are actually paying<br />

attention, whereas sometimes when you perform<br />

at these bars, they just want to take a picture with<br />

you because you were on TV.”<br />

Do you think you’ll adjust any of your material<br />

for the Amsterdam audience?<br />

“I think I don’t have to. We’ve been everywhere,<br />

to Vienna, Australia, all over the U.S. – which in<br />

itself is different in each city. It’s shocking how<br />

people who come to see it have an idea of who<br />

you are and what you’re about. There’s usually<br />

some local references of course, but overall I was<br />

pretty shocked with the response and how well<br />

people adapt to it. I didn’t expect that.”<br />

Courtney Act will be performing at the<br />

same theater a day before you; is there<br />

anything you’d like to say on her behalf to<br />

get people to go to her show as well?<br />

“She’s great! I’ve seen her show before, and I<br />

think she’s performing songs from her new album.<br />

Courtney’s a great performer, she’s been around<br />

for a while, I knew of her before Drag Race. She<br />

was one of the few that I had already heard of,<br />

her and Kelly Mantle. She’s great to see live, I<br />

think once you see her live you go ‘oh, now I get<br />

it!’. Because we’re not always the characters you<br />

see on television for that hour a week. There’s<br />

more to it.”<br />

Saturday 25 July<br />

Courtney Act – Boys Like Me<br />

Doors open: 7.30pm | Show: 9pm | Tickets: €30.-<br />

Sunday 26 July<br />

Bianca Del Rio – Rolodex of Hate<br />

Doors Open: 7.30pm | Show: 9pm | Tickets: €45.-<br />

Tickets available at<br />

www.theateramsterdam.nl/en/Tickets/gaypride.html<br />

Theater Amsterdam, Danzigerkade 5, Amsterdam<br />

026<br />

Text Martijn Tulp / Photography Magnus Hastings 208

208<br />

Interview / Hey Ms DJ<br />

Column / Misha M<br />

HEY MS. DJ<br />





ENDING<br />

Met Rashida Tauwnaar, beter bekend als DJ Shug La<br />

Sheedah, is geen avond hetzelfde. Van Motown classics<br />

tot funky afro house, deze vrouw geeft aan iedere avond<br />

een andere draai. Haar grootste wens: ‘Ik zou heel graag<br />

een keer willen optreden in Atlanta in een foute, grote<br />

stripclub.’<br />

Wanneer ben je begonnen<br />

met draaien?<br />

‘5 jaar geleden heb ik lessen<br />

genomen in draaien met vinyl<br />

in Studio West te Amsterdam.<br />

Het was een leuke manier<br />

om te spelen met mijn liefde<br />

voor muziek. Dat is uiteindelijk<br />

uitgegroeid tot een passie om<br />

mijn muziek voor publiek te<br />

mogen draaien.’<br />

Waar draai je zoal?<br />

‘Ik draai op veel verschillende<br />

plekken, bijvoorbeeld in de<br />

Escape Lounge, de Jimmy Woo,<br />

Melkweg, Sugar Factory, Twenty-<br />

Six, BIRD, Viproom, Stairway to<br />

Heaven, NOXX, heel divers. Ik<br />

ben resident-dj bij Totally Events<br />

van Theo Heskes en bij JIGGY<br />

in de Bitterzoet. Verder heb ik<br />

een eigen ‘urban classic pink<br />

party’ voor 25-plussers genaamd<br />

FEENIN.’<br />

Hoe zit jouw muziekstijl<br />

in elkaar?<br />

‘Ik ben moeilijk in een boxje te<br />

plaatsen. Ik draai van Motown<br />

classics tot funky afro house, van<br />

eclectische remixen tot lekkere<br />

dancehall. Ik vind dat je moet<br />

kunnen spelen en variëren met<br />

verschillende stijlen. Mijn motto<br />

is “Love is life and life is free”. Als<br />

mijn set mijn publiek in gezellige<br />

sferen kan brengen, ben ik een<br />

tevreden mens.’<br />

Welk nummer mag<br />

volgens jou in geen<br />

enkele dj-set ontbreken?<br />

‘Ik hou van fout, maar leuk. Voor<br />

mij mag Whitneys ‘I Wanna<br />

Dance With Somebody’ niet<br />

ontbreken.’<br />

Wat is het grote verschil<br />

tussen draaien voor<br />

een mixed publiek en<br />

voor een voornamelijk<br />

heteropubliek?<br />

‘Mixed crowds go wild! Zij gaan<br />

door tot het einde. Heteropubliek<br />

is vaak wat voorzichtig, komt later<br />

los en is kritisch. Kritisch moet je<br />

zeker zijn. Vergeet echter niet dat<br />

als je op stap gaat, jij als publiek<br />

ook zorgt voor de sfeer!’<br />

In welke stad zou je heel<br />

graag een keer optreden<br />

en waarom?<br />

‘Ik zou heel graag een keer willen<br />

optreden in Atlanta in een foute,<br />

grote stripclub of op een outdoor<br />

festival in Miami. Atlanta omdat<br />

die stad berucht is voor haar<br />

urban/hiphop scene en stripclubs<br />

en Miami omdat het de party<br />

capital van de wereld is. If you<br />

can make it there, you can make<br />

it anywhere.’<br />

Waar kunnen we je<br />

binnenkort zien draaien?<br />

‘Je kunt mij binnenkort zien bij<br />

R&B Legends in Hotel Arena,<br />

Hoelahoep in Twenty-Six in<br />

Rotterdam, met het Totally team<br />

in de NYX in Amsterdam en op<br />

het Totally Roze Kwaku Summer<br />

festival. Tijdens Amsterdam Gay<br />

Pride vind je me bij H.O.E. in de<br />

Escape Lounge en bij Ms. Jones<br />

in de Tolhuistuin.’<br />

Have you ever found yourself in a sexual encounter<br />

where one party works his ass off (or any part of the<br />

body, for that matter), and the other just sits there and<br />

enjoys the ride, giving little to nothing in return? Don’t<br />

get me wrong: this can be extremely hot and dandy if<br />

both parties agree on some form of master-slave roleplay<br />

where one serves the other. However, this is NOT<br />

hot when both parties expect enjoyment and one of<br />

them – quite literally – is left hanging!<br />

I had one of these rather<br />

unsatisfying encounters on a<br />

men-only night at Sameplace.<br />

The guy was one of those hot<br />

“beautiful face/beautiful body”<br />

combinations. After a smooth<br />

chat in the smoking room, it was<br />

mutually understood that some<br />

fun was going to be had later in<br />

the downstairs dungeon.<br />

Moments later, indeed everything<br />

was happening smoothly. His<br />

dick was enjoying my mouth<br />

for quite some time and I was<br />

making every effort to make it<br />

‘hot’: changing positions for him<br />

to enjoy observing his ‘subject’<br />

(on my knees, with my head<br />

hanging off the edge of a play<br />

table, on my fours on a play bed),<br />

juggling around with different<br />

blowjob techniques (tongue<br />

tickle, fast suction, deep throat,<br />

ball pulling, etc.). I did everything<br />

to smoothly guide this dude –<br />

and myself, naturally – to the<br />

nish. Unfortunately, only one of<br />

us crossed the nish line. As his<br />

fountain of milk came spraying all<br />

over the place, he quickly stowed<br />

his member back in his jockstrap<br />

and simply walked away while I<br />

was still trying to achieve my own<br />

big nish with my right hand. In<br />

response to my ‘wait, I didn’t cum<br />

yet!’ he simply said, ‘next time<br />

make yourself cum faster’!<br />

I keep running into this guy in<br />

similar establishments, catching<br />

his playful smirks and turning my<br />

head away in response, so it is<br />

quite safe to say that there will be<br />

no ‘next time’ in the foreseeable<br />

future! The unfortunate event<br />

of having to endure someone’s<br />

selshly rude behavior occurs to<br />

the best of us. The only way to<br />

deal with it, of course, is to laugh<br />

about it and get over it, because<br />

there is nothing the ‘victim’ of<br />

a stolen orgasm can do really.<br />

Whom I do address in this article,<br />

however, is those sel sh dudes.<br />

Those fella’s who get everything<br />

and return nothing, lazily leaving<br />

their partner hanging, without<br />

making any effort for a reward of<br />

any kind. To them I say: don’t be<br />

surprised if the ‘hard working’ guy<br />

is no longer available to you, he<br />

is working hard on another hot<br />

person. One with a better attitude<br />

than you!<br />

Fotografie Gersom Naarden<br />

Misha M lives and works in Amsterdam. Part-time songwriter and<br />

part-time masseur, the USSR-born former New Yorker shares his<br />

dating and sex life stories and experiences, and the lessons he has<br />

learned from them. mishamamedov@hotmail.com /<br />

www.mishamamedov.com<br />

208<br />


208<br />

/ REVIEWS<br />

BOEK:<br />

‘Anders’ in het<br />

Afrika van nu<br />

Het roze hoogseizoen is aangebroken. Geen<br />

weekdag die in Nederland nog niet een roze variant<br />

heeft gekregen. Dertig jaar terug had het nog een<br />

utopisch denkbeeld geleken. Geen slecht plan dus<br />

om de blik in deze tijden van trots en viering ook eens<br />

over de grens te richten, naar een continent waar het<br />

er nog heel anders aan toegaat.<br />

Hivos-publicatie Boldy Queer bevat 14 bijdragen, van<br />

essays tot fotoseries, die de verschillende kanten van<br />

het ‘anders’ zijn in Afrika anno <strong>2015</strong> belichten. De<br />

meeste Afrikaanse LHBTI’s krijgen nog dagelijks te<br />

maken met grove schendingen van hun rechten, laat<br />

staan dat er ruimte is om hun diversiteit te vieren.<br />

De activisten, schrijvers en wetenschappers die in<br />

het boek aan het woord komen geven niet alleen<br />

hun ongezouten mening over de stand van zaken<br />

op het gebied van diversiteit, genderidentiteit en<br />

homoseksualiteit in Afrika. Ze zoeken actief naar<br />

manieren om het tij te keren op een continent dat<br />

worstelt met het accepteren van alle niet-normatieve<br />

vormen van seksualiteit.<br />

WINNEN!<br />

African Perspectives on<br />

Same-sex sexuality and<br />

gender diversity<br />

Via onderstaande QR-code krijg je via Gay.nl<br />

exclusieve toegang tot ‘A lost chapter found: an<br />

interview with Binyavanga Wainaha’, een van de<br />

inspirerende bijdragen uit Boldly Queer.<br />

In samenwerking met Hivos verloot<br />

Gay&<strong>Night</strong> 3 exemplaren van Boldly<br />

Queer. Kans maken? Stuur een<br />

e-mail naar win@outmedia.nl met je<br />

naam en adres o.v.v. ‘Boldly Queer’.<br />


Reviews / Boek - Film<br />

Film:<br />

Jurassic World<br />

Regisseur: Colin Trevorrow<br />

Cast: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Vincent D’Onofrio, Omar Sy<br />

Verwacht: nu in de bioscopen<br />

Het maken van een vervolg op een iconische lm<br />

is een hachelijke onderneming: dat bewezen de<br />

twee vorige delen van Jurassic Park, die pijnlijk in<br />

de schaduw stonden van het origineel uit 1993.<br />

Na alle kinderziektes overwonnen te hebben, is<br />

het dino-eiland in de vierde lm in de reeks uitgegroeid<br />

tot een Disney-achtig pretpark waarvan de<br />

enorme rijkheid aan details zich met één keer kijken<br />

niet volledig laat bevatten. De bekende exemplaren<br />

zijn getemd en vormen geen bedreiging<br />

meer voor het publiek dat dagelijks per tienduizenden<br />

het complex bezoekt. De eigenaars zijn<br />

echter op zoek naar een nieuwe stunt en hebben<br />

een experimentele soort gecreëerd die niet alleen<br />

groter is dan de T-Rex, maar ook moordzuchtiger<br />

en bovenal slimmer. Het 15 meter hoge dier weet<br />

uit zijn hok te ontsnappen, met alle gevolgen voor<br />

de bezoekers van dien.<br />

De jonge regisseur Colin Trevorrow probeert met<br />

zijn Jurassic World, zoals deel 4 is gedoopt, nooit<br />

de verwondering en verbazing die het origineel<br />

opwekten te herhalen. In plaats daarvan bouwt hij<br />

knap de mythologie van de serie uit in de geest<br />

van grote roerganger Spielberg. Waar de andere<br />

twee vervolgen er niet in slaagden dezelfde<br />

aantrekkelijke mix van verbluffende effecten,<br />

humor, schrikeffecten en interessante personages<br />

te serveren, lukt dit Jurassic World wél. Chris<br />

Pratt en Bryce Dallas Howard nemen in hun<br />

hoofdrollen als kloeke dinotemmer en harteloze<br />

directrice van het park de materie serieus genoeg<br />

om het avontuur spannend te houden, maar<br />

doen dit tegelijkertijd met de vette knipoog die het<br />

origineel zo onweerstaanbaar maakte.<br />

Film:<br />

Inside Out<br />

Regisseur: Pete Docter<br />

Cast (stemmen): Amy Poehler, Bill Hader, Diane Lane, Kyle MacLachlan<br />

Verwacht: begin juli in de bioscopen<br />

De makers van pareltjes als Toy Story, Finding<br />

Nemo, Up, Ratatouille en WALL•E zijn na<br />

een baisse van vijf jaar weer helemaal terug<br />

met een nieuwe animatie die overdondert,<br />

verwondert, verrast en betovert zoals hun<br />

grootste klassiekers dat deden. Het verhaal<br />

kent twee hoofdpersonages: tienermeisje Riley,<br />

die lastig kan wennen aan de verhuizing naar<br />

San Francisco, en Joy, het Tinkelbel-achtige<br />

stemmetje in haar hoofd dat zorgt voor de<br />

blijdschap in haar leven. Samen met Sadness<br />

(droeve oogopslag en deprimerende coltrui),<br />

Disgust (een soort mean girl), Fear (een labiele<br />

kantoorklerk) en Anger (opvliegende snor met<br />

krant) regelt Joy de hormoonhuishouding en<br />

dus het gedrag van de puberende Riley. Door<br />

een ongelukje belanden zij en Sadness echter<br />

in het onderbewustzijn van het meisje en<br />

moeten de weg terug vinden naar het centrale<br />

commandocentrum voordat Riley met haar<br />

grillige gedrag haar hele omgeving van zich heeft<br />

vervreemd.<br />

Regisseur Pete Docter was eerder ook het genie<br />

achter de even originele Pixar-producties Up (met<br />

dat huis met ballonnen), WALL•E (robotje in de<br />

ruimte) en Monsters Inc. Met Inside Out voegt de<br />

goedlachse maker een nieuwe titel aan zijn oeuvre<br />

toe die zijn voorgaande werk overtreft. De lm<br />

is een juweeltje, dat fysieke animatiegrappen (die<br />

vooral voor rekening van de emoties in het hoofd<br />

van Riley komen) combineert met een origineel,<br />

intelligent verhaal vol onverwachte wendingen,<br />

fantastische vondsten en memorabele grappen.<br />

Tekst Robbert Blokland (film) / Martijn Kamphorst (boek) 208<br />


208<br />

/ DATING<br />

What’s love got to do with it? / Joyce & Joyce<br />

What's love got to do with it?<br />

In deze rubriek geven dating-experts<br />

Joyce en Joyce antwoord op al jouw<br />

prangende vragen over liefde, seks en<br />

korte- of langetermijnrelaties. Vragen?<br />

Kruip in de pen, stuur ze naar joyce@<br />

outmedia.nl en wie weet beantwoorden<br />

de dames volgende maand jouw vraag.<br />

Mijn vriendje en ik wonen sinds een jaar samen,<br />

maar hebben niet echt dezelfde smaak. Nu ‘verrast’<br />

hij me tijdens iedere verjaardag of jubileum<br />

met een spuuglelijke mok of blingy sieraad.<br />

Ik merk dat ik het moeilijk vind om hem te zeggen<br />

dat hij hiermee op moet houden, maar ik<br />

weet niet hoe lang ik dit nog volhoud. Help?<br />

Pim, 31, Wijk aan Zee<br />

‘Ai, dat is een pittige inderdaad. We zouden willen<br />

zeggen dat honesty hier the best policy is, maar<br />

een soorgelijke situatie heeft bij Joyce niet al te lang<br />

geleden tot een duurzaam ontwricht huwelijk geleid.<br />

Haar tweede man was een fervent verzamelaar<br />

van Marco Borsato-merchandise. Uiteindelijk heeft<br />

een ruzie over het dekbekovertrek hun huwelijk<br />

de das omgedaan. Misschien kun je er een leuke<br />

draai aan geven? Wees hem bijvoorbeeld voor en<br />

stel voor om samen een mooi servies uit te zoeken<br />

onder het mom van: “dan past alles mooi bij<br />

elkaar”. Je kunt je nichtje/zusje/buurmeisje ook wat<br />

exemplaren meegeven voor haar rommelmarktkraampje<br />

en een lichte mate van shock faken als je<br />

vriend uiteindelijk vraagt waar zijn geschenken zijn<br />

gebleven. Die sieraden zijn wat lastiger. Ze in een<br />

kistje in de sokkenla bewaren gaat ongetwijfeld<br />

vraagtekens oproepen en de boel laten omsmelten<br />

tot iets draagbaars is ook niet bepaald een subtiele<br />

manier om je boodschap over te brengen. Eén<br />

optie zou zijn om twee of drie keer per jaar een van<br />

die wurgkettingen om te hangen onder een dikke<br />

trui en heel expliciet aan hem duidelijk te maken<br />

dat je zijn ‘juwelen’ draagt om voor de komende<br />

maanden de gemoederen te sussen. Of je draagt<br />

z’n liefdesbling alleen binnenshuis en verstopt het<br />

gedrocht in je tas zodra de deur achter je dichtvalt.<br />

Een laatste alternatief: hem een koekje van eigen<br />

deeg geven. Kijk maar eens hoe hij reageert<br />

wanneer je hem met ieder jubileum (eerste date,<br />

eerste etentje, eerste keer dat je hem pijpte,<br />

eerste keer samen naar de Ikea) verblijdt met een<br />

attent cadeautje (mok met röntgenfoto van je hart,<br />

broodtrommeltje met foto van je ogen, ketting met<br />

pluk van je haar et cetera, et cetera). Succes!’<br />

Het begint nu steeds serieuzer te worden met<br />

een jongen waarmee ik aan het daten ben; we<br />

spreken vaak meteen na werk af, gaan een<br />

hapje eten en meestal eindigen we bij een<br />

van ons thuis. Ik wil dan eigenlijk graag eerst<br />

even douchen, want na zo’n hele dag ben je<br />

niet meer op je allerfrist, maar van hem hoeft<br />

het niet zo nodig. Maar ik ben juist bang dat hij<br />

me dan een beetje vies vindt, en ik vind hem ’s<br />

avonds laat zelf ook niet meer zo superschoon.<br />

Maar ik wil het ook niet ongemakkelijk maken.<br />

Wat nu? Roderik, 28, Vleuten<br />

‘We schreven het al eerder: seks is niet iets steriels.<br />

Maar als je hem écht niet fris genoeg meer<br />

vindt, of jezelf er niet lekker bij voelt om seks te<br />

hebben voordat je zelf bent gaan douchen, is het<br />

toch goed om zoiets te bespreken. Misschien gaat<br />

hij anders denken dat er iets anders aan de hand<br />

is. Joyce is na een hele dag werken ook niet meer<br />

op haar állerfrist, daar zetten we soms weleens<br />

een hogedrukspuit op. Trouwens, een beetje voorspel<br />

onder de douche kan ook heel spannend zijn!<br />

En misschien kunnen jullie wel een gulden middenweg<br />

vinden, wie weet.’<br />

Ik heb sinds een paar weken contact met een<br />

heel leuke jongen. We appen de hele dag door,<br />

we Skypen bijna iedere avond en we willen<br />

elkaar heel graag ontmoeten. Het enige probleem:<br />

hij studeert in Gent en ik in Groningen.<br />

We willen elkaar graag een keer ontmoeten en<br />

samen uitgaan, maar dan moet een van ons al<br />

heel vroeg weer terug om de laatste aansluiting<br />

naar huis te halen. Maar om op onze eerste date<br />

meteen te blijven slapen vind ik ook weer zo<br />

geforceerd, misschien vinden we elkaar in het<br />

echt toch niet zo leuk als online. Dat heb ik weleens<br />

eerder meegemaakt. Als een van ons twee<br />

zo lang moet reizen om de ander te zien, lijkt er<br />

zoveel van af te hangen. Wat adviseren jullie?<br />

Matthijs, 23, Groningen<br />

‘Joyce heeft dus een keer drie uur in een trein<br />

gezeten om iemand te ontmoeten die in het echt<br />

geen woord uitbracht en wel héél goede belichting<br />

had gebruikt tijdens het maken van z’n foto’s. Dat<br />

was een ongemakkelijke nacht op een twijfelaar<br />

die ze nooit meer terugkrijgt. Maar voor hetzelfde<br />

geld was het wél een ontzettend leuk weekend geweest!<br />

Wie niet waagt, die niet wint! Als je écht een<br />

veiligheidsclausule wilt inbouwen, zoek dan een<br />

plek op die ongeveer tussen jullie in ligt, Utrecht<br />

of zo, en ga samen die stad verkennen. Spreek op<br />

tijd af, en als het klikt kunnen jullie altijd samen de<br />

trein terug naar Groningen of Gent pakken. En als<br />

het niet klikt, dan is er in ieder geval íets bevredigd:<br />

je nieuwsgierigheid.’<br />

-x- Joyce & Joyce<br />

* De eventuele medisch inhoudelijke informatie in deze rubriek<br />

is goedgekeurd door Man tot Man: de website voor gezonde<br />

mannenseks van Soa Aids Nederland, GGD Amsterdam en<br />

GGD Rotterdam-Rijnmond<br />

Vraag insturen? Mail naar joyce@outmedia.nl / Fotografie Johan van Walsem<br />

208<br />



DOE<br />


WHO CARES?!<br />

Ze is een van de drie Gay Prideambassadeurs<br />

dit jaar en bovendien<br />

leent ze haar power house-stem aan de<br />

Gay Pride Anthem <strong>2015</strong>, geschreven<br />

en geproduceerd door Eric van Tijn<br />

en Jochem Fluitsma van Soundwise:<br />

This is us : Emmaly Brown. De 20-jarige<br />

Haagse is BN’er sinds ze in 2014<br />

meedeed aan de Voice of Holland,<br />

waar ze het tot de finale schopte.<br />

Ambassadeur zijn van de Amsterdam<br />

Gay Pride? “Een groot super vet<br />

evenement met een mooie boodschap.<br />

Ik voel me super trots en blij!”<br />

AMSTERDAM 2016:<br />



In September 2013 kozen de leden<br />

van de European Pride Organizers<br />

Association unaniem voor Amsterdam<br />

als host voor de EuroPride 2016.<br />

Kort daarna werd ook Roze<br />

Zaterdag toegewezen.<br />

De laatste keer dat de EuroPride in<br />

Amsterdam werd gehouden was in<br />

1994, overigens ook de laatste keer<br />

dat Roze Zaterdag in de hoofdstad<br />

plaatsvond. Delegaties van de<br />

stichting Amsterdam Gay Pride en<br />

de Gemeente Amsterdam reizen af<br />

naar Riga in Letland en Maastricht<br />

om de overdrachtsceremonies van<br />

beide evenementen bij te wonen. Dit<br />

jaar vindt de EuroPride voor het eerst<br />

plaats in een stad van de voormalige<br />

Sovjet Unie. Als lid van EPOA zijn wij<br />

daar zeer trots op en hebben veel<br />

respect voor onze collega’s ter plaatste<br />

die de moed hebben om uit de kast te<br />

komen en openlijk voor hun rechten<br />

te strijden in een regime dat lijnrecht<br />

tegenover hen staat.<br />

“Met het hosten van Roze Zaterdag en<br />

EuroPride sluit Amsterdam in 2016 een<br />

half jaar Nederlands EU-voorzitterschap<br />

af, waar LHBTI rechten hoog op de<br />

agenda zullen staan”, stelt Algemeen<br />

Directeur Lucien Spee. “Hiermee laat<br />

Amsterdam internationaal zien nog<br />

steeds voorloper te (willen) zijn in de<br />

strijd voor gelijke rechten en vrijheid<br />

voor iedereen, waar ook ter wereld.”<br />




Amsterdam Gay Pride is een van<br />

de honderd pioniers van het<br />

nieuwe Amsterdam-domein;<br />

www.pride.amsterdam.<br />

Ook onze Facebook-pagina is<br />

omgezet naar deze nieuwe naam.<br />

AGP branding and design: VBAT<br />

Photography: Marcus Koppen<br />

Hair and make up: Ronald Maasakkers<br />

Styling: Fleur Feringa<br />


Haar artiestennaam is een simpele<br />

vertaling van haar echte naam,<br />

Emmaly de Bruijn. De studio-opnames<br />

van de Gay Pride Anthem zijn nog<br />

maar nauwelijks achter de rug als dit<br />

vraaggesprek plaatsvindt. Hoogste<br />

tijd om alles te weten te komen over<br />

deze jongste AGP-ambassadrice van<br />

<strong>2015</strong>, die overigens nog twijfelt over<br />

haar eigen seksuele geaardheid. “Ik<br />

laat het meestal eigenlijk een beetje in<br />

het midden. Ik ben een flirter en weet<br />

dat ik me naast mannen ook zeker<br />

aangetrokken voel tot vrouwen. Maar<br />

met wie ik nou later op de bank zit, en<br />

of ik mezelf nou een lesbi of hetero<br />

moet noemen, daar maak ik me eerlijk<br />

gezegd niet zo druk over. Liefde komt<br />

zoals het komt en I am what I am.”<br />

“I am what I am and I don’t give a damn”,<br />

zing je in the anthem. Dat past dus<br />

bij jou.<br />

“Dat vind ik zo’n sterke zin. Die<br />

beschrijft eigenlijk alles. Je mag zijn wie<br />

je bent. Dat doe ik ook. Ik pluk de dag<br />

en geniet van het leven. Niemand moet<br />

bang hoeven zijn om te zijn wie hij of<br />

zij is. Als je niet van jezelf houdt, hoe<br />

kun je dan van iemand anders houden?<br />

Van mij mag iedereen houden van wie<br />

hij of zij wil. Ik begrijp niet en wil niet<br />

begrijpen dat er landen zijn waar dit<br />

niet kan. Ik ben gek op verschillende<br />

soorten types met een eigen<br />

persoonlijkheid en ben zelf trouwens<br />

ook geen doorsnee-meisje. Doe lekker<br />

gek, who cares?!”<br />

Download de zomerhit ‘THIS IS US’<br />

van Emmaly Brown op iTunes.<br />

Het volledige interview is binnenkort<br />

te lezen in de Amsterdam Gay Pride<br />

Festivalkrant <strong>2015</strong> en natuurlijk online<br />

op pride.amsterdam.

“I am<br />

what<br />

I am”<br />




GAY<br />

AGENDA<br />

AGENDA<br />

26 JUNI TOT 4 JULI<br />


Drie organisatoren, drie events, drie keer liefde voor muziek. Na<br />

twee transcendente en tongstrelende edities topt de organisatie van<br />

RE:SET het nu af met een kers zo zoet van smaak, daar kun je niet<br />

van afblijven. Op vrijdag 3 juli presenteren ze daarom de Heilige<br />

Drie-eenheid van pure techno en deephouse, opwindende dance acts<br />

en de donkere en rauwe randjes van The Warehouse. RE:SET @ The<br />

Warehouse | Warmoesstraat 96 Amsterdam | 23:00 - 05:00 | €8 | € 10<br />

after midnite | www.warehouse-amsterdam.com | www.girlesque.nl<br />

Three organizers, three events, three times sweet love for the music. After two<br />

very transcendent and tasty editions the hosts of RE:SET are going to top it off<br />

with a cherry so sweet and pure you’ve never tasted before. On the 3rd of July<br />

they present you the holy trinity of pure techno and deephouse, exhilarating<br />

dance acts and the dark and rough edges of The Warehouse. RE:SET @ The<br />

Warehouse | Warmoesstraat 96 Amsterdam | 23:00 - 05:00 | €8 | € 10<br />

after midnite |<br />

www.warehouse-amsterdam.com | www.girlesque.nl<br />


Amsterdam , Air Amsterdam , Vieze<br />

Poezendek.<br />

Amsterdam , Amstel 54 , Doozy Party.<br />

Amsterdam , Club Church , (z)onderbroek.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , Releaze.<br />

Antwerpen , Hessenhuis , Fridaynights.<br />

Nijmegen , Café Mets , Flashdance 30+.<br />


Amsterdam , Club Church , Hoerenbal.<br />

Amsterdam , Club Nyx , 3 X Nyx.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , Deviate.<br />

Antwerpen , Hessenhuis , Saturdaynights.<br />

Den Haag , Coc , Dare / Women Community.<br />

Rotterdam , Café Praag/sissi Coc Rotterdam<br />

Eo , Marlene, Women Only Party.<br />

Utrecht , Winkel Van Sinkel , Panndora.<br />

ZONDAG 28 JUNI<br />

Amsterdam , Club Church , (z)onderbroek.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , <strong>Night</strong>shift.<br />

Tilburg , Cafe Peanuts , Happy Hour.<br />


Amsterdam , Club Church , K!nk - Golden<br />

Shower.<br />


Oostende , Club Bonaparte , Naaktparty.<br />


Amsterdam , Club Nyx , Nyx Op Donderdag.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , Poplounge.<br />


Amsterdam , Club Church , (z)onderbroek.<br />

Amsterdam , Club Nyx , Sandwich.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , Re:set .<br />

Antwerpen , Hessenhuis , Fridaynights.<br />


Amsterdam , Club Nyx , 3 X Nyx.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , Deviate.<br />

Antwerpen , Hessenhuis , Saturdaynights.<br />

Utrecht , Club Lux , Rubber.<br />


Almere , Den Enghel , Vrijdagavondborrel.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Eagle , Men Inc..<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Twisted Dj Tunes.<br />

Amsterdam , The Queen’s Head , Friday<br />

<strong>Night</strong> Dj.<br />

Antwerpen , Que Pasa , Locura.<br />

Antwerpen , The Boots , Fetish / Cruising<br />

<strong>Night</strong>.<br />

Eindhoven , Coc , Young&restless.<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Vrijdagavondcafé.<br />

Maastricht , Café Rose , Expreszo Meeting.<br />

Oostende , Club Bonaparte , Naakt- En<br />

Underwearparty.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar , Sneaks.<br />

Rotterdam , Coc , Hiv-eetcafé.<br />


Alkmaar , 1811dance&drinks , Danceparty.<br />

Almere , Den Enghel , Biertijd.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Twisted Dj Tunes.<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Bingo.<br />

Amsterdam , The Queen’s Head , Cozy<br />

Summernight.<br />

Antwerpen , The Boots , Fetish / Cruising<br />

<strong>Night</strong> .<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Zaterdag Cafe.<br />

Haarlem , Wilsons By R&r , Wilsons Dj<br />

<strong>Night</strong>.<br />

Nijmegen , Danscafé Marcus-antonius ,<br />

Shotjes Avond.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar , Straight On....<br />

Utrecht , Bodytalk , Happy Hour.<br />

Zwolle , Bar Stout , Extra Stout.<br />

ZONDAG 28 JUNI<br />

Almere , Den Enghel , Zondags Happy2hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Amstel 54 , Drag <strong>Night</strong>.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , De Trut , De Trut.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Bubbles & Bites.<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Seniorenmiddag.<br />

Antwerpen , Bonaparte , Pannekoek.<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Zondags Café.<br />

Nijmegen , Danscafé Marcus-antonius ,<br />

Holland/duitse Middag/avond.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar ,<br />

Underwear&naked.<br />

Utrecht , Bodytalk , Happy Hour.<br />


Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Café Same Place , Men Only<br />

Sexparty.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Cheap Monday!<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Happy Hour.<br />


Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , G&t - Gin&tuesday.<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Beer Bust.<br />

Amsterdam , The Queen’s Head , Drag<br />

Bingoshow.<br />

Antwerpen , Que Pasa , Drags On Stage.<br />

Eindhoven , Coc , Dinsdag Café.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar , Straight On....<br />


Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Club Church , Naked Bar.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar ,<br />

Underwear&naked.<br />

Tilburg , Embrace Pink , Meetingpoint.<br />


Alkmaar , 1811dance&drinks , 1811café.<br />

Amsterdam , Amstel 54 , Saskia & Friends.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Dita’s Pubquiz.<br />

Amsterdam , Club Church , Blue.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Cocktail Sale.<br />

Antwerpen , Hessenhuis , Student <strong>Night</strong>s.<br />

Antwerpen , Que Pasa , Drag Bingo.<br />

Eindhoven , Pallaz , Dragsonstage.<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Donderdagavondcafé.<br />

Leiden , Coc Leiden , Hiv-café.<br />

Oostende , Club Bonaparte , Underwear<br />

Party.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar ,<br />

Travestie&lovers.<br />

Rotterdam , Café Praag , Inloopavond,.<br />

Tilburg , Cafe Peanuts , Take Me Out.<br />


Almere , Den Enghel , Vrijdagavondborrel.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Eagle , Men Inc..<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Twisted Dj Tunes.<br />

Amsterdam , The Queen’s Head , Friday<br />

<strong>Night</strong> Dj.<br />

Antwerpen , Que Pasa , Locura.<br />

Antwerpen , The Boots , Fetish / Cruising<br />

<strong>Night</strong>.<br />

Eindhoven , Coc , Young&restless.<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Vrijdagavondcafé.<br />

Maastricht , Café Rose , Mmm Party - Men<br />

Only.<br />

Oostende , Club Bonaparte , Naakt- En<br />

Underwearparty.<br />

Roermond , Café ‘t Brunke , Pink Friday.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar , I Love Naked<br />

In The Dark.<br />

Rotterdam , Café Praag , Coc Open.<br />


Alkmaar , 1811dance&drinks , Danceparty.<br />

Almere , Den Enghel , Biertijd.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Twisted Dj Tunes.<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Bingo.<br />

Amsterdam , The Queen’s Head , Cozy<br />

Summernight.<br />

Antwerpen , The Boots , Fetish / Cruising<br />

<strong>Night</strong> .<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Zaterdag Cafe.<br />

Leiden , Coc Leiden , Trans*-café.<br />

Nijmegen , Danscafé Marcus-antonius ,<br />

Shotjes Avond.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar , Straight On....<br />

Utrecht , Bodytalk , Happy Hour.<br />

Zwolle , Bar Stout , Extra Stout.<br />



Deventer , Centrale Bibliotheek , Roze<br />

Film Op Vrijdag.<br />

Eindhoven , Nationaal Zwemcentrum De<br />

Tongelreep , Kouros Zwemmen Vrijdag.<br />

Eindhoven , Squashtime , Kouros Squash.<br />

Eindhoven , Wijkcentrum ‘t Akkertje ,<br />

Kouros Dansen.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Live Muziek.<br />

Rotterdam , Café Praag , De Borrel.<br />

Utrecht , Boekwinkel Savannah Bay , Uit<br />

De Boekenkast <strong>2015</strong>.<br />


Amsterdam , Sauna Nieuwezijds , Bears<br />

At Nz.<br />

Eindhoven , Coc , Anders Roze.<br />

Eindhoven , Catherinakerk - Begijnenhof<br />

, Kouros Wielrennen.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Live Muziek.<br />

ZONDAG 28 JUNI<br />

Amstelveen , De Amstelveense Rugby<br />

Club , Amsterdam Lowlanders Rugby Training.<br />

Amsterdam , Go Gallery , Cowboys &<br />

Crows.<br />

Deventer , De Fermerie , Zondagmiddagsalon<br />

Nieuwe Locatie.<br />

Eindhoven , Coc , Sunday Matine.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Live Muziek.<br />

Nijmegen , In Sporthal Onder De St Steven<br />

, Transgender Sportdag In Nijmegen.<br />


Amsterdam , Sauna Nieuwezijds , Mellow<br />

Mondays.<br />

Eindhoven , Genneperparken , Kouros<br />

Tennis.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Jamsessie.<br />


Amsterdam , Sauna Nieuwezijds , No<br />

Towel <strong>Night</strong>.<br />

Eindhoven , Kees Tempel Centrum ,<br />

Kouros Conditietraining.<br />

Eindhoven , Nationaal Zwemcentrum De<br />

Tongelreep , Kouros Zwemmen Dinsdag.<br />


Amsterdam , Ggd Amsterdam , Gratis<br />

Hepatitis-b Vaccinatie.<br />

Den Haag , Stichting Buddy Netwerk ,<br />

Lunch Voor Hiv+.<br />

Eindhoven , Coc , Het Roze Oudere Café.<br />

Tilburg , Bibliotheek Tilburg Centrum ,<br />

Inloopochtend.<br />


Amsterdam , Coffeemania , Pink Nieuw<br />

West Borrel.<br />

Eindhoven , Sporthal Strijp , Kouros<br />

Zaalvoetbal.<br />

Eindhoven , Sporthal Van De Sporthogeschool<br />

, Kouros Volleybal.<br />

Leiden , De Kroon (coc Leiden) , Hiv Café.<br />

Tilburg , De Nieuwe Stede , Inloopavond.<br />


Eindhoven , Nationaal Zwemcentrum De<br />

Tongelreep , Kouros Zwemmen Vrijdag.<br />

Eindhoven , Squashtime , Kouros Squash.<br />

Eindhoven , Wijkcentrum ‘t Akkertje ,<br />

Kouros Dansen.<br />

Haarlem , Coc , Eetgroep.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Live Muziek.<br />


Eindhoven , Catherinakerk - Begijnenhof<br />

, Kouros Wielrennen.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Live Muziek.<br />


GAY<br />


GAY<br />

AGENDA<br />

AGENDA<br />

5 JULI TOT 31 JULI<br />


Op zondag 26 juli bundelen Kwaku en o.a. COC de krachten weer om<br />

de jaarlijkse Roze Zondag op Kwaku Summer Festival te organiseren.<br />

Kwaku vindt het belangrijk om de LHBT gemeenschap bij het festival te<br />

betrekken. Deze groep heeft recht op extra aandacht, zodat bepaalde<br />

taboes besproken en doorbroken kunnen worden. Ieder persoon mag<br />

immers trots zijn op wie hij of zij is; diversiteit en openheid: het zijn<br />

waarden waar Kwaku pal achter staat. De afgelopen twee jaar was<br />

de Roze Zondag, die voor de 8ste keer zal plaatsvinden, met pakweg<br />

20.000 bezoekers een groot succes op Kwaku en kan dan ook met recht<br />

het grootste ‘black LHBT event’ van Europa genoemd worden. De<br />

programmering voor zowel het hoofdpodium als het jongerenpodium<br />

wordt gedaan i.s.m. Totally en COC. Totally heeft als organisatie al<br />

enkele jaren een succesvolle clubavond in Club Nyx en heeft nu met<br />

o.a. Trafassi, Sjeazy Pearl, Shug La Sheeda, Feliciana en Shedey Ruffin<br />

(Dam Dutchess) een sterk programma op Kwaku neergezet. Daarnaast<br />

is er op het Pompeia podium veel informatie over homoseksualiteit en<br />

debatten over de acceptatie van LGBT’s binnen de Afro-Nederlandse<br />

gemeenschap. De reguliere tickets voor Kwaku zijn € 5,- per dag en een<br />

passe-partout voor het gehele festival is € 24,- en online verkrijgbaar.<br />


Amsterdam , Club Church , (z)onderbroek.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , <strong>Night</strong>shift.<br />

Tilburg , Cafe Peanuts , Happy Hour.<br />


Oostende , Club Bonaparte , Naaktparty.<br />


Amsterdam , Club Nyx , Nyx Op Donderdag.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , Poplounge.<br />


Amsterdam , Amstel 54 , Doozy Party.<br />

Amsterdam , Club Church , (z)onderbroek.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , Releaze.<br />

Antwerpen , Hessenhuis , Fridaynights.<br />

Brussel , Fuse Clu b, La Demence - Juicy.<br />

Den Bosch , Muzerije , Gayswing.<br />


Amsterdam , Club Nyx , 3 X Nyx.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , Deviate.<br />

Antwerpen , Hessenhuis , Saturdaynights.<br />

ZONDAG 12 JULI<br />

Amsterdam , Club Church , (z)onderbroek.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , <strong>Night</strong>shift.<br />

Tilburg , Cafe Peanuts , Happy Hour.<br />


Oostende , Club Bonaparte , Naaktparty.<br />


Amsterdam , Club Nyx , Nyx Op Donderdag.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , Poplounge.<br />


Amsterdam , Club Church , (z)onderbroek.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , Releaze.<br />

Antwerpen , Hessenhuis , Fridaynights.<br />


Amsterdam , Club Nyx , 3 X Nyx.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , Deviate.<br />

Antwerpen , Hessenhuis , Saturdaynights.<br />

ZONDAG 19 JULI<br />

Amsterdam , Club Church , (z)onderbroek.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , <strong>Night</strong>shift.<br />

Amsterdam , Westerpark , Milkshake<br />

Festival.<br />

Amsterdam , Westerliefde Westerunie ,<br />

Milkshake Festival - The Official Afterparty!<br />

Tilburg , Cafe Peanuts , Happy Hour.<br />


Tilburg , De Nieuwe Lollipop , Roze<br />

Maandag <strong>2015</strong>.<br />


Oostende , Club Bonaparte , Naaktparty.<br />


Amsterdam , Club Nyx , Nyx Op Donderdag.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , Poplounge.<br />


Amsterdam , Amstel 54 , Doozy Party.<br />

Amsterdam , Club Church , (z)onderbroek.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , Releaze.<br />

Antwerpen , Hessenhuis , Fridaynights.<br />


Amsterdam , Club Nyx , 3 X Nyx.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , Deviate.<br />

Antwerpen , Hessenhuis , Saturdaynights.<br />

Den Haag , Coc Cafe , Dare, Een openminded<br />

women community.<br />

Rotterdam , COC , Marlene, Women Only.<br />

ZONDAG 26 JULI<br />

Amsterdam , Club Church , (z)onderbroek.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , <strong>Night</strong>shift.<br />

Tilburg , Cafe Peanuts , Happy Hour.<br />


Oostende , Club Bonaparte , Naaktparty.<br />


Amsterdam , Club Nyx , Nyx Op Donderdag.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , Poplounge.<br />


Amsterdam , Air Amsterdam , Supertoys.<br />


Almere , Den Enghel , Happy2hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Amstel 54 , Drag <strong>Night</strong>.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , De Trut , De Trut.<br />

Amsterdam , Dirty Dicks , Fist Factory.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Bubbles & Bites.<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Seniorenmiddag.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , Nudeclub<br />

Amsterdam.<br />

Antwerpen , Bonaparte , Pannekoek.<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Zondags Café.<br />

Nijmegen , Danscafé Marcus-antonius ,<br />

Holland/duitse Middag/avond.<br />

Rotterdam , Coc Rotterdam Eo , Ooxo!<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar ,<br />

Underwear&naked.<br />

Utrecht , Bodytalk , Happy Hour.<br />


Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Café Same Place , Men Only<br />

Sexparty.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Cheap Monday!<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Happy Hour.<br />


Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , G&t - Gin&tuesday.<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Beer Bust.<br />

Amsterdam , The Queen’s Head , Bingo!<br />

Antwerpen , Que Pasa , Drags On Stage.<br />

Eindhoven , Coc , Dinsdag Café.<br />

Nijmegen , Café Mets , Gay Jongerenborrel.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar , Straight On....<br />


Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Club Church , Naked Bar.<br />

Amsterdam , Taboo , Cocktail Wednesday!<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar ,<br />

Underwear&naked.<br />

Tilburg , Embrace Pink , Meetingpoint.<br />


Alkmaar , 1811dance&drinks , 1811café.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Club Church , Blue.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Cocktail Sale.<br />

Antwerpen , Hessenhuis , Student <strong>Night</strong>s.<br />

Eindhoven , Pallaz , Dragsonstage.<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Donderdagavondcafé.<br />

Oostende , Club Bonaparte , Underwear<br />

Party.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar ,<br />

Travestie&lovers.<br />

Tilburg , Cafe Peanuts , Meeblèravond.<br />


Almere , Den Enghel , Vrijdagavondborrel.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Eagle , Men Inc..<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Twisted Dj Tunes.<br />

Amsterdam , The Queen’s Head , Friday<br />

<strong>Night</strong> Dj.<br />

Antwerpen , Que Pasa , Locura.<br />

Antwerpen , The Boots , Fetish / Cruising<br />

<strong>Night</strong>.<br />

Eindhoven , Coc , Young&restless.<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Vrijdagavondcafé.<br />

Oostende , Club Bonaparte , Naakt- En<br />

Underwearparty.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar ,<br />

Underwear&naked.<br />

Rotterdam , Café Praag , Coc Open.<br />


Alkmaar , 1811dance&drinks , Danceparty.<br />

Almere , Den Enghel , Biertijd.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Twisted Dj Tunes.<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Bingo.<br />

Amsterdam , The Queen’s Head , Cozy<br />

Summernight.<br />

Antwerpen , The Boots , Fetish / Cruising<br />

<strong>Night</strong> .<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Zaterdag Cafe.<br />

Nijmegen , Danscafé Marcus-antonius ,<br />

Shotjes Avond.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar , Straight On....<br />

Utrecht , Bodytalk , Happy Hour.<br />

Zwolle , Bar Stout , Extra Stout.<br />

ZONDAG 12 JULI<br />

Almere , Den Enghel , Jazz & Easy Listening.<br />

Amsterdam , Amstel 54 , Drag <strong>Night</strong>.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , De Trut , De Trut.<br />

Amsterdam , Dirty Dicks , Naked Darkcruising.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Bubbles & Bites.<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Seniorenmiddag.<br />

Amsterdam , The Queen’s Head , Netherbears.<br />

Antwerpen , Bonaparte , Pannekoek.<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Zondags Café.<br />

Nijmegen , Danscafé Marcus-antonius ,<br />

Holland/duitse Middag/avond.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar ,<br />

Underwear&naked.<br />

Rotterdam , Café Praag/sissi Coc Rotterdam<br />

Eo , Jong & Out.<br />

Utrecht , Bodytalk , Happy Hour.<br />


Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Café Same Place , Men Only<br />

Sexparty.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Cheap Monday!<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Happy Hour.<br />


Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , G&t - Gin&tuesday.<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Beer Bust.<br />

Amsterdam , The Queen’s Head , Bingo!<br />

Antwerpen , Que Pasa , Drags On Stage.<br />

Eindhoven , Coc , Dinsdag Café.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar , Straight On....<br />


Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Club Church , Naked Bar.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar ,<br />

Underwear&naked.<br />

Tilburg , Embrace Pink , Meetingpoint.<br />


Alkmaar , 1811dance&drinks , 1811café.<br />

Amsterdam , Amstel 54 , Saskia & Friends.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Club Church , Blue.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Cocktail Sale.<br />

Antwerpen , Hessenhuis , Student <strong>Night</strong>s.<br />

Eindhoven , Pallaz , Dragsonstage.<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Donderdagavondcafé.<br />

Oostende , Club Bonaparte , Underwear<br />

Party.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar ,<br />

Travestie&lovers.<br />

Tilburg , Cafe Peanuts , Meeblèravond.<br />


Almere , Den Enghel , Vrijdagavondborrel.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Eagle , Men Inc..<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Twisted Dj Tunes.<br />

