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JUNE 2011<br />


The magnitude of change in monetary policy and how it affects inflation, production and<br />

the relationship in between the two: understanding of this phenomenon is deficient and it<br />

needs fresh inquiry. (Qayyum, 2008)<br />

In order to control money supply and inflation into the market, it is necessary to improve<br />

the measurement of money circulation into the market. (Qayyum, 2008)<br />

The associations linking interest rates and price changes have been a matter of significant<br />

investigation. Lot of work centers around interest rate study through taking price as one of<br />

the independent variables but a little effort have taken made to study prices in context to<br />

interest rate changes (Gul and Ekinic, 2006)<br />

An interest rate procedure can recover the performance of interest rates and prices. The<br />

links among money development, price increases and interest rates are very untrustworthy.<br />

Sufficient space is available for the betterment (Alvarez et al, 2001)<br />

Additional investigation is required to discover whether inflation risk influences further<br />

variables which in due course affect the gauge of financial movement (Berument, 1999)<br />

2. Literature Review<br />

Mishkin (1995) tries to reinvestigates the behavior of real interest rates and searches the<br />

answer that whether real interest rates are positively or negatively correlated with nominal<br />

rate and expected inflation or not. This study of Mishkin tries to find out the performance<br />

of interest rates, whether it is changing or not, related to nominal interest rates and<br />

inflation. It takes consumer price index and Treasury bill rate as the key variables to test the<br />

relationship empirically. The results show negative correlation of real interest rates with<br />

inflation and real interest rates are having significant negative relation with the nominal<br />

interest rates.<br />

From the viewpoint of an asset-pricing model, the active performance of price in context to<br />

interest rate is studied by Pennacchi (1991). The reason behind using this model is that it<br />

allows the interdependent of price and interest rates which is justifiable on the empirical<br />

basis. His findings indicate that Treasury bill rates and consumer price index are<br />

significantly negatively correlated. According to the study, Treasury bill rates also show<br />

great volatility and weak mean reversion than expected inflation. In the government policy,<br />

the money growth is not leading to change in real return and this is what empirically<br />

proved by this study. The results of this research are constant with this policy of<br />

government.<br />

Nelson (2008) explains long-term real causes of inflation. According to this, prices and<br />

interest rates can be managed by controlling money growth rate. Nelson is responding<br />

towards the argument of Woodford which claims that rise in price can be explained through<br />

the financial authority’s interest rate policy. Woodford considers short-term interest rate as<br />

a key tool to manage inflation. Nelson says about Woodford’s study that its results are<br />

accurate but are based on high level assumptions. Nelson is focusing on money growth to<br />

determine inflation. The study suggests money supply as a key determinant of inflation.<br />

Dwyer (2001) uses currency, prices and nominal income to measure the relationship<br />

between currency and price level. The rationale of the study is to observe whether money<br />

supply in terms of broad money determines inflation or not. It takes Treasury bill rate as a<br />

short-term rate and broad money to measure relationship. It concludes that in the long run<br />

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