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• Inspire by Quality and E xcellent training<br />

• L ead by E xam ple<br />

• G uide towards g oals<br />

• M o vate towards success<br />

• M ak e them feel easy to understand by using Team work<br />

• M entor them with g reat experience and k nowledg e

Improve Your<br />

Career Options<br />

with a<br />

Professional<br />


PM I’s C er fiedA sso c iate in Pro jec t M anagem ent (C A PM )®is a valu able entry-level c er fic a o n fo r<br />

pro jec t prac o ners. D esignedfo r tho se w ith li le o r no pro jec t experienc e, the C A PM ®dem o nstrates<br />

yo u r u nderstanding o f the fu ndam ental kno w ledge, term ino lo gy andpro c esses o f effec ve pro jec t<br />

m anagem ent.

High SchoolDip lom a,<br />

A ssociates Degree<br />

O R<br />

G lobalEqu ivalen t<br />

A t least 4,500 hou rs sp en t in the<br />

sp ecialized area of p rofession al<br />

p roject risk m an agem en t w ithin<br />

the last five con secu ve years<br />

40 con tact hou rs of form al<br />

edu caon in the sp ecialized<br />

area of p roject risk<br />

m an agem en t<br />

Bachelor’s Degree<br />

O R<br />

G lobalEqu ivalen t<br />

A t least 3 ,000 hou rs sp en t in the<br />

sp ecialized area of p rofession al<br />

p roject risk m an agem en t w ithin<br />

the last five con secu ve years<br />

3 0 con tact hou rs of form al<br />

edu caon in the sp ecialized<br />

area of p roject risk<br />

m an agem en t

PM I’sPr o gr am M an agem en t Pr o fessio n al(PgM P)®cr eden alr eco gn izesthe advan ced exper ien ce &sk ill<br />

o f pr o gr am m an ager s. G lo bally r eco gn ized an d dem an ded, the PgM P®dem o n str atesyo u r pr o ven<br />

co m peten cy to o ver see m u lple, r elated pr o jectsan d their r eso u r cesto achieve str ategic bu sin essgo als.<br />

PgM P cr eden alho lder so ver see the su ccesso f apr o gr am , gr o u pin g r elated pr o jectsto gether to r ealize<br />

o r gan izao n alben efitsn o t available if they w er e m an aged separ ately. It’sthe per fect fit if yo u defin e<br />

pr o gr am ,assign pr o ject m an ager s&o ver see pr o gr am s<br />

T he n ext step a er Pr o ject M an agem en t Pr o fessio n al(PM P)C er ficao n ,the PgM P®cr eden alfr o m<br />

PM I®addr essesthe co m m u n ity o f pr o fessio n alsdem o n str an g exper ien ce, sk illan d per fo r m an ce in<br />

m an agin g pr o gr am s, w hich ar e align ed w ith o r gan izao n alo bjecves. AsaPgM P cr eden alho lder , yo u<br />

w illbe able to pr o m o te beer in tegr ao n an d co o r din ao n o f m u lple pr o jects&ben efit r ealizao n<br />

o E n ter pr ise Pr o gr am m e M an agem en t: D eliver in g Valu e - D avid W illiam s, T im Par r<br />

o F u n dam en talso f E ffecve Pr o gr am M an agem en t: A Pr o cessAppr o ach B ased o n the G lo bal<br />

Stan dar d - Pau lSan gher a<br />

o G lo balPr o ject M an agem en t H an dbo o k Plan n in g, O r gan izin g &C o n tr o llin g In ter n ao n alPr o jects<br />

- D avid I. C lelan d, Ro lan d G ar eis<br />

o Im plem en n g Pr o gr am M an agem en t: T em plates&F o r m sAlign ed w ith the Stan dar d fo r Pr o gr am<br />

M an agem en t - G in ger Levin , Alan<br />

o Pr o gr am M an agem en t (F u n dam en talso f Pr o ject M an agem en t)- M ichelT hir y<br />

o A G u ide to the Pr o ject M an agem en t B o dy o f Kn o w ledge (PM B O K®G u ide 5thedio n )<br />