Amsterdam , The Queen’s Head , Friday<br />

<strong>Night</strong> Dj.<br />

Antwerpen , Que Pasa , Locura.<br />

Antwerpen , The Boots , Fetish / Cruising<br />

<strong>Night</strong>.<br />

Eindhoven , Coc , Young&restless.<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Vrijdagavondcafé.<br />

Oostende , Club Bonaparte , Naakt- En<br />

Underwearparty.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar , Incognito.<br />

Rotterdam , Café Praag , Coc Open.<br />


Alkmaar , 1811dance&drinks , Danceparty.<br />

Almere , Den Enghel , Biertijd.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Club Church , Undercover.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Prik 9 Jaar!<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Bingo.<br />

Amsterdam , The Queen’s Head , Cozy<br />


GAY<br />

AGENDA<br />

Summernight.<br />

Antwerpen , The Boots , Fetish / Cruising<br />

<strong>Night</strong> .<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Zaterdag Cafe.<br />

Nijmegen , Danscafé Marcus-antonius ,<br />

Shotjes Avond.<br />

Rotterdam , Coc , Expreszo-meeting.<br />

Rotterdam , Sissi , Asians And Their Friends.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar , Straight On....<br />

Utrecht , Bodytalk , Happy Hour.<br />

Zwolle , Bar Stout , Extra Stout.<br />

ZONDAG 19 JULI<br />

Almere , Den Enghel , Zondags Happy2hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Amstel 54 , Drag <strong>Night</strong>.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Café Same Place , Gay S/m<br />

Sameplace.<br />

Amsterdam , De Trut , De Trut.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Bubbles & Bites.<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Seniorenmiddag.<br />

Amsterdam , The Warehouse , Horsemen<br />

And Knights.<br />

Antwerpen , Bonaparte , Pannekoek.<br />

Den Haag , Coc Cafe , Zilveruitje.<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Zondags Café.<br />

Nijmegen , Danscafé Marcus-antonius ,<br />

Holland/duitse Middag/avond.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar ,<br />

Underwear&naked.<br />

Utrecht , Bodytalk , Happy Hour.<br />


Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Café Same Place , Men Only<br />

Sexparty.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Cheap Monday!<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Happy Hour.<br />

Nijmegen , Danscafé Marcus-antonius ,<br />

Zomerfeesten Nijmegen.<br />


Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , G&t - Gin&tuesday.<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Beer Bust.<br />

Amsterdam , The Queen’s Head , Bingo!<br />

Antwerpen , Que Pasa , Drags On Stage.<br />

Eindhoven , Coc , Dinsdag Café.<br />

Nijmegen , Danscafé Marcus-antonius ,<br />

Zomerfeesten Nijmegen.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar , Straight On....<br />


Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Club Church , Naked Bar.<br />

Amsterdam , Taboo , Cocktail Wednesday!<br />

Nijmegen , Danscafé Marcus-antonius ,<br />

Pinkvodka Shotjes Dag.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar ,<br />

Underwear&naked.<br />

Tilburg , Embrace Pink , Meetingpoint.<br />


Alkmaar , 1811dance&drinks , 1811café.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Club Church , Blue.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Cocktail Sale.<br />

Antwerpen , Hessenhuis , Student <strong>Night</strong>s.<br />

Eindhoven , Pallaz , Dragsonstage.<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Donderdagavondcafé.<br />

Nijmegen , Danscafé Marcus-antonius ,<br />

Zomerfeesten Nijmegen.<br />

Oostende , Club Bonaparte , Underwear<br />

Party.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar ,<br />

Travestie&lovers.<br />

Tilburg , Cafe Peanuts , Meeblèravond.<br />


Almere , Den Enghel , Vrijdagavondborrel.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Eagle , Men Inc..<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Twisted Dj Tunes.<br />

Amsterdam , The Queen’s Head , Friday<br />

<strong>Night</strong> Dj.<br />

Antwerpen , Que Pasa , Locura.<br />

Antwerpen , The Boots , Fetish / Cruising<br />

<strong>Night</strong>.<br />

Eindhoven , Coc , Young&restless.<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Vrijdagavondcafé.<br />

Nijmegen , Danscafé Marcus-antonius ,<br />

Blarenbal.<br />

Oostende , Club Bonaparte , Naakt- En<br />

Underwearparty.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar , Naked.<br />

Rotterdam , Café Praag , Coc Open.<br />


Alkmaar , 1811dance&drinks , Danceparty.<br />

Almere , Den Enghel , Biertijd.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Twisted Dj Tunes.<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Bingo.<br />

Amsterdam , The Queen’s Head , Cozy<br />

Summernight.<br />

Antwerpen , The Boots , Fetish / Cruising<br />

<strong>Night</strong> .<br />

Den Haag , Coc Cafe , Gender Cafe.<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Zaterdag Cafe.<br />

Haarlem , Wilsons By R&r , Wilsons Dj<br />

<strong>Night</strong>.<br />

Nijmegen , Danscafé Marcus-antonius ,<br />

Shotjes Avond.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar , Straight On....<br />

Utrecht , Bodytalk , Happy Hour.<br />

Zwolle , Bar Stout , Extra Stout.<br />

ZONDAG 26 JULI<br />

Almere , Den Enghel , Zondags Happy2hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Amstel 54 , Drag <strong>Night</strong>.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , De Trut , De Trut.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Bubbles & Bites.<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Seniorenmiddag.<br />

Amsterdam , The Queen’s Head , Netherbears.<br />

Antwerpen , Bonaparte , Pannekoek.<br />

Den Haag , Coc Cafe , Jong & Out Haaglanden.<br />

Deventer , De Fermerie , Zondagmiddagsalon.<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Zondags Café.<br />

Leiden , Coc Leiden , Sunday Times.<br />

Nijmegen , Danscafé Marcus-antonius ,<br />

Holland/duitse Middag/avond.<br />

Rotterdam , Coc , Zondagmiddagsalon.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar ,<br />

Underwear&naked.<br />

Utrecht , Bodytalk , Happy Hour.<br />


Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Café Same Place , Men Only<br />

Sexparty.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Cheap Monday!<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Happy Hour.<br />


Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , G&t - Gin&tuesday.<br />

Amsterdam , Spijkerbar , Beer Bust.<br />

Amsterdam , The Queen’s Head , Bingo!<br />

Antwerpen , Que Pasa , Drags On Stage.<br />

Eindhoven , Coc , Dinsdag Café.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar , Straight On....<br />


Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Club Church , Naked Bar.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar ,<br />

Underwear&naked.<br />

Tilburg , Embrace Pink , Meetingpoint.<br />


Alkmaar , 1811dance&drinks , 1811café.<br />

Amsterdam , Amstel 54 , Saskia & Friends.<br />

Amsterdam , Bar Chez , Happy Hour.<br />

Amsterdam , Club Church , Blue.<br />

Amsterdam , Dirty Dicks , Golden Shower.<br />

Amsterdam , Prik , Cocktail Sale.<br />

Antwerpen , Hessenhuis , Student <strong>Night</strong>s.<br />

Eindhoven , Pallaz , Dragsonstage.<br />

Enschede , Café Stonewall , Donderdagavondcafé.<br />

Oostende , Club Bonaparte , Underwear<br />

Party.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar ,<br />

Travestie&lovers.<br />

Tilburg , Cafe Peanuts , Meeblèravond.<br />


Amsterdam , Prik , Prik’s Pre Pride Party.<br />

Rotterdam , Themoodsbar , Full Fetish.<br />



Amstelveen , De Amstelveense Rugby<br />

Club , Amsterdam Lowlanders Rugby Training.<br />

Amsterdam , Go Gallery , Cowboys &<br />

Crows.<br />

Antwerpen , Speelplein Vlaamsekaai ,<br />

Mountainbike (initiatie).<br />

Den Haag , Coc Cafe , Zilveruitje.<br />

Eindhoven , Coc , Sunday Matine.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Live Muziek.<br />

Rotterdam , Coc Rotterdam Eo , Transcafé.<br />


Amsterdam , Sauna Nieuwezijds , Mellow<br />

Mondays.<br />

Eindhoven , Genneperparken , Kouros<br />

Tennis.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Jamsessie.<br />


Amsterdam , Sauna Nieuwezijds , No<br />

Towel <strong>Night</strong>.<br />

Eindhoven , Kees Tempel Centrum , Kouros<br />

Conditietraining.<br />

Eindhoven , Nationaal Zwemcentrum De<br />

Tongelreep , Kouros Zwemmen Dinsdag.<br />

Rotterdam , Lantarenvenster , Gay Film<br />

<strong>Night</strong>.<br />


Amsterdam , Ggd Amsterdam , Gratis<br />

Hepatitis-b Vaccinatie.<br />

Den Haag , Stichting Buddy Netwerk ,<br />

Lunch Voor Hiv+.<br />

Eindhoven , Coc , Orpheus Bijeenkomst.<br />

Tilburg , Bibliotheek Tilburg Centrum ,<br />

Inloopochtend.<br />


Eindhoven , Sporthal Strijp , Kouros<br />

Zaalvoetbal.<br />

Eindhoven , Sporthal Van De Sporthogeschool<br />

, Kouros Volleybal.<br />

Haarlem , Wijkcentrum Binnensteeds ,<br />

Roze Salon 55+.<br />

Nijmegen , Studentenkerk , Dare To Lunch:<br />

Roze Lunch.<br />

Tilburg , De Nieuwe Stede , Inloopavond.<br />


Eindhoven , Nationaal Zwemcentrum De<br />

Tongelreep , Kouros Zwemmen Vrijdag.<br />

Eindhoven , Squashtime , Kouros Squash.<br />

Eindhoven , Wijkcentrum ‘t Akkertje ,<br />

Kouros Dansen.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Live Muziek.<br />


Eindhoven , Catherinakerk - Begijnenhof ,<br />

Kouros Wielrennen.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Live Muziek.<br />

ZONDAG 12 JULI<br />

Amstelveen , De Amstelveense Rugby<br />

Club , Amsterdam Lowlanders Rugby Training.<br />

Amsterdam , Go Gallery , Cowboys &<br />

Crows.<br />

Eindhoven , Coc , Sunday Matine.<br />

Haarlem , Coc Kennemerland , Jong&out<br />

Haarlem.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Live Muziek.<br />


Amsterdam , Sauna Nieuwezijds , Mellow<br />

Mondays.<br />

Eindhoven , Genneperparken , Kouros<br />

Tennis.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Jamsessie.<br />


Amsterdam , Sauna Nieuwezijds , No<br />

Towel <strong>Night</strong>.<br />

Eindhoven , Kees Tempel Centrum , Kouros<br />

Conditietraining.<br />

Eindhoven , Nationaal Zwemcentrum De<br />

Tongelreep , Kouros Zwemmen Dinsdag.<br />


Amsterdam , Ggd Amsterdam , Gratis<br />

Hepatitis-b Vaccinatie.<br />

Den Haag , Stichting Buddy Netwerk ,<br />

Lunch Voor Hiv+.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Unplugged.<br />

Tilburg , Bibliotheek Tilburg Centrum ,<br />

Inloopochtend.<br />


Eindhoven , Sporthal Strijp , Kouros<br />

Zaalvoetbal.<br />

Eindhoven , Sporthal Van De Sporthogeschool<br />

, Kouros Volleybal.<br />

Tilburg , De Nieuwe Stede , Inloopavond.<br />


Eindhoven , Nationaal Zwemcentrum De<br />

Tongelreep , Kouros Zwemmen Vrijdag.<br />

Eindhoven , Squashtime , Kouros Squash.<br />

Eindhoven , Wijkcentrum ‘t Akkertje ,<br />

Kouros Dansen.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Live Muziek.<br />


Eindhoven , Catherinakerk - Begijnenhof ,<br />

Kouros Wielrennen.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Live Muziek.<br />

ZONDAG 19 JULI<br />

Amstelveen , De Amstelveense Rugby<br />

Club , Amsterdam Lowlanders Rugby Training.<br />

Amsterdam , Go Gallery , Cowboys &<br />

Crows.<br />

Eindhoven , Coc , Sunday Matine/ 40plus.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Live Muziek.<br />

Rotterdam , Coc Rotterdam Eo , Transcafé.<br />


Amsterdam , Sauna Nieuwezijds , Mellow<br />

Mondays.<br />

Eindhoven , Genneperparken , Kouros<br />

Tennis.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Jamsessie.<br />

Tilburg , Roze Maandag , Eerste Vrouwelijke<br />

Voorzitter Voor Stichting Roze Maandag.<br />


Amsterdam , Sauna Nieuwezijds , No<br />

Towel <strong>Night</strong>.<br />

Eindhoven , Kees Tempel Centrum , Kouros<br />

Conditietraining.<br />

Eindhoven , Nationaal Zwemcentrum De<br />

Tongelreep , Kouros Zwemmen Dinsdag.<br />


Amsterdam , Ggd Amsterdam , Gratis<br />

Hepatitis-b Vaccinatie.<br />

Den Haag , Stichting Buddy Netwerk ,<br />

Lunch Voor Hiv+.<br />

Tilburg , Bibliotheek Tilburg Centrum ,<br />

Inloopochtend.<br />


Eindhoven , Sporthal Strijp , Kouros<br />

Zaalvoetbal.<br />

Eindhoven , Sporthal Van De Sporthogeschool<br />

, Kouros Volleybal.<br />

Tilburg , De Nieuwe Stede , Inloopavond.<br />


Eindhoven , Nationaal Zwemcentrum De<br />

Tongelreep , Kouros Zwemmen Vrijdag.<br />

Eindhoven , Squashtime , Kouros Squash.<br />

Eindhoven , Wijkcentrum ‘t Akkertje ,<br />

Kouros Dansen.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Live Muziek.<br />


Amsterdam , Sauna Nieuwezijds , Bears<br />

At Nz.<br />

Eindhoven , Coc , Anders Roze.<br />

Eindhoven , Catherinakerk - Begijnenhof ,<br />

Kouros Wielrennen.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Live Muziek.<br />

ZONDAG 26 JULI<br />

Amstelveen , De Amstelveense Rugby<br />

Club , Amsterdam Lowlanders Rugby Training.<br />

Amsterdam , Go Gallery , Cowboys &<br />

Crows.<br />

Eindhoven , Coc , Sunday Matine.<br />

Haarlem , Vvv , Fiets Mee Met Coc.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Live Muziek.<br />


Amsterdam , Sauna Nieuwezijds , Mellow<br />

Mondays.<br />

Eindhoven , Genneperparken , Kouros<br />

Tennis.<br />

Leiden , De Twee Spieghels , Jamsessie.<br />


Amsterdam , Sauna Nieuwezijds , No<br />

Towel <strong>Night</strong>.<br />

Eindhoven , Kees Tempel Centrum , Kouros<br />

Conditietraining.<br />

Eindhoven , Nationaal Zwemcentrum De<br />

Tongelreep , Kouros Zwemmen Dinsdag.<br />


Amsterdam , Ggd Amsterdam , Gratis<br />

Hepatitis-b Vaccinatie.<br />

Den Haag , Stichting Buddy Netwerk ,<br />

Lunch Voor Hiv+.<br />

Tilburg , Bibliotheek Tilburg Centrum ,<br />

Inloopochtend.<br />


Eindhoven , Sporthal Strijp , Kouros<br />

Zaalvoetbal.<br />

Eindhoven , Sporthal Van De Sporthogeschool<br />

, Kouros Volleybal.<br />

Nijmegen , Studentenkerk , Dare To Lunch:<br />

Roze Lunch.<br />

Tilburg , De Nieuwe Stede , Inloopavond.<br />




www.transgendernetwerk.nl<br />


BARS<br />

Café Same Place 01<br />

Nassaukade 120<br />

+31204751981<br />

http://www.sameplace.nl<br />

(Sun. from 5pm-8pm, Mon. from<br />

7pm-midnight, Tue.-Thu. from 9pm-<br />

1am, Fri.-Sat. from 10pm-3am)<br />

Mankind 02<br />

Weteringstraat 60<br />

+31206384755<br />

http://www.mankind.nl<br />

(Mon. - Sat. from noon-11pm)<br />

Saarein 03<br />

Elandsstraat 119<br />

+31206234901<br />

http://www.saarein.info/<br />

(Mon. - Thu. from 4pm-1am, Fri. -<br />

Sun. from noon-1am)<br />

Spijkerbar 04<br />

Kerkstraat 4<br />

+31206205919<br />

http://www.spijkerbar.nl<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from 4pm-1am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from 4pm-3am)<br />


Cuts & Curls 05<br />

Korte Leidsedwarsstraat 74<br />

+31206246881<br />

http://www.cutsandcurls.com<br />

(Tue. - Fri. from 9:30am-8pm, Sat.<br />

from 7am-noon)<br />

Profiles Hair & Body Spa 06<br />

Spuistraat 330<br />

+31206276337<br />

http://www.proleshairbodyspa.nl<br />

(Sun., Tue., Thu. from 9am-6pm,<br />

Mon., Wed. from 9am-9pm, Fri. from<br />

9am-5:30pm, Sat. from noon-5pm)<br />

CLUBS<br />

08<br />

Club Church 07<br />

Kerkstraat 52<br />

+31204210392<br />

http://www.clubchurch.nl<br />

(Sun. from 4pm-4am, Tue. - Wed.<br />

from 8pm-1am, Fri. - Sat. from<br />

10pm-5am)<br />

De Trut 08<br />

Bilderdijkstraat 165-E<br />

http://www.trutfonds.nl/<br />

TRUT_HOME.html<br />

(Every Sunday from 10pm-3am)<br />


Homomonument 09<br />

Westermarkt<br />

+31624743350<br />

http://www.homomonument.nl<br />

Stichting Amsterdam Gay<br />

Pride 10<br />

Korte Leidsedwarsstraat 12<br />

www.amsterdamgaypride.org<br />


Go Gallery 11<br />

Prinsengracht 64<br />

+31204229580<br />

http://www.gogallery.nl/<br />

HEALTH<br />

Hiv Vereniging Nederland 12<br />

Eerste Helmerstraat 17B-3<br />

+31206892577<br />

http://www.hivnet.org<br />

(Mon., Tue., Thu., Fri. from 2pm-<br />

10pm)<br />

Psychotherapeut Dr. Thijs<br />

Maasen 13<br />

Hartenstraat 31<br />

+31206387321<br />

www.homopsycholoog.nl<br />

(Mon. - Fri. from 9am-9pm)<br />

Relatietherapeut drs Marcel<br />

Holtslag 14<br />

Piet Heinkade 145<br />

+31206712140<br />

http://www.marcelholtslag.nl<br />

Soa Aids Nederland 15<br />

Keizersgracht 392<br />

+31206262669<br />

http://www.soa.nl<br />

p43<br />

p43<br />

The Natural Health Company<br />

16<br />

Vijzelstraat 1<br />

+31206244533<br />

http://www.tnhc.nl<br />

(Sun. from noon-6pm, Mon. - Wed.<br />

from 10am-6:30pm, Thu. from 10am-<br />

9pm, Fri. - Sat. from 10am-6:30pm)<br />


Chic and Basic 17<br />

Herengracht 13-19<br />

+31205222345<br />

http://www.chicandbasic.com/<br />

hotel-amsterdam/<br />

Chico's Guesthouse 18<br />

St. Willibrordusstraat 77<br />

+31615353056<br />

Clemens Hotel 19<br />

Raadhuisstraat 39<br />

+31206246089<br />

http://www.clemenshotel.nl<br />

Freeland Hotel 20<br />

Marnixstraat 386<br />

+31206227511<br />

http://www.hotelfreeland.com<br />

(Daily from 7am-11pm)<br />

Hotel Amistad 21<br />

Kerkstraat 42<br />

+31206248074<br />

http://www.amistad.nl<br />

ITC Hotel 22<br />

Prinsengracht 1051<br />

+31206230230<br />

http://www.itc-hotel.com<br />

(Daily from 10am-11pm)<br />

Max Brown Hotel 17<br />

Herengracht 13-19<br />

+31205222345<br />

www.maxbrownhotels.com<br />

Quentin Hotel 23<br />

Leidsekade 89<br />

+31206262187<br />

http://quentinamsterdam.com/<br />

Pink Point 09<br />

Westermarkt<br />

+31204281070<br />

http://www.pinkpoint.org<br />

(Daily from 10am-6pm)<br />


Brug 34 24<br />

Utrechtsestraat 19<br />

+31651742055<br />

http://www.brug34.nl<br />

(Sun. from noon-8pm, Mon. from<br />

8am-8pm, Tue. - Thu. from 8am-1am,<br />

Fri. - Sat. from 8am-3am)<br />

De Taart van m'n Tante 25<br />

Ferdinand Bolstraat 10<br />

+31207764600<br />

http://www.detaart.com<br />

(Daily from 10am-6pm)<br />

San Francisco Sandwich<br />

Company 26<br />

Sint Antoniesbreestraat 3F<br />

HTTP://www.sanfranciscosandwichcompany.nl<br />

(Tue.-Sat. from 10am-5pm, Sun. from<br />

11am-4pm)<br />


Amsterdam Leather Pride 27<br />

Postbus 2782<br />

COC Amsterdam 28<br />

Rozenstraat 8-14<br />

+31206263087<br />

http://www.cocamsterdam.nl<br />

COC Nederland 29<br />

Nieuwe Herengracht 49<br />

+31206234596<br />

http://www.coc.nl<br />

De Zóciëteit 30<br />

Elandsgracht 70<br />

+310637268386<br />

http://www.zocieteit.nl<br />

(Fri. from 8pm-11pm)<br />

Donderdagavond Eet Club<br />

(DEC) 31<br />

Postbus 3213<br />

http://www.donderdagavondeetclub.nl<br />

EduDivers 32<br />

Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 21-3<br />

+31204288073<br />

http://www.edudivers.nl<br />

Evangelische Roze Vieringen<br />

33<br />

Keizersgracht 566<br />

+31206990850<br />

http://www.erv-amsterdam.nl<br />

Gay & Lesbian Switchboard<br />

29<br />

Nieuwe Herengracht 49<br />

+31206236565<br />

http://www.switchboard.nl<br />

(Mon., Wed., Fri. from 2pm-6pm)<br />

IHLIA 34<br />

Oosterdoksstraat 110<br />

+31205230837<br />

http://www.ihlia.nl<br />

(Mon. - Fri. from noon-5pm, Sat. from<br />

1pm-5pm)<br />

Stichting Gay Business<br />

Amsterdam 35<br />

Lijnbaansgracht 210h<br />

+31206208807<br />

http://www.amsterdampride.nl<br />

Stichting Hartjesdagen 36<br />

Prins Hendrikkade 53<br />

+31614430451<br />

www.stichtinghartjesdagen.nl<br />

Stichting OndersteBoven 37<br />

Rietlandpark 39<br />

+31206815927<br />

http://www.stichtingondersteboven.nl<br />

Stichting Pera 38<br />

Weteringschans 6-8<br />

+31206268790<br />

http://www.clubpera.nl/<br />

Stichting Safe Service 39<br />

Rozenstraat 8<br />

+31206233794<br />

http://www.safeservice.nl<br />

Stichting Secret Garden 40<br />

Nieuwe Herengracht 20<br />

+31207786120<br />

www.stichtingsecretgarden.nl<br />

Transgender Netwerk Nederland<br />

41<br />

Rhijnspoorplein 26<br />

+31205739427<br />

MEDIA<br />

Duizendpoot Gay Advertising<br />

42<br />

Spuistraat 44<br />

+31204282123<br />

www.dp-communications.com<br />

Gay Group 43<br />

Keizersgracht 205<br />

+31204215741<br />

http://www.gaymedia.nl<br />

Gay International Press (Gay<br />

News) 44<br />

Postbus 76609<br />

+31206791556<br />

http://www.gay-news.com<br />

MVS Gay Station 45<br />

Wibautstraat 150<br />

+31650682298<br />

http://www.mvs.nl<br />

Stichting OUT Media 43<br />

Keizersgracht 205<br />

+31207881365<br />

http://www.outmedia.nl<br />

Winq Media BV 46<br />

Postbus 3291<br />

+31203053825<br />

http://www.winq.com<br />

Zij aan Zij 47<br />

Postbus 14508<br />

+31202215276<br />

http://www.zijaanzij.nl<br />


't Sluisje 48<br />

Torensteeg 1<br />

+31206240813<br />

http://www.sluisje.nl<br />

(Sun. from 6pm-1am, Thu. from 7pm-<br />

1am, Fri. - Sat. from 6pm-3am)<br />

Eetcafé 100% Zuidoost 49<br />

Bijlmerplen 367a<br />

+31206912593<br />

http://www.eetcafezuidoost.nl/<br />

Hemelse Modder 50<br />

Oude Waal 11<br />

+31206243203<br />

http://www.hemelsemodder.nl<br />

(Daily from 6pm-10pm)<br />

Krua Thai Classic 51<br />

Staalstraat 22<br />

+31206229533<br />

http://www.kruathai.nl<br />

(Daily from 5pm-10:30pm)<br />

Ristorante Italiano Fiorentino<br />

52<br />

Overtoom 125<br />

+31206183272<br />

http://www.ristoranteorentino.nl<br />

(Fri. - Sun. from 5:30pm-11:30pm,<br />

Mon. - Thu. from 6pm-10:30pm)<br />

The Pantry 53<br />

Leidsekruisstraat 21<br />

+31206200922<br />

http://www.thepantry.nl<br />

(Daily from 10:30am-10:30pm)<br />

Warie's Thai Food 54<br />

Rozengracht 235<br />

+31206223638<br />

http://www.wariesthaifood.nl<br />

(Daily from 3pm-10pm)<br />

RETAIL<br />

Black Body 55<br />

Kerkstraat 173<br />

+31206262553<br />

http://www.blackbody.nl<br />

(Mon. - Thu. from 11am-7pm, closed<br />

on Sunday)<br />

Blue & White 56<br />

Ceintuurbaan 248<br />

+31206101741<br />

http://www.blue-white.nl<br />

(Mon. - Fri. from 10:30am-6:30pm,<br />

Sat. from noon-6:30pm, Sun. closed)<br />

Bronx 57<br />

Kerkstraat 53-55<br />

+31206231548<br />

http://www.bronx1976.com<br />

(Daily from 10am-10pm)<br />

Dusedo 58<br />

Moezelhavenweg 49-53<br />

+31206260702<br />

http://www.dusedo.com<br />

Robin & Rik 59<br />

Runstraat 30<br />

+31206278924<br />

(Wed. - Sat. from noon-6pm)<br />

Connecting Differences 60<br />

Gerard Doustraat 138C<br />

+31206626309<br />

http://connectingdifferences.nl<br />

Michael's Boys Escorts 61<br />

Vondelkerkstraat 15-hs<br />

+31206181824<br />

www.michaelsboysescorts.com<br />

Roze Uitvaart 62<br />

Utrechtsedwarsstraat 85-C<br />

+31207712997<br />

http://www.rozeuitvaart.nl<br />

24 uur per dag<br />

SPORTS<br />

ARC Amsterdam Lowlanders<br />

63<br />

Sportlaan 23<br />

+31613452939<br />

www.amsterdamlowlanders.<br />

com<br />

DGLA 64<br />

Stadionkade 150<br />

+31206795987<br />

http://www.dgla.nl<br />

European Gay & Lesbian<br />

Sport Federation 65<br />

Meeuwenlaan 41<br />

http://www.eglsf.info<br />

Gay Forcing Bridge 66<br />

Roelof Hartplein 2a<br />

http://www.gayforcing.nl<br />

Gay Union Through Sports<br />

(GUTS) 65<br />

Meeuwenlaan 41<br />

+31206362932<br />



A.S.V.Gay 67<br />

nieuwe nieuwstraat 20<br />

0619466220<br />

http://www.asvgay.nl<br />

Gryphus 68<br />

De Boelelaan 1105<br />

www.vu.nl/homonetwerk<br />

Stichting UvA Pride 69<br />

Nieuwe Achtergracht 170<br />



Warmoes/Zeedijk<br />

15<br />

12<br />

11<br />

8<br />

18<br />

25<br />

10<br />

Reguliers/Amstel<br />

18<br />

19<br />

02 01<br />

3<br />

13<br />

17<br />

4<br />

7<br />

16<br />

21<br />

13<br />

4<br />

5<br />

17<br />

23<br />

24<br />

6<br />

14<br />

2<br />

9<br />

3 22<br />

1<br />

13<br />

4<br />

9<br />

14<br />

5<br />

17<br />

15<br />

20<br />

21<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

10<br />

20<br />

19<br />

BARS<br />

Café 't Mandje 01<br />

Zeedijk 63<br />

+31206225375<br />

http://www.cafetmandje.nl<br />

(Sun. from 2pm-1am, Tue. - Wed. from<br />

4pm-1am, Fri. - Sat. from 2pm-3am)<br />

Café De Barderij 02<br />

Zeedijk 14<br />

+31204205132<br />

http://www.barderij.com<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from 4pm-1am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from 4pm-3am)<br />

De Engel van Amsterdam 03<br />

Zeedijk 21<br />

+31204276381<br />

www.engelvanamsterdam.nl<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from 1pm-1am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from 1pm-3am)<br />

Dirty Dicks 04<br />

Warmoesstraat 86<br />

www.dirtydicksamsterdam.com<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from 4pm-3am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from 4pm-4am)<br />

Eagle 05<br />

Warmoesstraat 90<br />

www.theeagleamsterdam.com<br />

(Sun.-Thu. from 10pm-4am, Fri.-Sat.<br />

from 10pm-5am)<br />

Getto 06<br />

Warmoesstraat 51<br />

+31204215151<br />

http://www.getto.nl<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from 4pm-1am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from 4pm-2am)<br />

Prik 07<br />

Spuistraat 109<br />

+31203200002<br />

http://www.prikamsterdam.nl<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from 4pm-1am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from 4pm-3am)<br />

The Cuckoo's Nest 08<br />

Nieuwezijds Kolk 6<br />

+31206271752<br />

http://www.cuckoosnest.nl<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from 1pm-1am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from 1pm-2am)<br />

The Queen's Head 09<br />

Zeedijk 20<br />

+31204202475<br />

http://www.queenhead.com<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from 4pm-1am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from 4pm-3am)<br />

The Web 10<br />

St. Jacobsstraat 6<br />

+31206236758<br />

www.thewebamsterdam.com<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from 1pm-1am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from 1pm-2am)<br />

CINEMA<br />

Le Salon 11<br />

Nieuwendijk 22<br />

+31206226565<br />

www.lesalonamsterdam.nl<br />

(Daily from 10am-11:30pm)<br />

CLUBS<br />

Boysclub 21 12<br />

Spuistraat 21<br />

+31206228828<br />

http://www.boysclub21.nl<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from 3pm-1am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from 3pm-2am)<br />

The Warehouse 13<br />

Warmoesstraat 96<br />

(Sun., Thu. from 11pm-4am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from 11pm-5am)<br />


Anco Hotel 14<br />

Oudezijds Voorburgwal 55<br />

+31206241126<br />

http://www.ancohotel.nl<br />


GayTIC 15<br />

Spuistraat 44<br />

+31203301461<br />

http://www.gaytic.nl<br />

(Daily from 11am-7pm)<br />


Eetcafé de Spaanse Ruiter 16<br />

Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 90<br />

+31206249857<br />

http://www.genevergenootschap.nl/Erkende_cafes/caf_de_<br />

spaanse_ruiter.php<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from 9am-1am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from 9am-3am)<br />

RETAIL<br />

Adonis 17<br />

Warmoesstraat 92<br />

+31206272959<br />

Alfa Blue 18<br />

Nieuwendijk 26<br />

+31206271664<br />

http://www.alfablue.com<br />

(Daily from 9am-10pm)<br />

Amsterdam Gay Zone 12<br />

Spuistraat 21<br />

+31206258797<br />

(Daily from 11am-11pm)<br />

Boekhandel Vrolijk 19<br />

Paleisstraat 135<br />

+31206235142<br />

http://www.vrolijk.nu<br />

(Open Mon.-Sat. from 11am-6pm,<br />

Sun. from noon-6pm)<br />

Condomerie 20<br />

Warmoesstraat 141<br />

+31206274174<br />

http://condomerie.com<br />

(Mon. - Sat. from 11am-6pm)<br />

Drake's of L.A. 21<br />

Damrak 61<br />

+31206279544<br />

http://www.drakesdirect.com<br />

(Daily from 9am-midnight)<br />

ES Collection 22<br />

Zeedijk 61<br />

+31203301770<br />

www.escollectionamsterdam.<br />

com<br />

(Sun. from 2pm-6pm, Mon. - Fri. from<br />

noon-8pm, Sat. from noon-6pm)<br />

Gays&Gadgets 15<br />

Spuistraat 44<br />

+31203301461<br />

www.gaysandgadgets.com<br />

(Sun. from noon-7pm, Mon. - Sat.<br />

from 11am-7pm)<br />

Mister B Leather & Rubber<br />

bv 23<br />

Warmoesstraat 89<br />

+31207883060<br />

http://www.mrb.nl<br />

(Sun. from 1pm-6pm, Mon. - Wed.<br />

from 10:30am-7pm, Thu. from<br />

10:30am-9pm, Fri. from 10:30am-7pm,<br />

Sat. from 11am-6pm)<br />

RoB Amsterdam flagship<br />

store 24<br />

Warmoesstraat 71<br />

+31206243807<br />

http://www.rob.eu<br />

(Sun. from 1pm-6pm, Mon. - Sat. from<br />

11am-7pm)<br />

Underground Fetish 15<br />

Spuistraat 44<br />

www.underground-fetish.nl<br />

SAUNA<br />

Sauna Nieuwezijds 25<br />

Nieuwezijds Armsteeg 95<br />

www.saunanieuwezijds.nl<br />

(Sun.-Thu. from noon-6am, Fri.-Sat.<br />

from noon-midnight)<br />

BARS<br />

Amstel 54 01<br />

Amstel 54<br />

+31206234254<br />

http://www.amstelftyfour.nl<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from 4pm-1am, Sat. -<br />

Sun. from 4pm-3am)<br />

Bar Chez 02<br />

Amstel 50<br />

+31 6 41353838<br />

http://www.barchez.nl<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from 6pm-3am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from 6pm-4am)<br />

Café Dubbel D 03<br />

Amstel 60<br />

+31203542695<br />

http://www.cafedubbeld.nl/<br />

(Mon.-Thu. from 5pm-1am, Fri.-Sat.<br />

from 5pm-3am, Sun. from 5pm-1am)<br />

Café Soho 04<br />

Reguliersdwarsstraat 36<br />

+31204223312<br />

http://www.cafe-soho.nl<br />

(Sun., Wed. - Thu. from 7pm-3am, Fri.<br />

- Sat. from 7pm-4am)<br />

Exit Après Chique Café 05<br />

Reguliersdwarsstraat 42<br />

(Sun. from 8pm-4am, Wed. - Thu.<br />

from 11pm-4am, Fri. - Sat. from<br />

11pm-5am)<br />

Lellebel 06<br />

Utrechtsestraat 4<br />

+31204275139<br />

http://www.lellebel.nl<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from 8pm-3am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from 8pm-4am)<br />

Montmartre 07<br />

Halvemaansteeg 17<br />

+31206207622<br />

http://www.cafemontmartre.nl<br />

(Sun. from 5pm-3am, Mon. from<br />

8pm-11pm, Tue. - Sat. from 5pm-3am)<br />

Reality Bar 08<br />

Reguliersdwarsstraat 129<br />

+31206393012<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from 8pm-3am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from 8pm-4am)<br />

Taboo 09<br />

Reguliersdwarsstraat 45<br />

+31207753963<br />

http://www.taboobar.nl<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from 5pm-3am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from 4pm-4am)<br />

Vivelavie 10<br />

Amstelstraat 7<br />

+31206240114<br />

http://www.vivelavie.net<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from 4pm-3am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from 6pm-4am)<br />


El Encanto Hairsalon 11<br />

Reguliersdwarsstraat 33<br />

+31203319142<br />

http://www.elencantohairsalon.nl<br />

(Sun. from 1pm-6pm, Mon. - Tue.<br />

from noon-6pm, Wed. - Sat. from<br />

noon-8pm)<br />

Hot Heads 12<br />

Reguliersdwarsstraat 4<br />

+31206268075<br />

(Mon. - Wed. from 11am-6pm, Thu.<br />

from 11am-9pm, Fri. - Sat. from<br />

11am-6pm)<br />

CLUBS<br />

Club NYX 05<br />

Reguliersdwarsstraat 42<br />

Thu. from 11pm-4am<br />

Fri. - Sat. from 11pm-5am<br />


The Otherside 13<br />

Reguliersdwarsstraat 6<br />

+31206255541<br />

http://www.theotherside.nl<br />

(Daily from 11am-1am)<br />


Downtown 14<br />

Reguliersdwarsstraat 31<br />

+31206229958<br />

www.lunchroomdowntown.nl<br />

(Daily from 11am-9pm)<br />


Garlic Queen 15<br />

Reguliersdwarsstraat 27<br />

+31204226426<br />

http://www.garlicqueen.nl<br />

(Wed. - Sun. from 5pm-11pm)<br />

La Margarita 16<br />

Reguliersdwarsstraat 47-49<br />

+31206230707<br />

http://www.lamargarita.nl<br />

(Daily from 5pm-11pm)<br />

Restaurant Saturnino 17<br />

Reguliersdwarsstraat 3-5<br />

+31206390102<br />

http://www.saturnino.nl<br />

(Daily from noon-11:30pm)<br />

RETAIL<br />

Artem Bodywear 18<br />

Reguliersdwarsstraat 39<br />

+31203205270<br />

www.artembodywear.com<br />

B1 19<br />

Reguliersbreestraat 4<br />

+31206239546<br />

http://www.b1sex.nl<br />

(Sun. from noon-11pm, Mon. - Sat.<br />

from 9:30am-11pm)<br />

Man talk 18<br />

Reguliersdwarsstraat 39<br />

+31206272525<br />

(Mon. from 1pm-6pm, Tue. - Wed.<br />

from 10am-6pm, Thu. from 10am-<br />

9pm, Fri. from 10am-6pm, Sat. from<br />

10am-5pm)<br />

Rufskin Amsterdam 20<br />

Reguliersdwarsstraat 54<br />

+31206200129<br />

www.rufskin-amsterdam.nl<br />

(Daily from noon-7pm, closed on<br />

Tuesday)<br />

The Shirtshop 21<br />

Reguliersdwarsstraat 64<br />

+31204232088<br />

www.shirtshopamsterdam.nl<br />

(Daily from 1pm-7pm)


17<br />

9<br />

15<br />

04<br />

14<br />

33<br />

06<br />

27<br />

36<br />

34<br />

03<br />

8<br />

30<br />

25<br />

31<br />

01<br />

29<br />

16<br />

23<br />

22<br />

02<br />

13<br />

20<br />

7<br />

18<br />

19 35<br />

24 10 26<br />

05<br />

BARS<br />

Bonaparte 01<br />

Grote Markt 21<br />

+3232319626<br />

http://www.bonaparte.be<br />

(Sun. from 2pm-midnight, Tue. - Sat.<br />

from 8pm-midnight)<br />

Café DeLux 02<br />

Melkmarkt 18<br />

+3232321766<br />

http://www.cafedelux.be<br />

(Daily from 11am-2am)<br />

Café Strange 03<br />

Dambruggestraat 161<br />

+32474424901<br />

http://www.cafe-strange.be<br />

Club Random 04<br />

Geulincxstraat 28<br />

+32495755011<br />

http://www.club-random.be/<br />

Den Draak 05<br />

Draakplaats 1<br />

+3232905304<br />

http://www.dendraak.be<br />

(Open daily from noon)<br />

Hessenhuis 06<br />

Falconrui 59<br />

+3232311356<br />

http://www.hessenhuis.com<br />

(Mon. - Wed. from 11am-2am, Thu.<br />

from 11am-3am, Fri. from 11am-4am,<br />

Sat. from 4pm-4am, Sun. from<br />

4pm-2am)<br />

Popi Café 07<br />

Plantinkaai 11-12<br />

+3232316131<br />

http://www.popi.be<br />

(Sat. - Sun. from 11am-midnight, Mon.<br />

- Fri. from 2pm-midnight)<br />

Que Pasa 08<br />

Lange Koepoortstraat 1<br />

http://www.cafe-que-pasa.be<br />

Redstarkafee 09<br />

Van Schoonbekeplein 9<br />

+3237778099<br />

http://www.redstarkafee.be/<br />

(Wed. - Sun. from 2pm-midnight)<br />

Twilight 10<br />

Nieuwstad 4<br />

+32 3 233 25 85<br />

(Sun. from 8am-8pm, Wed.-Fri. from<br />

noon-midnight, Sat. from 8am-2am)<br />


CorpoSano 11<br />

Mechelsesteenweg 104<br />

+3236632039<br />

http://www.corposano.be<br />

(Closed on Sunday)<br />

CLUBS<br />

Man Playz Cruising 13<br />

Sint-Jacobsmarkt 75<br />

+327707393<br />

http://www.manplayz.be<br />

(Sat. - Sun. from 2pm-10pm, Mon. -<br />

Fri. from noon-10pm)<br />

Red&Blue 14<br />

Lange Schipperskapelstraat<br />

11-13<br />

+3232130555<br />

http://www.redandblue.be<br />

(Thu. - Sun. from 11pm-7am)<br />

The Boots 15<br />

Van Aerdtstraat 22<br />

+32476497931<br />

http://www.the-boots.com<br />

(Fri. from 10:30-4am, Sat. from 10:30-<br />

5am, Sun. from 5pm-3am)<br />

The Kinky's 16<br />

Lange Beeldekensstraat 10<br />

+3232950640<br />

http://www.kinkys.be<br />

(Mon. from 7pm-3am, Tue. - Thu.<br />

from 2pm-2am, Fri. from 7pm-3am)<br />

Watch Club 17<br />

Rijnkaai 1<br />

+32471696916<br />

http://www.watch-club.be/<br />

HEALTH<br />

AA-holebigroep 'De Eerste'<br />

05<br />

Draakplaats 1<br />

+3232268715<br />

Boysproject 18<br />

Appelmansstraat 12<br />

+3232939590<br />

http://www.boysproject.be<br />

Helpcenter-ITG 19<br />

Sint-Andriesstraat 7<br />

+3232160288<br />

http://www.helpcenteritg.be<br />

Sensoa 20<br />

F. Rooseveltplaats 12<br />

+3232386868<br />

http://www.sensoa.be<br />


't Kwadraat | Holebi-ouders<br />

05<br />

Draakplaats 1<br />

http://www.tkwadraat.be<br />

Atthis 21<br />

Geuzenstraat 27<br />

http://www.atthis.be<br />

Dubbelzinnig praatgroep<br />

biseksualiteit 05<br />

Draakplaats 1<br />

http://www.dubbel-zinnig.be<br />

Enig Verschil 05<br />

Draakplaats 1<br />

http://www.enigverschil.be<br />

Gewoon Doorgaan 05<br />

Draakplaats 1<br />

http://gewoon-doorgaan.be/<br />

Het Roze Huis - Çavaria<br />

Antwerpen 05<br />

Draakplaats 1<br />

+3232880084<br />

http://www.hetrozehuis.be<br />

Holebi40plus 05<br />

Draakplaats 1<br />

+32492715708<br />

Mangho (Man, Getrouwd en<br />

Homo) 05<br />

Draakplaats 1<br />

+32496166366<br />

http://www.mangho.be<br />

Pimpernel40plus 05<br />

Draakplaats 1<br />

+3232189756<br />

www.pimpernel40plus.be<br />

Shouf Shouf 05<br />

Draakplaats 1<br />

+32499705007<br />

http://www.shouf-shouf.be<br />


Gay Planet Holidays 22<br />

Orgelstraat 6<br />

+3232310827<br />

www.gayplanetholidays.com<br />

(Mon. - Fri. from 9:30am-6pm)<br />


't Braboke 23<br />

Grote Markt 18<br />

+3232263616<br />

Bourla 24<br />

Graanmarkt 7<br />

+3232018339<br />

http://www.bourla.be<br />

(Mon. - Thu. from 11am-midnight, Fri.<br />

- Sat. from 11am-1am)<br />

Café Confituur 25<br />

Minderbroedersrui 38<br />

+3232943950<br />

(Wed. - Sun. from 11am-midnight)<br />

Othello 26<br />

Oude Vaartplaats 28<br />

+3232266015<br />

Padi Asianfood Gallery 27<br />

Koolkaai 9A<br />

+3232251446<br />

(Mon. - Sat. from 6pm-11pm)<br />

Publique 28<br />

Graaf van Egmontstraat 2<br />

+3232372595<br />

www.publique-restaurant.be<br />

(Daily from 9am-11pm)<br />

Reload 29<br />

Korte Winkelstraat 11<br />

+32475964284<br />

www.reloadantwerpen.be<br />

(Lunch Tue.-Fri. noon-2pm, open<br />

Tue.-Sat. 6pm-11pm, kitchen closes<br />

at 9:30pm)<br />

Sjalot en Schanul 30<br />

Oude Beurs 12<br />

+3232338875<br />

http://sjalotenschanul.be<br />

(Thu. - Mon. from 5pm-10pm)<br />

RETAIL<br />

Boekhandel 't Verschil 31<br />

Minderbroedersrui 33<br />

+3232260804<br />

http://www.verschil.be<br />

(Sun. from 1pm-6pm, Wed. - Sat. from<br />

11am-6pm)<br />

De Onderkant 31<br />

Minderbroedersrui 33<br />

+3232260804<br />

http://www.onderkant.be<br />

(Sun. from 2pm-6pm, Wed. - Sat.<br />

from 11am-6pm)<br />

Erotische verbeelding 32<br />

Kloosterstraat 165<br />

+3232268950<br />

www.erotischeverbeelding.be<br />

(Mon. - Sat. from 11am-6pm)<br />

Man Playz 13<br />

Sint-Jacobsmarkt 75<br />

+3237707393<br />

http://www.manplayz.be/<br />

(Mon. - Fri. from 2pm-10am)<br />

MisterB 33<br />

Falconplein 14A<br />

+3235015171<br />

(Sun. from 1pm-6pm, Mon., Wed.,<br />

Thu. from 11am-7pm, Fri. - Sat. from<br />

11am-9pm).<br />

Plan B 34<br />

Klapdorp 54-56<br />

+3232337393<br />

(Sun. from noon-6pm, Thu. from<br />

noon-8pm, Fri. from noon-9pm, Sat.<br />

from noon-8pm)<br />

Roxy - Piercings and jewellery<br />

35<br />

Kammenstraat 68<br />

+3232328289<br />

http://www.roxy-shop.be<br />

(Mon. - Fri. from 10am-6pm, Sat.<br />

from noon-6pm)<br />

Toys 4 Boys 36<br />

Nosestraat 6<br />

+3232320827<br />

www.toys4boysleather.com<br />

(Thu. - Sat. from 11am-8pm,Sun. from<br />

2pm-5pm)<br />

SPORTS<br />

Active Company 05<br />

Draakplaats 1<br />

+32477510305<br />




12<br />

10<br />

9<br />

18<br />


1 4<br />

3<br />

7<br />

2<br />

15<br />

14 16<br />

6<br />

06<br />

02<br />

5<br />

01<br />

03<br />

11<br />

BARS<br />

Bar de Regenboog 01<br />

Van Oldenbarneveldstraat 148a<br />

+31634569724<br />

httpwww.regenboog-rotterdam.nl<br />

(Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays)<br />

Café Bonaparte 02<br />

Nieuwe Binnenweg 117<br />

+31(0)10 436 7433<br />

Café KeerWeer 03<br />

Keerweer 14<br />

+31104131217<br />

http://www.keerweer.nl<br />

(Mon. - Thu. from 4pm-6am, Fri. -<br />

Sun. from 3pm-6am)<br />

Café Strano 04<br />

Van Oldenbarneveldstraat 154<br />

+31104125811<br />

http://www.cafestrano.nl<br />

(Sun. from 4pm-4am, Mon. - Wed.<br />

from 4pm-2am, Thu. from 4pm-3am,<br />

Fri. - Sat. from 4pm-6am)<br />

Cosmo Bar 05<br />

Schiedamsesingel 133<br />

+31104123668<br />

(Wed. - Thu. from 9pm-1am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from 9pm-2am)<br />

