

Answer key Revision Unit Test A 1 1 She isn’t writing a letter. She’s reading a book. 2 They aren’t playing the guitar. They’re swimming. 3 It isn’t sleeping. It’s eating. 4 He isn’t riding a horse. He’s riding a bike. 5 They aren’t drinking cola. They’re eating ice-cream. 2 1 Is the woman sleeping? 2 Is the man eating ice cream? 3 Are the girls swimming? 4 Are the boy and girl riding bikes? 5 Is the dog eating? 3 1 the 2 a 3 a 4 the 5 an 6 the 7 a 8 the 4 1 There is some 3 There are some 2 There is a 4 There is some 5 1 How much cheese is there? 2 How many cups are there? 3 How many oranges are there? 4 How much bread is there? 6 1 cut 2 learned 3 cooked 4 rode 7 1 stayed 2 helped 3 went 4 bought 5 didn’t come 6 met 8 1 I can cook eggs. 2 Can you swim 500 metres? 3 Jim can’t speak Polish. 4 My friends can’t ride a horse. Revision Unit Test B 1 1 It isn’t swimming. It’s eating. 2 She isn’t drinking a cup of coffee. She’s reading a book. 3 They aren’t eating hamburgers. They’re eating ice-cream. 4 They aren’t playing tennis. They’re playing football. 5 They aren’t doing their homework. They’re swimming. 2 1 Is the man sleeping? 2 Is the woman reading a book? 3 Are the girls riding bikes? 4 Are the boy and girl eating ice creams? 5 Is the dog playing football? 3 1 the 2 a 3 the 4 an 5 a 6 the 7 the 8 a 4 1 There are some 3 There is a 2 There is some 4 There is some 5 1 How many oranges are there? 2 How much bread is there? 3 How many cups are there? 4 How much jam is there? 6 1 broke 2 visited 3 hurt 4 cut 7 1 helped 2 went 3 didn’t come 4 bought 5 stayed 6 watched 8 1 I can speak English. 2 Can you run a kilometre? 3 Sally can’t cook a meal. 4 My parents can’t drive a car. Unit 1 Test A 1 1 basketball 4 beach volleyball 2 windsurfing 5 badminton 3 ice skating 2 1 racket 2 rink 3 trunks 4 goggles 5 court 3 1 is riding 2 sit 3 isn’t sitting 4 does ... finish 5 Is ... sleeping 6 am wearing 7 does 8 don’t go 4 How often do you go to the swimming pool? Two or three times a week. What time does it open? At half past ten in the morning. How much does it cost? £3 a session. What time does it close in the evening? At ten o’clock. 5 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 F 6 Students’ own answers (2 points for completing the task and 1 point each for: – communicating meaning – appropriate vocabulary – grammar mostly correct – spelling mostly correct) 7 9.15 Maths 10.45 break 10.00 English 11.00 P.E. Unit 1 Test B 1 1 ice skating 4 badminton 2 snowboarding 5 basketball 3 beach volleyball 2 1 court 4 racket 2 goggles 5 rink 3 costume 3 1 is reading 5 am practising 2 don’t go 6 don’t do 3 are ... going 7 does ... start 4 sleeps 8 are visiting 4 What time does the swimming pool open? At six o’clock in the morning. What time does it close? At midnight. How often do you go there? Once or twice a week. How much does it cost to get in? £2 for children. 5 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 T 6 Students’ own answers (2 points for completing the task and 1 point each for: – communicating meaning – appropriate vocabulary – grammar mostly correct – spelling mostly correct) 7 2.00 Technology 2.45 Science 3.30 French 4.10 school finishes Unit 2 Test A 1 1 plane 2 coach 3 ferry 4 tram 2 1 train 2 bus 3 ferry 3 1 Where did you meet? 2 What time did you arrive? 3 How much did it cost? 4 When did you go home? 4 1 in 2 by 3 at 4 in 5 at 6 in 7 by 8 on 5 1 mustn’t go out 2 must ring 3 mustn’t go to bed 6 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 T 7 Students’ own answers (2 points for completing the task and 1 point each for: – communicating meaning – appropriate vocabulary – grammar mostly correct – spelling mostly correct) 8 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 C Unit 2 Test B 1 1 ferry 3 coach 2 underground 4 plane 2 1 bus 2 ferry 3 train 3 1 What time did you leave the house? 2 What did you have for lunch? 3 How much did it cost? 4 What time did you go home? 4 1 by 2 at 3 on 4 at 5 at 6 in 7 by 8 in 5 1 mustn’t go out 2 must come home 3 mustn’t watch 6 1 T 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 F 6 F 7 Students’ own answers (2 points for completing the task and 1 point each for: – communicating meaning – appropriate vocabulary – grammar mostly correct – spelling mostly correct) 8 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 B Unit 3 Test A 1 1 meal 2 picnic 3 theatre 4 sleepover 5 cake 2 1 am going 4 am going 2 is playing 5 is meeting 3 is staying 3 1 Harry’s going to the dentist’s. 2 Melanie’s meeting her cousin at the station. 3 Ranjit’s playing the guitar in a concert. 4 Steffi and Sarah are going to the cinema. 5 Rob and Tim are playing badminton. 6 Francesca’s having a pizza with Mark. 4 1 borrow 2 lend 3 lent 4 borrowed 5 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 T 7 T 8 F 6 Students’ own answers (2 points for completing the task and 1 point each for: – communicating meaning – appropriate vocabulary – grammar mostly correct – spelling mostly correct) 7 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 C 6 B Unit 3 Test B 1 1 picnic 2 sleepover 3 meal 4 birthday cake 5 theatre 44