- Pr o ject M an agem en t In stu te

H igh scho o l dip lo m a,<br />

asso ciate’s degree<br />

o r<br />

glo bal eq uivalent<br />

A t least 5,000 ho urs sp ent in<br />

the sp ecialized area o f<br />

p ro fessio nal p ro ject scheduling<br />

w ithin the last five<br />

co nsecuve y ears<br />

40 ho urs o f fo rm al<br />

educao n in<br />

Pro ject Scheduling.<br />

B achelo r’s degree<br />

o r<br />

glo bal eq uivalent<br />

A t least 3 ,500 ho urs sp ent in<br />

the sp ecialized area o f<br />

p ro fessio nal p ro ject scheduling<br />

w ithin the last five<br />

co nsecuve y ears<br />

3 0 ho urs o f fo rm al<br />

educao n in<br />

Pro ject Scheduling.

If you are ju st begin n in g you rcareerin green bu ildin g orif you are n ot cu rren tlyaLE E D A P, the LE E D<br />

Green A ssociate A ccreditaon is foryou ! Green A ssociate is the in trodu ctory-lev elcreden alforLE E D ,<br />

an d dem on strates agen eralu n derstan din g of allthe LE E D ran g system s. M M T I’s LE E D GA w orkshop s<br />

p rov ide an in trodu con to green bu ildin g an d su stain able design p rin cip les, sp ecificallyas theyrelate to<br />

U SGB C 's LE E D green bu ildin g ran g system . M M T Im akes in div idu als to p ass the LE E D Green A ssociate<br />

exam on the first a em p t itself, an d it is you rfirst step in becom in g as aLE E D p rofession al.

Th ere are various areas,or special es,towh ich LEED Green Associates can aspire aer gain in g relevan t<br />

project experien ce.Th e m ost popular,LEED AP Buildin g D esign +C on struc on ,is alsoth e m ost sim ilar to<br />

th e m aterial coveredin th e Green Associate course.Studen ts will prepare toun derstan dm ore in tricate<br />

details in k ey green buildin g areas in cludin g Sustain able Sites,W ater Effi cien cy,En ergy &Atm osph ere,<br />

M aterials &Resources,In door En viron m en tal Q uality,an dIn n ova on in D esign .As an advan ced<br />

accredita on ,GBC Irecom m en ds th at can didates h ave relevan t project experien ce in order toprepare<br />

for th e m ore in ten sive subject m a er detailedin th is course.Overall,LEED AP BD +C focuses on th e design ,<br />

rath er th an th e perform an ce of a buildin g,requirin g an un derstan din g of th e en ergy op m iza on<br />

opportun i es presen t in con struc n g n ew buildin gs.<br />

Educa on P roject Experien ce Auth orsh ip Volun teerin g

Since 1976, AAC E 's C C P has recognized s everalthous and cer fied individuals as C er fied C os t<br />

P rofes s ional, w hich w as form er called as C C E /C C T (C er fied C os t E ngineer / C er fied C os t Technician).<br />

AAC E 's C C P is indep endently accredited by the C ouncilofE ngineering & Scien fic Sp ecialty B oards<br />

(C E SB ) and the Interna onalC os t E ngineering C ouncil(IC E C ).The intent is to recognize s p ecialis ts w ho<br />

m eet a dem anding s et ofearned value m anagem ent criteria by a rigorous exam ina on, exp erience,<br />

educa on and ethicalqualifica ons .The C C P requirem ents refl ect the s op his ca on ofindividuals in<br />

today's earned value indus try and it fairly m eas ures their know ledge, exp erience and adherence to bes t<br />

m anagem ent p rac ces .C C P cer fica on dis nguis hes cos t and m anagem ent p rofes s ionals w ho have the<br />

know ledge and s kills that im p act the boom line.AAC E cer fica on ens ures a high quality s tandard.