Loge 90 06<br />

Schiedamsedijk 4a<br />

+31104149745<br />

http://www.loge90.nl<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from noon-1am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from noon-2am)<br />

Themoodsbar 07<br />

's Gravendijkwal 92<br />

+31102251725<br />

http://www.themoodsbar.nl<br />

(Sun. from 3pm-8pm, Tue.-Thu. from<br />

noon-1am, Sat. from 8pm-2am)<br />


+31639629429<br />

www.gaymassage-brian.eu<br />

CLUBS<br />

De Unie 09<br />

Mauritsweg 34-35<br />

+31634569724<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from 11am-11pm, Fri. -<br />

Sat. from 11am-3am)<br />


Nostra 10<br />

Van Oldenbarneveldstraat 127a<br />

+31102132222<br />

http://www.nostra.nl/rotterdam<br />

(Tue. - Wed. from 10am-6pm, Thu. -<br />

Mon. from 10am-9pm)<br />


COC Rotterdam 11<br />

Schiedamsesingel 175<br />

+31104141555<br />

http://www.cocrotterdam.nl<br />

(Mon. - Fri. from 1:30pm-5pm)<br />

RotterdamV 12<br />

Weena 877<br />

+31104149406<br />

http://www.rotterdamv.nl<br />

Vereniging Dikke Maatjes<br />

Big & Bear Netherlands 13<br />

Struitenweg 38C<br />

http://www.dikkemaatjes.nl<br />

RETAIL<br />

Ferry Grand Café 14<br />

Westblaak 127<br />

+31107505324<br />

http://www.ferrystore.com<br />

(Mon.-Thu. from 9am-6pm, Fri.-Sat.<br />

from 9am-9pm, Sun. from noon-6pm)<br />

GayToys 15<br />

Keerweer 10<br />

+31104113522<br />

http://www.gaytoys.nl<br />

(Mon. - Fri. from noon-8pm, Sat. -<br />

Sun. from noon-5pm)<br />

Shop Erotica 16<br />

Schiedamsedijk 5<br />

+31(0)10-4143142<br />

http://www.shoperotica.nl<br />

(Mon. - Fri. from 10am-9pm, Sat. from<br />

10am-8pm,Sun. from 12pm-6pm)<br />

Subliem 17<br />

Nieuwe Binnenweg 466b<br />

+31104763680<br />

http://www.subliem.nl<br />

(Tue. - Sat. from 10:30am-5:30pm)<br />

SAUNA<br />

Sauna Finland 18<br />

Grondherendijk 7<br />

+31102235895<br />

http://www.gaysaunanland.nl<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from noon-11:30pm, Fri. -<br />

Sat. from noon-2am)<br />


Skyline/International 19<br />

Nieuwstraat 208<br />

+31104119089<br />

BARS<br />

La Justesse 01<br />

Gedempte Oudegracht 127<br />

+31235324052<br />

http://www.justesse.nl<br />

(Sun., Tue. - Thu. from 8pm-1:30am,<br />

Fri. - Sat. from 7:30pm-3:30am)<br />

Wilsons by R&R 02<br />

Gedempte Raamgracht 78<br />

http://www.wilsons.nl<br />

(Sun. from 3pm-11pm, Mon., Thu.<br />

from 9pm-1am, Sat. from 9pm-4am)<br />

CINEMA<br />

Roxy 03<br />

Kleine Houtstraat 77zw<br />

+31235325139<br />

www.roxyseksbioscoop.nl<br />

(Daily from noon-midnight)<br />


COC Kennemerland 04<br />

Lange Herenvest 122<br />

+31638026387<br />

www.coc-kennemerland.nl<br />


Restaurant Subliem 05<br />

Kleine Houtstraat 44<br />

+31235510590<br />

www.restaurantsubliem.nl<br />

(Tue. - Sun. from 4:30pm-midnight)<br />

RETAIL<br />

Pin Up 06<br />

Kleine Houtstraat 125<br />

+31235315797<br />

http://www.happy-shops.com/<br />

nl/pinup<br />

(Daily from 11am-11pm)<br />

Gay Massage Rotterdam 08<br />

Heemraadsplein 10a


2<br />


8<br />

1<br />

3<br />

5<br />

10<br />

BARS<br />

Café Meermin 01<br />

Bloemerstraat 2<br />

+31243236100<br />

Café Mets 02<br />

Grotestraat 7<br />

+31243239549<br />

http://www.cafe-mets.nl/<br />

(Tue. - Thu. from 4pm-midnight, Fri. -<br />

Sun. from 4pm-midnight)<br />

Chaps 03<br />

Tweede Walstraat 96<br />

+31243604272 06-<br />

81997691<br />

http://www.chaps-nijmegen.nl<br />

(Thu. - Mon. from 9pm-midnight)<br />

Danscafé Marcus-Antonius<br />

04<br />

St. Anthoniusplaats 15<br />

+31246791649<br />

ThomTom bar 05<br />

Van Welderenstraat 65<br />

+31642271900<br />

http://www.thomtom.bar<br />

(Thu. from 4pm-2am, Fri. from 4pm-<br />

4am, Sat. from 2pm-4am, Sun. from<br />

2pm-2am)<br />


COC Nijmegen 06<br />

St. Antoniusplaats 1<br />

+31243600345<br />

Homojongerenorganisatie<br />

Dito! 07<br />

St. Anthoniusplaats 1<br />

http://www.ditonijmegen.nl<br />


Eetcafé de Plak 08<br />

Bloemerstraat 90<br />

+31243222757<br />

http://www.cafedeplak.nl<br />

(Daily from noon-11pm)<br />

Eetcafe Jan Klaassen 09<br />

Dobbelmannweg 53<br />

+31243553229<br />

http://www.jan-klaassen.com<br />

(Daily from 4pm-11pm)<br />

RETAIL<br />

Boekhandel De Feeks 10<br />

Van Welderenstraat 34<br />

+31243239381<br />

http://www.feeks.nl<br />

(Tue. - Fri. from 10am-5:30pm, Sat.<br />

from 10am-5pm)<br />

SAUNA<br />

Sauna Azzurra 11<br />

Van Heemstraweg 59<br />

+31246841808<br />

http://www.gaysaunaazzurra.nl/<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from noon-midnight, Fri.<br />

- Sat. from noon-2am)<br />


04<br />

05<br />

03<br />

01<br />

08<br />

07<br />

02<br />

07<br />

06<br />

BARS<br />

Bar de Rits 01<br />

Pottebakkersrijge 2<br />

+31613616512<br />

http://www.barderits.nl<br />

Café Ons Moeke 02<br />

Paterswoldseweg 42<br />

+31503146625<br />

http://www.onsmoeke.com<br />

(Sun. from 4pm-9pm, Tue., Wed.,<br />

Thu. from noon-9pm, Fri. - Sat. from<br />

noon-11pm)<br />

De Kast 03<br />

Oosterstraat 7A<br />

+31503127041<br />

http://www.uitindekast.nl<br />


Galerie MooiMan 04<br />

Noorderstationsstraat 40<br />

+31505710394<br />

http://www.mooi-man.nl<br />

(Fri. - Sun. from 2pm-6pm)<br />


COC Groningen & Drenthe<br />

05<br />

Akkerstraat 95<br />

+31503132620<br />

http://www.cocgroningen.nl<br />

(Mon., Wed., Fri. from 3pm-6pm)<br />

RETAIL<br />

Deltashop Groningen 06<br />

Folkingestraat 53<br />

+31503126449<br />

(Mon. - Sat. from 10am-11pm)<br />

Erotheek 3000 07<br />

Gedempte Zuiderdiep 130<br />

+31503144221<br />

http://www.videotheek3000.nl<br />

(Sun. from noon-8pm, Mon. - Fri.<br />

from 10am-10:30pm, Sat. from 11ammidnight)<br />

SAUNA<br />

Sauna 't Pakhuisje 08<br />

Schuitemakersstraat 17<br />

+31503129288<br />

http://www.pakhuisje.nl<br />

(Thu. - Sat. from 2pm-11pm, Sun. from<br />



03<br />

09<br />

10<br />

06<br />

26 17<br />

28<br />

07 01<br />

08<br />

05<br />

13<br />

23<br />

15<br />

04<br />

24<br />

32<br />

18<br />

12<br />

27<br />

16<br />

30<br />

19<br />

BARS<br />

Chez Dolores 01<br />

Rue du Marché au Charbon 40<br />

Kolenmarkt<br />

+32477651215<br />

(Sun. - Wed., Fri., Sat. from 3pm)<br />

Chez Maman 02<br />

Rue des Grands Carmes 7<br />

Lievevrouwbroersstraat<br />

http://www.chezmaman.be<br />

(Tue. - Sat. from midnight)<br />

Christobar 03<br />

Rue de la Fourche 12 Greepstraat<br />

+3222013403<br />

(Daily from 5pm)<br />

L'Homo Erectus 04<br />

Rue des Pierres 57 Steenstraat<br />

+32475831107<br />

http://www.lhomoerectus.be<br />

(Daily from 4pm)<br />

L'Homo Erectus Classicus 05<br />

Rue du Marché au Charbon 5<br />

Kolenmarkt<br />

+32475831107<br />

http://www.lhomoerectus.be<br />

(Daily from 5pm-3am)<br />

La Reserve 06<br />

petite Rue au Beurre 2a Korteboterstraat<br />

+3225116606<br />

(Sun. from 3pm-1am, Mon. from<br />

3pm-11:30pm, Tue. - Thu. from 3pmmidnight,<br />

Fri. - Sat. from 3pm-1am)<br />

Le Baroque 07<br />

Rue du Marché au Charbon 44<br />

Kolenmarkt<br />

+32 2 450 48 72<br />

http://www.barlebaroque.be<br />

(Daily from 5pm)<br />

Le Belgica 08<br />

rue du Marché au Charbon 32<br />

Kolenmarkt<br />

http://www.lebelgica.be<br />

(Sun., Thu. - Sat. from 8pm-3am)<br />

Le Windsurf 09<br />

rue des Pierres 14 Steenstraat<br />

+3224142400<br />

(Daily, except Tue. from 10am)<br />

MAD bar 10<br />

32 rue des pierres<br />

(Sun., Mon., Wed., Thu. from 6pm-<br />

1am, Fri. - Sat. from 6pm-5am)<br />

Rainbowhouse 11<br />

rue du Marché au Charbon 42<br />

Kolenmarkt<br />

http://www.rainbowhouse.be<br />

(Sun. from 3pm-7pm, Tue. - Thu.<br />

from 6:30pm-10pm, Fri. - Sat. from<br />

6:30pm-midnight)<br />

StammBar 12<br />

Kolenmarkt 114 rue du Marché<br />

au Charbon<br />

+322 502 58 00<br />

http://stammbar.be/<br />

(Open every day from 9pm)<br />

Tels Quels Café 13<br />

rue du Marché au Charbon 81<br />

Kolenmarkt<br />

+3225123234<br />

http://www.telsquels.be<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from 5pm-midnight, Fri. -<br />

Sat. from 5pm-2am)<br />

CLUBS<br />

Le Boys Boudoir 15<br />

rue du Marché au Charbon 25<br />

Kolenmarkt<br />

+3226145838<br />

http://www.leboysboudoir.be<br />

(Sun. from 7:30pm-3am, Mon. - Thu.<br />

from 7:30pm-4am, Fri. - Sat. from<br />

7:30pm-5am)<br />

Le Duquesnoy 16<br />

Rue du Duquesnoystraat 12<br />

+3225023883<br />

http://www.duquesnoy.com<br />

(Sunday from 3pm-3am, Mon.-Thu.<br />

from 9pm-3am, Fri. from 4pm-5am,<br />

Sat. from 9pm.-5am)<br />

Nation Club 17<br />

rue des Riches Claires 7<br />

Rijkeklarenstraat<br />

+32475707900<br />

http://www.nationclub.be<br />

(Sun. from 2am-8am, Thu. from<br />

11pm-6am, Fri. from 11pm-7am, Sat.<br />

from 11pm-8am)<br />


Cafe Le Fontainas 18<br />

Rue du Marché au Charbon 91<br />

(Mon. from 10am-1am, Thu. from<br />

10am-1am, Fri. from 10am-2am, Sat.<br />

from 11am-2am, Sun. from 11am-1am)<br />


La Demence 19<br />

Rue Blaesstraat 210<br />

+3225119789<br />

http://www.lademence.com/<br />

(Check www.lademence.com for<br />

party dates)<br />

Revelation 20<br />

Kapucijnenstraat 63<br />

http://www.revelation-party.<br />

com/<br />

(Check www.revelation-party.com for<br />

party dates)<br />

The Belgian Pride vzw 21<br />

Koningsstraat 2-4<br />

+32488320328<br />

http://www.thepride.be/<br />


Best Western hotel Royal<br />

Centre 22<br />

Koningstraat 160<br />

+3222190065<br />

http://www.royalcentre.be/<br />


ILGA Europe 23<br />

Rue de la Charité<br />

+3226095410<br />

http://www.ilga-europe.org<br />

Merhaba 24<br />

Kolenmarkt 42 Rue du Marché<br />

au Charbon<br />

+32488572574<br />

http://www.merhaba.be<br />


Holidaypride 25<br />

Avenue Louise 51 - 1st oor<br />

+3225027377<br />

http://www.holidaypride.be<br />

(Mon. - Fri. from 10am-6pm, Sat.<br />

from 10am-3pm)<br />

RETAIL<br />

Argos Video 26<br />

rue des Riches Claires 13<br />

Rijkeklarenstraat<br />

+3225029249<br />

http://www.argosvideo.be<br />

(Sun. from 3pm-8pm, Mon. - Sat.<br />

from noon-10pm)<br />

Borisboy 27<br />

Rue du Midi 95 Zuidstraat<br />

+3225026626<br />

http://www.borisboy.com<br />

(Sun. from 2pm-6pm, Mon. - Sat.<br />

from noon-7pm)<br />

RoB | Man 2 Man 28<br />

rue des Riches Claires 11<br />

Rijkeklarenstraat<br />

+3225140296<br />

http://www.rob-brussel.be<br />

(Tue. - Fri. from 10am-6:30pm, Sat.<br />

from 10am-6pm)<br />

SAUNA<br />

Club 3000 29<br />

Jamarlaan 9 (Saint-Gilles)<br />

+325221023<br />

http://www.club3000.net<br />

(Mon. - Thu. from 9am-2am, Fri. from<br />

9am-6am, Sat. from 10am-6am)<br />

L'Oasis 30<br />

rue Van Orley 10 Van Orleystraat<br />

+3222180800<br />

http://www.oasis-sauna.be<br />

(Daily from 11.30am-midnight)<br />

La Griffe 31<br />

Rue de Dinant 41 Dinantstraat<br />

+3225126251<br />

http://www.saunalagriffe.eu<br />

Macho Sauna 32<br />

Rue du Marché au Charbon<br />

106 Kolenmarkt<br />

+3225135667<br />

http://www.machosauna.com<br />

Spades 4our Bruxelles 33<br />

Rue bodeghem 23-25 Bodegemstraat<br />

+3225020772<br />

http://www.saunaspades4.be<br />


PDH-massages 34<br />

victor olivierlaan 6<br />

+32470326467<br />

http://www.pdh-massages.be<br />

(Daily from 10am-1opm)<br />






GENT<br />

05<br />

3<br />

2<br />

6<br />

9<br />

1<br />

10<br />

4<br />

BARS<br />

A-Pl+ss 01<br />

Belfortstraat 39<br />

+32 496 28 24 98<br />

http://www.a-pluss.be<br />

Abacho 02<br />

Hoogpoort 12<br />

+32 493 58 97 36<br />

Holebicafé barrazza 03<br />

Hoefslagstraatje 6<br />

+32473769522<br />

http://www.barrazza.be<br />

King Street 04<br />

Kammerstraat 49<br />

+3292239061<br />

Por que No 05<br />

Galglaan 93<br />

+3292539764<br />

http://www.porqueno-gent.be<br />

The Out 06<br />

Hoogpoort 53<br />

+32 9 330 45 90<br />

http://www.the-out.com/<br />

BARS<br />

't Fenomeen<br />

Marktplein 4<br />

Kuurne<br />

@ The Pub<br />

Hallestraat 4<br />

Brugge<br />

+32484919654<br />

http://r-en-k.be/atthepub<br />

Bar The Boys<br />

Papenstraat 9<br />

Kortrijk<br />

0032484732029<br />

Bar Valentino<br />

Kaalstraat 21<br />

Oostende<br />

59 80 54 11<br />

http://www.club-valentino.be<br />

Cafe Key West<br />

Dirk Boutslaan 12<br />

Leuven<br />

http://www.keywest.be<br />

Cafe Montana<br />

Hendrik Consciencestraat 50<br />

Roeselare<br />

0032 51 24 53 94<br />

Cafe Rocco<br />

Diestsesteenweg 24<br />

Leuven<br />

+32 16 60 12 63<br />

http://www.caferocco.be/<br />

Club Bonaparte<br />

Ooststraat 55<br />

Oostende<br />

(Thu.-Sat. from 7pm-5am)<br />

Crisco<br />

Oude Kasteelstraat 3<br />

Kortrijk<br />

0495/47.26.04<br />

http://www.crisco.be<br />

CLUBS<br />

Adonis 08<br />

Deinsesteenweg 14<br />

+32475525173<br />

http://adonisgent.com<br />


Casa Rosa 09<br />

Kammerstraat 22<br />

+3292692812<br />

http://www.casarosa.be<br />

Çavaria 09<br />

Kammerstraat 22<br />

+3292236929<br />

http://www.cavaria.be<br />

Wel Jong Niet Hetero 09<br />

Kammerstraat 22<br />

+3293354187<br />

www.weljongniethetero.be<br />

RETAIL<br />

Hephaestion 10<br />

Kammerstraat 29<br />


De vliegende steirt<br />

Stationsplein 61<br />

Ingelmunster<br />

+32 (0) 479/170.388<br />

http://www.vliegendesteirt.<br />

webs.com<br />

(Wed. - Fri. from 4pm, Sat. - Sun.<br />

from 7pm)<br />

Maxin’s<br />

Van Iseghemlaan 37<br />

Oostende<br />

+32496 429 039<br />

(Thu. - Mon. from 2pm-11pm. Closed<br />

on Tue. - Wed.)<br />

Your Place<br />

Aartshertoginnestraat 12<br />

Oostende<br />

www.yourplace-oostende.be<br />

(Thu.-Mon. from 9pm-4am)<br />

CLUBS<br />

Boysclub<br />

Sint-Franciscusstraat 29<br />

Oostende<br />

www.boyscluboostende.be<br />

Studs<br />

Hoogste van Brugge 1<br />

Brugge<br />

http://www.gaybarbruges.eu<br />

(Thu.-Sat. from 10pm, Sun. from<br />

8pm)<br />


Holebifoon<br />

Kammerstraat 22<br />

Antwerpen<br />

080099533<br />

http://www.holebifoon.be/<br />


Mask-ara<br />

+3293553461<br />

http://www.hepaestion.be<br />

SAUNA<br />

Spades 4our Gent 11<br />

Koning Albertlaan 172<br />

+3293388650<br />

http://www.spades4our.be<br />

Jozef Reusenslei 17<br />

Borsbeek<br />

http://www.mask-ara.be/<br />

SAUNA<br />

't Herenhuis<br />

De Lescluzestraat 63<br />

Berchem<br />

+3232395195<br />

www.gaysaunaherenhuis.be<br />

(Sun. - Thu. from noon-1am, Fri. - Sat.<br />

from noon-2am)<br />

Sauna Aquarius<br />

Peter Benoitstraat 77<br />

Oostende<br />

Sauna Kouros<br />

Botermelkbaan 50<br />

Schoten<br />

+3236580937<br />

http://www.kouros.be<br />

(Daily from noon-midnight)<br />

Sauna Kouros<br />

Min. Libaertlaan 59<br />

Kortrijk<br />

Sauna Max<br />

Stadelaan 21<br />

Heule<br />

Sauna Nautilus<br />

Oudenaardsesteenweg 392<br />

Avelgem<br />

+3256320404<br />

http://www.saunanautilus.be/<br />

(Thu. - Tue. from 1pm-11pm)

208<br />

/ OUT&ABOUT<br />


GOES TO<br />


De Manege is inmiddels een begrip in Arnhem bij<br />

de gay en open-minded party people. Het was dus<br />

een kwestie van tijd tot ze het ook elders zouden<br />

gaan proberen. Tijdens de Nijmeegse Zomerfeesten<br />

is er dan nu De MANege 024.<br />

Op de Roze Woensdag, 22 juli <strong>2015</strong>, opent LUX de deuren<br />

voor de eerste Nijmeegse editie van de MANege. DJ Dirty K<br />

en DJ Samaker (beide o.a. van club NYX) zullen achter de<br />

draaitafel gaan staan en Miss Megan Schoonbrood geeft ook<br />

acte de présence. Het feest begint om 23.00 uur en gaat door<br />

tot 04.00 uur.<br />

Adres Mariënburg 38-39,<br />

6511PS,<br />

Nijmegen<br />

Meer info<br />

www.facebook.com/DeMANege<br />

Tickets VVK 12,50,<br />

Doorsale 15,00 LUX<br />

via www.lux-nijmegen.nl/<br />

vierdaagsefeesten<br />





ANTWERP...<br />

Op zaterdag 4 juli gaat voor de derde keer Unicorn<br />

Festival door in en rond de Magiq Spiegeltent te<br />

Antwerpen. Het is een uniek ‘openminded dancefestival’<br />

met een mix van de beste dansmuziek, kunst, een<br />

lekkere foodcorner en een hoge dosis fun! Niets moet,<br />

alles mag! Eén indoor en één outdoor stage met een dj<br />

line-up om duimen en vingers bij af te likken.<br />

Naast de typische festivalformule wil dit festival aantonen hoe<br />

mooi diversiteit kan zijn. Unicorn Festival is ontwikkeld vanuit<br />

de gedachte dat iedereen zichzelf moet kunnen zijn. De tagline<br />

spreekt dan ook voor zich: ‘Always be yourself, unless you can be<br />

a unicorn, then always be a unicorn!’. Unicorn Festival viert het<br />

unieke dat iedereen in zich draagt en laat zo zien hoe mooi en<br />

feestelijk diversiteit kan zijn.<br />

De line-up voor dit jaar belooft een topfeest te worden met o.a.<br />

Compuphonic (bekend van radiohits ‘Sunset’ en ‘Radio Atlantis’),<br />

Audio Boulevard (Tomorrowland), Ilse Liebens, Neon, Jean Le<br />

Rouge en D’Steph.<br />

De mix van het elektronische underground podium met het iets<br />

commerciëlere podium, gecombineerd met een eigenzinnige<br />

kijk op kunst, en dit alles op een idyllische locatie omgeven door<br />

bomen, met als centraal punt een decennia oude spiegeltent is de<br />

perfecte set-up voor Unicorn Festival.<br />

Kevin Murphy, Veaux de Camion en enkele verrassende acts<br />

zorgen voor het creatieve gedeelte en honger zal je niet hebben<br />

want met Oto Burger, Bar Leopard en Basic Italian kun je genieten<br />

in de foodcorner.<br />

Meer informatie /<br />

tickets bestellen<br />

www.unicornfestival.be<br />






ROZE<br />


<strong>2015</strong><br />

Tilburg kan zich gaan opmaken voor een wel heel speciale editie van Roze<br />

Maandag. Dit jaar bestaat Stichting Roze Maandag namelijk 25 jaar en dat<br />

wordt groots gevierd. Op maandag 20 juli staat barst het feest los op de<br />

Tilburgse Kermis en op donderdag 2 juli vindt in Stadsschouwburg Tilburg<br />

eenmalig het Hand-in-Hand Gala plaats, een wervelende jubileumshow<br />

met afterparty.<br />

Vorig jaar was er meer aandacht dan ooit voor de campagne van Roze<br />

Maandag. De stichting haalde toen het (inter)nationale nieuws met de hoax<br />

dat er een homodorp zou worden opgezet ten noorden van Tilburg. De promotiestunt<br />

en de erop volgende campagne brachten de thema’s emancipatie<br />

en acceptatie op unieke wijze onder de aandacht. ‘Met de campagne<br />

van <strong>2015</strong>, die wederom is ontwikkeld in samenwerking met Scheepens<br />

Reclame Adviseurs, borduren we voort op die achterliggende gedachte’,<br />

aldus de organisatie.<br />

De nieuwe campagne van Roze Maandag heeft als thema Nederland<br />

Hand-in-Hand. ‘Het idee is dat op Roze Maandag dit jaar iedereen de<br />

handen ineensluit en dat we die dag allemaal – veilig! – hand in hand<br />

over straat kunnen lopen’, aldus de organisatie. ‘Zo laten we zien dat<br />

iedereen geaccepteerd wordt.’ Om deze boodschap kracht bij te zetten,<br />

heeft Roze Maandag een app laten ontwikkelen waarmee je jezelf met<br />

open handen op de foto kunt zetten. Al deze foto’s (en handen) worden<br />

vervolgens automatisch met elkaar verbonden op de website www.<br />

nederlandhandinhand.nl, waardoor een digitale slinger ontstaat met<br />

mensen van alle geaardheden. De app is te downloaden in de App Store<br />

(iPhone) en via Google Play (Android).<br />

Het 25-jarig bestaan van Roze Maandag zal worden geopend door<br />

O’G3NE (winnaar van The Voice of Holland 2014). De drie Brabantse<br />

zangeressen geven de aftrap om 13.00 uur in de Bierhal. Via<br />

www.theaterstilburg zijn tevens nog kaartjes te koop voor het Hand-in-Hand<br />

Gala op 2 juli, met artiesten als Sven Ratzke en Shirma Rouse.<br />

Op woensdag 22 juli tijdens de Nijmeegse<br />

Vierdaagse vindt de ‘Roze Woensdag’ plaats.<br />

Inmiddels het derde grootste roze evenement<br />

van Nederland. ’s Middags juichen duizenden<br />

toeschouwers de Vierdaagselopers feestelijk naar<br />

de eindstreep, en op tal van plekken in het centrum<br />

barsten roze festiviteiten los. Stichting Roze<br />

Woensdag meldt dat er zich dit jaar zeven podia<br />

hebben aangesloten. Genoeg plekken in de stad<br />

om op straat een feestje te vieren.<br />

In tegenstelling tot veel andere steden is het aantal homocafé’s<br />

en -feesten in Nijmegen groeiende. Zowel café de Mets,<br />

café de Meermin en Gay-Leather-Bar Chaps als het pas<br />

geopende danscafé Marcus-Anthonius en ThomTom bar doen<br />

mee. Dat betekent dat er tijdens deze Roze Woensdag meer<br />

afterparty’s dan ooit zijn.<br />

Bijzonder is ook de samenwerking tussen Stichting Roze<br />

Woensdag, Amnesty International en het Pride Fonds. Zij<br />

zorgen dit jaar voor extra aandacht voor homorechten in het<br />

buitenland. Een deel van de (internationale) wandelaars van<br />

de Vierdaagse is afkomstig uit landen waar homoseksualiteit<br />

niet of nauwelijks is geaccepteerd. Hoewel LHBT’s in bijna<br />

alle landen te maken krijgen met discriminatie en ongelijke<br />

behandeling, is de situatie in bepaalde delen van de wereld<br />

uitzonderlijk ernstig. Het credo van Roze Woensdag: ‘een<br />

feest voor iedereen’, gaat in deze landen niet op. De wandelaars<br />

en feestvierders krijgen de mogelijkheid om via de actie<br />

‘Walk The Rainbow’ op het Faberplein hun steun te geven aan<br />

LHBT-activisten in nood.<br />

Kijk voor de laatste ontwikkelingen en het meest actuele<br />

programma op de website van Stichting Roze Woensdag:<br />

www.rozewoensdag.nl of op Facebook: www.facebook.com/<br />

rozewoensdag<br />

Houd voor meer informatie www.rozemaandag.nl in de gaten of volg Roze<br />

Maandag via Facebook en Twitter.<br />

208<br />


208<br />

/ OUT&ABOUT<br />




Op 30 juli vindt voor de 13de keer<br />

Gaypride Amersfoort plaats, op de<br />

donderdag voorafgaand aan de<br />

Botenparade in Amsterdam. Ook<br />

in Amersfoort zal dit jaar een roze<br />

botenparade door de grachten varen.<br />

Stichting Keiroze, een Amersfoortse organisatie<br />

die opkomt voor de belangen van LHBT’s,<br />

organiseert op 30 juli het Keiroze Boten &<br />

Grachtenspektakel. In de middag vaart er een<br />

stoet aan versierde boten door de Amersfoortse<br />

grachten, waarop volop wordt gepicknickt<br />

en muziek zal worden gemaakt. Volgens de<br />

organisatie zijn er dit jaar misschien zelfs een<br />

aantal artiesten op de boten te vinden.<br />

De afgelopen jaren werden er al ink wat<br />

vernieuwingen toegevoegd, maar ook dit jaar is<br />

er ruimte voor nieuwe ideeën. De hof blijft het<br />

festivalhart met een openluchtdisco, maar op<br />

de Groenmarkt wordt dit jaar een uitgebreid<br />

cultuurprogramma gebracht. Een mix van<br />

muziek, sing-a-long, variété, kleinkunst en<br />

quizvragen. De nadruk ligt bij dit podium op<br />

publieksparticipatie.<br />

Net als vorig jaar wordt er weer een Rainbow<br />

Run georganiseerd. Een hardlooptocht door<br />

het centrum van Amersfoort die begint en<br />

eindigt aan de voet van de Lieve Vrouwetoren<br />

en die dit keer direct door theater De Flint heen<br />

loopt. Tijdens de run verzamelen lopers polsbandjes<br />

in de kleuren van de regenboogvlag.<br />

Verder is er een Roze markt, een braderie<br />

waar ideële en commerciële instellingen hun<br />

waar en informatie kunnen aanbieden. Denk<br />

aan roze feestaccessoires, suikerspinnen,<br />

condooms, boeken, sieraden etc. Op de Roze<br />

Markt zal tevens een open podium worden<br />

ingericht, waar talentvolle dj’s en singer-songwriters<br />

zich kunnen bewijzen.<br />

Meer informatie: www.gayprideamersfoort.nl

NR.208 / JULI <strong>2015</strong><br />



Stichting OUT Media i.s.m. çavaria & <strong>ZiZo</strong><br />


ADJUNCT-<br />



Martijn Tulp<br />

Martijn Kamphorst<br />

Jeroen de Rooij/DRGA<br />


Dennis De Roover, Robbert Blokland, Misha M.,<br />

Mounir, Jurrie de Vries, Irene Hemelaar, Ype Driessen<br />

e.a.<br />


Olivier Deschodt, Geert Buytaert e.a.<br />


Johan Cansse-Yourpix.be<br />


redactie@outmedia.nl<br />

ADRES:<br />

Postbus 10482, 1001 EL, Amsterdam<br />

tel: +3120-788 13 55, fax: +3120-7881361<br />

info@outmedia.nl<br />

@gaynightmag<br />

facebook.com/gaynightvlaanderen<br />

Gay&<strong>Night</strong> is a registered trademark. Entire contents copyright 2006-<strong>2015</strong>. All<br />

rights reserved. No part of this paper, including editorial content, photos, artwork<br />

or maps may be reproduced without written permission. All rights to letters, art,<br />

articles and photographs sent to Gay&<strong>Night</strong> will be treated as unconditionally<br />

assigned for publication, and are subject to editing. The opinions expressed<br />

by the columnists, letter writers and commentators are their own and do not<br />

necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher, editors or staff of Gay&<strong>Night</strong>.<br />

While we support the many fine advertisers who make this publication<br />

possible, Gay&<strong>Night</strong> cannot accept any responsibility for advertising claims.

207<br />


Party report / Revelation Party<br />



1 YEAR<br />


056<br />

Fotografie / José Cardoso<br />


Antwerp Pride - Getting Started<br />

WELKOM BIJ ANTWERP PRIDE <strong>2015</strong><br />

Bart Abeel<br />

Voorzitter Antwerp Pride<br />


Dat kunnen we zijn, dat mogen<br />

we zijn op de lange weg die is<br />

afgelegd sinds de jaren ’70 tot<br />

nu. Toen werden we ‘net niet’<br />

beschouwd als geestesziek en/of<br />

pervers, nu (wettelijk) zo goed als<br />

volwaardige en gelijkberechtigde<br />

burgers. Holebi’s en transgenders<br />

kunnen in ons kleine landje volop<br />

dromen van en bouwen aan<br />

een boeiend leven midden in de<br />

maatschappij, en niet langer aan<br />

de rand ervan.<br />

Dit alles is echter niet zonder<br />

slag of stoot bereikt. Een lange<br />

en soms harde - maar gelukkig<br />

nooit gewelddadige - strijd is hier<br />

voor nodig geweest : nationaal<br />

en internationaal. Eerder dit jaar<br />

hebben we de twintigste editie<br />

van de Belgian Pride mee kleur<br />

gegeven, en dit jaar vieren we ook<br />

de twintigste verjaardag van ons<br />

eigen Roze Huis hier in Antwerpen.<br />

Het is dus een goed moment<br />

om even stil te staan bij wat<br />

er in onze eigen stad allemaal<br />

gebeurd is in de afgelopen<br />

decennia om tot onze status van<br />

holebi/transgenders vriendelijke<br />

metropool te komen. Onlangs<br />

verscheen hier een fascinerend<br />

boek over ‘holebipioniers’, en ook<br />

verder in dit boekje kan je een<br />

interessant relaas lezen van enkele<br />

van deze pioniers.<br />

En zoals altijd, wordt dan de vraag<br />

gesteld: Wat nu? Is er echt nog<br />

nood aan een Pride nu de holebi<br />

en transgenders beweging zogoed<br />

als alle rechten heeft binnen<br />

gehaald die er maar te bedenken<br />

zijn. En zoals altijd , geef ik graag<br />

met veel vuur en overtuiging vier<br />

redenen waarom een Pride nog<br />

steeds absoluut nodig is.<br />

Hier in Antwerpen zien we onze<br />

Pride op de eerste plaats als een<br />

manier om onze dankbaarheid<br />

en trots te laten zien aan de<br />

stad en haar inwoners voor de<br />

fantastische, inspirerende en<br />

gastvrije omgeving waar we<br />

‘zichtbaar’ ons zelf kunnen zijn<br />

en kunnen ontplooien. Het is een<br />

uitnodiging aan iedereen om<br />

samen met ons feest te vieren en<br />

op die manier even te vertoeven<br />

in een ‘holebi/transgenders<br />

normatieve ‘ omgeving en zo te<br />

begrijpen dat het voor holebi’s en<br />

transgenders alle dagen andersom<br />

is.<br />

Zoals we allen weten, blijft het in<br />

de grootste delen van de wereld<br />

bijzonder moeilijk en dikwijls<br />

ronduit gevaarlijk om te leven<br />

zoals je bent. Dit jaar reiken we<br />

de hand naar het land met het<br />

grootste aantal inwoners ter<br />

wereld: China. Holebi’s worden er<br />

‘getolereerd’ zonder enige vorm<br />

van wettelijke bescherming, en<br />

vooral transgenders zijn er nog veel<br />

slechter af. Als stad met een grote<br />

Chinese gemeenschap, kunnen<br />

we dus heel wat betekenen.<br />

Ondanks al het wetgevende werk<br />

en anti-discriminatie regels, is en<br />

blijft het ook bij ons voor velen<br />

moeilijk om anders te zijn en in het<br />


Antwerp Pride - Getting Started<br />

WELKOM BIJ ANTWERP PRIDE <strong>2015</strong><br />

Bart Abeel<br />

President of Antwerp Pride<br />

bijzonder transgender. Nog steeds<br />

horen we schrijnende verhalen<br />

over discriminatie, agressie of<br />

ronduit geweld, depressie en<br />

uitsluiting. Sociale achtergrond<br />

of migratieproblematiek liggen<br />

dikwijls aan de basis hiervan.<br />

Dat dit alles kan leiden tot (kans)<br />

armoede kan je lezen in drie<br />

pakkende getuigenissen verder in<br />

dit boekje.<br />

En dit brengt mij tot het<br />

vierde maar zeker niet minst<br />

belangrijke argument voor<br />

een Pride. We willen ook een<br />

spiegel voorhouden aan de toch<br />

wel ‘lichtjes’ verwende holebigemeenschap<br />

zelf. De vrije manier<br />

waarop we leven en bewegen, is<br />

er niet zomaar gekomen. Velen<br />

zijn slachtoffer geweest van<br />

discriminatie en hebben zich<br />

moedig moeten afzetten tegen<br />

de ‘goegemeente’ om te bereiken<br />

wat er vandaag is. Het is dan ook<br />

jammer te moeten vaststellen hoe<br />

weinig empathie en solidariteit<br />

we soms nog opbrengen naar<br />

diegenen toe die toch nog strijd<br />

moeten leveren tegen sociale<br />

onrechtvaardigheid op basis van<br />

hun anders zijn. En nog vreemder<br />

is het om te moeten vaststellen dat<br />

sommigen zich wegsteken achter<br />

een economisch-commercieel<br />

argument om zich te onthouden<br />

van steun of engagement. Op<br />

die manier waren we er nooit<br />

gekomen.<br />

Antwerp Pride wil solidair zijn met<br />

die holebi’s en transgenders die<br />

nog te vaak worden uitgesloten<br />

- en soms door de eigen<br />

gemeenschap - omwille van hun<br />

sociale, etnische achtergrond.<br />

Iedereen heeft recht op Pride en<br />

kan zich bij ons welkom voelen.<br />

Maar Antwerp Pride is ook feest.<br />

Ik ben de Vlaamse Gemeenschap,<br />

de provincie en stad Antwerpen,<br />

de lokale politie, de dienst<br />

Toerisme en Evenementen, alle<br />

beleidsmakers en alle sponsors,<br />

partners, handelszaken en<br />

horecagelegenheden die een<br />

steen of steentje bijdragen aan dit<br />

feest dan ook enorm dankbaar.<br />

Antwerp Pride is een werk van veel<br />

vrijwilligers die vaak onzichtbaar<br />

blijven, maar altijd onmisbaar zijn.<br />

Ook aan hen: een grote dank.<br />

Een bijzonder woord van<br />

dank wil ik richten aan Jeroen<br />

Van Lievenoogen die meer<br />

dan vijf jaar lang secretaris is<br />

geweest van Antwerp Pride.<br />

Zonder zijn inzet, creativiteit<br />

en doorzettingsvermogen was<br />

Antwerp Pride nooit geworden<br />

wat het vandaag is. Merci Jeroen<br />

!! Ook Remco van Wessel wil ik<br />

bedanken die zich na twee jaar<br />

ondervoorzitterschap voluit wil<br />

concentreren op de werking van<br />

het Roze Huis.<br />

En nu genoeg woorden van een<br />

trotse Antwerp Pride voorzitter.<br />

Nu is het aan jullie. Geniet van<br />

een vrolijke, kleurrijke, zinvolle,<br />

opwindende, spectaculaire,<br />

veilige, liefdevolle, warme,...<br />

en vul zelf maar aan...<br />

Antwerp Pride!<br />


Antwerp Pride - Getting Started<br />

WELCOME TO ANTWERP PRIDE <strong>2015</strong><br />

Bart Abeel<br />

Voorzitter Antwerp Pride<br />


That we can be since we have<br />

come such a long way since the<br />

70s up to now. Then we were<br />

considered as almost mentally<br />

ill and / or perverse, today (and<br />

legally so) having full and equal<br />

rights as citizens. LGBT people<br />

in our small country can have<br />

their dreams and build a<br />

fascinating life in the midst<br />

of society, and no longer be<br />

confined to its margins.<br />

However, this has not been<br />

achieved without a struggle.<br />

A long and sometimes harsh<br />

- but fortunately never violent<br />

- struggle has been necessary<br />

to achieve this: both nationally<br />

and internationally. Earlier this<br />

year, we have contributed<br />

colourfully to the twentieth<br />

edition of the Belgian Pride,<br />

and this year we celebrate<br />

the twentieth anniversary of<br />

our own Pink House here in<br />

Antwerp. So it’s a good time<br />

to just reflect on what has<br />

happened in our city over the<br />

past decades, such that it now<br />

has the reputation as a LGBT<br />

friendly metropolis. Recently<br />

a fascinating book has been<br />

published about “gay pioneers”<br />

, and further on in this booklet<br />

you can read an interesting<br />

account of some of them.<br />

And as always, the question will<br />

be asked: What now? Is there<br />

really still a need for a Pride now<br />

that the LGBT movement has<br />

achieved most of the rights we<br />

have wanted. And as always,<br />

I shall state with the greatest<br />

passion and conviction the<br />

four reasons why Pride is still<br />

absolutely necessary.<br />

Here in Antwerp, we see our<br />

Pride in the first place as a<br />

way to show our gratitude<br />

and pride to the city and its<br />

inhabitants for the fantastic,<br />

inspiring and welcoming<br />

environment where we can be<br />

“visibly” ourselves and be able<br />

to flourish. It is an invitation to<br />

everyone to celebrate with us,<br />

to party and thus to just spend<br />

time in a “gay / transgender<br />

normative” environment and<br />

hence to understand that for<br />

LGBT people most of the days<br />

it is the other way around.<br />

As we all know, in most<br />

parts of the world it remains<br />

difficult and often downright<br />

dangerous to live life as you<br />

are. This year we reach out to<br />

the country with the largest<br />

population in the world:<br />

China. Gays and lesbians are<br />

“tolerated” there without any<br />

form of legal protection, and<br />

especially transgenders are<br />

much worse off. As a city with<br />

a large Chinese community,<br />

we can therefore make a<br />

difference.<br />

Despite all the legislative work<br />

and anti-discrimination rules, it<br />

remains difficult for many of us<br />

to be different and<br />


Antwerp Pride - Getting Started<br />

WELCOME TO ANTWERP PRIDE <strong>2015</strong><br />

Bart Abeel<br />

President of Antwerp Pride<br />

especially transgender. We<br />

still hear harrowing stories of<br />

discrimination, aggression or<br />

outright violence, depression<br />

and exclusion. Social<br />

background or migration<br />

problems often underlie<br />

them. That all this could lead<br />

to deprivation or poverty; this<br />

can be read about in three<br />

compelling testimonies further<br />

on in this booklet.<br />

And this brings me to the<br />

fourth but certainly not least<br />

important argument for Pride.<br />

We also want to hold up a<br />

mirror to the rather ‘slightly’<br />

spoiled gay community itself.<br />

The easy way we live and move<br />

around now, didn’t just arrive<br />

there. Many have been victims<br />

of discrimination and had to<br />

stand up courageously against<br />

the “rule of the masses” to<br />

obtain what has been achieved<br />

today. It is therefore regrettable<br />

to note how little empathy<br />

we sometimes afford to allow<br />

those who must still struggle<br />

to deliver against social<br />

injustices based on their being<br />

different. And even stranger,<br />

is withholding support or<br />

commitments using so called<br />

economical-commercial<br />

arguments. We never got to<br />

where we are today in that way.<br />

Antwerp Pride wants to show<br />

solidarity with the LGBT people<br />

who are still too often excluded<br />

- and sometimes by their own<br />

community - because of their<br />

social or ethnic backgrounds.<br />

Everyone is entitled to Pride<br />

and may feel welcome here.<br />

But Antwerp Pride is a<br />

celebration. I am enormously<br />

grateful to the Flemish<br />

Community, the province and<br />

city of Antwerp, local police,<br />

the Tourist Office, all policy<br />

makers and all sponsors, shops,<br />

bars, clubs and restaurants<br />

who have contributed to this<br />

celebration.<br />

Antwerp Pride is a work<br />

created by many volunteers<br />

who often remain invisible but<br />

always indispensable. Also to<br />

them I give a big thank you.<br />

A special word of thanks is<br />

also given to Jeroen Van<br />

Lievenoogen who has been<br />

secretary of Antwerp Pride for<br />

more than five years. Without<br />

his commitment, creativity and<br />

perseverance Antwerp pride<br />

would never have become<br />

what it is today. Jeroen Merci !! I<br />

also want to thank Remco van<br />

Wessel who after two years as<br />

deputy chairman, now wants<br />

to fully concentrate on the<br />

operation of the Pink House.<br />

And now enough words from a<br />

proud Antwerp Pride president.<br />

Now it’s up to you. Enjoy a<br />

cheerful, colorful, meaningful,<br />

exciting, spectacular, safe,<br />

loving, warm ... and you can fill<br />

the rest in yourself ... Antwerp<br />

Pride!<br />




p 6<br />

p 10<br />

p 12<br />

p 14<br />

p 16<br />

p 18<br />

p 24<br />

p 30<br />

p 44<br />

p 52<br />

p 58<br />

p 62<br />

p 64<br />

p 66<br />

p 68<br />


Bart Abeel - PRIDE – TROTS – FIER(E)– STOLZ<br />

Contents<br />

Bart De Wever - Mayor of Antwerp<br />

Program summary<br />

Tickets, partners & sponsors<br />

Pride <strong>2015</strong> welcomes China<br />

LGBT people in the fourth world<br />

Progress Is About Open Minds<br />


p 30<br />

p 36<br />

p 43<br />

p 46<br />

Philip Heylen - Alderman for culture<br />

Antwerp Queer Arts Festival<br />

Researcher Paul Borghs<br />

Pre-pride program<br />


Thursday Program<br />

Midsummer Party<br />


Friday Program<br />

Reload - Viva la fiesta<br />

Roof Of Love<br />

Recon<br />

How It All Began<br />

p 106<br />

p 110<br />

p 112<br />

p 114<br />

p 116<br />

p 117<br />

p 118<br />

p 120<br />

p 122<br />

p 126<br />

p 128<br />

p 147<br />

p 148<br />

p 150<br />

p 152<br />

p 156<br />

p 164<br />



p 172<br />

p 174<br />

p 176<br />

p 178<br />

Sunday Program<br />

Closing Festival<br />

Artist - Conchita Wurst<br />

Artist - Alexander Rybak<br />

Artist - Slongs Dievanongs<br />

Artist - Natalia<br />

Rent<br />

Sjalot And Friends<br />

Pink Sunday<br />

Drama Queen<br />

Café De Love<br />

Fons Duchateau - Alderman for diversity<br />

A Girls best friend - Antwerp<br />

Gay venue addresses<br />

New gay hot spots<br />

Antwerp district’s<br />

Public Transport<br />


Our Mission<br />

Volunteers<br />

Partners & Sponsors<br />

Colophon<br />

p 74<br />

p 77<br />

p 80<br />

p 84<br />

p 86<br />

p 92<br />

p 102<br />


Saturday Program<br />

Pride Parade<br />

Wave<br />

Terrazza<br />

Extravaganza<br />

A Hard <strong>Night</strong><br />

Parade Welcomes Gay Classic Car Club<br />


Iedereen anders<br />

Altijd van dienst<br />

Hoe kan je ons contacteren?<br />

Voor niet-dringende vragen,<br />

bel de Blauwe Lijn op 0800 123 12.<br />

Dringende hulp nodig, bel 101.