Answer key 2 1 is going 2 is starting 3 am playing 4 is having 5 is going 3 1 Melanie is playing tennis. 2 Charles is going to the shops with mum. 3 Tina and Frank are going to the cinema. 4 David is visiting his aunt. 5 Sharma is having a music lesson. 6 Jenny and Judith are meeting friends in the town centre. 4 1 lend 2 borrow 3 borrowed 4 lent 5 1 T 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F 7 F 8 T 6 Students’ own answers (2 points for completing the task and 1 point each for: – communicating meaning – appropriate vocabulary – grammar mostly correct – spelling mostly correct) 7 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 A 6 C Unit 4 Test A 1 1 car park 2 post office 3 hospital 4 church 5 traffic lights 2 1 behind 2 in front of 3 opposite 4 next to 5 right 3 1 ours 2 mine 3 his 4 yours 5 theirs 4 1 Don’t speak/talk. 2 Don’t walk/cross. 5 Excuse me, how far is it to the station? It’s quite a long way. It’s about fifteen minutes on foot, or five minutes by bus. I'll take the bus! 6 1 museum 2 first 3 diary 4 6 p.m. 5 £4 6 Baker Street 7 Students’ own answers (2 points for completing the task and 1 point each for: – communicating meaning – appropriate vocabulary – grammar mostly correct – spelling mostly correct) 8 1 left 2 (traffic) lights 3 straight 4 second 5 opposite 6 on foot Unit 4 Test B 1 1 traffic lights 4 church 2 car park 5 post office 3 petrol station 2 1 right 2 next to 3 in front of 4 behind 5 opposite 3 1 mine 2 theirs 3 hers 4 ours 5 yours 4 1 Don’t walk/cross. 2 Don’t speak/talk. 5 How far is it to the ice rink? It’s quite a long way. It’s about 30 minutes by bus. OK, I’ll go by car with Mum. 6 1 museum 2 study 3 violin 4 9.30 a.m. 5 £6 6 station 7 Students’ own answers (2 points for completing the task and 1 point each for: – communicating meaning – appropriate vocabulary – grammar mostly correct – spelling mostly correct) 8 1 (train) station 2 post office 3 right 4 left 5 10 6 bus Progress Test Units 1–4 1 (Possible answers) 1 snowboarding, badminton, beach volleyball, ice skating, windsurfing, etc. 2 ferry, underground, taxi, coach, etc. 3 have a barbecue / meal / party / birthday cake, go to the theatre / cinema, etc. 4 phone box, traffic lights, hospital, petrol station, car park, etc. 5 lift, push, pull 2 1 swimming costume 2 ski boots 3 ice skates 4 tennis rackets 5 goggles 3 1 are doing 2 play 3 went 4 is coming 5 didn’t see 6 started 7 Does ... take 8 are riding 9 Are ... staying 10 left 4 1 Yes, we did. 2 Yes, you must. 3 No, I’m not. 4 No, it didn’t. 5 No, she doesn’t. 5 1 at 2 in 3 in 4 in 5 on 6 at 6 1 mine 2 hers 3 yours 4 mine 5 his 7 1 c 2 d 3 b 4 a Unit 5 Test A 1 1 Sea 2 River 3 Mountains 4 Lakes 5 Desert 2 1 north-east 2 east 3 south-west 3 1 Jess’s hair is shorter than Mary’s hair. Mary’s hair isn’t as short as Jess’s hair. 2 Mary is taller than Jess. Jess isn’t as tall as Mary. 3 Mary is thinner than Jess. Jess isn’t as thin as Mary. 4 Jess’s bag is more expensive than Mary’s bag. Mary’s bag isn’t as expensive as Jess’s bag. 5 Jess is happier than Mary. Mary isn’t as happy as Jess. 4 (Possible answers) 1 Why don’t you put a jumper on? 2 Why don’t you look in your bedroom? 