gender differential paper IJCRB

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JUNE 2011<br />


actualization encourage workers to perform their job responsibly and positively, and therefore, they<br />

actively exhibit the impersonal aspects of OCB, such as organizational compliance, individual<br />

initiative, civic virtue, and self-development. However, workers with stronger work values might be<br />

conscious of their elite status, and therefore, they might take little notice of other workers’ needs and<br />

exhibit less interpersonal-type OCB.<br />

Second, workers with a stronger sense of identification with the organization try to care about other<br />

workers in the organization and form close relationships with them. They exhibit positive<br />

interpersonal-type OCB, such as helping, sportsmanship, and organizational loyalty. Third,<br />

contribution to society is reflected through a strong feeling of fellowship beyond the organizational<br />

context. Because OCB is meant to be a contribution to the organization or its members, it is<br />

conceptually different from contribution to society; it indicates the degree of a worker’s motivation<br />

or eagerness in helping somebody else. Considering the findings of some researchers who broaden<br />

the concept of OCB to include service to customers beyond formal responsibility, contribution to<br />

customers is closely related to this work value.<br />

It is difficult to estimate how workers with stronger extrinsic rewards and power and authority<br />

exhibit OCB. Superficially, these extrinsic work values seem to be less related to voluntary<br />

contributions like OCB, but some workers do exhibit OCB positively on the basis of their motive of<br />

impression management. From a conservative perspective, workers’ extrinsic work values tend to<br />

inhibit their OCB based on their pure and ethical motives.<br />

3. Work Values of IT Personnel<br />

How many of these work values do IT personnel have, or how different are their work values from<br />

the averages of the whole sample? In the original data, workers’ jobs were divided into more than<br />

two hundred categories, and we considered that the following job categories should be classified as<br />

jobs of IT personnel (N = 218).<br />

---Insert Table 1 around here ---<br />

We chose the factor scores of only IT personnel and calculated their averages. Figure 1 displays the<br />

cobweb chart of the averages of the work values of IT personnel. Further, we examined whether<br />

these scores were statistically different from zero (the averages of the whole sample) by one sample<br />

t-test, as shown in Table 2.<br />

--- Insert Figure 1 around here---<br />

---Insert Table 2 around here---<br />

According to Table 2, IT personnel had significantly higher values of challenging job and lower<br />

values of identification with organization and contribution to society. This result is consistent with<br />

previous estimates about their OCB. Specifically, the higher value for challenging job than the<br />

average of the whole sample meant that IT personnel tended to regard their jobs as autonomic,<br />

important, and meaningful. These characteristics encouraged them to exhibit impersonal-type OCB,<br />

but it might have decreased interpersonal-type OCB. On the other hand, their lower identification<br />

with organization and contribution to society showed that they tend to think that they work<br />

independently of others in and around the organization. This tendency might prevent them from<br />

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