Antwerp Pride - Getting Started<br />

Welkom bij Antwerp Pride <strong>2015</strong><br />

Bart De Wever<br />

Burgemeester van Antwerpen<br />


Het is een voorrecht u welkom te mogen<br />

heten in Antwerpen. U bent naar<br />

Vlaanderens boeiendste stad gekomen<br />

omdat u zich wil onderdompelen in<br />

de Antwerp Pride. Genoegzaam wordt<br />

deze feestweek de Antwerp Gay Pride<br />

genoemd. Maar organisatie en stad<br />

hebben er bewust voor gekozen om<br />

‘gay’ uit die roepnaam weg te laten.<br />

Antwerp Pride is uitgegroeid tot een<br />

feest van de hele stadsgemeenschap.<br />

Holebi en hetero, jong en oud, elders<br />

geboren, hier getogen. Een feest van<br />

openheid, diversiteit en verdraagzaamheid<br />

op uitnodiging en initiatief van de<br />

holebi-transgender gemeenschap.<br />

Verdraagzaamheid is en blijft een<br />

kwetsbaar goed. Vrijheid die als verworven<br />

moet worden beschouwd, is niet<br />

eeuwig en overal vanzelfsprekend. In<br />

Antwerpen en Vlaanderen is een heel<br />

eind van de weg ten goede afgelegd.<br />

Toch zijn er best nog biotopen waar<br />

holebi’s het knap moeilijk hebben om<br />

te zijn wie ze zijn. Op de werkvloer.<br />

Hand in hand op straat. Op plaatsen<br />

waar machogedrag nog altijd de<br />

norm is. Of waar religieuze argumenten<br />

tolerantie tegenover holebi’s in de weg<br />

staan. Het is goed dat Antwerp Pride<br />

aandacht vraagt voor dit nog te vaak<br />

verborgen verdriet. In dit programmaboek<br />

leest u een paar onthutsende<br />

getuigenissen die ons met de neus op<br />

de feiten drukken.<br />

Antwerp Pride vraagt tijdens deze<br />

achtste editie bijzondere aandacht<br />

voor holebi’s in China. De razendsnelle<br />

ontwikkeling van hun land ten spijt,<br />

vinden holebi’s in China nog steeds<br />

geen gehoor bij de overheid en worden<br />

gehinderd om organisaties op te richten.<br />

Transgenders worden er nog steeds<br />

beschouwd als geesteszieken. Dat<br />

Antwerp Pride meer wil zijn dan fun &<br />

dance, wordt onderlijnd door de verhoogde<br />

aandacht voor kunst, lezingen,<br />

debat en een brede, soms bezorgde kijk<br />

op de wereld.<br />

Deze officiële gids voor de Antwerp<br />

Pride <strong>2015</strong> wil ook een praktische gids<br />

zijn voor de duizenden gasten die we<br />

van maandag 3 tot zondag 9 augustus<br />

met open armen willen ontvangen. U<br />

maakt kennis met gastvrije horecazaken<br />

en swingende nachtclubs. U vindt de<br />

weg naar het openbaar vervoer, onze<br />

kunstschatten en hippe shoppingbuurten<br />

waar u zich thuis weet komen.<br />

Stadsbestuur en politiekorps werken<br />

graag mee om van elke Antwerp Pride<br />

een foutloos georganiseerd en veilig<br />

evenement te maken. Ik dank alle<br />

partners en sponsors. Ik spreek mijn<br />

oprechte waardering uit voor de talloze<br />

vrijwilligers en holebi-gerelateerde<br />

organisaties die 51 weken in de weer zijn<br />

om van de eerste week van augustus<br />

<strong>2015</strong> een feest te maken.<br />

Een feest dat Antwerpen op de kaart<br />

zet als een verdraagzame stad. Een<br />

open, bijdetijdse stad waar iedereen de<br />

vrijheid krijgt en de verantwoordelijkheid<br />

neemt het leven vorm, inhoud en<br />

betekenis te geven.<br />

Voor zichzelf, voor de ander, voor de hele<br />

stadsgemeenschap.<br />

Zomer <strong>2015</strong><br />


Antwerp Pride - Getting Started<br />

Welcome to Antwerp Pride <strong>2015</strong><br />

Bart De Wever<br />

Mayor of Antwerp<br />


It is a privilege to welcome you in<br />

Antwerp. You have come to Flanders’<br />

most interesting city because you want<br />

to dive into the Antwerp Pride. People<br />

call this party week conveniently the<br />

Antwerp Gay Pride. But the organisation<br />

and the city have deliberately chosen<br />

to skip the word ‘gay’. Antwerp Pride<br />

has developed into a party for the<br />

whole city community. LGBTQI and<br />

straight people, young and old, born<br />

elsewhere, or grown up here. It’s a feast<br />

of openness, diversity and tolerance as<br />

an invitation from and initiated by the<br />

LGBTQI community.<br />

Tolerance is and remains a vulnerable<br />

good. Freedom that is considered to be<br />

an established right, is not eternal nor<br />

self-evident everywhere. In Antwerp<br />

and Flanders we have come a long way.<br />

There still are areas, however, where<br />

LGBTQI people have to struggle to be<br />

able to be themselves. In the workplace.<br />

Hand in hand in the street. In places<br />

where macho behaviour still is the<br />

standard. Or where religious arguments<br />

obstruct tolerance towards LGBTQI<br />

people. It’s a good thing that Antwerp<br />

Pride draws the attention to this still too<br />

often hidden suffering. In this brochure<br />

you can read the appalling testimony of<br />

some victims who let us face the facts.<br />

During this eighth edition Antwerp<br />

Pride asks our particular attention for<br />

LGBTQI people in China. Despite the<br />

incredibly fast development of the<br />

country, the government still does not<br />

acknowledge the LGBTQI community<br />

and makes it difficult for organizations.<br />

Transgenderism is still being considered<br />

as a mental illness.<br />

That Antwerp Pride wants to be more<br />

than just ‘fun & dance’. This is underlined<br />

by the increased attention for art,<br />

lectures, debate and a wide, sometimes<br />

concerned view on the world.<br />

This official guide for Antwerp Pride<br />

<strong>2015</strong> also wants to be a practical guide<br />

for the thousands of guests we will<br />

welcome with open arms from Monday<br />

the 3th till Sunday the 9th of August.<br />

You will get to know the welcoming<br />

hotels, restaurants, café’s and swinging<br />

night clubs. You will find your way to<br />

the public transport, our art treasures<br />

and trendy shopping quarters where<br />

you will feel at home.<br />

The city council and the police<br />

force like to cooperate to make<br />

every Antwerp Pride an impeccably<br />

organised and safe event. I would like<br />

to thank all partners and sponsors. I<br />

express my sincere appreciation for<br />

the countless volunteers and LGBTQI<br />

linked organisations that are working<br />

very hard during 51 weeks to turn the<br />

first week of August <strong>2015</strong> into a great<br />

success.<br />

A successful festival that puts Antwerp<br />

on the map as a tolerant city. An open,<br />

modern city where everyone gets<br />

the freedom and the responsibility to<br />

shape their lives and give it content and<br />

meaning.<br />

For him or herself, for the others , for the<br />

whole city community.<br />

Summer <strong>2015</strong><br />




Th 06.08<br />

Sa 08.08<br />

Sa 08.08<br />

Sa 08.08<br />

Su 09.08<br />

Opening Reception<br />

Pride Parade<br />

Wave Festival - Pride Main Festival<br />

Extravaganza - Pride Main Party<br />

Closing Festival - Official Closing Event<br />

19:00h<br />

13:00h<br />

14:00h<br />

23:00h<br />

14:00h<br />

City Hall<br />

Waterpoort<br />

Steenpein<br />

Café d’Anvers<br />

Grote Markt<br />


Th 06.08<br />

Fr 07.08<br />

Fr. 07.08<br />

Fr. 07.08<br />

Sa 08.08<br />

Sa 08.08<br />

Sa 08.08<br />

Su. 09.08<br />

Su. 09.08<br />

Su. 09.08<br />

Su. 09.08<br />

Su. 09.08<br />

Midsummer Party - Pride Opening Party<br />

Roof Of Love<br />

7 Years Reload<br />

Recon Full Fetich<br />

Terrazza<br />

A Hard <strong>Night</strong><br />

Rapido<br />

Pink Sunday<br />

Terrazza<br />

Dramaqueen<br />

Sjalot & Friends<br />

Cafedelove<br />

18:00h<br />

16:00h<br />

17:00h<br />

22:00h<br />

14:00h<br />

22:00h<br />

23:00h<br />

14:00h<br />

14:00h<br />

18:00h<br />

18:00h<br />

19:00h<br />

Draakplaats<br />

Nieuwstad 4<br />

Korte Winkelstraat 11<br />

The Boots<br />

Van Schoonbekeplein<br />

Petrol Club<br />

Red & Blue<br />

Café Delux<br />

Van Schoonbekeplein<br />

Bonaparte<br />

Wisselstraat<br />

Red & Blue<br />


Mo 03.08<br />

We 05.08<br />

We 05.08<br />

Th 06.08<br />

Th 06.08<br />

Fr 07.08<br />

Fr. 07.08<br />

Fr. 07.08<br />

Fr 07.08<br />

Fr. 07.08<br />

Sa 08.08<br />

Sa 08.08<br />

Sa 08.08<br />

Sa 08.08<br />

Sa 08.08<br />

Su 09.08<br />

Su 09.08<br />

Su. 09.08<br />

Su 09.08<br />

Haarboetiek Tombola<br />

Tranny-Oke<br />

Pride Bingo<br />

Pride Workout<br />

Dolle Dildo Donderdag<br />

Pride Workout<br />

Fitness Friday<br />

Marko’s Eurovision<br />

Starbugs<br />

Daddi<br />

Pride Workout<br />

Sinjoor Saturday<br />

Pre-Pride-Open-Air-Party<br />

Extravaganza Dinner<br />

Queer Quiz<br />

Pride Workout<br />

Sleazy Slippery Sunday<br />

Pannekoek Xxl<br />

Matinee Popical<br />

Check<br />

21:00h<br />

17:00h<br />

10:00h<br />

11:00h<br />

10:00h<br />

11:00h<br />

20:00h<br />

22:00h<br />

23:00h<br />

10:00h<br />

11:00h<br />

12:00h<br />

20:00h<br />

20:00h<br />

10:00h<br />

11:00h<br />

13:00h<br />

14:00h<br />

Haarboetiek<br />

Bonaparte<br />

Velvet Cafe<br />

Fitness het Eiland<br />

Toys 4 Boys<br />

Fitness het Eiland<br />

Toys 4 Boys<br />

Popi<br />

Bonaparte<br />

Red & Blue<br />

Fitness het Eiland<br />

Toys 4 Boys<br />

Popi<br />

Sjalot & Schanul<br />

Het Roze Huis<br />

Fitness het Eiland<br />

Toys 4 Boys<br />

Banaparte<br />

Popi<br />




Sa 01.08<br />

Sa 01.08<br />

Su 02.08<br />

Su 02.08<br />

Su 02.08<br />

Su 02.08<br />

Mo 03.08<br />

We 05.08<br />

We 05.08<br />

We 05.08<br />

Th 06.08<br />

Fr 07.08<br />

Fr 07.08<br />

Fr 07.08<br />

Fr 07.08<br />

Fr 07.08<br />

Fr 07.08<br />

Fr 07.08<br />

Festival opening night - AQAF<br />


Expo - AQAF<br />

Web series - (AQAF)<br />

What’s In a Name - (AQAF)<br />

Drugs Kept Me Alive - (AQAF)<br />

Literary Evening - AQAF<br />

Workshop Zine - AQAF<br />

An Attempt - (AQAF)<br />

It’s Okay To Be ...<br />

My Queer China<br />

Network Event<br />

LGBTQ In China<br />

Media & Activism - AQAF<br />

Brothers (docu) - AQAF<br />

AQAF @ De Coninckplein Siberian<br />

Butterfly - AQAF<br />

Our Marriages - AQAF<br />

20:00h<br />

Check<br />

12:00h<br />

16:30h<br />

19:00h<br />

21:00h<br />

20:00h<br />

14:00h<br />

21:00h<br />

18:00h<br />

11:00h<br />

10:00h<br />

13:00h<br />

13:00h<br />

14:30h<br />

15:00h<br />

19:00h<br />

21:00h<br />

Galerij Verbeeck-Van Dyck<br />

Cinema Cartoon’s<br />

Galerij Verbeeck-Van Dyck<br />

Troubleyn<br />

Troubleyn<br />

Central Antwerp Library Permeke<br />

Central Antwerp Library Permeke<br />

Troubleyn<br />

Troubleyn<br />

WM Galleries by Patrick Declerck<br />

Gay Concept Store ‘t Verschil<br />

Central Antwerp Library Permeke<br />

Radisson Hotel<br />

Radisson Hotel<br />

Radisson Hotel<br />

Central Antwerp Library Permeke<br />

Central Antwerp Library Permeke<br />

Central Antwerp Library Permeke<br />


Th 06.08<br />

Th 06.08<br />

Th 06.08<br />

Fr 07.08<br />

Fr 07.08<br />

Fr 07.08<br />

Fr 07.08<br />

Sa 08.08<br />

Sa 08.08<br />

Sa 08.08<br />

Sa 08.08<br />

Su 09.08<br />

Su 09.08<br />

Su 09.08<br />

Su 09.08<br />

Su 09.08<br />

Thirsty Thursday<br />

Naked & Underwear<br />

Sleazy Pride Warmup<br />

Warm Up Cruising<br />

Golden Shower Party<br />

Recon Full Fetich<br />

Fluo 5<br />

Lottery<br />

Naked & Underwear Party<br />

Xtreme Fetish<br />

Clubbing<br />

Afterparty<br />

Naked & Underwear<br />

Fetish Afternoon<br />

Random Live<br />

Sleazy Sunday<br />

20:00h<br />

14:00h<br />

22:30h<br />

12:00h<br />

19:00h<br />

22:00h<br />

22:00h<br />

12:00h<br />

19:00h<br />

22:00h<br />

23:00h<br />

03:00h<br />

16:00h<br />

17:00h<br />

20:00h<br />

21:00h<br />

Club Random<br />

The Kinky’s<br />

The Boots<br />

Man Playz<br />

The Kinky’s<br />

The Boots<br />

Club Random<br />

Man Playz<br />

The Kinky’s<br />

The Boots<br />

Club Random<br />

The Boots<br />

The Kinky’s<br />

The Boots<br />

Club Random<br />

The Boots<br />


Antwerp Pride - Getting Started<br />

Ticket Sales<br />

Partner Events<br />

Several events feature a ticket pre-sale.<br />

Tickets can be purchased online on our website;<br />

www.antwerppride.com or at selected outlets in<br />

Antwerp city. Check our website for the list of ticket<br />

outlets.<br />

Events with ticket sales:<br />

Extravaganza<br />

Official pride main party<br />

Saturday 8 August 2014<br />

23:00 - 06:00<br />

Pre-sale: € 10 (door: € 15)<br />

Throughout this magazine and its agenda you’ll<br />

notice that several events bear the mark of<br />

‘Partner Event’, either a Pride main event or a<br />

supporting event. Those events have made an<br />

extra contribution to this year’s Pride organization<br />

by donating € 250 on top of their advertising space.<br />

Money that’s been used to cover the expenses of<br />

the partner event information you can find in this<br />

brochure such as the picture reports and articles<br />

on those events, and so making our magazine look<br />

even more attractive.<br />

Becoming a partner event is open for all. The Board<br />

appreciates their efforts greatly. A well-meant ‘thank<br />

you’ for the support. Make sure to stop by one of the<br />

partner events during your Pride festivities as a way<br />

of returning the favour. You can recognize partner<br />

events by the Antwerp Pride label on their flyers and<br />

posters.<br />

A Hard <strong>Night</strong><br />

saturday 8 August 2014<br />

22:00 - 06:00<br />

Pre-sale: € 19 (door: € 24)<br />

Cafedelove<br />

Sunday 10 August 2014<br />

19:00 - 02:00<br />

Only door € 10<br />

Sponsors<br />

Many organizations, companies and events support<br />

the pride by advertising in this magazine. Recognize<br />

them by the sponsor-label displayed in these<br />

venues.<br />

IK STEUN!<br />


PRIDE<br />

<strong>2015</strong><br />




Antwerp Pride - Getting Started<br />

Antwerp Pride <strong>2015</strong> welcomes China<br />

If you are a first time visitor to Antwerp - welcome,<br />

by the way - you’ll quickly notice that Antwerp<br />

is a vibrant multi-cultural city. Antwerp Pride<br />

embraces this and every year we take a look<br />

beyond our own fair city. With a large Chinese<br />

community within our walls, Antwerp Pride <strong>2015</strong><br />

focuses on the People’s Republic and asks the<br />

question: how is the LGBT community doing in<br />

the land of smiles? Not too bad, thank you, but<br />

things could be much better.<br />

With 1.3 billion people living in China you might<br />

expect there are a couple of gay and transgender<br />

people among them. Someone who knows the<br />

Chinese LGBT community like the back of his hand<br />

is Belgian activist-researcher Stijn Deklerck. Indeed,<br />

he is one of the founders of the Chinese LGBT<br />

activist group Queer Comrades who are a guest at<br />

the Antwerp Queer Arts Festival this year.<br />

How does a Belgian chap get involved in Chinese<br />

LGBT activism?<br />

‘After finishing my law studies in Belgium, I didn’t<br />

really know what to do. I wanted to write my PhD<br />

on the civil society in China. I’ve always had an<br />

interest in China and I wanted to research the balance<br />

between civil rights and government there. How<br />

do you deal with a very narrow legal and political<br />

window to stand up for your rights? One of the<br />

civil rights groups I was studying was involved in<br />

hiv/Aids awareness. I started to work with them<br />

and before I knew it, I was more busy with their<br />

work than with my own study. Through them I got<br />

to know a lot of LGBT groups. In 2007, a friend and<br />

I started Queer Comrades (www.queercomrades.<br />

com) In the beginning it was small scale, but since<br />

2009 it is my fulltime job. Now, I travel between<br />

Belgium and China.’<br />

In general, people will think the situation for<br />

LGBT people in China must be terrible. Do we<br />

have the correct image of China?<br />

‘It depends. There is a three no policy in China when<br />

it comes to LGBT: No approval, No disapproval, No<br />

promotion. There are no laws that criminalise homosexuality,<br />

and since 2001 it isn’t considered a mental<br />

illness any longer. But there is also no protection and<br />

there is a lot of censorship. Sex education, movies…<br />

They can not mention homosexuality. The government<br />

condones LGBT people and that’s it.<br />


Antwerp Pride - Getting Started<br />

Antwerp Pride <strong>2015</strong> welcomes China<br />

Yet, in society we have seen an improvement in the recent<br />

years. Last year a clinic was condemned in court<br />

for practising gay conversion therapy. The media are reporting<br />

more objectively and positively about gay people<br />

and certainly young people are starting to be more<br />

open-minded about it.<br />

The biggest problem for the LGBT community is the austere<br />

control of the government on everything that has<br />

to do with civil society. Since president Xi Jinping is in<br />

power, he has taken very hard measures against everything<br />

that has to do with activism. He has started a crusade<br />

against western ideals like freedom of press and civil<br />

rights. LGBT groups get most of their money from western<br />

organisations so they are considered as being under<br />

the influence of western powers against China.<br />

Look at the five feminists who were arrested and<br />

detained for a month recently. Some of them<br />

were active in the LGBT community. They did not<br />

to do anything illegal but it was a clear warning<br />

from the government towards activists: from the<br />

moment you make too much noise we can and will<br />

arrest you. This political situation, coupled with the<br />

unsupportive legal situation, makes it very difficult for<br />

LGBT organisations to get their message across and to<br />

help people.<br />

Yet in Chinese history, homosexuality was never a<br />

problem. Chinese poetry and art in general have a<br />

lot of references to homosexuality.<br />

‘Absolutely. There is the famous true story of The Cut<br />

Sleeve, about emperor AI who did not want to wake his<br />

lover who had fallen asleep on the sleeve of his rope. Rather<br />

than waking him, he cut of his sleeve and in doing<br />

so created a new fashion. ‘Cut sleeve’ is still a slang word<br />

for gay in Chinese. Same-sex eroticism was generally<br />

tolerated in China. As long as this did not affect people’s<br />

fulfilment of duties to get married and carry on the<br />

family lineage. Confucianisme does not take issue with<br />

homoeroticism, both between man and between women,<br />

but this cannot affect the fulfilment of crucial family<br />

duties like marrying a person of the opposite sex and<br />

producing heirs.<br />

The cultural revolution changed all that?<br />

‘During the Maoist era, and especially during the cultural<br />

revolution, violence against sexual minorities escalated,<br />

often homosexuality was seen as a ‘feudal remnant’ or ‘a<br />

western decadence’ Nowadays there is no forceful hate<br />

lobby against LGBT people, like in some other countries.<br />

There is no powerful Church, for instance, that condemns<br />

gay people. Hate crimes against gay people are far less<br />

common than in Belgium.<br />

In China, the family is very important. Several<br />

surveys tell us that Chinese people do not have a problem<br />

with gays, as long as their son or daughter is straight. Many<br />

gays struggle with communicating their homosexuality to<br />

their parents. They hereby often turn away from western<br />

ways of ‘coming out’ that emphasize a ‘gay identity’ you<br />

openly communicate to everybody. instead, they ensure<br />

that their boy- or girlfriend first becomes a friend of the<br />

family, and then part of the family without explicitly<br />

talking about homosexuality. The family thus can<br />

silently accept who you are, something that would<br />

be much more difficult if you shout your homosexuality<br />

from the rooftops, as this would bring<br />

shame on the family.<br />

There are also no openly LGBT role models in mainstream<br />

media or entertainment. There is Jin Xing, an openly<br />

transgender modern dancer. but that is it.’<br />

How would my life be as a gay man in China?<br />

‘There is a large gay scene in the big cities and the prosperous<br />

middle class will certainly go out to the gay clubs<br />

in big cities like Shanghai and Beijing. But you would probably<br />

also be married to a woman. It is estimated that<br />

more than 80 percent of gay men are married to women.<br />

They often enter a marriage without informing their wife<br />

about their homosexuality, but there is also a rise of gay<br />

men engaging in a ‘contract-marriage’ with a lesbian<br />

woman. In that way they form a family and be socially<br />

accepted and in the same time can do what they want.<br />

Sometimes several couples in that situation form a small<br />

community and they are happy. They are thus ‘reinventing’<br />

common ways of building a family and community,<br />

building ‘queer’ ways of living together.<br />


Antwerp Pride - Getting Started<br />

Antwerp Pride <strong>2015</strong> welcomes China<br />

that way they form a family and be socially accepted<br />

and in the same time can do what they want.<br />

Sometimes several couples in that situation form a<br />

small community and they are happy. They are thus<br />

‘reinventing’ common ways of building a family and<br />

community, building ‘queer’ ways of living together.<br />

That is very well for the large cities, but China is<br />

a big place. What about the more remote areas<br />

in the countryside.<br />

‘There is very little information available to people<br />

living in the countryside. There are some parts where<br />

people haven’t even heard of the word homosexuality.<br />

We try to work in the rural areas but it is very<br />

difficult. That is why the internet is very important<br />

in our activism. But there are surprising stories. I know<br />

of a guy who works in a mining community. Not the<br />

easiest environment for any gay person you might<br />

think, but he is open and he is being more or less<br />

accepted. It is another example of the duality of China.<br />

more serious and sensitive matters, then it becomes<br />

a problem. Social media are very strictly screened.<br />

Your webcast Queer Comrades is a guest at this<br />

year’s Antwerp Queer Arts Festival and Antwerp<br />

Pride. Tell us something more about that.<br />

‘We started in 2007 with making talk shows for the<br />

internet. Gradually we started making documentaries<br />

and news items. We delve into all sorts of topics.<br />

Serious ones but also fun ones. We post them online<br />

and basically we are there for the LGBT community<br />

and non-LGBT people. We are quite popular with<br />

straight people. People who think their daughter,<br />

son or friend is gay often visit us for information.<br />

We always try to be positive. We are never negative<br />

towards the government but we try to give them<br />

suggestions and ideas on how to do it better. We<br />

also work closely with the mainstream media and<br />

every year we hand out The China Rainbow Media<br />

Awards for positive reporting on LGBT issues. We<br />

also educate them. That helps. The media generally<br />

does not treat us like mentally ill people any more.<br />

We also work with universities and schools to try<br />

to make them talk more about it. Luckily more and<br />

more academics get interested in LGBT issues.’<br />

How is the situation for transgender people.<br />

A lot of activism happens on the internet. How<br />

free are you there?<br />

Reasonably free. Sometimes the government bans<br />

certain information, documentaries or sites, but<br />

there is a certain amount of freedom. We also see<br />

that Chinese versions of dating apps like Grindr are<br />

booming. There is a lot allowed as long as it is considered<br />

a form of entertainment. When you publish<br />

‘This is a group that is still being overlooked. They<br />

haven’t formed a strong community yet. We want to<br />

focus on them in the near future. Legally there are<br />

some positive signs. Though it is still considered a<br />

mental illness, people can change their gender on<br />

their identity cards after undergoing surgery. It is difficult<br />

however for many transgender to access sex<br />

reassignment surgery in China: it is very expensive,<br />

you need to prove that you had the desire for a sex<br />

change for at least five years, etc. Many people experiment<br />

with hormones without medical supervision.<br />

Of course, accidents happen. And there is a<br />


Antwerp Pride <strong>2015</strong> welcomes China<br />

huge employment problem. Many m to f transgenders<br />

engage in sex work, live marginalized lives and<br />

are extra vulnerable to hiv and aids.<br />

When in march of this year five feminists were<br />

arrested for handing out flyers against sexual<br />

harassment, there was an international outcry.<br />

At the moment of writing they have been released<br />

but remain under investigation.<br />

Did that kind of international pressure help?<br />

Difficult to say. China doesn’t like to be told off by<br />

foreign powers. Also, sometimes a lot of attention<br />

in the foreign press can have the opposite effect. In<br />

2010, a Mister Gay China Pageant was being organised.<br />

The foreign press jumped on it and made it into<br />

a big news story, saying the event would change<br />

the LGBT situation in China. Probably because of<br />

this huge attention, the pageant was banned. The<br />

government suddenly felt it did not have control of<br />

the situation anymore. Sometimes it is better not to<br />

talk too much to foreign journalists. But once something<br />

like the arrest of the feminists is in the open, of<br />

course it is good that there is that kind of international<br />

attention.’<br />

What can we in the west do to make life better for<br />

our Chinese LGBT friends?<br />

‘Keep on organising events like Antwerp Pride where<br />

the international LGBT community can come<br />

together and exchange ideas and information and<br />

learn from each other. Please don’t bring a savior<br />

mentality. Please don’t assume that LGBT people in<br />

China face the same problemes as LGBT people in the<br />

west and need the same set of solutions, carried out in<br />

the same order. Instead, take the time to get to know<br />

China. Learn about Chinese LGBT and activism<br />

through local organizations and built partnerships<br />

based on equality and respect.<br />


Antwerp Pride - Getting Started<br />

Reaching out: LGBT people in the fourth world<br />

Antwerp Pride is not only a fabulous parade, great parties and beautiful people. This celebration is also<br />

the moment to address some key problems within the LGBT community. Rather than focussing on the<br />

classic LGBTQI rights, Antwerp Pride <strong>2015</strong> takes a look at a group of LGBT people we sometimes overlook.<br />

People like you and I but who were born or ended up on the other side of society. Here we present three<br />

LGBT people who are brave enough to share their story.<br />

There are many clichés about our community. Some are<br />

true and some are just funny. One of them is that gay<br />

people automatically lead happy, sunny and luxurious<br />

lives. For lots of people being gay implies that we get<br />

up in our exquisitely furnished penthouses and head<br />

for our daily champagne brunches dressed in the latest<br />

fashion, deciding whether our third holiday this year<br />

will be in Sitges or in Gran Canaria. We have no kids,<br />

right? And don’t we all have those marvelous careers in<br />

some artsy business?<br />

Antwerp Pride calls upon our own community to<br />

consider those who simply didn’t get that break in life<br />

that most of us get. LGBT people who were born in<br />

poverty, were born in the wrong country and had to<br />

flee or those who for some reason ended up in the sex<br />

industry. Strangely enough there are no recent studies<br />

about LGBT people in the fourth world. Luckily there are<br />

a lot of organisations like Boysproject, Het Roze Huis or<br />

the Sint-Egidiuscommunity who help those people.<br />

With Antwerp Pride <strong>2015</strong> we want to express our solidarity<br />

with LGBT people who often remain in the shadows<br />

of the fourth world and reach out to them because<br />

everybody has the right to be part of Antwerp Pride.<br />

Story 1:<br />

The story of Maria<br />

‘I can’t not mention it, although it is always a risk’<br />

‘I was born in poverty. Into what they call generational<br />

poverty. My father and my mother were poor and their<br />

parents before them. When I got ill as a child, I had to<br />

go to a sanatorium. My parents never came back to<br />

pick me up, after which I lost all contact with them.<br />

The court placed me in several institutions and for a<br />

while I lived with my paternal grandmother. When I was<br />

seventeen and living in another institution, my brother<br />

and sister contacted me and asked to come and live<br />

at home. I did that until I was 21 years old and I could<br />

leave home. I have a degree in psychology but couldn’t<br />

find a job.<br />

Now I give lectures about poverty.<br />

Because I want to tell a different story than what some<br />

professional social workers tell us. People have a lot of<br />

prejudices against poor people. We are lazy, stupid,<br />

addicted or we keep a hundred cats. It is our own fault<br />

that we are poor, because if you want to get out of that<br />

situation you can, right? And we shouldn’t have children.<br />


Antwerp Pride - Getting Started<br />

Reaching out: LGBT people in the fourth world<br />

Even some social workers sometimes are prejudiced<br />

against poor people. We are not supposed to speak<br />

up, not supposed to have skills. Some social workers<br />

think in a very paternising way. If you turn for help, you<br />

would be suprised how seldom you are asked what the<br />

problem really is.<br />

Everybody wants to be part of society, wants to be<br />

accepted, wants to be recognised. Poor people and<br />

certainly those who are born into poverty often have a<br />

low self esteem. The bigger your self esteem, the better<br />

you can deal with life. But self esteem is not something<br />

you buy. It is something that has to grow. Contact with<br />

other people is important for this.<br />

When I meet someone I always tell her of my situation.<br />

I can not not tell it. It is a huge part of my life. It is always<br />

a risk, because I know I will be judged. Most of the time,<br />

it will be difficult to form a friendship after that. The<br />

other option is to shut up and be careful of what you<br />

say. Being poor is like being in the closet. I always have<br />

the feeling to have to do a coming out towards people<br />

who themselves came out a different sort of closet.<br />

A lot of people can’t go to Pride or become a member<br />

of a LGBT organisation, simply because they can’t<br />

afford the membership, or the train ticket. I’m not going<br />

to Brussels Pride, but I will come to Antwerp Pride. It is<br />

good that they organise some free events as well.<br />

Poor people also have prejudices against middle class<br />

people. Or are afraid. I just want to say, if someone<br />

comes up to you and it turns out he or she is poor, don’t<br />

judge but simply talk. We are not aliens. The only way<br />

to bridge the gap and get to know each other is by<br />

shaking hands and talking to each other.’<br />

(The name of the interviewee was changed at her own request)<br />

Story 2: The story of Nacer<br />

'Even within the gay community a lot of people<br />

do not understand transgenderism'<br />

Nacer, how did you end up in Belgium?<br />

‘I left Morocco about three years ago, not long after my<br />

mother had died. I already lost my father when I was<br />

eleven. I was victim of human trafficking but I didn’t<br />

get any papers. I was unable to give information<br />

about the human traffickers, which is necessary<br />

to obtain documents. I lived without papers for 2<br />

years. I came here because the situation for transgender<br />

people in Morocco is very bad. I didn't<br />

know I could ask asylum because of that. A<br />

friend brought me to a social organisation, the<br />

counselor helped me with the demand for asylum.<br />

Now - after 3 years - I'm legal.<br />

Before I had documents, it was very hard. You<br />

are not allowed to work, I had nothing. But even<br />

now, things are difficult. For example to find an<br />

appartement to rent. I think I tried at least 70<br />

apartments and I'm still searching. I have to move<br />

from the shelter where I live and there's a chance<br />

that I will become homeless. When you are on<br />

social welfare, not a lot of doors open. And when<br />

you are a Moroccan, it get's even more difficult.<br />

Besides, it's really expensive for me to rent something.<br />

I lived with my boyfriend for a while, a guy I<br />

met on Gayromeo. He also supported me a bit<br />

financially. We split up because of the language<br />

barrier. After that I had somebody else, but I left<br />

him because he was fooling around with another<br />

boy when I got home one day. And I don't like<br />

that sort of things. And then there was another<br />

boyfriend, but he drank a lot and he was very<br />

mean when he got drunk. So I also left him.’<br />


Antwerp Pride - Getting Started<br />

Reaching out: LGBT people in the fourth world<br />

What’s it like living in a shelter in Antwerp?<br />

Well, I am afraid to leave the apartment in drag. The<br />

guys living in my apartment building, they scare me<br />

sometimes. It already happened one time that I had<br />

to run because some guys wanted to beat me on the<br />

street. I went to the police, but they said that I should<br />

not walk in drag on the Turnhoutsebaan. Transgenderism<br />

is still something a lot of people don't understand.<br />

Even within the gay community. Some people also<br />

think that I am a transvestite. But I am not, I feel like<br />

a woman. I am transgender. Doing drag is just something<br />

I do right now to release some stress. I am still<br />

talking to my counselor about a transition. Once I get<br />

an operation, I will be a heterosexual woman. But I will<br />

still want to hang out in the gay scene. Of course, I have<br />

friends there, they will still be my friends. And I will also<br />

want to help other transgender people who face what<br />

I am facing right now. I am already volunteering a bit.<br />

What are your plans for the future?<br />

I am studying to work with young handicapped people.<br />

I have always wanted to do that, even when I was<br />

young. I love to help other people. But in Morocco, it<br />

wasn't easy.<br />

And maybe, one day, I will tell my younger sister that<br />

I am transgender. My other brother and sister, they<br />

would never understand. But with my youngest sister,<br />

I am very close. But first I have to find more stability in<br />

my own life. That is what I hope for.<br />

Story 3:<br />

The Story of Koenraad<br />

‘My dream is becoming a grandfather and having<br />

a massive Christmas dinner with my family’<br />

‘My name is Koenraad, I’m 34 years old and I have<br />

been married to my husband for 7 years. At the moment,<br />

I’m unemployed. I suffer from back pains and<br />

holding on to a physically demanding job is not always<br />

feasible. Up until now, I have been able to compensate<br />

this by doing escort work, even for extended<br />

periods. However, as you get older, it has become a<br />

lot more difficult to get money out of this profession.’<br />

How did you get into this situation?<br />

‘I’m almost at the end of a long tunnel; my debt mediation<br />

has recently ended. It all started by making the<br />

wrong choices. I didn’t finish my secondary school<br />

and I wasn’t ready to be independent and stand on<br />

my own two feet. You end up in a situation where you<br />

have to get on with your life, and you inevitably have<br />

expenses such as rent, going out,… But when you<br />

have no income… I have lived in many different places<br />

over the years and I even was homeless for a while. ’<br />

How would you describe your childhood?<br />

‘I only had 6 good years during my childhood and<br />

adolescence. Those six years I was living with my godmother<br />

and godfather, away from my parents’ home<br />

and the youth shelters. I’m not close with my parents<br />

and also not with my sisters. I was relatively close to my<br />

brother for a long time but recently we have fallen out<br />

as well. I don’t even know why. Over the years, I had to<br />

restrain myself too often and had to keep my mouth<br />

shut against certain members of my family. Those bottled<br />

up and suppressed emotions have now come out<br />

all at once, especially towards my mum.<br />

Additionally, I have ADHD type 3; combination of behaviour<br />

and learning difficulties. Many things went<br />

wrong during my adolescent years. For example, I was<br />

struggling with studying and doing my homework.<br />

My sexual orientation also started to come to the surface.<br />

Not that I had been acting on it but it was lurking<br />

amongst all the other problems.’<br />


Antwerp Pride - Getting Started<br />

Reaching out: LGBT people in the fourth world<br />

How does your husband deal with the poverty?<br />

‘At first, he did have a hard time; he didn’t have any debt<br />

himself. He had always been aware of my financial situation<br />

but he nevertheless accepted me as I am. Some of<br />

his relatives tried to convince him to the contrary; they<br />

claimed I wasn’t good enough for him. Fortunately, my<br />

husband is very stubborn and countered it by saying:” I’m<br />

happy, I want to go for it”. As a result of our relationship,<br />

I’m out of debt.<br />

He met me during another troubled period of my life as<br />

I had only just been diagnosed as HIV+. Being HIV+ is a<br />

result of a rape. My husband pulled me through this dark<br />

episode and accepted all the other baggage with it. The<br />

real challenge evolved more around our relationship; we<br />

had to get to know and understand each other. The financial<br />

side of it was less of an obstacle, although it was<br />

and it still isn’t easy. There are times we want to do more<br />

than we can afford and that’s frustrating. We have been<br />

married for 7 years and we haven’t had our honeymoon<br />

yet. It can be a bargain hunt. For example, we only buy<br />

second hand furniture and I’m not ashamed of going<br />

through someone else’s garbage, if it’s still useful. When<br />

we want go to the cinema we borrow it off friends and<br />

we pay them back in bits.’<br />

How do you plan your free time and hobbies?<br />

‘I try to have hobbies. At the moment it’s being a film and<br />

theater extra. I have done all sorts of things, last year I was<br />

in the musical 14-18. A perk is that you get some cash for<br />

it as well.’<br />

How is the government dealing with poverty? Are<br />

they tackling the problem?<br />

‘Not in my opinion. I have my unemployment benefits<br />

but they have been lowered since I got married. Even<br />

though I spend a lot of time and effort in finding a job,<br />

I get so little to live on. Unfortunately, I’m not physically<br />

strong enough and I suffer from back pains regularly. Since<br />

I have no secondary school diploma, I always end up in<br />

the physically demanding jobs. It’s just not possible.<br />

There is a lot of support and advice from the ‘JAC ‘(Youth<br />

Advisory Center) and ‘Boysproject’, there always has been.<br />

I’m one of the regulars here. During troubled times and<br />

when I was homeless, they offered me a warm meal twice<br />

a week as well as lending me an ear. I had already spent<br />

too much time in youth shelters and wasn’t willing to end<br />

up in another shelter again.<br />

The government should listen more to its people. You<br />

should not force anyone to take up a job just because<br />

they have been unemployed for a long time. The government<br />

should create more opportunities by offering<br />

more training and financial support. If I have no job by<br />

19th September, my benefits will be cancelled completely.<br />

Of course, I want a job that I like because it won’t last<br />

otherwise.’<br />

Has you sexual orientation or your HIV status<br />

influenced your situation? Are you being discriminated?<br />

‘This one time, I was applying for a job at a supermarket<br />

and I actually had been honest about being HIV+. The<br />

shop manager refused to hire me and told me: “In this<br />

branch? I just don’t know how to bring the news.” That<br />

was the first and last job I told.<br />

When I had just met my husband, he had a well paid<br />

job in a restaurant. He was made redundant because I’m<br />

HIV+. I advised against it to tell his employer but he took<br />

days off to support me during my medical check ups. His<br />

employer got curious. They fired him because if I can have<br />

it, he can have it.’<br />

How is you medical follow up?<br />

‘There is the tropical institute for my medical treatments<br />

and follow up of HIV. Only the dentist has become very<br />

expensive. As a consequence of a genetically determined<br />

dental disease, all my teeth have been removed and<br />

I need dentures. Fortunately, ‘Boysproject’ recommended<br />

me to a school of dental medicine and I qualified for free<br />

dentures. I was the guinea pig of the last year students. I<br />

would never been able to afford it in private care.’<br />

What are your dreams for the future?<br />

‘My dream is to start up my own business, together with<br />

my spouse. A simple business such as a local bar, where<br />

you can dance, have fun and a bite to eat. We don’t want<br />

to serve just alcohol (laughs). I also want to continue as a<br />

theater and film extra. Me being a grandfather and having<br />

a massive Christmas dinner with my family is an image of<br />

the future I always keep in my mind. It’s not because I’m<br />

gay that it cannot happen.’<br />


Antwerp Pride - Getting Started<br />

Marc Lamotte<br />

CEO Agoria<br />


Anders mogen zijn. Het is hét succesrecept<br />

van topbedrijven en hun<br />

medewerkers. Innovatief en creatief.<br />

Technologische vooruitgang komt van<br />

bedrijven die zich differentiëren. Daarvoor<br />

moeten ze innoveren. Daarvoor<br />

moeten ze creatief zijn. Creatief zijn, is<br />

anders durven zijn. Progress is about<br />

open minds; het is de slagzin van technologiebedrijven.<br />

Anders durven zijn is dus noodzakelijk<br />

voor bedrijven om te innoveren, te<br />

overleven, te vermijden dat puur op<br />

prijs concurrentie gevoerd moet worden.<br />

Anders durven zijn, is makkelijker in een<br />

omgeving waar anders zijn aanvaard<br />

wordt, waar anders mogen zijn deel is<br />

van de nieuwe norm.<br />

Dit is een mind set. Openheid van geest<br />

die leidt tot vrijheid van denken, vrijheid<br />

van zijn, vrijheid van creëren.<br />

In bedrijven is anders durven en mogen<br />

zijn dus essentieel. In onze maatschappij<br />

evenzeer. Een cultureel weefsel waar<br />

anders zijn mag, vormt mensen die ook<br />

in het bedrijfsleven anders durven zijn<br />

– en die er zo voor zorgen dat ons economisch<br />

canvas verstevigd wordt, onze<br />

bedrijven bestellingen krijgen, onze<br />

mensen dus werk hebben en onze<br />

maatschappij haar sociaal vangnet kan<br />

veiligstellen. Kortom, progress is about<br />

open minds.<br />

Allowing people to be different. That’s the<br />

recipe for success of leading companies<br />

and their employees. Innovative and<br />

creative. Technological progress comes<br />

from companies which differentiate<br />

themselves. And for that they must<br />

innovate. For that they must be creative.<br />

Being creative is daring to be different.<br />

Progress is about open minds; this is the<br />

motto of technology companies.<br />

Daring to be different is something companies<br />

have to do if they are to innovate,<br />

survive, and prevent business from<br />

being conducted solely on the basis of<br />

price competition.<br />

Daring to be different is easier in an<br />

environment where being different is<br />

accepted, where being allowed to be<br />

different is part of the new norm.<br />

This is a mind-set. Openness of the mind<br />

that leads to the freedom of thought,<br />

freedom of being, freedom of creation.<br />

In companies, daring and being allowed<br />

to be different is therefore essential. In<br />

our society, the same applies. A cultural<br />

context where being allowed to be different<br />

shapes people who also dare to be<br />

different professionally – and who therefore<br />

ensure that our economic fabric is<br />

strengthened, that our companies get<br />

orders and that our people have work as<br />

a result, thus protecting our society’s social<br />

safety net. In short, progress is about<br />

open minds.<br />

Happy Pride,<br />

Happy Pride,<br />



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OPEN<br />

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Open from Thursday till Monday from 11 am till 6 pm,<br />

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Antwerp Pride - Pre Pride Events<br />