3 Why don’t you go to bed? 4 Why don’t you ask the teacher for help? 5 1 cities 2 north-east 3 castle 4 smaller 5 music 6 boat 6 Students’ own answers (2 points for completing the task and 1 point each for: – communicating meaning – appropriate vocabulary – grammar mostly correct – spelling mostly correct) 7 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 T Unit 5 Test B 1 1 Desert 2 River 3 Lakes 4 Sea 5 Mountains 2 1 north-west 2 south-east 3 south 3 1 Fiona is shorter than Linda. Linda isn’t as short as Fiona. 2 Linda is thinner than Fiona. Fiona isn’t as thin as Linda. 3 Linda’s hair is straighter than Fiona’s hair. Fiona’s hair isn’t as straight as Linda’s hair. 4 Linda’s bag is cheaper than Fiona’s bag. Fiona’s bag isn’t as cheap as Linda’s bag. 5 Fiona is happier than Linda. Linda isn’t as happy as Fiona. 4 (Possible answers) 1 Why don’t you look on the desk? 2 Why don’t you get her a CD? 3 Why don’t you ask your brother for help? 4 Why don’t you eat something? 5 1 capital 2 schools 3 young 4 south-west 5 beaches 6 Wales 6 Students’ own answers (2 points for completing the task and 1 point each for: – communicating meaning – appropriate vocabulary – grammar mostly correct – spelling mostly correct) 7 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F 6 F Unit 6 Test A 1 1 a shoe shop 4 a music store 2 a chemist’s 5 a baker’s 3 a newsagent’s 6 a clothes shop/ sports shop 2 1 The T-shirt is the cheapest. The jacket is the most expensive. 2 The white shoes are the smallest. The black shoes are the largest. 3 Bath is the nearest. Oxford is the furthest. 3 1 older 2 the most expensive 3 colder 4 higher 5 the tallest 6 the most fashionable 4 (Possible answers) Certainly. The changing rooms are over there. It’s perfect. I’ll take it. 5 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 F 6 F 6 Students’ own answers (2 points for completing the task and 1 point each for: – communicating meaning – appropriate vocabulary – grammar mostly correct – spelling mostly correct) 7 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 C 6 A Unit 6 Test B 1 1 a clothes shop 4 a shoe shop 2 a baker’s /sports shop 3 a newsagent’s 5 a chemist’s 6 a book shop 2 1 Bath is the furthest. Banbury is the nearest. 2 The bag is the most expensive. The T-shirt is the cheapest. 3 The black shoes are the largest. The white shoes are the smallest. 45

