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JUNE 2011<br />

VOL 3, NO 2<br />

DPI and it’s impact on productivity:<br />

The internet has a world wide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information<br />

disseminaation and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their<br />

computers without regard for geographic location.<br />

However, the internet being an open media is susceptible to misuse. There has been rapid rise in<br />

the number of unsuitable websites dedicated to harmful and undesirable content.<br />

So, there is an urgent need therefore to prevent the misuse of internet in the early stages and<br />

promote its ethical use through awareness and educational programmes and also some prevention<br />

tools to force those who are not accepting the educational programmes and continue their misuse<br />

of internet.<br />

The sub-field of internet misbehaviour may vary, yet it is reasonably clear to see how such<br />

actions are a form of micro-resistance or sabotage. The social study of the internet is in its<br />

infancy (Wellman and Haythornthwaite, 2002) and where it does exist some say it quickly<br />

becomes obsolete (Cavanagh, 2007), therefore internet misbehaviour represents a very new and<br />

ongoing challenge for the contemporary scholar or practitioner.<br />

There is also another issue that influence internet abuse which named internet addiction,<br />

Although many companies have corporate policies to deter the internet abuse, many users are<br />

addicted to internet activities and have little control of not using internet activities in the<br />

workplace.<br />

Obviously internet abuse behaviors in the workplace are the natural extension of internet<br />

addiction behaviors (Stanton, 2002), a user who is accustomed to use online chatting services at<br />

home will instantly respond to any request of online chatters even in the workplace.<br />

DPI is a system that help in this matter. Filtration of unwanted data and prevention techniques<br />

can help to make the organization more productive.<br />

Because nowadays with the development in the industries and applying the internet that is<br />

necessary for each organization to be competitive, misuse of internet will prevent the workplace<br />

to be productive.<br />

There are some reasons that w can say DPI will help the organizations to be more productive:<br />

• Network security:<br />

DPI's ability to inspect data streams at such a granular level may prevent viruses and<br />

spyware from either gaining entrance to a network or leaving it<br />

• Network access:<br />

DPI creates conditions where network-access rules are easy to enforce due to the deep<br />

inspection of packets<br />

• Quality of service:<br />

peer to peer traffic gives ISPs a great deal of trouble. DPI would allow the ISP to<br />

instigate traffic control and bandwidth allocation<br />

• DRM enforcement:<br />

DPI has the ability to filter traffic to remove copyrighted material. There's immense<br />

pressure from the music and film industries to make ISPs responsible for curtailing illegal<br />

distribution of copyrighted material<br />

COPY RIGHT © 2011 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 580

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