Welkom bij Antwerp Pride 2014<br />

Philip Heylen<br />

schepen voor cultuur<br />

Een mooi begrip: diversiteit<br />

The only queer people are those who<br />

don’t love anybody schreef Rita Mae<br />

Brown. We weten allemaal dat er helaas<br />

nog veel te veel liefdeloze mensen<br />

rondlopen op onze planeet...<br />

Een festival als Pride echter concentreert<br />

zich op dat overgrote deel dat wel de<br />

medemens - elke medemens - een<br />

warm hart toedraagt. Ook nu nog worden<br />

dagelijks mensen verraden door<br />

een kus. Niet zoals bij Judas maar juist<br />

omdat ze die kus graag willen geven<br />

en het hen bij wet verboden wordt. In<br />

Arizona is zelfs een wet gestemd die het<br />

recht geeft om je diensten te weigeren<br />

aan holebi’s. We schrijven <strong>2015</strong> en we<br />

stellen vast dat gelijkwaardigheid nog<br />

steeds bevochten moet worden.<br />

Goede kunst kan van iedereen komen.<br />

Kunst kent immers geen doelgroepen.<br />

Kunst kan wel de ogen openen.<br />

Bijvoorbeeld van degenen die het<br />

moeilijk hebben met sommige doelgroepen.<br />

Kunst gaat niet over gelijk<br />

hebben. Maar kunst mag gaan over gelijk<br />

zijn. Samengevat: kunst moet niets<br />

maar mag alles. Kunst is het zoeken<br />

naar andere invalshoeken, andere<br />

ervaringen en andere belevenissen. Een<br />

samenleving is alleen maar die naam<br />

waardig in de mate dat ze met dat andere<br />

om kan gaan. We hebben er een<br />

mooi begrip voor: diversiteit.<br />

In Antwerpen beseffen we erg goed<br />

dat de economische en culturele rijkdom<br />

van deze stad voortkomt uit de<br />

verscheidenheid die haar kenmerkt. Het<br />

Antwerp Queer Arts Festival werpt een<br />

blik op die verscheidenheid vanuit<br />

zijn eigen identiteit. Gender is geen genre.<br />

Het is een manier hoe mensen in<br />

het leven staan. In Antwerpen bijvoorbeeld.<br />

Een internationale stad en dus<br />

open voor internationale kunstenaars<br />

en open voor alle kunstdisciplines. We<br />

steunen Queer Arts straight forward.<br />

Jan Fabre doet dat ook. Een statement<br />

van een van ‘s werelds grootste kunstenaars.<br />

Troubleyn heeft een prominente<br />

plek in het programma. Een programma<br />

dat de spotlight ook op China zet.<br />

In samenwerking met Antwerp Pride<br />

zal het festival verschillende Chinese<br />

activisten en kunstenaars naar Antwerpen<br />

brengen om het verhaal van LGBT’s<br />

in China te brengen. Geaardheid kent<br />

geen grenzen...<br />

Holebi is een heilzaam woord eigenlijk:<br />

het klinkt holistisch en dat is kunst<br />

ook. Het verrijkt de samenleving. Het is<br />

zoals vele labels één groot gevecht tegen<br />

clichés. Het is een afkorting en als<br />

je die uitrekt merk je dat ze een grote<br />

groep mensen vertegenwoordigt. De<br />

holebi- en transgendergemeenschap<br />

maakt deel uit van Antwerpen en heeft<br />

als eender wie het recht Antwerpen te<br />

claimen als ‘haar’ of ‘zijn’ stad.<br />

Deze stad groeit vanuit de verschillen<br />

die we in de stad laten bloeien door<br />

elkaar te respecteren en te laten organiseren.<br />

En daar ben ik fier op. Pride heet<br />

zoiets...<br />


Antwerp Pride - Pre Pride Events<br />

Welcome to Antwerp Pride 2014<br />

Philip Heylen<br />

Vice Mayor of Antwerp<br />

A beautiful concept: diversity<br />

The only queer people are those who<br />

don’t love anybody wrote Rita Mae Brown.<br />

We know that, sadly enough, there are still<br />

too many loveless people on our planet…<br />

A festival like Pride, however, concentrates<br />

on that bigger part that carries a warm<br />

heart for their fellow men, all fellow men.<br />

Even in our time people are still being<br />

betrayed by a kiss every day. Not like with<br />

Judas but rather because they so want to<br />

give that kiss and they are forbidden to<br />

do so by law. In Arizona, a law passed that<br />

gives you the right to refuse your services<br />

to LGBT people. We are in the year <strong>2015</strong><br />

and we find that equality is still something<br />

we have to fight for.<br />

Good art can come from anybody. Art<br />

does not know target groups. Art can be<br />

an eye-opener. For example those who<br />

can’t see eye to eye with some target<br />

groups. Art is not about who is right. But<br />

art is allowed to deal with being equal.<br />

In other words: art doesn’t have to do<br />

anything, but is allowed to do everything.<br />

Art is looking for different angles, different<br />

experiences and different adventures.<br />

A society is only worthy of that name<br />

in the way it can deal with that what is<br />

different. We have a beautiful concept for<br />

it: diversity.<br />

Jan Fabre does the same. A statement<br />

from one of the world’s biggest artists.<br />

Troubleyn has a prominent spot in the<br />

programme. A programme that also<br />

focuses on China. Together with Antwerp<br />

Pride, the festival will welcome several<br />

Chinese activists and artists to Antwerp<br />

where they will tell the story of the LGBT<br />

community in China. Sexual identity does<br />

not know borders.<br />

The Flemish acronym for homosexuals,<br />

lesbians and bisexuals, ‘holebi’, is actually<br />

a wholesome word. It sounds holistic and<br />

art is that as well. It enriches society. Like<br />

so many labels, it is one big fight against<br />

cliché’s. It is an abbreviation and if you<br />

stretch it, you’ll notice that it represents<br />

a large group of people. The LGBT<br />

community is a part of Antwerp and, just<br />

like anybody else, it has the right to claim<br />

the city as ‘his’ or ‘hers’.<br />

This city flourishes because of the different<br />

voices we respect and we allow to be<br />

heard. I am proud of that.<br />

That is called Pride...<br />

In Antwerp we are well aware that the<br />

economic and cultural richness of this<br />

city comes from the diversity in the city.<br />

The Antwerp Queer Arts Festival puts a<br />

spotlight on that diversity from its own<br />

background. Gender is not a genre. It<br />

is a way of life. In Antwerp for instance.<br />

An international city and thus open for<br />

international artists and open to all forms<br />

of art. We support Queer Arts straight<br />

forward.<br />


Antwerp Pride - Pre Pride Events<br />

Antwerp Queer Arts Festival<br />

Put some art in your pride<br />

Young, bold and attractive… That’s how we like<br />

our arts festivals and this second edition of the<br />

Antwerp Queer Arts Festival is no exception. So<br />

why not soak up some art in the run up to the<br />

big parade? From performance by Troubleyn/<br />

Jan Fabre to lesbian vampires: there’s more than<br />

enough to tickle your fancy.<br />

The Antwerp Queer Arts Festival makes you look<br />

at art from a different angle. Focusing on sexuality<br />

and gender it is a major arts festival in Belgium that<br />

wants to break down the clichés that still surround<br />

the LGBTQI community. After last year’s success, the<br />

organizers at Het Roze Huis (Antwerp’s Rainbow<br />

House) heard your pleas for more and this second<br />

edition of the festival will be bigger. In the week<br />

before Antwerp Pride explodes in all its deliciousness,<br />

there will be Queer Arts events throughout the whole<br />

city.<br />

This year the Antwerp Queer Arts Festival teams up<br />

with one of Belgium’s most famous and intriguing<br />

artists: choreographer, performer and visual artist<br />

Jan Fabre. He created the solo dance piece Drugs<br />

Kept Me Alive for one of his dancers Tony Rizzi. In<br />

this solo performance Fabre shows a man at the<br />

edge of society, always on the look for drugs and<br />

kicks. A man who looks death in the face but always<br />

manages to cheat it. Rizzi, who is himself HIV+, will<br />

also show his own performance An Attempt to Fail<br />

at Groundbreaking Theater with Pina Arcade Smith,<br />

which promises to be a rollercoaster with nuns and<br />

pornography no less.<br />

During Antwerp Pride and the Human Rights<br />

Conference China will get special attention and<br />

we will take a closer look at the situation of LGBTQI<br />

people in the land of smiles. The Antwerp Queer Arts<br />

Festival will also welcome lots of Chinese artists, we’ll<br />

have a Chinese festival in the heart of Chinatown<br />

and we’ll learn how the LGBTQI community uses<br />

cyberspace in getting their message across.<br />

To make it all a bit easier, here is a day-to-day overview<br />

of what the Antwerp Queer Arts Festival <strong>2015</strong> has to<br />

offer:<br />

Saturday August 1 <strong>2015</strong><br />

20h: Festival opening night at gallery Verbeeck-<br />

Van Dyck<br />

We kick off the festival in style at the gallery Verbeeck-<br />

Van Dyck, where we will show works by Yuan Yuan,<br />

The Siberian Butterfly and other Chinese artists.<br />

Chinese filmmaker and photographer Yuan Yuan<br />

specializes in conceptual photography combining<br />

photography and contemporary art to make her<br />

pictures about gender identity. We also show works<br />

by The Siberian Butterfly who uses papercuttings to<br />

create colorful and erotic images.<br />

Have a cup of tea during a traditional tea ceremony or<br />

marvel at Chinese calligraphy being drawn live. The<br />

young and upcoming dancer Nick Coutsier will bring<br />

an androgynous performance while actor and author<br />

Mostafa Benkeroum will bring poetry. There will be<br />

drinks and music and the lovely surrounding of the<br />

old harbor will make it a truly special night.<br />


Antwerp Pride - Pre Pride Events<br />

Antwerp Queer Arts Festival<br />

Put some art in your pride<br />

Location: Galerie Verbeeck-Van Dyck, Verbindingsdok-<br />

Westkaai 12.<br />

Expo Yuan Yuan, The Siberian Butterfly and other Chinese<br />

artists<br />

Visit the exposition daily from August 2-9 from 12h to<br />

17h<br />

Entrance: free<br />

Saturday August 1st <strong>2015</strong> - Sunday august 9th <strong>2015</strong><br />

Cinema Cartoon’s is a cosy cinema in the center of<br />

Antwerp, right behind city hall. The café, located in the<br />

basement of the building, provides a nice atmosphere to<br />

have a drink before or after the movie or just to hang out.<br />

During the Antwerp Queer Arts Festival they will<br />

program several Chinese and Asian screenings on the<br />

topic ‘Queer’. These films are carefully selected together<br />

with the organisation of the festival.<br />

Their full program and ticket prices will soon be available<br />

on their website www.cinemacartoons.be.<br />

Sunday August 2nd <strong>2015</strong><br />

This evening the Antwerp Queer Arts Festival sets up<br />

base camp in Troubleyn, Jan Fabre’s theatre space and<br />

museum.<br />

16h30-18h30: Lecture and film - Web Series<br />

We welcome you to a lecture on Web Series that are<br />

developing fast as a new art form and play a pivotal role<br />

in the emancipation of minority groups. Dr. Caroline<br />

Godart shows us around in this fascinating world and<br />

will show you the Canadian web series Féminin/Féminin.<br />

Entrance: free<br />

19h-20h30: Film - What’s in a name<br />

Belgian documentary filmmaker Eva Küpper shot to<br />

international fame with her impressive and moving<br />

documentary Gardenia about the lives of former drag<br />

queens. In this film, her graduation project, she started<br />

her exploration of the theme as we follow the American<br />

transgender artist Rose Wood during her performance<br />

shows in New York City. Afterwards there will be a Q & A<br />

between the audience and Eva Küpper.<br />

Entrance: 3 euro<br />

21h: Performance: Drugs Kept Me Alive<br />

Choreographed by Jan Fabre especially for dancer Tony<br />

Rizzi, the controversial enfant terrible of the Belgian<br />

dance world weaves a haunting tale of drugs, pills and<br />

the search for kicks. Tony Rizzi is an American dancer<br />

and performer who used to work with William Forsythes<br />

Ballet Frankfurt before joining Jan Fabre’s company.<br />

Location: Troubleyn, Pastorijstraat 23<br />

Entrance: 15 euro (for the whole Sunday programme)<br />

Tuesday August 4th <strong>2015</strong><br />

Today you can join us for literature at the central Antwerp<br />

Library Permeke.<br />

20h: Literary evening – Central Antwerp Library<br />

Permeke<br />

This evening we are joined by two female authors: the<br />

Belgian journalist and writer Gaea Schoeters and the<br />

British writer and cabaret chanteuse Rosie Garland, who<br />

is also known by her alter ego Rosie Lugosi, the Vampire<br />

Queen. They are joined by young Belgian talent Yannick<br />

Dangre.<br />

They will read and perform their work while soprano<br />

Naomi Beeldens and pianist Alexandra Oppo provide<br />

musical and literary guidance throughout the evening.<br />

A literary evening, but not as you know it.<br />

Location: Central Antwerp Library Permeke, De<br />

Coninckplein 25-26<br />

Entrance: 5 euro<br />

Wednesday August 5th <strong>2015</strong><br />

14h: Workshop Zine at Troubleyn<br />

Ever wanted to make your own queer zine? Well here’s<br />

your chance: Get Sticky! Join us for a workshop at<br />

Troubleyn and create your own zine, together with zine<br />

enthusiasts Marion, Gudl and zine veteran Nina. PhD<br />

student Marion Wasserbauer provides an academic view<br />

on the matter.<br />

Location: Troubleyn, Pastorijstraat 23<br />

Entrance: free (registration required: queerarts@<br />

hetrozehuis.be)<br />


Antwerp Pride - Pre Pride Events<br />

Antwerp Queer Arts Festival<br />

Put some art in your pride<br />

18h: Opening: It’s okay to be by Hannes d’Haese<br />

- WM Gallery<br />

With his new sculptures, artist Hannes d’Haese<br />

confronts themes like racism and discrimination.<br />

His exhibition of new works is titled ‘It’s okay to be’<br />

which echoes the underlying message of every pride.<br />

Influenced by the Cobra movement and especially<br />

Karel Appel his colorful works are passionate and<br />

emotional. Discover his powerful new works at WM<br />

Gallery.<br />

Organized by our partner: WM Gallery, Wolstraat 45<br />

21u: An Attempt to Fail at Groundbreaking<br />

Theater with Pina Arcade Smith… - Troubleyn<br />

In this performance dancer Tony Rizzi brings together<br />

the worlds of dance icon Pina Bausch, performance<br />

legend Penny Arcade, and queer filmmaker Jack<br />

Smith into one rollercoaster ride of catholic nuns,<br />

porn and a world that is obsessed with success.<br />

Location: Troubleyn, Pastorijstraat 24<br />

Entrance: 15 euro<br />

Friday August 7th <strong>2015</strong><br />

Today we focus on queer China, as Antwerp Pride and<br />

Antwerp Queer Arts Festival team up. In the morning,<br />

Antwerp Pride also pays attention to this years local<br />

theme: LGBTQI’s at risk of poverty or social exclusion.<br />

We invite you in and around China town for films, fun<br />

and reflection.<br />

10-12h: Network event 4th World LGBTQI<br />

Permeke Library<br />

Antwerp Pride and the Antwerp Queer Arts Festival<br />

invite you for a networking event on LGBTQI’s at risk<br />

of poverty or social exclusion. We gain some insight<br />

on the issue by experts and bring relevant actors<br />

together to see what more can be done to tackle<br />

these problems.<br />

13h-14h30 Human rights and LGBTQI in China -<br />

Radisson Hotel<br />

Panel discussion:<br />

Time to sit down and take a serious look at the<br />

situation of our brothers and sisters in China. Together<br />

with Queer Comrades, and with professor Chin Lin<br />

Pang of the Antwerp University we discuss how the<br />

LGBTQI community is faring in China.<br />

14h30-15h: Documentary Brothers<br />

You can watch the documentary Brothers, the<br />

first Chinese documentary about the Female-to-<br />

Male transgender community, produced by Queer<br />

Comrades and transperson Tony.<br />

15h- 17h Workshop Queer Comrades<br />

In China Queer Comrades use the world wide web to<br />

get their message across. They specialize in making<br />

documentaries on LGBTQI issues which they post on<br />

the web. In doing so they’ve become an essential<br />

part of LGBTQI activism. In this workshop we learn<br />

how you can use media as an activist and how can<br />

achieve a change in society.<br />

Location: Radisson Hotel, Koningin Astridplein 7<br />

Entrance: free (registration required: queerarts@<br />

hetrozehuis.be)<br />

15h – 20h AQAF at the De Coninckplein<br />

The De Coninckplein is the colorful square in the heart<br />

of Chinatown. What a better place for an outdoor<br />

shindig with Chinese food stalls, tea ceremonies,<br />

music and lots of surprises.<br />

19h: Documentary: Siberian Butterfly<br />

Permeke Library<br />

At De Coninckplein there is also the Antwerp<br />

public library where we will show two Chinese<br />

documentaries. The first one follows the life of the<br />

artist The Siberian Butterfly who came to terms with<br />

his sexuality thanks to his art. The documentary<br />

will be followed by a panel discussion with Queer<br />

Comrades.<br />


Antwerp Pride - Pre Pride Events<br />

Antwerp Queer Arts Festival<br />

Put some art in your pride<br />

21h: Documentary: Our Marriages<br />

Permeke Library<br />

This documentary made by filmmaker Yuan Yuan<br />

follows several lesbians who marry gay men because<br />

society expects them to get married. Afterwards<br />

there will be a discussion with Yuan Yuan.<br />

Location: Library Permeke, De Coninckplein<br />

Entrance: 5 euro<br />

Saturday August 8th <strong>2015</strong><br />

No art today, it’s the parade!<br />

Sunday August 9th <strong>2015</strong><br />

We close the Antwerp Queer Arts Festival and<br />

Antwerp Pride with a Lesbian Vampire <strong>Night</strong> at Red<br />

& Blue.<br />

We change Red & Blue into a vintage cinema to show<br />

the 1971 cult movie Daughters of Darkness (1971),<br />

about lesbian vampires, directed by the Antwerp<br />

movie director Harry Kümel. Followed by a queer<br />

performance by Rosie Lugosi, the Vampire Queen. Of<br />

course this will lead to a full-blown party with lesbian<br />

vampires. Everyone is welcome, but we advice you to<br />

dress up in black or leather.<br />

19u: Film: Daughters of Darkness – Red&Blue<br />

21u: Performance Rosie Lugosi – Red&Blue<br />

Location: Red & Blue, Lange Schipperskapelstraat 11<br />

Entrance: 10 euro<br />

All information:<br />

www.queerarts.be<br />

queerarts@hetrozehuis.be<br />




HOMO'S<br />


DOOR<br />

IEMAND<br />

DIE NIET<br />

WEET<br />

DAT HIJ<br />

HIV<br />

HEEFT<br />



Antwerp Pride - Gay Pioneers<br />

Researcher Paul Borghs:<br />

‘The societal change and evolution has been amazing.’<br />

Why this method?<br />

‘Because we see that each decade is characterized by<br />

specific trends. In the fifties, doctors clearly sought<br />

to cure homosexuals. At the same time, we saw a<br />

first attempt to assemble gays in 1953 by Suzanne<br />

de Pues, who back used the nom de plume of Suzan<br />

Daniel. In the sixties, the gay movement became<br />

increasingly shaped and strengthened and we can<br />

see a turning point. The golden sixties were not<br />

only economically prosperous, the Catholic church<br />

seemingly underwent a major transformation and<br />

you could see the first references to homosexuality<br />

being made on television. Towards the end, it was<br />

also the decade of the Stonewall Riots, who actually<br />

caused the radicalization of the gay movement.’<br />

When did the Flemish gay and lesbian<br />

movement become more organized?<br />

By means of a heritage project, Het Roze<br />

Huis – Cavaria Antwerp collected a number<br />

of witnesses regarding the LGBT battle in our<br />

country from the 1950s onwards. Based on a<br />

number of first hand witness accounts, Paul<br />

Borghs wrote a book on the history of this<br />

emancipatory battle in Flanders. Societal and<br />

international developments as well as daily life<br />

of LGBT people are extensively described.<br />

How did you structure the book, Paul?<br />

‘We took different decades as a starting point.<br />

Per decade, we described the general context of<br />

ethical norms and values, the role of the Church<br />

and general developments. We then took a look at<br />

general international developments in neighboring<br />

countries as well as the United States. Each time, we<br />

also paid attention to cultural landmarks and the<br />

role of films, television and books.’<br />

‘That was in the seventies, when a more militant<br />

gay movement emerged which later evolved in<br />

the umbrella organization Federatie Werkgroepen<br />

Homoseksualiteit. FWH clearly took the lead in major<br />

societal changes and played an important role in<br />

how homosexuality was perceived. An important<br />

action group also saw the light in those days, ‘De<br />

Rooie Vlinder’, led by Guido Totte and Eddie Vansant.<br />

The first Pink Saturdays were organized, just like<br />

independent lesbian associations. The international<br />

milestone of this decade was unquestionably the<br />

foundation of the International Gay Association.<br />

The eighties on the other hand, were characterized<br />

by a political radicalization towards the right in<br />

dire economic times. It is also the start of the<br />

devastating AIDS epidemic. But there were also<br />

positive developments to be noted: a first attempt<br />

at anti-discriminatory legislation, private radio<br />

stations aired their first shows for LBGT people, the<br />

transgender community started organizing itself<br />

and the first youngster movements were founded.<br />

On a European level, we see the adoption of the first<br />

resolutions to protect gay and transgender people.’<br />

When did Belgium take it’s biggest step forward?<br />

‘That would be the early nineties. Pink Saturdays<br />


Antwerp Pride - Pre Pride Events<br />

Researcher Paul Borghs:<br />

‘The societal change and evolution has been amazing.’<br />

were re-organized, youngster movements became<br />

much more active and gay sports associations like<br />

Active Company saw the light. In major cities in<br />

Belgium, Pink Houses were opened. It is also the<br />

decade of clear political demands, like the antidiscrimination<br />

act and legalized partnerships. It was<br />

also in those days that legal cohabitation and the<br />

official registration of partnership contracts was<br />

obtained.’<br />

Were there more political demands?<br />

‘The major breakthrough unquestionably took<br />

place from the year 2000 onwards. A year before<br />

the ‘Purple-Green’ coalition government had<br />

been inaugurated who profiled itself on ethical<br />

issues. Euthanasia became legalized under certain<br />

conditions, soft drugs were condoned and marriage<br />

was opened to people of the same sex. In those days,<br />

homosexuality and transgender people gained face<br />

and become more and more visible in daily life. As<br />

a counter effect, that also increased incidences of<br />

homophobia and gay bashing. Finally, gay marriage<br />

and adoption were legalized in Belgium.’<br />

The book roughly spans sixty years then?<br />

Correct, so that is statistically less than a lifetime.<br />

For those who were young in the fifties, things have<br />

changed so much in little over half a century. The<br />

societal change and evolution they witnessed has<br />

truly been amazing. Nowadays – taking exceptions<br />

aside – there is a complete political openness<br />

towards homosexuality. We even have a police<br />

superintendent, one former prime minister an two<br />

ministers who are openly gay. That is a situation to<br />

be proud of and where LGBT people in many other<br />

countries can still only dream of today.<br />

Holebipioniers, een geschiedenis van de holebi- en<br />

transgenderbeweging in Vlaanderen<br />

Author: Paul Borghs<br />

Isbn: 9789490952174- <strong>2015</strong>- paperback – 360p: price: EUR 19.95<br />

Publisher: ‘t Verschil – www.holebipioniers.be<br />


webshop.florartes.be<br />

SHOP NOW<br />

Mechelsesteenweg 159 - 2018 Antwerpen - tel. 03 230 78 88 - www.florartes.be

Antwerp Pride - Pre Pride Events<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

2<br />

5<br />


• Nosestraat 6<br />


• Troubleyn, Pastorijstraat 23<br />

BINGO<br />

• Ellermanstraat 58<br />

IT’S OKAY TO BE ...<br />

• Wolstraat 45<br />


• Troubleyn, Pastorijstraat 23<br />


• Grote markt 21<br />


Antwerp Pride - Marveling Thursday<br />

Program - Thursday 6 August<br />


• 18:00 - 24:00<br />

• Free<br />

• Draakplaats<br />

• 2018 Antwerpen<br />



Het Roze Huis - çavaria Antwerpen and café Den<br />

Draak invite you to the Midsummer Party, the free<br />

opening party of Antwerp Pride. Drinking together,<br />

holding lively conversations, eating from the foodtrucks,<br />

and having a go at the dance floor are standard<br />

ingredients for a good time at this fantastic open<br />

air party in the colourful Zurenborg neighbourhood<br />

-also the 20th anniversary of Het Roze Huis - çavaria<br />

Antwerpen! Feest met ons mee tijdens een zwoele<br />

zomeravond onder de bruggen op de Draakplaats.<br />

Traditioneel openen Het Roze Huis en café Den Draak<br />

met de Midsummer Party Antwerp Pride. Op de 20e<br />

verjaardag van Het Roze Huis maken we er een extra<br />

groot feest van. We beginnen dit jaar al om 18u en<br />

brengen live music, foodtrucks, cocktails and DJ’s!<br />


• From 06/08 untill 09/08 10:00 - 22:00 (weekend 14:00)<br />

• Free<br />

• Zeevaartstraat 10<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

• www.fitnessheteiland.be<br />

Gratis Work-out @ Fitness het Eiland met mogelijkheid<br />

tot sauna.<br />


• 11:00 - 18:00<br />

• Queerkunstkamer: Galerie MooiMan male art<br />

• ‘t Verschil<br />

• Minderbroedersrui 33<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

• www.verschil.be<br />


• 11:00 - 20:00<br />

• Toys 4 Boys<br />

• Nosestraat 6<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

• www.toys4boysleather.com<br />

Triple points on the Bonus-card all week & today it’s<br />

Democratic Dildo Prices: 10% off on all of them! Keep<br />

an eye on our Facebook-page for more Pride deals<br />

and discounts.<br />


• 19:00<br />

• By invitation<br />

• Grote Markt 1<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

The mayor De Wever, aldermen Philip Heylen and<br />

Liesbeth Homans invite the Antwerp pride partners<br />

and Antwerp gay scene to officially open this years<br />

pride at city hall. Drinks and light refreshments are<br />

offered by the city council<br />




• 22:30<br />

• Fetish afternoon @ Boots<br />

• The Boots<br />

• Van Aerdtstraat 22<br />

• 2060 Antwerpen<br />

• www.the-boots.com<br />

The world leading gay fetish club is your place to be<br />

during this Antwerp Pride if you’re looking for some<br />

man on man action. And tonight we have our weekly<br />

‘CRAZZZY NIGHT’ which means that all the drinks are<br />

reduced by 50% - Enjoy !!!<br />

De expositie ‘My Queer China’ is een combinatie van de sinds<br />

10 jaar in Berlijn wonende kunstenaar Musk Ming en vanuit<br />

Beijing: gayactivist, filmmaker en schrijver Cui Zi’en. Chinees<br />

kunstenaar Musk Ming laat in zijn aquarellen, tekeningen<br />

en schilderijen een combinatie en interactie zien tussen de<br />

traditionele Chinese kunst met hedendaagse technieken en<br />

de Westerse esthetiek.<br />

Met de expositie ‘My Queer China’ wordt een nog niet<br />

gepubliceerd verhaal van Cui Zi’en, ‘ Uncle’s Elegant<br />

Life’ als videoverhaal vertoond.<br />


Antwerp Pride - Marveling Thursday<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />


• Draakplaats<br />


• Zeevaartstraat 10<br />


• Minderbroedersrui 33<br />


• Nosestraat 6<br />


• Grote Markt 1<br />


• Van Aerdtstraat 22<br />


Antwerp Pride - Marveling Thursday<br />

Midsummer Party<br />

Partnerevent<br />



The Antwerp gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgnder<br />

(LGTB) community has organized open-air parties<br />

in the colourful Zurenborg neighbourhood for<br />

many years. The Draakplaats, Het Roze Huis (the<br />

pink house) and Café Den Draak are then transformed<br />

into one big party area. LGBT people and their<br />

friends should not miss these great events. Drinking<br />

together, holding lively conversations and having a<br />

go at the dance floor are standard ingredients for<br />

this fantastic party!<br />

Before, these parties only took place in winter but<br />

since Antwerp Pride came to the city Het Roze<br />

Huis-çavaria Antwerpen and Café Den Draak also<br />

organize a great summer edition, which is also<br />

the opening party of the Antwerp Pride festivities.<br />

Mojitos, DJs and the summer feeling are the ideal<br />

circumstances for meeting old friends and making<br />

new ones.<br />

This summer we will add live music and food trucks<br />

to the programme. So come early this year! We’ll<br />

party outside from 18.00 until midnight. And should<br />

there be any rain, the party carries on under the<br />

huge railway bridge, which serves as our own rainbow<br />

umbrella. Afterwards the party goes on in Café<br />

Den Draak and on their summer terrace.<br />

During the party night you can also get to know<br />

our umbrella organization Het Roze Huis-çavaria<br />

Antwerpen and our 33 LGBT member organizations.<br />

You certainly don’t want to miss out on all the<br />

activities! And by coming to the party you already<br />

support our cause! Part of the party’s income goes<br />

directly to Het Roze Huis. So come to the Midsummer<br />

Party, have a great time and feel extra good for<br />

supporting this great organization!<br />

Info: www.hetrozehuis.be<br />

Midsummer Party<br />

August 6, <strong>2015</strong><br />

18:00 - Draakplaats, Antwerp<br />





06/08/<strong>2015</strong><br />







design I goelemartens



A<br />

Kasteelpleinstraat 37<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

T 03 233 46 04<br />

B Dinantplein 1 I Place de Dinant 1<br />

1000 Brussel I Bruxelles<br />

T 02 503 05 97<br />

G Vlaanderenstraat 35<br />

9000 Gent<br />

T 09 233 48 03<br />

‘Zo’n stijlvol boek<br />

dat het zelfs mij<br />

aan het lezen zet.’<br />

Jani Kazaltzis<br />

www.houvanhaar.be<br />

www.peterplatel.be<br />



Antwerp Pride - Incredible Friday<br />

Program - Friday 7 August<br />



• 10:00 - 12:00<br />

• central Antwerp Library Permeke<br />

• De Coninckplein 25-26<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

• www.antwerppride.com<br />



• 15:00 - 17:00<br />

• Radisson Hotel<br />

• Koningin Astridplein 7<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

• www.queerarts.be<br />



Antwerp Pride and the Antwerp Queer Arts Festival<br />

invite you to a networking event on LGBTQI’s at risk<br />

of poverty and social exclusion. We gain some insight<br />

ont he issue by experts, and bring relevant actors together<br />

to see what more can be done to tackle these<br />

problems.<br />

Time to sit down and take a serious look at the situation<br />

of our brothers and sisters in China. Together with<br />

Queer Comrades and with professor Chin Lin Pang of<br />

the Antwerp University we discuss how the LGBTQI<br />

community is fairing in China.<br />

TOYS 4 BOYS<br />

• 11:00 - 20:00<br />

• Nosestraat 6<br />

• Plantinkaai 12<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

• • www.toys4boysleather.com<br />

Triple points on the Bonus-card all week and today<br />

we get physical: 10% off on all sportswear. Keep an<br />

eye on our Facebook page for other Pride deals &<br />

discounts!<br />


• 15:00 - 20:00<br />

• De Coninckplein<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

• www.queerarts.be<br />

De Coninckplein is the colorful square in the heart of<br />

Chinatown. What a better place for an outdoor shindig<br />

with Chinese food stalls, tea ceremonies, music<br />

and lots of surprises. (by Antwerp Queer Arts Festival)<br />


• 14:30 - 15:00<br />

• Radisson Hotel<br />

• Koningin Astridplein 7<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

• www.queerarts.be<br />

You can watch the documentary Brothers, the first<br />

Chinese documentary about the Female-to-Male<br />

transgender community, produced by Queer Comrades<br />

and transperson Tony. (by Antwerp Queer Arts<br />

Festival)<br />

RELOAD<br />

• 17:00<br />

• Check with organizer<br />

• Korte Winkelstraat 11<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

• www.reloadantwerpen.be<br />



Vive la fete!<br />

Streetparty with a Spanish touch. Performances by<br />

Dilaylah Brown, music by Ronny & Armand. Spanish<br />

food & jolly drinks.<br />


• 15:00 - 17:00<br />

• Radisson Hotel<br />

• Koningin Astridplein 7<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

• www.queerarts.be<br />

In China, Queer Comrades use the world wide web to<br />

get their message across. They specialize in making<br />

documentaries on LGBTQI issues which they post on<br />

the web. In doing so they’ve become an essential part<br />

of LGBTQI activism. In this workshop we learn how<br />

you can use media as an activist and how can achieve<br />

a change in society. Registration: queerarts@hetrozehuis.be<br />

(free) (by Antwerp Queer Arts Festival)<br />


• 19:00<br />

• Central Antwerp Library Permeke,<br />

• De Coninckplein 25-26<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

• www.queerarts.be<br />

At De Coninckplein there is also the Antwerp public<br />

library where we will show two Chinese documentaries.<br />

The first one follows the life of the artist<br />

The Siberian Butterfly who came to terms with his<br />

sexuality thanks to his art. The documentary will<br />

be followed by a panel discussion with Queer Comrades.<br />

(by Antwerp Queer Arts Festival)<br />


Antwerp Pride - Incredible Friday<br />

Program - Friday 7 August<br />


• 16:00 - 23:00<br />

• Twilight<br />

• Theaterplein<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />




• 22:00<br />

• The Boots<br />

• Van Aerdtstraat 22<br />

• 2060 Antwerpen<br />

• www.the-boots.com<br />



For the first time during the ANTWERP PRIDE The<br />

main event on FRIDAY EVENING Presented by Café<br />

Twilight & Leopold ROOF OF LOVE WHERE POP<br />




Antwerp Pride - Incredible Friday<br />

1<br />


• De Coninckplein 25-26<br />

1<br />


• De Coninckplein 25-26<br />

2<br />

TOYS 4 BOYS<br />

• Nosestraat 6<br />

5<br />


• Theaterplein<br />

3<br />


• Koningin Astridplein 7<br />

6<br />


• Plantinkaai 12<br />

3<br />


• Koningin Astridplein 7<br />

1<br />


• De Coninckplein 25-26<br />

3<br />


• Koningin Astridplein 7<br />

7<br />


• Van Aerdtstraat 22<br />

1<br />


• De Coninckplein<br />

8<br />


• Grote markt 21<br />

4 RELOAD<br />

9 DADDI<br />

• Korte Winkelstraat 11 • Lange Schipperskapelstraat 11-13<br />


Antwerp Pride - Incredible Friday<br />


Partnerevent<br />




Last Year “RELOAD RESTAURANT” started their<br />

worldpartytrip in France.<br />

Next stop : SPAIN !<br />


spanish food, drinks and music : Olė !<br />

We’ll serve our famous gambas à la plancha,<br />

zarzuela, albóndigas and for sure ... TAPAS ...<br />

hot and cold.<br />

Our outside bars serve CAVA, wines and cerveza or<br />

get seduced by a good spanish gin & tonic or 43 ...<br />

a delight.<br />

Our resident DJ’s Ronny and Armando will bring a<br />

set of different spanish styles and hits with a wink<br />

to Spain.<br />

Our four artists will host and entertain you. They will<br />

perform various acts throughout the evening!<br />

Olė ! Olė ! Olė !<br />

RELOAD RESTAURANT is open all year from tuesday<br />

till saturday from 5 pm. Kitchen closes at 9.30 pm.<br />

We serve fresh seasonal local food at good prices.<br />

Check our reviews on Tripadvisor and Facebook<br />

Restaurant RELOAD<br />

Korte winkelstraat 11<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

0475 96 42 84<br />


Antwerp Pride - Incredible Friday<br />


Partnerevent<br />



As one of the most popular bars on the former<br />

gay street of Antwerp, Café Twilight hasn’t lost any<br />

of its popularity after its move to the Vogeltjesmarkt.<br />

The modern interior has been traded in for a<br />

typical brown Belgian pub, which fits perfectly with<br />

the spirit of the bar. This is the gay bar where everybody;<br />

gay or straight, young or old, feels welcome.<br />

Everybody feels at home in the warm interior or<br />

on the beautiful terrace.<br />

From time to time, Café Twilight organizes parties,<br />

and it is out of these parties, that Roof of Love has<br />

grown. Roof of Love is a collaboration between Café<br />

Twilight and one of its bartenders Rob, who is well<br />

known in the nightlife scene. From the gay clubbing<br />

scene to the open-minded underground scene, his<br />

parties gather a very mixed crowd.<br />

Roof of Love will be a fusion between these<br />

open-minded parties and Café Twilight. The festival<br />

will take place underneath Antwerp’s biggest open<br />

roof, originally built to cover the markets, which take<br />

place there on Saturdays and Sundays. For once however,<br />

it will cover all the open-minded people of<br />

the Antwerp Pride.<br />

Don’t miss it, and don’t forget to come and have<br />

a look during the huge markets on Saturdays<br />

and Sundays. The Twilight Team will be happy to<br />

receive you!<br />


Antwerp Pride - Incredible Friday<br />


Partnerevent<br />



Team Recon heads over to Antwerp hosting the<br />

Antwerp Gay Pride main partner-event on Friday<br />

night.<br />

The Recon party is a welcome teammate to The<br />

Boots. They’re already bashing our gate of dark<br />

fetish for the 20th time. But yet… for the first time<br />

cumming with an exceptional party ON FRIDAY!<br />

Yes, we’re excited to house Recon on FRIDAY<br />

AUGUST THE 7TH. You won’t leave it unfulfilled. Hang<br />

out with hot guys from across northern Europe.<br />

Join a brotherhood of men who identify with the<br />

levels of fetish filth@The Boots. Share the same<br />

passion! Boasting six floors full of play spaces and<br />

equipment, this iconic venue goes from strength to<br />

strength each year.<br />

Recon@Boots means a party for the senses. It’s<br />

smashing, banging, bunching up. It triggers your<br />

instincts. Just get there. You might get hungry for<br />

the next night at Club Petrol. Saturday a Hard <strong>Night</strong>,<br />

Friday Recon@The Boots.<br />

Recon first time on Friday @The Boots<br />

Doors open 10pm ‘til late<br />

Check the BOOTS website for updated info and find<br />

more information about all our parties<br />

The Boots entrance prices apply<br />

www.the-boots.com<br />




Antwerp Pride - Gay Pioneers<br />


Gert Renders & Antoon Ceuleers<br />

If we can celebrate Antwerp Pride today, than<br />

this is because of the valued and couragous<br />

work of a large number of LGBT pioneers. On<br />

these next pages we take a look at the early days<br />

of LGBT activisme and partying.<br />

Many might know Ludo Smits as the owner of one<br />

of Europe’s largest gay discotheques, the Antwerp<br />

based Red&Blue. Others might remember him as cofounder<br />

of Hessenhuis café, but his entrepreneurial<br />

spirit and commitment to the gay community<br />

started long before. Ann van den Eeden started<br />

Café de Love, which rapidly grew into the largest<br />

party concept for women in Belgium. Other parties<br />

like Wave – right after the Antwerp Pride street<br />

parade – and the travelling party concept Fabulous<br />

are organized by her. An interview with two<br />

entrepreneurs who unquestionably put their mark<br />

on Antwerp gay nightlife.<br />

Ludo, how did you actually end up in Antwerp?<br />

Ludo: ‘I do remember it vividly. It was 1974, the 4th<br />

of July, to be precise. I was born and bred in Maaseik<br />

(Limburg), but left my parental home more than forty<br />

years ago. Especially my father had a very hard time<br />

accepting my homosexuality. It is actually almost<br />

hard to imagine nowadays, but we’re talking about<br />

the days when the police had a few cops whose job<br />

consisted in tracing and tracking the whereabouts<br />

of gays, what parks and bars they visited, and so<br />

on. Information was collected on known gays and<br />

lesbians. I arrived completely broke in Antwerp<br />

and was not even able to afford a youth hostel, so<br />

I actually spent my first night under a pedestrian<br />

bridge in Berchem. With the little money I had, I<br />

went to the GOC where I managed to treat myself to<br />

a drink, and that was that. That is the place where I<br />

met my first gay friends. One of them lent me a suit,<br />

so I could go and apply for a job with baron Heylen,<br />

who back then owned the Rex Cinema concern,<br />

which controlled nearly all Antwerp cinemas. He<br />

also owned Excelsior, a major distribution company<br />

for international films. My parents actually owned<br />

a cinema in Maaseik, so Mr Heylen clearly saw a<br />

business opportunity to expand his distribution to<br />

Maaseik. Consequently, I was immediately hired.<br />

Little did he know that my father had just kicked me<br />

out because I was gay (laughs). But ok, I was now<br />

able to make a ends meet.’<br />

And when did you start getting engaged with<br />

the LGBT community?<br />

Ludo: ‘In 1977 I started working for the Federatie<br />

Werkgroepen Homofilie (FWH), Cavaria’s<br />

predecessor. We were actually the first emancipatory<br />

organization to receive public funding. Besides FWH,<br />

there was also ‘De Rooie Vlinder’, where I met Guido<br />

Totté and Eddie Vansant. Whereas FWH focused<br />

more on policy implementation, De Rooie Vlinder<br />

had a more militant profile and actively engaged in<br />

protest actions.<br />

That is also the time ´Roze Zaterdagen´ (Pink<br />

Saturdays) came into existence. On 18 March 1978,<br />

De Rooie Vlinder organized the first Homodag (Gay<br />

Day) in Ghent. And this did not exactly run smoothly,<br />

to say the least. The fire brigade did not allow us to<br />

us to set up a tent, so we had to look for a last minute<br />

venue. Opponents had painted homophobic slogans<br />

on the building, the owner of the venue wanted to<br />

cut off the electricity and on top of that we had a<br />


Antwerp Pride - Incredible Friday<br />


bomb scare. Quite memorable it was (laughs) and<br />

it actually was a success. There is one anecdote I<br />

have to share with you regarding the childcare<br />

that day: a few women had asked for childcare<br />

during the event, and that was actually hosted by<br />

the study team pedophilia. Hard to imagine today,<br />

but that’s just the way it was (laughs). A year later,<br />

on 5 May 1979, an international Homodag (Gay<br />

Day) was organized in Antwerp. In the afternoon,<br />

a manifestation left from the Sint Jansplein and the<br />

day ended with a ‘Janettennacht’ (Queer <strong>Night</strong>) in<br />

the Arenahal in Deurne.’<br />

How were these manifestations received by the<br />

public? Were there any counter reactions?<br />

Ludo: ‘Definitely! We actually received a number<br />

of threats from the Vlaamse Militanten Organisatie<br />

(VMO). During manifestations, I was under constant<br />

surveillance by undercover bodyguards, who were<br />

working for the special crime unit. However, we<br />

did get hold of some footage in which the VMO<br />

president was embracing some of his members<br />

maybe a little too amicably – which he was<br />

desperate to keep out of the public eye (laughs).<br />

Apart from some booing and egg throwing<br />

nothing really happened.<br />

Thanks to an intensified cooperation among<br />

different organizations, the first Gay and Lesbian<br />

Day was organized on 28 June 1980 in Brussels.<br />

Weather-wise, it must have been the worst day of<br />

the year, so in terms of number of participants, it<br />

was a little disappointing. A year later, on 9 May<br />

1981, the Gay and Lesbian Day was organized<br />

again, in Antwerp this time.’<br />

And Ann, how did you end up organizing gay<br />

parties?<br />

Ann: ‘I started my career in an event management<br />

company, so unlike Ludo, I did not earn my spurs<br />

in the gay community first. Our focus point has<br />

been more commercial from the outset, but we<br />

did notice that there was a huge unserved niche<br />

market of gay women. I set up Café de Love<br />

together with Marianne Dupon, but soon the<br />

organisation was taken over by our company.<br />

Currently I oversee the organization together with<br />

one of my co-workers.’<br />

Is it fair to state that activism and partying went<br />

hand I hand those days?<br />

Ludo: ‘Going out in those days usually started in the<br />

Dambruggestraat. A first beer at the GOC, followed<br />

by a few more across the street, in Café Strange,<br />

which by the way celebrates its sixtieth anniversary<br />

this year! Then we moved on to the “Rue Vaseline”.<br />

The place to be was Marcus Antonius : A fabulously<br />

decorated café with Roman columns and statues<br />

(laughs). At 2 am sharp the first La Bamba, known<br />

in Antwerp as the ‘kissers’ dance’, was played. Then<br />

we moved to Valentino and Fifty-Fifty. And if you<br />

hadn’t scored by then, back to Marcus Antonius<br />

where at 4am the second round of La Bamba<br />

started: “the Bamba for hopeless cases”. And those<br />

who still did not hook up by then, went home<br />

alone (laughs). It was also the time when Kurt Van<br />

Eeghem ran the Christopher Street, the bar in Van<br />

Schoonhovenstraat which was named after the<br />

infamous Stonewall riots of June 1969 in New York.’<br />

Was that a different story as far as women are<br />

concerned?<br />

Ann: “In my early twenties, about 25 years ago, when<br />

I decided to go out and explore the ‘scene’, it was still<br />

harder for women than for men to come out of the<br />

closet. Gay men were far more accepted than gay<br />

women, and that was clearly reflected in the offer<br />

too. There wasn’t much more than café Shakespeare<br />

to go to. But I have to be honest, when I first walked<br />

in, I was truly shocked! When I walked into the cellar,<br />

all I could see were women who wanted to look like<br />

a bloke, with a fairly aggressive harsh look.<br />

The offer for women always remained very limited<br />

and mostly appealed to one type of gay women,<br />

namely not the most feminine type. So we thought<br />

the time had come to start up something serious,<br />

something for women who did not necessarily<br />

wanted to drink beer out of plastic cups, And<br />

before we knew it we were the number one venue<br />

for women in Belgium. Without realizing we also<br />

became a sort of “care group”. There was a need for<br />

a less ‘rough’ environment to identify with. When<br />

looking at the gay nightlife, it is obvious to see how<br />

different the gays and lesbians are. But I feel like<br />

there have always been more male gay pioneers,<br />

like you Ludo.’<br />


Antwerp Pride - Incredible Friday<br />


Would it be fair to say that there is less need for<br />

a vibrant nightlife in the lesbian community?<br />

Ann: ‘The market sure is smaller. I think women<br />

are just a less faithful audience when it comes<br />

to nightlife. However, Café de Love was a huge<br />

success right from the very beginning. The second<br />

edition already assembled over 1,500 women. All<br />

of a sudden, it seemed like ‘real’ women came out,<br />

That is actually one of the reasons why we try to<br />

limit the access for men. They are welcome, but<br />

only when accompanied by a woman. Café de<br />

Love was a pioneer back then. There are more<br />

concepts now, but they are much more small<br />

scaled and catering to a mixed crowd.’<br />

How did you then manage to reach out to gay<br />

women. Where did you succeed where others<br />

failed?<br />

Ann: ‘We started off with a professional campaign,<br />

including nice advertisements. We had a<br />

professional, commercial approach, so I guess<br />

that’s how we ended up reaching a larger group of<br />

women. Mind you, I do am in favor of organizations<br />

like ATTHIS, but they tend to disregard larger<br />

groups of women.’<br />

When did you decide to start your own<br />

business, Ludo?<br />

Ludo: “That was rather a coincidence, actually.<br />

I’ve always been a fan of the opera. And I figured<br />

out that there was actually no bar in Antwerp<br />

where you could enter in suit and tie. The bars in<br />

Rue Vaseline didn’t really cater to that audience<br />

(laughs). In 1993, the year of Antwerp was<br />

European Cultural Capital, the Hessenhuis building<br />

was converted in an exhibition space. Right before<br />

I had been working at the heritage service of the<br />

city of Antwerp and I filed a request to open a café<br />

in the building also after the exhibition. The public<br />

servant almost fell off his chair when he heard<br />

about my plans to open a gay bar. I then asked him<br />

if he really thought I would do pole dancing on<br />

the bar in a G-string and feathers. The Hessenhuis<br />

is probably the only gay bar in the world who<br />

welcomed the Japanese Emperor that very same<br />

year. He came to enjoy a Bolleke De Koninck ( a<br />

typical Antwerp beer).<br />

Due to the draconic safety measures, I was<br />

unfortunately not allowed to join.’<br />

And what year did you start up Red&Blue?<br />

Ludo: ‘That was in 1997. My associate took over<br />

Hessenhuis, as I thought it would be too hard to<br />

combine both. In retrospect, I might regret that a<br />

little now. We started our discotheque at the venue of<br />

what was previously The Yard, a straight discotheque<br />

that did not last very long. We started off successfully<br />

and stayed that way ever since. Gradually, the team<br />

grew, I have a team of people who stay in touch with<br />

the latest developments in music and with whom I<br />

design the concepts. Honestly, I would no longer be<br />

able to play the music we play here. Lennert travels<br />

the whole of Europe to stay in touch with the latest<br />

developments trends and developments in the gay<br />

nightlife. When we started off in the mid-nineties,<br />

those were the heydays of Dolce and Gabanna,<br />

Armani and Gucci. That has changed completely now.<br />

Everything has evolved so much since. These days it’s<br />

all about jeans, tank tops or simply bare-chested guys.<br />

In the early days, you could get away with water pistol<br />

or message parties, but those days are gone. If we<br />

were to do that today, we’d be dead (laughs). In 2007,<br />

we were listed in the The New York Times as ‘coolest<br />

gay discotheque worldwide’.’<br />

It feels almost like gay men and women live in<br />

separate worlds? There must be places where they<br />

meet too, or not?<br />

Ann: ‘I would think of café Den Draak, I think that that<br />

is one of the rare places where both gay men and<br />

women feel at home. In my view they did manage<br />

very well to be an accessible meeting place for all, and<br />

by all I mean male and female, but also transgender,<br />

gay and straight people. And to a certain extent, I think<br />

that the Wave party, which we also organize at the end<br />

of the Antwerp Pride Street Parade, also serves that<br />

purpose: 80 percent of the participants are male, but<br />

we do reach over 12,000 people. You will find gay men<br />

and women, transgender people, leather boys, but<br />

you will also see parents waving with a flag: ‘my kid is<br />

gay’. That is just great to see. There is literally a place for<br />

everyone. And we are all being connected!”<br />


www.boretti.be<br />

Buon appetito!<br />

Bueno Bravo Boretti<br />

With Boretti every kitchen<br />

changes into a cucina<br />

For more information about Boretti and storelocator please visit our website www.boretti.be

Antwerp Pride - Glorious Saturday<br />

Program - Saturday 8 August<br />


• 14:00<br />

• Free<br />

• Waterpoort<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />


This years parade will be opened by ‘Gay Classic Cars’,<br />

a line up of 40 old timers.<br />

Local bars are organizing entertainment in the<br />

museum neighbourhood.<br />


• 11:00 - 20:00<br />

• Toys 4 Boys<br />

• Nosestraat 6<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

• • www.toys4boysleather.com<br />

Triple points on the Bonus-card all week and today you can<br />

show your Antwerp Pride with the ‘Antwerps Handje’ for<br />

only €10 and we also take 20% rainbow-flags. Keep an eye<br />

on our Facebook page for other Pride deals & discounts!<br />

WAVE<br />

• 14:00<br />

• Free<br />

• Steenplein<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

• find us at facebook<br />


WAVE, YOUR FAVOURITE SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT ANTWERP PRIDE Fifth time’s the charm so once again<br />

