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JUNE 2011<br />


most appropriate teaching method. In the Socratic method the teacher stimulate the student’s<br />

consciousness by asking leading questions, which bring forth the ideas hidden in the learner’s<br />

mind. For realists knowledge begins with our sensations of objects. Through abstracting these<br />

sensory materials, we form concepts that correspond to the objects in the reality. A teacher who<br />

used the realist formula of sensation and abstraction would develop classroom activities that<br />

utilize sensory stimuli. Pragmatists contend that we create knowledge by interacting with our<br />

environment; hence problem solving is the appropriate method of teaching and learning (Allan.<br />

C et al, 1980). According to William F, (1981) Epistemology is concerned with the nature of<br />

human knowledge and its limits. This category of philosophy is concerned with theories of<br />

knowledge and seeks to answer such questions as: What role do our senses play in giving us<br />

knowledge? Are there higher forms of knowledge than what we experience? What are the<br />

methods of validating ideas? Ho do we learn? Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that<br />

inquires into the nature of knowledge and truth. The problems raised in this area are “ What are<br />

the sources of knowledge ?; and “How reliable are these sources ?” , “ What can one known ?” ;<br />

and “ What is the nature of truth?” The sources of knowledge are (1) authority; (2) common<br />

sense; (3) intuition; (4) reason); (5) controlled experience. There are four major theories<br />

concerning the nature of truth; (1) coherence; (2) correspondence; (3) pragmatism; (4) skepticism<br />

(Callahan et al, 1986). Axiology seeks to specify what is of value. Axiology is divided into ethics<br />

and aesthetics. Ethics examines moral values and the rules of right conducts; aesthetics deals<br />

with values in beauty and art. Teachers, concerned with forming values in students, encourage<br />

certain proffered behavior. Parents, teachers, and society reward or punish behavior as it<br />

conforms to or deviates from their conceptions of what is right, good, and beautiful. Idealists and<br />

realists subscribe to the objective theory of value, which asserts that the good, true, and beautiful<br />

are universally valid in all places and at all times. Pragmatists hold that values are culturally or<br />

ethically relative and depend on group or personal preferences that vary with the situation, time,<br />

time, and place (Allan C et al, 1984).<br />

Axiology is the study of values, both in regulating both in human conduct (ethics) and in<br />

determining beauty (aesthetics). Ethics seeks to answer questions about what is right and wrong,<br />

or good and bad, both personally and socially. For example, what is the nature of morality? Is it<br />

absolute, or does the situation define what is correct behavior? Is it ever right to take another’s<br />

life, as those in the “right to Die” movement believe? or the moral principles universal and<br />

timeless, regardless of the situation? Aesthetics addresses questions about the nature of beauty in<br />

art, drama, literature, and music. Is beauty a matter of personal taste, or are there principles that<br />

determine what is beautiful? Does beauty change from generation to generation, or is it timeless?<br />

Is classical music really “classics”? Is today’s music really beautiful, or is it merely noise ( as<br />

many older people seem to think)? Or are such questions a matter of individual judgment?<br />

(William.F,1981). There is a philosophy behind every school system, based on the views and<br />

values of the educators, as well as the society that is sponsoring the education. The philosophy<br />

starts with the view of reality and definitions of truth and goodness. From this, the mission of the<br />

schools and the emphasis of the instruction are established. There are four basic philosophies of<br />

education, namely, Idealism, Realism, Pragmatism, and Existentialism.<br />

Idealism is the school of philosophy that holds that ideas or concepts are the essence of all that is<br />

worth knowing. The physical world we know through our senses is only a manifestation of the<br />

spiritual world. Idealists believe in the power of reasoning and they de-emphasize the identific<br />

method and sense perception, which they hold suspect. They search for universal or absolute<br />

truths that will remain constant throughout the centuries (Allya et al,1996). The philosophic<br />

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