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JUNE 2011<br />

VOL 3, NO 2<br />

- Percentage distribution of cars in Jordan by the country of manufacture refers to 60%<br />

Korean, 20% Japanese, 15% European, 4% American and 1% Chinese.<br />

The main challenges in the automotive market in Jordan are; Fuel prices, availability of spare<br />

parts, after sales service and used cars.From here, one can conclude that the Peugeot dealer in<br />

Jordan is selling the vehicle to the customers and at the same time providing the services<br />

associated with the vehicle.<br />

The definition of services<br />

The literature suggests that there are many organizations that sell a particular commodity, and<br />

this sale is not complete without service or a range of services provided by the organization itself<br />

or specialized organization. In this area, business dictionary pointed out that many businesses are<br />

selling a unique item including both a tangible or physical good and intangible service, where<br />

some times the quality of service is more important than the physical product, eating a meal in<br />

the restaurant for example, may explain this, there are plenty of customers interested in the<br />

method of presenting food for them more than their interest in food itself (Sims, 2007, P.5). In<br />

the context of his research on the factors influencing the decision to buy a car, (Shawawrah,<br />

2006) indicated that service after buying is a significant factor for the study sample. Defining<br />

services requires a crucial understanding of what classifies some thing as service, managers,<br />

engineers and designers tend to deem that services are: intangible, perishable, experiential, and<br />

co-produced between customers and providers (Dolfsma, 2010). Intangibility is the main<br />

attribute of services, and this approach could be the sense of the definition of the economist<br />

magazine of services, where services were defined as "products of economic activity that you<br />

can't drop on your foot" (The Economist Magazine, 2006). Access to marketing literature, we<br />

note that there are several definitions of services according to their characteristics, the U.S<br />

Bureau of Economic Affairs (BEA) defines services as products that cannot be stored and that<br />

are consumed at the time of their purchase (http://bea.gov/bea/mp-nationa.html).<br />

Conceptual framework of service quality management<br />

In a turbulent environment and perpetual motion, are rising ferocity of competition among<br />

business organizations, whether organizations producing goods, or service providers. And with<br />

the entry of global companies to markets around the world, the process of selecting product or<br />

service has become more spacious for the customer, which called the attention of companies to<br />

increase the quality of their products either goods or services.<br />

Quality has an integral role in all managerial activities. The main goal of any business<br />

organization today is to maximize its profitability which enables it to continue. And managers<br />

became aware that maximizing profitability requires increased volume of sales, and this will not<br />

be without delivering high quality products and services on time. According to (Batagan, et. al.<br />

2009), "there is a multidimensional relationship between the quality of a service and the<br />

organization that is providing that service".<br />

To highlight this relationship, let us assume that there is someone in front of two options, to get a<br />

doctorate degree in law, either from the Sorbonne University, or from a university in the<br />

Caribbean islands, if this person cares about quality of education, he will choose Sorbonne<br />

University, because it is an ancient university, and with a global reputation. From here, we can<br />

say that quality management is a way of doing business that allows an organization to design<br />

products and services that meet or exceed customer needs and build operational processes that<br />

achieve high levels of performance and quality (Massoud, 2010). While the quality of service<br />

defines as "the collective effect of service performances which determine the degree of<br />

satisfaction of a user of the service". This definition leads to consider the customer as the final<br />

judge on the service and its quality, because quality is the customer's perception of a delivered<br />

service (Doug, 2010).<br />

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