Wave will touch down at Steenplein for the ultimate Saturday Main Party after Antwerp Pride’s Parade.<br />

And we’ll be lining up the confetti canons for this fifth anniversary! Succesful gay concepts Pannekoek<br />

and Cafedelove join forces again, as they have been doing for the last couple of years. By now you know<br />

the formula – throwing the best open air gay event of the year – and we’ll be continuing to do so. Just<br />

like before Wave will take place at Steenplein, a magical venue, right in the very heart of Antwerp’s city<br />

center, under the majestic castle ’t Steen. There’ll be free entrance for all, great music by no other but the<br />

best national and international DJ’s and artists, sexy dancers, fierce drag queens, side-shows and food that<br />

makes your tummy go yummie. Don’t be expecting the same as last year because this year we’ll give it a<br />

bit of a twist... We’ll put a swing to it by adding extra’s here and there – it’s going to bigger, better and whith<br />

a whole lotta bells on it! But we don’t kiss and tell so you better come over to experience the madness for<br />

yourself! After a massive party with more than 6000 attendants last year and a venue packed with smiling<br />

faces and laughter, we can solemnly swear you’ll have an afternoon and a night to never ever forget! Look<br />

forward to a free festival with the sun shining on your coconut while you’ve got a pina colada in one hand<br />

whilst fist pumping with the other. Dazzling national and international artists, smiling faces, side animations<br />

and the best summer atmosphere will make this open air festival the place to be during Antwerp Pride<br />

Weekend. Just tag along the Antwerp Pride Parade, follow your favorite truck and enter Wave for free at<br />

the after the parade! We want YOU to ride this Wave with us once again! Join us at Steenplein, Antwerp<br />

at Saturday August 8. The entrance is FREE so make sure to swing by! WAVE, AFTER WAVE, AFTER WAVE,<br />

AFTER WAVE Saturday August 8, <strong>2015</strong> 2 PM ‘till 11.30 PM Steenplein, Antwerp. Entrance = FREE Check out<br />

www.antwerppride.com for more information.<br />


• 12:00<br />

• Free<br />

• Waterpoort<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

DJ DIMI behind the RedBull-hummer brings you at<br />

noon already in the right mood for the passing parade<br />


• 18.00 - 22.00<br />

• Restaurant Sjalot en Schanul<br />

• Oude Beurs 12<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

• www.sjalotenschanul.be<br />

Extravaganza Kings And Queens special Royal<br />

menu dinner deal . Extravaganza brings people<br />

together around the table and dance floor .<br />


Antwerp Pride - Glorious Saturday<br />

Program - Saturday 8 August<br />


• 14:00 - 22:00<br />

• Van Schoonbekeplein<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

• www.terrazza.nu<br />


• 20:00 - 22:30<br />

• Het Roze Huis,<br />

• Draakplaats 1<br />

• 2018 Antwerpen<br />

• www.verschil.be<br />

• holebibib@hetrozehuis.be<br />



In the shadow of the MAS museum, at the Van<br />

Schoonbekeplein, we invite everybody to join<br />

us, and enjoy the biggest terrace of Antwerp.<br />

A terrace where people of all kinds meet each<br />

other, enjoy the performances of many dutch<br />

artists like Wendy Van Wanten, Yves Sergers,<br />

Wim Soetaert, Ingeborg, Vanessa Chinitor,<br />

Sam Gooris, N.D. Anderson, Zsa Zsa Lamor<br />

and the lady of Mask’Ara and many more … A<br />

festival where we don’t put stamps on people,<br />

where young and old, black and white, gay<br />

and hetero, … are welcome. A festival of respect<br />

and tolerance. Both saturday and sunday<br />

the terrace will be filled with shows and more<br />

from 14:00h until 22:00h. On saturday we have<br />

a special Eurosongcontest-evening you don’t<br />

wanna miss. Or maybe you will be one of the<br />

contestants … Visit our website www.terrazza.<br />

nu for more information and the full program.<br />

Program saturday 8/8 14.00 h : start festival<br />

16.00 h : Ingeborg 17.00 h : Zsa Zsa Lamor &<br />

Mask’Ara 18.00 h : Wendy Van Wanten 19.00 h :<br />

N.D. Anderson 20.00 h : Vanessa Chinitor 20.45<br />

h : Eurovision Song Conest<br />

Kom je kennis testen op de Queer Quiz van<br />

de Holebibib. Voor wie er vorig jaar bij was:<br />

een kans op revanche. Voor al de anderen een<br />

kans om te laten zien wat ze in huis hebben.<br />

Van groentje tot ervaren quizzer: fun gegarandeerd<br />

voor iedereen. Schrijf je voor 21 juli in<br />

via holebibib@hetrozehuis.be.<br />


• 22:00<br />

• pre sale €19 - door €24<br />

• Club Petrol<br />

• D’Herbouvillekaai25<br />

• 2020 Antwerpen<br />

The seedy darkrooms of Antwerp will open<br />

again for an infamous ‘A Hard <strong>Night</strong> 10’ - a<br />

main evening event of ‘Antwerp Pride’. This<br />

year we’ve added an incredible foam area<br />

and a completely redesigned laser show.<br />

Antwerp’s Petrol Club offers you the perfect<br />

industrial setting for never-ending dungeon<br />

parties. Imagine this most spectacular location<br />

filled with swarms of fetish guys dancing with<br />

a dark and nasty side. Here you can show off in<br />

anything that makes you feel sizzling - leather,<br />

rubber, spandex or fetish wear. In the fully<br />

equipped playroom, you’ll find a huge maze<br />

with different darkrooms and play areas packed<br />

with the craziest tanked up guys. Here’s<br />

where all the action is. Get your ass up to the<br />

outside play jungle where the air is pretty ripe.<br />

Far away from the inhabited world, no one can<br />

hear your screams and moans.<br />


• 22:30<br />

• Fetish afternoon @ Boots<br />

• Van Aerdtstraat<br />

• 2060 Antwerpen<br />

• www.the-boots.com<br />



While ‘A Hard <strong>Night</strong>’ goes on at Club Petrol, The<br />

Boots is open for ‘Xtreme Fetish’ a new concept<br />

on Saturday <strong>Night</strong>. And late at night we welcome<br />

the Hard <strong>Night</strong> visitors for a hot after<br />

party at The Boots (Free entrance with your<br />

AHN ticket) This is a men only party - respect<br />

our dress code!<br />

RAPIDO<br />

• 23:00 - 07:00<br />

• Red & Blue<br />

• Lange Schipperskapelstraat 11 - 13OFFICIAL<br />


• 2060 Antwerpen<br />

• www.redandblue.eu<br />

• info@redandblue.be<br />

Check for more info with organizer<br />


Antwerp Pride - Glorious Saturday<br />

Program - Saturday 8 August<br />


• 23:00 - 07:00<br />

• pre sale €10 Door €15<br />

• Club Café d’Anvers<br />

• Verversrui 15<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

• www.extravaganza-party.be<br />

• info@extravaganza-party.be<br />


EXTRAVAGANZA is a daring hit in the dance-scene<br />

and this year “King And Queens” will<br />

be the theme of the Antwerp Pride main party<br />

at one of Belgians leading clubs Café d’Anvers.<br />

Its concept slogan ‘Come as you are’ says it all:<br />

it’s an open minded event and welcomes a<br />

crowd of various kinds. Extravaganza is above<br />

all a place where you can be and express yourself<br />

in all openness. Although not average, it’s<br />

far away of being underground. The music is<br />

both catchy and relaxed, offering a cool mix<br />

between retro and contemporary dance beats.<br />

A group of about 20 colourful entertainers,<br />

dressed up in theme (last editions included a<br />

‘Sinners and Saints’, ‘American Dream’ and ‘Asian<br />

Persuasion’ theme) are the life of the party.<br />

The costumes are designed by Harald Ligtvoet<br />

and have a kinky and daring edge. Although<br />

it’s not a costume party, people are invited to<br />

get inspired by the theme. ROOM 1 Line up:<br />

DOPPELGANG (Milkshake, Club Air Amsterdam)<br />

Waxx (Extravaganza, Josephine’s) Nick<br />

Van Acker (Extravaganza, Club Random) Smos<br />

(Resident Café d’Anvers) ROOM 2 Hosted by<br />

Café d’Anvers. Presale Tickets €10,00: www.<br />

extravaganza-party.be or at Café Delux and<br />

Brooklyn store. Door: €15<br />


• 03:00<br />

• The Boots<br />

• Van Aerdtstraat<br />

• 2060 Antwerpen<br />

• www.the-boots.com<br />

When the lights fade at Club Petrol, the beats<br />

get pumpin’ at The Boots. Free entrance to the<br />

afterparty with your A Hard <strong>Night</strong> ticket. All<br />

Fetishes Welcome.<br />


• 10:00<br />

• Fitness het Eiland<br />

• Free<br />

• Zeevaartstraat 10<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

Gratis Work-out @ Fitness het Eiland met mogelijkheid<br />

tot sauna.<br />


• 23:00<br />

• Club Random<br />

• Geulincxstraat 28<br />

• 2060 Antwerpen<br />

The best of the best, dj Bruno, Jericho and<br />

Mally Clark till deep in the morning!<br />


Antwerp Pride - Glorious Saturday<br />

Parade<br />

Partnerevent<br />


13:00 h<br />

The best way to enjoy the parade is to enjoy it from the very beginning. Join us at 13:00h at Waterpoort, Vlaamse<br />

Kaai for the official parade kick-off party with DJ Dimitri D’Anvers. The kick-off party is free!<br />

After the kick-off party you can join any truck you like throughout the 3km trail leading up to the Wave festival.<br />

Winner “Most beautiful truck” from last year’s parade 2014:<br />

Zsa Zsa Lamor from Mask’Ara<br />

WAVE<br />

The party continues where the parade ends. Visit the Wave festival for free at the endpoint of the parade.<br />

