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JUNE 2011<br />


2. Rationale and Discussion:<br />

Shibli No’mani a colleague of Sir Syed Ahmed khan is in favor of more equitable distribution of<br />

wealth. It will be better for society if the difference between rich and poor is minimized. This is<br />

the basic difference between eastern and western countries. In kingship the entire resources of<br />

the economy are concentrated in the hands of few persons, whereas in western countries wealth<br />

moves from rich to poor Shibli No’mani (1906).<br />

Dr. Allama M. Iqbal, the famous intellectual and thinker of east, wants a social democratic<br />

system in which equal opportunities are available for all persons. In his opinion Islam is the only<br />

system which can enable it, hence it will be possible only in an Islamic state (Siddiqui 1982).<br />

In similar context Ubaid ullah Sindhi criticizes Sufism which has entirely disregarded the<br />

economic aspect of life, which has a significant impact on the moral of persons and society.<br />

Surfirm normally starts from morals and it is assumed that, economic needs are related to the<br />

sub-human level. This is the reason that, this institution has never put any attention on<br />

economics (Siddiqui 1982).<br />

As far as the Shah Waliyulla is concerned his ideas in this regard are very clear and he has<br />

specially emphasized on this aspect of life of nations. He thinks that fair and equitable<br />

distribution of wealth provides a base for the development of culture. Economic equilibrium is<br />

must for the survival of any nation. Each society has to develop a system which can provide at<br />

least basic necessities of life to its members. Man can put his attention on creative activities only<br />

when he satisfied from the basic needs. It is possible only in that case when economic system is<br />

quite healthy, in such conditions moral development becomes possible Mohammad Sarwar<br />

(1965).<br />

On the other hand if society is divided in two groups i.e. rich and poor or in the other words<br />

which they have and which they do not have. In this situation spirit of collective efforts demised<br />

and capabilities of majority of the public are started to squander just to maintain their subsistence<br />

level. In this case rich class of the society involved in a meaningless race of showiness. Concept<br />

of nation and feelings of collectiveness are vaporized under these circumstances. In these<br />

conditions revolution becomes indispensable. Now if the society has any tincture of life, in the<br />

other words the whole society do not fall into the pit of destruction, then revolution come out<br />

from the society and completely ruined off the ruling class and it is replaced by any other class.<br />

This class put the foundation of a new culture. French revolution and some other revolutions are<br />

the examples of such revolutions. But if the society is so dead, that there is not any chance of<br />

revolution from inside the society in this case foreign invention do the same. In this case foreign<br />

invaders destroyed this whole dead culture, which has lost his entire utility and was not able to<br />

face the changing requirements of time. A new culture is then established which is the mixture<br />

of both cultures with that new patterns of trade and commerce are set up in the economy.<br />

According to him destruction Roman and Iranian empires are the examples of these types of<br />

revolutions. The fall of Mughal Empire in the India also fall in this category (Sarwar 1965).<br />

In this context Khalifa Abdul Hakeem’s point of view is that, society should be developed in<br />

classless form. Concept of rich and poor, employer & employee, domination of male on female<br />

is unethical, it should be abolished. The reason is that, all man & woman are equal is the eyes of<br />

God. Khalifa Abdul Hakim (1955). He wants to develop a system which is democratic and free<br />

of exploitation, in which elimination of poverty is the responsibility of government. In this<br />

context order of Qur’an is very clear that, your economy should be developed in such a way that,<br />

wealth should not circulate in elite class only. There is no room for black marketing, hoarding or<br />

other such type of activities in Islam. On the other hand basic demand of Islam is that, all<br />

members of society should open their wealth in the way of God, which is beyond the<br />

requirements of them, so that collective welfare of the society will increase. In an Islamic<br />

society provision of basic needs of human being is the responsibility of state, which is not<br />

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