Answer key<br />

2 1 is going 2 is starting 3 am<br />

playing 4 is having 5 is going<br />

3 1 Melanie is playing tennis.<br />

2 Charles is going to the shops with<br />

mum.<br />

3 Tina and Frank are going to the<br />

cinema.<br />

4 David is visiting his aunt.<br />

5 Sharma is having a music lesson.<br />

6 Jenny and Judith are meeting<br />

friends in the town centre.<br />

4 1 lend 2 borrow 3 borrowed 4 lent<br />

5 1 T 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F<br />

7 F 8 T<br />

6 Students’ own answers<br />

(2 points for completing the task<br />

and 1 point each for:<br />

– communicating meaning<br />

– appropriate vocabulary<br />

– grammar mostly correct<br />

– spelling mostly correct)<br />

7 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 A 6 C<br />

Unit 4 Test A<br />

1 1 car park 2 post office 3 hospital<br />

4 church 5 traffic lights<br />

2 1 behind 2 in front of 3 opposite<br />

4 next to 5 right<br />

3 1 ours 2 mine 3 his 4 yours<br />

5 theirs<br />

4 1 Don’t speak/talk.<br />

2 Don’t walk/cross.<br />

5 Excuse me, how far is it to the<br />

station?<br />

It’s quite a long way. It’s about fifteen<br />

minutes on foot, or five minutes by<br />

bus.<br />

I'll take the bus!<br />

6 1 museum 2 first 3 diary<br />

4 6 p.m. 5 £4 6 Baker Street<br />

7 Students’ own answers<br />

(2 points for completing the task<br />

and 1 point each for:<br />

– communicating meaning<br />

– appropriate vocabulary<br />

– grammar mostly correct<br />

– spelling mostly correct)<br />

8 1 left 2 (traffic) lights 3 straight<br />

4 second 5 opposite 6 on foot<br />

Unit 4 Test B<br />

1 1 traffic lights 4 church<br />

2 car park 5 post office<br />

3 petrol station<br />

2 1 right 2 next to 3 in front of<br />

4 behind 5 opposite<br />

3 1 mine 2 theirs 3 hers 4 ours<br />

5 yours<br />

4 1 Don’t walk/cross.<br />

2 Don’t speak/talk.<br />

5 How far is it to the ice rink?<br />

It’s quite a long way. It’s about 30<br />

minutes by bus.<br />

OK, I’ll go by car with Mum.<br />

6 1 museum 2 study 3 violin<br />

4 9.30 a.m. 5 £6 6 station<br />

7 Students’ own answers<br />

(2 points for completing the task<br />

and 1 point each for:<br />

– communicating meaning<br />

– appropriate vocabulary<br />

– grammar mostly correct<br />

– spelling mostly correct)<br />

8 1 (train) station 2 post office<br />

3 right 4 left 5 10 6 bus<br />

Progress Test Units 1–4<br />

1 (Possible answers)<br />

1 snowboarding, badminton, beach<br />

volleyball, ice skating, windsurfing,<br />

etc.<br />

2 ferry, underground, taxi, coach, etc.<br />

3 have a barbecue / meal / party /<br />

birthday cake, go to the theatre /<br />

cinema, etc.<br />

4 phone box, traffic lights, hospital,<br />

petrol station, car park, etc.<br />

5 lift, push, pull<br />

2 1 swimming costume 2 ski boots<br />

3 ice skates 4 tennis rackets<br />

5 goggles<br />

3 1 are doing 2 play 3 went<br />

4 is coming 5 didn’t see 6 started<br />

7 Does ... take 8 are riding<br />

9 Are ... staying 10 left<br />

4 1 Yes, we did. 2 Yes, you must.<br />

3 No, I’m not. 4 No, it didn’t.<br />

5 No, she doesn’t.<br />

5 1 at 2 in 3 in 4 in 5 on 6 at<br />

6 1 mine 2 hers 3 yours 4 mine<br />

5 his<br />

7 1 c 2 d 3 b 4 a<br />

Unit 5 Test A<br />

1 1 Sea 2 River 3 Mountains<br />

4 Lakes 5 Desert<br />

2 1 north-east 2 east 3 south-west<br />

3 1 Jess’s hair is shorter than Mary’s<br />

hair.<br />

