gender differential paper IJCRB

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JUNE 2011<br />


of the independent variables, the predicted change in the dependent variable when the<br />

independent variable is increased by one unit conditional on all the other variables in the model<br />

remaining constant. For example, here we estimate that the performance rating of an employee is<br />

decreased by 27.9% with a one unit increase on intimidation scale assuming that there is no<br />

change in the rest of variables. Similarly, there would be 7.6% increase in the performance rating<br />

of employee by a unit increase on the ingratiation scale. One unit increase in exemplification will<br />

bring a 28.2% increase in performance rating. Self-promotion is negatively related with<br />

performance rating. It has a 5.3% negative impact on performance rating. Supplication will also<br />

decrease one performance rating by 8.6%. In this coefficient table t value is also mentioned. It is<br />

showing the influencibility of impression management strategies on performance rating. All the<br />

strategies can be ranked with the help of this t value. Strategies with a high t value are more<br />

influencive as compared to those having lower t value. Tolerance values for all IVs are in<br />

acceptable range i.e. none of them is approaching to zero. VIF value is also in acceptable range<br />

i.e. all values are below 2. The researchers have developed the following regression equation<br />

with the help of above coefficient table.<br />

R = β o + β 1 *T + β 2 *G + β 3 *E + β 4 *P + β 5 *S<br />

(Where, R = Performance Rating, T = Intimidation, G = Ingratiation, E = Exemplification, P =<br />

Self-Promotion and S = Supplication).<br />

R = 3.662 - 0.279T + 076G + 0.282E - 0.053P – 0.086S<br />

Impression management strategies can be ranked as follows:<br />

1. Exemplification<br />

2. Ingratiation<br />

3. Self-Promotion<br />

4. Supplication<br />

5. Intimidation<br />

Examining the residual plot, it appears that the homogeneity of variance assumption is not<br />

violated since the residuals scatter randomly around the zero line and the degree of scatter<br />

appears approx. constant across the range of predicted values. The histogram of the residuals is<br />

also approx. consistent with the assumption of normality<br />

The above results indicate that most of the impression management strategies are male oriented<br />

(Chidambaram et al,. 2008) and women are not inclined towards adopting impression<br />

management tactics (Laura, 2006).<br />

Young people try to portray a positive image of them by adopting the strategies like ingratiation<br />

and exemplification. But with the increase in age people left the use of positive strategies and<br />

move towards negative ones like intimidation and supplication.<br />

In this study it has been proved that intimidation and supplication are the most negative<br />

strategies of impression management (Bolino & Turnley, 2003). People using intimidation were<br />

rated lower so first null hypothesis is proved.<br />

The study results have shown that the performance rating of an employee is decreased by 27.9%<br />

with a one unit increase on intimidation scale assuming that there is no change in the rest of<br />

variables. The value of t-statistics is -2.882, which is significant thus our first hypothesis is<br />

accepted. The acceptance of this hypothesis is supported by the study of Wayne & Ferris (1990)<br />

and Allen & Rush, (1998).<br />

COPY RIGHT © 2011 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 720

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