A parade from party-to-party, welcome to Antwerp!<br />


Antwerp Pride - Glorious Saturday<br />

1<br />


• Waterpoort<br />

6<br />


• Draakplaats 1<br />

2<br />

WAVE<br />

• Steenplein<br />

7<br />


• D’Herbouvillekaai25<br />

1<br />

3<br />


• Waterpoort<br />

TOYS 4 BOYS<br />

• Nosestraat 6<br />

8<br />


• Van Aerdtstraat<br />

9 RAPIDO<br />

• Lange Schipperskapelstraat 11 - 13<br />

4<br />


• Oude Beurs 12<br />

10<br />


• Verversrui 15<br />

5<br />


• Van Schoonbekeplein<br />

11<br />


• Geulincxstraat 28<br />


Antwerp Pride - Glorious Saturday<br />

WAVE<br />

Main Festival<br />



Fifth time’s the charm so once again Wave will touch<br />

down at Steenplein for the ultimate Saturday Main<br />

Party after Antwerp Pride’s Parade. And we’ll be lining<br />

up the confetti canons for this fifth anniversary!<br />

Succesful gay concepts Pannekoek and<br />

Cafedelove join forces again, as they have been<br />

doing for the last couple of years. By now you know<br />

the formula – throwing the best open air gay event<br />

of the year – and we’ll be continuing to do so.<br />

Just like before Wave will take place at Steenplein, a<br />

magical venue, right in the very heart of Antwerp’s<br />

city center, under the majestic castle ’t Steen.<br />

Just tag along the Antwerp Pride Parade, follow your<br />

favorite truck and enter Wave for free at the after the<br />

parade!<br />

We want YOU to ride this Wave with us once again!<br />

Join us at Steenplein, Antwerp at Saturday August<br />

8. The entrance is FREE so make sure to swing by!<br />


There’ll be free entrance for all, great music by no<br />

other but the best national and international DJ’s<br />

and artists, sexy dancers, fierce drag queens, side-shows<br />

and food that makes your tummy go<br />

yummie.<br />

Don’t be expecting the same as last year because<br />

this year we’ll give it a bit of a twist... We’ll put a<br />

swing to it by adding extra’s here and there – it’s<br />

going to bigger, better and whith a whole lotta bells<br />

on it! But we don’t kiss and tell so you better come<br />

over to experience the madness for yourself!<br />

After a massive party with more than 6000 attendants<br />

last year and a venue packed with smiling faces and<br />

laughter, we can solemnly swear you’ll have an<br />

afternoon and a night to never ever forget!<br />

Look forward to a free festival with the sun shining<br />

on your coconut while you’ve got a pina colada in<br />

one hand whilst fist pumping with the other. Dazzling<br />

national and international artists, smiling faces,<br />

side animations and the best summer atmosphere<br />

will make this open air festival the place to be during<br />

Antwerp Pride Weekend.<br />

Saturday August 8, <strong>2015</strong><br />

2 PM ‘till 11.30 PM<br />

Steenplein, Antwerp.<br />

Entrance = FREE<br />

Check out www.antwerppride.com for more information.<br />


FREE<br />







Antwerp Pride - Glorious Saturday<br />

WAVE<br />

Main Festival<br />


BIOGRAPHY ARTISTS WAVE <strong>2015</strong><br />

AHZEE<br />

New York based DJ and producer Ahzee will be our<br />

headliner at Wave! Ahzee started spinning in his parents<br />

basement as a hobby that soon turned into a<br />

passion. Music became his life quickly and soon enough<br />

he wanted to do more with his talent. He has<br />

not only risen the bar in creating extremely innovative<br />

and unique sounds in the EDM space but also<br />

loves being connected to his fans. He loves hyping<br />

the crowd and does a performance that overflows<br />

with energy and his signature #ahzeedrop! Over the<br />

last months he has produced three chart topping<br />

songs in France & Belgium - Born Again, Drums (collab<br />

with DIMARO) & King. His songs have been signed<br />

to multiple major labels including BIP & House<br />

Garden Records and the recent original “Drums”<br />

- signed to Ultra. His music can be classified as progressive,<br />

electro house with some Mediterranean<br />

influences. His journey is just beginning and Ahzee<br />

will continue to perfect his craft and live by the motto<br />

to always strive to be better than himself. Join us<br />

at Wave and feel it yourself.<br />

DIMARO<br />

During Summer 2014 Dimaro smashed the festival<br />

stage of Wave for the first time… and it did not end<br />

there. Dimaro conquered the biggest belgian festival<br />

stages like Tomorrowland, Daydream, Summer<br />

Festival and Laundry Day just to name a few. His<br />

style can be described as EDM with a commercial<br />

touch. DIMARO’s sets are so dynamic, interactive and<br />

energizing that he creates a magical energy with<br />

any crowd. Besides his successful dj career, DIMARO<br />

also turned out to be a talented producer and remixer.<br />

Over the last few years he’s collaborated with<br />

international artists such as: AKON, FLO RIDA, JASON<br />

DERÜLO and others. His latest worldwide releases<br />

were DRUMS DIMARO & Ahzee - (Golden record in<br />

Belgium), UNDER THE STARS with Alicia Madison<br />

and DO YA THING signed toSmash The House (Dimitri<br />

Vegas & Like Mike) DIMARO & Dave Till. Keep an<br />

eye on this guy because DIMARO is about to reach<br />

the entire world with his music!<br />

2EMPRESS<br />

This Belgian female DJ DUO was formed in early<br />

2012 and has been successfully launched into the<br />

DJ scene since!<br />

2Empress’ performance is an experience in itself.<br />

They are currently THE #1 female dj duo in Belgium!<br />

These 2 good-looking girls are right on their way to<br />

taking over the INTERNATIONAL EDM scene. When<br />

they started dj’ing 3 years ago, nobody expected<br />

they would come this far but hey… they have played<br />

at almost every big festival and club in<br />

Belgium, including Tomorrowland 2014, Summerfestival,<br />

Laundry Day festival, Day2<strong>Night</strong> Festival,<br />

Summerland Festival, Frontline Festival, Noxx Antwerp,<br />

and many more! 2Empress is spreading their<br />

wings and will join us at Wave to conquer your<br />

hearts.<br />

2Empress in a couple of words : attractive, energetic<br />

and show-stopping!<br />


Antwerp Pride - Glorious Saturday<br />


WAVE<br />

Main Festival<br />


We let Lester Williams describe himself… “When I’m<br />

on stage and I see the crowd enjoying themselves,<br />

I feel satisfied. People like my energy and feel that<br />

it comes from the heart, that it’s real. The question<br />

often arises ‘who is this guy?’, it’s like he came out of<br />

nowhere. So the next few months I’ll give you the<br />

answer to this question... ‘WHO THE F*CK IS LESTER<br />

WILLIAMS?!’” Lester Williams appeared at festivals<br />

such as Wave, Tomorrowland, Summerfestival, Laundry<br />

Day, Dance D-Vision, Ostend Beach,… With<br />

his NRG-style of mixing/mc’ing he can make every<br />

crowd go wild. He’s a proud resident of Carré, The<br />

Villa Antwerp & Diedjies.<br />


Dimitri d’Anvers is one of the organizers of Wave<br />

and a resident of the festival, as well as resident on<br />

the mainstage of The Belgian Pride in Brussels during<br />

the last three editions. In Antwerp he is mostly<br />

known as the owner of famous Antwerp karaoke<br />

bar Bonaparte, host to notorious parties such as<br />

Pannekoek and Love Boat. Belgians also know him<br />

from JIM TV’s show “We like to party”.<br />

Dimitri d’Anvers is a super star DJ, producer and radio<br />

voice at FG Radio, and makes every party pop.<br />

He climbed the charts with “Oh o o o oh”, a dance<br />

cover of The White Stripes’ “Seven Nation Army”.<br />

Now he is back with his debut single “#Feelgood”<br />

that was picked up by international radio stations,<br />

which led to several international gigs this summer<br />

in Berlin, Cologne, Istanbul, Benidorm and Paris. Expect<br />

a crossover set of deep and progressive house<br />

at Wave.<br />


Antwerp Pride - Glorious Saturday<br />


Partnerevent<br />



In the shadow of the MAS museum, at the Van<br />

Schoonbekeplein, we invite everybody to join us,<br />

and enjoy the biggest terrace of Antwerp. A terrace<br />

where people of all kinds meet each other, enjoy<br />

the performances of many dutch artists like Wendy<br />

Van Wanten, Yves Sergers, Wim Soetaert, Ingeborg,<br />

Vanessa Chinitor, Sam Gooris, N.D. Anderson, Zsa<br />

Zsa Lamor and the lady of Mask’Ara and many more<br />

…<br />

A festival where we don’t put stamps on people,<br />

where young and old, black and white, gay and<br />

hetero, … are welcome. A festival of respect and<br />

tolerance.<br />

Both saturday and sunday the terrace will be filled<br />

with shows and more from 14:00h until 22:00h. On<br />

saturday we have a special Eurosongcontest-evening<br />

you don’t wanna miss. Or maybe you will be<br />

one of the contestants …<br />

Visit our website www.terrazza.nu for more information<br />

and the full program.<br />

Programma Terrazza<br />

Saturday 8/8/<strong>2015</strong><br />

14:00h : Openingsfestival<br />

16:00h : Ingeborg<br />

17:00h : Zsa Zsa Lamor & Mask’Ara<br />

18:00h : Wendy Van Wanten<br />

19:00h : N.D. Anderson<br />

20:00h : Vanessa Chinitor<br />

20:45h : Eurovision Contest<br />

And many other special acts !<br />

Sunday 9/8/<strong>2015</strong><br />

14:30h : Special guest<br />

15:00h : Jacco Ricardo<br />

16:00h : Nico zingt Hazes<br />

17:00h : Wim Soutaer<br />

18:00h : Sam Gooris<br />

19:00h : N.D. Anderson<br />

20:00h : Yves Segers<br />


Saturday 8/8/<strong>2015</strong> – 14:00h-22:00h<br />

Sunday 9/8/<strong>2015</strong> - 14:00h-22:00h<br />

Facebook : Terrazza Antwerpen<br />

www.terrazza.nu<br />


Antwerp Pride - Glorious Saturday<br />


Partnerevent<br />



It all started nearly two years ago. After experiencing the<br />

good vibes and cheerful spirit at the beach parties on<br />

the Eastcoast of the US, incentor Lars decided to bring<br />

this same ‘old school’ type of party to Antwerp.<br />

By ‘old school’ he means people interacting with each<br />

other still in a ‘traditional’ manner. Where flirting is still<br />

done in a ‘charming’ way exactly like they did in the<br />

old days, with no strings attached. For this very reason<br />

Extravaganza refuses to create darkrooms due to the<br />

fact that it is rather becoming a trend or rule nowadays<br />

instead of the exception .<br />

Lars: “It gave me such a joyful feeling over there seeing<br />

people enjoying themselves without any limitations nor<br />

expectations, hence I was determined to emulate the<br />

same concept here in Antwerp. I feel passionately about<br />

bringing the whole gay community together in Antwerp,<br />

without any exception. Before we can promote acceptance<br />

amongst other groups, we first need to promote openmindedness<br />

within our own (gay)community. There are<br />

still many prejudices regarding certain gay stereotypes<br />

and with this party we are striving to promote tolerance<br />

for all. Not only is Extravaganza a party transcending the<br />

boundaries of all sexual orientations, but also for every<br />

creed and every colour. Bears Jocks, Toyboys, Wolves,<br />

Twinks (dramaqueens, toyboys or crouching kittens) – all<br />

are welcome!”<br />

revamp the party.<br />

By doing so, the incentors decided to change the<br />

location of the party: “We like to think we are past the<br />

pioneer stage to ensure that each party is as convenient as<br />

possible for our guests.”<br />

After nearly ten edition at Felix Pakhuis, the time was<br />

right to seach for a new location. Lars and his team<br />

found the perfect partnership with the well-known,<br />

Café de Anvers.<br />

“After almost ten editions at the Felix pakhuis, we felt we<br />

had to re-invent ourselves and the location plays a big<br />

role in the experience.” After some intense locationhunting<br />

and getting the chance to be the mainparty at Antwerps<br />

Gaypride, Lars and his crew found the perfect partner<br />

at Café d’Anvers. “It’s a one timeopportunity, since Café<br />

d’Anvers normally isn’t keen on renting out their venue<br />

on a saturdaynight, but they were very excited about the<br />

concept –which also reflects their way of partying. Café<br />

d’Anvers is off course a club with a mythical status in<br />

Antwerp, so I’m happy with the collaboration.”<br />

In october Extravaganza will move directing Antwerp<br />

South, to Café Local – the infamous club which<br />

underwent a complete transformation and became the<br />

perfect venue for the exuberant party Extravaganza is.<br />


Extravaganza is currently at a pivotal point in the sense<br />

that it’s constantly looking for new exciting ways to<br />

THEMES<br />

Each party is focused on a specific theme to make<br />

it unique and different from the ones before. These<br />

themes vary from different time periods to destinations<br />

around the world – you name it! This also resulted in our<br />


Antwerp Pride - Glorious Saturday<br />



Partnerevent<br />

partygoers dressing accordingly to the themes without<br />

making it a costumed ball. “Even though it is completely<br />

optional to dress up, we like the idea that everyone<br />

contributes to the party in their own way. The slogan of our<br />

party is ‘Come as YOU are’ after all.”<br />

Extravaganza experienced that the themes with a<br />

naughty and kinky nature to it turns out to be the most<br />

successful ones. All tastefully done of course! Just a hint<br />

of nudity here and a touch of leather there. Nothing<br />

vulgar nor offensively over the top. However, the next<br />

theme for the Antwerp Pride this year will be “Kings and<br />

Queens”, a big theme for a big party ...<br />

known from Milkshake festival Amsterdam, will play<br />

their set at the Kings and Queen” edition.<br />


Good news for our partygoers! Despite all the new<br />

contributions to the party, Extravaganza still managed to<br />

reduce the entrance price to € 10.00 (presale) and €15.00<br />

(door price). Lars hopes that by doing so, the party will<br />

be more accessible to an even broader demographic of<br />

clientele in the future. Tickets can be purchased online,<br />

at Café Delux and the Brooklyn fashionstore.<br />


Lars has taken up this partycrusade together with his<br />

businesspartner Tom, who organises the H.I.M. parties<br />

at NOXX. “Lars and I share the same vision when it comes<br />

creating the perfect party. It’s all about atmosphere and<br />

liberty, without crossing ethical borders.”<br />


To portray above mentioned themes, Extravaganza<br />

relies on its performers to contribute to the mood of<br />

each party. These performers are dressed and styled<br />

by designer Harald Ligtvoet (winner of the Coral Fashion<br />

Award 2004) and make-up artists Miguel-Angel Jimenez,<br />

Erik Baetens, Dirk Calander and Rikh Hachmang.<br />

“Needless to say, but to create the costumes of each one of<br />

our performers requires much time and effort. The whole<br />

process from start to finish takes approximately 6 weeks.<br />

This includes searching for right fabric and garments,<br />

fittings, make-up trials, dance choreography etc. We are<br />

also proud to share that all these costumes are made inhouse,<br />

thus a genuine team effort.”<br />

DJ’S & MUSIC<br />

Resident DJ’s Dj Waxx and Nick Van Acker have<br />

developed a unique sound for Extravaganza. It’s a<br />

combination of disco, electro, house and retro in a new<br />

beat but still with a happy feeling to it. Together with the<br />

change in themes of each party, the aim is also that the<br />

music slightly resembles the influence of each theme<br />

accordingly. Guest DJ’s are invited from time to time. DJ<br />

Doppelgang( who are in indeed actual twins brothers),<br />

“Why not first go for a diner to create already a nice mood,<br />

like people use to do? Our partner Sjalot & Schanul is<br />

offering an exclusive pre-party diner, to start the evening in<br />

style”, Lars adds and smiles. He still got lots of ideas to<br />

rekindle the party life of Antwerp. After the Pride-edition<br />

in Café d’Anvers,<br />

Lars is quite confident about the future: “As long as we<br />

evolve and succeed in excite people, we will carry on. I’m<br />

also developing another party concept, with a kind of<br />

darker side, but still with a life hugging atmosphere. I feel<br />

that people are willing again to transform themselves,<br />

as we experience at our parties. It can go either way: or<br />

in an Extravaganza, outgoing way, or in a somewhat<br />

kinkier non-sexual way. For those we will introduce our<br />

JUDAS party. But I can’t tell a lot about it at this moment. It<br />

definitely will be exciting. So kiss, don’t tell…” And he smiles<br />

in a mysterious way...<br />

Extravaganza will also be present at Milkshake festival<br />

and Tomorrowland this summer!<br />


Antwerp Pride - Glorious Saturday<br />





All good things come in pairs. Doppelgang is a DJ<br />

duo by Sander & Maurice de Graaf both born and<br />

raised in the North of Holland. Since they<br />

entered the scene in Amsterdam in 2010 with<br />

performing as whatever theyliked, the brothers<br />

started DJing after 2 years. Ever since they have added<br />

venues to their doppel-list such as Trouw, Watergate<br />

(DE), Chicago Social Club, Paradiso, Kater Holzig (DE)<br />

and 69 (BE) to name a few. Summertime<br />

madness started in june 2013 with Doppelgang<br />

at festivals like Mysteryland, Milkshake, Valtifest &<br />

Wecandance (BE). Club Air is their homebase as<br />

residents of the colourful Supertoys party. Sometimes,<br />

they let their passion for fashion flow together with<br />

their music at Fashion Week (after) parties and across<br />

Europe with labels like Gstar, H&M, American Apparel<br />

and Weekday. Offering a mix of Deep_Neo_Chicago<br />

House and Disco, Doppelgang never fails to break<br />

up the party with their contagious enthusiasm and<br />

energetic personalities. A party for ears and eyes is<br />

completed with simultaneous dance routines and<br />

their fun-lovinlooks. Doppelgang recently won a<br />

“Golden Gnome Award” (Dutch nightlife awards) for<br />

best New Talent.<br />

Soundcloud:<br />

www.soundcloud.com/doppelgangmusic<br />

Facebook:<br />

www.facebook.com/doppelgangmusic<br />

SMOS<br />

DJ Smos started his career in early ‘90s as a duo with<br />

DJ Baby Bee, they are considered as one of the pioneer<br />

house DJs on the Belgian music scene. They became<br />

residents at ‘Café D’Anvers’ in 1993, where they also played<br />

for ‘Paradise’ and ‘Natural elements’ from Patrick Socks and<br />

many other parties that were organized in ‘Café D’Anvers’.<br />

Since 1998 until 2001 DJ Smos and Baby Bee played as<br />

residents for ‘Eskimo’ parties in Ghent, where they did<br />

their ‘trade mark’ closing set in the house room. They<br />

also played at other parties that were organized by<br />

‘Eskimo’ organization ( Belmondo in SMAK museum in<br />

Ghent, Culture club, 69, Diesel U awards, ‘Make up’ club<br />

... ). Between January 2001 and October 2003 they were<br />

residents in the Motion room in ‘Fuse’ in Brussels, where<br />

they performed ‘soul tech’ sessions together with DJ St.<br />

Dic.They also played as a resident DJs at Café Capital in<br />

Antwerp, and on many occasions as guest DJs in all good<br />

Belgian clubs, summer festivals (10 days off in Ghent,<br />

Laundry day in Antwerp, Tomorrowland, Extrema, Dour<br />

festival, House Torhout, Pukkelpop, City parade ... ) and<br />

on the international party scene in clubs like Rex in Paris,<br />

Chemistry and Arena club in Amsterdam, 333 in London,<br />

Cuttura electronic in Italy etc.. Smos and baby Bee were<br />

voted as the best Belgian DJs at ‘Ticket nightlife awards<br />

2001’ and in 2003 as ‘the best national house DJs’ at<br />

Belgian dance culture website ‘Partyguide’.<br />

Baby Bee stopped DJ-ing in 2010, since then Smos has<br />

been playing solo as a resident DJ in Café d’Anvers and in<br />

the Mystery cub at ‘Woods’ in Brussels<br />


Antwerp Pride - Glorious Saturday<br />




WAX’X<br />

For more than 15 years he is collecting music, vinyls and<br />

loves to perform and express himself as a multicreative<br />

artist. He is a succesfull marketeer who combines<br />

analytical and marketing skills with creativity flair and<br />

determiniation. He is known as a painter and graffiti<br />

artist. However DJ’ing is hot and found his inspiration in<br />

underground music. Flirting with house music in all its<br />

forms and colours, from deeper disco cuts to the current<br />

gems, never forgetting that good old jack music from the<br />

windy city Chicago. Right after showing up in the music<br />

scene as a local hero in the late 90’s, WAX’X started up<br />

his own party concept “Mixtures Hotel”. In the early 2000<br />

he got a lift-off in his DJ career after winning DJ contest<br />

@ Café d’Anvers, recorded live on TMF. WAX’X started to<br />

perform at the biggest clubs and veneus in Belgium and<br />

Poland like: Culture Club, Café d’Anvers, Laundry Day,<br />

Industria, Utopia (Warsaw), Le Madam (Warsaw), Zoom<br />

(Krakow), His unique mixing style cemented his fanbase<br />

in Antwerp where he is frequently invited to play<br />

on different gigs. From the very beginning in 2014 DJ<br />

WAX’X is appearing as a resident on the party concept<br />

EXTRAVAGANZA. Exclusive for this party concept WAX’X<br />

is bringing a mix of 90’s hits, forgotten house tracks, a<br />

jam of all those good “old” and “new” classics and a twist<br />

of retro and remixes. DJ WAX’X is editing and remixing<br />

the “theme track” for Extravaganza and that makes this<br />

party stand out even more.<br />

www.waxx.be<br />


Nick Van Acker is an Antwerp based DJ with 25 years of<br />

experience under his belt. Ever since his grandmother<br />

gave him his first turntable when he was 1 year old, music<br />

has been his greatest passion. At the age of 12 he started<br />

his professional carrier at a local radio station in Mechelen<br />

with his own youth program and he continued doing this<br />

until he was 18. At that same time he played his first big<br />

party in front of a crowd of 1000 people, knees shaking<br />

and his heart pounding in his throat, but it seemed he<br />

had a talent for DJ’ing because the crowd loved this very<br />

young boy playing right away. After that things went very<br />

quickly. In 2000 he was asked to be resident on Fridays<br />

at RUBBZZ club , also that same year he was asked to<br />

play at the Loveparade @ BKA-Luftschloss (Berlin). It was<br />

the Pre-Black & Blue Party to promote the main event on<br />

October 12 in Montreal Canada. While he was there he<br />

played a guest set in the famous Tom’s Bar (Berlin). He<br />

apparently made such a big impression on the crowd<br />

that he was asked to play at Metropole (Berlin). He also<br />

has played at La Luna, Hessenhuis, Club Envogue, D-Club,<br />

Koning Oriand and many more. He played on a truck at<br />

the Brussel Gay Pride Parade in 2002, 2003 and 2005. He<br />

also does productions and remixes, mainly for drag shows.<br />

Currently he is resident at Club Random and of course<br />

at the Extravaganza parties where he plays a carefully<br />

selected mix of uplifting funky vocal house with a lot of<br />

disco, 90’s and club classics influences. He is famous for<br />

being able to read his crowd on the floor and giving them<br />

the energy to make the party last way past dawn.<br />



Antwerp pride main party<br />

cafe d’anvers<br />

8AUGUST<br />

2 ROOMs<br />

LINE UP<br />

Milkshake<br />

DOPPELGANG supertoys<br />

Josephine’s<br />

WAX’X Extravaganza<br />



club random<br />

Extravaganza<br />

tickets www.extravaganza-party.com<br />

pre sale 10 euro - entrance before midnight 15 - after midight 20 euro<br />

antwerp pride 2 0 1 5<br />

cafe d’anvers Verversrui 15 2000 Antwerpen<br />

Sjalot & Schanul<br />


Antwerp Pride - Glorious Saturday<br />


Partnerevent<br />



On Saturday August 8th the seedy darkrooms of<br />

Antwerp will open again for an infamous ‘A Hard<br />

<strong>Night</strong>’ - the main evening event of the Antwerp Pride.<br />

This year we’ve added an incredible foam area<br />

and a completely redesigned laser show.<br />

Have a hell of a good time in an incredible venue<br />

just outside the city centre. Hidden in the green,<br />

an old rusty waste factory concealing a surreal labyrinth<br />

awaits you. Antwerp’s Petrol Club offers you<br />

the perfect industrial setting for never-ending dungeon<br />

parties.<br />

So grease up to enter the pounding devious techno<br />

of the dark. It’s a safe space where everyone feels<br />

comfortable to do as he pleases with respect to<br />

others.<br />

A Hard <strong>Night</strong> is a men only party. We expect you all.<br />

Imagine this most spectacular location filled with<br />

swarms of fetish guys dancing with a dark and nasty<br />

side. Here you can show off in anything that makes<br />

you feel sizzling - leather, rubber, spandex or fetish<br />

wear. In the fully equipped playroom, you’ll find a<br />

huge maze with different darkrooms and play areas<br />

packed with the craziest tanked up guys. Here’s<br />

where all the action is. Get your ass up to the outside<br />

play jungle where the air is pretty ripe. Far away from<br />

the inhabited world, no one can hear your screams<br />

and moans.<br />

A Hard <strong>Night</strong> is one of Europe’s biggest fetish parties<br />

complying with the highest standards. Also circuit<br />

crowd boys get only the best. An international<br />

DJ line will pump their incestuous sounds on the<br />

underground magnum dancefloor. Iranian hottie<br />

Roham Da Mirz starts hitting the desks. Beautiful<br />

Roham was born in Iran but made his way into performing<br />

in Denmark. His tattooed arms will mix the<br />

most unique progressive, circuit style house that will<br />

take you on the happiest trip through the roof. Then<br />

Paris’ Topher and Trippy Gonzales shares their good<br />

vibrations with Tech-House, Progressive and Electro,<br />

enriched by his record library rarities. And with<br />

Domy K, A Hard <strong>Night</strong> brings you inspired, sharp<br />

and pumped clubbing.<br />


Antwerp Pride - Glorious Saturday<br />




Partnerevent<br />

WHERE:<br />

Club Petrol - D’Herbouvillekaai 25, 2020 Antwerpen.<br />

WHEN:<br />

The party takes place on Saturday August 8th 2014.<br />

We start at 10pm an go on till 06 am.<br />

TICKETS:<br />

Tickets include a free entrance to the official after<br />

party at The Boots. They can be bought on the<br />

website at www.ahardnight.be<br />


-The Boots<br />

-MrB Antwerp<br />

-Man Playz<br />

Pre-sale: € 19.<br />

At the door: € 24.<br />



A Hard <strong>Night</strong> is an intense place where everybody<br />

likes to feel the rush of cruising a steamy fetish club.<br />

Therefore a dress code is obligatory and will be<br />

enforced.<br />

We encourage leather with black boots, rubber<br />

with appropriate footwear, skin with appropriate<br />

boots, full uniform & work gear, actual military<br />

clothing, full sportswear and denim with boots.<br />

If you combine with a T-shirt, please take care that<br />

it is completely dark, without printing. Further only<br />

brands on a T-shirt recognized within the fetish<br />

community are allowed. Or you simply come...<br />

naked (with fetish footwear).<br />

You find more dress code details on our webpage.<br />

Please do check it out.<br />


Saturday 08.08.15<br />

Petrol Club<br />

D4Herbouvillekaai 25£<br />

2020 Antwerpen<br />

http://www.ahardnight.be<br />

We have a double, very large cloakroom with<br />

sufficient space for bags and jackets.<br />


BY CAR<br />

The venue has a very large parking lot, free to use<br />

for our visitors. Once full, enough parking spaces<br />

on the street will be available. Follow the guidelines<br />

from our stewards for correct parking.<br />


We offer a free shuttle bus service between The<br />

Boots and Club Petrol. Seats cannot be reserved<br />

and are based upon availability. The bus is free, but<br />

you’re welcome to tip the driver.<br />

OTHER<br />

Private taxi companies will have taxi’s waiting<br />

outside the venue.<br />







Thursday 6th<br />


DJ JOEY<br />

Friday 7th<br />

FLUO<br />


Saturday 8th<br />



Sunday 9th<br />

LIVE<br />


CLUB RANDOM - Geulincxstraat 28 - Antwerpen - Info @ facebook

Antwerp Pride - Glorious Saturday<br />


The Gay Classic Car Club Benelux, or GCCC, was<br />

founded in 1992. As you might expect from the<br />

name, the GCCC is there for gay people (M/F) with<br />

an interest in historical, classic or extraordinary<br />

automobiles. The club has more than 300 members<br />

and every month a large part of them come<br />

together at a national event organised by GCCC.<br />

A couple of times a year we take part in international<br />

events hosted by our sister organisations in<br />

France, Great-Britain or Germany to name a few<br />

countries.<br />

Our club is very diverse and so are the cars driven<br />

by our members. You will see a 1929 Bugatti driving<br />

happily next to an Austin A30, followed by a<br />

Citroën DS, Renault Caravelle, MG B, Panhard, Peugeot,<br />

Rolls-Royce, Alfa Romeo Spider, Chevrolet<br />

Corvette or DAF. It is exactly this wide variety that<br />

makes the club attractive. Each event the members<br />

of GCCC create a great atmosphere.<br />

But GCCC does more than that. Four times we<br />

publish the colourful GCCC Magazine. Our members<br />

write contributions about a great number of<br />

topics: how to restore a classic car, about the cars<br />

of their parents or about a visit to a car museum.<br />

Do you also take pride in your old or young timer<br />

and you want to experience that GCCC feeling,<br />

than join up. Memberships does not only include<br />

the magazine but also reductions on entrance<br />

fees at our monthly events. For € 25 per year you’ll<br />

get a whole lot of car friends. And if your partner<br />

wants to join up to, he or she only has to pay € 15.<br />

You can’t miss out on this opportunity.<br />

Do you want to know more about GCCC, visit our<br />

website: gccc.nl, follow ons on Facebook ‘Gay Classic<br />

Car Club Benelux (Europe)’ or sent an email to<br />

info@gccc.nl.<br />


Quartier National<br />


Antwerp Pride - Magnificent Sunday<br />

Program - Sunday 9 August<br />


• 14:00<br />

• Free<br />

• Grote Markt<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

• www.antwerppride.com<br />

• 14h-15h: Local artists - free podium<br />

• 15h-18h: Closing festival<br />

• Zsa Zsa Lamore & Friends<br />

• The Coming Out Band<br />

• Dimi En De Kasten<br />

• Slongs Dievanongs<br />

• Alexander Rybak<br />

• Conchita Wurst<br />

• Nathalia<br />


• 13:00<br />

• Free<br />

• Bonaparte<br />

• Grote Markt 21<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />




The gay hotspot in Antwerp on sunday is without<br />

any doubt Pannekoek! Almost 6 years already you<br />

can hear your most sparkling tunes from the last 4<br />

decades. Pannekoek is so happy to bring and co-host<br />

again the Antwerp pride Closing festival and invite<br />

you for the party during the festival on the terrace<br />

of Bonaparte! Enjoy Conchita, Natalia, Alexander,<br />

Slongs, Dimitri, ZsaZsa from first row! Love united!<br />


• 13:00<br />

• Free<br />

• Van Schoonbekeplein<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />



In the shadow of the MAS museum, at the Van<br />

Schoonbekeplein, we invite everybody to join us,<br />

and enjoy the biggest terrace of Antwerp.<br />

A terrace where people of all kinds meet each other,<br />

enjoy the performances of many dutch artists like<br />

Wendy Van Wanten, Yves Sergers, Wim Soetaert, Ingeborg,<br />

Vanessa Chinitor, Sam Gooris, N.D. Anderson,<br />

Zsa Zsa Lamor and the lady of Mask’Ara and many<br />

more …<br />

A festival where we don’t put stamps on people, where<br />

young and old, black and white, gay and hetero,<br />

… are welcome. A festival of respect and tolerance.<br />

Both saturday and sunday the terrace will be filled<br />

with shows and more from 14:00h until 22:00h. On<br />

saturday we have a special Eurosongcontest-evening<br />

you don’t wanna miss. Or maybe you will be one of<br />

the contestants …<br />

Visit our website www.terrazza.nu for more information<br />

and the full program.<br />

Program on sunday 9/8 :<br />

14.30 h : Special guest<br />

15.00 h : Jacco Ricardo<br />

16.00 h : Nico zingt Hazes<br />

17.00 h : Wim Soutaer<br />

18.00 h : Sam Gooris<br />

19.00 h : N.D. Anderson<br />

20.00 h : Yves Segers<br />


• 18:00<br />

• Free<br />

• Wisselstraat<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />




• 14:00<br />

• Free<br />

• Café Delux<br />

• Melkmarkt 18<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />



Sjalot and Friends present open air festival <strong>2015</strong> We<br />

will color the sunset above the streets of Antwerp<br />

again Come-share-invite your Friends<br />

Pink Sunday @Delux and 9th anniversary with Dj:<br />

Joey Show Queens; Sally Monella, Paris Rainbow<br />

Mas’kara Queens: Zsa Zsa Lamor en Star<br />


Antwerp Pride - Magnificent Sunday<br />

Program - Sunday 9 August<br />


• 19:00<br />

• €10<br />

• Red & Blue<br />

• Lange Schipperskapel-straat 11,<br />

• 2000 Antwerp<br />

Cafedelove Pride Edition<br />

Cafedelove is the hottest dance party for gay<br />

women! You can find this this classy and trendy<br />

party concept for women and their friends,<br />

every first Sunday at Red & Blue. We would<br />

specially like to invite you to the Cafedelove<br />

Pride Edition at Sunday August 10 in Red &<br />

Blue. See you there to celebrate the Pride!<br />


• 10:00<br />

• Fitness het Eiland<br />

• Free<br />

• Zeevaartstraat 10<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />



Gratis Work-out @ Fitness het Eiland met mogelijkheid<br />

tot sauna.<br />


• 11:00<br />

• Toys 4 Boys<br />

• Nosestraat 6<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

We’re opening up for a couple of extra hours<br />

so we can properly bid adieu to all Proud visitors.<br />

Triple points on the Bonus-card all week<br />

and today’s Dirty Daily Raffle gives instant<br />

cash-back to all winners on lube + a 30ml bottle<br />

of silicone lube with every purchase. Keep<br />

an eye on our Facebook page for other Pride<br />

deals & discounts!<br />


• 17:00<br />

• The Boots<br />

• Van Aerdtstraat 22<br />

• 2060 Antwerpen<br />

It’s getting wild ‘n hot today! So gear up in<br />

your favorite gear and enjoy our Fetish afternoon.this<br />

party starts at 17.00h and goes on<br />

at 21.00h at our Antwerp pride closing night<br />

‘Sleazy Sunday Cruising’<br />


• 20:00<br />

• Club Random<br />

• Geulincxstraat 28<br />

• 2060 Antwerpen<br />

Vinyl Desertstorm live @ Club Random, an exclusive<br />

night!<br />


• 21:00<br />

• The Boots<br />

• Van Aerdtstraat 22<br />

• 2060 Antwerpen<br />

To give people a last chance for a hot night<br />

at the end of the Antwerp Pride Week, you’re<br />

welcome at our Sunday evening concept ‘Sleazy<br />

Sunday Cruising’ at The Boots. People from<br />

the Sunday afternoon party (17.00h - 22.00h),<br />

are also welcome to stay around in this cruisy<br />

atmosphere.<br />


• 14:00<br />

• Free<br />

• Popi<br />

• Plantinkaai 11<br />

• 2000 Antwerpen<br />

chill-out-terrace to end this party-weekend<br />


Antwerp Pride - Magnificent Sunday<br />

1<br />


• Grote Markt<br />

6<br />


• Zeevaartstraat 10<br />

1<br />


• Grote Markt 21<br />

7<br />


• Nosestraat 6<br />

2<br />


• Melkmarkt 18<br />

3 TERRAZZA<br />

• Van Schoonbekeplein<br />

8<br />

9<br />


• Plantinkaai 11<br />


• Van Aerdtstraat 22<br />

4<br />


• Wisselstraat<br />

10<br />


• Geulincxstraat 28<br />

5<br />


• Lange Schipperskapel-straat 11,<br />

9<br />


• Van Aerdtstraat 22<br />


Antwerp Pride - Magnificent Sunday<br />

Closing Festival<br />

Partnerevent<br />


The sixth edition of The Antwerp Pride Closing<br />

Festival and for sure it’s Line Up is now already<br />

the biggest and best one so far!<br />

It’s one off the most colourful and cheery events<br />

of the weekend for everybody of all ages.<br />

This is the Sunday afternoon you will remember<br />

for the rest of your life!<br />

Conchita Wurst<br />

She was the headliner last year, and even though it<br />

was raining like hell, the 6000 people that stayed,<br />

despite of the bad weather on the main square<br />

witnessed that she brought heaven to the city of<br />

Antwerp.<br />

Winner of last years Eurovision, host of this years Eurovision<br />

and Gay and LGBT Icon Conchita Wurst will<br />

be this years headliner of Antwerp Pride! But now,<br />

we promise the sun will shine! We did a poll a few<br />

months ago that begged us to invite her again so<br />

that’s what we did especially for everybody who<br />

missed her or wants to see and enjoy her concert<br />

again...<br />

She will sing and perform some songs of the debutalbum<br />

Conchita wich is released in may of this year!<br />

She is unstoppable!<br />

Natalia<br />

10 years ago Natalia became second in the popular<br />

TV show, Belgium’s first edition of Idols. In our country<br />

underdogs always turn out to be bigger and better<br />

and if you would compare it with all other contestants<br />

of all other celebrities who became famous<br />

from TV Talent show she is for shure the winner.<br />

Dozens of sold out concerts in the biggest venues<br />

number 1 hits in any chart, beautifull #1 albums, …<br />

Since the first season she’s one of the coaches in The<br />

Voice Belgium and she became a real TV personality<br />

and even hosted DE MIA’s, the official Music Industry<br />

Awardshow.<br />

She just released a new single of a forthcoming album<br />

Alexander Rybak<br />

Alexander Rybak was born on May 13th 1986 in<br />

Minsk, the capital of Belarus – at that time a part of<br />

the Soviet Union. His phenomenal journey began at<br />

the age of five, when his little family of three moved<br />

to Norway and settled at Nesodden, a short ferry<br />

trip from Oslo, the capital of Norway. His parents are<br />

both professionally trained musicians and teaching<br />

their son the violin and piano was the most natural<br />

thing in the world. Alexander practiced like a top<br />

athlete. Soon it became apparent, that he had to<br />

choose between his two instruments and he decided<br />

to go with the violin<br />


Antwerp Pride - Magnificent Sunday<br />


Closing Festival<br />

Partnerevent<br />

He signed up for the national Eurovision-selection<br />

in Norway with his own song “Fairytale“.. He went<br />

on to the 54th Eurovision Song Contest in Moscow<br />

in May 2009 and won with a landslide victory. He<br />

finished with a grand total of 387 points, breaking<br />

the previous record of 292 points scored by Lordi in<br />

2006 and scoring 169 points more than runner up<br />

from Iceland.<br />

“Fairytale”, became a major hit in Europe and was<br />

# 1 on most European I-tunes charts the following<br />

week. It also reached top 3 on the European chart,<br />

#1 in Belgium (off course) , Denmark, Greece, Iceland,<br />

Norway, Sweden and Russia and #2 in Ireland,<br />

Finland and the Netherlands, his debut album<br />

“Fairytales” was released in more than 25 European<br />

countries<br />

He was already on the Antwerp Pride Stage a few<br />

years ago but now he promised the fairytale will<br />

never stop!<br />

Slongs Dievanongs<br />

Slongs Dievanongs, (Belgium) . Although she’s quite<br />

new as a solo performer she has reached already a<br />

nice status in the Belgian popular scene. The music<br />

she brings is hiphop in the Antwerp Dialect! She<br />

sings about and stands for love and equality, there is<br />

no better ambassador.<br />

She won the last few years several awards, sold lot’s<br />

of copies of her songs that gave her a few times<br />

the #1 in the Belgian charts and will be one of the<br />

coaches in the next season of vtm’s THE VOICE KIDS.<br />

Antwerp pride is really happy to have her!<br />

Dimi & De Kasten<br />

Dimitri Vantomme is your “host” and jumps into his<br />

own music collection to bring you a salvo of musical<br />

hits from all over the world. Le formidable de<br />

Stromae, the angel from Robbie Williams, the fire of<br />

Kings of Leon , the faith of George Michael in combination<br />

with the sexy grooves of the dutch hitsensation<br />

Nielson. Dimitri is one of the best entertainers<br />

of Belgium, Tv shows, musical (grease) are big fans<br />

of the energy he brings to the stage. He had an international<br />

hit with “ohohohoh”, his vision on seven<br />

nation army from The White Stripes and now with<br />

the new single Lucky One!<br />

D&DK; 3 off belgiums top musicians combined with<br />

one of the best entertainers gives you 100% party!<br />

Zsa Zsa Lamor<br />

Belgiums best known showqueen! She was on the<br />

popular TV show Belgium’s got talent has allready<br />

more than 10 years her own Diner-Spectacle Restaurant<br />

Maskara and celebrated last year 20 years of<br />

Zsa Zsa Lamor with 2 sold out shows in De Arenberg.<br />

This year she does it all over again but now<br />

under the name ‘The Sequell’; 2 of the 3 shows are<br />

already sold out! Zsa Zsa is a real institute and one of<br />

our constant guests on this show/festival.<br />

STORM<br />

Storm is a new popgroup from The Netherlands<br />

who recently released their debutsingle produced<br />

by Deepfrost who produced hits for CHIPZ, Samantha<br />

Mumba and Stevie Wonder. Mark, Patrick and<br />

Devon are thee open gay young men who want to<br />

have fun with making music, doing gigs and sharing<br />

the message that love is love and gender or orientation<br />

does not matter.<br />

Also performing ; Luc Acke, Samantha, Selina Pearl<br />

and many more…<br />

The show is hosted by Nathalie Delporte(JOEfm)<br />

and Dimitri Vantomme (menttv & Fgradio)<br />

This Antwerp Pride Closing Festival is an organisation<br />

of Antwerp Pride but not possible without the<br />

many volunteers, partners and sponsors and is powered<br />

by Cafe De Love, Wave and Pannekoek.<br />


Antwerp Pride - Magnificent Sunday<br />

Conchita Wurst<br />

Live at Closing Festival (SUN 09.08.15)<br />

‘We Have an Opportunity to Change Minds’<br />

Yes, it’s true. The bearded lady rises once more. After<br />

her historic (if slightly rained out) performance at<br />

Antwerp Pride 2014, Conchita Wurst will return for<br />

an encore. By general request. Since her landslide<br />

victory at the Eurovision Song Contest last year, La<br />

Würst has gone on to even greater things. Here she<br />

talks about her life after Eurovision and the role of<br />

artists in the fight for global LGBT rights.<br />

Hi Conchita, we’re so glad to have you back! How’s<br />

life been treating you?<br />

‘It’s been amazing. My life has become a series of<br />

‘unbelievable moments’. Winning Eurovision last year<br />

changed everything. To have creative visions and ideas<br />

which do not have to remain in your head, but can be<br />

heard, feels unbelievable: these days, if I want to have<br />

an elephant in a music video, it is something I can really<br />

think about. I have a beautiful feeling of freedom, that I<br />

can do almost anything.<br />

What I’m most happy about is that the Conchitacharacter<br />

is encouraging conversations about how<br />

we define beauty and gender. When I first created this<br />

character and name, I was hosting an underground<br />

burlesque show in Austria, and even in this<br />

underground scene where you might think everybody<br />

would be open-minded, they didn’t really get it. Even<br />

though I’m not the first person to perform as a bearded<br />

lady, people were still reacting to me, and that’s when I<br />

first realized I could really say something with this and<br />

make people think.’<br />

Meanwhile, you’ve met some very famous people.<br />

‘I wouldn’t dare call him my friend, but I love seeing<br />

Jean Paul Gaultier. He was the first famous person<br />

to give me any recognition. For Eurovision, he voted<br />

for me 73 times! My grandmother always smelt of<br />

menthol. And when I met Karl Lagerfeld, he smelt<br />

exactly the same. It made me feel cosy and at home.’<br />

If you look back, were there any negative<br />

experiences?<br />

‘Not for me personally. But the message of people<br />

staying ‘true to who we are’ has been underscored in<br />

my mind since the terrorist attacks on French satirical<br />

magazine Charlie Hebdo, and the role artists play<br />

in fighting for freedom. The fact that people could<br />

do such a thing, just because they have a different<br />

opinion… I have no words. But efforts to silence art<br />

through fear only add fuel to my fire. I truly believe<br />

artists should never hold back because of fear. Fear is<br />

like poison and I know if I ever gave in to that I would<br />

not be the same performer. We have to continue to<br />

fight against such things and that’s exactly what I want<br />

to achieve – to help people<br />


Antwerp Pride - Magnificent Sunday<br />

Conchita Wurst<br />

Live at Closing Festival (SUN 09.08.15)<br />

realize we don’t have to agree with everyone’s<br />

opinions, but we do need to respect one another, and<br />

we can achieve anything no matter who we are or<br />

how we look.’<br />

Online you get a lot of great and flattering<br />

messages, but clearly some people are quite<br />

challenged by what you represent. How do you<br />

deal with the criticism?<br />

‘If it’s just about me, I couldn’t care less. Truly. If I had<br />

the option whether to read hateful comments, or an<br />

article about how to bake a cake, I’d read about the<br />

cake. But when it gets to the point that very influential<br />

people – like politicians and people in the public eye<br />

– are referring to people in the LGBT community in a<br />

really negative way, then I definitely do care. But if it’s<br />

just about me, then I think ‘whatever’.’<br />

It’s already your second time at Antwerp Pride.<br />

‘I really love going to all the Pride festivals. It just feels<br />

so great, especially after winning Eurovision, that we as<br />

a community felt very strong and happy. That was so<br />

beautiful to see. Everywhere I was invited, everybody<br />

was so excited. That was a great experience.’<br />

People are loving your songs with their uplifting<br />

messages of being yourself and being fabulous.<br />

‘It’s flattering that anybody sees any kind of inspiration<br />

in them – it’s still hard to believe, because at the end<br />

of the day it’s just me singing my songs… I created<br />

this album in a kind of selfish way, just thinking about<br />

entertaining myself. I mean, I’m performing it and<br />

you can’t lie to the audience if you don’t feel what<br />

you’re singing. It’s still surprising to me that people are<br />

showing up because of me!’<br />

So how personal is your first album? Are they<br />

like general anthems or do they contain a lot of<br />

insights into who you are?<br />

‘Yeah, there are definitely some songs which are very<br />

personal, especially ‘The Other Side of Me.’ I didn’t<br />

write my whole record – there were some songs<br />

which already existed that I liked, and some were<br />

written especially for me. ‘The Other Side of Me’ was<br />

written by a Swedish songwriter about the night that I<br />

won Eurovision. He played it to me, and it was such an<br />

overwhelming emotional situation. It became a very<br />

intimate song.’<br />

There’s only one typical dancefloor-stomper on<br />

the album, which surprised me a bit.<br />

‘I have never fulfilled the assumptions made of a<br />

mainstream drag queen. People say they’re confused<br />

by how calm and quiet I am. When I created Conchita<br />

I thought there were expectations of me and I was<br />

very loud, and I had this bitchiness that some drag<br />

artists have, which I think is hilarious, but it wasn’t me. I<br />

realised it’s fine to be another type of drag queen’<br />

I love the gowns in your videos. How important is<br />

fashion to you?<br />

‘Well, I studied fashion, and it’s definitely a love in my<br />

life. So I’m enjoying it! For me, fashion is a part of my<br />

personality. Actually, fashion is a part of everyone’s<br />

personality, whether they believe it or not. You’re<br />

always sending something out with the way you dress.<br />

And I love to express myself by dressing up. I’m now<br />

so honored to get to meet all these fabulous designer<br />

stuff. They’re lending it to me, and I’m allowed to wear<br />

it. I’m still a fashion student – when I get something,<br />

the first thing I do is turn it around and look at how it’s<br />

done. So I have a close connection to fashion.’<br />

You’ve also written a book, in which you tell your<br />

own story, from your youth up to now. Did you feel<br />

compelled to tell it in an inspiring way?<br />

‘No, it’s just my story. It’s not a guideline how to do<br />

it. I get messages from social media with people<br />

saying they got inspired in some kind of way – but I<br />

just do all these things because I want to do them…<br />

and just because I say something… I mean… I’m not<br />

perfect. It’s hard for me to understand how anyone<br />

could get inspired by my story, because it’s just me.<br />

At first the idea of doing an autobiography wasn’t<br />

love at first sight: I told the publishers: ‘I’m only 26!’ But<br />

telling my story to the ghostwriter showed me things<br />

about myself: I always saw myself as shy, but I realised<br />

I was born self-confident, and I became insecure only<br />

as a teen – and I’ll have to work to get rid of those<br />

insecurities for the rest of my life.<br />

We spend our adult lives getting rid of our teenage<br />

insecurities. I got called so many hurtful names as<br />

a teenager, all because of my feelings for men – I<br />

thought that there was something wrong with me.<br />

But once I learned to say: ‘I am gay, whatever’, nobody<br />

could hurt me. I mean, ‘Conchita’ is a sexy lady in<br />

Spanish. And ‘Wurst’ is a term in German-speaking<br />

areas for ‘I don’t care’.<br />

140 113

Antwerp Pride - Magnificent Sunday<br />

Alexander Rybak is back at Antwerp Pride!<br />

Live at Closing Festival (SUN 09.08.15)<br />

Six years have already passed since Alexander Rybak<br />

won the hearts of Europe and set a voting record in<br />

the Eurovision with the winning song ‘Fairytale’ in<br />

2009. And immediately in that year he gave his first<br />

concert at Antwerp Pride’s closing festival. We catch<br />

up with the Norwegian heartthrob as he prepares<br />

for his second outing at Antwerp Pride.<br />

How did life change for you after your Eurovision<br />

victory in 2009?<br />

‘It was the biggest privilege for any artist: to be<br />

heard. Now, if I want to work together with another<br />

artist or producer, I just call them. And then they do<br />

everything they can to arrange something nice. But<br />

I never take anything for granted, so when I don´t<br />

write music I sit down at my computer and send<br />

mails to people around the world. Non-stop. I´m<br />

hungry as a wolf.’<br />

You still have the highest tally any contestant<br />

has achieved in Eurovision history.<br />

‘Of course I am very happy to have that record, but<br />

it´s not that important for me. Music should not be<br />

measured by voting records or single charts. I find<br />

happiness in making music, not bragging about<br />

it. And no matter how nice the feeling was when I<br />

won, nothing can top the feeling of when I composed<br />

that song on that mountain.’<br />

You are arguably best-known, of course, for<br />

‘Fairytale’. It will be probably define your career.<br />

How do you feel about that?<br />

‘I would be perfectly happy if it did! I mean, most<br />

artists work their way to the top. I was lucky to kind<br />

of start at the top. So I’ve been there, done that, and<br />

now enjoy the freedom to do absolutely what I want<br />

to – without necesserily aiming for the top.’<br />

Would you ever consider doing Eurovision again?<br />

‘I don’t have a plan except doing what I feel like. So…<br />

just wait and see!’<br />

The entertainment world is ruled by young people<br />

nowadays. What do you think about people like<br />

Justin Bieber and One Direction? Do you listen to<br />

their music?<br />

‘It’s not ruled by young people, but the managers behind<br />

those people. I have nothing against Justin Bieber<br />

or Rihanna, I think they are great performers, but I don´t<br />

like how other people are trying to create copies of<br />

those artists instead of creating something new. The radio<br />

format is stronger now than ever. Me myself, I never<br />

cared for radio format. I remember before Eurovision, I<br />

presented ‘Fairytale’ to all of the radio stations, and all of<br />

them said that they would never play that kind of song.’<br />

Can we expect a new album? What kind of details<br />

can you give us now about your future works?<br />

‘I have realized that I will never be a pop artist. I like to<br />

explore different concepts, different worlds. In 2012 I<br />

did a Christmas album filled with sounds from the 60’s. I<br />

also composed a children’s musical in Norwegian. I get<br />

very inspired by children and their energy. It´s about<br />

a troll who doesn’t trust anybody, and plays the violin.<br />

But in the meantime I want to please my fans all over<br />

the world, so I try to release a single with a YouTube<br />

video, maybe 2-3 times a year.’<br />

What is your biggest inspiration and motivation for<br />

your music, and for your life in general?<br />

‘To be prepared, and to have a logical explanation<br />

behind every note. I know it sounds boring, but for me<br />

it always starts with math and ends up in art. However,<br />

it always starts with a simple melody, and a melody<br />

should never start with math. It starts from the heart.<br />

And my heart always opens up when I´m at home.<br />

Actually, wherever there is love, I feel at home. And<br />

then the music and math can start.’<br />

Finally, we NEED to know. Do you have a girlfriend?<br />

(laughs) I can’t have a girlfriend. Or rather, I shouldn’t<br />

say that for certain. But becoming my girlfriend means<br />

getting a lot of harassment from many other girls, and I<br />

would not wish that for anyone!<br />


Antwerp Pride - Magnificent Sunday<br />

Slongs Dievanongs<br />

Live at Closing Festival (SUN 09.08.15)<br />

She’s tiny as a thumb, but with the charisma and<br />

strength of a giant. Her real name is Charissa<br />

Parassiadis and in Antwerp she’s famous under<br />

her moniker Slongs Dievanongs (Dutch slang<br />

for ‘Our Bitch’). A true original and a loud mouth<br />

rapper with a heart of gold, who is sure to set the<br />

Closing Festival alight.<br />

Can we call you Slongs?<br />

‘Of course! You can me call anything you like:<br />

Slongske or Diva. Only my parents still call me<br />

Charissa. I’m an Antwerp girl through and through.<br />

I still live only two blocks away from my parents, in<br />

the Sint Andries neighborhood. Bit by bit this area<br />

is getting eaten by the money and the glamour of<br />

the adjacent South District. But when I was young,<br />

it was still a working class neighborhood, with lots<br />

of Moroccan and Turkish people. Everybody knew<br />

everybody. The social cohesion here is still very<br />

strong.’<br />

So, how do you feel about Antwerp Pride?<br />

‘I’m so excited, you don’t even know. I feel like<br />

Madonna! Or even The Queen. (laughs) It’s<br />

the biggest honor to be asked by the LGBTQI<br />

community, to feel validated by people who’ve<br />

always loved life, music, having a good time. It’s the<br />

concert I’m looking most forward to this summer.’<br />

Do you have anything special planned?<br />

‘Well, obviously I can’t tell you everything. But let<br />

me just say that I recently had a very interesting<br />

package delivered from China, for me and my<br />

dancers. Custom made costumes with lots of glitter.<br />

That’s gonna come in handy.’<br />

And what do you expect from us?<br />

‘Mostly feathers, haha. The thing that I’ve always loved<br />

about the gayscene is how everybody’s so uninhibited.<br />

It’s fun for a girl to go out dancing, because you can<br />

act like a total slut and still nobody will be bothering<br />

you. I’ve started my career as an exotic dancer in Café<br />

d’Anvers, actually. So I know my way around a drag<br />

queen, trust me.’<br />

The Pride movement has always been about<br />

equality and rights for everyone. Is that something<br />

you can easily identify with?<br />

‘Absolutely. Injustice, in any shape or form, is one of the<br />

worst things imaginable to me. I’ve always been a very<br />

socially aware person, thanks to my father. I’ve gone<br />

on strike with laborers in the past, and these days I try<br />

to be supportive of as many organizations as possible.<br />

Just a little talk with people on the street can already<br />

do wonders. Especially as a celebrity you can make an<br />

actual difference in people’s lives. I work with homeless<br />

children and poverty is also an issue that’s very close to<br />

my heart. I’ve never had a lot of money. Only the last<br />

two years I’ve been able to make a small living from<br />

performing. But you know, I don’t have any kids, or a<br />

mortgage to pay. Instead of a fancy car, I have a fancy<br />

bike. I’m easy to please.’<br />

Who are your role models?<br />

‘Edward Snowden, <strong>Juli</strong>an Assange, the Dalai Lama. And<br />

anybody with a nursing degree.’<br />

What can we expect from you this summer?<br />

‘Oh honey, I will be churning it OUT. I’ll be performing<br />

at any little festival you can imagine. And don’t worry,<br />

I’ve ordered nice weather.’<br />

You’ll be singing in Dutch.<br />

‘Music knows no language barriers. The beat is all that<br />

matters.’<br />

Your new album has just dropped.<br />

‘Oh yes, all the hits, all the fun. Some reggae on there,<br />

bit of hip hop. Just a lot of positive energy. You’ll love it.’<br />

I can’t wait for your performance. Hopefully we<br />

can meet again, for a little drink backstage?<br />

‘Yes! But we’ll both have to wear a golden thong.<br />

That way we can find each other more easily!’<br />


Antwerp Pride - Magnificent Sunday<br />

Natalia<br />

Live at Closing Festival (SUN 09.08.15)<br />

Natalia Druyts, best known mononymously as<br />

Natalia, is without a doubt the biggest and most<br />

succesful female artist in Flanders. She has sold<br />

over half a million albums and millions of concert<br />

tickets since her rise to the top in 2001. Always<br />

very popular with gays and lesbians, she is sure<br />

to bring her special brand of glamorous pop-rock<br />

to Antwerp Pride. Everything you need to know<br />

about our top-of-the-bill diva, in 10 bullet points.<br />

Natalia crashes onto Flemish tv-screens in 2001, participating<br />

in singing competition Idool, the Flemish<br />

version of Idols. The quite awful white pantsuit thing<br />

in which she auditions becomes an immediate talking<br />

point for gossipy gays.<br />

Number two, second place: a position that Natalia<br />

knows all too well. Her debut single ‘Without You’<br />

peaks at number two in the charts, and after Idols<br />

she also ends up as runner-up in the Eurovision preliminaries<br />

ànd in the dancing competition Sterren<br />

op de dansvloer, our version of Strictly come Dancing.<br />

Her song for the Belgian movie Team Spirit II, ‘I’ve<br />

Only Begun To Fight’, charts at number one and<br />

goes gold in sales. It’s still her biggest hit to date.<br />

Her first tour, the This Time Live Tour was originally<br />

planned as a 20 date tour, but has to be extended<br />

to a whopping 90 dates due to massive ticket demands.<br />

Natalia records a single together with the legendary<br />

The Pointer Sisters, ‘Sisters Are Doin’ It for Themselves’,<br />

which reached number two in the Belgian<br />

charts. Their joint concert Natalia Meets The Pointer<br />

Sisters is attended by more than 130,000 people.<br />

The international collaborations continue. In 2007<br />

Natalia releases a single together with En Vogue called<br />

‘Glamorous’ . Again tens of thousands fans flock<br />

to the Antwerp Sportpaleis for a show.<br />

Her most high-profile duetpartner follows in 2011.<br />

Natalia chooses international superstar Anastacia for<br />

a new concert. Their single ‘Burning Star’ burns up<br />

the charts once more.<br />

A very sporty gal, you can find her any day at a gym<br />

popular with celebs in the South District of Antwerp,<br />

or at her weekly bikram yoga sessions.<br />

Her lucky number is 13, made evident by the fact<br />

that she always tries to have a tracklist of 13 songs<br />

on her albums.<br />

Natalia’s current ambitions? Crossing the border<br />

to become an international star. So to our foreign<br />

visitors at Antwerp Pride: if you like what you see,<br />

make some noise in your home country!<br />


Antwerp Pride - Magnificent Sunday<br />

Guest Closing Festival<br />


The audience at the Antwerp Pride closing party<br />

is in for a treat. In what is sure to be one of the<br />

most talked about performances, the cast of the<br />

upcoming ‘Rent’ will deliver an epic medley of<br />

the highlights from the iconic musical. It’s star<br />

and production manager Tom Buelens gives us<br />

the scoop.<br />

In a nutshell, what is Rent all about?<br />

“’Rent’ tells the story of a group of impoverished<br />

young artists struggling to survive and create a life in<br />

New York City’s East Village, under the shadow of HIV/<br />

AIDS. It ran for twelve years in New York and it scooped<br />

up a lot of awards during that time. And it’s one<br />

of my favorite musicals of all time.”<br />

How did your love affair with ‘Rent’ start out?<br />

“That’s quite a long story. It all started when I made<br />

my first trip to New York, about nine years ago. The<br />

first night I immediately took to to Broadway, to<br />

find out which show I could get last minute tickets<br />

for. That turned out to be ‘Rent’. The show had been<br />

playing already for years and years, since 1996, and<br />

incidentally it was also around the same period that<br />

the movie version came to theaters. Anyway, I saw<br />

the play the next night and it was love at first sight.<br />

I saw it again later that week and on the way back<br />

to Belgium I knew in my heart that one day I would<br />

become part of it’s history.”<br />

When and how did the plans for a Flemish<br />

version emerge?<br />

“I talked about doing it for years, me and my friend<br />

Nico Plinke. By the end of 2013 we decided the timing<br />

was right. The two of us, together with another<br />

friend of mine, Cathy Petit, got together and we just<br />

started working. That collaboration spawned our<br />

brand new production company In Team. In 2014 we<br />

held auditions for several months, we saw approximately<br />

100 people. We chose our cast, a mix between<br />

professionals and amateurs. In total we will have 20<br />

speaking parts and five musicians on stage. And right<br />

now we’re rehearsing like crazy! Hans Focking is our<br />

producer and Door Van Boeckel en Anne Mie Gils are<br />

the ‘godparents’ of this project.”<br />

What is it exactly that you find so spellbinding<br />

about ‘Rent’?<br />

“Everything! It’s instantly recognizably, especially for<br />

gay men. Actually, it’s loosely based on La Bohème<br />

by Puccini. And that’s exactly what it’s about: la vie<br />

bohème. It’s about friendship, and love, and madness.<br />

It’s about sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll. I think some of us<br />

can relate to that. (laughs) Also the background story<br />

is something that I’ve always found to be very poignant.<br />

The writer of the original play, Jonathan Larson,<br />

died of a heart crisis right before ‘Rent’ got it’s big premiere.<br />

That’s just so sad to me.”<br />

Would you consider ‘Rent’ to be a proper musical?<br />

“ I always describe it as a pop-rock show. There’s music<br />

all the way through, but there’s only one set, so it’s<br />

not a big dance musical extravaganza. It has an actual<br />

story, a good, solid story.”<br />

Which part will you be playing?<br />

“I’m playing Tom Collins, an HIV-positive guy who falls<br />

in love with Angel, a drag queen.”<br />

One of the major themes of ‘Rent’ is indeed HIV<br />

and AIDS. What interests me is how you will approach<br />

that, since the play got written in the<br />

nineties. Science has since made great leaps forward<br />

when it comes to fighting AIDS.<br />

“It’s a theme, but not the most important theme, in<br />

my opinion. But yes, it’s a fact that some of the events<br />

in the musical are noncurrent with concern to today’s<br />

medical developments concerning HIV/AIDS, but<br />

that doesn’t mean that ‘Rent’ is outdated or that those<br />

stories as written in that timeperiod are somehow<br />

less worthy of re-telling now, you know? The thing is:<br />

people dying of AIDS, at least in the Western world,<br />


Antwerp Pride - Magnificent Sunday<br />

Guest Closing Festival<br />

thàt’s what’s outdated. Thank god. But that doesn’t<br />

take anything away from the story, which remains<br />

incredibly strong, in my opinion. Also: the music! Ah,<br />

the music. That will never get outdated, trust me, not<br />

ever.”<br />

What will be your mark on the play?<br />

Will you be making it current in any way?<br />

“No, I don’t see a need for that. We’re not going to be<br />

modernizing it. On the contrary, we explicitly want to<br />

take our audience on a ride back to those days. Without<br />

specifying the exact year in which the events occur,<br />

though. I think essentially it’s a timeless piece anyway.”<br />

What are your ambitions?<br />

“First and foremost, there’s a ten dates-run planned at<br />

the end of this year, right here in Antwerp. That’s already<br />

quite ambitious to me. (smiles) But we hope for more,<br />

of course. And when is all said and done with ‘Rent’, we<br />

plan on doing other projects with our production company.<br />

Hopefully in five or maybe ten years we will be<br />

able to call ourself a professional company.”<br />

If you allow yourself to dream for a second, which<br />

other projects would you like to undertake?<br />

“Do you have a couple of hours? The first tone hat comes<br />

to mind is ‘Songs for a new world’. Absolutely breathtakingly<br />

beautiful musical theatre.”<br />

What can the audience at Antwerp Pride expect?<br />

“We haven’t exactly made a final cut concerning which<br />

songs we’ll be performing, but obviously it will be all<br />

the highlights from ‘Rent’. We get fifteen minutes, so it’ll<br />

be a case of ‘kill your darlings’. Hopefully the audience<br />

will be appreciative. We’re very thankful for this opportunity.<br />

After all, we’re a brand new company, we haven’t<br />

proven anything yet.”<br />

You came to prominence almost ten years ago,<br />

when you were one of the finalists in the Flemish<br />

credit fotograaf: Hans Gerritsen<br />

version of ‘The X Factor’. How have you been<br />

keeping yourself busy in the meantime?<br />

“Well, after ‘The X Factor’ I wasn’t immediately drawn to<br />

the world of showbizz. In fact I got a job as a waiter and<br />

that has been my occupation for the better part of the<br />

decade. Only recently i decided to switch things up. So<br />

I left the world of nightlife and resumed my education.<br />

I’m now trying to get my hands on a degree as an accountant.<br />

All that time I never lost my love for music<br />

and theatre though. In the background it remained<br />

very much a part of my life. But it wasn’t until ‘Rent’ that<br />

I really took matters in my own hands again. All of my<br />

energy and free time is now dedicated to getting this<br />

thing off the ground. It’s hard work, organizing everything,<br />

trying to attract sponsors, etc. But it’s absolutely<br />

worth it.”<br />

www.facebook.com/inteamantwerp<br />

www.rentdemusical.be<br />


Antwerp Pride - Magnificent Sunday<br />

Sjalot & Friends Streetparty<br />

Partnerevent<br />



We are proud, that we are yet again able to take<br />

part in Antwerp Pride and would like to thank the<br />

organization for making sure that everything runs<br />

smoothly year after year.<br />

Like previous years, this year too we organize our<br />

Streetparty at Wisselstraat Antwerpen, Sunday<br />

August 9th <strong>2015</strong>. Of course, with the great deejay’s<br />

‘De Draaiende Dozen’ from Amsterdam , it’s the 8<br />

edition , two more to go to celebrate 10 years !<br />

These great ladies will start the party at 6pm, we<br />

will color the sunset above the streets of Antwerp<br />

.Meanwhile the team of Sjalot en Schanul, with<br />

special guest Phillippe Van Genechten from<br />

restaurant Keyzershof will serve homemade fries<br />

accompanied by some great sauces from Ingrid<br />

Neven, Lady chef, from restaurant Pazzo. As usual<br />

the Cava won’t be missing from this party! ‘Sjalot<br />

and Friends Streetparty <strong>2015</strong>’ is on its way!<br />

The southern cuisine of Sjalot en Schanul will be at<br />

your service throughout the entire weekend and<br />

year !! Fresh salads, Filet pur with baked potato’s, a<br />

delicious glass of wine... just some of many things<br />

we offer. Even more, on August 8th the Extravaganza<br />

Kings and Queens special Royal menu diner deal.<br />

Chrisje and Marieke offer good vitamins so you<br />

can party all weekend long and enjoy all the great<br />

festivities. Have fun, enjoy, and the girls welcome<br />

you!<br />

Come, share and invite your Friends.<br />

Sjalot en Schanul bring people together around the<br />

table and on the dance floor!<br />

Sjalot en Schanul<br />

Oude Beurs 12<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

03/ 233 88 75<br />

Kitchen open from 17h00 until 21h30<br />

Closed Tuesday and Wednesday<br />

www.sjalotenschanul.be<br />


Antwerp Pride - Magnificent Sunday<br />

Pink Sunday<br />

Partnerevent<br />



No rainbow flag, just a small sticker with rainbow<br />

colours to the left of the door. A conscious choice.<br />

Right in the centre of Antwerp, behind the famous<br />

Cathedral is DeLux Cafe. The unsuspecting walk to<br />

the lovely terrace to sit in the sun. And suddenly<br />

they think… “Hmm, so many men together...”<br />

That makes for hilarious reactions. It reminds you of<br />

the Gary Larson cartoon where a chicken, lonely and<br />

alone, sits with sunglasses on at the bar, surrounded<br />

by tough and masculine bulls carrying and drinks<br />

with straws. The caption: “Vera looked around the<br />

room. Not another chicken anywhere. And then it<br />

struck her - this was a hay bar!”<br />

Ten years ago, Luc already owned a cafe in Antwerp<br />

in the gay friendly Van Schoonhoven Street, near<br />

Central Station. At the time, they gay bars in the<br />

area were suffering a low point and Luc was looking<br />

for another location. His eye fells on a completely<br />

dilapidated building. However, the location is<br />

perfect.<br />

The building sits in the shadow of the cathedral<br />

on a square where the terrace of the cafe will<br />

eventually be sheltered under beautiful trees. Luc<br />

did not hesitate a moment and decided to acquire<br />

and renovate the property. Cafe DeLux was born.<br />

Because of its nice central location, the Café has<br />

attracted a mixed crowd, gay and straight together,<br />

from the first day.<br />

In 2011 Cafe DeLux celebrated five years of existence.<br />

A great opportunity for a birthday party. It has to be<br />

something special. Pink Sunday is born! The first Pink<br />

Sunday took place in June 2011 simultaneously with<br />

Antwerp Pride.<br />

When the organisers of Antwerp Pride decided to<br />

move to the date of Pride to August to coincide with<br />

the 2013 World Outgames, Luc also moved Café<br />

DeLux’s Pink Sunday to August. Luc deliberately<br />

chose to coincide Pink Sunday with Antwerp Pride.<br />

“I wanted to be present as a café and Antwerp Pride<br />

is a good initiative. If there’s a party I’ll do it. It’s<br />

important that we get something started, and that<br />

we also contribute to a social event,” said Luc.<br />






(Mas’ kara)<br />

STAR<br />

(Mas’ kara)<br />

PINK<br />

presents<br />

PINK sunday<br />

9 AUGUSTUS 15<br />

14 00 | 22 00<br />

MUSIC BY<br />

DJ JOEY<br />

www.cafedelux.be<br />

Melkmarkt 18 Antwerp 2000

Antwerp Pride - Magnificent Sunday<br />

Antwerp Pride - Magnificent Sunday<br />

Pink Sunday<br />

Partnerevent<br />



He has succeeded in this ambition. Pink Sunday has<br />

become a big party. It starts at 15.00 and the music<br />

stops at 22.00. “But that doesn’t mean the pub stops<br />

– it continues until the early hours. Every year we try<br />

to make it a little bigger. Again we have a second bar,<br />

large terrace, DJ and special acts!”<br />

This year the music will be provided by DJ Nick<br />

van Acker, known from Extravaganza and Random.<br />

Regular fixture Zsa Zsa Lamor will also be there. They<br />

will be joined by Miss Belgium Travesty 2014 Danity<br />

Grace, and many others. More than four hundred<br />

guests are expected.<br />

The crowd is diverse and Luc wants to keep it that<br />

way. Everyone parties together until the late hours.<br />

Heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bear or leather boy…<br />

everyone is nice and sits together with a beer or a<br />

mixed cocktail. Cafe DeLux is open, friendly, easy<br />

going and not another clichéd ‘gay bar’. Luc is keen<br />

for this to continue. Everyone should have his or her<br />

place, regardless of sexual orientation, religion or<br />

any belief whatsoever. Just drink a good beer and<br />

a solid mixed drink. Cosiness, atmosphere and ‘cafe<br />

for everyone’ are the key words. Nowhere else in<br />

Antwerp can you find a cathedral, a quiet sheltered<br />

terrace and a diverse audience to create, as Luc likes<br />

to put it: “A really great party.”<br />

Pink Sunday<br />

Sunday 10.08.14<br />

Melkmarkt 18, 2000 Antwerpen<br />

www.cafedelux.be<br />


Antwerp Pride - Magnificent Sunday<br />

Dramaqueen<br />

Partnerevent<br />



They say that good stories do not last long, but<br />

before Antwerp Pride ends, we’re throwing one hell<br />

of a party letting you go out with a bang!<br />

The first edition of DRAMAQUEEN last year was<br />

unforgettable, the following editions in Gran<br />

Canaria also. So there is no doubt this is going to be<br />

the closing party of Antwerp pride, one you do not<br />

want to miss!<br />

Come party and have fun in the sun with us in open<br />

air on the historical Town Square (Grote Markt) of<br />

Antwerp.<br />

Leave the Drama Be A Queen.<br />

International Line Up;<br />

DIMITRI D’ANVERS (BE) Resident of Antwerp Pride,<br />

Belgian Pride, Mezzo Giorno, Wave, Pannekoek, …<br />

His DJ skills brought him through half of Europe,<br />

LA, Tell Aviv, … He’s got you dancing to Deephouse,<br />

Progressive and Crossover<br />

SHARON O’LOVE( UK) Most famous female DJ<br />

on gayparties worldwide! Ok she’s a Lesbian but<br />

nobody’s perfect, lol. Resident at Rapido, Mezzo<br />

Giorno, Hard on! Known for her deep remixes. Keeps<br />

the party going with Progressive-tech-house.<br />

DJ VITTI (SP) ; one of the leading DJ’s at circuit party<br />

Supermartxé. All Star DJ who’s a resident at world<br />

known club Privelege Ibiza. Makes love to your ears<br />

with Progressive, Deephouse and Latin house.<br />

Gracious Drags<br />

Sweet and sour gogo’s<br />

Special effects and huge Led wall<br />


Antwerp Pride - Magnificent Sunday<br />

Cafedelove Pride Edition<br />

Partnerevent<br />





Cafedelove and Antwerp Queer Arts Festival<br />

present Cafedelove Daughters of Darkness<br />

Edition. Join us at Sunday August 9 for an<br />

entertaining evening at Red & Blue.<br />

We start off at 19h with a movie showing on<br />

the big screen of Daughters of Darkness, a true<br />

Belgian culthit made in 1971. Afterwards you<br />

should lock up your daughters and hold on<br />

to your hats... prepare yourself for the Vampire<br />

Queen, Rosie Lugosi! Her stand up performance<br />

combines Terror with a dash of Tease, Glamour<br />

with more than a hint of Hellfire. There’ll be<br />

twisted tunes, killer curves and killer fangs,<br />

hisses and kisses.<br />

Resident DJ Da Pierre will take over and<br />

present you one hell of a party! Cafedelove<br />

and Cafedeluxe are the most fabulous dance<br />

parties for gay women in Antwerp and beyond.<br />

Taste our vibes and come back for more! We<br />

love to welcome you during Antwerp Pride<br />

Weekend and every last Friday of the month for<br />

Cafedeluxe. Cafedelove has a revival now and<br />

then… That’s why we party on Sunday during<br />

Antwerp Pride weekend, in collaboration with<br />

Antwerp Queer Arts Festival. Be curious and<br />

check it out at August 9!<br />

Party ain’t over till Cafedelove! Cafedelove<br />

Daughters of Darkness takes place<br />

Sunday August 9 at Red & Blue, Lange<br />

Schipperskapelstraat 11, 2000 Antwerp<br />

Sunday August 9, <strong>2015</strong><br />

7 PM ‘till 2 AM<br />

Red & Blue, Lange Schipperskapelstraat 11,<br />

Antwerp.<br />

Entrance = 10 euro at the door, 8 euro with a<br />

bracelet of Antwerp Queer Arts Festival<br />

More information: www.cafedelove.com /<br />

www.queerarts.be/ / www.antwerppride.com<br />










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Antwerp Pride - Beautiful Antwerp<br />

Welkom bij Antwerp Pride <strong>2015</strong><br />

Fons Duchateau<br />

schepen voor diversiteit<br />

Welkom in Antwerpen!<br />

Antwerp Pride: Een feest dat gehoord<br />

wordt over de landsgrenzen heen<br />

Welkom in de mooiste stad van<br />

Vlaanderen. Geniet van al het moois<br />

dat onze stad u te bieden heeft en blijf<br />

gerust wat langer hangen. Daar zijn<br />

redenen genoeg voor. Maar dat wist<br />

u al. Antwerpen is niet aan zijn eerste<br />

Pride toe. Het zal vast en zeker ook niet<br />

de laatste zijn.<br />

Het schokeffect dat een Pride in<br />

sommige steden nog steeds heeft, zal u<br />

hier niet vinden. Beelden waarbij politie<br />

de feestvierders moet beschermen<br />

tegen boze manifestanten, zullen hier<br />

niet worden gemaakt. Integendeel, wie<br />

vandaag gelijke rechten nog in twijfel<br />

trekt, zal stoten op een collectieve<br />

verontwaardiging bij de overgrote<br />

meerderheid van zijn medeburgers.<br />

En dat is iets waar ik, als schepen van<br />

diversiteit in deze stad, heel trots op<br />

ben. Antwerpen is een open, tolerante<br />

stad. Een voorbeeld voor steden<br />

wereldwijd. Redenen voor een feestje<br />

zijn er in Antwerpen makkelijk te<br />

vinden, maar niet voor blinde euforie.<br />

Gestreden is de strijd nog lang niet.<br />

Waakzaamheid blijft ook hier geboden.<br />

Geweld tegen holebi’s en transgenders<br />

komt nog steeds te vaak voor in de<br />

politiestatistieken. Ieder geval is er één<br />

te veel.<br />

Maar we hebben een lang weg<br />

afgelegd. Het is goed om die weg<br />

niet te vergeten wanneer we hoopvol<br />

vooruit kijken naar de toekomst. Dit<br />

jaar is het 45 jaar geleden dat de eerste<br />

Pride werd georganiseerd in New York.<br />

Een reactie op een bruut optreden van<br />

de politie in de legendarische homobar,<br />

de ‘Stonewall Inn’. Het vreedzaam een<br />

kleurrijk protest dat daar een jaar later<br />

op zou volgen in 1970, werd door<br />

president Obama terecht omschreven<br />

als een mijlpaal in de strijd voor<br />

mensenrechten. De Prides doken<br />

overal op in de wereld en zouden nooit<br />

meer de mond gesnoerd worden.<br />

In Antwerpen zal u vandaag meer<br />

politieagenten vinden die trots mee<br />

stappen in de optocht dan collega’s<br />

die de feestelijkheden begeleiden. Het<br />

contrast met 1970 kan niet duidelijker<br />

zijn.<br />

Geniet van deze editie van de Antwerp<br />

Pride. Bouw een feestje dat ver buiten<br />

de grenzen van deze stad en dit land<br />

gehoord zal worden. Maak er een<br />

spektakel van dat politici in Europa<br />

en daarbuiten aan het denken zet.<br />

De Antwerp Pride moet de ambitie<br />

hebben om meer te zijn dan een<br />

lokaal fenomeen. Laat het een hart<br />

onder de riem zijn van iedereen<br />

wiens basisrechten vandaag niet<br />

gerespecteerd worden. Samen maken<br />

we het verschil.<br />


Antwerp Pride - Beautiful Antwerp<br />

Welcome to Antwerp Pride <strong>2015</strong><br />

Fons Duchateau<br />

Alderman for diversity<br />

Welcome to Antwerp!<br />

Antwerp Pride: a feast that resonates<br />

beyond our borders.<br />

Welcome in the most beautiful city in<br />

Flanders. Enjoy all the beauty our city<br />

has to offer and please do stay a while<br />

longer. You’ve got enough reasons to<br />

do so. But you know that already. This<br />

is not Antwerp’s first pride and it will<br />

certainly not be the last.<br />

The shocking effect that a Pride still<br />

has in some cities is something you<br />

will not find here. Images whith the<br />

police protecting partygoers against<br />

angy protesters will not be made here.<br />

On the contrary, people who doubt<br />

equality today will meet with a general<br />

outrage from the majority of their<br />

fellow citizens. And that is something<br />

where I, as alderman for diversity in<br />

this city, am very proud of. Antwerp is<br />

an open, tolerant city. An example for<br />

cities worldwide.<br />

Reasons to party are easy to find in<br />

Antwerp, but not in blind euphoria.<br />

The fight is still not over. Vigilance is<br />

still necessary. Violence against LGBT’s<br />

still occur far too often in crime figures.<br />

Every case is one too many.<br />

But we have come a long way. It is<br />

good not to forget the road travelled<br />

when we look towards the future with<br />

hope. 45 years ago, this year, the first<br />

Pride was organised in New York as a<br />

reaction against the violent police raid<br />

on the legendary gay bar The Stonewall<br />

Inn. The peaceful and colourful protest<br />

that followed the year after in 1970 is<br />

rightly described by president Obama<br />

as a milestone in the battle for human<br />

rights.<br />

Prides appeared all over the world<br />

and would never be silenced again. In<br />

Antwerp today you’ll find more police<br />

offcers who will proudly join the parade<br />

than there are colleagues who keep on<br />

eye on the festivities. The contrast with<br />

1970 can not be more significant.<br />

Enjoy this edition of Antwerp Pride.<br />

Have a party that will be heard across<br />

the borders of this city and this country.<br />

Create a spectacle that will make<br />

politicians in Europe and the rest of the<br />

world think. Antwerp Pride must have<br />

the ambition to be more than a local<br />

phenomenon. Let it be a heartwarming<br />

sign for every person whose basic rights<br />

are not being respected today. Together<br />

we make the difference.<br />


Antwerp Pride - Beautiful Antwerp<br />

Antwerp is a girl’s best friend<br />

Markets<br />

Antwerp has always been a ‘market<br />

town’ with a tradition of open markets.<br />

This chilled way of shopping reveals the<br />

real Antwerp for inhabitants and visitors<br />

alike. Local everyday markets are dotted<br />

around the city and over weekends<br />

themed markets offer an abundance of<br />

produce and things for sale.<br />

Antwerp – city on the Scheldt, city of<br />

Rubens, of diamonds, of fashion, a port<br />

city... The sum of all these different aspects<br />

is what makes Antwerp into a real<br />

city: a vibrant, welcoming metropolis,<br />

which is also great fun and heart-warming,<br />

with green areas where you can<br />

relax and peaceful corners. Antwerp is<br />

a veritable cultural capital, which prides<br />

itself on its impressive architecture and<br />

splendid art. Moreover, Antwerp is a<br />

fashionista’s dream destination thanks<br />

to the stores of its world-renowned<br />

designers. Antwerp: a pocket-sized metropolis<br />

which is sure to conquer anyone’s<br />

heart in no time at all.<br />

Designers<br />

Antwerp and design are one and the<br />

same, the Antwerp Six made sure the<br />

spotlight was on Antwerp’s catwalk. It<br />

is a city that values and understands<br />

the importance and potential of design.<br />

Antwerp now struts its stuff with<br />

the who’s who of the fashion world.The<br />

proof however is in the pudding – take<br />

a look at the stores and boutiques lining<br />

the streets!<br />

Shopping<br />

One of the many titles bestowed on<br />

Antwerp in the sixteenth century was<br />

‘triomfelycke coopstad’ (triumphant<br />

shopping city). Even today, the city languishes<br />

in the accolades of shoppers in<br />

the know - shopping in Antwerp means<br />

pedestrian streets, historic dwellings<br />

and bustling shopping centres.<br />

Attractions<br />

Antwerp is for everyone, if you are<br />

looking for a fun and educational excursion,<br />

Antwerp is a treasure trove of<br />

adventure and experiences. Admire<br />

Antwerp underground, play in a real<br />

pirate’s ship, see animals in all sizes and<br />

colours, watch sharks swim overhead or<br />

discover how you can live a more ecological<br />

life.<br />



SEIZOEN <strong>2015</strong>—2016<br />

Tannhäuser (Wagner) — Choreolab — Armida (Rossini) — Van Manen /<br />

Cherkaoui — La Bohème (Puccini) — De Notenkraker — Otello (Verdi) —<br />

Doornroosje — Der König Kandaules (Zemlinksy) — Idomeneo (Mozart) —<br />

Ravel — Aufstieg und Fall der stadt Mahagonny (Weill)<br />


Antwerp Pride - Beautiful Antwerp<br />

Gay venue addresses<br />


Red & Blue<br />

Hessenhuis<br />

Que Pasa<br />

Bonaparte<br />

Cafe Delux<br />

Popi Café<br />

Twi-Light<br />

Bianci<br />

Velvet Café<br />

The Boots<br />

Random<br />

Cafe Strange<br />

The Kinkys<br />

Den Draak<br />

Lange Schipperskapelstraat 11<br />

Falconrui 59<br />

Lange Koepoortstraat 1<br />

Grote Markt 21<br />

Melkmarkt 18<br />

Plantinkaai 11<br />

Nieuwstad 4<br />

Leopoldplaats 1<br />

Ellermansstraat 58<br />

Van Aerdtstraat 22<br />

Geulincxstraat 28<br />

Dambruggestraat 161<br />

Lange Beeldekensstraat 10<br />

Draakplaats 1<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2060 Antwerpen<br />