A PSP is a skilled planning and schedu ling pro fessio nal w ith advanced experience in pro ject planning, an<br />

develo ping, m o nito ring, u pda ng, fo recas ng and analyzing integrated pro ject schedu les.The PSP leads<br />

the planning and schedu ling pro cess w ithin the AAC E Interna o nal To tal C o st M ANAGE M E NT (TC M )<br />

fram ew o rk.A PSP is able to co m m u nicate effec vely w ith all pro ject STAKE HO LD E R S, bo th internal and<br />

external.PSP cer fica o n is independently accredited by the C o u ncil o f E ngineering &Scien fic<br />

Specialty B o ards (C E SB ).AAC E C er fica o n dis ngu ishes co st and M ANAGE M E NT pro fessio nals w ho<br />

have the kno w ledge and skills to im pact the bo o m line<br />

Schedu le o u tpu t and deliverable.<br />

C o ntro l level schedu les.<br />

Variances and trends.<br />

Schedu le ANALYSIS.<br />

Schedu le fo recasts.<br />

R eco very schedu les.<br />

M ANAGE M E NT su m m ary.<br />

Pro gress repo rts and review s.<br />

C o nstru ct ability review .

Th e C M A is th e globally recogn ized, advan ced-level creden al appropriate for accou n tan ts an d fin an cial profession als<br />

in bu sin ess.A ch ievin g th e C M A dem on strates you r profession al exper se in fin an cial plan n in g, an alysis, con trol,<br />

decision su pport, an d profession al eth ics –skills th at are in dem an d by organ iza on s arou n d th e w orld.W h eth er you<br />

w an t toen h an ce th e valu e you brin g toyou r cu rren t posi on , or expan d you r career poten al, th e C M A w ill h elp you<br />

set th e stan dard for profession al excellen ce

A C C A (the A ssocia on of C ha rtered C erfied A ccou nta nts) is the la rgest a nd fa stest-growing globa l<br />

professiona la ccou nta ncy body with 296,000 stu dents a nd 115,000 m em bers in 170 cou ntries.<br />

W e a im to offer the first choice q u a lifica ons to people of a pplica on,a bility a nda m bion a rou nd<br />

the world who seeka rewa rding ca reer in a ccou nta ncy,fina nce a ndm a na gem ent.T he A ssocia on of<br />

C ha rtered C erfied A ccou nta nts (A C C A ) exa m s a re designed to m eet the needs of those a im ing for a<br />

ca reer in a ccou nta ncy,enha ncing their knowledge,skills a nd professiona lcom petence.

SOFT<br />

•A dministrave Support •A nger M anagement<br />

•A sserveness &Self-C onfidence •Basic<strong>Book</strong>keeping<br />

•A enon M anagement •Business Ethics<br />

•BodyL anguage Basics •Business Eque e<br />

•Business Succession Planning •C all C enter Training<br />

•Business W ring<br />

•C onfl ict Resoluon<br />

•C hange M anagement •C ustomer Service<br />

•C ivilityin the W orkplace •Employee M ovaon<br />

•C oaching and M entoring •Employee Recruitment<br />

•C ommunicaon Strategies •Generaon Gaps<br />

•C reave Problem Solving •Interpersonal Skills<br />

•C rical Thinking<br />

•M eeng M anagement<br />

•Emoonal Intelligence •N egoaon Skills<br />

•Employee O nboarding •Presentaon Skills<br />

•Facilitaon Skills<br />

•Proposal W ring<br />

•H uman Resource M anagement •Safetyin W orkplace<br />

•Job Search Skills<br />

•Supervising O thers<br />

•Know ledge M anagement •Talent M anagement<br />

•L eadership and Infl uence •Time M anagement<br />

•L ean Process A nd Six Sigma •Train-the-Trainer<br />

•M anager M anagement •M iddle M anager<br />

•M anaging W orkplace A nxiety •Personal Producvity<br />

•Project M anagement •Sales Fundamentals<br />

•M easuring Results From Training •PublicSpeaking<br />

•M edia and PublicRelaons •W ork-L ife Balance<br />

•O ffi ce Polics for M anagers •W orkplace Diversity<br />

•O vercoming Sales O bjecons •W orkplace Violence<br />

•Performance M anagement •W orkplace H arassment<br />

•Social M edia in the W orkplace •Stress M anagement<br />

•SupplyC hain M anagement •TN A<br />

•Teamw ork &Team Building

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