Mary’s hair isn’t as short as Jess’s<br />

hair.<br />

2 Mary is taller than Jess.<br />

Jess isn’t as tall as Mary.<br />

3 Mary is thinner than Jess.<br />

Jess isn’t as thin as Mary.<br />

4 Jess’s bag is more expensive than<br />

Mary’s bag.<br />

Mary’s bag isn’t as expensive as<br />

Jess’s bag.<br />

5 Jess is happier than Mary.<br />

Mary isn’t as happy as Jess.<br />

4 (Possible answers)<br />

1 Why don’t you put a jumper on?<br />

2 Why don’t you look in your bedroom?<br />

3 Why don’t you go to bed?<br />

4 Why don’t you ask the teacher for<br />

help?<br />

5 1 cities 2 north-east 3 castle<br />

4 smaller 5 music 6 boat<br />

6 Students’ own answers<br />

(2 points for completing the task<br />

and 1 point each for:<br />

– communicating meaning<br />

– appropriate vocabulary<br />

– grammar mostly correct<br />

– spelling mostly correct)<br />

7 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 T<br />

Unit 5 Test B<br />

1 1 Desert 2 River 3 Lakes 4 Sea<br />

5 Mountains<br />

2 1 north-west 2 south-east 3 south<br />

3 1 Fiona is shorter than Linda.<br />

Linda isn’t as short as Fiona.<br />

2 Linda is thinner than Fiona.<br />

Fiona isn’t as thin as Linda.<br />

3 Linda’s hair is straighter than<br />

Fiona’s hair.<br />

Fiona’s hair isn’t as straight as<br />

Linda’s hair.<br />

4 Linda’s bag is cheaper than Fiona’s<br />

bag.<br />

Fiona’s bag isn’t as cheap as<br />

Linda’s bag.<br />

5 Fiona is happier than Linda.<br />

Linda isn’t as happy as Fiona.<br />

4 (Possible answers)<br />

1 Why don’t you look on the desk?<br />

2 Why don’t you get her a CD?<br />

3 Why don’t you ask your brother for<br />

help?<br />

4 Why don’t you eat something?<br />

5 1 capital 2 schools 3 young<br />

4 south-west 5 beaches 6 Wales<br />

6 Students’ own answers<br />

(2 points for completing the task<br />

and 1 point each for:<br />

– communicating meaning<br />

– appropriate vocabulary<br />

– grammar mostly correct<br />

– spelling mostly correct)<br />

7 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F 6 F<br />

Unit 6 Test A<br />

1 1 a shoe shop 4 a music store<br />

2 a chemist’s 5 a baker’s<br />

3 a newsagent’s 6 a clothes shop/<br />

sports shop<br />

2 1 The T-shirt is the cheapest.<br />

The jacket is the most expensive.<br />

2 The white shoes are the smallest.<br />

The black shoes are the largest.<br />

3 Bath is the nearest.<br />

Oxford is the furthest.<br />

3 1 older 2 the most expensive<br />

3 colder 4 higher 5 the tallest<br />

6 the most fashionable<br />

4 (Possible answers)<br />

Certainly. The changing rooms are<br />

over there.<br />

It’s perfect. I’ll take it.<br />

5 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 F 6 F<br />

6 Students’ own answers<br />

(2 points for completing the task<br />

and 1 point each for:<br />

– communicating meaning<br />

– appropriate vocabulary<br />

– grammar mostly correct<br />

– spelling mostly correct)<br />

7 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 C 6 A<br />

Unit 6 Test B<br />

1 1 a clothes shop 4 a shoe shop<br />

2 a baker’s /sports shop<br />

3 a newsagent’s 5 a chemist’s<br />

6 a book shop<br />

2 1 Bath is the furthest.<br />

Banbury is the nearest.<br />

2 The bag is the most expensive.<br />

The T-shirt is the cheapest.<br />

3 The black shoes are the largest.<br />

The white shoes are the smallest.<br />


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