2060 Antwerpen<br />

2060 Antwerpen<br />

2060 Antwerpen<br />

2060 Antwerpen<br />

2018 Antwerpen<br />

www.redandblue.be<br />

www.hessenhuis.com<br />

www.cafe-que-pasa.be<br />

www.bonaparte.be<br />

www.cafedelux.be<br />

www.popi.be<br />

www.the-boots.com<br />

www.rox-antwerp.be<br />

www.cafe-strange.be<br />

www.kinkys.be<br />

www.dendraak.be<br />


Toys 4 Boys<br />

Mister B<br />

Verschil<br />

Wo-men in fine art<br />

Meir<br />

Kammenstraat<br />

Kloosterstraat<br />

Nationalestraat<br />

Manplayz<br />

Gayron<br />

Stadsfeestzaal<br />

Glamor-Us Make up for all<br />

Wakko<br />

Florartes<br />

Nosestraat 6<br />

Falconplein 14<br />

Minderbroedersrui 33<br />

Wolstraat 45<br />

Meir<br />

Kammenstraat<br />

Kloosterstraat<br />

Nationalestraat<br />

Sint-Jacobsmarkt 75<br />

Van Wesenbekestraat 54<br />

Meir 78 / Hoplad 31<br />

Oude Beurs 25 2000 Antwerpen<br />

Kasteelpleinstraat 37<br />

Mechelsesteenweg 159<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2060 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2018 Antwerpen<br />

www.toys4boysleather.com<br />

www.misterb.com<br />

www.verschil.be<br />

www.wo-meninfineart.be<br />

www.beleefantwerpen.be<br />

www.kammenstraat,com<br />

www.kloosterstraat.be<br />

www.manplayz.be<br />

www.gayron.be<br />

www.stadsfeestzaal.be<br />

www.wakko.be<br />

www.florartes.be<br />

EVENTS<br />

Q.A.F. - Galerij Verbeeck-Van Dyck<br />

Extravaganza<br />

Terrazza<br />

Cafe De Love<br />

Sjalot & Friends<br />

Wave<br />

Closing Festival<br />

Pannekoek<br />

Pink Sunday<br />

Roof of Love<br />

7 Years Reload<br />

Workshop Media&Activism<br />

Network event : I am Pride<br />

QAF Cinema<br />

A Hard <strong>Night</strong><br />

Midsummer Party<br />

Westkaai, Verbindingsdok 12<br />

Verversrui 15<br />

Van Schoonbekeplein<br />

Lange Schipperskapelstraat 11<br />

Wisselstraat<br />

Steenplein<br />

Grote Markt<br />

Grote Markt 21<br />

Melkmarkt 18<br />

Nieuwstad 4<br />

Korte Winkelstraat 11<br />

Radisson Blu Koningin Astridplein 7<br />

Permeke, De Coninckplein 25-26<br />

Cartoons Kaasstraat 4<br />

D’Herbouvillekaai 25<br />

Draakplaats<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2018 Antwerpen<br />

2060 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2020 Antwerpen<br />

2018 Antwerpen<br />

www.queerarts.be<br />

www.extravaganza-party.be<br />

www.terrazza.nu<br />

www.cafedelove.be<br />

www.pannekoek-antwerpen.be<br />

www.antwerppride.be<br />

www.antwerppride.be<br />

www.cinemacartoons.be<br />

www.ahardnight.com<br />


Antwerp Pride - Beautiful Antwerp<br />

Gay venue addresses<br />

FOOD<br />

Sjalot & Schanul<br />

D’Aa Toert<br />

City Coffe<br />

Tartine<br />

The Chocolate Box<br />

Balto’s<br />

Maurice & Dietrich<br />

Braboke<br />

Appelmans<br />

Cafe Noir<br />

Gunther Watté<br />

Wok Away<br />

Monkey King<br />

‘t Injaske<br />

Reload<br />

Josephine’s<br />

Down Town<br />

Oude Beurs 12<br />

Oude Beurs 46<br />

Sint-Paulusstraat 40<br />

Minderbroedersrui 60<br />

Wijngaardstraat 15<br />

Grote Markt 20<br />

Grote Markt 32<br />

Grote Markt 18<br />

Papenstraatje 1<br />

Steenhouwersvest 15<br />

Steenhouwersverst 30 b<br />

Groendaalstraat 14<br />

Lange Dijkstraat 12<br />

Grote Kauwenberg 5<br />

Korte Winkelstraat 11<br />

Gentplaats 1<br />

Van Schoonbekeplein 3<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2060 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

www.sjalotenschanul.be<br />

www.daa-toert.be<br />

www.citycoffe.be<br />

www.chocolateboxantwerpen.com<br />

www.braboke.be<br />

www.brasserieappelmans.be<br />

www.caffenoir.be<br />

www.watte.be<br />

www.wokaway.com<br />

www.monkeyking.be<br />

www.tinjaske.be<br />

www.reloadantwerpen.be<br />

www.josephines.be<br />

www.downtown.be<br />

SAUNAS<br />

Herenhuis sauna<br />

Kouros sauna<br />

De Lescluzestraat 63<br />

Botermelkbaan 50<br />

2600 Berchem<br />

2900 Schoten<br />

www.gaysaunaherenhuis.be<br />

www.kouros.be<br />


Villa T<br />

Holiday Inn Express<br />

G8<br />

Mercure<br />

Radisson Blu Astrid<br />

Ibis Styles<br />

Ibis Antwerpen Centrum<br />

Century Hotel<br />

Ibis Budget Antwerpen City<br />

Ibis Budget Haven<br />

Verversrui 17/19<br />

Italiëlei 2<br />

Trapstraat 20<br />

Molenbergstraat 9<br />

Koningin Astridplein 7<br />

K. Astridplein 43<br />

Meistraat 39<br />

Pelikaanstraat 20<br />

Lange Kievitstraat 145<br />

Luithagen-Haven 6<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2060 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2018 Antwerpen<br />

2018 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2018 Antwerpen<br />

2018 Antwerpen<br />

2030 Antwerpen<br />

www.villat.be<br />

www.hiexpressantwerp.be<br />

www.g8.be<br />

www.mercure-antwerpen-centrum-opera.com<br />

www.radissonblu.com/astridhotel-antwerp<br />

www.ibisstyles-antwerpen.com<br />

www.ibis.com/antwerpen<br />

www.demahotels.be<br />

www.ibis.com/antwerpen<br />

www.ibis.com/antwerpen<br />


ITG Helpcenter<br />

Police<br />

Sensoa<br />

Het Roze Huis<br />

Sint-Andriesstraat 7<br />

Oudaan 5<br />

F. Rooseveltplaats 12<br />

Draakplaats 1<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

2060 Antwerpen<br />

2018 Antwerpen<br />

www.helpcenteritg.be<br />

www.5345.be<br />

www.sensoa.be<br />

www.hetrozehuis.be<br />



Antwerp Pride - Beautiful Antwerp<br />

New gay hot spots<br />


S P E K<br />

Ofcourse we all know Bonaparte as one of the<br />

stalwarts in the Antwerp gay scene, but from this<br />

Pride on they’ll come up with a brand new way of<br />

clubbing. Do you like it black, strong or sometimes<br />

with cream, cinnamon or sugar? Then have a<br />

STARBUGS. No nonsense, dance charts hits, bling<br />

(lot’s of bling!) featuring a great DJ lineup: Zinno<br />

(Supergays) and Stewie Layhé from Twinkfarm<br />

and Flash. The party will be hosted by Kitti Katoi.<br />

Ready for some booty shakin’ , fire makin’ ass<br />

twerking love? Then get your first STARBUGS hot<br />

hot hot! Don’t miss it, for the first time during<br />

Antwerp Pride on Friday August 7th and from<br />

September every first Sunday of the month.<br />

Grote markt 21 2000 Antwerpen at 10pm, open<br />

end, free entrance<br />

The Antwerp gay scene caters for all. A fairly<br />

new addition to the party scene is the monthly<br />

gay dance party SPEK, already known for their<br />

original locations. The nice people of SPEK<br />

describe their gigs as: ‘No restrictions, no<br />

compromises. Long stretched dj sets crafted<br />

with house, disco & techno will lead you in<br />

the morning. Feel us, we feel you.’ Check their<br />

Facebook page for updates on dates and<br />

locations and visit spekbek.tumblr.com or<br />

soundcloud.com/spekbek<br />

JUDAS<br />

H.I.M<br />

Ready for the latest gay party concept? Check<br />

out Judas! As its name suggests, not your<br />

average goodie two shoes party, but a rather<br />

edgy and naughty concept. Do not expect<br />

darkrooms and glory holes, as Judas is more<br />

suggestive than explicit. A tasty and artistic<br />

crowd of dancers will tickle all your senses<br />

while dancing on the most seductive beats at<br />

the moment. In line with current European gay<br />

scene party concepts, Judas will cater for an<br />

eclectic and self-conscious crowd and offers a<br />

variety of club music styles. Venue and dates will<br />

be made available sporadically via facebook.<br />

com and other social media.weekend nights.<br />

H.I.M, the baby within the Belgian gay scene, only 1<br />

year old and already legendary. By bringing world<br />

famous concepts like Matinee and Circuit Festival<br />

to Belgium and most of all by putting icon Offer<br />

Nissim for the very first time behind a Belgian<br />

deejay booth, the H.I.M Festival soon became one<br />

of the most popular gay brands in all Benelux. H.I.M<br />

differs from most existing gay concepts by creating<br />

their very own visuals and style, which are a huge<br />

hit on social media. And most of all it’s different<br />

from all others because everyone is welcome at<br />

H.I.M and you can take that literally. Because H.I.M<br />

does not offer 1, but 3 or even 4 rooms which all<br />

have their own musical style and entertainment.<br />

Keep an eye on this one in the future...<br />


Antwerp Pride - Beautiful Antwerp<br />

New gay hot spots<br />

chocolate store all-in-one. The vintage interior<br />

has an Amélie Poulain-like quality to it and the<br />

ladies like to refer to chocolate as ‘a pleasure<br />

to your senses’. Point taken. During Antwerp<br />

Pride, the rainbow flag will proudly flap, so feel<br />

free to stop by for coffee, breakfast, sweets, and<br />

not to forget: chocolates in all shapes and sizes.<br />

Open Tuesday-Sunday 9:30-18:00. More info at<br />

www.chocolateboxantwerpen.com<br />

appointment or afternoon coffee meeting<br />

place during those busy Antwerp Pride<br />

days.<br />

On Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 August, The<br />

Pink Breakfast will feature on the menu for<br />

all those hungry Antwerp Pride visitors.<br />

Think pink bubbles, pink cupcakes and<br />

much more. More info at www.citycoffee.<br />

be.<br />

PADAM<br />

Among all hip and trending concepts, why<br />

not redirect your attention to your alltime<br />

favorite ballroom, disco and dance<br />

classics? A party that ends before most<br />

others start. This Sunday tea dance for<br />

gays and their friends has built itself quite<br />

a reputation in terms of feel good music<br />

and atmosphere. And yes, they play the<br />

(in)famous La Bamba on every occasion.<br />

Hosted by the unrivaled lady of the house<br />

Vinyl Desertstorm, Padam starts as early<br />

as 18:00 and offers free finger foods and no<br />

entrance fee. Regular editions take place<br />

at Noorderterras, but an open air edition is<br />

hosted every year @ DELUX cafe. And yes,<br />

you guessed right: it is Edith Piaf herself<br />

who calls it a night after all is said and<br />

done: Padam Padam Padam! Check the<br />

upcoming edition at www.facebook.com/<br />

padamteadanceantwerpen .<br />


Whether you want to grab a coffee to go<br />

or take your time and indulge in a copious<br />

breakfast, Antwerp has another excellent<br />

coffee house in the heart of the city (Sint<br />

Paulusstraat 40). With its sleek design<br />

and (gay)friendly staff , City Coffee caters<br />

to your every whim and craving with it<br />

seemingly endless choice in coffee, tea and<br />

juices, as well as a wide variety of breakfast,<br />

sandwiches, salads and sweets.<br />

Opened Monday- Friday from 8:00-17:00 and<br />

Saturday-Sunday 9:00-17:00, City Coffee<br />

could be your perfect start of the day, lunch<br />

CZONS<br />

Four times a year, or every “Czon” a ‘seasonal<br />

family gathering’ takes place somewhere in<br />

Antwerp at an unexpected venue. Czons links<br />

up with Ancient Future (record label from<br />

Cologne) who send their top DJs to ensure<br />

vibes all night long. Customizing your outfit<br />

can be done on location by EMMA, but each<br />

czon requires different styles, of course. More<br />

info on upcoming events on www.facebook.<br />

com/491517411017800/<br />


Considered by some as Antwerp Pride’s<br />

naughty brother, Leather Pride has built itself<br />

a rather loyal crowd of dedicated followers<br />

ever since its first edition back in 2010. The<br />

initial idea was to bring together people and<br />

organisations from the (mainly gay) fetish<br />

world and create openness and awareness<br />

around his gay sub-segment. Leather Pride<br />

started as a main party on Saturday night,<br />

flanked by some side activities, but has since<br />

grown into a two day indoor festival, flanked<br />

by three major parties, a fetish market and<br />

numerous side activities. With some 600<br />

visitors in 2010, the sixth edition welcomed<br />

no less than 4,000 fetish fans to Antwerp<br />

last February, from all over Europe and<br />

increasingly also the United States. Although<br />

Leather Pride does not stage any specific<br />

events during Antwerp pride, it might be<br />

worth checking out your diary and revisiting<br />

our beautiful city somewhere in February<br />

2016. More info at www.leatherpride.be or<br />

www.facebook.com/leatherpridebelgium.<br />


Mateloos fris

Antwerp Pride - Beautiful Antwerp<br />

3<br />

6<br />

4 2<br />

5 1<br />

7<br />


Antwerp Pride - Beautiful Antwerp<br />


1 Central Station<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

Meir<br />

Historic City Center<br />

De Wilde Zee<br />

Quartier Latin<br />

The Fashion District<br />

The South District<br />


Antwerp Pride - Beautiful Antwerp<br />

Central Station<br />

Welcome to the dazzling city of Antwerp. Enjoy the spectacular sparkle of the world’s<br />

biggest diamond centre. Delve into the more exotic neighbourhoods of Antwerp starting<br />

with Chinatown.<br />

Discover design at the Winkelhaak design centre. Or simply head over to the shopping<br />

galleries in De Keyserlei or the Atrium shopping mall. And if you’re all shopped out, why not<br />

sit down to a movie in one of the 17 theatres of the UGC cinemas?<br />

Meir<br />

All the big brands in a prominent location. Welcome to Antwerp’s most renowned pedestrian<br />

shopping street. Meir’s renovated historically valuable architecture is home to the biggest<br />

international shoe and clothing brands. The new prestigious shopping mall in Stadsfeestzaal<br />

is also worth taking in. Discover the beautiful Rubens’ House and a number of convivial<br />

brasseries in Wapper, off Meir.<br />


Antwerp Pride - Beautiful Antwerp<br />

Historic City Centre<br />

Sightseeing and shopping. Grote Markt, Groenplaats and Antwerp’s beautiful cathedral are<br />

surrounded by a myriad of convivial narrow<br />

streets with several souvenir and specialty stores. Walk over to Wolstraat and Lange<br />

Koepoortstraat through the Grand Bazar Shopping Center where you will find a fine assortment<br />

of books and antiques. Finally, end the day with a romantic dinner in one of the many<br />

restaurants in Hendrik Conscienceplein.<br />

De Wilde Zee<br />

Discover authentic Antwerp craftsmanship. Whether you are looking for exquisite<br />

gastronomic delicacies or a delicious lunch, some fashionable accessories or the newest<br />

exclusive beauty<br />

products, the pedestrian streets of the Wilde Zee neighbourhood have it all. The key word<br />

here is authentic craftsmanship. Antwerp’s refined side is also tangible in Huidevetterstraat<br />

and Lange Gasthuisstraat.<br />


Antwerp Pride - Beautiful Antwerp<br />

Quartier Latin<br />

In a league of its own. If it’s timeless chic that you want, then you will be sure to find<br />

something in the clothing stores in Schuttershofstraat and Hopland. The same applies to<br />

the antiques stores in this neighbourhood, which are located on Leopoldstraat, with more<br />

antiques stores as well as interior decoration experts along Sint-Jorispoort and Mechelsesteenweg.<br />

The Horta complex is the one-stop-shop for food, architecture and shopping.<br />

The Fashion District<br />

A trendsetter with international allure. The Academy, the ModeNatie, the MoMu or Fashion<br />

Museum, the Flanders Fashion Institute, etc. If you’re looking for the creative heart of<br />

Antwerp’s fashion scene, then Nationalestraat and the surrounding streets are the place to be.<br />

For a more individual take on streetwear, head over to Kammenstraat while Kloosterstraat’s<br />

eclectic stores are paradise for any antiques treasure-hunter.<br />


Antwerp Pride - Beautiful Antwerp<br />

The South District<br />

Hip, trendy and delectable! Three major museums, a number of reputable auction houses,<br />

various galleries and the unique new Law Courts. Add a matching mix of design and interior<br />

decoration stores as well as an endless assortment of cafés, terraces and restaurants and there<br />

you have it: the South district – the perfect ending to your shopping excursion to Antwerp.<br />

Because art and gastronomic art go hand in hand in this part of the city.<br />

City Hall Antwerp<br />


DRIES<br />



STRAAT<br />













SCH DOK<br />


OK<br />


AN<br />


loriantlaan<br />









ENLAAN<br />



36<br />

osterlaan<br />

36<br />


GENT-<br />

PLAATS<br />


ROEM ER<br />

Farneseplein<br />

36<br />

36<br />

34<br />

12 Bolivarplaats<br />

A.<br />

FARNESE-<br />

PLEIN<br />



Stedelijk<br />

Lyceum<br />



FOTO-<br />

MUSEUM<br />

Zuid<br />


Bolivarplaats<br />


GILLIS-<br />

PLAATS<br />

BOLIVAR-<br />

PLAATS<br />

AAT<br />

W. SCOTTSTR.<br />






THOMAS<br />

MORUS-<br />

PLEIN<br />

W . RAABESTR.<br />
















Verhaerenlaan<br />

Eindhalte<br />

81 82 83<br />

84 85 87<br />

89 93 95<br />


97 99 99s<br />

VAN EEDEN-<br />

PLEIN<br />

Eedenplein<br />

Van Eedenplein<br />

Van Eeden<br />

Waterpoort<br />

NIEUW<br />


HOF VAN<br />

BEROEP<br />

30<br />

36<br />

Zuid<br />

Bolivarplaats<br />

BARON<br />


LAAN<br />


Sint-Michielskaai<br />

M HKA<br />

Visserskaai<br />



4<br />

34<br />


Waterpoort<br />


PLAATS<br />

4<br />

Pacificatie<br />



30 34<br />

AT<br />

34<br />

180 181<br />

182 183<br />

291 295<br />


TROON-<br />

PLAATS<br />


30<br />

3 5<br />

9<br />

L. DE WAELSTR.<br />



15<br />





MONTY<br />









30<br />

34<br />

291<br />

295<br />

30<br />

34<br />

Eindhalte<br />

291 295<br />



STRAAT<br />





ZAND<br />






Amerikalei<br />



12<br />

291<br />

295<br />

Montigny<br />

Troonplaats<br />

Museum<br />



4<br />

181<br />

183<br />

295<br />



PLAATS<br />





OEVER<br />




180<br />

182<br />

291<br />

MUSEUM<br />



30<br />

34<br />

291<br />





STRAAT<br />




36<br />

Suikerrui/<br />

Steenplein<br />

Sint-Jansvliet<br />

BOUW-<br />


STRAAT<br />



Bres<br />

STEEN<br />









POMP-<br />

STRAAT<br />


STRAAT<br />

MARNIX-<br />

PLAATS<br />









V EST<br />

Sint-Pietersvliet<br />

ERS-<br />


SAUCIER-<br />

STRAAT<br />


KUIPERS-<br />

STRAAT<br />


STRAAT<br />




7<br />



GORTER-<br />

STRAAT<br />









STRAAT<br />






PLAATS<br />

GROTE<br />



WISSEL-<br />

STRAAT<br />







BOLWERK-<br />

STRAAT<br />



VAN<br />


PLEIN<br />


STRAAT<br />





Sint-Pietersvliet<br />

30<br />

34<br />

291<br />

4<br />

Eindhalte<br />

22 180<br />

181 182<br />

183<br />

4 22<br />

180 181<br />

182 183<br />

Tropisch Instituut<br />

ZUID<br />

Bestorming<br />

Bres<br />


Tavernierkaai<br />



Groenplaats<br />







BREDE-<br />

STRAAT<br />


OUDE-<br />

MANS-<br />

STRAAT<br />



GEEFS-<br />

HOFS-<br />

TRAAT<br />



PANDSTR.<br />








Groenplaats<br />


22<br />

1 12<br />

13 24<br />

290 500<br />




SINT-KATE-<br />


MARKT<br />

11<br />


PLEIN<br />

SINT<br />

CAROLUS-<br />


KERK<br />

Melkmarkt<br />


STRAAT<br />




OUDAAN<br />


ROSIER<br />

LEGUIT<br />









STRAAT<br />


BATAVIA-<br />

STRAAT<br />





AMUZ<br />


STRAAT<br />

STRAAT<br />



10<br />

10 11<br />

3 5<br />

9 15<br />

17<br />

Sint-Pietersvliet<br />

Kronenburgstraat<br />

Begijnenvest<br />

Rijnkaai<br />

Tavernierkaai<br />


4<br />








Melkmarkt<br />

BEDDEN-<br />

STRAAT<br />









MAS<br />





PLAATS<br />



Meirbrug<br />


Oudaan<br />

Sint-<br />

Katelijne<br />

Sint-<br />

Andries<br />

Scheldestraat<br />

Sanderusstraat<br />

291 Rijnkaai<br />

7<br />

OUD<br />




STRAAT<br />







NASSAU-<br />

BRUG<br />

Klapdorp<br />

Sint-<br />

Katelijne<br />

Mechelseplein<br />

Kasteelplein<br />

22<br />








STRAAT<br />

4<br />

7<br />

7<br />

4<br />

7<br />



KOMEDIE-<br />

PLAATS<br />










WILLEM-<br />

BRUG<br />








RAAP-<br />

STRAAT<br />

Keizerstraat<br />

MUSEUM<br />

PLANTIN-<br />



Meir<br />


Ballaarstraat<br />





PRUYNEN-<br />

STRAAT<br />

GRAMAYE-<br />

STRAAT<br />

LEOPOLD-<br />

PLAATS<br />

KILIAAN-<br />

STRAAT<br />

1 13 Eilandje<br />





SINT-<br />

ANDRIES-<br />

KERK<br />







STRAAT<br />







LG. BRILSTR.<br />







Felixarchief<br />


PALEIS<br />

OP DE MEIR<br />


WAPPER<br />





Nationale<br />

Bank<br />



STRAAT<br />

PLAATS<br />

STRAAT<br />

10<br />

7<br />


STRAAT<br />




MEIR<br />



NOORSE<br />

ZEEMANS-<br />

KERK<br />

HESSEN-<br />

HUIS<br />

Hessenbrug<br />

4<br />

11<br />
























STRAAT<br />


FRANS<br />

HALS<br />

PLEIN<br />

LOUIZA-<br />












4<br />

7<br />

Van Bree<br />

Cadixstraat<br />

17<br />

Sint-Jacob<br />

Sint-Jacob<br />

1 12<br />

13 24<br />

290 500<br />

1 13<br />

602 605<br />

621 629<br />

642 762<br />

19<br />

30<br />

Stadspark<br />



7<br />

34<br />

1 12<br />

13 24<br />

290 500<br />

Hemel<br />

4<br />

Gounod<br />

600 601<br />

610 620<br />

640 641<br />

763 764<br />







STRAAT<br />

APOSTEL_<br />

STRAAT<br />









10<br />

3 5<br />

9 15<br />

1<br />

13<br />

11<br />

FLORIS-<br />

STRAAT<br />




1<br />

13<br />

762<br />

763<br />

764<br />

Tunnelplaats<br />


36<br />

17 191<br />




1 13 600<br />

601 602 605<br />

610 620 621<br />

629 640 641<br />

642<br />

Rodestraat<br />

NOORDER-<br />

PLAATS<br />




1 12 13<br />

24 20 191<br />

290 500 507<br />


MEMLING-<br />

STRAAT<br />



DUBOIS-<br />

STRAAT<br />




MARIA-<br />





STRAAT<br />


STRAAT<br />




1<br />

13<br />


20 191<br />

507<br />


1 13<br />

602 605<br />

642 720<br />

761 762<br />

770 771<br />

776<br />

Paardenmarkt<br />

Paardenmarkt<br />

Jezusstraat<br />

Teniers<br />





Opera<br />


STRAAT<br />

600 31 601<br />

640 641<br />

730 760<br />

763 764<br />

772 775<br />

Noorder - plaats<br />

Rubenslei<br />

17<br />

34<br />

VONDEL-<br />

STRAAT<br />



4<br />


30<br />

HOUWER-<br />

STRAAT<br />


STRAAT<br />



OPERA<br />

Sint-Vincentius<br />

2 6<br />

15<br />



600 601 602 605<br />

610 620 621 629<br />

640 641 642 720<br />

730 760 761 762<br />

763 764 770 771<br />

772 775 776<br />

VIOLIER-<br />

STRAAT<br />


STRAAT<br />

20 191<br />

290 500<br />

507<br />

SINT-JANS-<br />

PLEIN<br />

Sint-Jansplein<br />







191<br />

507<br />

VAN AERDT-<br />

STRAAT<br />

UGC<br />

413<br />


F. Rooseveltplaats<br />

Quellin<br />

Belgiëlei<br />







17 191<br />

507<br />



D<br />

R<br />





34<br />

20 191<br />

507<br />

Loosplaats<br />




NO<br />

36 413 6<br />

602 605 6<br />

621 629 6<br />

642 720 7<br />

761 762 7<br />

770 771 7<br />

776<br />

SIN<br />

3 5<br />

9 15<br />

8<br />

BRIAL<br />

M<br />

Rotterd<br />

Loosplaats<br />

E<br />

D<br />

Cent<br />

Sta<br />

17<br />

32<br />

20<br />

D<br />

Cen<br />

Kie<br />

Lange<br />

Leemstra<br />

Van Schoonbekeplein<br />

Kempenstraat<br />

Londenstraat<br />

Tunnelplaats<br />


I<br />

OK<br />


PASTORIJ -<br />

STRAAT<br />

KT.<br />

STRAAT<br />

A.<br />

K<br />

KAAI<br />


RAAT<br />







DE CONINC-<br />

PLEIN<br />


STRAAT<br />



413 600 601<br />

605 610 620<br />

629 640 641<br />

720 730 760<br />

762 763 764<br />

771 772 775<br />








Astrid<br />

Centraal St ation<br />

5<br />

15<br />

8<br />

Diamant<br />

Centraal<br />

Station<br />

17<br />

32<br />

20<br />

12<br />

21<br />

Richard<br />

tterdamstraat<br />

De Coninck<br />

Astrid<br />


Lange<br />

Kievitstraat<br />

ts<br />

Ellermanstraat<br />

e<br />

straat<br />


2 6<br />

15<br />

17<br />

32<br />

12<br />




2<br />

5<br />

2 6<br />

9 15<br />

21<br />



-<br />

AT<br />



413<br />

3<br />

6<br />

ASTRID-<br />

PLEIN<br />

Mercatorstraat<br />

4<br />





17<br />

32<br />

12<br />


GANG<br />








3 S<br />

STR<br />





30<br />

12<br />

34<br />

KIEVIT<br />


2 6<br />

9 15<br />

Charlottalei<br />

600<br />

602<br />




STRAAT<br />


ZOO<br />

601<br />

605<br />




Plantin<br />

Damplein<br />


STRAAT<br />


TRAP-<br />

STRAAT<br />

BARON<br />


23 610<br />

620 621<br />

629<br />


STRAAT<br />




10 19 23 24<br />

31 68 410 411<br />

412 414 415 416<br />

417 418 427 429<br />


9<br />

32<br />

Lamorinièrestraat<br />

Lamorinièrestraat<br />





12 12<br />

JOS<br />


413<br />

PLEIN<br />

DAM-<br />

PLEIN<br />

Trapstraat<br />



12<br />





STRAAT<br />

Elisabethstraat<br />

Elisabeth<br />



Ommeganck<br />

11<br />



DE BOEY-<br />

STRAAT<br />




VAN CAMP-<br />

STRAAT<br />







Gasstraat<br />









8<br />

Van Den Nestlei<br />

Montensstraat<br />

Lamorinièrestraat<br />

Ploeg<br />

Zurenborg<br />



11<br />

4<br />

DAM<br />


Station<br />

Dam<br />

Diepestraat<br />


Lente<br />



STRAAT<br />






WILLY<br />


PLEIN<br />


PLEIN<br />








KORTE<br />




20 21<br />

11<br />

Plantin &<br />

Moretus<br />








KORTE<br />















PLAATS<br />



RAAFSTR.<br />








STRAAT<br />



23 23<br />

34<br />

9<br />

32<br />


11<br />

2<br />

5<br />

413<br />

3<br />

6<br />







Weilandstraat<br />

KORTE<br />

LOBROEK-<br />

STRAAT<br />

Stuivenbergplein<br />

Handelsteeg<br />


30<br />

Korte<br />

Van Bloerstraat<br />

Kerkstraa t<br />

23<br />


ALFONS<br />




FRANS<br />







STRAAT<br />













PLEIN<br />


PLAATS<br />

Dageraadplaats<br />

DAM<br />

19<br />


WAT<br />


















DRAAK-<br />

PLAATS<br />


KORTE<br />


STRAAT<br />

Handel<br />



34<br />


Sint-Willibrorduskerk<br />

V. Ruusbroec<br />

Handel<br />

Langstraat<br />

20<br />

30<br />

34<br />

LAAR<br />







PLEIN<br />

Plantin &<br />

Moretuslei<br />

21<br />

30<br />

34<br />


PLAATS<br />








STRAAT<br />


STRAAT<br />





KOX-<br />

PLEIN<br />


COG<br />

STRAAT<br />




11<br />

21<br />

34<br />

20<br />

30<br />

Draakplaats<br />

TRAM-<br />

PLEIN<br />


Halenstraat<br />





DRINK<br />


DE WINTER-<br />

STRAAT<br />






STRAAT<br />







Van Helmontstraat<br />

A. Z. Stuiv enberg<br />

30<br />

34<br />

Lange Van Bloerstraat<br />

10 24 30 31<br />

34 68 410 411<br />

412 414 415 416<br />

417 418 427 429<br />

Drink<br />

23<br />


19<br />



171<br />


8<br />

19<br />

23<br />




STRAAT<br />

J. DE<br />





KRUGER-<br />

PLEIN<br />


PLEIN<br />


PRINS<br />

LEOPOLD-<br />

STRAAT<br />


STRAAT<br />







23<br />


Schijnpoort<br />

34<br />












KORTE<br />






DE WETSTR.<br />










VAN DE<br />

POELSTR.<br />



30<br />



PLEIN<br />

2<br />

5<br />

34<br />

12 Sportpaleis SPORTPALEIS<br />

Sportpaleis<br />

Slachthuislaan<br />

3<br />

6<br />

Morckhoven<br />

Groeningerplein<br />

Helmstraat<br />

12<br />

23<br />


30<br />

STRAAT<br />

DE ROMA<br />

20<br />

413<br />


19<br />

2<br />

6<br />




STRAAT<br />

CÉRÈS-<br />

STRAAT<br />

EXAMEN-<br />

STRAAT<br />



Sport<br />

3<br />


38<br />

Schijnpoort<br />




JAN<br />

BORLUUT-<br />

PLEIN<br />

Ranststraat<br />










RAOUL<br />


PLEIN<br />





De Roma<br />


Station<br />

Oost<br />

STRAAT<br />

BEUKEN-<br />

Schijnpoort<br />

38<br />

Station<br />

Oost<br />



34<br />






30<br />

Zegel<br />

3<br />

6<br />

12<br />

TERLOO-<br />

PLEIN<br />




ASSTR.<br />



38<br />

34<br />

Neptunusstraat<br />

Sportpaleis<br />

38<br />

5<br />

Borgerhout<br />

30<br />

Turnhoutsebaan<br />

38<br />

Stenenbrug<br />



Borgerhout<br />





BERTEM<br />

FERMONT-<br />

PLEIN<br />



20<br />

8<br />

24<br />

31<br />

420<br />

422<br />

421<br />

423<br />

19<br />

H. VA<br />


38<br />

413<br />

Van Nevelestraat<br />

Sportpaleis<br />

Turnhoutsepoort<br />














Technisch Centrum<br />

Hof Ter Lo<br />

Stenenbrug<br />

Frans<br />

De Vriendtstraat<br />


HOF TER LO<br />

HOF TER LO<br />

Hof Ter Lo<br />

J. English<br />

Luitenant<br />

Lippenslaan<br />



20<br />





R. HEYLEN-<br />

STRAAT<br />



38<br />

Van Deynsestraat<br />

8<br />

24<br />

19 413<br />



415<br />



33<br />

Karel Van De<br />

Woestijnelei<br />




Ten Eekhove<br />





STRAAT<br />


JOZEF<br />


10 410 411<br />

412 414<br />

68 416 417<br />

418 427 429<br />

J. Posenaerstraat<br />

W. Woodstraat<br />

STRAAT<br />



PLEIN<br />


Berchemlei<br />

33<br />


Berchemlei<br />



ZAAL<br />

Sint-<br />

Gummarus<br />

Sint-Erasmusziekenhuis<br />

Sint-Erasmusziekenhuis<br />


20<br />

Te Boelaerlei<br />

K. VAN DE<br />


31<br />






5<br />

Lakbo<br />

DEURNE<br />





MO<br />

HO<br />





PARK<br />

Herentalsebaan<br />

VAN HA<br />


Antwerp Pride - Beautiful Antwerp<br />

TAXI<br />

TAXI<br />

Out & about in Antwerp - public transport<br />

TAXI<br />

TAXI<br />

Trams & busses<br />

With a population of around half-a-million, Antwerp<br />

is Belgium’s second-largest city. Although<br />

the city centre is fairly compact, some of the<br />

events or venues are located on the outskirts of<br />

the city.<br />

Service & frequency<br />

Trams on almost all lines in Antwerp depart every<br />

10 minutes during the daytime. Some bus lines<br />

also have a high-frequency service.<br />

Choose the option ‘op basis van<br />

lijnnummer’ (scroll down the page). Enter the line<br />

number you need and then the first three letters of<br />

the city or town in the next box (for example, type<br />

ANT and ANTWERPEN appears automatically).<br />

www.delijn.be<br />

Taxi<br />

If you need a cab in Antwerp we can suggest that<br />

you call Antwerp-Tax, our transport partner. They<br />

are happy to drive the gay crowd around.<br />

TIP: Antwerp Tax app on Iphone.<br />

Online departure times<br />

Scheduled departure times for a specific line can<br />

be obtained from the accreditation centre or the<br />

De Lijn website:<br />

reisinfo.delijn.be/dienstregelingen.<br />

City Bikes; Velo<br />

Use one of the hundreds city bikes,<br />

available in 85 stations.<br />

Day pass: € 3, week pass: € 7. Order online:<br />

www.velo-antwerpen.be<br />


Antwerp Pride - Beautiful Antwerp<br />

Traveling to Antwerp<br />


Direct flights to Antwerp Airport are possible from<br />

various locations in Europe. Another easy way of<br />

travelling is the Brussels Airport. There is a direct<br />

high-speed train connection from Brussels Airport<br />

to Antwerp Central Station in only 20 minutes.<br />


Anyone who chooses to visit Antwerp by train will<br />

end his journey in the magnificent Central Station.<br />

It was built in 1905 and recently has undergone a<br />

total renovation leading up to two levels underground.<br />

The station is now widely regarded as<br />

one of the finest examples of railway architecture<br />

in the world.<br />

Thalys services arrive directly in Antwerp. Passengers<br />

of the Eurostar can use the Belgian railways<br />

to travel from Brussels (Bruxelles-midi/zuid) to<br />

Antwerp.<br />



coming from<br />


From Breda take the A19 straight to Antwerp.<br />

coming from<br />

PARIS<br />

From Paris take the A1 to ‘Rijsel’. After ‘Combles’<br />

take the A2 in the directions of ‘Bergen/Mons’. In<br />

‘Mons/Bergen’ follow directions to Brussel on the<br />

E19. On the R0, ring around Brussels, follow Antwerp<br />

at the intersection ‘Machelen’. Travel further<br />

on the A1/E19 until you reach your destination.<br />

coming from<br />


From Cologne take the A4/E314 and travel past<br />

Aachen. Drive always straight on through a small<br />

part of Holland into Belgium on the A2/E314. At<br />

the Intersection ‘Lummen’, follow Antwerp over<br />

the E313.<br />

Travel further until you reach your destination.<br />

165<br />

coming from<br />


From Duisburg take the A40/E34 to Venlo at the<br />

Dutch border. Travel further on over the A67/E34<br />

past Eindhoven. From the Belgian border you<br />

travel further on the A21/E34 until you reach the<br />

intersection with the E313. Just drive straight on<br />

until you reach Antwerp.<br />


For most parking facilities in Antwerp a fee is to be<br />

paid. Parking in the city centre is of course more<br />

expensive then around it. Make sure to check<br />

whether your hotel provides (free) parking space.<br />

Visit www.parkereninantwerpen.be for detailed<br />

information about parking possibilities. (site only<br />

available in dutch)

HET MAS<br />








de.greef.bert@telenet.be<br />

Oude Beurs 46<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

04 99 41 14 87<br />




GELEGEN:<br />

GROTE MARKT 18<br />




Antwerp Pride - Wonderful Team<br />

Onze Missie<br />

Antwerp Pride beleeft dit jaar zijn<br />

8de editie.<br />

In 2008 werd een eerste Antwerp Pride gelanceerd<br />

onder impuls van de stad Antwerpen en enkele<br />

andere holebi horeca uitbaters/organisatoren. Na<br />

deze eerste “try out” bleek al snel dat hier meer<br />

muziek in zat en dat er meerdere mensen/organisaties<br />

mee aan de kar wilden trekken om er een<br />

jaarlijks weerkerend evenement van te maken.<br />

Het Roze Huis, Active Company en Cavaria (toen<br />

nog holebifederatie) alsook de middenstand zetten<br />

mee hun schouders onder de editie 2009. Ook<br />

de stad stak een tandje bij door niet alleen vanuit<br />

toerisme maar ook vanuit emancipatie/diversiteit<br />

de werking actief te ondersteunen.<br />

Om de steeds groter wordende organisatie en<br />

groeiende betrokkenheid van verschillende organisaties,<br />

handelaars en individuen te kunnen beheren,<br />

werd de vzw Antwerp Pride in April 2010<br />

boven de doopvont gehouden.<br />

De vzw is samengesteld uit vertegenwoordigers<br />

van LGBT belangenorganisaties, LGBT horeca en<br />

handel, stad (toerisme, cultuur, diversiteit,..) musea<br />

en mensen die zonder binding zich willen<br />

inzetten voor dit stadsevenement. Er is een Algemene<br />

Vergadering (die jaarlijks bijeenkomt), een<br />

Raad van Bestuur en een stuurgroep die maandelijks<br />

bijeenkomt om het Pride evenement voor te<br />

bereiden en te organiseren.<br />

De vereniging heeft als doel :<br />

- Antwerpen als holebivriendelijke stad voor te<br />

stellen en dit op lokaal, regionaal, nationaal en<br />

internationaal niveau en zoveel mogelijk holebi-bezoekers<br />

en sympathisanten naar Antwerpen<br />

te trekken.<br />

- De organisatie van het event Antwerp Pride.<br />

- De communicatie over het event “Antwerp Pride”<br />

en het verzamelen onder dezelfde noemer van<br />

initiatieven die door derden, zowel commerciële<br />

als niet-commerciële actoren, worden georganiseerd.<br />

- Complementair aan bestaande LGBTQ (Lesbians,<br />

Gays, Bisexuals, Trans gender) organisaties een<br />

aanspreekpunt en een communicatiekanaal zijn<br />

voor initiatieven die Antwerpen aanbelangen.<br />

- Duurzame banden smeden tussen actoren in<br />

de stad Antwerpen die werken voor LGBT. Vooral<br />

het bouwen van bruggen tussen commerciële en<br />

niet-commerciële , publieke en niet publieke actoren<br />

is hierbij een streefdoel voor de vzw.<br />

Iedereen die interesse heeft kan zich kandidaat<br />

stellen om mee te werken of eenvoudig lid te<br />

worden.<br />

Geniet alvast van deze 7de editie!<br />


Antwerp Pride - Wonderful Team<br />

Our Mission<br />

This year Antwerp Pride is celebrating<br />

its 8th edition.<br />

The first Antwerp Pride was launched in 2008 and<br />

was an initiative of the City of Antwerp and a few<br />

other gay hospitality operators/organisations. Following<br />

this initial ‘try out’ it soon became obvious<br />

that the event had much more to offer and several<br />

people/organisations wanted to jump on the bandwagon<br />

to make it an annual event. The 2009 edition<br />

was supported by the Roze Huis (Pink House), Active<br />

Company and Cavaria (then called the Holebifederatie)<br />

as well as SME’s. The city also provided a contribution<br />

not just with a view to tourism but also to<br />

actively support emancipation and diversity.<br />

In order to manage the increasing size of the event<br />

and the growing involvement of various organisations,<br />

entrepreneurs and individuals, the vzw Antwerp<br />

Pride, a nonprofit organisation, was born in<br />

April 2010.<br />

This nonprofit organisation is made up of representatives<br />

from involved LGTB organisations, LGTB<br />

hospitality and businesses, the city (tourism, culture,<br />

diversity, etc.), museums and people who simply<br />

want to be involved in this city event without any<br />

other obligations.<br />

There is a General Meeting (held on an annual basis),<br />

a Board of Directors and a steering committee that<br />

meets on a monthly basis to prepare for and organise<br />

the Pride event.<br />

The aims of the association are:<br />

- To present Antwerp as a gay-friendly city on a local,<br />

regional, national and international level and to attract<br />

as many gay visitors and supporters as possible<br />

to Antwerp.<br />

- To organise the Antwerp Pride event.<br />

- To manage communication for the Antwerp Pride<br />

event and to assemble initiatives that are organised,<br />

by third party commercial as well as non-commercial<br />

actors, under the same name.<br />

- To be a contact point and channel of communication<br />

for initiatives involving Antwerp in addition to<br />

existing LGBTQ (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender)<br />

organisations.<br />

- To establish sustainable links with actors in the City<br />

of Antwerp who work for LGBT organisations. One<br />

particular priority for the nonprofit organisation is to<br />

build bridges between commercial and non-commercial,<br />

public and non-public actors.<br />

We are pleased to hear from anyone interested in<br />

working with us or who just wants to become a<br />

member.<br />

For now we hope you have a ball at the 7th Antwerp<br />

Pride event!<br />


Antwerp Pride - Wonderful Team<br />

Volunteers<br />


These lyrics are from ‘In the Navy’ by The Village People.<br />

And “They” that is us Antwerp Pride. We need<br />

you! You, our volunteers who want to turn this event<br />

into a big success and who want to be part of a<br />

week of parties, culture, and human rights.<br />

Visitors and participants of Antwerp Pride are coming<br />

from all over the world and this is what makes<br />

Pride so exciting! Would you like to grab this opportunity<br />

to show how good your Spanish is or how<br />

well you can accompany our VIPS from one location<br />

to another? Then this is the right place to volunteer!<br />


There are all kinds of activities needing attention:<br />

catering; stewards, promotion...<br />

JOIN?<br />

Register as a volunteer at www.antwerppride.com<br />

so that we know when you are available and what<br />

you want to do.<br />

For questions: volunteers@antwerppride.com<br />






sauna<br />

‘t herenhuis<br />

august 7 - 9//<strong>2015</strong><br />



join the fiesta!<br />

De Lescluzestraat 63 - 2600 BERCHEM (ANTWERPEN) // +32 3 239 51 95 // www.gaysaunaherenhuis.<br />

Sauna Carribean .indd 1 10/04/15 19:09

Antwerp Pride - Wonderful Team<br />

Partners & Sponsors<br />

Antwerp Pride would like to thank these main<br />

partners & sponsors for their support towards<br />

Antwerp Pride and the LGBTQ community.<br />

THANK YOU!<br />


Antwerp Pride<br />

Colophon<br />

Publisher<br />

Bart Abeel (V.U.)<br />

Antwerp Pride vzw,<br />

Draakplaats 1<br />

2018 Antwerpen<br />

Lay Out & Graphic Design<br />

Lars de Valk - Horus bvba<br />

info@extravaganza-party.be<br />

Coordination<br />

Wilfried Eetezonne<br />

Editing<br />

Jelle Brans, Wilfried Eetezonne, Inge Laurijssen<br />

Photography<br />

Guido De Meyer<br />

Sergey Dzyuba<br />

Mihai-Bogdan Lazar<br />

Daniel Leppens<br />

Stijn Deklerck<br />

Patrizio Martorana<br />

Sophie Nuytten<br />

Tjap Pintoe<br />

Renata Sedmakova<br />

VanderWolf Images<br />

Contributors<br />

Jelle Brans, Antoon Ceuleers, Bert Crauwels,<br />

Wilfried Eetezonne, Thomas Jans, Marcia Poelmans,<br />

Gert Renders<br />

Translations<br />

Jelle Brans, Wilfried Eetezonne, David Lytton<br />

Thanks to<br />

All participants, all our sponsors and anyone<br />

we forgot to mention ...<br />

Advertising & Contact<br />

info@antwerppride.com<br />

The publisher has respected all copyrights as<br />

much as possible. However should anyone<br />

have comments regarding their copyrights,<br />

please contact the publisher. Antwerp Pride<br />

vzw is not responsable for the information<br />

subjected by partner events. All information<br />

in this brochure is subject to change. Please<br />

consult our website for uptodate information.<br />

No editorial content in this brochure can be<br />

reproduced without prior consent of the publisher.<br />


Antwerpen<br />

#fast #yummie #fresh #healthy<br />

Wok A Way, located in the City Centre of Antwerp, is renowned for its high quality<br />

Asian food. Our delicious wok dishes, dim sums and soups are prepared on the spot<br />

using fresh and healthy ingredients.<br />

Eat clean, live dirty!<br />

Groendalstraat 14 - 2000 Antwerp - tel. 03 213 13 13<br />

info.antwerpen@wokaway.com - www.wokaway-antwerpen.be<br />





are located in a 19th-century building next to the<br />

Cathedral. We serve a classic and modern Belgian<br />

brasserie cuisine. We are suited for receiving<br />

groups within very stylish surroundings.<br />

The ABSINTHBAR is a cosmopolitan, stylish bar<br />

with a large assortment of cocktails, absinths,<br />

beers, whisky’s and wines. We welcome you in<br />

THE PRIVATE BAR for a drink on Fridays and<br />

Saturdays.<br />

Delivery* & take away formulas available. Please ask for minimum order quantity.<br />

PAPENSTRAATJE 1 - 2000 ANTWERP - +32 3 226 2022 - FAX : +32 3 234 2722<br />


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